7 minute read
Weight loss everywhere
“Victory belongs to the most persevering.”
-Napoleon Bonaparte
Have you heard many people say, “I have no time for exe rcise. What shall I do?”
I like the quote, “Nothing is impossible”. When I can‟t do things, I remember this quote and it becomes easier for me to do things. Well for those busy people, I would like to tell some few tips where you can exercise your body on the go. These tips not only help you to stay fit, but some will save your hard earned money too.
For people at home
1. When you go out to shopping or for anything if you use public transport, then get down in the before your stopping comes. If you get down in the stopping be fore your home, you find time to walk to home. 2. When you go for shopping, it would be better, if you can go b y walk o r by cycle, not only your health is improved, but you save the money for the fuel that you
spend in motorcycle or car to go to the market to buy things. 3. If you are hearing songs in mp3, you can just take a walk, instead of sitting in an easy chair and listening. Instead of sitting and reading a book, try to walk a while
and read the book.
4. Play with kids. I say to play games that involve more movements, not those games
with the PSP or with those Barbie dolls set or the HOT WHEELS car, which your kid rides making his own car sound from his mouth, riding from dining table to desk and from desk to bath tub! You can spend time by playing with kid s with some
games that involve mo re walking, running etc.
5. Change the diet style for the whole family. I don‟t say to completely pre vent favourite foods. But you can go fo r slight changes such as starting to use olive oil
and prevent eating potato chips, namkeen and other chat items such as samosa,
puri etc.
6. Dance! Turn on your favourite music and start dancing. Dance and enjoy the
music. According to researches, dancing with joy actually improves your mental health and also it exercises the muscles of the body. Some dance such as
“Barathanatiyam” of India, employs complex steps which actually exercise most parts of your body. Only in dance, you actually exercise all the muscles of your body. In exercise, you just focus on one part of your body. But in dance, you burn
more calories than normal. So dance a lot. Do something that you admire.
For working people
Seems like your pupil enlarges than it‟s normal and you become more interested to read. Some of you bought this book, after se eing this topic. Well you might be happier see ing
this topic if you an office wo rker. Here are some tips for office wo rkers.
1. You can find a lot of time to walk in the weekends. Try to take a long walk with your family or friends instead of watching the DVD movies in your home theatre with that home delivered pizza. You can go fo r a walk in the evening. 2. In your office, instead of asking others to bring a cup o f water, you can go and drink the water. If you have lift and steps, then prefer the steps to go up and down. Even when you go to the bathroom, make a point to do some calf raises,
squats or something else creative. 3. Instead of sitting in the office fo r prolonged hours, just take a b reak and walk
around your office. Don‟t worry about the scolding of the boss. He will not be taking care of you by making food for you, cleaning your clothes or taking your
kids to school, if you are sick. A ll he can do is that to tell a wo rd, “Get well soon!”
So it is your duty to take o f your health. Don‟t worry about anything or anyone which would destroy your health. 4. If you are an office worker in 3rd floor and you want to inform some instruction to a worker who is in ground floor, then instead of sending an email with a subject,
“Read this”, you can take a walk, directly go and have a talk with him/her. This will not only make the worker fee l that he is g reat and important, but it will build a
good relation between you and him/her and above that, by waling you get good
5. Avoid high calorie snacks and tea or coffee from the office vending machine.
Instead stack your drawer with healthy and nutritious snacks like nuts, seeds, raisins and other dry fruits. Other choices include fresh fruits, raw veggies, sachets of herbal teas and ordinary co ffee. Drinking strong coffee also helps, since ca ffeine increases your metabolism. However, it should be black co ffee, minus the cream and sugar. If possible try to take green tea.
6. Use a wirele ss headset to receive phone calls. This way you can also take a walk around the office premises at the same time. Make it a point to take a 5 minute
brisk walk at regular interva ls of 2 hours. By the end of the day, this will eventually add up to a 20 minute walk, which can make a big difference. 7. Party comes every second in office environment. Instead of celebrating a party with a huge fat filled creamy cake and a big pizza or some ice cream, you can just say wishes to them. Not only you are cutting fat, but you are also cutting cost.
Money not spent is actually an income. 8. Speed your metabolism up by snacking on foods that are calorie negative. Resist the urge to eat as soon as you fee l it. As an office worke r, never take the meal in express speed. If you have 45 minutes for lunch break, utilize it completely. Eat
slowly with constant rate. Remember, “Slow and steady wins the race”. 9. If you have the habit of bringing lunch from home, then during the lunch hour,
don‟t eat at your desk, instead walk to a place that is far away from your desk and there you can eat your lunch. This small walk will also contribute to weight
reduction. Replace the diet Coke or diet Pepsi with water, even these “diet” drinks will have so me unwanted calories be ing added to your bod y.
10. Stand in the bus or train. I have seen many people rushing to get a seat in the bus or train. That too in populated cities of our India, this becomes the worst scenario.
People like kids, run in a hurry to get a windows seat in train or bus. Instead of
sitting in the bus or train, just stand. This will also exercise your legs, because you
will not stand like a robot, you will move here and there to get stability due to the
shaking vehicle. These movements will exercise your muscles.
These are some of the ideas that I have suggested you. But you can frame your own
methods. Keep in mind that your ultimate goal is only to reduce weight and become slim. If you are very strong in your aim, then you will start inventing your own methods to
decrease weight. Look for oppo rtunities. They always co me disguised.
Be Inspired: Sma ll wonder
It was the time when Faraday had invented electricity. He was displaying his invention before the audience. He moved a magnet inside a copper coil, and electricity was
produced. He explained how electricity is generated.
When Faraday was explaining, a woman asked him, “What is the use of this electricity which is generated?” Faraday took a child who was nearby him and asked the lady, “Can
you tell what will b e the future of this small child?”
Hearing this, the audience laughed. Faraday continued, “...likewise my invention also will
be useful one day!”
Today, without electricity there is nothing. Every factory and every house needs electricity.
It has become an essential to human life.
Never ever neglect any small thing.
Even a small thing can change your life completely.