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LECOM White Coat Ceremonies
The White Coat Ceremonies for the Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine (LECOM) Bradenton Class of 2022 were held at the Harvest Center in Lakewood Ranch, Florida in late January of 2020, where 389 first-year students affirmed the beginning of their journey from preclinical education to clinical education. Supported by a gathering of friends and family, LECOM School of Dental Medicine, School of Pharmacy, and College of Osteopathic Medicine scholars received their white coats in ceremonies that call to mind the history of the moment.
Harken to the nineteenth century, during which time a profound regard for science blossomed. To highlight the scientific undertaking associated with modern medicine, physicians comported themselves as scientists, wearing the symbolic apparel of the scientist – the white laboratory coat.
Since that time, the white coat and the White Coat Ceremony have taken on profound meaning that symbolizes the conversion of a lay person into a member of the healthcare profession.
The symbolic white coat signifies the zenith of a glorious experience for healthcare scholars, who so adeptly have primed themselves academically and mentally for the rigors of medical training. The august occasion signifies the readiness of the students to embrace the calling of medicine. The event reaches more profoundly to the purpose of a life dedicated to health care. The white coats with which the scholars were ceremoniously cloaked were generously supplied by three deeply involved organizations and stalwart LECOM supporters. The Florida Osteopathic Medical Association (FOMA) provided the garb for the medical students; Walgreens supplied the pharmacy coats; and Dentsply Sirona furnished the dental coats.
Silvia M. Ferretti, DO, LECOM Provost, Vice President, and Dean of Academic Affairs, addressed the scholars during the collective events. She underscored the fact that although the celebration reflects a pinnacle moment at LECOM to a year companioned by a commitment to hard work, sacrifice, and perseverance, it also signifies a new beginning to invest oneself into the total
immersion of heart, mind, and spirit in the pursuit of exceptionalism in one of the noblest of all professions.
Eric Goldsmith, DO, 2020 President of the Florida Osteopathic Medical Association (FOMA), attended the medical students’ ceremony.
The LECOM School of Dental Medicine Ceremony saw 103 students cloaked. Igor Bilov, DMD, LECOM Class of 2016, offered inspirational words to the gathering. “The white coat should represent patient comfort, healing, and a sign of trust for those who seek your help and advice.”
The 99 students who received their white coats for the LECOM School of Pharmacy welcomed Devon Brooks, PharmD, LECOM Class of 2016, as their Keynote Speaker. Highlighting leadership and the credos espoused by LECOM, he noted, “If you ask for responsibility when others do not, you will be the one given the opportunity to prove yourself.”
Jennifer Laman, DO, LECOM Class of 2009, addressed the 187 School of Medicine recipients as they, along with their beaming supporters, looked on with pride. “The white coat you receive today represents the start of a journey. To complete that journey, you will need discipline, patience,

and perseverance; but most of all, you will require a dedication to service,” explained the sage alumna.
The themes of perseverance, relying upon friends made at LECOM, making time for collegial undertakings, and the importance of doing well on rotations were topics that also were emphasized. During all three of the ceremonies, students pledged to uphold the standards of their chosen professions and to administer compassionate, quality care to their patients. In turn, LECOM reaffirmed its steadfast commitment to providing the highest level of medical education and clinical training as it guides and bolsters its scholars in the achievement of their goals.