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LpS Digital: Lighting Conference Exhibition 2022
LpS Digital is the unique and first digital lighting conference and exhibition available to viewers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. LpS Digital presents current, high-quality content about lighting technologies, design and applications, and acquaints the viewers with the latest trends in product developments and applications.
Experience the Future of Light
Like the LED professional Symposium +Expo and Trends in Lighting Forum &Show that took place at the Festspielhaus in Bregenz/Austria every year since September, 2011, LpS Digital is meant to approach and support the complete value chain in the global lighting industry. When it comes to Technological Design, LpS Digital’s goal is to provide Corporate Managment, Technical Management, R&D and Production/QM within the global lighting manufacturing industry with top notch technical knowhow, primarily on a component level. In terms of Lighting Design, LpS Digital will show best practice for Architects, Lighting Consultants, Electrical Consultants, Lighting Designers, Lighting OEMs, IT/IoT System Integrators and students. The editors focus on Human Centric Lighting, Connected Lighting, Smart Controls, Internet of Things, Light as a Service and much more.
Unique Global Reach in the Lighting Sector
VIRTUAL CONFERENCE The authors of contributions accepted by the program management will be invited to give a presentation and, if appropriate, to write a qualified article. Each presentation will be announced to the industry and/or design channel contacts and followers immediately after publication.
VIRTUAL EXHIBITION Virtual exhibitors have the possibility to present their products and/or services. The maximum length of the presentation is 20 minutes. Each product/service video is announced to the industry and/or design channel contacts and followers immediately after publication.
Lighting Industry & Technology Channel
With the Industry/Technology channel, over 30,000 contacts in the lighting sector are targeted and addressed. The opt-in databases are highly selective, highly qualified and address key persons in the respective channel.
• Magazine: 30,000 • Newsletter: 27,000 • Online: 30,000/month • Twitter: 22,000 • LinkedIn: 11,700
Lighting Design Channel
With the Design channel, over 30,000 contacts in the lighting sector are targeted and addressed.
• Magazine: 30,000 • Newsletter: 15,000 • Online: 5,000/month • LinkedIn: 4,600
Benefits for Conference Authors
• Global, highly-qualified target group • Knowledge transfer at a high level • Ideal platform for expanding the network
Benefits for Virtual Exhibitors
• Global, highly-qualified target group • Immediate promotion of innovations and novelties • Participation in the LpS/TiL Awards • Highly efficient promotion at no risks
