GHT Health 101

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MAY 2020

We are a combined group of

Sleep and your immune system

Companies, under The GHT Companies’ umbrella, specifically structured to ensure that we deliver industry leading services, high quality products and the best

By now it is common knowledge that many of

developing chronic conditions such as obesity,

us don’t get enough sleep. But what exactly does

diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke,

that mean? Is sleep really that important? If so,

and frequent mental distress.”

representation of our worldwide

how many hours of sleep a day do we need, and

Founding Scientist Partner’s

does the quality of sleep matter? To answer these

discoveries. We do this via four

questions, you need only look at the abundance of

unique Branded Product Lines and an industry-leading Manufacturing

So how can getting enough sleep help you in

research on the effects of sleep on the body and

What your doctors know

mind, including how sleep impacts your immune

Much is known about the connection between


sleep and your immune system. While you sleep,

Medical experts recommend that most adults

business unit. All Branded products

your body naturally produces and secretes a group of proteins called cytokines. The multiple types

get between 7 and 9 hours of sleep each night,

and Raw Ingredient offerings are

avoiding sickness?

of cytokines work

unique to our companies, either

together to activate

formulated by our Science Team

your body’s immune

or for which we have been granted

response, and are

defined exclusive rights by our

integral to fighting

Founding Scientist Partners.

every sickness from bacterial infections to

We have five companies all under

viruses like the flu.

The GHT Companies umbrella in

Likewise, the

order to provide products and

amount of hours you

services to our customers in the

although older adults may require slightly less.

sleep impacts growth, stress, lung function, and

most effective way possible. For

Yet according to the Centers for Disease Control

cardiovascular health, as well as your intellectual

(CDC), a full one third of all Americans gets less

ability and mood. In fact, explains NIH sleep

than that on a regular basis. The CDC report goes

expert Dr. Michael Twery, “sleep affects almost

on to say that “sleeping less than seven hours

every tissue in our bodies.”

more information, visit www. or any of the websites shown below.

per day is associated with an increased risk of

Of course all of these benefits are contingent continued on page 3

2 4 6 5 A S H S T R E E T, V I S TA , C A 9 2 0 8 1   |   8 0 0 . 3 0 5 . 5 7 1 0   |   E M A I L : G H T @ G L O B A L H E A LT H T R A X . C O M   |   W W W. G H T H E A LT H . C O M

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Information and statements made are for educational purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your health care professional.

DID YOU KNOW? Chamomile Melatonin Gummies If you are looking for a natural way to improve the quality of your sleep, then these Melatonin Gummies may be for you!

Benefits of Melatonin The use of Melatonin — a hormone produced normally by your body — to aid in providing healthy, restful sleep is well documented. It is commonly employed not only by a wide range of people struggling with insomnia, but also by pilots and other frequent flyers looking to combat jet lag.

A Delicious Way to Get Your Melatonin You’ll enjoy getting to sleep with these gummies, which feature a natural chamomile flavor, very low sugar, and a robust 5mg of Melatonin. In addition, they are non-GMO, and gluten-free.

Supplement Facts


Serving Size: 1 Gummy Servings Per Container: 60


Amount Per Serving Calories Sodium Total Carbohydrate Dietary Fiber Total Sugars Includes < 1g added sugars (as Organic Cane Sugar) Melatonin


15 10 mg 4g 2g <1g

< 1% 1% 7% +

5 mg

< 2% +

+Daily Value not established *Percent Daily Values are based on 2,000 calorie diet

WARNINGS: KEEP OUT CHILDREN. If you are p or taking medication, c before use. Don’t drive within five hours of takin

DIRECTIONS: F take one gumm Chew thoroughly bef

OTHER INGREDIENTS: Organic Tapioca Syrup, Organic Cane Sugar, Purified Water, Organic Seaweed Extract, Citric Acid Anhydrous, TriSodium Citrate, Natural Colors and Natural Chamomile Flavors.


These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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continued from page 1

upon your getting the recommended amount of sleep per day. But what if you are not sleeping through the night?

What to do if your sleep schedule isn’t ideal The simple answer to that question is you need more sleep. Of course we all know that’s easier said than done. Short naps during the day may be an option for some. But there is no substitute for a solid 7-9 hour stretch at night. One way in which you can encourage a good night’s sleep is to establish a bedtime routine that includes sticking to a consistent schedule, avoiding


caffeine and alcohol,

How much melatonin should you take? Melatonin, a hormone naturally produced in the human body, plays a role in helping regulate your

dose as needed to find an effective dosage. When using melatonin for good old-fashioned

sleep/wake cycle. Your levels of the melatonin

insomnia, a supplement like Vibrant Nutraceutical

are lowest in the morning and begin to build up

5 mg melatonin gummies can do the trick: “For

during the day. Peak production happens around

trouble falling asleep at a conventional bedtime

3:00 in the morning, and then sharply decreases

(delayed sleep phase syndrome): 0.3 mg to 5 mg

before the sun comes up.

of melatonin daily for up to 9 months has been

When this process is working flawlessly, you feel awake and alert in the daytime and sleepy and



When treating specific medical conditions

relaxed at bedtime. However, there are a number

with melatonin, including jet lag, endometriosis,

of factors that might contribute to inadequate

sleep disturbance caused by blood pressure

melatonin levels at night, which results in trouble

medication and blindness, the required dosage

sleeping. “Stress, smoking, exposure to too much

may be different. For people looking to treat one

light at night (including blue light), not getting

of these problems, a range of 1mg to 10mg may be

enough natural light during the day, shift work,


and aging all affect melatonin production.”1 If you’re experiencing difficulty with sleep,

Let us help

taking a controlled dosage melatonin supplement

Finding the right amount of melatonin for sleep

90 minutes before bedtime for sleep can help

can be different for each person; therefore it may

regulate your body’s natural rhythms. How

take a little time and experimentation to pinpoint

much melatonin should you take? The answer

your perfect dosage. The good news is, our product

to this question varies, and requires a bit of

is safe to take and made from the highest grade

experimentation to find the number of mgs. per

ingredients. As a bonus, Vibrant Nutraceutical

day that works best for you.

melatonin gummies taste delicious! If you find yourself having trouble sleeping

You do you

these days, instead of turning to prescription sleep

Finding the right dosage of melatonin depends

medications, try natural melatonin gummies.

on many factors: the specific problem you’re trying to treat, your age and weight. The general recommendation is to start small and increase the

1 How Melatonin Can Help You Sleep and Feel Better, 2 Melatonin,

and putting away your electronic devices at least an hour before bedtime. But while this may help you fall asleep, there is

Stick to a regular schedule

no guarantee that you will stay asleep. This may be due to a deficit in melatonin, the hormone that plays an important role in sleep. We know that melatonin

Avoid caffeine and alcohol

naturally decreases with age. Research shows that the use of melatonin supplements can be effective in promoting quality sleep, and is safe

Put away electronic devices

and non-habit forming. If you are looking to boost your immune system, improve your health, and approach your morning routine

Consider a melatonin supplement

with increased energy, consider adding Vibrant Nutraceuticals’ Chamomile Melatonin Gummies to your nightly routine. Low in sugar and gluten-free, they are a yummy way to ensure a restful and restorative sleep. 1 How Much Sleep Do We Really Need?, National Sleep Foundation, April 2020 2 The Benefits Of Slumber: Why you need a good night’s sleep, NIH News In Health, April 2013 3 Melatonin, Mayo Clinic, 30 March 2018

G L O B A L H E A LT H T R A X . C O M | G L S H E A LT H . C O M | L I Q U I D E X P E R T S . C O M | V E G A N L I F E N U T R I T I O N . C O M | V I B R A N T N U T R A . C O M These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Information and statements made are for educational purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your health care professional.

INTRODUCING HEALTH 101:  INFORMATION FOR YOUR LIFE At the GHT Companies, we firmly believe that a healthy mind and body make for a happy and productive life. To assist our customers in achieving that, we have been producing quality nutraceutical products for decades. Of course, good health goes beyond just vitamins and supplements — it includes exercise, quality sleep, social connection, a positive attitude, and many more factors. The Health 101 program was created to provide information for all aspects of health. We’re excited to share this new journey with you, and would like your feedback. What would you like to learn about? Use this form, found on the website to share your thoughts and request with us: We’ll do our best to honor those requests. After all, if knowledge is power, we want to provide as much useful information as we can.

From us to you, here’s to your health!

Vitamin D3 used to boost immune system as suggested by a growing body of evidence Vitamin D has long been known to promote healthy bone growth. Now a growing body of research has revealed its role in boosting the body’s immune system as well. A 2011 study published in the Journal of Investigative Medicine found that “Vitamin D has important functions beyond those of calcium and bone homeostasis which include modulation of the innate and adaptive immune responses.”1 Additionally, a recent meta-analysis of scientific studies that examined the role of vitamin D supplements in preventing acute respiratory infection concluded that vitamin D “protected against acute respiratory tract infection overall.”2 A similar study cited by the New York Times found that taking a vitamin D supplement reduced respiratory infections in its participants by 40%.3 Vitamin D can be found in both D3 and D2 forms. The former, D3, is widely considered to be more bioavailable than its counterpart. In fact The Harvard School of Public Health recently reported on multiple studies that found “D3 supplements tended to raise blood concentrations of the vitamin more and sustained those levels longer than D2,” meaning it is more likely to enter the body’s circulatory system, thereby increasing its efficacy.4 Traditional D3 vitamins are made from lanolin, a wax secreted by sheep. However, there are alternatives, found in the plant-based supplements offered by Vegan Life Nutrition, which uses a Vitamin D3 that is derived from Lichen. Available in soft gels, chewable tablets, gummies and spray form, these Vegan D3 vitamins meet the strict standards of the UK Vegan Society. The discovery of the role vitamin D plays in facilitating a healthy immune system coupled with the vitamin’s better-known benefits makes vitamin D3 a crucial supplement for individuals committed to maintaining optimal health. Vitamin D and the Immune System, Journal of Investigative Medicine (Published August, 2011) Vitamin D supplementation to prevent acute respiratory tract infections: systematic review and meta-analysis of individual participant data, British Medical Journal (Published 15 February, 2015) 3 Can I Boost My Immune System? New York Times (Published 10 March, 2020) 4 The Nutrition Source: Vitamin D, Harvard T.H.Chan School of Public Health (Updated March, 2020) 1


G L O B A L H E A LT H T R A X . C O M | G L S H E A LT H . C O M | L I Q U I D E X P E R T S . C O M | V E G A N L I F E N U T R I T I O N . C O M | V I B R A N T N U T R A . C O M These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Information and statements made are for educational purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your health care professional.

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