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Gallery of Honour of Dutch Photography
text Birgit Donker, Frits Gierstberg en Loes van Harrevelt
The Nederlands Fotomuseum in Rotterdam will have 100 photos on display in the spring of 2021. The images all have iconic value, due to their social and artistic significance. Together they tell the story from the beginning of photography in the Netherlands to the present day (1841-2021). The highlights, the innovations, the enormous steps photographers made from the invention of the photo to the innovations at the beginning of the 21st century. An extra room of 2,000 m2 has been added to the museum especially for the Hall of Fame. With each photo information is given about the background and the reason why this photo is included in the Hall of Fame and what makes the image so special.
Exactly which photos and photographers will be given a place in the Gallery of Honor of Dutch Photography will be announced at the opening.
Two seperate editions: Dutch and English
size 230 x 290 mm 248 pages hardcover design Kummer & Herrman appears in June € 30,00 NUR 653 ISBN NL 978-94-6226-397-0 ISBN EN 978-94-6226-398-7