1 minute read
text Thom Aussems, Hans Horsten
The ultimate book about the history of Eindhoven in 2 parts.
A hundred years ago, Eindhoven took a giant leap when it annexed Gestel, Strijp, Woensel, Tongelre and Stratum. In 1920 Groot-Eindhoven was born, which was created partly to steer the turbulent growth of Philips (which had settled in Eindhoven in 1891) in the right direction. With this book Eindhoven, transformaties zonder blauwdruk, the authors embark on a journey through a hundred years of urban history.
Thom Aussems and Hans Horsten outline how Eindhoven grew from an unsightly town on the Dommel into the heart of Philips, one of the largest industrial concerns in the world, and subsequently of the Brainport region with ASML, NXP and VDL, successful companies that symbolize the resurrection of Eindhoven after the decline in the nineties of the last century.
The very richly illustrated part 1 with a size of no less than 960 pages describes the history of Eindhoven in many short pieces of text. This book contains many previously unpublished unique images. In part 2, this history is placed in the context of time; what happened in the rest of the Netherlands and the world. Part 2 is the contemplative book that supports part 1.
Thom Aussems was director of the Eindhoven housing corporation St. Trudo for many years. He was one of the driving forces behind the metamorphosis of Strijp S from a decrepit industrial area of Philips into a new urban district where creativity, design, culture and urban lifestyles come together. In recent years, Aussems has regularly published in various media about the city of Eindhoven and its society.
Hans Horsten is a journalist. He worked for, among others, the ED, Trouw and for many years as an editor-reporter at the Volkskrant. He then established himself as a publicist/writer. Over the years he wrote several books on various subjects, concerning the city of Eindhoven and its identity. Thom Aussems and Hans Horsten published the book Transformatie Strijp S in 2018.
format 240 x 300 mm size part 1: 960 pages size part 2: 304 pages hardcover - release December design Marc Koppen NUR 680 deel 1: ISBN 978-94-6226-407-6 deel 2: ISBN 978-94-6226-428-1 deel 1: € 50,00 / deel 2: € 25,00