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INTRODUCTION Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec pretium, lorem nec eleifend cursus, lorem sapien tempor augue, sit amet ultricies lacus eros quis massa. Etiam lorem turpis, imperdiet at tristique vitae, cursus ac neque. Donec viverra justo ante. Quisque cursus quam eget velit pellentesque varius. Quisque aliquam ligula vitae libero posuere molestie. Cras sollicitudin fringilla mauris sit amet luctus. Vivamus bibendum libero quis tellus vestibulum adipiscing. Mauris dui metus, lobortis at porttitor sed, venenatis a nisi. Nam sed cursus nulla. Phasellus quis aliquam massa. Integer in ipsum eu elit tincidunt porta et ut nisi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Jane Ball, Senior Lecturer, Fine Art

< The front cover features work by student ******* ********

Contents Severn Trent Stuff to Mention HDTI ID Partnerships Kunstverein Glassbox Adam Pritchard Interview Drawing Competition Facets

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Severn Trent Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In diam elit, volutpat vel fermentum eget, blandit mollis metus. Nam aliquam egestas ante vitae scelerisque. Proin adipiscing quam quis dui pellentesque sagittis. Vivamus pretium blandit porttitor. Quisque sit amet dignissim metus. Mauris pharetra aliquam libero in consequat. Nullam in nibh quis turpis placerat blandit. Nam sollicitudin malesuada lacus a condimentum. Ut vitae nunc non enim condimentum auctor. Nunc consectetur magna vel odio iaculis varius. Duis tincidunt orci bibendum elit ultricies scelerisque. Proin lorem augue, congue ut dictum id, egestas id odio. Phasellus urna lectus, vehicula id semper vel, sollicitudin non leo. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et

netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Maecenas a dui lorem, vitae dignissim est. Cras eu pharetra lorem. Sed ultrices enim non ligula faucibus in faucibus est tincidunt. Pellentesque et lorem lorem, et dictum tortor. Donec non sapien leo. Nullam euismod vulputate nunc, quis hendrerit sem porttitor vel. Integer at leo id enim gravida lacinia quis in nulla. Nullam rhoncus, eros eget mattis sollicitudin, tellus urna tristique diam, id dictum nibh mauris eget eros. Integer sed bibendum ante. Praesent at rutrum augue. Proin non velit sed velit tincidunt cursus. Aliquam felis elit, tristique eu.

Featured Work Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum id massa in augue consequat tempus. Fusce eget urna elit, eu egestas eros. Ut quis sapien augue. Duis et nisi libero, et vehicula elit. Pellentesque auctor sodales scelerisque. Sed interdum mollis egestas. Maecenas risus libero, rhoncus vitae gravida sed, hendrerit quis mauris. Suspendisse at iaculis est. Vestibulum et lorem

et felis posuere bibendum. Morbi dignissim pulvinar ullamcorper. Fusce tristique iaculis nunc et tempus. Vivamus semper lectus id purus lacinia gravida vehicula eros tristique. Aliquam nec orci ligula, sed posuere sapien. Proin vel ipsum interdum mauris aliquam volutpat nec ut lacus. Duis.

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HDTI Coventry University fine art student Karen O’Toole has won the £250 first prize in the Health Design & Technology Institute’s 2011 Fine Art Competition. The competition builds on the collection of art already on display in the HDTI building, whose corridors and galleries are proving to be a fantastic environment in which to exhibit. Karen’s untitled entry comprises a sculpture made from raw sheep fleece and an accompanying pastel drawing. The work is located on the ground floor of the HDTI building

and has already drawn enormous attention. The HDTI Fine Art Competition was established to encourage students to make use of the empty walls in the Institute’s new building. HDTI’s gallery landings, atrium and abundance of natural light make it an ideal location in which to exhibit and all shortlisted entrants are offered the chance to display their work. In addition, the competition gives the artists the opportunity to sell their piece or take commissions from interested purchasers.

Speaking after the presentation of Karen’s award, HDTI Commercial Development Director, Guy Smallman said: ‘The quality of entries this year has been fantastic. The shortlisted pieces include some wonderful paintings, drawings and sculpture and they look stunning in the building. The work has been extremely well received and generated a great deal of comment. We are delighted to sponsor this award.’ Jane Ball, Senior Lecturer in Fine Art, responded: ‘The HDTI Fine Art

Competition is a wonderful opportunity for final year undergraduates to exhibit their work. With such a shortage of appropriate space, students frequently find it very difficult to display their art to its best effect. The HDTI building provides them with a gallery where they can not only do that but also take commissions for future work.’

ID Partnerships Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum id massa in augue consequat tempus. Fusce eget urna elit, eu egestas eros. Ut quis sapien augue. Duis et nisi libero, et vehicula elit. Pellentesque auctor sodales scelerisque. Sed interdum mollis egestas. Maecenas risus libero, rhoncus vitae gravida sed, hendrerit quis mauris. Suspendisse at iaculis est. Vestibulum et lorem

et felis posuere bibendum. Morbi dignissim pulvinar ullamcorper. Fusce tristique iaculis nunc et tempus. Vivamus semper lectus id purus lacinia gravida vehicula eros tristique. Aliquam nec orci ligula, sed posuere sapien. Proin vel ipsum interdum mauris aliquam volutpat nec ut lacus. Duis.

Kunstverein Internationally renowned, contemporary artist ‘Bob & Roberta Smith’ has donated this ‘kunstervein’ to us following his show ‘Hijjack Reality, Let 100,000 Kunstvereine Bloom!’ at the Mead Gallery, Warwick Arts Centre earlier this year. The ‘kunstverein’, or ‘arts centre/ club’ is a replica of his own shed/ studio in London that became the ‘Leytonstone Centre for Contemporary Art’ and began Bob & Roberta Smith’s idea of making spaces (in his own exhibitions) that would be given over to other artists

to show work in. His intention is that each time the kunstvereine are exhibited they are then left behind in the region or country they were shown in, to be used as art spaces of various sorts. We were delighted to be offered one of these spaces and intend to use it as a project and exhibition space to show work by students, staff and invited artists. As an external space, with its own very particular characteristics it offers a quirky and interesting alternative to a conventional ‘gallery’ type space.


Adam PritchETT

Drawing Competition

Drawing Competition This is the third year that the Coventry University Drawing Prize has taken place and we are deligted to have The Design Buro (Coventry) LTD as our new sponsor. The competition was originally set up to encourage and promote drawing excellence as practiced with the University.

However, following the success of the two previous exhibitions, this year the scope of entry has been broadened to include alumni and ex-members of staff. The idea being to demonstrate how drawing taught here at Coventry continues with vitality and relevance beyond the UIniversity Walls.

Facets FACETS is an abbreviation for Fine Art at Coventry Exciting/Educational/ Eminent/Elucidating/Engaging/Experimental Talk Series. It is a series of public talks by some of the most innovative and relevant contemporary artist, curators and writers working in Britain today. Previous speakers have included: Sigrid Holmwood John Stezaker Simon Le Ruez Harry Pye Craig Cooper Ben Cove French Mottershed Jamie Shovlin Paul Westcombe Ian Monroe Philida Barlow Jane and Louise Wilson Uriel Orlow Terry Atkinson Thomson & Craighead

Fiona Crisp Carol Mc Nicoll John Yeadon Gorgon Cheung Stephen Turner Zineb Sedira David Cross of Cornford and Cross Merlin James Ryan Gander Liadin Cooke Stuart Whipps James Unsworth John Harper Dunhill and O’Brien

Name Artist This is some information about them. which would carry on over here. Just like this text is. Doo de doo.

Name Artist This is some information about them. which would carry on over here. Just like this text is. Doo de doo.

Name Artist This is some information about them. which would carry on over here. Just like this text is. Doo de doo.

Contact us If you would like to find out more... +44 (0)24 7688 7688 Coventry University Priory Street Coventry CV1 5FB United Kingdom School of Art and Design +44(0)2476 888248

The work on the front cover was created by *INSERT NAME* in the year *YEAR* this is writing about who he actually is and who it was for.

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