LED Exit Sign LED exit signs are emergency light fixtures strategically placed at the nearest egress point of every commercial and residential establishment. The lights contain text symbols in a combination of red and green, which can be easily identified during an emergency evacuation. The signage is permanently lit and remains activated with the Nic help of Nickel-Cadmium battery backup at the time of power failure.
Energy consumption : The self-luminous LED exit signs consume low amounts of energy and are permanently lit.
Features Placement : The self-luminous LED exit signs consume low amounts of energy & are permanently lit.
Green LED Exit Sign, Double Sided
Edge Lit Red LED Exit Sign
LED Combo Green Exit Sign
Safety : Fluorescent exit signs have toxic mercury, which is unsafe for the premises. LED exit signs do not contain mercury or other iner t gases and are eco-friendly. Uninterrupted battery backup : The LED exit signs come with a Nickel-Cadmium battery backup which can illuminate the light source for 90 minutes in case of power failure.
If yo u a re h ere to sh o p Resid ent i al LE D F i xt ures or commerci al LE D l i gh ts , feel free to exp lo re our websi t e : www.ledmyplace.com Find us on : Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | Instagram