October newsletter

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New York District Key Club Division 18

October Newsletter

Hello Division Eighteen,


Lt. Governor’s Greeting Upcoming Events Division Groups Division Service Spotlights District Project Info. Major Emphasis Program The Eliminate Project

This is LeeAnn Owens, your Lieutenant Governor. I hope that you’re all enjoying the last bits of the fall foliage! You’ve all been doing a great job running your fundraisers and service projects! Thank you to those of you who completed your MRF’s on time! The rest of you, you need to get them in. My Kiwanis Committee Representative, Mrs. Vail, can be reached at (518)783-6326 or mbethvny@gmail.com. She is a great resource for your advisors, as are your sponsoring Kiwanis Club Presidents. As always, please contact me if there’s ever anything that I can help you with or questions that I can answer!

-LeeAnn Owens

Tamarac High School ‘15 Division 18 Lt. Governor Phone: (518)944-6128 Email: LeeannOwens.ltg@nydkc.org Address: 615 Farm to Market Rd. Troy, NY 12180

II.Upcoming Events Key Club Week- November 3rd-7th Monday- ”Show your K in every way”—Show people what Key Club is all about! Spread the word by wearing Key Club gear and publicizing Key Club Week in local stores, your school Web site, community newspapers—even on the radio. Tuesday- ”Kudos to the Key players”—Personally thank all the Key Club supporters you know— teachers, advisors and other Key players. Wednesday- ”Connect the K’s”—Key Club is the largest high school service organization in the world and is a member of the Kiwanis family. Celebrate the entire family of Kiwanis by getting the whole gang involved. Connect with local Kiwanis, Circle K International, Builders, Kiwanis Kids or Aktion clubs and team up for a joint service project. Thursday- ”Bring a friend to Key Club”—More members = more service. Increasing the amount of service Key Club performs increases the impact Key Club has on the world. Bring a friend, or two, or more to your next Key Club meeting. Friday- ”Your way”—This is your club’s chance to do its own thing and make its mark. Pick a project, plan a recruitment party or combine activities from the other Key Club Week days. Whatever idea you choose, take it and run with it.

Leadership Training Conference 2015- March 27th29th This is the best way to learn from and connect with Key Clubbers from all parts of New York! It will be an unforgettable weekend! Start fundraising now so that you can send a lot of members!

K-Family Month-November November is K-Family Month. Organize a service project with a member of your local K-Family! With the holidays coming up it would be a great time to do a food or toy drive!

III.Division Groups APP: The Key Club app is available of the app store and Google Play. It is a great resource! There are new, interesting articles posted on it every week! There is also a tool to track your service projects! Facebook: Facebook is the most effective way to share ideas with other Key Clubbers! Key Clubbers who hold the same position as you are just a click away! We often forget that many of us face similar obstacles. You are one of each other’s greatest resources! Join the Division 18, NYDKC and KCI Facebook groups! There are also groups for individual offices! HOKC: Humans of Key Club is a social media campaign launched in 2014 to highlight the contributions and dedication of individuals in Key Club. They are on Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, and Instagram. Check them out! You or someone from your club could be featured on HOKC if you send me an idea for an article! State of the District: State of the District emails are Governor Jacob’s way to reach the District as a whole. You can subscribe to them right on the NYDKC site! The next one will be sent out in October!

IV.Service Spotlights Power of Pink Month The Tamarac Key Club raised hundreds for Breast Cancer Awareness by collecting donations at football games and by selling “Homecoming for Hope� T-shirts that the club designed. Every year the club raises money for the cause throughout the entire month of October.

IV.Service Spotlights Fall Rally The 2014 Division 15-18 Fall Rally was held Saturday, October 18th. We made no-slip socks and no-sew blankets for hospital patients in our service workshops. Lt. Governors Logan Graham and Hailey Etherton ran the no–slip sock workshop. Lt. Governor Hanna Nichols and I ran the no-sew blanket workshop. Thank you to the forty members who came!

V.District Project Info. Kamp Kiwanis Kamp Kiwanis is located in Taberg, NY. It provides children ages 8-14 with a week in a fun, outdoor environment where they make new friends, take part in daily activities and also get a healthy dose of character education. The camp serves underprivileged children nd children with special needs. KFamily clubs can sponsor a child in their community that they think is deserving of this experience.


VI. Major Emphasis March of Dimes Mission Statement: “We help moms have full-term pregnancies and healthy babies. If something goes wrong, we offer information and comfort to families. We research the problems that threaten our babies and work on preventing them” Get Involved: The March of Dimes hosts 5k’s every year to raise money for the program. Get a team together and see how much money you can raise!


Contact info for the Executive Board District GovernorJacob Spencer


District EditorSharo Lin


District TreasurerAnusha Syed AnushaSyed.treas@nydkc.org

District SecretaryHeather Farley


Contact info for the Executive Board

District Executive AssistantTheresa Lin


District Webmaster Danny Qiu


District Executive AssistantKiera Soloman


Reminders I. Start planning meetings, service projects and fundraisers as early as possible! II. I need to visit each club at least once, so let me know when you have your meetings so that we can schedule a visit in advance! III. Please send in your Monthly Report Forms and Fundraising Report Forms, even if they’re already late. It makes the District Board really happy. We live for forms! IV. Fundraise for Eliminate, this is the last year to complete our goal! V. Collect Dues early! They are $13.00. Early Bird Dues by 11/1. Regular by 12/1. Remember that a $.50 Dues increase was passed at ICON VI. Start fundraising for LTC VII.Keep in touch with your sponsoring Kiwanis VIII. Always feel free to call, text or email me anytime if you have a question, need ideas, or just want to talk about Key Club! I love hearing from you guys!

Thank you for reading!

Happy Halloween!

www.nydkc.org / www.keyclub.org

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