2011 10 October Jaycar Electronics Brochure

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MIni MlcroSD Card Speaker Share your music willllllis rechargeable amplIfied stereo speaker that !XIIlIH.1S 10 your iRxl", iPacr-, MP3 player, Smartphone or computer. It can also play a MicroSD card full cJ music files. Internal Lj.ion battery rechar~ frem USB. IlTIpfessive audio quality - asIl k)r a demo in store. · SoIidlii • 2 ~ 3WRMS output

• 2.4GHz • 12VilC • Sire, 21(l)

• Frequency resp:NlSe; 150Hz · 18kHz • Size; 74(L) x 5O(W) x 52(H)mm

~ 1l0(W)

XC ·5176

x 76(H)mm QM..3796 was $ 199.00


MP3 FM Modulator with Remote

Watch Cable TV All Over The House

We love this deiK:e. nplays MP3 music files frem an Sl)'MMC rnerTIO!)' card, USB stick, i~ or MP3 player directly thllll€h the FM band on ~ C8f~. Crystal clear, interference free, and adjUSlabie backlit LCD screen for OJtimum viewil18.

video & audio signals aroood \Ile house, otrce 01' s/J:lp. It uses the 5.I!GHz band 10 ensure crystal clear reception. ~ 10 1r3flSlTl~ )'OIIr Cable TV kI another room in the house savil18 )'011 0000 to pay lor a second sellOp \1M . Tf8flSITI~

• Repeats your infra-red ~ control • Up kI 30m fill¥! dear line 0/ sigt"f • 9VDC IXJWef SUWfy inck.rded

Electronic Bug Maze

• Size: 105(W) ~ 150(0) ~ 38(H)mm

A fanlaStic eIoctronc bl4! habitat set that wmes ~ WIth al the pieces required to buikl a beautiful home !of the two electrmc ta...,. SIWied in !he kit H:orpora\e two mazes togeCher to Wikl an even bi!J:el" area !of the ta...,. 10 explore in. Remernle - the more bigs you hiIYe, the more fun you MYel


AR·I840 Mdi~

receiver a bo avaija ble

AR·1841 $79.00

3W LEO Torch with Solar

. Charging Compartment


Network 4 Channel l~""'''!::*n::4t1:. 1 ,LCD. DVR and Camera Kit available lc_____ ThIS surveillance packilge offer.;; exoepIionaI value foI money. k in::ludes a H 264 DVR ooik-i!l 10" LCD cobJr monitor




A 1XJWeIfu13W LED IOfdl that can becharged from the solar

320GB HOD,

Of tune wirdowsill to J6CIIa.ge its battery then sjjde the IoIt;h out when ready 10 use. Inclu::les rompartmenl Leaye the compartment on the car dashboan::l re::hargeable U-ion batte!)".

2irxmr/outdoof colour CMOS 350M ca~



• 2.5 hoors bum lime

supplies. EYe!)llhire)'OO need in one boIll with IR iIIumill1ltion!Of night viewing, and 2 18m cables and Recoolire can be starlHl manually. t7t ~mire 01 by triggered alarm cooditioos. The lTIIIin feature i5 the Smartphone support and the il"hone- app you can download from lTunes- to 'Iiew live or recotded footage. Monitoring may be dooe real-lime on a VGA

• Water re.iS!allt IOI'th • Ton:h size: I66(L) x J4(Dia.)mm

monitor, LAN Of an iPtJone- or Smartphooe. The DVR functions can be ronlrolled b>j mouse or the ircluded IR remote control.

• Solar compartme!ll: 198(L) x 55(H) x95(O)mm

Extra cameras available sep<lra!ely.

• 150 lumen

For T he

electronic bugs separatelyYG-2891

S4.95 each


Chopper Ace!

~~''~'~~i"~i~~~:'i:rl-::'r:~~~~~~~~~~: • Trim control

• INR size: 208(l) x 85(W) x 242(H)mm • Cdnera size: 115(l) x 45(HJmm


QV·3030 was $799.00

38Ch O.SW CB Radio This I~ hand·tleId UHF transceiVef is suitable k)r all proIeBlnal and recreational activities such as hrkif"i, boa~.., kayaking, laJitlinl! sileS etc . Open field lrar1Smission Skin, with city rarrge 141 to IkIn. Includes ;;C'C:


users on same channel. • C!M.ors Auslraliltn 38 UHF C8 dWIneIs n repeatefs • Grem biIckIit LCD screen • VOX (voice operntronJ function • No ioen5e required • Ro:Jlires 3 t AM batteries • Size: 1000H) ~ 6O(W) x 35( 0)mrn ,!j~==,'=''"i',

DC· I023 was $49.95 linitad quantity.

e. quick!

Lmks just fllIe a rugged i!VIlIIOJ style wristwadl but tean.es a hidden carner.! 10 rec:cwd video and audio in AVlIofmat klr up 10 60 minutes or app!OX 1200 still pictures. DowrMJads Chllfg!5 via ItE supplied 2.5rnm to USB lead.


• SOWRMS output

• Gift Ix»;ed • Driver software inclwed

• Microphone pmriIy • 6.5" cusIomil8:l maldal woofer • Size: 264(w) x 273{H) x 264(D)mm • Weight: 8kg /!P<'-,-,=~~


CS-2513 was $299.00

Abo available: 38 Ch RechafINbie Haooheid O.5W C8 pair with charging cradle

DC·l007 was $69.95 now $49.95 save $20.00

Rechargeable amplifier IEfIoct for parties, audilDrilmS, dance sct1:rols, gyms 01' sired. perIorrnarJ::e. fndudes a wireless 1Iand· held micmphone and a wireless transmittef for lapel and laYalief mlcn:rphone (I!tar;hrned. Fealllres a 3 channel mixer and laJin-in rechargeable battery with approx 12 IDur nmne. Use willl iPtx!"', CO pIaytn, MPls e1I:.

Your locallv owned and operated store

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