1 minute read
Gezichten van Valkenburg
text Hans Hoenjet

Most photo books about Valkenburg are nostalgic in nature or are part of city promotion. They are full of slick pictures of cultural-historical monuments, folklore and hilly landscapes. In short, they show an idealized Valkenburg.
Faces of Valkenburg has a different perspective. More than a hundred expressive photos provide a surprising and unadorned picture of mass tourism and the quiet, hidden side of Valkenburg between 1949 and 1989. The result is a book to look at and read about a turbulent tourist town that keeps reinventing itself.
With photos by Cas Oorthuys, Peter Martens, Frits Widdershoven, Henk Blansjaar, Ad Windig and many others.
Hans Hoenjet (1953) selected the photos and wrote the connecting texts. He grew up in Valkenburg and has published on art & literature in De Volkskrant, NRC Handelsblad and HP/DeTijd. In addition, several books were published by him and he was a teacher of Dutch at a university of applied sciences.
format 228 x 285 mm size 160 pages hardcover design Lecturis release November NUR 653 ISBN 978-94-6226-424-3 € 29,95