Yonies Harnes Shop LLC. Master Catalog - 2021 catalog

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Manufacturer of Synthetic Harnesses and Tack

MASTER CATALOG Quality I Service I Delivered

Prices subject to change without notice, confirm prices when placing order

Made In USA

Made in USA - Guaranteed

We ship with UPS and 9-5 (local delivery) daily

PH: 610-273-7370 I Fax: 412-504-6014 I Email: sales@yonies.com 435 Churchtown Road, Honey Brook, PA 19344 1

www.Yonies.com • sales@Yonies.com • phone: 610-273-7370

Hi! Welcome to our Catalog! We're constantly trying to improve things, so if you find something you would like changed please let us know. Some items to note in the catalog: • Deluxe Road Harness - page 73 (a padded harness for the road horse) • Knee Spreaders - page 28 (for the horse that hits his knees, as a training aid) • Bowman Bits - page 35 • NEW ITEM - Construction Pouches - page 6 • And much more! If you can't find it, just ask! Index is located on page 87. Have a blessed year! The staff at Yonies

About Yonies...

Yonies Harness Shop is a family-owned business based in the rolling hills of Eastern Lancaster County in Honey Brook, Pennsylvania.

Miscellaneous: pages 6 - 15 Halters & Tack: pages 16 - 20 Race: pages 21 - 31 Bits: pages 32 - 35 Pleasure Driving: pages 36 - 62 Health: pages 63 - 64 Amish Driving: pages 65 - 76 Amish Work: pages 77 - 78 Draft Work: pages 79 - 85 Draft Show: page 86


Yonies manufactures synthetic harness and tack products to the Amish and Mennonite communities as well as the Harness Racing and Pleasure/Combined Driving communities throughout the world.

A unique combination of traditional and modem lifestyles is common in our area where horse and carriages interact with cars and trucks on the streets. Lancaster County is internationally known for its skilled artisans, impeccable craftsmanship, and dedicated work ethic. We aim to carry on that tradition by producing the highest quality synthetic harnesses and tack on the market today.

Early History


Why Yonies?



A young boy born into the Daniel Stoltzfus family was blessed to have 2 sisters and 7 brothers. Jonathon was chosen at the age of 12 to help his older sister sew buttons onto his and all his brothers pants, shirts and coats. As the years went by Jonathon began to like sewing so much that he found other ways to satisfy his interest and started producing Amish buggy harnesses. Jonathon soon decided to turn his new endeavor into a business and Yonies Harness Shop was established in 1992. Thank you for asking! Yonie is derived from the Hebrew language of Yoni pronounced (YOH nee) which is short for Yehonatan pronounced (yeh ho NAT an). Yehonatan is the Hebrew form of the popular name Jonathan. So we can see that the short English and Amish name for Yonie is John and long form is Jonathon. Yonie is the nickname for John or Jonathon similar to Bob for Robert and Bill for William. The founder of Yonies Harness shop is Yonie Stoltzfus in Pennsylvania Dutch language or John or Jonathon Stoltzfus in English. Yonies added its first employee in 1995. Yonies business mainly grew by word of mouth from various individuals who used and appreciated our products. We are very grateful for everyone that has recommended us over the years! And we do know who you are! 2

Yonies manufacturing shop is completely independent of the electrical grid. We create all the power we use. Additionally, the majority of our team members live near the shop so they walk, or use their scooters to go to work. Others that live a distance from the shop do carpool with a driver. It is a place where craftsmen can work at their trade and still watch their neighbors as they work in the fields, planting, cultivating and finally harvesting the crops of corn and hay, seeing the beauty of nature and drawing inspiration for their work Yonies has grown from a home based necessity to a small worldwide business in 20+ years (since 1992). We now have employees and home based sub-contractors who also have employees. We can design, manufacture and produce whatever you desire.

Quality • Service • Delivered!

www.Yonies.com • sales@Yonies.com • phone: 610-273-7370


• All orders must be paid in full before shipment leaves our facilities, unless credit has been approved. • We accept Master card, Visa, money orders, checks, or cash. • Returned checks will be subject to a $20 fee. • Net 30 days on approved accounts. 1.5% interest to be charged on all past due accounts. Owners of delinquent accounts will be responsible for all additional fees, including, but not limited to, collection fees (up to 50%), and legal fees. There is a minimum service fee of $2.50 per month. • Any accounts over 90 days past due may be turned over to a collection agency of our choice.

Prepaid Shipping

If you are mailing your order in with a check you can now add shipping. See mail order form (on page 4).

Orders placed via phone, fax, or email will be charged standard UPS rates. Does not apply to Gates, Brooms, or any over size box. Within the 48 states, for shipping elsewhere please contact us for a shipping quote.


Domestic shipments via UPS, International shipments via either DHL or USPS.

Wholesale Accounts

• Dealers can be listed on our dealer list online at yonies.com upon request. • Yes, we do sell wholesale and retail from the same facility. You may want to contact your local dealer for the best prices and they might even be able to come out and fit your horse or you might be able to go to their location. If you are shopping for better prices you may want to contact your local dealer, we try to support our dealers and one way of doing that is by using our suggested retail price. The dealer does not need to honor this price and therefore can offer you lower prices. For a list of our dealers please visit our website, www.dealers.yonies.com.

Returned Merchandise

All returned merchandise is subject to a 10% restocking charge unless it was our error. You must report shortages and/or overages within 10 days of invoice date or full credit may not be given. All returned merchandise must be accompanied by invoice number and a note requesting exchange or credit. Customer is responsible for all shiping charges. All merchandise returned must be in "as new" condition.

Custom Made/Custom Mfg

• Custom made products - Cannot be returned unless it was our error. • We do custom manufacturing for your company as well. Please ask for details and prices. • Customizing products - There is a surcharge of 20% or $4.00 (whichever is more) if we need to customize a part. • MTO (made to order) items are made as they are ordered. Custom surcharge applied if custom made.

Large Quantity Orders

Contact us for special pricing on large quantities.


• All prices in this catalog are subject to change without notice. We are not responsible for incorrect prices or descriptions due to typographical errors. • Colors and photos shown in catalog may be slightly off due to events beyond our control (photography, print, and slight variations in batches). Ask for samples if you need to perfectly match a certain color. Charges may apply for excessive samples of colors. • All Yonies products are made with the intention of being the best quality available to man. However, as you are most likely aware by now, horses are strong and powerful animals that can cause the highest quality strap goods to break. Your common sense and commitment are vital to the well being of you, your horse, and those around you. Safe Driving! • Catalog printed January 2021.

4 convenient ways to order: Phone: 610-273-7370 Phone calls answered 12 - 1 (noon) Mon to Fri, or leave voice mail Fax: 412-504-6014 Email: sales@Yonies.com Web: www.yonies.com (not everything is on the site yet...have patience!)

Store Hours

Please call with your concerns, comments or complaints. If you like our products, tell others, if not, tell us!!

Monday & Friday: 7 am - 7 pm • Tues, Wed, & Thurs: 7 am - 5 pm Saturday: 7 am - 2 pm • Closed Sunday

Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014


Quick Order Form

Note: Be sure to make copies for future orders

Payment Method

For mail orders we recommend paying with check. Cash or card #s can be stolen through the mail.

Name: ______________________________________

Cash Credit Card  Mastercard  Visa  Enclosed Check #____________


Card # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


Security Code _________

Expiration Date__________________

Phone: ______________________________________

Signature ________________________________________________

Email (optional):_______________________________

 


Item #


Shipping Address:___________________________

Billing Address (if different):_____________________


Price Each


Pre-paid Shipping: If you enclose a check with your order, please add: Orders less than $50.00............................................. $10.00 Orders $50.00 to $300.00......................................... $12.00 Orders over $300.00.................................................. $16.00

Choose Shipping Method: ❍ UPS ❍ Mail $ ❍ Cheapest Method ❍ 9-5 local

Mail orders only.

Sub Total with shipping

We will compare pre-paid shipping with actual cost, if more than a $5.00 difference, then we will send a check, or invoice for the difference. Does not apply to Gates, Brooms, Whips or any oversize box.

Within the 48 states, for shipping elsewhere please contact us for a shipping quote.

435 Churchtown Rd., Honey Brook, PA 19344 Phone: 610-273-7370 • Fax: 412-504-6014 • Email: sales@Yonies.com 4

6% Tax (PA res only) Including shipping

$ $


Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014

Our harnesses are made using different materials, getting these colors to match completely is impossible, so we have all our colors below. Harnesses are ordered with Bio Color #’s.

High Abrasion Resistance Lower Abrasion Resistance Soft To The Touch Longer Life Easy To Clean Light Weight & Strong Crack Resistant

Bio vs. Beta

Bio (Biothane) and Beta are actually made by the same company (Biothane® Coated Webbing). We will try to clear up some of the confusion with this chart.



✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓



✓ ✓

✓ ✓

Bio (main color) Easy to clean; wears well

BL101 Black

WH101 White

GN101 Green

BU318 Blue

RD318 Red

OR315 Orange

TU313 GN318 Turquoise Lime Green

PK311 Pink

SI101 Silver

WN101 Burgundy

VI101 Purple

YE101 Yellow

WN521 Tuscan Red

VI521 Purple

Custom colors available. Ask if interested.

Beta (accent colors) Easy to clean; softer - used for lines or against the horse

BL520 Black

BR523 Brown

WH521 White

GN522 Green

BU522 Blue

RD522 Red

OR522 Orange

BU521 Light Blue

GN528 Lime Green

Kelly Green

Dark Royal Blue



Royal Blue


Lime Green









Lime Green






PK311 GRAY521 Pink Gray

YE521 Yellow

Vinyl (pads)




Light Gray

Dk Gray Charocoal

Nylon (nylon buxtons)




Specialty colors may take a few days (not in stock). For full Biothane Color Chart go to www.forms.Yonies.com NOTE: Colors may not be 100% accurate due to photography, print quality and slight variations between batches. We try our best, but you many want to stop by or request samples if you need an exact color.

Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014



Tired of your pouches wearing out? Try one of these pouches! • No Rotting • Long Lasting • Synthetic (no leather)

Small Tool/Slap Tacker Pouch #2202 $31.00

Fits the Bostitch Hammer Tacker mdl #H30-8D6 & H30-8) and more!

Small Tool Pouches

Still using this pouch 16+ months after I bought it - Incredible! - Satisfied customer

Nail Pouch #2203 $31.00

Square Pouch Holder #2208 Left $30.00 #2208 Right $30.00 Please specify Left or Right side when ordering

Bit Pouch Organizer #2210 $51.00

Left Side

Right Side

Hammer Holder #2209 $16.50

Tool Belt #2215 $37.00

Custom Construction Pouches Available - Call For Details! 6

Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014

Everyday Belt • Made with Biothane® coated webbing • Designed to last a very long time • Will not stretch like leather • Measured from tip to center hole #6901 - $15.00 1-1/8" wide

#6961 - $15.00 Boys Belt, 1" wide. Sizes from 20" to 28" (in increments of 2" - 20", 22", 24", etc.)

Basket Weave Belts

Wholesale Inquiries Welcome

Black or Brown only

#6975..........42" model..........$22.00 #6976..........60" model..........$27.00

BELT SIZES: We stock sizes from 30" to 60" in increments of 2" (30", 32" 34", 36", etc.)

Softer/Flexible Lightweight "Gun" Belt #6910 - $37.50



Biothane Belts Won't Crinkle, Wrinkle, Stretch or Smell!


• Removeable buckle for "cut to length" belts


1-1/2" Very stiff!

Heavy Duty "Gun" Belt #6906 - $50.00 • Made with a heavy web to prevent "twisting"

1-1/2" Durable and soft!

Cowboy Hat Decoration

Collar Clock



Available in 4 colors: Maroon, Royal Blue, Green, Silver

Available in Maroon, Purple, Green and Navy

Flower Pot Holders

29”L x 14”H Standard Bred with Race Bike #30061 - $32.00

Nice Soft Leather Wallets #84763.....$10.50

Bionic Driving Gloves

Made with top grade, extra supple Cabretta Leather.

Black..... #08254

Men's sizes available: Large, XL, XXL, XXXL


Ease of use recommendation by Arthritis Foundation

Corner Balls


(flowers not included)

Leather Wallets Great Gift Item!

Pen Holders

Single #84011.......$11.00 Double #84010.......$12.50

Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014



Riding Stirrups

Grazing Hopples

Synthetic - Visalia Style - Color: Brown #84660...................................$17.50/pr.


1" wide. Stainless Hardware.

Swinging Toggles

Whip Sockets

#50331 $12.50 ea.

Stainless Steel #16501.....$12.00 ea.

Buckleless Grazing Hopples

Short Model................#7085........$31.00 ea. Long Model.................#7086........$39.00 ea.

No Buckles! Designed to help prevent marks. Easy to use! 1-1/2" wide. Short model is for between the two front legs. Long model is for from front to rear legs.

Grazing Muzzles

Solid Brass #16500.....$10.50 ea.

Stainless Steel Battery Clamps

#15300.....$1.50 ea. No more rusty clamps!

Trace Holders

Best Friend Muzzle (shown) #82580.........................................$38.00 ea.

Fastens with 2 screws (not included) to keep traces from slipping off


Nylon Muzzle w/Leather Crown Strap #82575.........................................$37.00 ea.

14-Piece Open End Wrench Case

#2200.....$28.00 ea.

Corn Brooms

Made with strong Condura. Has Velcro along the top and bottom to keep from losing wrenches. Three Grommets along the top for hanging in shop.

• Top quality • Solid Handle • Genuine Broom Corn • Handmade in Lancaster County • Poplar Handle

Sweat Sticks

Made in the USA!

Wooden, curved.....#44519.....$7.50

Black - #06053 - $20.00 Black broom is good for sweeping water or snow Barn - #06055 - $20.00 Our Biggest Seller!

Do not break under normal use!

Harness Hooks

Black powder coated steel. 5”............................. #30040......................$5.00 8”............................. #30043......................$7.00 10”......................... #30041................... $12.00 12”.......................... #30042................... $13.50 35”.......................... #30050................... $29.00

Child’s Broom

A great gift for your little helpers or to use in tight corners. Approx. 31” Tall #07070 - $11.00

Great Gift Item!


Youth Broom Approx. 46” Tall #07071 - $14.50




Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014




Stall Gates*

#07380 - 52” wide x 48” high (width includes hinges) We can also do custom size gates. Call for a quote.

Powder coated 1 - 9 pcs...............................................................................$214.00 ea. 10+ pcs..............................................................................$191.70 ea.

Also available in a full gate size - call for prices.

*Call for shipping quote. Heavy Duty

(73 lb.) These are the heaviest duty gates we have ever seen!

Diaper Bag

#24997 Includes 2 straps to go to shafts and 2 straps to breeching Mini............................$71.00 Horse.........................$79.00 Draft...........................$80.00

Bells Biothane Straps - Shiny or Dull (leather look) with Stainless Steel Rings & Chrome over Brass Bells. NOTE: 29 BELL SET HAS LARGE BELLS IN THE MIDDLE

23 Bells 29 Bells ➝ THAT PUT THE PRICE UP AND GIVE IT A NICE JINGLE. 2” wide strap and 88” in the longest hole. 1-1/2” wide strap and 85” in the longest hole. #7010 with Chrome Brass Bells...................... $330.00 #7012 with Chrome Brass Bells............................$176.00 #7014 with Brass Bells.................................... $270.00 #7013 with Brass Bells..........................................$170.00

Rump Bell #7006 $72.00

8 Bells #7023 $51.00

Door Bell #7000 $55.00

Keychain Bell #7027 $5.50

4 Bells #7022 $30.00

Snap and Bell #7025 $17.00

Animal Door Chimes Horse or Dog with Chrome Plated Bells #7018.............................................$10.50

5” Heart w/Spots & Bells #7003 - $23.00

7” Heart w/Spots & Bells #7004 - $37.00

Horse or Dog with Chrome Brass Bells #7019.............................................$16.00

Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014



Collars For Patent Leather Collars add: to 100 MP - 100 Buggy 101 Express & 105 A - $60.00 To 49 1/2 work & 69 work add $97.00 Adjustable Work Collar (#69) - All Leather (each collar fits 3 sizes)

Mini & Pony Collars (#100MP)

- looks like #101 Express Collar but smaller

#13600 - 14” #13601 - 15”

$74.00 $74.00

Buggy (#100)

- looks like #101 Express Collar but not quite as heavy

#14215 - 16”


#14123 - 17” thru 20 #14124 - 21” #14125 - 22” #14126 - 23”

#14856 - 21'


With your choice of loop & lever opening or closed top with 1 dee ring out the back.

#14850 - Side Dee Rings are an option #14862 - 24”



Work Collar (#49 1/2) - All Leather Collar (#105A) - All Purpose Collar for Driving Horse

Built like express collar but heavier padding. Also has a deeper bed for work hames.

#14574 - 16” thru 20” #14575 - 21” #14576 - 22” #14577 - 23” #14578 - 24”

+$28.00 $315.00

Call for prices on other sizes.

Kay Collar (Show)

$92.00 $96.00 $102.00 $106.00

Draft Show Collar (#725) - Patent Rim

$156.00 $156.00 $162.00 $168.00 $176.00 $184.00 $208.00 $230.00

Express (#101) - Collar & Driving Horse Collar

#14810 - 19” to 21” #14810 - 20” to 22” #14810 - 21” to 23” #14810 - 22” to 24” #14810 - 23” to 25” #14810 - 24” to 26” #14810 - 25” to 27” #14810 - 26” to 28”

$96.00 $100.00 $106.00 $118.00 $122.00

#14623 - 17” thru 20” #14624 - 21” #14625 - 22” #14626 - 23” #14627 - 24” #14628 - 25” #14629 - 26” #14630 - 27” #14631 - 28”

$130.00 $136.00 $144.00 $150.00 $158.00 $170.00 $182.00 $194.00 $198.00

All Synthetic Collars - made with an imitation leather material* *under continuous improvement - New collars may be better!

Driving #149 #14918 - 18” #14919 - 19” #14920 - 20” #14921 - 21” #14922 - 22” #14923 - 23” #14924 - 24” #14925 - 25” #14926 - 26” #14950 - Adjustable 20" - 22" 10

$76.00 $76.00 $76.00 $79.00 $83.00 $87.00 $92.00 $96.00 $102.00 $100.00

Work #75 #14418 - 18” #14419 - 19” #14420 - 20” #14421 - 21” #14422 - 22” #14423 - 23” #14424 - 24” #14425 - 25” #14426 - 26” #14427 - 27” #14428 - 28”

$93.00 $102.00 $108.00 $110.00 $116.00 $126.00 $134.00 $144.00 $154.00 $164.00 $176.00

Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014


Pads Vinyl and Vin/Neo pads are made with closed cell foam. Fake fur pads are made with open cell foam. Allow 2 weeks for fur pads. For Reflective Pads see page 65



Dark Royal Blue

Kelly Green



Royal Blue


Lime Green






Light Gray

Dk Gray Charocoal

Saddle Pads #18000 Draft Express

Back Pad - fur

8” - 48”


#18001 Draft

Back Pad - fur

8” - 28”


#18002 Horse

GS9 - fur

7” - 20”


#18003 Horse

GS9V - fur/vinyl

7” - 18”


#17910 Horse


7” - 18”


#18004 Horse

GS11 - fur

5” - 18”


#17912 Pony


4” - 16”


#18007 Mini


3” - 15”


Breeching or Straight Breast Collar Pads

Shaped Breast Collar Pads 5” - 43”

#17930 Horse.... .vinyl/neoprene....Split V....$25.00

#18010 Draft

DB40 - fur

6” - 48”


#18011 Draft

DB405 - fur

5” - 48”


#17940 Horse


4” - 40”


#92523 Pony


3-1/2" x 31" $28.00

#92524 Mini


3" x 26"


Neck Strap Pad #18075 3" x 15" vinyl/neo.................$11.00

Super V Breast Pad #17932 Continuous (shown) Vinyl/Neo


#17931 Split Vinyl/Neo


#17901 Continuous Reflective/Neo


#17938 Split Wide Style


NOTE: All prices subject to change without notice Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014



Collar Pads - 21”, 22” & 23” colors in stock. 24” black in stock.

Crown Pads

Sizing: Usually go Collar size + 2". If Collar size is under 17", then you might only go +1 size. #18040 Draft BC14 - fur........... 1” - 4” - 14” - Black in stock..............$13.00

#17920 Horse - vinyl/neoprene................20” to 22”....................$32.00

#18041 Horse BC10b - fur......... 1” - 2-1/2” - 10”................................$13.00

Collar Pad with Vinyl

Top Collar Pads

#17922 Horse - vinyl/neoprene................23” to 25”....................$36.00

Also available in sizes from 13” to 19” and Draft sizes from 23” to 24”. By special order.

#18045 Horse TC50 - fur............ 1” - 7” - 10” - Black in stock................. $16.00

Work Horse Collar Pads

#18046 Horse TC50V - fur/vinyl. 1” - 7” - 10” - Black in stock................. $16.00

Crupper Roll

#18050 One Size Fits Most CC10 - fur............ 12” Long - Black in stock..................... $6.00

Belly Band Pads

Extra wide for work horse collars Black with gray inside — will not absorb moisture 17” - 19” 20” - 22” 23” - 25” 26” - 28” Top Collar Pad

#18060 #18061 #18062 #18063 #18069

$30.00 $30.00 $36.00 $41.00 $16.00

All black pads — will not absorb moisture

17” - 19” 20” - 22” 23” - 25” 26” - 28”

#18080 #18081 #18082 #18083

$25.00 $27.00 $29.00 $32.00

Gray Felt Collar — 3/8” Thick Felt

#18055 Horse BB22 - vin/neo.... 1” - 3-1/2” - 22” - Black in stock.........$18.00

20” - 21” - 22” 23” - 24” - 25” 26” - 27” - 28”

#18070 #18071 #18072

Need a custom pad? No problem! Send a detailed drawing to us and we'll get it made for you. Ask for current lead time. 12

Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014

$16.00 $18.00 $21.00

2001 Snap S.S.

Attach these to your snap shackle so you can release them more conveniently. Available in Black or Brown.

#20033, 3/4".... $2.75 ea. #20034, 1".......$3.00 ea.

Snap Shackle Cover #4276.........................$5.00 ea.

Great for quick release for on your turn backs.

Double End Snaps - 4-3/4"

#56 Snap

#16303......................................$2.75 ea.

5/8"............. #56021...........$2.00 ea. 3/4"............. #56022...........$2.00 ea. 1"................. #56024...........$3.25 ea.

5015 Scissors Snap

3/4"............#50173............. $3.00 ea. 1"...............#50174............. $3.75 ea.

Solid Brass

#44011...... $9.00 ea.

#017 Snap

#16323......................................$1.15 ea. 3 x stronger than brass Stainless Steel - 4-3/4” #16333......................................$3.75 ea.

Plumes (Pictured 6” - 12”) We stock 6” & 12” in Red, White, Blue (Tri-Colored)

6”.......................#84569..................... $28.00 12”.....................#84570..................... $33.00 If you order 2, deduct $2.00 ea. If you order 3, deduct $3.00 ea. We can also order anything you need. Any size up to 12”. Any color - solid, 2-toned, or tri-colored. Prices according to volume and size.

Installing Attachment to the Bridle - Labor is approx. $5.00

Length: • 1" = 4" long • 1-1/4" & 1-12" = 4-1/2" long

Size is the inside measurement

1".............................#98042........................ $16.50 ea. 1-1/4"......................#98045........................ $20.00 ea. 1-1/2"......................#98049........................ $25.00 ea.

Snap Shackles w/Safety

3/4"....................#22562................. $4.00 7/8"....................#22563................. $4.25 1-1/8".................#22565................. $5.00 1-1/4".................#22566................. $6.00 1-1/4" Hvy..........#22537................. $8.00

5/8"............#01741............ $2.50 ea. 3/4"............#01742............ $2.75 ea. 1"................#01745............ $3.75 ea.

Bridle Attachment Alone #84578....... $6.50

Snap Shackles

Double End Snap Die Cast N.P.

#225 Snap

Snap 440SS with Roller, 1-1/2"

Fastens with velcro


#10025.....$4.50 ea.

#4277........... $6.50 ea.

Panic Snap, 1"

#23203..........$4.75 ea.

Length: • 1" = 4" long • 1-1/4" & 1-12" = 4-1/2" long


3/4".......... #21522........... $13.50 ea. 1".............. #21520........... $13.50 ea.

Snap Shackle Pulls

Open Eye Snap - 4” S.S.

Size is the inside measurement

Solid Brass Lock Jaw Snap

1"............................... #98043....................$31.00 ea. 1-1/4"........................ #98044....................$35.00 ea. 1-1/2"........................ #98048....................$40.00 ea.

Replacement Bolts

for Snap Shackles #98046......................... 1/4" SS.................... $1.75 ea. #98047......................... 1" SS....................... $1.75 ea.

Name Plates - 7”H x 13” W #7059 Plain - has No Spots & No Letters............. $21.00 #7060 Double Row 3/8” Spots - No Letters......... $36.00 #7061 Single Row 5/8” Spots - No Letters........... $31.00 A

A. Name Tag

With Snap or Ring (pictured with 3/4” Letters) #7064 Plain - without Letters....................... $9.00 See above letter & ornament price to create your own tag. B. Hearts - 5” #7046 With Single Row of Spots & 1 Ornament.............................................. $13.00 C. Hearts - 7” #7050 With 2 Rows of 3/8” Spots & 1 Ornament.............................................. $26.00 D. Hearts - 9” #7052 With 2 Rows of 3/8” Spots & 1 Ornament.............................................. $33.00



Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014

D 13




Ornaments - We can install these for you, just ask! #5626 - $3.75 (+ornament) - Basic install only

Texas Star - NP #50405 3/4" $2.00 #50406 1" $2.50 #50407 1-1/2" $3.00 #50408 2" $4.25 Noseband Ornament- SS #50363 4"

Available in Blue, Green, Red, White

#28013 - 1” SS....................$3.25 pr.

$4.50 $3.75 $3.25 $2.25

#28008 - 1-1/4” SS..............$3.75 pr. #28009 - 1-5/8” SS..............$3.00 pr. #27850 Texas Star NP — 1-5/8"...$8.00 pr.


Shield - SS #50376 large (2-3/8" x 2-3/8") $5.50 #50377 med (1-2/4" x 1-3/4") $4.75 #50378 small (1-1/2" x 1-1/2") $4.25 Small Teardrop - SS #50390


Thistle - SS #50394 small #50395 med #50396 large

$4.25 $4.75 $5.50

Maple Leaf - SS #50399


Horseshoe/Horsehead - SS #50361


#27851 Rope Edged SS — 1-3/4".................. $15.50 pr. #27852 Heart Shaped SS — 1-3/4".....................$6.50 pr. #27860 Wheat Edged SS — 1-3/4".....................$7.50 pr.

Lg Hanging Horseshoe/Horsehead - SS #7056 $8.50 7/8" $7.50

Heart - SS #50368 x-small $3.00 #50365 small $3.75 #50366 med $4.50 #50367 large $4.25 Daisy - SS #50355 x-large (1-3/4") $5.50 large (1-1/2") $4.50 #50356 #50357 med (1-1/4") $3.50 Letters #50322 #50323 #50324 14

1-1/2" h x 1" w 1-1/2" h x 1-1/2" w 2-1/2" h x 2-1/2" w

#02800 Glass Rosettes....$9.50/pr.


Diamond - SS #50370 large (1-3/4" x 3") #50371 med ( 1-5/16" x 2-1/4") #50372 small (7/8" x 1-1/2") #50373 x-small (3/8" x 1") Arrowhead - SS #50341 5/8" X 7/8"

Horsehead - SS #50308


$10.00 $11.00 $13.00

➝ ➝

#28018 Rope Edged w/Horsehead SS — 1-5/8".....................$6.50 pr. #28020 English Ring Style — 1-3/4” Nickel Plated over Brass.................... $21.00 pr. #27848 Star Rosette SS — 1-3/8".....................$5.00 pr. #28040 Star Rosette — 1-1/2" & 1-1/4" w/Rope Edge SS.............$7.00 pr.

Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014


Training Equipment Long Lines #7209

Training Surcingle & Belly Band Horse & Cob #4278....................................$240.00

Cotton Style - Beta Billets, w/Swivel in hands (pair)

This Surcingle is constructed from our normal synthetic products. Constructed with Biothane products and stainless steel hardware.

HO (30').............. $75.00 PO (25')............... $65.00 MI (20')............... $56.00

Training Surcingle & Belly Band Horse & Cob #4290......................................$76.00

Lunge Line with Snap, 30'......................... #6035........$34.00 Lunge Line with Chain, 30'......................... #6037........$36.00

photo is not up to date, we have had to find a new supplier and do not have a current photo

Training Shackles with Bungees #7097.............................. $21.00

Robin Cuffy Style #4285 Saddle...............$242.00

This Saddle was designed by Robin Cuffy

Samea Baker Style #4289 Saddle.................................... $246.00 #4120 Girth......................................... $72.00 This Surcingle was developed by Samea Baker

Running W Harness (nylon) #21290........$60.00

This Surcingle has a nice soft padding with nylon webbing & nickel hardware.

Side Reins - Side Reins MFG in Beta with Stainless Steel Hardware Elastic Style - 1"................................. #7215.............$36.00 Doughnut Style - 1".......................... #7216.............$45.00 All Beta Style - 3/4" Conway Style...... #7217.............$34.00 Knee Spreaders #6665............................................$134.00 Is your horse a "knee knocker"? Buxton style knee spreader helps to widen the horse's gait so they don't hit their knees as hard. One strap goes on each side of neck, bottom piece goes between the legs and fastens to the shafts or up to the harness. • Can be used on either side • Easy to put on and easy to adjust Heavy Duty! • Rubber ring for comfort • Adjust for your horse's needs. Not every horse will have the same results.

Full Neck Sweat #11635.............$32.00

5" Neck Sweat #24594............... $8.50

10" Neck Sweat #24595............. $13.50 Neck Sweat Gel #24599 $16.00

Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014




BL520 Black

BR523 Brown

WH521 White

GN522 Green

BU522 Blue

RD522 Red

— Stock Colors —

Pony, Cob, Horse, XL Horse, Draft #7110 Caveson Alone #7111 Flash with Adapter #7112 Note: If #300 Buckles are used on Bridle Mini Pony, Cob, Horse, XL Horse Draft

TU522 Turquoise

GN528 Lime Green

— *Custom Colors —

Dressage Bridles - without Reins

Riding Bridles - without Reins

OR522 Orange

#7190 #7191 #7192

PK311 GRAY521 Pink Gray

WN521 Tuscan Red

VI521 Purple

YE521 Yellow

$51.00 $22.00 $7.50 Add $10.00 $29.00 $37.00 $38.00

Bitless Bridles - #7105 $42.00

Dressage Bridle →

Bit not included

Halter Bridles - without Reins

Pony, Cob, Horse, XL Horse #7152 $67.00 Draft #7153 $70.00 Note: For Rolled Brow and Nose on Halter Bridles or Dressage Bridles Add $15.00

Reins - Riding

Reins - 5/8” wide - Mini length - No Buckle in Hand #7196 Reins - 5/8” wide - Pony Length #7198 Reins - 5/8” wide - Beta #7200 #7201 Reins - 3/4” wide - Beta Reins - 3/4” wide - Draft Length #7199 Woven Reins #7203 Stops Installed on Reins or Lines up to 10 (5 per side) #7204 More than 10 Stops Reins made with Rein Grip - Beta #7202 Riding Reins - Average Continuous pc. w/ Bumpy Rein Grip & Snaps #7207

Riding Breast Collars Cob & Horse

Riding Breast Collar Attachments Standing Running

Stirrup Leathers Regular Beta Deluxe Style

Martingales Standing Running

Show Tack

Bridles - White Beta, includes Straight Bit w/o lead Halters - White Beta w/o lead Leads - White Beta with 30” SS Chain Mini Halter with Lead (black with colored trim)


$14.50 $17.00 $18.50 $21.00 $23.00 $61.00 $14.50 each $1.50 $26.00

Riding Bridle → Bit not included




#7185 #7184

$10.00 $17.00

#7228 #7230

$22.00 $37.00

#7176 #7175

$20.00 $29.00

#7235 #7236 #7237 #7240

$64.00 $45.00 $30.00 $25.00

Show Tack →

*Custom surcharge plus 20% or $4.00 minimum on custom colors/sizes. No custom fee if you buy 3 or more identical pieces (same color/size/model).

Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014

WH521 White

GN522 Green

BU522 Blue

RD522 Red

OR522 Orange

— Stock Colors —

TU522 Turquoise

GN528 Lime Green

PK311 GRAY521 Pink Gray

— *Custom Colors —

WN521 Tuscan Red

VI521 Purple


BR523 Brown

BL520 Black

YE521 Yellow

Barn Halters w/Leather or Beta Breakaway Crowns With Snap at Throat, Adjustable Chin Strap

Solid Brass Hardware - some in stock with Stainless Steel Hardware

Small or Large Mini - 5/8” Pony - 3/4” Cob - 3/4” Horse - 3/4” XL - 3/4” Cob - 1” Horse - 1” XL - 1” Draft - 1”

#7135 #7136 #7137 #7138 #7139 #7140 #7141 #7142 #7143

$31.00 $36.00 $37.00 $37.00 $38.00 $47.00 $49.00 $53.00 $52.00

#7329 #7333 #7344

$32.00 $38.00 $46.00

Barn Halter →

Buckle Nose Halters - Any Size Black and Brown in stock.

Buckle Nose Halter - 5/8” wide (mini size) Buckle Nose Halter - 3/4” wide Buckle Nose Halter - 1” wide

Buckle Nose Halters - Any Color Other Than Black or Brown 5/8” wide (mini/Shetland Pony size) Buckle Nose Halter - 3/4” wide Buckle Nose Halter - 1” wide


(see Beta Colors above)

$34.00 $41.00 $48.00

Mini - 5/8” Horse, Cob, Pony, XL - 3/4” Horse and Cob - 1” XL and Draft - 1”

#7145 #7146 #7147 #7148

$5.50 $5.50 Any size $5.50$5.50 $5.50

Grooming Halters (not shown)



#7330 #7334 #7343

Leather Crowns Only

Buckle Nose Halter →

Nylon Halter →


Nylon Halters

Available in Black, Blue, Green , Maroon, or Red. With Snap at Throat. w/3/4" white overlay

Draft (large) 1-1/2” Draft (average) 1” L Horse - 1" Horse - 1” Cob - 1” Pony - 3/4” Foal - 3/4” Mini - 3/4” Mini Foal - 3/4”

#10037 $27.00 not available not available #10033 $16.00 #10032 $16.00 #10031 $13.00 #10030 $13.00 #10029 $13.00 not available

solid color

#10016 #10015 #10014 #10013 #10012 #10011 #10010 #10009 #10008

$14.50 $14.50 $14.50 $14.50 $14.50 $11.00 $11.00 $10.00 $10.00

Nylon Halter →

*Custom surcharge plus 20% or $4.00 minimum on custom colors/sizes. No custom fee if you buy 3 or more identical pieces. Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014



Poly Halter

An economical halter of soft 1” poly. Comes complete with buckle crown and snap at throat. Plated hardware. Solid or two toned colors. Sizes: horse, yearling or weaning. Made in Lancaster County.

Nylon Halter - Race Style

3/4” Nylon - Stainless Steel Hardware. Crown is lined with a soft lining. Available in: Red, blue, green, & black. #10019 (Horse Size)........ $24.00 ea.

#75142..............................$10.00 ea. 10 or more SAVE 15%...... $8.50 ea.

Padded Halter

Imported by Weaver Leather.

Overlay: Black





With adjustable chin and snap at throat. The crown and nose have a nice soft padding.

Base color: Black All other colors minimum order of 10 pieces. Orange


Lime Green

NOTE: Yearling and Weanling only in stock in all Black. Any color available if buying 10+ pieces per color/size.





#75143..........$19.00 ea.


Custom orders: One week lead time. No surcharge if 10+ pieces per order.

Beta Halter

Constructed of soft Beta with a breakaway crown. Solid Brass Hardware. Sizes: horse, cob, yearling or weaning.

Black with red, blue, pink, green or purple strips.


Made with 1” wide Beta. Double ply with triple stitching. Solid Brass hardware.

Stainless Steel hardware is special order.

All Beta colors available (no extra charge)

Embroidery on one side #7164.......................................$46.00


Embroidery on both sides #7165.......................................$58.00

GN522 Green

BU522 Blue

RD522 Red

OR522 Orange

Overlay: WH101 White

Embroidered Halter

Halter Colors:

BL101 Black


#7123..................................$54.00 ea.

Two Tones Black or Brown w/Trim #7127....................................$38.00 Colored w/Trim #7128....................................$40.00

WH521 White

Show Halter

Solid Colors Black or Brown #7125....................................$35.00 Colored #7126....................................$37.00

BL520 Black

Available in: Yearling, Horse & XLarge

GN101 Green

BU318 Blue

RD318 Red

OR315 Orange

TU522 Turquoise

GN528 Lime Green

TU313 GN318 Turquoise Lime Green

PK311 GRAY521 Pink Gray

PK311 Pink

SI101 Silver

WN521 Tuscan Red

VI521 Purple

WN101 VI101 Burgundy Purple

Available With Stainless Steel Hardware: Special Order

YE521 Yellow

YE101 Yellow

Embroidery on both sides & nose #7155.......................................$68.00 Embroidery on nose #7151.......................................$46.00 Max: 10 letters per side, 20 letters for nose

Buy 10 or more Identical Halters and Save 15%! 18

Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014

3/8” x 6’ Braided Poly Lead with nickel plated snap


Name Plates

(1/2") - Script or Roman lettering


5/8” Braided Poly Lead with 30” brass plated chain with stainless steel chain

#90087 #90224

$11.00 $18.50

6’ Cotton Lead with NP Snap with 30” Brass Plated Shank

#90061 #90086

$4.50 $7.00

8’ x 5/8” Braided Poly Lead with heavy duty 1-1/4” solid brass snap

Name Plate only #08680............................................ $13.00 Name Plate installed #08681............................................ $16.00 3/4" Plates also available. Call for prices.

Also available with 2 lines of writing. Call for quantity pricing.


Note: If only buying one name plate, add $6.00 for setup charge. No charge if 2+ pcs (can be different names)


7’ Beta Chain Leads Add embroidery to any Beta Leads #10095 - $21.00

Black, Brown, Red, Orange, Green, Lime Green, Blue, Purple, White, Yellow, Pink


(shown in Solid Brass)

Solid Brass - Black or Brown - 24”



Brass Plated - Black or Brown - 30”



Solid Brass - Colored - 24”

Brass Plated - Colored - 30”

#7163 #7161

$29.00 $16.00

With 24” Stainless Steel Chain - #7173 Black or Brown $25.00 Color $25.00 With Solid #225 Snap (solid brass) - #7171 Black or Brown $14.00 Color $15.00

Trim for your Leads - #7167 Match your Beta Halters! $4.50

Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014

Trim Colors: Any color



Braided Poly Leads


Riding Tack with Show Chain or Spots with Colored Trim

ear? stom riding g u c r fo g in k o Lo We can help! ils. for more deta ll a c a s u e iv G

#7193 Bit not included


Riding Bridle - with Trim & Diamonds or Crystals #7194........................................$70.00

Riding Breast Collar MTO - Padded w/Trim & Diamonds or Crystals #7183..............................................$96.00


Teardrop w/Diamond Ornament (for #7194) #7195........................................$11.50

BL101 Black

For Training Equipment & Long Lines see page 15


WH101 White

GN101 Green

BU318 Blue

RD318 Red

OR315 Orange

  

MTO Riding Breast Collar - Padded w/Trim & Show Chain #7182........................................... $170.00

 

Riding Bridle MTO - with Trim & Show Chain on Brow #7193........................................$90.00

Riding Breast Collar MTO - Plain or 2-Toned #7186..............................................$73.00

TU313 Turquoise

GN318 Lime Green

PK311 Pink

SI101 Silver

WN101 Burgundy

VI101 Purple

For Hoof Care and Liniments see pages 63 & 64

Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014

YE101 Yellow


Priced with bridle and with 2 ornaments on bridle. Quick hitch bridle and pads included. Lines have built-in snaps. Buckle-in crupper.Specify color of harness and choice of ornament. Choice of ornaments: Diamond, Texas Star, Heart, or Horseshoe w/Horsehead.

Quick Hitch Bridle Only

#2153.................. $148.00 ea.

Complete bridle with single rein-up. Priced with ornaments on the blinds. Specify ornaments: Diamond, Texas Star, Heart, or Horseshoe w/Horsehead.

Deep V Fine Breast Collar

#6547.....................................$96.00 (Black Only)


#17568...................................$36.00 (Choice of Color)

Deep V Fine Breast Collar w/Built-In Padding (not shown)

#3745.................................. $194.00

Our Harness is designed to fit that exceptional Big Trotter but still plenty of adjustment for your yearling. It’s Comfortable Lightweight Very Durable Easy to Clean All Stainless Steel Hardware Neoprene Girth with Elastic Ends for added comfort We can also do Harnesses in all color.

We do as much color as possible at no extra cost to our customers. Simply ask for your harness or parts in all color. You can also mix & match colors, simply specify! Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014



Amish Jogging Harness with Bridle



All harnesses are priced with open bridles - Can be upgraded to whatever you want. Please check the item you want for upgrade prices.

Deluxe Harness With Nylon Padded Buxton #6491................$450.00 With Bio Padded Buxton #6493.....................$465.00

Standard Harness With Nylon Buxton #6505...............$405.00 With Beta Buxton #6504.................$425.00 • Saddle with Couplers • Neoprene Girth • Crupper • Open Bridle • Bio/Beta Lines w/Beta Handholds • Caveson • Pad, Vinyl with Neoprene Lining

Design Call Us To rness Ha a Custom

• Saddle with Couplers • Shaped Girth • Crupper • Open Bridle • Bio/Beta Lines w/Beta Handholds • Caveson • Pad, Vinyl with Neoprene Lining • Padded Buxton!

Add blind bridle for $17.50 Deluxe Kit With Nylon Padded Buxton #6489.................$280.00 With Beta Padded Buxton #6488...................$295.00

Standard Kit With Nylon Buxton #6506..............$234.00 With Beta Buxton #6507................$255.00

• Saddle with Couplers • Shaped Girth • Crupper • Pad, Vinyl with Neoprene Lining

• Saddle with Couplers • Neoprene Girth • Crupper • Pad, Vinyl with Neoprene Lining

BL101 Black

WH101 White

GN101 Green

BU318 Blue

RD318 Red

OR315 Orange

TU313 GN318 Turquoise Lime Green

PK311 Pink

SI101 Silver

WN101 Burgundy

VI101 Purple

YE101 Yellow

Upgrades: Like the harness but would want something different? Just find the item you would want and tell us. We’ll put it on and only charge the difference. We aim to please! COMMENTS: “The best harness for the money.”............................................................................................................................................Bobby Myers “I recommend Yonie’s Flex Whip to anyone who’s tired of breaking whips.”....................................................................Dave Palone “Yonie’s harness’ are durable, easy to maintain and we love them!”................................................................................Zendt Stables “The lines feel great in my hands and I just love the craftsmanship! The best harness for the money”.......................Tim Twaddle “Yonie’s harness’ are the best. Beautifully made”........................................................................................................................... Syl King 22

Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014

Standard Saddle #6573........................$82.00



Sulky Parts

Padded Saddle #6570......................$138.00


Quick Hitch Attachments Stainless Steel - comes without bolts.


Hi-Arch Saddle (for horses with high withers) #6480.......................... $100.00

Glasses Clear or Tinted


See page 29 for Pads

Flex Saddle #6571.......................$120.00

#08200 - $10.00 Arms can be adjusted for length and tilt

All saddles priced without couplers

Saddle Accessories

A - Top Strap.................................................. #6575........ $21.00 Bottom Strap........................................... #6576........ $20.00 B - Head Pole Strap....................................... #6577.......... $3.00 C - Terrets....................................................#78907.......... $2.50 D - Rein Hook (water hook).........................#26135.......... $2.75 E - Couplers with Nylon................................ #6475........ $60.00

Synthetic Crupper Towels Longer lasting! Easy to clean.

With Velcro #6589..........................$16.50 With Snaps Better Coverage #6530..........................$17.50 In stock: Black, Maroon, Red and Dark Royal Blue. Other colors available by special request.

Cruppers Girths

5-1/2” wide


X-Wide Shaped - padded with elastic #6535........................$73.00 Neoprene with elastic (our standard race girth) #6536........................$47.00 All elastic girth with Neoprene ends #6538........................$45.00

3” wide

Padded girth #6533........................$62.00

Standard Crupper #6586.............................................$30.00 All colors in stock.

Crupper w/Buckle - #6585...........$40.00 Designed for ease of use.

Padded Crupper #6587.............................................$39.00 Replacement Cushion for Padded Crupper #4204.............................................$11.00 Stiff Tail Crupper #6568.............................................$49.00

Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014




Includes handholds unless otherwise noted Lines with Single Handholds 3/4” fronts, 1” backs #6557...................$67.00 ea.


Lines with Double Handholds 3/4” fronts, 1” backs #6553...................$77.00 ea.

Lines with Single Handholds 5/8” fronts, 1” backs, with reinforced front #6564................$106.00 ea.

European Style Lines 5 loops on handholds, no swivel - open ends. Black only. 14.5’ long - all 3/4” #6558.......................$81.00 ea.

Regular style color fronts with black parts in hand, or all color.

Lines with Single Handholds 3/4” fronts & backs #6555.............................$63.00 ea. Black in stock. Color is special order.

Training Lines MTO 3/4" lines without handholds, snaps sewn in to the end, no swivel - open ends. #6635.............................$45.00

Lines with Double Handholds 3/4” fronts & backs #6552.............................$81.00 ea. Black in stock. Color is special order.

All lines available in all color upon request. All lines are 13.5’, except for #6558 which is 14.5’

Single Handholds


Line Accessories

3/4”........ #6549........... $13.50 per pr. 1”............ #6548........... $17.50 per pr.

In stock: Black. Colors are special order.

Race Halter (Caveson) #6518................ $23.00

Double Handholds 3/4”........ #6551........... $26.00 per pr. 1”........... #6550........... $33.00 per pr. In stock: 1” Black

Colors are special order

Caveson w/Flash Nose Band #6519................. $29.00

Swivel Line Swivel #6560.......................................$9.00 24

black only

1 size fits all - Soft lining on inside All colors with black lining are in stock With colored lining: Special Order

Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014

Open Bridle.......................................#6502................$86.00


Specify color.


Open Cheeks Only............................#6516.......... $19.50/pr.

Solid colored Open Bridles In Stock.

Black in stock.


Kan’t C Back Furs • All Fur.........................................#17511.......... $38.00/pr. • Two-Toned Fur............................#17515.......... $53.00/pr. (special order)

#17512 #17515


• All Vinyl......................................#17512.......... $35.00/pr. • Two-Toned Vinyl.........................#17513.......... $53.00/pr. (special order)

#6501 #6500 all color #6511

Kan’t C Back Bridle.............#6501......... $102.00 (All color available) Kan’t C Backs only...............#6511........... $36.00 Blind Bridle.........................#6500......... $106.00 (All color available)



Blinds only..........................#6510........... $39.00

Bridles - Convertible

Convertible Bridle - Open Cheek to Blind Convertible Bridle - Open Cheek to Kan’t C Back Open Cheeks with Snaps Blinds Only with Snaps Kan’t C Backs Only with Snaps



#6402 #6406 #6407 #6408

$108.00 $22.00 $22.00 $18.50

Bridles - Snap-On Murphys



Blind Bridle with Snap-On Murphys #6498 $124.00 Kan’t C Back Bridle with Snap-On Murphys #6494 $122.00 Blinds Only with Snap-On Murphys #6497 $58.00 Kan’t C Backs Only with Snap-On Murphys #6495 $55.00 Replacement Murphys with Snaps (specify for Blinds or Kan’t C Backs) #6509 $19.00/pr. Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014






Bridle Parts & Accessories Crowns

Noseband #6526................................ $5.50

Fit any of our bridles

Straight Crown - Bio straps lined with soft foam on inside. #6520..........................................................................$16.00

Browband #6517................................ $5.50

Black in stock. Color: special order.

Embroidered Brow MTO #6434............................................$25.00 For on Bridles

Black only

Embroidered Brow w/snaps

Shaped Crown - Bio straps lined with soft foam on inside. #6521.......................................................................... $26.00

(not shown)


#6435............................................$31.00 For on Halters

Embroidered Nose MTO #6437............................................$22.00 For on Bridles

Black only

Please specify color and name plus embroidery color. Embroidered items may take 1 week for processing.

Brow with snaps MTO #6410...............................................$9.50 To snap unto your halters. Please sepcify color when ordering.

Straight Crown with Protector Bio straps lined with soft foam on inside plus an additional protective piece. #6523...........................................................................$22.00

Tie Downs Shaped Crown with Protector Bio straps lined with soft foam on inside plus an additional protective piece. #6525...........................................................................$29.00

Bungee Tiedown #6582................ $13.00 Bio Tiedown #6584 (short)..........$14.50 #6583 (long)...........$15.50

Black only

Front Overcheck.......................................#6522...............$13.50 Rear Overcheck........................................#6528...............$20.00 #6522 #6528


Black in stock. Color: special order. 26

Tiedown w/Rubber Ring #6579................ $21.00

Shadow Roll 3” diameter

Solid Color, large, all fur........ #92820.........$37.00 Large 2-toned, all fur............ #92831.........$69.00

Black in stock. Other colors available by special request.

Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014


Bridle Parts & Accessories Murphy Blinds All Synthetic - no oiling! With reinforced stitching.

Regular size #6512...................................... $28.00 Small size #6514...................................... $26.00

Earplugs Ear Plugs w/Hood #10541 $24.00

Ear Plugs #10543 $12.50

Regular size w/Popout #6513...................................... $32.00 Small size w/Popout #6515...................................... $30.00

Rosettes #28011.....$4.25

Breast Collars Nylon Personalized Breast Collar with Padding #6451............................. $48.00 3+............................. SAVE 10% 6+............................. SAVE 15% 10+........................... SAVE 20% • Maximum 20 letters

Buxton Covers


Fur Covers #17555..........................$32.00 Fur Covers 2-tone (custom) #17557..........................$58.00 4 Piece Sets (2) 2” x 17”, (2) 2” x 12”.

(40 can be done for additional cost) — Custom Order —

Supreme Personalized Breast Collar #6633............................. $54.00 3+............................ SAVE 10% 6+............................ SAVE 15% 10+........................... SAVE 20%

Covers slide unto the Buxtons

— Custom Order —

#6545 Average............................................... $37.00 #6546 Padded................................................ $44.00

— Custom Order —

#6544 (shown with17565 pad)

#6544............................. $41.00 Made extra heavy especially for jogging (shown with pad)


Price does not include pad

Jogging Breast Collar Pad, Vinyl with Neoprene 4" x 38" #17565.......................... $24.00 Jogging Breast Collar Pad with stripes 4" x 38" #17525.......................... $39.00


(Close-up of padding)

Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014



Buxtons Nylon #6539...........................................$28.00 3/4” nylon - all color Black, Royal Blue, Red, Green, Maroon, Purple, Brown, Silver, Yellow, Orange, Pink, Neon Green

Personalized Nylon Buxton with Neoprene Padding #6441.........................$73.00 3+.......................... SAVE 10% 6+.......................... SAVE 15% 10+.............................SAVE 20% Available in any color. — Custom order — Supreme Personalized Buxton

Nylon Buxton with Neoprene Padding #6440........................................................$38.00 3/4” Nylon with 1-1/4” Neoprene Padding. Any color with Black Neoprene


#6442.........................$86.00 3+.......................... SAVE 10% 6+.......................... SAVE 15% 10+........................ SAVE 20% Same as nylon but with Biothane straps (longer lasting). — Custom order —

Brown's Buxton #6630............$67.00 An extra wide padded Buxton.

— Custom order —

Beta 3/4” Beta with 1/2” Bio Overlay #6541.....$47.00 In stock with 3/4” Black with 1/2” Color

Biothane® with 1” Neoprene Padding #6543..............$54.00

Knee Spreader #6665......................$134.00 #6666 - double........$194.00 Is your horse a "knee knocker"? Buxton style knee spreader helps to widen the horse's gait so they don't hit their knees as hard. One strap goes on each side of neck, bottom piece goes between the legs and fastens to the shafts or up to the harness. • Can be used on either side • Easy to put on and easy to adjust • Rubber ring for comfort • Adjust for your horse's needs. Not every horse will have the same results. Heavy Duty!


Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014



All pads 6” x 37”

A. Vinyl/Neoprene, closed cell foam

B. Vinyl/Neoprene w/stripes, closed cell foam






C. All Neoprene, closed cell foam

D. Vinyl/Neoprene w/colored edge, closed cell foam





See pages 63 & 64

E. Add an extra bead/piping of color for your pad! - $30.00/pad extra



E Neoprene (bottom side)

— Vinyl Color Options —



Kelly Green

Dark Royal Blue



Royal Blue


Lime Green






Light Gray

Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014

Dk Gray Charocoal




Flex Uptug

Super Glide Hopples with Super Strong Hangers Sizes: Horse: 50" - 62", XL: 54" to 66", Pony: 39" - 45", Mini: 31" - 38" Loops (inside measurement) Horse - 17", Pony -12", Mini - 8" Available in all Black or in any of our Harness Colors. Allow 2 weeks for Mini and Pony sizes.



Light Weight, Special Order



Medium Weight, Black w/Black Loops



Medium Weight, Color w/Black Loops










Heavy Weight w/Heavy Loops, Color w/Clear Loops

Heavy Weight, 1-1/2” wide Beta, Color Trotting Hopples to the Bike



Center Straps, Regular Black



Center Straps, Regular Color



Hopple Shortener Buckle with tab





Trotting Hopples with Bike Strap

*Heavy weight hopples #6624 and #6620 have a 1 year guarantee against defects in workmanship and materials. Must have a copy of invoice with hopples to prove how old they are. All other hopples are not guaranteed against cracking.

Hopple Hangars

Ends and holes are heat sealed for a longer lasting hanger! Our black hanger will out last any other hanger on the market!

BL101 Black

WH101 White

GN101 Green

BU318 Blue

RD318 Red

OR315 Orange

TU313 GN318 Turquoise Lime Green

PK311 Pink

SI101 Silver

WN101 Burgundy

VI101 Purple

YE101 Yellow

Regular, Black Regular, Color X-Large, Black X-Large, Color

#6594 #6595 #6596 #6597

Chicago Style Hangers Black 30

$56.00 $56.00 $60.00 $65.00

#6598 $65.00

Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014



Handmade These are the flex whips that everyone likes.


45” - #11234 - Special Order

48” - #11235 - In Stock............. $18.50 ea. box 10+.....................................10% OFF!

Training Whip Colors: Natural, Black, Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Pink and Purple. We can make 2-toned whips for you in any combination. Mininum order of 10 pieces.

60” - #11236*...........$24.00 ea. 10+............................ 10% OFF! 72” - #11258*...........$26.00 ea. 10+............................ 10% OFF!

Ask for available colors for 72" whips.

*Extra long shipping charge applies.

Poppers Only - 12" overall

Any color.....#11260....................... $2.25 ea. Stock: Black, Blue, Green, Red. “These whips last 3 times longer than others!”......... Jonathan Roberts “The best whip ever made.”..............................................Walter Haynes


Head Poles & Accessories

A. Chin Burr with Regular Burrs - #6482...............................................................$10.00 Chin Burr with Nipped Burrs - #6484...............................................................$10.00 B. Roller Burr, Long Style with 1/2” Burrs - #6470 (7" Burrs w/15" velcro).........$30.00 Roller Burr, Long Style with 3/4” Burrs - #6472................................................$30.00

Made in the USA A B

C. Roller Burr, Short Style with 1/2” Burrs - #6474 (7" Burrs w/7" velcro)...........$31.00 Roller Burr, Short Style with 3/4” Burrs - #6473...............................................$31.00 D. Roller Burr, Long Style with 1/2” Burrs w/Burrs all the way - #6469 (15" Burrs w/15" velcro).........$40.00 Roller Burr, Long Style with 3/4” Burrs w/Burrs all the way - #6468................$40.00




• Line Pole - 23” long #45475..............................$50.00 • Head Pole - 36” long #45479..............................$53.00 • Head Pole - 38” long #45481..............................$53.00 • Head Pole - 42” long #45482..............................$47.00 Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014



Which bit do I need for my horse? We hear this question quite a bit, and there is no correct answer. It’s about like trying on shoes, you need to try a few till you find one that works for you. We’ve rated the following bits and made a few suggestions, but it all comes down to what your horse likes. 1. Gentle - known as a bit made for “comfort”.

2. Average - your average bit (snaffle, mullen, etc.).

3. Leverage - these bits are designed with lots of leverage points (Liverpools, Butterflys, etc.). Ask your trainer for help.

4. Severe - for corrective action, use carefully.

5. Very Severe - for heavy corrective action, use carefully.

6. Caution - you can cause lots of damage with this bit. Use sparingly

Liverpool Rein Settings

1. Plain or Smooth Cheek - Mildest setting. The bit is pulled back and up into the mouth and the curb chain is not engaged. 2. Rough Cheek - Allows slight curb action while the bit is pulled back in the mouth.


3. First Slot - Provides moderate curb action as well as poll pressure.


4. Second Slot or Middle Slot - Gives increased leverage! Pulls the bit down in the mouth so that the tongue and lower jaw are pinched between the mouthpiece and the curb chain. Poll pressure is also created.

3. 4.

5. Third Slot or Bottom Slot - Exerts maximum poll and curb pressure. This severe rein setting should be used only as a last resort in a crisis. It is also known as "Dead Man's Slot" because if you are in the bottom slot you have no where else to go! More training should be done.


NOTE: The tighter the curb chain, the less time your horse has to react. Loosening the chain will allow a longer response time. A well trained horse will feel the bit move before pressure is put on the chain (if chain is loose). A rule of thumb is to leave two fingers inside the chain when first adjusting, change as needed. DO NOT use a liverpool without a chain! One of the main concerns with starting a young horse is to make them want to seek the bit. Contact with the bit becomes their comfort zone. They are safe and know what to do as long as they have that contact. A severe bit destroys the relationship with the bit before it ever has a chance to get in the horse's mind. A driving horse must have a good relationship with the bit. Safe driving!

Liverpool Bit - Straight Mouth

Liverpool Bit - Snaffle Mouth Leverage

Stainless Steel - Sides with Round Holes

Stainless Steel - Sides with Slots


(round holes are for lines with snaps)

4-1/2” #25773 $34.00 5” #25775 $34.00 5-1/2” #25777 $34.00 6” #25778 $34.00 6-1/2” #25779 $34.00

4-1/2” #25754 $37.00 5” #25755 $37.00 5-1/2” #25756 $37.00 6” #25757 $37.00 6-1/2” #25758 $37.00

4-1/2" and 5" have 2 slots, 5-1/2" to 6-1/2" have 3 slots

Liverpool Bit - Snaffle Mouth - 5” Stainless Steel (not shown) Stainless Steel - Sides with Round Holes

#25780 - 5" #25781 - 5-1/2

Liverpool Bit - Mullen Mouth

4-1/2” Stainless Steel - Slotted Cheek #25792 $23.00 5” Stainless Steel #25793 $23.00 5-1/2” Stainless Steel #25794 $23.00

Liverpool Bit - Straight Mouth 2 slots


Stainless Steel - Sides with Slots 4-1/2” #25763 $29.00 5” #25765 $29.00 5-1/2” #25767 $29.00 6” #25768 $29.00 6-1/2” #25769 $29.00 4-1/2" and 5" have 2 slots, 5-1/2" to 6-1/2" have 3 slots

Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014

$34.00 $34.00

4-1/2” Stainless Steel 5” Stainless Steel 5-1/2” Stainless Steel 6” Stainless Steel 6-1/2” Stainless Steel

#25239 #25240 #25242 #25246 #25248

$40.00 $40.00 $40.00 $40.00 $40.00

With 2 Loops plus Ring

Apple scented

#25254 #25256 #25259 #25261

5” Snaffle Gentle

5".................#59700...............$44.00 4-1/2"...........#59701...............$44.00

5” Mullen



5".................#59708...............$43.00 4-1/2"...........#59709...............$43.00

6-Ring Norton Bit


An old favorite, now with a safety bar. Stainless steel. 5" has safety bar, other sizes do not.

5”............ #25408........... $30.00 Often used with nose band #2145 (below)


With 2 Loops plus Ring


Stainless steel. Average

Snaffle Bit $30.00 $30.00 $30.00 $30.00

Rubber Bits with S/S Bar Inside


Snaffle Gentle


Butterfly French Link Snaffle Bit w/Copper Link

5” Stainless Steel 5-1/2” Stainless Steel 6” Stainless Steel 6-1/2” Stainless Steel

Happy Mouth Bits The Original!


Butterfly Bit with Low Port

Noseband For 6-Ring Norton Bit (above) #2145............................. $18.00

Butterfly Bit - Mullen Mouth 5” Stainless Steel 5-1/2” Stainless Steel 6” Stainless Steel 6-1/2” Stainless Steel

#25268 #25270 #25275 #25278

$35.00 $35.00 $35.00 $35.00

With 2 Loops plus Ring

3-1/2” 3-1/2” Nickel 3-3/4” 4” 4-1/4” 4-1/4” Nickel 4-1/2” 4-3/4” 5”

#22237 $14.50 #22236 $6.50 #25551 $14.50 #25552 $16.50 #25553 $16.00 #25227 $9.50 #25554 $16.50 #25555 $14.50 #25556-S $19.00

Half Cheek Snaffle Bit - Heavy Butterfly Snaffle Bit 4-1/2” Stainless Steel 5” Stainless Steel 5-1/2” Stainless Steel 6” Stainless Steel 6-1/2” Stainless Steel With 2 Loops plus Ring

#25784 #25785 #25787 #25788 #25789

$35.00 $35.00 $35.00 $35.00 $35.00

5” Stainless Steel 5-1/2” Stainless Steel

Kimberwick Snaffle Bit

#25559 #25560


Ring Snaffle Bit 3-1/2” Nickel - Mini 4-1/4” Nickel - Pony 5” Nickel 5” Stainless Steel 6” Nickel 6” Stainless Steel

#22240 #22241 #25228 #25238 #25561 #25557

$3.75 $9.00 $7.00 $11.00 $5.00 $14.50


$20.00 $22.00

Half Cheek Mullen Mouth 3-1/2” Nickel 4-1/4” Nickel 5” Stainless Steel-S

#22235 #25225 #52252


$9.50 $10.50 $19.00

3-1/2" and 4-1/4" do not have the safety bar.

Stainless Steel with 2-1/2" Dees

5”....#25592...$41.00 Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014



Dr Bristol Bit

Elbow Bit

Stainless steel.

6-1/2 #25538.....$42.00


5”........... #38545................$26.00

Pelham Snaffle Bit

Twisted Wire Snaffle Bit Stainless steel.


Double Twisted Wire Snaffle Bit

3-1/2” Stainless Steel #25580.....................$41.00

Very Severe

Over Check Bit

Stainless steel.

Stainless Steel


Marble Bit Average

6”............. #25585............... $23.00

3-1/2” #25539 $8.00 4-1/2” #25541 $7.00 4-3/4” #25542 $7.00 5” #25573 $7.00 6” #25546 $7.00

Bit Guards, Black

#25590............... $2.75/pr.

Bit Wrap

3” x 36” #25588.....................$7.50

Adjustable Chin Strap with Gullet Strap Sewn In #6531.......................$14.50

Curb Strap


Curb Chain


Curb Hooks

Berry Bit

Burch Bit

Stainless steel.

Stainless steel.



Beta Bit

#25700............ $2.00/pr.

Lolling Bit For the horse that sticks out his tongue.

Over Check Bits - Show Style

A lot of people have good results using this bit on pullers, colts,and horses with tender mouths. Stainless steel rings.

6” Stainless Steel..........#28300..........$10.00




Crit Davis Bit

Stainless steel.

Jic Bit

Use with #2145 nose

Stainless steel. Very Severe


5”........... #25400...........$21.00

Need a Certain Bit? Give us a call, we may be able to get them for you!

McKeron Bit

Stainless steel.

Mule Bit

6" Nickel Plated #79001................. $15.00 34


Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014


Bitless Bridle Kit For a horse that doesn't like a bit in the mouth. If you go to hitch up and the horse is chomping angrily on the bit with saliva going all over the place, then I would try this! Designed by Dr. Robert Cook, these bitless kits get used with your existing bridle. Basic instruction manual is included. #21275......$57.00 We also rent these out for a "trial" run......$10.00/month (additional $10.00 cleaning fee if not returned clean) *Riding Model Shown

By Horsemen, For Horsemen







Item #



3-piece Snaffle


Low Barrel Roller, Comfort Snaffle


Waterford, 5" Bowman


Smooth, 4-ring, 5"


Twisted, 4-ring, 5"


Springsteen Controller


Mohawk Overcheck w/loose rings, SS 5" #25589

Price Gentle








Very Severe Very Severe

$71.00 $184.00 $38.00

*Springsteen Controller Bits - Please note that the Springsteen Bits are a little smaller than the actual size that is on the tag. Example is, a 5" bit measures 4-5/8" in-between the rings. The reason that they are built this way is because people were having issues with horse's mouths becoming sore. Because of this they (Bowman Bits) started making the bits a little smaller. Their experience is that if you are using a 5" (other bit), you will need a 4-5/8" Springsteen bit. Note: Their tag says 5" but actual measurement is closer to 4-5/8". Springsteen Bits need to be snug to work correctly.

For any other Bowman Bit, just ask. We can have it shipped directly to you. Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014



Padded Harness

The best harness for show and marathon! The saddle is a one piece with rolled padding the full length of the saddle and with a wide gullet opening at the top. The saddle has a firm tree in it. Closed shaft loops are standard. Breast Collars are average V-shaped with rounded ends. Girths have rolled padding and buckle wear plates. Traces are slotted and have wear plates at the holes in the front. Included is a false martingale with a teardrop. No bits or side checks unless requested. Bridle blinds come in a dull matte finish and are round with a deep shaped cup. Mini Blinds are a standard with a patent finish. Strap sizes will vary with the size of harness. Draft size harness comes with a ring in the turnback and 1" neck and hip and 1-1/2" tug bearers. For more details please ask your sales rep. Harnesses with brass hardware, all russet, or neoprene padding: allow 4 weeks to manufacture. For Russet or Brass on any Harness, add 20%. DRAFT XLARGE/HORSE/COB PONY


Single w/Buckle in Breast Collar

#4145 each





Single w/Stainless Steel Hames and Short Tug

#4146 each





Pair w/Short Tug Breast Collars

#4147 pair





Pair w/Long Tug Breast Collars

#4148 pair





Pair w/Stainless Steel Hames and Short Tug

#4149 pair

$2,530.00 $2,320.00

$1,980.00 $1,640.00

Pair w/Stainless Steel Hames and Long Tug

#4150 pair

$2,595.00 $2,350.00

$1,970.00 $1,780.00

4 In Hand w/Long Tug Breast Collars

4 In Hand w/Stainless Steel Hames and Long Tug

Notice: Handmade Biothane Keepers are now standard on all harnesses. No more cracked Keepers! 36

#4151 pair #4152 pair

$5,210.00 $4,890.00

$4,640.00 $4,490.00

$4,095.00 $3,740.00



Order form starting on page 39

Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014

Easy to Clean, just use soap and water! Lightweight It’s Comfortable Very Durable All Stainless Steel Hardware Custom Made to your Specifications!


Why should I buy this Harness?

 Made in the USA!!

Padded Model

Recommended foranyone interested in the comfort of the horse Advanced/Competition Level Harness

Pleasure Model

Recommended forBeginners/Entry Level Harness Basic Harness

Note: all of our show chain is sewed on by hand

Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014



Pleasure Harness

These harnesses are great for all occasions including some shows. All padded areas come with rolled edges such as the breast collar, breeching, belly band, hip strap and neck strap. Standard saddle comes with a stainless steel tree inside. Closed shaft loops are standard. The breast collars are straight across the front. Slotted traces are standard. The bridle comes without the bit and side check unless requested. The bridle blinds are dull matte finish and are round with a deep shaped cup. The bridle has a teardrop. False martingale with teardrop is an option on single harness, but is included on pair harnesses. For Russet or Brass on any Harness, add 20%.

Warmblood, Horse and Cob Pleasure Harness XLARGE/HORSE/COB PONY MINI Single with Continuous Breast Collar

#4101 each

$885.00 $630.00 $495.00

Single with Stainless Steel Hames with Continuous Trace

#4103 each

$930.00 $680.00 $565.00

Single with Buckle in Breast Collar

Single with Stainless Hames, Short Tug Pair with Continuous Breast Collars Pair with Short Tug Breast Collars Pair with Long Tug Breast Collars

Pair with Stainless Hames, No Buckle Pair with Stainless Hames, Short Tug Pair with Stainless Hames, Long Tug 4-Up with Long Tug Breast Collar

4-Up with Stainless Steel Hames, Long Tug

#4102 each #4104 each

$950.00 $685.00 $550.00 $980.00 $735.00 $650.00

#4105 pair

$1,970.00 $1,420.00 $1,150.00

#4107 pair

$2,160.00 $1,650.00 $1,345.00

#4106 pair #4108 pair #4109 pair #4110 pair

#4111 4up #4112 4up

$2,090.00 $1,550.00 $1,275.00 $1,950.00 $1,485.00 $1,195.00 $2,080.00 $1,510.00 $1,335.00 $2,110.00 $1,650.00 $1,370.00 $4,150.00 $3,220.00 $2,695.00 $4,050.00 $3,190.00 $2,720.00

Mini Economy This mini harness is an inexpensive lightweight harness. All padding such as crown, breast collar, breeching, belly band, hip strap and neck strap are lined with a soft lining. Hardware is stainless steel or solid brass. Saddle is flexible and has no tree. Teardrops are optional. Breast collars are straight across the front with continuous traces. Snaffle Bit and side checks are included. Bridle blinds come in a patent finish and are round shaped. False Martingale is an option on single harness, but is included with pair harness. For Russet or Brass on any Harness, add 20%. Single Breast Collar Style

Single with Black Hames

Single with SS Hames

Pair Breast Collars with Continuous Traces

Pair Harness with Black Hames and Continuous Traces

Pair Harness with Black Hames w/Balls and Continuous Traces

Pair Harness with SS Hames 38


$470.00 ea.







$505.00 ea.

$540.00 ea.

$1,070.00 pr.

$1,080.00 pr.

$1,195.00 pr.

$1,150.00 pr.

Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014


Bio Thane Harness In Shiny or Matte Bio

435 Churchtown Road, Honey Brook, PA 19344 Phone: 610-273-7370 (12 to 1:00 pm) • Fax: 412-504-6014 • Email: sales@yonies.com website: www.yonies.com Measuring Chart for:

Beta Biothane Harnesses Name__________________________ Farm___________________________ Address________________________ _______________________________ Home phone___________________ Cell phone_____________________

When measuring your horse for a harness, it is easier to use a piece of string or rope to obtain the dimension and then measure that string with your tape measure. If using a tape measure it is best to use a soft tape measure for best results. Measure each area twice to make sure you are correct.


Name of Horse/Pony ________________________________


Breed ___________________

Height __________________

A. Poll: Measuring from the corner of mouth over the poll back to the corner of mouth on the other side.



B. Browband: We measure our browbands from tip to tip. The best way to do this is to have a 1” wide halter on your horse, have the halter back a 3/4” from the ear. Now take your measurement including the halter on each side.



C. Noseband: Position your tape measure or string 1 to 1.5 inches below the cheek­bone and measure all the way around the nose.



D. Breastplate for Single: Measuring from the back side of the shoulder (elbow area) across the chest to the back side of the elbow area (or 3 inches in front of saddle skirt).



E. Breastplate for Pair: The best way to get this measurement is to put a saddle and bellyband on the horse, and then measure from the center of the saddle around the front of the horse, to the center of the saddle.



________________ ________________

________________ ________________

H. Girth where saddle sits: Position the tape behind the wither and measure all the way around the ________________ girth (Staying about 3” behind the elbow of the horses shoulder).


F. Full collar, if applicable: Length ______ Width ______ G. Traces: Slot end _______ Dee end _______ Overall Length _______

I. Turnback: Here it works best to have a saddle on your horse. If you measure without the saddle it may not be as accurate. Your measurement should be from the back of the saddle to the base of ________________ the tail.


J. Hip Strap: Measuring from the top of the breeching across the rump to the top of the breeching



K. Breeching: Measuring from the flank Line around the back of the horse to the flank Line on the other side. Dees should come front past the flank line about 1inch. (See above Drawing)



 

Overall measurement from tip to tip is what we use.

Overall measurement from tip to tip is what we use.

Add 11-1/2” to working hole to working hole measurement for overall length

Add to Working hole to working hole measurement for overall length 1-1/2” traces add 14-1/2”, 1” traces add 13-1/2”

Optional advanced order form starting on the next page. Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014



New Harness Order Form for Our Padded Marathon Harness Yonie’s Harness Shop 435 Churchtown Rd. Honey Brook, Pa. 17344 Phone: 610-273-7370 Fax: 412-504-6014

Date Ordered _____/_____/_____

Name_________________________________________________ Name if drop shipping__________________________________ Address_______________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

web: www.carriagedriving.yonies.com email: sales@yonies.com Harness Type: ____Single ____Pair

Phone_________________________________________________ Email_________________________________________________

____Tandem ____4-in-Hand

Harness Color: ____Black ____2-Tone ____Russet+15% Hardware: ____Stainless Steel ____Brass+15% ____Russet w/Brass+15%

Crown - Straight without Ring is Standard

Do you have a show corning up soon that you would like to use your new Harness? If so, what date would you need your Harness by? ________________ Please realize that at times we are busier than other times and might not always be able to be on time but we are willing to try!

#4007 Straight

Options: ____ Shaped

#4010 Shaped

____ Padded Shaped

____ With Ring for side check or Roger Rings to go tandem

Rosettes Plain - Standard


____ Rope Edge

____Heart Shaped

____Wheat Edge


____Texas Star

Rope Edge

Wheat Edge

Heart Shaped

Texas Star

Brow Band - rolled is Standard Options:

____ Show Chain — fill in item # ____

#4115-Standard on Harness


#4095 small

#4095 large

Teardrop - plain is Standard Options:

____ Patent Look - Any ornament installed - see Catalog for item # ____


Texas Star










See page 14 for more options and prices

Blinds w/Winker - Deep Dull is Standard except for Mini Size which has a Patent Finish 40


____ Patent Look

____ KCB Blinds

____ Open Cheeks

Any ornament installed (see above) See Catalog for item # ____

KCB Blinds Open Cheek Pc

Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014


____ Double Buckle Style w/o gullet

____ Double Buckle Noseband Back Style w/Sewed-in Gullet w/o Ring ____ Double Buckle Noseband Back Style w/Sewed-in Gullet w/Ring

Single Buckle Noseband is our Standard

Double Buckle Noseband Front

Double Buckle Nose w/o Gullet

Gullet Strap: Gullet Straps are not included in our Standard Harness Package


____ Gullet Strap that slips over Throat Latch and Noseband ____ Double Buckle Nose Back w/Gullet Strap Sewn In

Double Buckle Nose w/Sewed-in Gullet w/Ring

Gullet Strap that slips over the Throat Latch and the Noseband

____ Would you like a ring in your Gullet Strap to snap your

lead into?

Check - Standard is without a Sidecheck or Overcheck Options:

____ Sidecheck


____ Overcheck

Breast Collar - Average V is Standard on all Padded Harness

Options: ____ Super V ____ w/Adjustable Line of Draft ____ w/o Adjustable Line of Draft ____ w/Patent Look

____ Special Super V

____Show Hames ____Buggy Hames ____w/Loose Terret on Hames ____w/Fixed Terret on Hames Super V with adaptable line of draft

Ave V -— standard on all padded harness

Super V with ends turned down

Neck Strap - Fixed Terrets is standard on Harnesses Options:

____ With Nylon Loop & Dees for Pair

____ With Floppy Terrets

____ With Sliding Terrets

____ With Adjustable Terrets

____ With Conway Terrets

With Nylon Loop and Dee

With Sliding Terrets

Stainless Steel w/Swivel Terrets

Special V

Fixed Terrets (Standard)

With Adjustable Terrets

With Floppy Terrets

With Conway Terrets

Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014



Nose Band - Single Buckle Style Rolled is Standard


Traces - Wears at Holes and 2 Slots at Back is Standard Options:

____ Dee End w/Tab

____ Roller Bolt Style

____ Without Wears at Holes

Dee w/Tab 3-Way

Slot End is Standard on all Harnesses

Without Wears at Holes

With Wear Plate is Standard on Harness

False Martingale with Tear Drop - Standard on all Padded Harnesses Options:

____ Patent Look on Teardrop ____ Ornament - for photos see page 14

Saddle Options:

____ Sliding Back Band Saddle

____ Road Plus Saddle

____ Patent on Long Punchout

____ Patent on Short Punchout

Our Standard Padded Saddle that goes with our Padded Harness

Road Plus Saddle Not Available in Draft Size

Shaft Loops - Closed is Standard Options:

____ QR Style

Closed Shaftloop

____ French Tugs

____ Marathon Wraps

____ Closed without Billet to go with Wrap Strap QR Style

French Tugs

Marathon Wraps

Closed without Billets to go with Wrap Strap

Girths - Belly Band - Padded Options:

____ Elastic w/Wears

Padded Belly Band - Standard on our Padded Harness

____ Elastic w/o Wears

____ Wrap Strap on Bellyband to go around Shafts Wrap Strap to go on the Girth and Wrap Around the Shafts

Elastic w/Wears

Elastic w/o Wears 42

Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014


Turn Backs Options:

____ QR Style This Snap is great for a quick release for on your Turn Back

____ with Panic Snap Our Standard Turn Back

QR Turn Back

Hip Strap w/Dees is Standard on all Harnesses

Breechings w/Double Uptugs is Standard

Hold Backs Option:

____ With Trigger Snaps

Cruppers - Synthetic is Standard on all Harness

Foam on Synthetic Crupper

Options: ____ Leather

____ Fat Leather

____Foam on Synthetic Crupper


Synthetic Crupper is Standard on our Harness

Lines, All Brown - Beta w/Buckle in Hand is Average Options: ____ Swivel instead of Buckle in Hand

____ With Pinky Loop

____With Stops

____With Rubber Gripper Webbing

____With Bumpy Rein Grip

____With Smooth Rein Grip

____With Braids

____With Lace

____With Cotton

____With Leather

____All Leather Lines

With Buckle in Hand. Standard on all Harness

____ Brow

____ Breast Collar

Swivel instead of Buckle in Hand

With Stops

With Braids

With Cotton With Smooth Rein Grip

Color Trim Inlay - 17 colors to choose from


With Lace

With Rubber Gripper Webbing With Pinky Loop


____ Nose

With Bumpy Rein Grip

With Leather



____ Saddle

____ Breeching


Kelly Green

Dark Royal Blue



Royal Blue


Lime Green








Visit our website at: www.carriagedriving.yonies.com Please call if questions or to discuss options. Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014



The ADS has come out with some interesting videos that we think everyone would enjoy.

Harness Fit & Adjustment by ADS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8t4KagTs0Es&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR1T nxbV5NUclVOz8-oPnpC0_Wx5PSkiFq9thhYBXcTIj96D36gj8xVRqYk How to put on a single Marathon Harness by ADS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-I0EpGhVPw Difference between Yonies Pleasure and Padded harnesses: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HoUmn5jlv3Y&t

Showing padded harness: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4GiLlRoE0k&t

Showing the reinforcement on the breastcollars: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dMoGROuiVg

To view all the above links please go to www.cde.yonies.com and click on the links for the More Info tab and select the videos that you would like to view.

To view all the above links Please go to Rainhook www.cde.yonies.com or water hook For more Connector Strap and select the video’s and clickDrawings on the links for more info tab Terret for reins & Information, go to ➡ to go through that you would like to view. Forms.Yonies.com

Brake Strap

turnback ➡ Ring where fastens to

➡ Saddle

Terrets on the neck strap to run the reins through

Ring to fasten the false martingale to


Dee to fasten the pole strap to

➡ Neck strap

Lontug breast collar

Belly band includes the overgirth

➡ Ring to fasten martingale to ➡ Overgirth strap, included in the bellyband price

Tugbears, they are used to carry the shaftloops or to fasten the uptugs of the longtug breast collar to

Where the longtug or the

saddle and shaftloops ➡ buckle into the bellyband

Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014




Padded..........#4114........DR - $250.00........ HO - $234.00........PO - $204.00........ MI - $168.00 #4114

Pleasure.........#4100........DR - $232.00........ HO - $222.00........PO - $186.00........ MI - $148.00 Mini Economy....................... #3190.................$164.00

For Bits see pages 32-35 Bridle Parts Straight Crown With Ring — to use with Side Checks - #4008 DR - $30.00...............HO - $29.00.............. PO - $27.00.............. MI - $26.00 Pony and Mini w/#12 buckle Straight Crown Without Ring - #4007 DR - $30.00...............HO - $29.00.............. PO - $27.00.............. MI - $26.00 Mini Economy without loops - #4006...........................................$17.00 For Rosettes, please see page 14

Blinds With Winker

Deep Blinds With a Matte Finish. Leather Blinds with Biothane Straps. Patent Finish available for an additional 20% Mini size is in a synthetic patent as a standard. For matte finish on a Mini, there is an additional fee of $25.00

#4002 DR - $194.00.......... HO - $182.00...........PO - $148.00......... MI - $106.00

Hanger Straps #4012 - $9.30 pr. Blinds Kan’t C Back Style With Winker #3998 Horse, Cob and Pony $248.00

Sizes: DR, XL, HO, CO, PO, MA

Crown - Shaped Without Rings for Side Checks - #4010 HO - $45.00.........PO - $38.00.......... MI - $37.00

Teardrop - #4019

HO - $8.00 PO/MI - $8.00

Throat Latch #4022 DR - $10.50.................HO - $10.00..............PO - $10.00.............. MI - $9.00 Pony and Mini with #12 buckle Pony & Mini w/#121 buckle - #4023................................................$7.50 Gullet Strap To connect your throat latch to your nose band to help keep your bridle on! Also includes a ring to snap your lead on to.

#4193................. HO - $10.00.................PO - $10.00.................MI - $9.50


This price is Blinds & Winker only, Not a Complete Bridle.

Crown - Shaped With Rings for Side Checks - #4009 HO - $45.00 PO - $38.00 MI - $28.00 Sizes: DR, XL, HO, CO, PO, MA

Crown - Padded Shaped Without Ring for Side Checks - #4730 X.L./HO/CO - $71.00.......................... PO - $65.00........................ MI - $64.00 Crown - Padded Shaped With Ring for Side Checks - #4731 X.L./HO/CO - $71.00.......................... PO - $65.00........................ MI - $64.00


Open Cheeks #4185 - (per pair) HO - $35.00..............PO - $33.00............. MI - $30.00 Side Check with Gag Runners

#4017 HO - $70.00............... PO - $56.00............... MI - $53.00

Mini Pleasure Style w/o Gag Runners - Goes through loops in the crown #3113...........................................................................................$26.00 #4018 Sidecheck - Chain Style ....................................... HO - $114.00

Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014




Pleasure Brow Bands With Black and Brown Trim only. Lined with a soft Beta material. #4005 Any Size............ $17.50 each

Black Front with Colored Back - Lined with a soft Beta material. MTO #4004 (each) DR, HO ....................................$22.00 PO, MI..................................... $18.50

Brow Band with color padding +20%. No custom fee if buying 3 or more identical pieces

Rolled Padding With Weaver Chain #4116 (each) DR $76.00 HO $65.00 PO $63.00 MI $60.00

#4115 (each) DR $36.00 HO $27.00 PO $26.00 MI $24.00 With Rhinestone Spots

small crystals

Specify large or small crystals

#4095 (each) X.L./HO/CO (lg crystals) $54.00 X.L./HO/CO (sm crystals) $61.00 Crystal Colors:








With Pyramid Chain (#C99) #4143 (each) HO $69.00 PO $65.00 MI $63.00 With Canada Chain (#H355) #4144 (each) HO $60.00 PO $56.00 MI $54.00 46

large crystals





With Nickel Plated Ring Style Show Chain #4142 (each) HO $85.00 PO $84.00 MI $82.00



With Round Spots #4305 $44.00 With Hex Spots #4113 $46.00 With Lacing #4303 (each) DR HO PO MI

Hand Braided Lacing (takes a lot of time!)

$80.00 $80.00 $80.00 $80.00

Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014


Single Buckle Nose Bands Padded Style


Nose Bands All are available in Black or Two-Toned


All Hames are available in Kidney Link Style for no additional charge. For bending any driving hame, add $40.00 per pair

#4118 DR - $36.00............. HO - $29.00............ PO - $28.00.......... MI - $26.00 Double Buckle Nose Bands Padded

Front Part - #5020 DR - $28.00.....................HO - $24.00 Back Part - XL, Horse, or Cob #5023........................................$22.00

Stainless Steel with Swivel Terrets 21"...................#95835........ $82.00 pr. Solid Terrets also available. Solid Brass Hames Loose Terret w/ 2 Hole Clips #95840........................................................................... $122.00 pr. Stainless Steel Show Style, Loose Terret (includes bending fee) #95830........................................................................... $192.00 pr.

Other sizes also available Double Buckle Padded Style with sewn-in Gullet Strap With Ring (shown) XL, Horse, or Cob #5031...............$37.00 Without Ring (not shown) XL, Horse, or Cob #5030...............$33.00 Other sizes also available

Pleasure Style Nose Bands (not padded) Single Buckle Style #4011......HO - $22.00....... PO - $16.50......MI (w/#121 buckle) - $10.50 Mini w/#12 buckle...................................... #3303.....................$16.50 With Colored Trim #4013............ DR - $25.00............HO - $23.00 Double Buckle Style (not padded) Front Part - XL, Horse, or Cob.......................#5019....................$14.00 Back Part - XL, Horse, or Cob ........................#5022.....................$15.00

#95834 Hames with 4076 Short Tug installed

Hame Strap Horse................................#4053.....................................$12.50 ea. Kidney Links V Style............................ #95431...........................................$17.90 Show Style..................... #96432...........................................$22.00 Long Tugs for Hames #4075 (per pair) HO - $158.00...... PO - $138.00......MI - $126.00

Crank Style Nose Bands (not padded) #4195......... XL, Horse, or Cob..........$28.00 Nose Band Hangar Straps - All Sizes $9.50 #4012 - DR, HO, PO, MI DR=DRAFT

Short Tugs for Hames #4076 (per pair) HO - $76.00..........PO - $67.00........MI - $54.00




Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014



Breast Collars

*Note: No Neck Straps are included in Breast Collar Prices.


Average V Padded photo of item #4143

Standard on our Padded Harnesses DR=DRAFT

XL, Horse and Cob Size Breast Collars Single Adjustable Ave V Shaped Short Tug Ave V Shaped Long Tug Ave V Shaped


#4123 #4124 #4125


DR - $210.00 DR - $236.00 DR - $340.00


HO - $186.00 HO - $208.00 HO - $290.00

PO - $172.00 PO - $198.00 PO - $290.00

MI - $152.00 MI - $186.00 MI - $248.00

Pleasure photo of item #4031

Standard on our Pleasure Harnesses DR=DRAFT


XL, Horse and Cob Size Breast Collars Continuous, 3 Slots per Side #4030 Adjustable, for Single #4031 Long Tug #4032 Short Tug #4033 With Continuous Traces for Pair Harness #4034 Mini Economy Breast Collars* Single, Continuous, Traces have 3 Slots in Back Pair, Continuous, Traces have 3 Slots in Back


HO - $164.00 HO - $150.00 HO - $280.00 HO - $168.00 HO - $194.00


PO - $124.00 PO - $116.00 PO - $246.00 PO - $150.00 PO - $148.00

MI - $63.00 MI - $98.00 MI - $224.00 MI - $138.00 MI - $98.00

#3123 #3155

$77.00 $99.00

Quick Release Hardware Built on Any Size or Style Breast Collar Available with ring for adjustable line of draft, on super V Breastcollars only.

shown apart 48

Add $50.00 to the Harness or Breast Collar Price.

shown together (ready to drive)

Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014



Single #4160 DR - $270.00 Short-Tug #4161 DR - $290.00 Long-Tug #4162 DR - $405.00 Special V #4165 DR - $290.00

HO - $238.00 HO - $265.00 HO - $370.00 HO - $270.00

All Super V Breasts (except Long Tug) come with adjustable line of draft unless specified otherwise



PO - $222.00 PO - $255.00 PO - $315.00 PO - $250.00

MI - $202.00 MI - $228.00 MI - $295.00 MI - $230.00

For Pads to fit these Super V Breast Collars, ask for details.

Sgl Breast Collar


Draft XL Horse Cob Pony Mini B Mini A

52" 48" 44" 40" 36" 32" 28"

Buckle width

1-1/2" 1-1/2" 1-1/2" 1-1/2" 1-1/4" 1" 1"

Super V with adaptable line of draft Special V (black only)

Super V with ends turned down

Single Breast Collar

Breast Collar (shaped) For Single

Terret on Neck Strap

Short Tug Breast Collar

Connector Strap

Brake Strap

Neck Strap

Shown in average V Padded Style. Designed for use with one horse only. Made with Biothane and padded with a 3/8” thick felt that is wrapped with synthetic leather for a great feel and a comfortable horse. Works with buckle in traces and any type of carriage or cart. Our breast collars are priced breast collar only (no neck straps).

Long Tug (Hungarian-style) Breast Collar

Neck Strap

Breast Collar (short tug) For Pair or Single

Shown in average V Padded Style. Just the same as the Single Breast Collar with the addition of 2 heavy dees in the front to run the brake strap through when driving a pair of horses. Best for a horse that you enjoy driving single or in a pair!

Brake Strap

Neck Strap

Breast Collar (long tug) For Pair It buckles into the saddle

Shown in Super V Padded Style. For pairs only. This style is long enough to buckle into the saddle and girth eliminating the need for shaft loops (or trace carriers with pairs). Popular in marathon and combined driving events.

Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014



This Breast Collar has an extra deep V shape designed so the horse can move more freely - and breath more easily. No more pressure on the wind pipe! The buckle is attached to a Ring which allows it to pivot to any degree of draft. Soft padding with rolled edges and more comfort for your animal. A must for all marathon occasions. Pricing is for breast collars only. Neckstraps not included.



Brow Band , padded w/Trim Nose Band, padded w/Trim Breast Collar, Ave V, padded w/Trim Breast Collar, Super V, padded w/Trim Breeching, padded w/Trim Saddle, padded w/Trim Horse size prices shown

#4115 - color #4118 - color #4123 - color #4160 - color #4128 - color #4131 - color

$48.00 $54.00 $236.00 $290.00 $152.00 $350.00

Euro Collars Short Tug Shown in Horse size

Items With Colored Trim


Single #4170


$375.00 $380.00 $335.00 $275.00

Short-Tug #4171 $445.00 $425.00 $380.00 $325.00 Long-Tug #4172 $665.00 $565.00 $540.00 $515.00

Breast Collar w/Road Plus Colored Edge Trim

Euro Collar (top part only) #4169 $50.00

See page 62 for color options

Super V w/Bio Trim

Neck Straps Single #4080 Mini Economy #3138 - $11.50 Team w/Loop for Brakestrap #4081 Mini Economy #3165 - $15.00 Brakestrap #4082




$54.00 $39.00 $33.00 $27.00


Neck Strap Bridge with Show Chain (extra) #4216.....$63.00

$60.00 $43.00 $35.00 $29.00 #4082

$30.00 $30.00 $17.00 $16.00

Neck Strap Options

Neck Strap

An adjustable Terret for neck straps

The ring can be up or down, the conway can be adjusted up or down, which gives a large amount of adjustment.

Terret, adj. style Terret, adj. style Terret, adj. style


1/2” conway 5/8” conway 3/4” conway

1-1/4” ring 1-1/4” ring 1-1/2” ring

#51121 $14.50 each #51122 $15.00 each #51123 $20.00 each

52" 3/4" or 1" 48" 3/4" 44" 3/4" 40" 3/4" 38" 5/8" 36" 1/2" 32" 1/2"

False Martingales

With Floppy Terrets - #4208 (pr style) XL, Horse, or Cob.................. $99.00

1" wide with Teardrop (for breast collars) #4049 DR - $31.00 HO - $31.00 1" wide with Teardrop (for collars) DR - $32.00 HO - $32.00 #4050 3/4" wide with Teardrop (for breast collars) HO - $28.00 PO - $26.00 MI - $26.00 #4048 3/4" wide with Teardrop (for collars) HO - $29.00 PO - $29.00 MI - $29.00 #4052

With Adjustable Terrets - #4218 XL, Horse, or Cob.................. $61.00 #4218 DR=DRAFT


Buckle width

With Floppy Terrets - #4127 (sgl) XL, Horse, or Cob.................. $78.00

With Sliding Terrets - #4209 XL, Horse, or Cob.................. $50.00


Draft XL Horse Cob Pony Mini B Mini A





Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014

Saddle Sizes

Width of saddle varies on DR model/size. Billets are approx. 1" on each side XL (measuring from end of saddle to HO longest hole, appro.10" overall). Billet widths 1-1/4", 1", or 3/4". CO PO Other sizes available Mini B by request. Mini A

#4131 DR 5" with 1-1/4" Billets........$355.00 5" with 1" Billets...............$355.00 HO 4", with 1" Billets...............$275.00 PO 3", with 1" Billets...............$295.00 2-1/2", with 3/4" Billets....$260.00 MI 2-1/2", with 3/4" Billets....$244.00

DR.......... (with 1" & 1-1/4" Buckles) HO......................... (with 1" Buckles) PO.............(with 1" or 3/4" Buckles) MI........................(with 3/4" Buckles)


Standard Buckle widths are underlined.

Treeless Saddles Treeless Saddles have more "flex" to them, designed for that horse with the flat back. #4130 - HO...............................4", with 1" Billets....................$285.00 #5058 - MI...................2-1/2", with 3/4" Billets....................$190.00


52" 1-1/4" 48" 1" 44" 1" 40" 1" 36" 3/4" or 1" 32" 3/4" 28" 3/4"

DR (1-1/4" buckle)...........$64.00 HO (1" buckle).................$58.00 MI (3/4" buckle)..............$48.00

All Elastic with Wear Plates and Dees - #4029

Pleasure Style - has rolled edge #4025

DR (1-1/4" buckle)......$65.00 HO (1" buckle)..............$55.00 MI (3/4" buckle)...........$33.00 DR (1-1/4" buckle)....$95.00

Padded Girths #4120

HO (1" buckle)..........$72.00 PO (3/4" buckle)......$65.00

Saddle with Sliding Tugbearers #4138 - HO................................4", with 1" Billets....................$325.00 Treeless Saddles with Sliding Tugbearers #5059 - MI...................... 2-3/4", with 3/4" Billets....................$192.00


MI (3/4" buckle)......$65.00 DR (1-1/4" buckle)......... $16.00 HO (1" buckle)............... $14.00 MI (3/4" buckle)............ $10.00

Over Girths - #4026

Deluxe Road Saddle - Marathon version (Marathon version has Deluxe Billets)

Deep"gulley" for horses with high spine. Your choice of colors for edges. #4177 HO.........$420.00 PO.........$420.00 MI..........$420.00 Pleasure Style HO - (4" with 1" Billets) PO - (2-1/2" with 3/4" Billets) MI - (2-1/2" with 3/4" Billets)

#4086 DR - $250.00..........HO - $224.00 PO - $116.00.........MI - $100.00


Sizing: Girths (Buckle tip to tip) DR

XL Custom sizes/ HO widths available CO PO Note: Overgirths Mini B are same size Mini A


Buckle width

32" 1" or 1-1/4" (specify) 28" 1" 24" 1" 19" 1" 17" 1" or 1-1/4" (specify) use pony use pony 14" 3/4"

Saddles Mini Economy Saddle - #3140 Flex Gig Style, with 3/4" Billets........................................... $86.00 Mini Economy Belly Band - #3120.................................. $25.00 Replacement Parts Skirts Per Piece Horse Size...................................#4236...............................$39.00 Tug Bearers Replacement Parts Horse Size 1"..........................#4234.......................$41.00 pr. Pony Size 3/4"........................#4234.......................$44.00 pr.

Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014



Saddles - Padded


Shaft Loops Quick Releases - #4240 per pair

Closed Shaft Loops - #4133 per pair

Draft (heat sealed holes) 1-1/2” SS.............................$142.00

XL, Horse or Cob 1”.................................$74.00

(RF welded holes for durability)

Draft (heat sealed holes) 1-1/4” SS................................$81.00

Pony/Mini 3/4”.............................$61.00

XL, Horse or Cob (RF welded holes) 1" SS......................................$83.00

(RF welded holes for durability)

French Tugs #4242 per pair DR (1-1/4").........$360.00 HO (1")................$160.00 PO (3/4").............$156.00

Pony/Mini (RF welded holes) 3/4" SS...................................$63.00

Pleasure Style

Thimbles #3418 Mini size...... $58.00

Made a little more on the economical side.

Horse Size with 1" Straps - #4090 DR (with 1-1/4” straps).......... $56.00 HO..........................................$77.00


Closed Shaft Loops Without Billets #4243 HO (1") ................................. $35.00 MI/PO (3/4")......................... $22.00

 Personalize your items... Embroidery can be added.

Marathon Wraps - #4245 per pair

HO - $44.00....................................PO/MI - $37.00 Economy Quick Release Shaft Loops #4241 DR (1-1/2") .....................$122.00 DR (1-1/4") .......................$61.00

Wrap Strap to go with Shaft Loops without Billets #4244 HO - $30.00...................................PO/MI - $23.00

HO (1") .............................$41.00 MI/PO (3/4").....................$32.00





Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014

Draft Turn Back with Ring with Hip Straps Sewn in #4299..................DR - $97.00



Rein Guides To put on Turn Back to pass reins thru

#4215.......HO - $11.50........PO - $8.50........MI - $8.50 Hook Style #12850...................$9.00 pr. Stainless steel. Slides onto a 3/4” wide hip strap.

Cruppers Our Shaped Synthetic Crupper #4045..........HO - $24.00........PO/MI - $24.00 #4099...........XL/HO/CO - $35.00.............PO - $25.00............. MI - $22.00

Take a Look Here! A Turn Back with a Quick Release for safety issues #4298....................................Any size available.................................$51.00

Designed by John Porter...Thank You John!

Double Hipstrap

Pony/Mini Pleasure.......... #4046......... $20.00 Leather Crupper, Hand Stitched Keepers Horse & Cob.................#82168............ $94.00 We call this our fat Leather Crupper

Leather Crupper, Hand Stitched Keepers Horse & Cob.................#82169............ $66.00 Pony & Mini.................#82167............ $66.00 Crupper Cover made out of foam...........#4204........$11.00 A nice, soft cover. Easy to clean, easy to replace. Just slip it off and put a new one on. Crupper not included.

With Dees - standard on padded harness #4054...............HO - $43.00.............PO - $38.00...........MI - $33.00 Without Dees - standard on pleasure harness #4055................................ PO - $28.00...........................MI - $24.00 Mini Economy Hipstrap - #3130............................................. $12.50

Stiff Tail Crupper #4043.....................................................$65.00


Want to give something but don't know where to start? We offer Gift Certificates...any $$ amount! Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014



Trace Carriers - For on Breeching


Padded #4128 DR - $132.00.......HO - $98.00........PO - $88.00........MI - $81.00 Pleasure #4040 DR - $86.00........HO - $79.00........ PO - $62.00........MI - $51.00

(Mini w/#121 Buckles)

#4039......................... Mini with #12 Buckles...................$52.00 #3126 (Mini economy)...................................................... $36.00

With Teardrop - #4092/ea. #4092 HO - 17.00....................PO - $15.50...............MI - $15.50 Without Teardrop - #4093/ea. HO - $9.50..................... PO - $8.50.................MI - $8.50 (Pony w/#12)

Pony w/#121 Econ............#3685/ea.....................$8.50 Mini Econ...........................#3170/ea.....................$9.00 For at Saddle #4094/pr...... DR - $40.00........HO - $64.00.......PO/MI - $28.00 (1-1/4" buckle)

(3/4" buckle)

Trace Carriers at Hips #4091.....$55.00 ea. Bungee Style for Wheelers or Leaders without Breeching.

Draft - 1" wide bio/nylon sewed together #4557................................................. $48.00 pr.

Pleasure (per pair) #4058 HO - $38.00...........PO - $26.00......... MI - $20.00

(1" buckle)

Traces (priced per pair)

1-1/2" wide 1-1/4" wide 1" wide

Trace w/Wears, slot end

#4136 $102.00 $91.00 $49.00

Traces w/o Wears, slot end

#4096 $93.00 $79.00 $34.00

Trace w/Wears, 3-way or roller bolt

#4137 $118.00 $110.00 $71.00

Traces w/o Wears, 3-way or roller bolt #4097 $116.00 $99.00 $55.00 #4098 $110.00 $79.00 $36.00 Traces for Hames, slot end, attaches directly to Hames

Holdbacks - For pair


Overall measurement - from tip to tip (what we use)


Side Backer Style, w/#12 Buckles at each end #4061 (pair) DR - $64.00......... HO - $64.00......... PO - $52.00....... MI - $51.00 Belly Backer Style, w/Snap at one end #4062 (pair) DR - $33.00........ HO - $33.00......... PO - $23.00........MI - $22.00

Add 11-1/2" to working hole to working hole measurement for overall length

Add to working hole to working hole measurement for overall length: 1-1/2" traces add 14-1/2" • 1" traces add 13-1/2"

➞ ➞➞ ➞

Overall measurement - from tip to tip (what we use)

Side Backer Style, Short tug #4059 (pr).....................HO - $50.00....................MI/PO - $31.00

Side Backer Style, Long tug #4060 (pr).....................HO - $49.00....................MI/PO - $31.00

Roller Bolt Traces Available Draft, XL, Horse & Cob: 1-1/2" wide, available in 72, 75, 78, 81, 84, 87 and 90" * Pony: 1-1/4" wide, available in 66, 69, 72, 75 and 78" * Mini: 1" wide, available in 48, 54 and 60" * *Other sizes can be custom made



Adjustable Trace Carrier #4237/ea...... HO - $11.00....PO - $10.50

Holdbacks - For single Average Style, no Snaps included

Deluxe (per pair) #4129 HO - $75.00...........PO - $24.00......... MI - $20.00


Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014

These reins are made of a Dark Brown Beta and a Buckle in Hand as shown in Item A. Other options available - see below. Please note: Not all options are available in every width. Ask for prices on extra long lines. +20% for colored lines. Our padded and Pleasure Harness usually have the following width of Reins unless otherwise requested. Mini - 5/8” • Pony, Cob, Horse, Warm Blood & Draft - 3/4”. Wider sizes available are: 7/8” (add $12.00) and 1” (add $20.00) A. Single Reins, All Beta, 3/4” A. Pair Reins, All Beta, 3/4” (pair) B. Single Reins, Beta Fronts, Leather Backs, 3/4” C. Single Reins, Beta Fronts, Bumpy Rein Grip Backs, 3/4” (also available in 5/8” & 7/8”) D. Single Reins, All Beta, 3/4”, 16 Stops Sewn in (every 6”, from 30” to 72”) (to do extra stops, add $1,00 per stop) E. Single Reins, All Beta, 3/4”, with Small Swivel F. Single Reins, 3/4” Beta Fronts, 1” Cotton Backs, Single Ply (with velcro in hands) Single Reins, 3/4” Beta Fronts, 1” Cotton Backs, Double Ply (with velcro in hands) Cotton Web Colors available: Dark Brown, Natural, Black G. Single Reins, Beta Fronts, 3/4”, Braided Backs H. Single Reins, All Beta, 3/4” Laced Backs I. Single Reins, Beta Fronts, Smooth Rein Grip Backs, 3/4” (also available in 1”) J. Single Reins, Beta Fronts, Rubber Grippe Backs, 3/4” (3/4” only) Single Reins, Beta Fronts, Rubber Grippe Backs, 3/4” with Swivel (3/4” only) K. Single Reins, All Beta, 3/4”, Pinky Finger Loop at End Single Reins, All Beta, 3/4”, with Swivel & Pinky Loop

Achenbach Style Reins (For Pair) Lines, Achenbach Style, Pair Reins (each)

Swivels L. Swivel with 3/8” Buckles M. Swivel with 3/4” or 5/8” Buckle, will Buckle to your Existing Reins Leather Reins (see picture B) Single Reins, Russet with Dyed Edges, Stitched Keepers, 3/4” Single Reins, Russet with Un-dyed Edges, Stapled Keepers, 3/4” Pair Reins, Russet with Dyed Edges, Stitched Keepers, 3/4” Pair Reins, Russet with Un-dyed Edges, Stapled Keepers, 3/4” Single Lines with Dyed Edges, Stitched Keeper, Swivel In Hand

Lines with Rolled Leather Hand Parts Beta Fronts, Swivel in Hand

#4070 #4074 #4071 #4073 #4064


$59.00 $110.00 $89.00 $82.00 $77.00


$54.00 $94.00 $88.00 $75.00 $74.00

$50.00 $89.00 $88.00 $74.00 $67.00

$41.00 $68.00 $84.00 $66.00 $61.00






#4068 #4067

$63.00 $86.00

$57.00 $83.00

$58.00 $71.00

$52.00 $66.00

#4066 #4065 #4320 #4325 #4326 #4069 #4077

$110.00 $136.00 $68.00 $54.00 $64.00 $66.00 $83.00

$108.00 $130.00 $63.00 $51.00 $62.00 $61.00 $78.00

$104.00 $100.00 $128.00 $120.00 $58.00 $53.00 $47.00 $45.00 $57.00 $52.00 $56.00 $48.00 $74.00 $68.00






$16.50 $13.00

$16.50 $13.50

#4247 #4248



#4330 #4331 #4335 #4336 #4329

$162.00 $148.00 $140.00 $128.00 $270.00 $255.00 $228.00 $194.00 $178.00



Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014



Reins, Rein Options and Swivels


Driving Lines - Available in Black or Brown Single Lines - #4070 Draft XLarge Horse Cob Pony Mini

3/4" x 16' 3/4" x 15' 3/4" x 14' 3/4" x 13' 3/4" x 12' 5/8" x 10'6"

$59.00 $54.00 $54.00 $54.00 $50.00 $41.00

4-Up Lines* for Leaders Only - #4282 Draft 3/4" x 30' XLarge 3/4" x 28' Horse 3/4" x 26' Cob 3/4" x 24' Pony 3/4" x 22' Mini 5/8" x 18'

$134.00 $122.00 $122.00 $122.00 $112.00 $97.00

6-Up Lines* for Leaders Only - #4287 XLarge/Horse/Cob 3/4" x 36'


Team Lines - #4074 Draft/XLarge Horse/Cob Pony Mini

3/4" x 18' 3/4" x 16' 3/4" x 15' 5/8" x 11'

Interesting hitches that have been done. Note: There are many ways to do some of these, here are a few. For advanced drivers.

3 Abreast 1 set of lines

4 Abreast 1 set of lines Tandem Lines* for Leaders Only - #4078 Draft 3/4" x 30' XLarge 3/4" x 28' Horse 3/4" x 26' Cob 3/4" x 24' Pony 3/4" x 21' Mini 5/8" x 18' Tandem Lines, all leather* for Leaders Only #17711 Call w/Size

$100.00 $92.00 $92.00 $92.00 $70.00 $53.00

Call For Pricing

*When buying 4-up, 6-up or tandem reins, prices are only for that set. These prices do not include reins for the wheeler or swing teams. 56

$110.00 $94.00 $89.00 $68.00

Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014

Special Items Cavasons #4182 (each) HO - $31.00.............................PO - $28.00............................MI - $26.00 Cross Tie Collars Flash with Adapter for Nose Hame Balls on Top of Hames Seat Straps Trim Kits Thimbles for Minis

#4200 #4191 #95600 #4235 #4279 #3418

$16.00 ea. $14.50 ea. $26.00 pr. $9.50 ea. $26.00 ea. $58.00


Pole Straps (each) Breast Collar #4084........ HO (1") - $24.00....... PO (1") - $22.00.......MI (3/4") - $13.00 #4084 for Breast Collar.......DR (1-1/4”) - $30.00........DR (1-1/2) - $31.00 Collar #4085........ HO (1") - $29.00........PO (1") - $29.00.......MI (3/4") - $21.00 #4085 for Collar................ DR (1-1/4”) - $34.00.......DR (1-1/2) - $34.00 Pole Strap w/447 snap Pole Strap, Bermuda Style, 1-1/2” wide Wearplate w/Dee for Bermuda Style Pole Strap Horse

#4222 $47.00 ea. #4223 $63.00 ea. #4224 $8.50 ea.

Options & Add Ons Connector Straps w/#56 Snap #4083.............. HO - $18.50................ PO - $18.00..............MI - $17.50

Evener Straps 3/4” – 5’ Unfolded.............................. #4205....................... $38.00 pr. 1” – 5’ Unfolded................................. #4206....................... $40.00 pr.

For patent look on any harness, take the price of the harness part that you would like to have patent on, and add 20%, or a minimum of $4.00 per part. Example: on a padded single harness and bridle, we have about 6 places to put patent look for approx. $100.00-$150.00.

1-1/2” Billets with 2-1/2” Girth 1-1/4” Billets with 2-1/2” Girth 3-1/4” wide Breast Collar 2-1/2” wide Breeching 2 Heavy Dee Rings Built into Breast Collar Russet on Inside of Cups

$20.00 ea. $15.00 ea. $15.00 ea. $10.00 ea. $20.00 ea. $18.00 pr.

Note: For Russet and/or Brass Add 20% to Harness Price

4 in Hand Parts Coupling Strap w/Tear Drop for Leaders #4280............... HO - $51.00............. PO - $51.00............MI - $51.00

Kicking Straps Quick Release Style. #4214 HO - $84.00 PO - $71.00 MI - $69.00 #4212 - Kicking Strap Horse Pony Mini

Coupling Strap without Tear Drop #4281............... HO - $39.00............. PO - $39.00............MI - $39.00

$48.00 ea. $41.00 ea. $37.00 ea.

Kicking Strap With Snaps #4210..................... HO - $96.00..........PO - $81.00........... MI - $79.00

3 Ring Martingale - #4225 Horse Pony Mini

Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014

$24.00 ea. $24.00 ea. $18.00 ea.



Horse & Cob Options and Miscellaneous Parts


Tandem Parts Center Terrets #51108 $33.00 ea. 5/16” Thread w/1-3/4" ring

Tandem Terrets With Rollers, 1-1/4”, per pc.

With Rollers, 1-1/2”, per pc.

Custom sizes available, call for price

Roger Rings With Strap

#4197 $24.00 pr.

Oblong style Roger Ring - includes Throat Latch

#4196 $88.00 ea.


$60.00 pr.

Chupp Style, 1-1/2”


$17.50 pr.

Cockeyes To hook into traces (no photo)


$14.00 ea.

Tandem Keys


$28.00 pr.

Tandem Rosettes 1" with 1-1/8” Ring 1-1/4" with 1-1/4” Ring 1-5/8" with 1-3/4” Ring 2” with 1-3/4” Ring

#02796 #02798 #02799 #02805

$19.00 pr. $19.00 pr. $19.00 pr. $20.00 pr.

Spring Style, 1-1/4”


Tandem Terret, Mini/Pony Size with 1-1/4" #51112PO $35.00 ea. Double Ring Deluxe Style S/S Tandem Traces, No Wears, No Hardware 1-1/4” x 120” #4140 $118.00 pr. 1-1/2” x 120” #4141 $118.00 pr.

$60.00 pr.

Tandem Keepers #4293 $12.50 pr. for lines Tandem Hip Strap

Trace Extension with 2 Slots #4253 1-1/2” $55.00 per pr. #4253 1-1/4” $48.00 per pr. #4253 1” $33.00 per pr.



$19.00 ea

Trace Carrier for Tandem Hip With Teardrop #4296 $17.50 ea. Without Teardrop #4295 $10.00 ea.

Trace Extensions

Trace Extension with Heavy Dee to Convert your Slotted Traces - #4250 #4250 1-1/2” $44.00 per pr. #4250 1-1/4” $40.00 per pr. #4250 1” $36.00 per pr.

#51110 $17.50 ea.

Tandem Terret, Double Ring Style, Horse Size with 1-1/2" Top Ring, #51112HO $35.00 ea. 1-5/8" Bottom Ring, Double Ring Deluxe

Tandem Cockeyes Spring Style, 1-1/2"

#51109 $16.50 ea.

Trace Converter - Dee to Slot Any Width - install yourself

#4259.............$18.50 per pr.

The #360 Trace Convertor or Trace Extension

Trace Converter - Slot to Chain End #48815...................$11.50 ea. Trace Extension with Roller Bolts to Convert your Slotted Traces for Roller Bolts

#4256 #4256 #4256

1-1/2” 1-1/4” 1”

$66.00 per pr. $61.00 per pr. $56.00 per pr.

#36001.....1-1/4”.....$2.00 #36000.....1-1/2”.....$2.75

Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014

2-1/2” x 15” #05300.........................$17.50 4” x 19” #05310.........................$21.00

Chopping Block Use with the Hand Punches


Carriage Tie Downs

Spares Kit

Available in Black or Brown

Synthetic Spares Kit without Accessories Synthetic Spares Kit with All Accessories Leather Spares Kit without Accessories Leather Spares Kit with All Accessories

#4260 $115.00 #4261 $260.00 #4262 $164.00 #4263 $320.00

Shown w/o accessories

3" x 6"..........#00478................$9.00

Spares Kit Accessories

Punches #223 Revolving Punch #00480......................... $22.00 Double Revolving Lever Action Punch #00492......................... $44.00 #245 Hand Punches #3 for Small Holes #00484............................$8.50 #6 for Large Holes #00485............................$8.50

Number Holders & Belt for Marathon Driving In Black or Russet

Shown w/accessories

Adj. Wheel Wrench Hammer Lacing, 3/16” x 6’ Hoof Pick Vise Grip Pocket Knife Barrow Horseshoe Nails #223 Revolving Punch 3/4' Hame Strap 3/4" Rein Splice (Black or Brown) 1", 1-1/4" or 1-1/2" Trace Splice (Black or Brown)

#53000 $69.00 #53011 $7.50 #53200 $2.50 #53250 $1.35 #53500 $13.50 #53570 $6.00 #53251 $.30 #00480 $22.00 #4053 $12.50 #4273 $7.00 #4274 $18.50

Rein & Trace Splice 3/4" for Reins..........#4273.......... $7.00 1-1/2" for Traces......#4274........$18.50

Available in Black or Brown. Special sizes are available (custom).

Short Style #4264.....$19.00

Long Style #4265.....$25.00

Strap Style #4266.....$28.00

Small Round Style (Black or Russet) #4267.....$21.00

Safety Belt for Marathon Driving..... #4269.................. $53.00

Harness Bag #30031.......................... $81.00 Horse size - 24" h x 28" w x 8" d #30032.......................... $63.00 Mini size - 20" h x 22" w x 6" d Made with Cordura on the outside for strength and a breathable wool on the inside to keep your harness drier. Comes with carry handles on the top and three velcro straps on the inside to keep the harness organized. Closes with a zipper.

Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014



Diaper Bags Includes 2 straps to go to shafts and 2 straps to breeching #24997 Mini .................................................................................... $71.00.. Horse.................................................................................. $79.00 Draft.................................................................................... $80.00

Cart or Lunge Whips #11120 - 72" with 18" drop, Solid Black #11124 - 88" with 48" drop, Solid Black #11130 - 60" with 18" drop, Solid Black #11132 - Cart Whip (49" whip plus popper) #11240 - Leather Braided Whip - Black or Brown

$27.00 $49.00 $25.00 $7.50 $38.00

$14.00 #11237 - Stock Yard Whip 3 colors - Speckled White with Red, Blue or Green #11134 - 56" with 73" drop $28.00

Black with White Handle Dressage Whips

Caution Signs Made with all synthetic materials. The outside has a 2” wide reflective material. The back side has a Velcro strap sewn on, to loop around your rear axle or seat back of your vehicle.

#11160 - 54" with 16" drop.......... $38.00 #11162 - 70" with 24" drop.......... $39.00

#4154 - Large Size -16" x 14" ....... $37.00 #4153 - Small Size -11" x 9".......... $27.00

NEED BELTS? See page 7


Need Riding Tack? See page 20

Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014


Equilib Marathon Horse Armor Saddle Pads

Equilib Marathon Horse Armor Saddle Pads This high density armor pad was invented to protect the horse from the carriage shafts during marathon maneuvers by advanced combined driving competitor, Marnie Hutcheson in 2001. They are available in stock in 4 standard sizes (Pony, Medium, Large, and Extra Large). The 3 pictures below show how how these pads work.

Made with a Square Weave Vinyl Pattern. We can also custom make anything you may need such as longer, shorter, wider or with the extra “D” pad behind the saddle as well as in front. A special high density “D” shaped pad in front of the saddle protects the horse’s shoulder from the inside shaft tip, and padding behind the saddle protects the horse ribs from the outside shaft when they bend into a turn. Many large bodied horses need extra protection behind the saddle.

#4301 - Extra Large - (X) - 44” Long #4301 - Horse - (L) - 42” Long #4301 - Cob - (M) - 40” Long #4301 - Pony - (P) - 38” Long

$134.00 $134.00 $134.00 $134.00

If you want an extra “D” pad behind the saddle as well as in front add: $50.00 to your size.

Pick the right size pad for your horse and carriage... The tip of the shaft (sweet spot) is at:

• Pony Size: 13.5” down from the backbone and 4.5” forward from the center of the saddle • Horse Size: 14.5” down from the backbone and 5” forward from the center of the saddle • Large Horse: 15.5” down from the backbone and 5.5” forward from the center of the saddle • Extra Large Horse: 20” down from the backbone and 7” forward from the center of the saddle

Waffle Style Shown

Marathon Pads - #4173

Available in Horse, Pony and Mini sizes......$66.00 pr. Note: Soft side against the horse, hard side on outside soft side against horse

hard side on outside

Developed with the aid of Marjean Mcintyre at Camptown Harness and sold with her perrmission

Bone Shaped Saddle Pads - Great for Marathon

Warm Blood 1/2” x 42” Horse 1/2” x 38” Cob 1/2” x 34” Pony 1/2” x 30” Mini 1/2” x 28”

#92093 #92092 #92091 #92090 #92089

Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014

$102.00 $89.00 $82.00 $74.00 $58.00 61


Pads - Air Flo Style & Waffle Style Check These Out!

Now available by request with a 2-4 week lead time. These pads are made with Colored Vinyl on the top and with black Waffle (neoprene) on the bottom side. This is a very nice Pad!



Kelly Green

Dark Royal Blue

Air Flo Style Shown

Waffle Style Shown



Royal Blue


Lime Green

Saddle Pads Warm Blood 1/2” x 8” x 28” Horse 1/2” x 6” x 24” Cob 1/2” x 6” x 18” Pony 1/2” x 4” x 16” Mini 1/2” x 3” x 15”





Waffle #92000 - $36.00 #92001 - $35.00 #92002 - $26.00 #92003 - $20.00 #92004 - $19.00


Light Gray

Dk Gray Charocoal

Air Flow or Colored Vinyl #92530 - $51.00 #92531 - $42.00 #92532 - $36.00 #92533 - $24.00 #92534 - $23.00

Neck Strap Pads - A soft pad for the Neck Strap, Waffle Horse or Cob 3-1/2” x 10”.......................................... #92005................................$20.00 Pony or Mini 3” x 7”.................................................... #92012................................$19.00 Waffle Style Shown

Waffle Style Shown

Waffle Style Shown


Waffle #92020 - $42.00 #92026 - $37.00 #92021 - $37.00 #92022 - $32.00 #92023 - $35.00 #92024 - $28.00 #92025 - $27.00

Air Flow or Colored Vinyl #92520 - $51.00 #92519 - $53.00 #92521 - $45.00 #92525 - $39.00 #92522 - $42.00 #92523 - $33.00 #92524 - $32.00

Breast Pads - Average V-Shaped Draft 1/2” x 5” x 51” XL 1/2” x 5” x 47” Horse 1/2” x 5” x 43” Cob 1/2” x 5” x 39” Pony 1/2” x 4” x 35” Mini - B - 1/2” x 3-1/2” x 31” Mini - A - 1/2” x 3-1/2” x 27”

Waffle #92038 - $45.00 #92039 - $44.00 #92040 - $37.00 #92041 - $36.00 #92042 - $30.00 #92044 - $28.00 #92043 - $27.00

Air Flow or Colored Vinyl #92508 - $54.00 #92509 - $53.00 #92510 - $51.00 #92511 - $50.00 #92512 - $42.00 #92514 - $39.00 #92513 - $37.00

Super V-Shaped Breast Pads Draft - 5 1/2” x 46” Warm Blood - 5” x 42” Horse - 1/2” x 5” x 38” Cob - 5” x 34” Pony - 3-1/2” x 32” Mini - B - 1/2” x 3-1/2” x 28” Mini - A - 1/2” x 3-1/2” x 25”

Waffle #92059 - $53.00 #92060 - $50.00 #92061 - $47.00 #92062 - $44.00 #92063 - $42.00 #92065 - $40.00 #92064 - $36.00

Air Flow or Colored Vinyl #92506 - $64.00 #92500 - $60.00 #92501 - $57.00 #92502 - $52.00 #92503 - $51.00 #92505 - $49.00 #92504 - $43.00

reast Collar or Breeching Pads - Straight B Warm Blood 1/2” x 5” x 48” Horse 1/2” x 6” x 42” Horse 1/2” x 5” x 40” Horse 1/2” x 4” x 40” Cob 1/2” x 5” x 36” Pony 1/2” x 3-1/2” x 31” Mini 1/2” x 3” x 26”

Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014

#07444 - $60.00 • 99.5% Pure Creatine. • Helps provide more energy to muscles. •Increases strength, speed, power and endurance.



Old Fashioned Hoof Dressing


#07445 - $34.00

Qt w/o Brush - #07572 - $11.50 Qt w/ Brush - #07571 - $13.00 1 Gal - #07573 - $39.00

• 99% Pure MSM. • No sugar or fillers added. • Good for tendons, ligaments and joints. • Also helps for arthritis.

Rabbit’s Jug Tube - #07468 - $8.95 Case of 15 tubes - $8.25 ea. Rejuvenates your horse with electrolytes, minerals, vitamins and amino acids.

Equimax Wormer

Bimectin Wormer

#07650 - $18.00

#07594 - $3.50 ea.

Removes Tape Worms. Treat and protect your horse from the most common parasitic threats with one safe, effective compound. safe for all horses, including foals four weeks of age and older, pregnant and lactating mares, and breeding stallions. 1.87% Ivermectin - 14.03% Praziquantel

Yoder’s Hoof Dressing

Qt w/o Brush - #07510 - $15.00 Qt w/ Brush - #07511 - $17.00 1 Gal - #07512 - $46.00 Our favorite Hoof Dressing!

Hoof Builder is a strengthener, conditioner and stimulator. Yoder's was developed and used by the Amish and Mennonites in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania for decades and now is available to you!!

Brush Only #07570 - $2.75

Package may vary

Controls large and small strongyles, pinworms, ascarids, hairworms, large mouth stomach worms, lungworms, intestinal threadworms and bots. Safe for pregnant mares, breeding stallions and foals.

Horse Heave Special

This has been used by great horsemen for many years and has been proven over and over for its effectiveness. It’s all natural and can be used on race days. If used daily it builds up the immune system. A must for horses with cold symptoms, fever, sore throat or horses that just don’t finish well.

Suspensory & Tendon Care/Treatment Plan #07514 - $57.00

Contains: • Tightener & Sweat • Magic Tightener • Heavy Blister • Treatment Plan

Very inexpensive and a must for today’s competitive racing.

1 lb. - #07672 - $9.00 5 lbs. - #07673 - $34.00 25 lb. pail - #07675 - $150.00

Haarlem Oil

#07532 - $5.00

Leg Soaker

1.87% Ivermectin

100+ pieces - Call for current price

Used to prevent ty up.

#44145 - $43.00

2 Wraps and 2 Bandages #7513 - $25.00

Super Shine

#07589 - Clear - $15.50 #07590- Black - $15.50 Fast drying hoof polish and sealer.

• Contains Juniperberry tar used as a natural diuretic for oral equine use only. • Helps induce urination and prevent tying up. • Dose whole syringe or as per vet instructions. Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014



Rabbit’s Tightener & Sweat 16 oz. #07501 - $22.95

Rabbit’s Magic Tightener

Rabbit’s Dr. Barbers Solution

16 oz. #07502 - $24.95

#07504 gallon - $159.00 For feet & 1/4 cracks, ankles & oslets, bow tendons, check ligaments, knees & hocks, shoulders & backs, muscle soreness. Will not blister.

Rabbit’s Hot Lick

2 lbs. - #07453 - $39.75 6 lbs. - #07454 - $79.95 30 lbs. - #07452 - $295.00 Equine Nutritional Supplement formulated to help horses reach their potential. It helps to reduce lactic acid, which can reduce the incidence of tie up. Hot lick potentiates the production of energy to ultimately increase the overall performance for the racehorse. Can be used everyday or as a Pre-race.

Rabbit’s No Tye

5 lbs. - #07460 - $89.95 30 lbs. - #07458 - $395.00 Tube - #07463 - $10.00 Case of 15 tubes - $9.50 ea.

Feed at the rate of 1/2 oz. daily (1 scoop) for performance horses.

Relieves muscle soreness, stifles and great for suspensories and bowed tendons.

3 lbs. - #07484 - $150.00 10 lbs. - #07485 - $325.00

Helps clear mucus from throat & lungs. Great for allergies. It is a natural bronchial dilator.

Rabbit’s T.Q. Powder

1.2 lbs. - #07436 - $37.95 5 lbs. - #07437 - $135.95 Tube - #07438 - $9.95 Case of 6 tubes - $9.50 ea. Formulated to help calm down nervous, high strung horses. Will not hinder performance.

Rabbit’s Ber-Band

Rabbit’s Magic Hoof Packing with Ultra Block

To help relieve pain in the hoof of the equine animal. It is great for most all soreness within the hoof. Providing relief from laminitis, abscesses, navicular, bruising & corns. 64

An excellent counter irritant used for the relief of muscle soreness, curbs, splints, ringbone, bowed tendons and knees due to extreme overexertion.

Rabbit’s Ultra Block Gel

Rabbit’s Breathe Easy

#07480 - $15.00

4 lbs. - #07476 - $45.00 10 lbs. - #07477 - $100.00

16 oz. #07473 - $19.00

8 Oz. For the symptomatic relief of temporary pain and discomfort associated with bucked shins, splints, osselets, big knee, swellings, sore tendons and muscular soreness. To be used as an aid in the temporary relief of minor soreness and stiffness caused by overexertion.

#07432 - $24.75

This is a topical block for pain. Great for knees, feet and oslets.

Rabbit’s Light Blister #07483 - $15.00

For every day use. Use while jogging or training. Use with Rabbit’s Tightener & Sweat. Contains no mercury.

Rabbit’s Heavy Blister #07482 - $18.00

Heat activated and very strong. Great for curbs, splints, knees, etc. Recommended usage, 1-3 days. Contains no mercury.

Xzantrol The Power To Breathe #07442 - $39.95

Results in 5 minutes. Helps clear sinus cavities & guttural pouches. Removes mucus, dirt & dust from nasal passages.

Rabbit’s Rites Knee, Stifle & Hock Paint #07430 - $21.95

8 ounces Iodine base, ether. Clip area, shake well and do not bandage.

Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014


Be Seen... Save a Life!

Brow Band #2250

Nose Band #2252

Reflective parts are visible up to 700+ feet

Reflective Browband w/spots #2251 Saddle only w/o shaft, loops & girth #2262

Average Harness - no reflective

Blinds & Winker #2254

Breast Collar #2266

Lines #2256

Neck Strap #2258

Hipstrap, Straight #2260

Breast Collar Harness with Reflective

Call for Reflective Harness prices today! Black Reflective available in the Semi-Gloss Biothane Harnesses!!

#2248 Bridle

Reflective Pads

4 colors of Reflective Pads to choose from: • Black • Green • Royal Blue • Silver

Saddle Pad Split Breast Pad Collar Pad Breeching Pad Super V Breast Pad

#17904 #17900 #17902 #17906 #17901

$24.00 $37.00 $39.00 $26.00 $38.00

101 w/silver 281 w/black reflective reflective

$172.00 $178.00

#2252 Nose



#2250 Brow




Brow w/spots



#2262 Saddle

$106.00 $108.00

#2254 Blinds

$80.00 $81.00

#2264 Traces

$87.00 $92.00


Breast w/clip




Super V w/clip




Super V w/side opening




Lines - Lancaster style




Reflective w/Bump - Econ. $80.00



Reflective w/Beta - Econ.




Horse Dealer Halter




Hip Strap




Neck w/dees



Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014


AMISH DRIVING Standard Features on Amish Driving Harness...

• Shaped Crown • Shaped Hipstrap • Includes Holdbacks • Includes Snaffle Bit and Overcheck Bit Pads not included in pricing.

Harness Options... For more Girth options - See page 23

Ornaments on Blinds (one on each Blind) See page 14

For Prices on Complete Harnesses see page 67

Want Spots and/or Diamonds? See page 68 for details!!

For more Browband options see pages 46 & 68

Available in 2 choices of Hardware (stainless steel and black stainless steel), and 2 choices of finish, Shiny (101) and Semi or Leather Look (281). Rosette Options See page 14

Continuous Lines • Now standard on Driving Harnesses • Light on horses mouth • Continuous (no split) • Shorter snap area, does not get against pulleys 66

Want something custom on your harness?? No Problem!! Just tell us what you want when you place the order and we will try!

Need Riding Tack? See page 19 for details.

Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014

Available in Shiny 101 or Semi - Gloss 281 that looks more like leather! With elastic belly band and nice, soft breeching. Available in Horse & Haflinger sizes.

All bridles include bits and martingales. (Pappy bridle only has snaffle bit, while all other bridles have snaffle and overcheck bits). All bridles have martingales. Stainless Steel or Black Hardware (black hardware has plain brow and plain rosettes)

Complete Driving Set with Black Hybrid Hames


Complete Driving Set with Black Stainless Steel Hames



Complete Driving Set with Stainless Steel Hames

Complete Driving Set with Breast Collar with no Clip

#2163 #2164

Complete Driving Set with Breast Collar with Clip

Complete Driving Set with Super V with Clip in front



Bridle - Over Check

$550.00 $580.00





Cob Lightweight Harness with Breast Collar and Bridle




Harness with Black Hybrid Hames - No Bridle




Combination Bridle - Over Check and Side Check





Pappy Bridle - Side Check

Leather Look (semi gloss)



Complete Driving Set with Super V with Side Opening




Braided Hand Parts on Lines. Available in Black, Chestnut (dark brown) & Saddle Brown (light brown)


$575.00 $585.00 $580.00 $580.00 $605.00 $605.00 $150.00 $144.00 $166.00 $425.00 $425.00


Note: All Breast Collars sold without Neck Straps. Only in stock with Single Ply Traces. Breast Collar with “V” Shaped Front (neck strap not included)



Breast Collar with clip (neck strap not included) Molded Traces



Breast Collar with clip (neck strap not included) Double Ply Traces Neck Strap with Dees

Neck Strap with Line Ring Straps






Neck Strap with Sliding Terret

Breast Collar Super V w/o clip (neck strap not included) with clip (neck strap not included) with quick release hardware (neck strap not included)




#2043 #2044 #2046

$126.00 $138.00 $140.00


Super V Breast Collar #2046 shown


Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014



Driving Harness & Bridles


Driving Harness & Bridle Parts

All parts available in 101 or 281 unless otherwise marked. Please ask if you want the hex spots. Otherwise we will put on the average round.

Harness Parts - Stainless Steel or Black Belly Band - Elastic Style #2050 $25.00 #2051 $29.00 Belly Band - Rolled Breeching #2055 $46.00 Breeching - Double Buckle Style #2056 $48.00 Choke Strap #2060 $13.00 Crupper #2063 $13.00 #2070 $6.00 Hame Strap – Single Ply Hame Strap – Single Ply, Extra Long –29” #2072 $6.50 Hames –Black Hybrid, no Terrets w/Clips #95870 $47.00 Hames –Stainless Steel, no Terrets w/Clips #95619 $75.00 Hames –Stainless Steel Powder Coated Black no Terrets w/Clips #95120 $57.00 Hip Strap - 2 Strap Style #2076 $21.00 #2077 $11.50 Hip Strap - Curved Hip Strap - Straight #2075 $8.00 #2081 $34.00 Hold Backs - Bio & Nylon Sewn Together Hold Backs - Single Ply #2080 $29.00 Line Ring Strap at Hip includes Rings & Keepers #2092 $5.00 Line Ring Strap for at Hip w/o Rings & Keepers (ea) #2101 $3.25 Line Ring Strap for at Hames w/o Rings & Keepers (ea) #2102 $3.00 Line Ring Straps for at Hames – includes Rings & Keepers (per pr) #2091 $9.00 Lines - Economy Style #2272 $42.00 Lines - Economy Style w/520 in Hand & Semi-Front #2271 $50.00 Lines - Economy Style w/Bumpy Rein Grip w/Beaded Front #2273 $55.00 Lines - Economy Style w/Smooth Rein Grip w/Beaded Front #2275 $55.00 #2083 $16.50 Lines - Hand parts only – in 1” Beta Lines - Lancaster County Style #2086 $61.00 Lines - Lancaster County style – fronts only #2089 $49.00 Lines - Lancaster County Style w/ 7/8” Bumpy Rein Grip in Hand #2084 $66.00 Lines - Lancaster County Style w/Beta Braids in Hand #2094 $94.00 #2087 $42.00 Lines – w/Conway at Snap (Beta all the way) Rings on Shaft Loops (each) #00154 $0.55 Saddle #2067 $104.00 Shaft Loop Strap - Outside #2099 $5.50 Shaft Loops - Bio Sheet (per pr) #2098 $39.00 Shaft Loops - Straight Style #2104 $37.00 Skirt #2100 $12.00 Traces - Double Ply Bio #2111 $74.00 Traces - Single Ply - Molded ends #2113 $88.00 Tug Bearer #2115 $5.50 Turn Back with Hardware #2120 $12.50 68

Bridle Parts

Stainless Steel or Black Bit, Stainless Steel Snaffle w/Bar - 5” #25556 $19.00 Bit, Stainless Steel Overcheck - 5” #25573 $7.00 #2005 $63.00 Blinds, Winker, Loops Brow, Plain #2010 $4.00 #2011 $6.50 Brow, Spotted Brow w/Hex & Colored Trim #2009 $10.00 Brow w/Hexagon Spots #2012 $9.00 #2008 $8.00 Brow w/Spots & Colored Trim Brow w/Weaver Chain & Colored Trim #2013 $38.00 Combination - Crown Shaped #2018 $25.00 Crown - Shaped w/ 3/4” 2-groove bio #2015 $24.00 Crown - Straight #2014 $14.50 Face Piece #2020 $17.00 Martingale - U Part Only #2026 $7.50 Martingale - U Style #2025 $16.50 Martingale - V Style #2027 $18.50 Rosettes, Bio (per pair) #2036 101/$5.50 281/$7.00 Rosettes, Glass #02800 $9.50 Rein Up - Double Strap #2028 $18.00 Rein Up - Single Strap w/Rein End #2034 $15.50 Rein Up - Single Strap w/Snap #2032 $18.50 Side Check - Crown Shaped #2017 $25.00 Side Check Complete #2042 $33.00 Side Rein - Rounds only - Bio #2039 $15.00 Side Reins –Rounds only - Bio w/Tab #2038 $18.00 Throat Latch #2045 $4.75

Add spots to your Harness Face Piece Hip Strap Martingale Rein Up Saddletop

add $7.50 add $5.50 add $5.50 add $10.00 add $22.00

Saddle Skirts Crupper Breeching, single uptug Breeching, double uptug



Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014

add $39.00 add $4.75 add $6.00 add $19.00

Belly Backers with (2) #25 Snaps

#2188 $31.00 pr.

Pole Strap 1” Bio/Nylon with 2001 Snap

#2189 $15.50 ea.

Pole Strap 1-1/2” Bio/Nylon 46" overall

#2190 $25.00 ea.

Pole Strap 1” Bio/Nylon Backers without Snaps

#2191 $18.50 ea.

Pole Strap 1-1/2” x 42” Bio/Nylon

#2192 $23.00 ea.

Pole Strap 1-1/4” x 42” Bio/Nylon

#2193 $22.00 ea.

Pole Strap 1-1/2” with 447 Strap



Pole Strap - Brake Strap Combination (shown) w/#447 snap #2205


Pole Strap - Ring Style/Nylon - use with #2205

#2199 $5.50 ea.

Trace Carriers at Breeching with a #56 Snap



Yoke Eye



Yoke Safety Strap

#2197 $9.00 ea.

Team Lines


Evener Straps - 1” wide

#4206 $40.00 pr.

Add a ring to your yoke to snap pole strap into

Replacement yoke eye for wooden yokes

Trace carrier for at breeching w/#56 snap #2195


$89.000 #2196

Do you keep wishing for a better Saddle? This new padded saddle is designed for your horse!

(See page 73 for complete harness details) Designed with experience in working for the "English" Driving community, this model is designed with built-in padding to spread out the weight of the saddle. Has a built in “gulley” for a horse with a high spine. Gulley is about 3 inches deep. Made with nice colored edges for the “showy” look, this is also available with black edges for a “Pappy-style” harness.

See page 51 for the Marathon version

Takes pressure off of the spine Built in padding, to be used without any extra pads Spreads the weight of the saddle all the way down instead of just at the top Available in all colors

Comfortable! Comfortable! Comfortable! Lots of color!

Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014



#2205 shown

Team Parts for Horse Size Harness ­


Pulleys & Power Lines Power Drive Cross piece puts pressure on neck when horse holds hard Adjustable buckle Strap wraps around gig saddle Snaps onto bit ring (bio slides through snaps). Snaps have a heavy plastic roller. This driving line is an improved method over driving line pulleys. It does not have a heavy pulley hanging on bit and has a cross piece over the neck when horse is lugging. This cross piece can be adjusted up or down.

Beta hand parts for better holding grip.

Shaft Strap for Pulleys #2103.....$48.00 pr. For the horse that needs Pulleys but you don’t want to fasten the lines back to the harness — you can now use this set up to fasten the lines to the shafts.

Power Drive Lines with Black or Stainless Steel Hardware #2088.....$73.00

Shaft Straps Only. To be used with #2090 Pulleys.

Power Drive Lines - Pony Size #3549.....$56.00

Should I use Pulleys or Power Drives?

Power Line Extensions #2093.....$20.00

Power drives for horses that get "hot" or Luggers that won't quit. Pulleys are for the horse that only needs it once in a while.

K 9 Lines with Stainless Steel Square that has a Plastic Roller #2082.....$79.00

Driving Line Pulleys #20018.....$38.00 pr.

You might need to buy longer lines if you use these.

(the same Roller that’s used on Power Lines Snaps)

Snap with Square and Roller #2090.....$20.00 a set

Designed to do the same thing as driving line pulleys. Large square lets you pass the front ends of your lines thru easily. This way you can quickly convert to average lines - also, with these you can use your average length lines instead of buying longer ones. We also have a shorter model for horses that tuck their head in very far. 2 lengths available: Long (for horses with long necks) 10" length overall Short (for horses with short necks) 6" length overall 70

Saddle Straps to use with Pulleys #2095.....$6.50 a set

A short piece of Bio with heavy ring to slip over your saddle. To snap your lines into when using any type of pulleys.

Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014


Miscellaneous Sunday Halters & Parts, etc. Nose Band with Single Strap Going Up Front (buckles into crown) #2142.......................................$14.50


Neck Rope with Triple A Rope #90065.............................$13.00 Neck Rope with Triple A Rope w/chain at the end #90067.............................$30.00

Replacement Pads for Amish Saddle - New Style #94758.........................$22.00

Open Bridle Cheek Pieces with box loops #2007...............................$29.00

Nose Band with Straps Going Behind Ears (caveson) #2143.......................................$18.50


Nose Band 6 Ring Bit Style #2145.......................................$18.00

Open Bridle Cheeks #2281...............................$38.00 Poll Strap Beta................#2141......$7.00 (no photo available)

Quick Hitch Converter - convert your existing harness to Quick Hitch Available in 1" for Road Harness and 3/4" for Roadsters #6675.......................................$76.00

Poll Strap Rope Style......#2138......$7.00 Trace Extensions with Roller Buckles, 1-1/2”, 1-1/4”....#2180.....$32.00 pr.

Harness Decorations All Hearts are available with White or Stainless Steel Rings 5” Heart –Spotted with 1-1/2” Letter 5” Heart –Spotted with color





All vinyl colors available - see page 5

5” Heart –Spotted with Horse



5” Heart –Spotted empty center #7049


2” Heart –Spotted Spots alone



Diamonds alone #32640 Large Horse Shoe Horse Head with 7/8” wide Bio #7056

$7.00 $0.10 $0.10 $8.50

Plastic Rings in White or Black 7/8” #00000 $0.20 1-1/4” #00003 $0.30 1-5/8” #00006 $0.40

This Keeper Kit consists of 60 Keepers – 30 Black and 30 White There are 5 black & 5 white for the Martingale & Turn Back and for each side of the Rein Up & Hip Strap Keeper Kit for Collar Harness - #2135................................$19.50 Keeper Kit for Breast Harness - #2136...............................$24.00 If we Install + $10.00 For replacement keepers on your harness, please ask. These keepers are for decorative purposes only.

Keepers can also be bought individually: White - 5/8” #59412 White - 3/4” #59413 White - 7/8” #59414 White - 1” #59415 Black - 5/8” #59442 Black - 3/4” #59443 Black - 7/8” #59444 Black - 1” #59445

$0.35 $0.35 $0.35 $0.35 $0.35 $0.35 $0.35 $0.35

Stainless Keepers Up to 1", .75¢ ea. or 10 or more,.50¢ ea. Over 1", .85¢ ea. or 10 or more, .60¢ ea.

Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014



Miscellaneous Sunday Halters & Parts, etc.


Euro Collars with Traces Sewn On Not Padded with Clip (needs an additional pad)....... #2061........$200.00 Padded with Clip (has built-in padding)............. #2062........$280.00 Pad for #2061...............................................$85.00

Sunday Halter Crown Sunday Halter adjustable Chin Strap Sunday Halter Cheek and Nose Sunday Halter Plain Sunday Halter with Spots

#7118 $13.00 #7119


Horse Dealer Halters #7130.......$48.00

Your choice of color trim Bio colors, see page 5

#7124 $18.00 #7131 $43.00 #7132 $43.00

3-Ring Martingale (buckles into chokestrap) #2023.............$10.50 3-Ring Martingale (goes to bellyband) #2024.............$14.00 Yoke Eye #2196......$21.00

Kicking Strap #2140.......$30.00



Ear Plugs #10543.........$12.50

On the race track, these ear plugs pull out once they are on the homestretch, so the horse can hear the crowd and the other horses coming up behind him, which makes him pick up speed. The ear plugs come with a long string that you can run back to the carriage, and will come out of the horse's ear if you pull on the string. You can tie the short string to the horse bridle in case they fall out.

Ankle Boots #52155.............. $18.50/pr. This model is for a horse that hits ankles very hard.

#20970...............9" ankle boot............ $30.00/ea. #20972............ 11" ankle boot............ $37.00/ea. This model is for a horse that "nips" his ankles or legs.

#20974............. 15" knee boot............ $46.00/ea. Knee boot model is made to be used with large part pointing up and covering the knee.


Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014


Deluxe Road Harness includes:

Deluxe Road Harness

Sewn padding with colored edge on saddle, breast, and breeching. Includes shaped crown, backing straps (holdbacks), snaffle and overcheck bits, lines, #2153 bridle, neoprene girth. • Semi-gloss finish. Easy to clean, and has a nice look • Doesn't show specks of dirt as soon as the shiny finish • All deluxe road harnesses made in 281 • Starting price with Deep V Breast (Q.R. model #3701) - $1025.00 • Starting price with Black SS Hames (#3702) - $925.00

Features... Padded Saddle - this comes from the "English" driving community. We have made a similar saddle for 15+ years and only recently realized there is a need for this in our local community. • Padding is all the way down to spread out the pressure instead of putting it all on the back • Has a high "gulley" in the top for horses with a high spine • Standard on Road Plus Harness #3735 - $275.00

Double Hipstrap holds the breeching more level, doesn't sag like some of the single strap hipstraps do. • Dee Rings let it "float" more easily • Built-in padding so you don't need an extra pad • Standard on Road Plus Harness #2076 - $21.25

Neoprene Girth w/elastic insides

• For comfort: the neoprene cover helps the colts and horses with "thin skin" • Standard on Road Plus Harness

Quick Hitch Bridle #2153

• Standard with Deluxe Road Harness • A classier bridle, blinds are smaller to get a showy look • Choice of ornaments on Blinds: Diamond, Heart, Texas Star Rosettes or Horseshoe w/Horse Head

Padded Breastcollar

• Standard on Road Plus Harness - #3725 - $310.00

Padded Breeching

• Standard on Road Plus Harness - #3740 - $93.75


Shaped Crown

fits to the horses's ears for increased comfort.

Wide Girth #6535

Using a wide girth helps to spread out the pressure on the girth. Recommended by Chiropractors.

Bridle #2158 Chiropractors tell us that reining a horse up with an overcheck can be harmful if you check up too hard (it will actually hurt their top-line muscles). Overchecks pull the nose up and out. Sidecheck bridles let the horse tuck-in their nose. Designed by a local trainer - he wanted a bridle that didn't look like a "pappy" bridle! • Built-in nose band with "hanger" straps • Padded nose and brow for comfort and class • This style sidecheck is used with the "pleasure driving" community • Recommended by Chiropractors • Available with harness, or separately • Choice of colored padding • Available with ornaments on the blinds and on teardrop - Standard is without any ornaments Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014



Mini & Pony Bridle, Harness & Parts

Mini Bridle, Harness & Parts - 101 or 281

Pony Bridle, Harness & Parts - 101 or 281

Includes: overcheck bridle, holdbacks, snaffle bit, and lines. Does not include pads. See pages 11 & 12 for pads. Sizing: • 50+, call to discuss • 46" - 50", Pony size • 42" - 46", call to discuss • 38" - 42", Mini B, unless its heavy/chunky, then call to discuss • 32" - 36", Mini A • Smaller than 32", ask for XXS mini size • If you need to double check, call with measurements (height of pony & mouth to mouth)

Mini Harness & Bridle - Breast Collar Style............#3096..... $290.00 Belly Band Bit - 3-1/2” Nickel Plated Blinds with Winker Breast Collar without Neck Strap Breeching Bridle - Overcheck Style Brow Band Crown Crupper Face Piece Hames -Black Hybrid - with Solid Terrets Hames -Black Hybrid -Solid Terrets - w/Chrome Balls Hip Strap Hold Backs with 56 Snaps Lines 5/8” Wide with 56 Snaps Line Rings & Straps on Hip Neck Strap Rein End for Mini Rein Up Rosettes (per pair) Saddle 2” without Tree Shaft Loops (a pair) Throat Latch Traces -1” Wide Turn Back with Hardware

#3025 $18.00 #22236 $6.50 #3002 $50.00 #3030 $41.00 #3033 $20.00 #3095 $82.00 #3005 $3.00 #3008 $10.00 #3035 $12.50 #3010 $5.50 #95412 $44.00 #94731 $102.00 #3038 $8.00 #3040 $17.00 #3042 $29.00 #3044 $7.00 #3046 $7.50 #3013 $2.75 #3012 $10.50 #28013 $3.25 #3048 $50.00 #3050 $19.50 #3017 $4.75 #3054 $31.00 #3058 $9.50

Mini Teams Sets & Parts - We Stock Mini Hames in 14” Mini Team Set with Black Hames – w/o Balls - No Collars......#3193......$630.00 Mini Team Set with Black Hames – with Balls –No Collars.......#3194......$685.00 Mini Team Set –Breast Collar Style .............................#3192......$640.00 Mini Collars –12” Thru 15” (see Collar Page) Pole Strap w/Brake Strap, Mini, Snap Pole Strap w/Brake Strap, Mini Economy Belly Backers Brake Strap - for Team Breast Collar - for Team Choke Strap Lines -Mini Team -5/8” Wide with Snaps Neck Strap - for Team Pole Strap (per piece) Trace Carrier at Breeching (per piece) 74

#2205 $68.00 #2206 $32.00 #3072 $16.50 pr. #3078 $8.50 #3065 $50.00 #3068 $9.00 ea. #3075 $50.00 #3077 $8.50 #3080 $7.50 ea. #3083 $5.00 ea.

Pony Harness & Bridle - Breast Collar Style.....#3591.........$395.00 With Black Hybrid Hames................................#3592.........$415.00 With Stainless Steel Hames.............................#3595.........$495.00 Bridle - Overcheck or Sidecheck.......................#3590.........$106.00 Belly Band Bit Blinds with Winker and Loops Breast Collar w/o Neck Strap Breeching Brow Band Choke Strap for Breast Collar Choke Strap for Collar Crown Crupper Face Piece Hame Strap –Single Ply Hames –Black Hybrid without Terrets Hip Strap Hold Backs with 2001 Snaps Line Rings and Strap on Hip Line Rings & Strap with Hames Lines – Beta with 2001 Snaps Martingale Neck Strap Rein Up Rosettes Saddle – 2-1/2” wide with Tree Shaft Loops (a pair) Throat Latch Traces Trace Carrier at Breeching (per piece) Turn Back with Hardware

#3530 $19.00 #25227 $9.50 #3505 $55.00 #3535 $78.00 #3540 $33.00 #3508 $3.25 #3565 $10.50 #3566 $12.00 #3510 $11.00 #3035 $12.50 #3514 $6.00 #2070 $6.00 #95870 $47.00 #3543 $15.80 #3546 $23.00 #3044 $7.00 #3043 $9.00 #3548 $35.00 #3515 $14.00 #3550 $21.00 #3516 $13.00 #28008 $3.75 #3553 $77.00 #3050 $19.50 #3520 $4.75 #3558 $48.00 #3685 $8.50 ea #3561 $10.00

Pair Harness with Black Hybrid Hames...........#3593..........$995.00 Pair Harness with Breast Collar........................#3594....... $1005.00 Lines –Pony Team –3/4” wide w/ Snaps Brakestrap for pair Polestrap for Breast pair Belly Backers - Pony (per pair) Breast Collar (pair) Neckstrap (pair)

#3570 $64.00 #3580 $8.50 ea. #3582 $13.00 ea. #3584 $17.50 pr. #3586 $89.00 ea. #3588 $23.00 ea.

Cob Lightweight Cob Lightweight Harness....................#3950.......................$425.00

Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014


Bridle Overcheck Style

Fine Show Harness and Bridle Traces

Bridle Sidecheck Style Harness


A Fine Show Harness for the Show Ring

Available in shiny Biothane for a patent look, or semi - shine with embossing for a dressed leather look. The Hardware is stainless steel - our standard is black. For colored inlay trim, see below for pricing. Reins (Lines) are 3/4” wide, black beta with buckles at the bit. No snaps unless requested. Other width reins available upon request. Shaft loops are french tug style. 3-ring Martingale is not included.

Shown with options: Weaver Chain on Brow, Deep V Breast With Clip, Colored Trim Add colored trim: • Brow - $8.00 • Nose - $8.00 • Saddle - $25.00 • Breastcollar - $25.00 • Turnback - $10.00

❰ Show Harness with overcheck bridle #7775.......................................$635.00 Bridle Only - overcheck style #7781.......................................$156.00

Overcheck Bridle comes with half cheek snaffle bit and overcheck bit. Hexagon spots on the brow band. A noseband is a half nose, which goes just across the front of the nose. Brow and nose are not padded. The Overcheck going to saddle has just one strap, which adjusts with a conway and ends with a snap. No tear drop unless requested. Rosettes are stainless steel with a horsehead on, and a rope design along the edge.

Show Harness with sidecheck bridle #7776......................................$685.00 Bridle Only - sidecheck style #7779......................................$210.00

Side Check Bridle includes a half cheek snaffle bit, show chain on browband and a full noseband band with 2 buckles. Noseband and browband are padded. Tear drop is included. Rosettes are stainless steel with a rope design along the edge.

Roadster Harness Designed for the show ring. Lighter/finer than the Fine Show Harness. Originally designed for the Morgan Roadster Class but has also been used for other breeds in the last few years. Any vinyl color available, white & maroon are usually in stock. $795.00 Credits for photo: Climb Higher Equine Stable

Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014



Cribbing Strap, Nut Cracker Style #2125 $22.00 Cribbing Strap, 1-1/2” wide #2130 $10.00 Cribbing Strap Miracle Collar, leather only #21285 $57.00

Mountainside Treadmills EQUINE TREADMILL SYSTEMS

The latest innovative solution to exercising your horses - a treadmill with a unique roller system, recommended by veterinarians and equine chiropractors across the USA and Canada!

Front Blind with Straps - to keep horse from looking forward. Goes on to your bridle w/o any changes #2001 $14.90

Four sizes available:

Kicking Strap with Buckles (no photo) #2140 $30.00

• Standard • Draft • Pulling Draft • Two Horse

Kicking Strap with Snaps (no photo) #2132 $23.00 #2130



#21285 Contact us to locate your nearest dealer!


(570) 786-7073

Now available: Trailer Hitch Kits and Front & Rear Ramps with a Quick-Release Chest Bar

Now accepting Credit Cards I Financing Available


Work Breast Collars & Neck Straps

Check Out This Breast Collar!! When a horse gets a collar wound, switch to a breast Collar for a couple of weeks so its wound can heal up or use it on him ALL the time and save your collars. We have one farmer that bought 8. He only uses breast collars. He farms 80 acre and doesn’t own one leather collar. These breast collars fit to any chain trace harness, just take the Hames off and hook up the Breast Collar. One size fits all.Can be modified to work with bio or belting traces. You may need to get shorter traces to work with this. Hook on breast needs to be modfied + 2 pieces - #21034 (twisted connectors). Complete Breast Collar w/ Neck Strap Pole Breast Collar #2361 $168.00 Side Breast Collar #2362 $146.00 (Side is without the Dees in front or extra strap around the neck) Pole Breast Collar Side Breast Collar Pole Neck Strap Side Neck Strap Brake Strap (for pole) 76

Breast Collar Only #2355 #2356

$124.00 $90.00

Neck Strap Only #2358 #2360 #2359

$60.00 $56.00 $13.50

Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014

Now with Stainless Steel Hardware!

Square Blind Bridle Crown – 5/6 oz. Leather Crown Strap Throat Latch Brow Band Rosettes (per pair) Blinds with Nose Bit Straps (each) Bit –Heavy Snaffle – Nickel Plated Rein Snap in Bit Strap – Stainless Steel (each) Keepers in Bit Strap (each)

#2321 $6.00 #2320 $6.50 #2326 $7.00 #2314 $5.50 #28010 $4.25 #2317 $51.00 #2311 $4.75 #25561 $5.00 #2400 $20.00 #25064 $3.00 #09590 $0.35

Pigeon Wing Bridle Crown Throat Latch Brow Band Rosettes (per pair) Blinds with Winker Face Piece Bit Straps (each) Bit – Heavy Snaffle Snap in Bit Strap – Stainless Steel (each) Keepers in Bit Strap (each) Rein

#2334 $16.50 #2338 $7.50 #2332 $5.00 #28010 $4.25 #2330 $42.00 #2336 $11.00 #2311 $4.75 #25561 $5.00 #25064 $3.00 #09590 $0.35 #2400 $20.00

Breeching Harness with Bio/Nylon Traces & Heel Chain Wood Hames – Bolt Type #99838 $106.00 Hame Strap – Bio/Nylon #2383 $8.50 Hame Strap – Bio/Leather #2384 $10.50 Traces – Bio/Nylon with Heel Chain #2404 $144.00 Market Pad #2414 $27.00 #2415 $29.00 Market Straps (per pair) Belly Band with Conway & Holes #2345 $10.00 #2346 $19.00 Belly Band with Conway & Buckle Turn Back with Hardware #2410 $27.00 Hip Strap with Hip Drops & 667 Trace Carriers #2395 $47.00 Crupper #2372 $16.00 Breeching #2365 $37.00 Quarter Straps - Per Pair #2418 $37.00 Hame Strap – Single Ply for Lazy Strap (each) #2385 $7.00 Belting Traces with Heel Chains #2403 $93.00 Traces Bio/Nylon to insert Tandem Dees #2405 $15.50

Front Gear Harness with Chain Traces Wood Hames Hame Hook – 900R (each) Hame Hook Saver (each) Hame Strap – Bio/Nylon Hame Strap – Bio/Leather Trace Chains (pair) Boots (pair) Back Piece Crupper Turn Back with Hip Straps & all Hardware Hip Strap with Hardware Belly Band with Snap & Holes Belly Band with Snap & Buckle Trace Carriers (each)

#97924 $82.00 #90006 $1.00 #2379 $0.75 #2383 $8.50 #2384 $10.50 #23021 $23.00 #2369 $41.00 #2343 $32.00 #2372 $16.00 #2411 $71.00 #2390 $21.00 #2349 $10.50 #2348 $18.00 #2407 $9.00

Front Gear Harness with Bio/Nylon Traces & Heel Chain Wood Hames – Bolt Type #99838 $106.00 #2383 $8.50 Hame Strap – Bio/Nylon Hame Strap – Bio/Leather #2384 $10.50 Traces – Bio/Nylon with Heel Chains #2402 $148.00 Market Pad #2414 $27.00 Market Straps per pair #2415 $29.00 Turn Back with Hip Straps to pass traces thru #2412 $58.00 Crupper #2372 $16.00 Trace Carriers (each) #2407 $9.00 Belly Band with Conway & Holes #2345 $10.00 Belly Band with Conway & Buckle #2346 $19.00 Breeching Harness with Chain Traces Wood Hames #97924 $82.00 Hame Hook – 900R (each) #90006 $1.00 Hame Strap – Bio/Nylon #2383 $8.50 Hame Strap – Bio/Leather #2384 $10.50 #23021 $23.00 Chain Traces Boots (pair) #2369 $41.00 Saddle with Dees #2344 $37.00 Crupper #2372 $16.00 Turn Back with Hardware #2410 $27.00 Hip straps with Hip Drops & 667 Trace Carriers (used with #2410) #2395 (pr) $47.00 Breeching #2365 $37.00 Quarter Straps – Hold Backs #2418 $37.00 Hame Strap – Single Ply for Lazy Strap (each) #2385 $7.00 #200 Snaps on Lazy Straps 1”-s/s (each) #29004 $2.25 Keepers on Lazy Straps (each) #09590 $0.35

Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014



Work Horse Bridle & Harness Parts


Biothane ® Work Harness

All with wood Hames and mostly Stainless Hardware. Breast chain, tie back and Bridle not included. Front Gear Harness with

Chain Traces Bio - Nylon Traces with Chain Ends Belting Traces with Chain Ends

#2303 #2304 #2302

$275.00 $380.00 $335.00

Breeching Harness with

Chain Traces, includes Backer Straps, does not include Choke Strap

Bio - Nylon Traces, includes Backer Straps, does not include Choke Strap





Belting Traces, includes Backer Straps, does not include Choke Strap #2307 $410.00 Buy 6 Harnesses - get 5% off if paid within 10 days of order date. #2399


Teams Lines

(Check Lines) Bio with Beta in Hands #2399 $87.00

Tie Backs

Bio 3/16”Link Chain

#2400 $20.00 #2401 $24.00


Miscellaneous Bridle - Square Blinds #2300..........................$118.00 #2301 Bridle - Pigeon Wing Blinds #2301..........................$122.00

Bridle - Economy Style #2310..........................$110.00


Breast Chain #2353............................$17.00

Choke Strap with Links & Snaps #2370...........................................$43.00

Hip Backer #2388......$57.00

Hip Strap Adapter w/ Buckle & Dee #2392........ $8.00

Hame Straps with Stainless Steel Buckles Bio & Nylon Sewn Together Bio & Leather Sewn Together Bio - Single Ply

#2383 #2384 #2385

Wood Hames For Front Gear Harness for Chain Traces Wood Hames, Bolt Type for use with Bio - Plastic & Nylon Traces Black Tubular Hames with Balls for Bio/Nylon Traces (all rings & loops are stainless steel)

$8.50 $10.50 $7.00







Hip Strap Adapter w/ Buckle & Snap #2393......$10.50

Jockey Stick with Zinc Hardware...............#97906..............$18.00 Jockey Stick with 1-1/4” Stainless Steel Snap & Stainless Steel Quick Link............... #2398.............$27.00 #2398





Trace Carrier with Snap & Ring Carrier......#2408........$10.50 ea.

Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014


Draft Cart Harness A well built harness with a 5” wide saddle built over a stainless steel tree. Bit and all hardware are stainless steel. Traces are 2” wide with slotted ends. Chain ends are available at an additional cost. Breeching is 3” wide and padded, includes crupper and rein guides. This harness also works for team harness (additional parts needed). Also available in other sizes. Collars are not included in price.

Hame Cover #7038 16" x 44"


Black Tubular Hame Style #2804 (plain) #2805 (spotted)

$880.00 $955.00

Stainless Steel Hame Style #2806 (plain) #2807 (spotted)

3-Strap Breeching

Black Tubular Hame Style #2808 (plain) #2809 (spotted) Stainless Steel Hame Style #2810 (plain) #2811 (spotted) Breast Collar Style #2802 (plain) #2803 (spotted)

$980.00 $1,090.00 $1,115.00 $1,230.00 $925.00 $1070.00

$1,015.00 $1,090.00

Breast Collar Style #2800 (plain) #2801 (spotted)

$835.00 $930.00

See page 13 for Name Plates

Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014



Draft Parts for Cart Harness

Belly Band Bit Bit Straps (per pair) Blinds with Nose Band Breast Collar with #5705 Buckles (w/o neck strap) Breast Collar with #49 Buckle & Stainless Steel Loops (w/o neck strap) Breast Collar Neck Strap Alone Breeching with #5705 Buckles (2 strap) Breeching with #49 Buckles & Stainless Steel Loops (3 strap) Bridle (comes with stainless steel bit) Brow Band Choke Strap Choke Strap - Fancy Style - No Spots - with 3 Ornaments Choke Strap - Fancy Style - Spotted - with 3 Clusters Choke Strap with Martingale Crown Crupper Fork Crupper (without Fork) Face Piece with Overcheck Hame Straps ( bio & nylon sewn together for strength) per piece Hold Backs (extra long for Draft, includes snaps) Lines without Snaps Lines Guides for Hip Rosettes Saddle 5” wide Shaft Loops Sidecheck with Conway Gag Tear Drop Throat Latch Traces with Black Bolt Connector & Clip at Front, Slots at Back Traces with Stainless Steel Bolt Connector at Front, Slots in Back Tubular Hames, Black, for 1 Horse Turn Back, Spider with 2 Strap Hip Drop Turn Back, Spider with 3 Strap Hip Drop Winker


#2813 $32.00 #25557 $14.50 #2626 $10.50 #2628 $73.00 #2815 $158.00 #2817 $164.00 #2820 $39.00 #2824 $82.00 #2658 $114.00 #2600 $186.00 #2631 $7.00 #2826 $22.00 #2827 $52.00 —— —— #2829 $47.00 #2635 $22.00 #2672 $11.50 #2372 $16.00 #2639 $13.50 #2383 $8.50 #2831 $42.00 pr. #2835 $53.00 #2832 $10.00 pr. #28010 $4.25 #2838 $170.00 #2843 $57.00 pr. #2642 $36.00 #2644 $8.00 #2647 $6.50 #2857 $130.00 #2859 $152.00 #52070 $99.00 #2847 $67.00 #2852 $148.00 #2648 $7.00

Spotted —— —— —— —— —— —— #2629 $82.00 #2816 $182.00 #2818 $188.00 #2821 $44.00 #2825 $106.00 #2659 $144.00 #2601 $206.00 #2632 $10.00 —— —— —— —— #2828 $54.00 —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— #2839 $188.00 —— —— —— —— #2645 $16.50 —— —— #2858 $138.00 #2860 $162.00 —— —— #2848 $78.00 #2853 $188.00 —— ——

Options for Single Draft Harness Heel Chains on Traces instead of Slots.................................................................................Add Heel Chain Prices (see Draft Conversion Parts page 74) Trimming Single Draft in Color Breast Collar, Trimming #2819 Breeching, Trimming #2660 Brow, Trimming Neck Strap, Trimming #2822 Saddle, Trimming #2840 Spider, Trimming #2849 80

$15.00 $15.00 $3.50 $6.50 $18.50 $8.50

Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014

All Team Sets come with stainless bits and stainless steel hardware. Some are priced with chrome plated (CP) heel chains. These draft team sets are well built! They have rolled edged padding on crowns, belly bands and breeching for comfort. Traces are 5 ply which is strong enough for draft pulling contests. Priced without cruppers. *Note: CP = Chrome Plated, S.S = Stainless Steel and N.E. = New England

#2602 Draft Team Set, Black Hames, C.P Heel Chains, No Spots, 2 - Strap Spider #2603 Draft Team Set, Black Hames, C.P Heel Chains, Med. Spotting, 2 - Strap Spider

#2604 Draft Team Set, Black Hames, C.P Heel Chains, Heavy Spotting, 2 - Strap Spider #2605 Draft Team Set, S.S Hames, S.S Heel Chains, No Spots, 2 - Strap Spider #2606 Draft Team Set, S.S Hames, S.S Heel Chains, Med. Spotting, 2 - Strap Spider #2607 Draft Team Set, S.S Hames, S.S Heel Chains, Heavy Spotting, 2 - Strap Spider #2608 Draft Team Set, Black Hames, C.P Heel Chains, No Spots, 3 - Strap Spider #2609 Draft Team Set, Black Hames, C.P Heel Chains, Heavy Spotting, 3 - Strap Spider #2610 Draft Team Set, S.S Hames, S.S Heel Chains, No Spots, 3 - Strap Spider #2611 Draft Team Set, S.S Hames, S.S Heel Chains, Heavy Spotting, 3 - Strap Spider #2612 Draft Team Set w/N.E. Dee Ring Traces, Black Hames, C.P Heel Chains, No Spots, 2 - Strap Spider #2613 Draft Team Set w/N.E. Dee Ring Traces, Black Hames, C.P Heel Chains, Med. Spotting, 2 - Strap Spider #2614 Draft Team Set w/N.E. Dee Ring Traces, Black Hames, C.P Heel Chains, Heavy Spotting, 2 - Strap Spider #2615 Draft Team Set w/N.E. Dee Ring Traces, S.S Hames, S.S Heel Chains, No Spots, 2 - Strap Spider #2616 Draft Team Set w/N.E. Dee Ring Traces, S.S Hames, S.S Heel Chains, Med. Spotting, 2 - Strap Spider #2617 Draft Team Set w/N.E. Dee Ring Traces, S.S Hames, S.S Heel Chains, Heavy Spotting, 2 - Strap Spider #2618 Draft Team Set w/N.E. Dee Ring Traces, Black Hames, C.P Heel Chains, No Spots, 3 - Strap Spider #2619 Draft Team Set w/N.E. Dee Ring Traces, Black Hames, C.P Heel Chains, Heavy Spotting, 3 - Strap Spider #2620 Draft Team Set w/N.E. Dee Ring Traces, S.S Hames, S.S Heel Chains, No Spots, 3 - Strap Spider #2621 Draft Team Set w/N.E. Dee Ring Traces, S.S Hames, S.S Heel Chains, Heavy Spotting, 3 - Strap Spider

$1,660.00 $1,790.00 $1,880.00 $1,960.00 $2,080.00 $2,180.00 $1,920.00 $2,220.00 $2,220.00 $2,510.00 $1,770.00 $1,890.00 $1,960.00 $2,080.00 $2,195.00 $2,270.00 $2,030.00 $2,295.00 $2,340.00 $2,610.00

All New England Dee Ring Harnesses Are Priced With The Twin Yokes!

#2609 Draft Team Set with 3-Strap Breeching in Heavy Spotting. Crupper forks not included in prices.

#2606 Draft Team Set, S.S. Hames, S.S. Heel Chains, Med. Spotting, 2-Strap Spider.

Crupper forks not included in prices.

#2602 Draft Team Set with 2-Strap Breeching, Plain. Crupper forks not included in prices.

Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014



Draft Team Sets - Farm & Logging Style - Parade Style


Draft Conversion Parts Heel Chain Trace Converter Trace Converter (heel chain not included) 2" #2789


Buckle this to your slotted trace to convert it to a heel chain trace.


$18.00 pr. $15.50 pr.

Stainless Steel Heel Chains with Swivels 2" #45592 1-1/2" #45590

$18.50 ea. $18.50 ea.

Stainless Steel Heel Chains without Swivels 2" #2794 1-1/2" #7580

$28.00 ea. $17.00 ea.

Chrome Plated Heel Chains with Swivels 2" #45584 1-1/2" #45582

$13.00 ea. $12.50 ea.


Slotted Trace Converter #2791.....$31.00 pr. Snap this to your heel chain to convert it to a slotted trace. Has strong stainless steel snap. 1-1/2” wide.

Attach These Parts to Your Draft Team to go Single Single Reins

Line Guides

Hold Backs

#2831 #2832 Line Guides for Hip w/Stainless Steel Snaps (per pr) #2833 Single Lines without Snaps #2835 Heel Chain Covers (1 set for 1 horse) #2795

Hold Back with Snaps (per pr) Line Guides for Hip (per pr)

Shaft Loop Attachments Draft Size Attachment - Complete (pictured)



#2845 #2844 #2843

$11.00 $18.50 pr. $57.00 pr.

Haflinger Shaft Loop Attachment - Complete #7600 Haflinger Shaft Loop Belly Strap #7599 Haflinger Shaft Loop Carrier Straps #7598 Haflinger Shaft Loop #2098 (Haflinger size is not built quite as heavy as draft size)

$56.00 $9.00 $14.00 pr. $39.00 pr.

Draft Shaft Loop Belly Strap Draft Shaft Loop Carrier Straps Draft Shaft Loops (per pr)




Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014

$42.00 $10.00 $16.00 $53.00 $16.00

All team parts are sold per horse, except traces and lines. Traces are sold per set (2 horses). Stainless

Belly Band

Belly Band - Wrap Style for Pulling Belly Band - Wrap Style - Extra Wide Billets (pair) Bit Bit Straps (per pair) Blinds with Nose Band Breeching - 2 Strap - Conway Style Breeching - 3 Strap with #49 Buckles & SS Loops Bridle (comes with stainless steel bit) Brow Band Check Strap - Single Style - goes to ring on rump (per pc) Check Strap - Double Style - goes to breeching dees (per pc) Crown Crupper (without fork) Crupper Fork (without crupper) Face Piece, Overcheck Style Rear Overcheck Hame Strap ( bio & nylon) Hame Strap (bio & leather) Lazy Straps with Pockets (pair) Lines - Team Style - 1” wide Lines - 4 Up Style - 1” wide (Lead or Swing Horse Lines) Lines - 6 Up Style - 1” wide (Lead Horse Lines) Lines - 3 Abreast Style - 1” wide Lines - 4 Abreast Style - 1” wide Note: All Lines are Priced with Beta Hand Parts and No Snaps Market Pad Market Straps (pair) Pole Straps with 1616 Snap (each) Quarter Straps (pair) Rosettes (pair) Side Backer Straps - 5705 Style - 1-1-2” x 74” (pair) Side Backer Straps - 5705 Style - 1-1/2” x 60” (pair) Side Backer Straps - Conway Style - 1-1/2” wide Adj. from 48” - 60” (pair) Sidecheck with Conway Gag Spider - 2 Strap - Conway Style Spider - 3 Strap - #49 Style Strap from Jockey Strap or upside down Hook to Hame Bio/Nylon Hame Strap - 1”- 21” Tear Drop Throat Latch Traces w/Black Hardware & Chrome Plated Heel Chains (per set) Traces w/Stainless Steel Hardware & Stainless Steel Heel Chains (per set) Traces New England Dee Ring Style w/Black Hardware (per set) Traces New England Dee Ring Style w/Stainless Steel Hardware (per set) Winker

#2650 $22.00 #2651 $51.00 #2652 $64.00 #2654 $19.00 #25557 $14.50 #2626 $10.50 #2628 $73.00 #2656 $44.00 #2658 $114.00 #2600 $186.00 #2631 $7.00 #2664 $8.00 #2665 $21.00 #2635 $22.00 #2372 $16.00 #2672 $11.50 #2639 $13.50 #2640 $18.50 #2383 $8.50 #2384 $10.50 #2677 $54.00 #2680 $88.00 #2681 $120.00 #2682 $144.00 #2683 $144.00 #2674 $160.00

SS Med Spotted

SS Heavy Spotted

—— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— #2629 $82.00 —— —— #2657 $57.00 —— —— —— —— #2659 $144.00 —— —— #2601 $206.00 #2632 $10.00 —— —— —— —— —— —— #2666 $36.00 —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— #2678 $60.00 #2679 $65.00 —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— ——

#2684 #2690 #2694 #2696 #28010 #2698 #2699

#2685 $58.00 —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— ——

#2686 $74.00 —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— ——

$47.00 $31.00 $59.00 $38.00 $4.25 $44.00 $39.00

#2700 $59.00 —— —— —— —— #2642 $36.00 —— —— —— —— #2702 $84.00 #2703 $93.00 #2704 $104.00 #2707 $156.00 #2708 $174.00 #2709 $198.00 #2383 #2644 #2647 #2718 #2722 #2782 #2783 #2648

$8.50 $8.00 $6.50 $295.00 $365.00 $410.00 $490.00 $7.00

Trimming Draft Sets in Color

Breeching - Trimming #2660 Market Pad - Trimming #2687 Spider - Trimming #2705 Brow - Trimming

—— #2645 —— #2719 #2723 #2786 #2784 ——

—— $16.50 —— $315.00 $385.00 $425.00 $505.00 ——

—— —— —— —— —— —— #2720 $325.00 #2724 $395.00 —— —— —— —— —— ——

$15.00 ea. $7.00 ea. $6.50 ea. $3.50 ea.

Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014



Draft Team Parts


Haflinger Team Sets - Farm, Logging Style - Also Single Harness All hardware is Stainless Steel - No collars included in these prices...See page 10. *Note: CP =Chromed Plated, S.S. = Stainless Steel

Team Sets - Plain Bridle

Halflinger Team Set with Black Hames, Stainless Steel Hardware, Chrome Plated Heel Chains - 2 Strap Halflinger Team Sets w/Stainless Steel Hames, Stainless Steel Hardware, Stainless Steel Heel Chains - 2 Strap For 3 Strap Team Set Blinds Brow Band Crown Nose Band Side Check with Conway Gag Teardrop Teardrop with Ornament Throat Latch Winker Belly Band Billets per pair Breeching Check Strap - Double Style (per piece) Check Strap - Single (per piece) Lazy Strap (per pair) Lines - Team - 1” wide Market Pad Market Strap (per pair) Pole Strap with 1616 Snap (per piece) Quarter Straps (per pair) Spider - 2 Strap - Conway Style Trace w/Black Hardware & Chrome Plated Heel Chains - for 2 horses Trace with Stainless Steel Hardware & Stainless Steel Heel Chains Shaft Loop Attachment Straps with Snap Straps with 2 Buckles & Keeper Shaft Loop Attachment - Complete

Plain #7500 $134.00

Spotted #7501 $170.00


#7503 $1,420.00



$1,620.00 #7505 $1,750.00 add $105.00 add $365.00 #7508 $49.00 #7509 $69.00 #7510 $4.75 #7511 $9.50 #7512 $17.50 —— —— #7513 $4.50 —— —— #7515 $30.00 —— —— #7516 $4.75 —— —— #7517 $13.00 —— —— #7518 $5.00 —— —— #7519 $5.50 —— —— #7520 $16.50 —— —— #7525 $17.00 pr. —— —— #7528 $29.00 #7529 $36.00 #7535 $15.50 ea. —— —— #7536 $4.75 ea. —— —— #7538 $14.00 pr. —— —— #7540 $83.00 —— —— #7550 $39.00 #7551 $51.00 #7555 $24.00 —— —— #7560 $55.00 —— —— #7562 $23.00 pr. —— —— #7565 $77.00 #7566 $85.00 #7570 $250.00 #7571 $265.00 #7575 $320.00 #7576 $340.00 #7598 $14.00 pr. —— —— #7599 $9.00 —— —— #7600 $56.00 —— —— Plain $630.00 $620.00 $680.00 $126.00 $26.00 $66.00 $8.00 $44.00 $114.00 $39.00 pr. $75.00 $75.00

Single Halflinger Single with Breast Collar Halflinger Single with Black Driving Hames Halflinger Single with Stainless Steel Driving Hames Breast Collar with # 49 Buckle Neck Strap Breeching # 49 Style Crupper Fork Lines - Single - 3/4” wide Saddle - 4" wide Shaft Loops (per pair) Traces with Slots Turn Backs with Spider

#7700 #7702 #7704 #7720 #7722 #7730 #7734 #7736 #7745 #2098 #7750 #7755

Mini Team Set - Farm and Logging Style

#2863 $845.00


Spotted #7701 $740.00 #7703 $705.00 #7705 $725.00 #7721 $154.00 #7723 $32.00 #7731 $85.00 —— —— —— —— #7746 $134.00 —— —— #7751 $84.00 #7756 $90.00

Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014

All hardware is priced per set (for 2 animals) unless otherwise noted.

Hames - All Hames are priced Per Set (2 animals) Black Tubular with Stainless Steel Rings & Balls

Black Tubular with Stainless Steel Rings & Balls Pulling Style Stainless Steel Tubular w/ Stainless Steel Hardware Stainless Steel Tubular w/ Stainless Steel Hardware Pulling Style

#52070 #62085 #52050 #62080

$198.00 $525.00 $460.00 $1,350.00

Side Backer Hardware Jockey Loop Rings for on Billets when using Side Backers Jockey Snaps - Stainless Steel New England Side Backer Hook - #499, 1-1/2” Black New England Side Backer Hook - #499, 1-1/2” Stainless Steel Twin Yokes - Draft Size is 23 1/2” overall - Haflinger size is 20-1/2” ( S.S.)

#36300 #60800 #49900 #49901 #38572

takes 4 pcs x $3.50 ea. takes 4 pcs x $9.00 ea. takes 4 pcs x $7.50 ea. takes 4 pcs x $35.00 ea. takes 2 pcs at $72.00/pr.

Trace Hardware Bolt Connectors - #21 Black, 1-1/2” Bolt Connectors - #21 Black, 2” Bolt Connectors - #21 Stainless, 1-1/2” Bolt Connectors - #21 Stainless, 2” Bolt Connectors - #212 Black, Pulling, 2” Bolt Connectors - #212 Stainless, Pulling, 2” Clips - #989, Black - 3 Hole, 1-1/2” Clips - #989L, Black - 5 Hole, 2” Clips - #988 Stainless - 3 Hole, 1-1/2” Clips - #870 Stainless - 5 Hole, 2”

#99001 #99003 #99005 #99006 #99010 #99011 #87901 #87602 #87605 #87606

takes 4 pcs x $5.50 ea. takes 4 pcs x $5.50 ea. takes 4 pcs x $10.50 ea. takes 4 pcs x $11.50 ea. takes 4 pcs x $11.00 ea. takes 4 pcs x $17.50 ea. takes 4 pcs x $2.75 ea. takes 4 pcs x $3.50 ea. takes 4 pcs x $8.00 ea. takes 4 pcs x $8.50 ea.

Heel Chains Chrome Plated with Swivel - 2” Stainless Steel with Swivel - 2” Stainless Steel without Swivel - 2”

#45584 #45592 #2794

takes 4 pcs x $13.00 ea. takes 4 pcs x $18.50 ea. takes 4 pcs x $28.00 ea.

Heel Hooks Black - #444 - 2” Stainless Steel - #444 - 2”

#44472 #81105

takes 4 pcs x $10.50 ea. takes 4 pcs x $12.50 ea.

New England Style Trace Dee Black over Mag. Bronze - #487 - 2” Stainless Steel - #487 - 2”

#32620 #32630

takes 4 pcs x $19.00 ea. takes 4 pcs x $21.00 ea.

Hame Fasteners (per piece) Hame Fastener # 83 Work - Black Hame Fastener # 84 Pulling - Black Hame Fastener # 83 Work - Chrome Plated Hame Fastener # 84 Pulling - Stainless Steel

#52045 #52046 #52047 #52048

$21.00 $31.00 $50.00 $63.00

Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014



Draft Team Hardware


Draft Show Harness #2901 Single Show Harness Single Show Harness prices include: Housing, Buxton Show Bit, Shaft Loop Pockets, Single Hold Backs and Single Reins. Your choice of nose band style either Caveson Style or Front Nose Band Style. Prices do not include collars - see page 10 Draft Size: $2,520.00 Haflinger Size: $2,420.00

Bee Tree Trail

Belly Band Complete - Padded Style Belly Band without Outside Strap Bit for Show Blinders and Winker Breeching Brow Band Choke Strap with 3 Ornaments Clover - per piece Connector Strap Crown Crupper Crupper Fork Draft Show Bridle w/Buxton Show Bit Housings w/Show Chain & 9 Ornaments - each Kidney Drop Lazy Straps - Plain - per pair Lazy Strap - Fancy - per pair Martingale Show Chain & Ornament Nose Band with Cavason Strap Pole Straps or 1616 Outfits - per piece Rosettes - per pair Saddle Show Hames #821 - per pair - for 1 horse Show Hames #821 - per set - for 2 horses 822 Show Hooks #821 - per pair - for horse Side Check with Fine Chain Spider Tear Drop Throat Latch Traces for Single - per pair Traces for Team - per set 86

#2902 Team Set Show Harness Team Set Show Harness prices include: Housing, Buxton Show Bit, and Team Reins. Prices do not include collars - see page 10 Draft Size: $4,840.00 Haflinger Size: $4,740.00

#2925 $68.00 #2926 $57.00 #25520 $44.00 #2908 $76.00 #2930 $108.00 #2910 $33.00 #2827 $52.00 #2933 $45.00 #2935 $13.00 #2912 $19.50 #2938 $16.00 #2939 $10.00 #2900 $275.00 #85100 $445.00 #2940 $82.00 #2942 $36.00 #2943 $63.00 #2947 $156.00 #2914 $32.00 #2950 $91.00 #27855 $11.00 #2955 $595.00 #82110 $355.00 #82100 $715.00 #82105 $90.00 #2916 $59.00 #2959 $136.00 #2918 $16.50 #2920 $9.50 #2962 $208.00 #2963 $380.00

Nose Bands Front Nose Band Style




Order by Phone: 610-273-7370 (M-F 12:00 to 1:00 EST) • Order by Fax: 412-504-6014

Index Amish Road Harness & Parts.......... 65-76 Bells ....................................................... 9 Belts.......................................................7 Bits................................................. 32-35 Breast Collars, super V..........................49 Breast Collars, Work.............................76 Breast Collars, Padded & Pl..................48 Breast Collars, Quick Release...............48 Breast Collars, Race..............................27 Bridles Padded w/accessories..............45 Bridles Race & Accessories............. 25-26 Brooms...................................................8 Burrs ....................................................31 Buxtons................................................28 Caution Signs ......................................60 Cavesons Race .....................................24 Collars..................................................10 Color Chart ............................................5 Construction Pouches............................6 Corner Balls............................................7 Couplers Quick Hitch...........................23 Cribbing Straps....................................76 Crupper Towels ....................................23 Cruppers, Pleasure...............................53 Cruppers, Race.....................................23 Deluxe Road Harness...........................73 Diaper Bag.............................................9 Draft Cart Harness................................79 Draft Cart Harness Parts.......................80 Draft Conversion Parts..........................82 Draft Show Harness..............................86 Draft Team Hardware...........................85 Draft Team Parts ...................................83 Draft Team Sets ....................................81 Ear Plugs........................................ 27,72 Euro Collars.................................... 50,72 Evener Straps .................................57,69 False Martingales ................................50 Fine Show Harness..............................75 Flower Pot Holders ................................7 Four in Hand Parts .........................56,57 Gates......................................................9 Gifts.....................................................7-9 3

Girths, Padded & Pleasure ...................51 Girths, Race..........................................23 Glasses.................................................23 Gloves, Bionic ........................................7 Halflinger Team Sets ...........................84 Halter, Carriage....................................72 Halters and Tack........................16-20,72 Hame Straps...................47,59,68,74,77 Hames & Accessories................47,68,78 Harness Bag.........................................59 Harness Decorations ...........................71 Harness Hooks.......................................8 Harness, Padded..................................36 Harness, Pleasure................................38 Head Pole Straps .................................23 Head Poles ..........................................31 Hearts, Decorative.......................... 13,71 Heel Chains .........................................82 Hold Backs.....................54,68,74,77,82 Hole Punch items ...............................59 Hoof Dressing......................................63 Hopple Hangers ..................................30 Hopples, Grazing...................................8 Hopples, Racing...................................30 Jockey Stick .........................................78 Keepers, Decorative.............................71 Kicking Straps ................................57,72 Knee Spreader............................... 15,28 Leads ....................................................19 Line Accessories, Race..........................24 Lines, Long...........................................15 Liniments .......................................63,64 Marathon Misc Accessories............ 59,62 Marathon Pads ....................................61 Murphy Blinds.....................................27 Muzzles, Grazing....................................8 Name Plates................................... 13,19 Neck Ropes ..........................................71 Noseband............................ 47,50,65,71 Nosebands, Race .................................24 Number Holders..................................59 Open Cheek Pcs........................25,45,71 Ornaments..................................... 13,14

Pads, Waffle - Air Flow (Pleasure).........62 Pads, Vinyl/Neo (Amish).......................11 Pads, Vinyl/Neo (Race).........................29 Pen Holders............................................7 Pigeon Wing Bridle & Parts ........... 77,78 Plumes ................................................13 Power Drive Options............................70 Rabbits Products............................ 63,64 Race Accessories............................. 23-31 Race Harness.................................. 21,22 Reflective Harness Items .....................65 Rein Guides .........................................53 Riding Tack...........................................20 Roadster Harness.................................75 Rosettes................................................14 Saddles, Padded & Pleasure................51 Safety Belt, Marathon..........................59 Shadow Roll.........................................26 Shaftloops, French Tug ........................52 Shaftloops, Quick Release....................52 Snap Shackles & Accessories................13 Snaps....................................................13 Spares Kits............................................59 Square Blind Bridle & Parts..................77 Stall Gates............................................... 9 Stirrups ..................................................8 Sulky Attachments...............................23 Surcingles, Training .............................15 Sweat Stick ............................................8 Tandem Parts .......................................58 Terms ....................................................3 Three Ring Martingale ...................57,72 Tie Backs ..............................................78 Tie Downs, Carriage.............................59 Trace Carriers..................54,58,69,74,75 Trace Converter............................... 58,82 Trace Extensions............................. 58,71 Training Equipment.............................15 Turnbacks, Quick Release.....................53 Wallets...................................................7 Whips .............................................31,60 Wormer ...............................................63 Wrench Case .........................................8

www.Yonies.com • sales@Yonies.com • phone: 610-273-7370


435 Churchtown Road Honey Brook, PA 19344

Know someone that would like our catalog? Send us their name & address, and we’ll send one to them at no charge.


pages 32-35

Neck Sweats page 15

4-In-Hand page 36

Deluxe Road Harness page 74

Stapled Keepers standard on our "Deluxe" Harnesses


page 7

Wooden Sweat Sticks page 8


Manufacturer of Synthetic Harnesses and Tack

www.Yonies.com • sales@Yonies.com • phone: 610-273-7370

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