1 minute read
Lookbook Paradiso
text Floor Wesseling photography Floor Wesseling en Marques Malacia
In 2018, Studio Wesseling was commissioned to design an exhibition about 50 years of Paradiso in the Amsterdam Museum. During the material research they came across the photos of Max Natkiel, who made powerful black and white photos in Paradiso of late punks and the first new wave in the early 1980s. Floor Wesseling got the idea to do the same: who visits Paradiso nowadays? Who are these night owls?
Wesseling and his partner Marques Malacia received a one-year carte blanche from Paradiso. They went from party to party, to shows and performances, from neat evenings to colorful chaos. Everything passed by: young and old, black and white, fat and thin, sweaty and dry, gay or straight. The souls of Amsterdam, who form the beating heart of our city at night and are now so missed, paralyzed by that virus that rages through the country.
size 160 x 230 mm 512 pages hardcover design Floor Wessling appeared in May NUR 653 ISBN NL 978-94-6226-415-1 € 50,00