B&e marchapril2011r

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Vol. 22 No. 2

March - April • 2011




Is it Spring time yet?

In This Issue:

• The Rebound of a Great City to Bits & Pieces of the Past • Digging adventures in Savannah (Savannah Diggin’s) • Remembering A Friend • A Poison Collector in Paradise • California Bottle Collecting

• Legends of the Jar • Collecting Target Balls Is Tough; Shooting ’Em Often Deadly • Benicia Bottles Were Special • The Dating Game: Reed & Co. and the Massillon Glass Works: R&Co – MGW – M

The official publication of the Federation of Historical Bottle Collectors

Since 1993

Glass n a eric m yA Earl


2523 J Street Suite 203 Sacramento, CA 95816 1800-806-7722

On the web: americanbottle.com Email: info@americanbottle.com


March - April 2011

Bottles and Extras

Bottles an Extras d

Vol. 22 No. 2

March - April 2011

No. 194

Table of Contents FOHBC Officer Listing 2010-2012..........2 Digging Adventures in Savannah Benicia Bottles Were Special By Richard Hansen ......................... 48 (Savannah Diggin’s) President’s Message................................3 By Bobby Hinely................................... 28 The Dating Game: Remembering A Friend Reed & Co. and the Massillon Recent Finds..........................................4 By Bruce Schank.................................... 31 Glass Works: R&Co – MGW – M By Bill Lockhart, Pete Schulz, At Auction.............................................5 A Poison Collector in Paradise Carol Serr, and Bill Lindsey . .............49 By Bob Barbour................................... 33 Shards of Wisdom..............................6 Classified Ads & Ad Rate Info............62 Legends of the Jar Book in Review....................................8 By Bruce Schank.......................................40 FOHBC Show-Biz Show Calendar Listings............. 6 6 Regional Reports.................................10 C o l l e c t i n g Ta r g e t B a l l s I s To u g h ; The Rebound of a Great City to Bits & S h o o t i n g ’ E m O f t e n D e a d l y Membership Additions and Changes.....70 By Ralph Finch......................................... 44 Pieces of the Past Membership Application......................71 By William Gonterman................ 22 California Bottle Collecting By Betty Zumwalt ..................................... 47 Membership Benefits..........................72 Paper Trail.........................................26

Don’t miss an issue - Please check your labels for expiration information. Fair use notice: Some material above has been submitted for publication in this magazine and/or was originally published by the authers and is copyrighted. We, as a non-profit organization, offer it here as an educational tool to increase further understanding and discussion of bottle collecting and related history. We believe this constitutes “fair use” of the copyrighted material as provided for in Section 107 of the U.S. Copyright Law. If you wish to use this material for purposes of your own that go beyond “fair use”, you must obtain permission from the copyrighted owner(s). WHO DO I CONTACT ABOUT THE MAGAZINE? CHANGE OF ADDRESS, MISSING ISSUES, etc., contact the Business Manager June Lowry, 401 Johnston Ct., Raymore, MO 64083; Ph: (816) 318-0160 or E-mail: OSUBuckeyes71@aol.com To ADVERTISE, SUBSCRIBE or RENEW a subscription, see pages 63 and 71 for details. To SUBMIT A STORY, send a LETTER TO THE EDITOR or have COMMENTS and concerns, Contact: Martin Van Zant, Bottles and Extras Editor, 208 Urban St., Danville, IN 46122 Phone: (812) 841-9495 or E-mail: mdvanzant@yahoo.com BOTTLES AND EXTRAS © (ISSN 1050-5598) is published bi-monthly (6 Issues per year) by the Federation of Historical Bottle Collectors, Inc. (a non-profit IRS C3 educational organization) at 401 Johnston Ct., Raymore, MO 64083; Ph: (816) 318-0160; Website: http://www.fohbc.com. Non-profit periodicals postage paid at Raymore, MO 64083 and additional mailing office, Pub. #005062. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Bottles and Extras, FOHBC, 401 Johnston Court, Raymore, MO 64083; Ph: (816) 318-0160. Annual subscription rate is: $30 or $45 for First Class, $50 Canada and other foreign, $65 in U.S. funds. The Federation of Historical Bottle Collectors, Inc. assumes no responsibility for products and services advertised in this publication. The names: Federation of Historical Bottle Collectors, Inc., and Bottles and Extras ©, are registered ® names of the Federation of Historical Bottle Collectors, Inc., and no use of either, other than as references, may be used without expressed written consent from the Federation of Historical Bottle Collectors, Inc. Certain material contained in this publication is copyrighted by, and remains the sole property of, the Federation of Historical Bottle Collectors, Inc., while others remain property of the submitting authors. Detailed information concerning a particular article may be obtained from the Editor. Printed by Modernlitho, Jefferson City, MO 65101.


March - April 2011

Bottles and Extras

The Federation of Historical Bottle Collectors is a non-profit organization for collectors of historical bottles and related collectible items. Our Primary goal is educational as it relates to the history and manufacture of historical bottles and related artifacts. FOHBC Officers 2010-2012

President: Gene Bradberry, PO Box 341062, Memphis, TN 38184; phone: (901) 372-8428; e-mail: Genebsa@comcast.net First Vice-President: Bob Ferraro, 515 Northridge Dr, Boulder City, NV 89005; phone: (702) 293-3114; e-mail: mayorferraro@aol.com. Second Vice-President: Ferdinand Meyer V, 101 Crawford, Studio 1A, Houston, TX 77002; phone: (713) 222-7979; e-mail: fmeyer@fmgdesign.com. Secretary: Randy Driskill, PO Box 2146, Vista, CA 92085; phone: (760) 415-6549, Randy@bottleauction.com Treasurer: Tom Lines, PO Box 382831, Birmingham, AL 35238; phone (205) 987-0650, e-mail: bluecrab1949@hotmail.com Historian: Richard Watson, 10 S Wendover Rd, Medford, NJ 08055; phone: (856) 983-1364; e-mail: crwatsonnj@verizon.net Editor: Martin Van Zant, 208 Urban St, Danville, IN 46122; phone: (812) 841-9495; e-mail: mdvanzant@yahoo.com. Merchandising Director: Kent Williams, 1835 Oak Ter, Newcastle, CA 95658; phone: (916) 663-1265; e-mail: KentW@ppoa.org Membership Director: Ed Herrold, 65 Laurel Loop, Maggie Valley, NC 28751; phone: (828) 926-2513; e-mail: drbitters@mindspring.com Conventions Director: R Wayne Lowry, 401 Johnston Ct, Raymore, MO 64083; phone: (816) 318-0161; e-mail: JarDoctor@aol.com

Business Manager: June Lowry, 401 Johnston Ct, Raymore, MO 64083; phone: (816) 318-0160; e-mail: OSUBuckeyes71@aol.com Director-at-Large: Carl Sturm, 88 Sweetbriar Branch, Longwood, FL 32750; phone: (407) 332-7689; e-mail: glassmancarl@sprintmail.com Director-at-Large: Sheldon Baugh, 252 W Valley Dr, Russellville, KY 42276; phone: (270) 726-2712; e-mail: shel6943@bellsouth.net Director-at-Large: John Pastor, PO Box 227, New Hudson, MI 48165; phone: (248) 486-0530; e-mail: jpastor@americanglassgallery.com Midwest Region Director: Joe Hardin, 594 Layman Rd, New Vienna, OH 45159; phone: (937) 728-9930; e-mail: jkcollectables@gmail.com. Northeast Region Director: Ed Kuskie, 352 Pineview Dr, Elizabeth, PA 15037; phone: (412) 405-9061; e-mail: bottlewizard@comcast.net. Southern Region Director: Jack Hewitt, 1765 Potomac Ct, Lawrenceville, GA 30043; phone: (770) 856-6062, e-mail: hewittja@bellsouth.net. Western Region Director: Dave Maryo, 12634 Westway Ln, Victorville, CA 92392; phone: (760) 617-5788; e-mail: dmaryo@verizon.net Public Relations Director: James Berry, 200 Fort Plain Watershed Rd, St. Johnsville, NY 13452; phone: (518) 568-5683; e-mail: jhberry10@yahoo.com

Bottles and Extras


March - April 2011

Fohbcs President’s Message Gene Bradberry

(901) 372-8428 Genebsa@comcast.net As we go into this new year and bottle shows start picking up in frequency, I hope you will all take advantage of those closest to you and support your local or nearest club. Without participation of all collectors, shows would cease to exist, Shows are great ways to add to your collection, your knowledge and to establish long-lasting friendships as well. Thinking back over the past 40-plus years, I think of all the friends I have made in bottle collecting. Had it not been for this hobby, I probably would have never come to know them. I met Dick and Elma Watson for the first time in 1988 and after a few months, became a very close friend of theirs, having spent several nights in their home and enjoyed their hospitality. Elma (I nicknamed her “Elmer”) and I would go antiquing during the day while sometimes Dick had to work. She was truly a lady who knew her antiques and was a true friend. Dick would meet us later and then we would enjoy some of Elma’s great cooking that evening. That was truly a great friendship that developed because of this hobby. Elma is now gone and Dick and I chat quite frequently, remain good friends and share a lot of ideas and thoughts with each other. Dick continues to enjoy all of his great collecting, including bitters, spring waters, historical flasks, fruit jars and, guess what he really likes – ACL sodas. That brings me to this: We will be starting a regular column in Bottles and Extras (hopefully with this issue) on applied color label sodas. Stories will be written by Mike Elling and Randee Kaiser. I also am looking for columnists who will contribute on a regular basis in their areas of expertise. I am working on several right now and hope to have them in place by our next issue.

PO Box 341062 Memphis, TN 38184

Speaking of good friends in the hobby, we have all lost a good friend and fellow collector in Bill Agee, of Waco, Texas, who passed away on Jan. 24. Bill was a Baptist minister and was active in the ministry up until the end. He had just enjoyed performing a wedding ceremony for one of his grandsons in December. Bill was a cure collector and author of two books, Collecting the Cures and Collecting All Cures. He also was an avid Dr. Pepper collector and was president of the Dr. Pepper Club in Waco. I first met Bill at a bottle show in Dallas in 1971 and we became fast friends. Everyone who ever met him liked him immediately. He was an avid researcher as well as a collector and truly enjoyed the people in this great hobby. We extend our condolences to Bill’s family and offer our prayers in this time of loss. Bill will be sorely missed. Thinking back to when we first met, I was attending the Dallas club’s show and it was a full three-day show. You set up on a Thursday and then attended the show for three full days – Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Oh, yes, it was much too long and I am not advocating that long a show today. It was just a passing thought as to how things have changed. I still have a great open pontil teardrop flask that I obtained at that show. Don’t forget to make your reservations early for our National Convention in Memphis, Tenn., June 24-26. It promises to be a great one. I hope to see some of you at a bottle show soon. Until next time, good hunting and digging and, as always, LET’S KEEP THE FUN IN BOTTLE COLLECTING! Gene Bradberry FOHBC President

Where there’s a will there’s a way to leave Donations to the FOHBC Did you know the Federation of Historical Bottle Collectors is a 501C(3) charitable organization? How does that affect you? It allows tax deductions for any and all donations to the FOHBC. You might also consider a bequest in your will to the FOHBC. This could be a certain amount of money or part or all of your bottle collection. The appraised value of your collection would be able to be deducted from your taxes. (This is not legal advice, please consult an attorney) I give and bequeath to the Federation of Historical Bottle Collectors, 401 Johnston Ct, Raymore, MO 64083, the sum of $____________ to be used as its Board of Directors determines. The same type wording could be used for bequeathing your collection or part of it, however, before donating your collection (or part of it), you would need the collection appraised by a professional appraiser with knowledge of bottles and their market values. This is the amount that would be tax deductible. Thank you for considering us in your donation plans. Gene Bradberry, President Federation of Historical Bottle Collectors


March - April 2011

Bottles and Extras

Recent Finds Dear Editor: Take a look at these pictures. I am trying to help someone find the date and value. I can pretty much determine a ball park date but can’t find anyone that has ever seen this bottle. Any help

would be appreciated. The bottle is 9-1/2 inches tall, 4 inches square at base, neck is 1-1/2 inches square and offset to the base. The neck is round from the top down for about 2/12 inches before it is square. Hope you can find some info for me. Marshall

. Marshall Clements 2129 Black Walnut Farm Rd Hillsborough, NC 27278 ph: (919) 423-8557 email: blobtop@gmail.com In February, I received the following email generated by my Historic Glass Bottle identification & Information Website ( www.sha.org/bottle/index. htm ):

Hi Bill, I am an American/Australian archaeologist, now living in Sydney. On a recent excavation of a mid to late 19th century site in the heart of Sydney’s CBD the artefact pictured below was recovered. It is approximately 30mm long with a diameter of 14mm. There is a mould seam running the length of both sides. My first and only idea is that it is some sort of stopper – similar to an ebonite Lamont patented stopper or a Lo Bue glass closure (but I have never see the latter). Most likely this item came from the UK, as Australia’s glassworks industry was only just starting. Any information, suggestions or references would be greatly appreciated. Regards, Jeanne Harris The item looks vaguely like an “egg” type insulator, except that it is only a bit over 1” long! Image below: This was my response to Jeanne: Hi Jeanne...sounds like a great place to be doing such work...especially this time of year when it is winter here! I forwarded your message on to another archaeologist to see is she had any ideas...they are below, though nothing specific to your weird little item. I’ve never seen one before. That said, I also think it is likely a carbonated (soda, possible beer) bottle stopper of some type. I’m thinking that it is the functional equivalent of a double ended variation of the Matthews Gravitating Stopper. http://www.sha.org/bottle/ closures.htm#Gravitating Stopper The grooves in the middle would have been where the gasket was attached vs. just on one end with the Matthews...it appears. (One of the Matthews stoppers is shown at the link above.) I could be totally wrong here and it isn’t a stopper, but that structure with two gaskets - would have allowed the stopper to seal with either end. Why that was important I don’t know... but a thought.

Ah....I just took a quick look through Graci’s closures book (great book on the subject, though American in content largely) did not find an exact match, but did find a similar functioning English Patent example which appears to have been double ended. I think yours may be a take-off on that item...and definitely English as you noted. Scans are attached; the page with the scattered stoppers matches up to the other page of bottles...the one in question is the first bottle of the second row. The similar, but certainly not identical, stopper is the Edwards Patent - London, E. Breffit & Co. - Makers London. Hope that helps.........Bill The archaeologist noted sent the message around to many other collectors in at least the West, including Mike Polak (author: Antique Trader Bottles Identification and Price Guide) who essentially answered the query the same as I did – that the weird little item is almost certainly a bottle stopper that was similar - though not identical - to the noted Breffit patented stopper… and certainly functioned the same way it appears. If any readers have any further thoughts on this, Jeanne would love to hear about. Please email me at: questions@historicbottles.com and I’ll forward the messages on to her. Bill Lindsey Klamath Falls, OR.

Bottles and Extras

March - April 2011


SOLD at auction SOLD

These unique items were recently sold by Glass Discoveries and Pole Top Discoveries auction.

ELECTRICAL BICYCLE LUBRICATING OIL ... TRADE (motif of bicycle) MARK. ... THE HITCHCOCK SPECIALTY CO. LIMTD. ... PHILA PA. ... Aqua. ... Height 4”. Smooth base. Pumpkinseed flask. Circa 1885-1905. A great little bottle that is our favorite in the entire auction! Finely detailed embossing of a late 1800’s style bicycle. A unique item that is sure to grab attention on someone’s shelf. Excellent condition. Winning Price: $ 1,008.00 (including 12.0% buyer’s premium)

CD 699 ... L ‘ ELECTRO VERRE SNCF ... Green. ... Nicknamed the “frog.” A highly unusual design from France. L ‘ Electro Verre was the manufacturer and SNCF the end user. SNCF is an abbreviation of Societe Nationale de Chemin du fer Francais, or loosely translated as French National Railway. The unusual design was used as a dry spot insulator with a wire traversing thru a vertical hole in the body from the underside. A limited number have been brought back to the U.S. Despite the damage prone design with multiple projections and sharp corners, this one remains in mint condition. Winning Price: $ 532.00 (including 12.0% buyer’s premium)

CD 181 ... Unmarked “Pluto.” ... Aqua.

This insulator was originally designed by R.H Pierce for use in subways on the grounds of the 1893 World’s Fair. Numerous crossarms were placed one over the other with several insulators mounted on each crossarm. One contemporary article referred to them as the “butterfly” type. The special design allowed for two wires to be held in place on each insulator. After the fair was over, demolition crews were sent in, and in all likelihood the Plutos were salvaged and re-sold to other customers. Some were installed in the 1890s on two power lines near Silverton, Colorado. Those two lines are the source of most Plutos currently in the hobby. This example is one of the all time best in captivity with a perfect exterior. Inner skirt has a very shallow surface flake smaller than a pencil eraser. A sparkling, historical beauty for the “mint perfectionist.” Winning Price: $ 3,920.00 (including 12.0% buyer’s premium) INDIAN ROCK GINGER ALE ... NON-ALCOHOLIC AROMATIC ... ADAM-CHRISTIAN CO ... RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. ... Colorless glass. ... Ground lip. Height 9-5/8”. Approximate one gallon, barrel shaped dispenser with molded staves and bands. Label under glass. Original spigot and zinc lid. Ding with two primary stress lines in outer label cover. Barrel in excellent, undamaged condition. A rare item! $ 1,568.00


March - April 2011

Bottles and Extras Hello Steve (Ketcham),

Tom Lines (L) and James Smith with their bottle display at the North Shelby County Library in the Birmingham, Ala., metro area. Longtime collectors James Smith and Tom Lines set up a display of Hutchinson and crown top sodas from the Birmingham, Ala., area at their local library. The library administrators were very enthuisatic and even provided clerical support with the display signage and labels. A secure display case was provided at no cost. They were allowed to include a flyer for their 2011 show set for June 18th, the weekend before the Memphis national show. With collecting interests on the rise in the Birmingham area, James and Tom wanted to take the opportunity to promote the hobby a bit more. A number of inquiries

resulted from their efforts. Tom challenges each of you to check with your local library to see if you might do something similar in your area. It’s certainly a good way to reach people and, in our case, you can’t beat the cost...NOTHING!

Dear Bill and June: Thanks to you both for the very nice review of my most recent book. Most appreciated. Have a few left to sell and can always order up more from the printer. All the best for a very happy and healthy New Year. Jack Sullivan

This message follows my call today concerning the National Civil Rights Museum in Memphis, Tennessee. I am assisting the museum in researching artifacts for new exhibitions, which cover African American history from the early slave trade through the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., in 1968. (For your reference, I’m attaching a letter of introduction from the museum.) For an early section of the exhibition, we are seeking 18th-century rum or molasses bottles (to represent the wealth and industry generated by the slave trade). I’ve found a good source of inexpensive replica bottles, but have not yet found authentic ones, nor am I sure that the museum could afford to purchase authentic 18thcentury bottles. I’d be grateful for any information or advice you might be able to give us regarding 18th- (or early 19th-) century rum or molasses bottles. Do you deal in bottles of that period, know another dealer who does, or have an idea of what such items might cost? Sincerely, Martha Davidson contracted researcher for The National Civil Rights Museum 202 298 6937 mdwdc@sprintmail.com Editor’s note: If anyone can assist the museum, please contact Ms. Davidson via the numbers listed in her letter to Steve and please indicate you found the information in the FOHBC publication, Bottles and Extras. We hope a member or members can assist. (note received) Loved the “Legends of the Jar” series by Bruce Schank. Barry Huggins

Bottles and Extras


March - April 2011

the teeth, and the jaw line. Link to current RC Cola claim: http:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RC_Cola. Her modeling agency was Gerald and Eileen Ford’s (not to be confused with the late president) Ford Modeling; out of New York City at the time of the calendar. It’s an agency known for protecting the privacy of all its models. Stone remains in the limelight because of her outstanding acting talent, outspoken independence (need we be surprised), her scandals and her political views. See if you can follow the same path as I to confirm if this is really our “Skateboard Girl.” -Michael Elling, Sharon, Tennessee.

Mike Elling with his 1976 RC Calendar with Sharon Vonne Stone All Bottlers: Every man has his favorite calendar girl. One who stands out above all the rest. One who exhibits a rare vitality of life and the confidence to live it. For me, she is the Royal Crown Cola Skateboard Girl who burst upon the advertising scene during the U.S. Bicentennial Celebration of the 1976. She is featured on at least two calendars, several posters and magazines; and most remembered, a television advertising spot. It was the time of the feminist liberation movement when here was a girl (with no safety equipment) flying past all the guys on a skateboard drinking her favorite soda. Then suddenly, she skateboarded off the air and out of sight! The classic Greeks worshiped a goddess for this, Atlanta, who had the ability to take on mortal form as an alluring, lithe, athletic young women. She held a golden apple in her hand before you, and then took off. The man would chase after her for a tag, except there were none who were ever quite up to it. In usual Greek fashion, that man then had to forfeit his life for the failure. At that time, I began my pursuit with a letter addressed to the Royal Crown Cola Corporation in Columbus, Georgia. All I needed to know was her name, her modeling agency, and where she is working now. During final edit, I erased out my request for a telephone number. The company responded in a noble fashion - with no reply. Oh well, I still have the calendar. With the start of the new century and

the internet, I began recruiting a select crew to join an odyssey to discover her in cyberspace. Scott Star, a renowned advertising genius versed in all the arts of successful capitalism; and Glen McGirt, expert in all beverages that are not CocaCola. We three sailed off for Troy and its swift capture. After sacrificing a third of our lives in the venture, we declare success! Read on for our dramatic conclusion: On Feb 3, 2011, at 6:42 AM, Michael M. Elling wrote: Hi Scott, at last I think we have a breakthrough. The 1977 RC calendar girl may be a very young (18-year old) actress, Sharon Vonne Stone! The new revised Wikipedia RC Cola link claims it, and Stone’s own internet links may confirm it. Here is a close-up photo from her early days which displays similar features seen on the calendar; especially the cheekbones,

This picture was inadvertently omitted from the January/February, 2011 Paper Trail:

Cap: An embossed, threaded cap found on the etched Cleveland flask. George Benz was a St. Paul liquor dealer whose amber Appetine Bitters came in quarts, pints, a two sample sizes. A black glass (deep amethyst) quart version also exists.

Have a good story to Tell? Do you know some good digging stories? Keep us informed, write to: mdvanzant@yahoo.com Martin Van Zant 208 Urban St. Danville Ind. 46122 Sharon Stone


A Review

March - April 2011

West Virginia Bottle Books

By Bill Baab Southern Region Editor

After many years of collecting antique bottles, Charlie Perry saw the need to document the glass containers from his home state of West Virginia. His goal is to produce a single book and he’s laid the groundwork by self-publishing Collecting West Virginia Milk Bottles and West Virginia Applied Color Label Pop Bottles. “I started out in the mid 1970s digging dumps along the Ohio and Kanawha rivers around Point Pleasant, my hometown,” said the 52-year-old Perry. “Now I’ve been digging privies in my local area. My main collecting focus has been on West Virginia painted label pop bottles and, as far as I know, my collection is the biggest in existence. I also built one of the world’s biggest collections of miniature soda bottles during the 1990s.” Perry put a lot of work into collecting the bottles and producing the books, but neither offer much in the way of

Bottles and Extras

the histories behind the companies. The books are really just checklists of existing milk and ACL bottles from his home state, but at least they’re a start in the right direction. If I was a collector of West Virginia bottles, I would love to own a book that not only describes the bottles, but provides an insight into their histories – what families were involved, how did the drinks come about, are they still in business and if not, why not? Anecdotes from the business owners would be nice, too. Perhaps Perry can produce such a book in years to come. It would be a great seller. He said that the ACL book is based on his collection “and a few that I know of,” and contains a price guide. Cost of the book is $25 plus $3 shipping. The milk bottle book “is from my list of known milk bottles. West Virginia milk bottles are the hottest things collectors are after now.” Cost of that book is $30 plus $3 shipping. The well-illustrated books can be ordered direct from Charlie Perry, 2317 Jefferson Avenue, Mt. Pleasant, WV 25550.

Bottles and Extras

March - April 2011

Straight-Sided Coca-Cola Bottles from West Virginia A Review By Bill Baab Southern Region Editor Tim McGuire just hated to go to antique bottle shows and buy a straight-sided West Virginia Coca-Cola bottle, only to learn upon returning home there was one just like it sitting on his shelf. That is a frequent experience for many bottle collectors, especially those blessed with large collections. “Do I have that one?” is the question in their minds. If they feel it could be a duplicate and don’t purchase it, chances are when they get home they’ll learn it was one not in their collection. So Tim did something about it: He compiled a checklist of West Virginia straight-sided Cokes “so I could have something to take to bottle shows so I would never buy the same bottle twice.” That personal checklist soon evolved into a book, 19021916 Straight-Sided Coca-Cola Bottles from West Virginia. The book’s outstanding feature is excellent color photos of each bottle. Another plus is the amount of information on each bottle, specifically whether it’s machine-made or has an applied top. Categories include amber (39 variants), non-amber script Cokes (53 including variants), block letters (36 variants) and a few others. It’s an incredible amount of straight-sided Cokes for such a small (in area) state. Still, there is very little history behind the individual bottling works, but in the back of the book there is a checklist of the cities and towns represented and the types of Coca-Cola bottles representing the Mountain State. So with the understanding that this isn’t a history book, it remains an invaluable guide for West Virginia collectors who are just getting started collecting their state’s Cokes. The book is available for $33 (including $3 shipping) from Tim’s friend, Charlie Perry, 2317 Jefferson Ave., Point Pleasant, WV 25550

FOHBC Contests Deadline is May 1 It’s contest time for Federation of Historical Bottle Collectors members and clubs, but the deadline for entering has been moved up to May 1. Reason is because the FOHBC National Show is June 25-26 in Memphis, Tenn., when award winners will be announced. All entries must be sent to Carl Sturm by or before that date so that he can send the entries to the judges. Once winners are selected, he must have time to have their plaques engraved. Here are the categories: Best club newsletter (pick your best one; no more multiple entries per club). Judges will vote on the top three. Best club show poster. Judges will select the top three. Best researched article: The top three will be picked. Best original true story: The top three will be awarded plaques. Best fiction: There must be more than one entry in order for awards to be given. A single entry will not automatically win. Send your entries to: Carl Sturm, 88 Sweetbriar Branch, Longwood, FL 32750.



March - April 2011 Baltimore Bottle Digger Baltimore Antique Bottle Club, Baltimore, Md. The club’s holiday party was held in December. Highlight of the evening was the annual presentation of the Distinguished Service Award. This year’s recipients were Andy Agnew and Steve Charing. Steve initiated the award and has been instrumental in presenting them the past 12 years. The club decided to surprise him. Agnew became the 12th recipient. He joins other leading club members who have been recognized for their longtime service to the BABC, while still remaining an active force in the club’s activities. Andy has served on the board of sirectors for over 15 consecutive years. He’s been co-chairman of the show from 199297 and is now dealer chairman. Andy has worked diligently in many areas of the club and show, almost too many things to mention. President John Toft presented a plaque and as part of his speech stated, “In short, Andy Agnew has been an invaluable asset to our club and the hobby.” November’s meeting drew 53, including a new member, Anthony Kohl, a collector of whiskey bottles. Doc Anderson read a poem, “Ode to a Collector.”. The November showcase was presented by Glen Mansberger Jr., who displayed and talked about his 30-year collection of “Half Dolls”. These are described as “pincushion” or “dresser dolls.” Small in size, these originally were stuffed with bran. Production started about 1830, primarily in Germany and Japan. Nic Queen gave a talk on stoneware and pottery, the oldest form of vessel. January’s program was the annual “Best of 2010:” Best acquired, dug Baltimore bottle and go-with. All members served as judges and voted for their favorites. December’s Christmas party was attended by 72 people. The showcase was presented by Tom Robusto, who displayed and talked about colored English bottles. .

Northeast Regional News Chris Davis 522 Woodhill Newark, NY 14513 (315) 331-4078 cdavis016@rochester.rr.com

The Applied Lip Finger Lakes Bottle Collectors Assoc., Ithaca, N.Y. The Finger Lakes Club is fortunate to be only 42 miles from Corning Museum of Glass, in Corning, N.Y. No doubt it is the most well-known glass museum in the world. The museum houses extraordinary flasks and bottles among its huge glass collection. There’s also a second-to-none glass reference library. The FLBCA newsletter includes information on museum hours. Dates are set for the club’s three shows in 2011: Spring Thaw Flea Market (March 13th), 42nd Annual Bottle & Collectible Show (Oct. 2nd), and the First Frost Flea Market (Nov. 13th). All are held at the same location, Dryden Fire Hall, on busy Rt. 13, making it easier for the public. Interest and participation in these shows has never been better. Bottles can always be found at the flea markets, along with a host of other types of antiques and collectibles, from furniture to jewelry. November’s meeting included entertainment by member Ray Thomas, who played music on his antique Edison phonograph. Tom Kanalley gave a talk on his Prohibition and tonic bottles. Toby Dean, club president, gave a talk on “Bottles and Bottle Collecting” to a local history club called “History in a Bottle.” Toby stated, “I was impressed by both the level of interest and actual experiences these folks had. Several had found bottles in the old homesteads.... Someone brought in a nice Hutch from Pennsylvania....I told them about all the fun we have at the FLBCA and invited everyone to a meeting. I came away from the talk with renewed optimism about the future of our hobby.”

Bottles and Extras Bottles Along the Mohawk Mohawk Valley Antique Bottle Club, Utica, N.Y. Each newsletter includes a short column, “What Bottle??? This is our History.” It typically concerns a local bottle with a question about the bottle. The answer is revealed in the next issue. A recent question was “Isdell’s Hot Drops was a popular medicine for man or beast, birds, fowl, and domestic pets for almost a hundred years. Where was it manufactured?” The answer was Clay, N.Y. A fully-labeled example was pictured. Seems like an easy way to learn about local bottles and the history behind them. The January newsletter was the 200th issue. It’s a fine newsletter and the membership should be proud of each one. The club’s 17th anniversary will be in May. January’s program is the annual “Giant Show & Tell Program.” February’s program sounded interesting. Member Peter Weir presented “Art Deco and Applied Colored Label Bottles.” Editor Jon Landers once again provided some interesting historical articles, found on the Internet. Included was “A Lost Art Rediscovered: The Ancients’ Black Mirrors from Furnace Slag, A Visit to Pompeii Results in Experiments Which May Revolutionize the Making of Glassware” (1884). There were connections to the Pittsburgh glass district. The volcanic rock obsidian was used to make black mirror glass, which provided many practical uses in the glass industry. “Thomas Edison and his Light Bulbs” was another such article. Edison’s (1847 - 1931) incandescent light bulbs are now being phased out. Glassblowers blew early light bulbs. Traveler’s Companion Greater Buffalo Bottle Collectors Asociation, Buffalo, N.Y. January’s program was on Poland Mineral Water bottles. Show and tell each month carries the theme of “Bottles, Bricks and Other Items.” Bricks are included, thanks to clubmember Frank Clement, whose knowledge and collection of bricks is unsurpassed. Many have seen his displays at the Rochester show every

Bottles and Extras year. Frank makes sure he is always at the display to help explain, educate and answer questions by the curious public who enjoy the displays each year. Frank has a private museum of bricks from all over the world. Tours are welcome. As he always says, “They’re Not Just Bricks!” The Digger The Richmond Area Antique Bottle Association, Richmond, Va. The RABCA “Tailgate” was held at the Antique Village in Mechanicsville, Va. on Nov. 6th. There were about 30 tables, of which five were all bottles. Good weather helped bring out a good crowd of buyers for the event. It was a fun time for the club members who participated. The November meeting featured the annual “Best Of”. Included were Richmond bottles and there were some great entries! Editor Phil Townsend wrote an article called “Williamsburg Bottles.” Historical information on Williamsburg, Va. was covered. The town was settled in 1638. It was also the site of the first attempted canal in the U.S., in 1771. Attempts were made to connect two rivers. Black glass bottles were obviously produced there, and are still being found in the rivers around town. The article concentrated on the bottles that came later, produced among others by the Williamsburg Bottling Works, which started about 1900. Many soda bottles were produced there, included a Hutch. Because of the many dairy farms in the area, there are also many milk bottles to be found. February’s program was given by club President Bruce Wadford on “Buffalo Lithia Water Bottles.” Members were asked to bring in spring water bottles - embossed, paper labeled, or ACL. The Shards Jersey Shore Bottle Club, Toms River, N.J. A “Chinese Auction” was held at the December meeting. This is the popular gift exchange that involves anonymous wrapped gifts, “stealing” and lots of fun for all. All were asked to bring in something -- donations, show & tell, and food. Proceeds from

March - April 2011 the raffle were to be donated. The club is looking for someone to replace Richard Peal, the show chair, who will be stepping down following the May 1st bottle show. The club will be taking January and February off. The newsletter included a fine article entitled, “The Story of Carters Inks.” The company was founded by William Carter in 1858 on Water Street in Boston. Two brothers entered the company within a few years. The earliest known Carter’s ink bottles are pontilled and smooth base umbrellas. J.P. Dinsmore entered the firm in 1872. Advertising became a top priority, launching the company to one of the most successful ever. The rest, shall we say, is history! Bits and Pieces Empire State Bottle Collectors Association, Syracuse, N.Y. The editor, Darryl Stivers, made a request for articles, at the same time thanking all who have been contributing. “You are the ones who make it what it is,.” Darryl remarked. Even photos of your most interesting or unique bottle with a small story of how it was acquired was suggested as a possibility. I’m sure other clubs echo these thoughts. The program for January was “Privy Digging” by member Gary Schapp. The club was in good hands for this one. A new column in the newsletter is “Collector of the Month.” Keon Kellogg of Mexico, N.Y. was highlighted. He collects Saratoga bottles and has 26 different examples so far. His favorite is a Pavilion Springs” in dark amber a gift from his wife. Mike Forkhamer was featured in January. He collects “bottles with character - they catch my eye. The colors and design of the bottles are big factors.” He started out with poisons, and still likes them. Mike commented that he really enjoys the honesty and willingness of members to share their knowledge. A fine article on the late Jan Rutland was reprinted from “The Saratogian” (10/31/10), written by Ann Hauprich.

11 One remark describing Jan was “a lot of energy in a small package.” Jan passed away suddenly on Oct. 27th. She was director of the National Bottle Museum, in Ballston Spa, N.Y. Applied Seals Genesee Valley Bottle Collectors Association, Rochester, N.Y. December’s meeting attendance was low due to the weather. The Rochester area set a record for snowfall for the month at close to 50 inches. Ten people braved the conditions. Buckland Park Lodge has a gas fireplace, which was welcoming and well-received. Show & Tells included Jack Stecher, who brought a variety of Gleason and Boughton & Chase soda bottles from Rochester. Colors for these early sodas included shades of green, cobalt and even stoneware. Dick Kelley brought a few Clyde Glass Works lettered flasks, including one in medium olive amber. Chris Davis brought a Make Do - an early insulator made into a pin cushion.. Jack Sullivan authored a fine article, “How Mr. Duffy Outwitted Uncle Sam -- and Got Rich.” The article was very well written and researched, with outstanding illustrations. It originally appeared in the “Potomac Pontil” of April 2008. Walter B. Duffy was born in Canada in 1840. His family immigrated to Rochester about 1842. His father opened a cider refining business, with very good success. Son Walter took over the company in the 1870s. He has served as an officer in the Union Army during the Civil War. He branched out into other areas -- distilling and rectifying alcohol, producing “French Spirits” and malt, wheat, rye and bourbon whiskies. A second distillery was opened in Baltimore. His “Celebrated Duffy Malt Whiskey” came about in c. 1885. It was advertised as “the greatest known heart tonic”. What a fascinating history!


March - April 2011 While going through a box of items that I had found searching for dump sites, I came across this unusual find: a Christmas card and an envelope. And now the rest of the story... A friend of mine, knowing that I was a “dump digger,” asked if I would be interested in checking out a farm dump that he and his daughter had found while searching for Indian relics in a field near River Styx, about a half-mile south of where we had that club dig at that little old church the other year. The interesting part of what he told me was that his daughter had found a perfectly good COBALT QUART CASPER WHISKEY BOTTLE there. So let’s hit the road. As we were walking back to the dump I saw something white out in a nearby plowed field. I said to my buddy, “that’s odd,” so I hiked out to see what it was... guess what? Two pieces of paper. The first, a Christmas card addressed to a family in Sylvania, Ohio about 12 miles northwest of Toledo, Ohio. The other item was an envelope from a credit corporation in Toledo, Ohio. How did these two pieces of paper from 135 miles northwest from here end up in this corn field? They were part of the aftermath of a tornado that passed overhead several weeks before I found them. This tornado left a paper trail as far east as Kent and Ravenna, Ohio before it disappeared. So, I ask, ISN’T THIS TRULY, AIR MAIL SPECIAL DELIVERY? We proceed on down to the dump, just a small scattering of trash at the edge of a wooded area. Unfortunately, as all of the bottles were lying on the surface, most were broken. I did find an oval, aqua Indian Balsam Cure, open pontil base, but with a small potstone in the side; a 10-inch tall aqua glass bottle embossed “Rushton & Clark Co. Chemists New York” in good shape. I also found a large blue glazed marble that I traded to my buddy for a pint size, amber “Warner’s Safe Kidney & Liver Cure,” a couple of unembossed

Midwest Regional News Joe Coulson 10515 Collingswood Lane Fishers, IN 46038 (317) 915 - 0665 jcoulson@leaderjar.com Hello, bottle collectors! Welcome to another installment of the Midwest region news report. The winter weather has arrived, but the clubs are still meeting and sharing their news. We love to hear from the Midwest bottle clubs – so keep sending in those news items! Ohio Bottle Club Phyllis Koch (editor) and Dennis Peine (secretary) are doing a very nice job with The Ohio Swirl, the OBC’s newsletter. Terry Crislip is the club president. At the October club meeting, Al DeMaison showed a recorded video that he made of the Ohio Bottle Club’s bottle show that was held at the Lakeland Community College. The video started with showing and talking about the displays. Then there were stops at sales tables and interviews with the person(s) at the table asking what type of bottles and items were for sale. Al talked about how much fun he had videotaping the bottle show. At the November club meeting, Brian Gray gave a presentation on his collection of glass paperweights. The presentation consisted of a recorded video show. The video began with Brian narrating an overview of eight different groups of glass paperweights. Brian stated his collection dates from approximately 1850 to present. He mentioned that glass paperweights were around since the 1840’s, originating in Italy, France and England. He also explained the process on how glass paperweights are made. After the presentation, Brian answered several questions from the audience and advised everyone that the price ranges from a few dollars to several thousand dollars. In the November newsletter, Ralph Bowman submitted this little story titled “AIR MAIL???”

Bottles and Extras small bottles; and a real nice embossed “Balsam Of Ten Thousand Flowers” in aqua glass. A very crude bottle, but with a smooth base. Lot’s of nice broken stuff. AND NOW ANOTHER UNUSUAL FIND. About two years after this story, my buddy and I were searching a field for Indian relics just about 2 miles east of the above area when I spied something unusual nearby. I checked it out; remnants of a blue rubber balloon with a card attached to it requesting information where it was found and the date when found. Would finder please mail to: Mrs. Elma Thurston c/o Mohawk Elementary School, Ontario, Ohio (not Canada). These balloons with the attached cards were released by the children in the third grade of that school 13 days before I found it! For more information on joining the OBC, please contact Berny Baldwin (treasurer), 1931 Thorpe Circle, Brunswick, OH 44212. The club also has a new website which can be found at: http://www.ohiobottleclub.com. Details about their milk bottle book can be found there also. 1st Chicago Bottle Club Ray and Peggy Komorowksi are the newsletter editors. Carl Malik is club president. The following info comes from their newsletter: At the November club meeting, the program was “Beers from Chicago Suburbs.” John Panek brought in a “Nick & Co.” aqua blob from North Gross Point, Illinois (maker: NBBG Co.). North Gross Point no longer exists as a town, but was located in the area that is now Skokie. Gross Point Road is about the only reminder that it ever existed. Craig Wright brought in an “H. Schramm, Fullersburg, Illinois,” handfinished amber crown with porcelain stopper. The stopper was marked “H. Schramm, Fullersburg, Ill.” with a monogram. Fullersburg is another town that no longer exists. Located north of Hinsdale, its residents voted to disincorporate in 1908. The area is now

Bottles and Extras split between Hinsdale and Oak Brook. The December newsletter (The Midwest Bottled News) had many pictures of the club’s recent bottle show. For more information on the 1St Chicago Bottle Club, you may contact Ray and Peggy Komorowski by phone: 708-848-7947, or email: midwestbottlednews@gmail.com Iowa Antique Bottleers Mark Wiseman is newsletter editor and does a great job each month. Mike Magee does the minutes quarterly, and supplies Mark with articles that Mark selects for the newsletter. Tom Southard was elected president for 2011. The IAB newsletters always contain wonderful digging stories by Wiseman. He has a regular column, “The Digger’s Scoop,” that tells of his local digging adventures with his dog, the old truck, and various digging friends that join him. You can find out more about IAB membership ($15/ yr.) from: The Iowa Antique Bottleers, c/o Mark C. Wiseman, 3505 Sheridan Avenue, Des Moines, IA 50310. North Star Historical Bottle Club Doug Shilson is newsletter editor for the North Star Historical Bottle News. Steve Ketcham is the club president. Doug and Steve do a great job each month reporting the club’s latest happenings. In the club’s December newsletter, there was a flashback to the club’s first bottle show. The club started in 1967 and held the first show of its kind in the upper midwest (credits to Dough Shilson, Wayne Shilson and Tim Verhey). It was held on September 28, 1967. A newspaper clipping was included in the newsletter: “Old Bottle Collections To Be Shown. The collections of two MInneapolis “bottle hounds,” who search dumps and other likely sites for the old glass containers, will be displayed Sept. 28 at the Ramsay County Historical Society’s Gibbs Farm Museum, Frank Paskewitz, society vice president, announced today. “The collections are those of Doug

March - April 2011 Shilson, 3308 S. 82nd Ave., and Timothy J. Verhey, 5549 S. 31st Ave. Now experts in this new collecting field, they will show some of their most interesting finds and discuss some literature available on bottle collecting.” For more information on joining the NSHBA, please contact Doug Shilson: 3308 32 Ave. South, Minneapolis, MN 55406-2015. Antique Bottle Club of Northern Illinois Dorothy Furman is the newsletter editor of the ABCNI, and Jeff Dahlberg is president. The club has been holding its meetings at the Antioch Senior Center, 817 Holbeck, Antioch, IL. In the club’s December newsletter (the Pick and Probe), John Panek reported that the Chicago Bottle Show was a great one for the dealers. There were 43 tables sold, but only 83 people through the door. The program for the club’s November meeting was presented by Ron Neumann, Sr., beer collector extraordinaire. He showed his collection of Kenosha beers. He started out showing two old books on the Badger Brewery and Wisconsin Soda, which are out of print and valuable. He noted that all his bottles were dug in Kenosha Pits. He also showed a Kohlman and Martin Co. tray, which he snapped up at a garage sale for only $5. He also purchased an Otto Bloxdorf pottery beer from an estate sale. This is the only known pottery beer from Kenosha. For information on joining the ABCNI, you may contact: Dorothy Furman, 26287 W. Marie Ave., Antioch, IL 60002. Wabash Valley Antique Bottle & Pottery Club Martin Van Zant is newsletter editor for The Wabash Cannonball, the WVABPC’s monthly newsletter. In the December newsletter, Martin gave a report on the club’s recent show: Wow, what a wonderful show and sale we had. The show started on Friday, November 19th, with public viewing for the auction at 6 p.m. Shadows Auction Barn hosted the 13th annual show and

13 sale, with Colonel John Newman calling the auction. We would like to thank John and Mary Newman for hosting the show and auction. What a terrific place to hold our show. The auction started at 7 p.m. with Peggy Zimmer and Martin Van Zant as ringers. Bottles started flying left and right, and bids were soaring as high as the ceiling, well, maybe not that high; however, lots of bottles exchanged hands. The show started early the next day with buyers there at 7 a.m. Overall the show was fun, and I look forward to next year’s show. It was reported in the December newsletter that club officers have changed, and new officers have been voted in. Doug Porter of West Terre Haute is the new president, Scott Stepp of Farmersburg is the new vice president, and Tony Stringfellow is the new treasurer. Ed Newman will remain secretary and Martin Van Zant will remain as newsletter editor. The WVABPC holds their monthly meeting at Shadows Auction Barn, 1517 Maple Ave., Terre Haute, IN. Club dues are $10/yr. For more information, please contact Gary Zimmer (treasurer), 10655 Atherton Rd., Rosedale, IN 47874. Circle City Antique Bottle Club Martin Van Zant is the newsletter editor. Martin Van Zant had the following to say in the club’s December newsletter: Wow, what an exciting year for the Indy bottle club. We have been to several member’s houses and even to a museum. The attendance at the meetings has been fairly regular. We have what we call a core attendance with about 13 to 16 people showing up every time. We are adding new members all the time. Please invite all your friends, the more the merrier! We want to welcome newcomer Bruce Schank to the area. Bruce is from New Jersey, and was the president of the club out there for 10+ years. Bruce also writes for the FOHBC magazine. Anyone who wants to host a meeting, please contact me or Dave Berry for plans. We would love to visit more people’s homes or shops or museums.

14 Martin Van Zant is drumming up support for this new bottle club in Indianapolis, Indiana. The club meets the last Thursday of the month at Ben Davis High School, 1200 N. Girl School Rd. (Door 17, Room U102). You may contact Martin at: 208 Urban St., Danville, IN 46122; by email at mdvanzant@yahoo.com; or by telephone at 812-841-9495. Metropolitan Detroit Antique Bottle Club The Metropolitan Detroit Antique Bottle Club, which was founded in March 1971, has been actively meeting again since January 2010. Mike Brodzik is the newsletter editor as well as club president. The topic for the club’s October meeting was “River Finds.” Attendees were all given an opportunity to talk about the items they brought. Tom Schichtel’s items included an oil lamp, bottles, clay pipes and tokens. The tokens were good for five cents in trade at Seurynck Brothers, Marine City. The Seurynck Brothers operated a cigar store. Femia Alberts brought in a nice grouping of tin ware items that seemed to survive very well in the low oxygen conditions. Jackie Brodzik, working on the Halloween theme, brought in an eclectic grouping of porcelain doll parts. It included one lone doll eye that seemed to be looking at you no matter where you were in the room. Marko Tomko’s items included a letter in a bottle from the early 1900s, an ornate Bennington pitcher, a 1914 Michigan license plate and a vintage 1930s German pistol. Obviously the person sending the letter miscalculated the weight of the bottle in that it was at the bottom of the river. Also, included was an attractive net weight made from a fossil-filled limestone. Gary Schostak had an unusual metal item that was a mystery to all, but it was marked PAT MARCH 1886. Jim Clancy brought a few bottles, and his prize 1889 silver dollar he found. Bob McEvoy brought a nicely preserved flat top beer can and an early cant hook for pulling logs in the river. Mike Brodzik brought a selection of metal items that have been

March - April 2011 preserved. This included a bullet mold, ice hook, shipwright’s hammer and a wide range of square and specialized nails. Steve Kinney brought in a nice assortment of bottles that included three cobalt blue Hutchinson sodas. Bottles were also brought in by Bob Nowak and Joe Varani. Joe Brodzik brought in a collection of early style plates dating from the 1820’s through 1860’s. You can find out more about the MDABC and its monthly meeting schedule by contacting Mike Brodzik at: 26251Koontz, Roseville, MI 48066; or by email bottlemike@wowway.com; or by phone 586-219-9980. Findlay Antique Bottle Club Marianne Dow maintains the club’s website, which has news items posted very regularly as well as pictures from the club’s past shows. Marianne recently covered the news from the Midwest Antique Fruit Jar & Bottle Club’s January Show. The event unofficially lasted about four days. Hotel room doors are left open and people shop and talk the nights away. Saturday consisted of a big gettogether, which involved show and tell and was followed by an auction. Marianne posted lots of color pictures and comments on the happenings. You should check out the Findlay club’s website: http://finbotclub.blogspot. com/. Richard Elwood is president. Monthly club meetings are held at the University of Findlay. Flint Antique Bottle Club Tim and Angie Buda are the newsletter editors and produce a colorful newsletter. In the January newsletter it was reported that the club had a good turnout of 31 members and guests for the club dinner at Frankenmuth. The weather was cooperative again and the service was great. It was also reported that club member Gary Burleson passed away in December. Gary had been a member of the club for about 15 years and was an avid collector of McDonald’s Dairy bottles and memorabilia. The club meets regularly at the

Bottles and Extras Grand Blanc Heritage Museum, 203 Grand Blanc Road, Grand Blanc, Michigan on the second Thursday of the month from 7 – 9 pm. You can find out more about the club by contacting Bill Heatley (810-922-3248) or Tim & Angie Buda (989-271-9193). Kalamazoo Bottle Club Al Holden is the newsletter editor. Here is an excerpt about the club’s January meeting: We had “Favorite Bottle Night” last month, and we saw some beauties! My favorite was a Christmas flask that Chuck Parker displayed. Scott Hendrickson had the latest issue of Bottles and Extras and, lo and behold, there was a picture of the same bottle in the magazine! Of course there was! It was an article showing John Pastor’s fabulous collection of Christmas flasks! I had to display my recently re-discovered half pint Holland’s Dairy bottle… it is a beauty with its bright orange pyro-glaze. Scott Hendrickson had a quartsized Holland’s dairy bottle (to tempt me with) for sale, but I already have one. He had a nice selection of dairy bottles for sale! One was an embossed Plainwell bottle. I can tell you the name of the dairy, I can tell you where the dairy was, and I went to school with one of the sons of the owner… but I cannot spell it! I did a Google search of Plainwell, Michigan dairy bottles and even checked the phone book… but nothing. I’m going to give it a shot... Schuiteboer Dairy. Chuck Parker is the club president, and you can contact him for more information about their club at: 607 Crocket Ave., Portage, MI 49024 (ph: 616-329-0853). The club meets regularly at the Kalamazoo Public Library, located at 315 S. Rose Street. The club has a website: http://www. kalamazoobottleclub.org/ Midwest Antique Fruit Jar & Bottle Club The MAFJBC has members nationwide and is heavily fruit jarfocused. Meetings are generally held the first Sunday of the month at 1:30 p.m.

March - April 2011

Bottles and Extras in the Cantina at Minnetrista museum, which is located in Muncie, Indiana. Dave Rittenhouse is the club president. Joe Coulson is the newsletter editor. In the club’s December newsletter, Dick Cole told everyone about a special Internet project that is underway. John Straw (head of Special Collections at Ball State University) is involved in a project to create an online virtual Muncie. The first online building will be a 1927 rendition of the Ball Brothers’


glass factory! Jim Connolly (Director of Middletown Studies) will be involved, too. Visitors will be able to interact with avatars during certain hours. If the project is successful, then more of Muncie will be virtually created. Other time periods will also be represented. Dick mentioned that he was invited by John Straw to give a talk at a recent “Friends of Bracken Library” meeting. There were over 40 people

in attendance, including students and other people interested in jars. Dick’s talk lasted a little over an hour, and his topic was “How the Fruit Jar Changed Muncie.” The MAFJBC has a website: http:// www.fruitjar.org. Future meeting details as well as lots and lots of pictures from their semi-annual shows can be found there.

Marshall Clements’ NovemberDecember issue of Bottle Talk was a super spectacular effort on his part for the Raleigh (N.C.) Bottle Club. Each of the 18 pages were in color and included lots of information of interest to club members. The club has a tradition of giving annual awards for the best bottle acquired for more than $50 (Donnie Medlin of Louisburg, N.C., with a quart, slug plate dispensary flask from Louisburg), best bottle under $50 (Whitt Stallings, with a pint White House Vinegar jug), best gowith over $50 (Sterling Mann, framed Dr. Pepper poster) and best go-with under $50 (Joel Sanderford, with an 18inch Mountain Dew sign).

to serve as show chairman. Mrs. Milner featured bottle trees in the January issue. She obtained the background information from a very obliging fellow, Felder Rushing (www.felderrushing.net). “My website is done purely for fun and anyone is free to use any of it any time,” he wrote Mrs. Milner in an e-mail. Check out that site and be educated and entertained, immediately. A highlight of the show and tell session in November was a rare Unaka Bottling Works, Erwin, Tenn., Hutchinson soda brought in by member Pete Wyatt. He found it in an antiques shop in Erwin and it is the only complete one known. Mrs. Milner also emphasized that anyone using copyrighted material, or someone else’s material, should always get permission to use it first. If it’s impossible to get permission, always give the originator credit when using the article. It’s also wise to get that permission in writing.

poison and a C.M. Cheney’s mini jug during the November meeting. The program involved anyone bringing bottles or items labeled or embossed “whiskey” or “whisky.” Linda Buttstead, editor of The Glass Bubble, reports that Dave Cornell brought an I.W. Harper back bar bottle and an O’Donnel’s Irish Whiskey from Belfast, among other things. Richard King’s contributions included some sample whiskeys, including I.W. Harper and Paul Jones. Charlie Livingston’s examples included a Pensacola Golden Corn, a Saweet Mash Corn from Jacksonville and an Old Corn Whiskey from Jacksonville.

The State of Franklin (Tenn.)Antique Bottle and Collectibles Association conducted a charity auction before Thanksgiving last year, raising $162 for the Holston Home for Children in Greeneville, Tenn. New officers to serve the club during 2011 are Geff Moore, president; Fred Milner, vice president; Sheryl Begley, secretary; Sam Crowder, treasurer; Carl Bailey, club historian, and Gerry Brown and Richard Begley as members-at-large, according to The Groundhog Gazette of December, edited by Melissa Milner. Mrs. Milner also agreed

The Suncoast Antique Bottle Collectors Association, of the TampaSt. Petersburg, Fla., area, raffles off quality items at every meeting. Members won a case gin, aqua pontiled I.M. & Co., New York medicine, brown and cream stoneware pitcher marked Cubany Packing Co., a pontiled black glass cylinder bottle, a clear labeled Dr. Lyna’s Massage Cream, a Bartow, Fla., Coca-Cola, a round bottom aqua Cochran & Co., Belfast ginger ale, a miniature Gilka with labels, embossing and sealed contents, a cobalt Triloids

Southern Regional News Bill Baab 2352 Devere Street Augusta, GA 30904 (706) 736 - 8097 riverswamper@comcast.net

Johnnie Fletcher, president of the Oklahoma Territory Bottle and Relic Club and editor of Oklahoma Territory News, is collecting information, photos and rubbings of Arkansas bottles in preparation for another book. Anyone having examples of Arkansas antique bottles is asked to contact Fletcher at 1300 S. Blue Haven Drive, Mustang, OK 73064. The January issue of the newsletter, Fletcher noted, “marks the beginning of the 24th year of our club.That means we have sent out 276 monthly newsletters during that period of time.” He thanked all those who had contributed stories. Club member Tony Lowe, of Wagoner, Okla., sent in a photo showing a recently discovered Wagoner, Indian Territory Hutchinson. The most common variety is embossed Wagoner / Bottling Works / Wagoner, I.T. The new and rare find is embossed Wagoner / Bottling / Works / Wagoner, Ind. Ter.


March - April 2011

Both are aqua. Fletcher asked if anyone saw that Beebe & Taft / Colfax / Washington Ter. Hutchinson that sold on eBay for the amazing price of $2,950. Fletcher penned a digging story of his adventures in Atchison, Kan., with two friends, Ed Stewart, Francis Wiltz and Todd Stillings. Stillings dug a dark amber blobtop beer embossed Hund & Eger / St. Joseph/ Mo. In his December issue, he features a section on Oklahoma bottles sold on eBay. Examples included a Cowman’s Pharmacy/Prescription Druggists from Sapulpa ($18.25), a Miami Bottling Works Hutchinson ($24.99) and a Poteau Indian Territory Bottling Works Hutchinson ($95). A colorful applied color label Jay

Kola from Oklahoma City brought $194. Mark Wiseman contributed an Iowa digging story, while a story titled “Privy Digging After Midnight – Is This Crazy?” by Ed Stewart, and “A Wyoming Dig,” by Warren Bortman, helped fill the 14-page newsletter. The Horse Creek Bottle Club, of Warrenville, S.C., resumed its meetings following the Christmas break, with member Harvey Teal of Columbia, S.C., offering a program on the Atlanta (Ga.) Glass Works during the January gathering.. The glass works was chartered in 1887, with A,G.. Candler of Coca-Cola fame one of the organizers. The plat was located out of Atlanta’s city limits on South Pryor Street and employed presented. He is called the club’s resident historian and premier collector of J. H. Cutter and H. P. Hotaling Co. whiskey and advertising memorabilia. His program consisted of several Hotaling advertising pieces, back bar bottles, tin signs, calendars, dye cuts, lithographs, tin and brass signs and a Hotaling whiskey barrel head with H.P. Hotaling burned in it. He also showed many go-withs that also pleased the audience. Moving on to show and tell, Mike McKillop showed an IXL green bitters while Doug Henriet had shot glasses from an Ukiah Saloon and a wicker-covered flask. Dean Wright brought a small medicine from Georgetown, Colorado and Ken Edward brought four squares including two Biningers and a Townsend’s. A loaned-out item was brought in by Mike McKillop. It was found in a basement in Sacramento. It was a rare 49er rocker sluice box. The usage of the box was to separate gold from gravel. Here’s an unusual item someone brought in that was listed under show and tell, and was actually set up as a display. It was a glass case containing what were thought to be 8,000-yearold Salmon Point arrowheads. Indians camped on the shore of the Sacramento River, when at one point in history it had slowed to a trickle. The arrow

Western Regional News Ken Lawler & “Dar” 6677 Oak Forest Drive Oak Park, CA 91377 (818) 889 - 5451 kenlawler@roadrunner.com These are the notes inadvertently left out of the January-February issue. Bottle Bug Briefs Forty-Niner Historical Bottle Association The club was treated to a program by the “West Coast Dr. of Marbles” Bill O’Conner. Bill was introduced and identified as such to an audience of members eager to learn about marbles. Bill showed four trays of marbles from pee wees (small marbles) to large sulfides. He said that the earliest ones were found in South Africa 6,000 years BC; in England 55 BC, probably Roman, Agates and Lutzes from Germany. Chinese marbles were made in Zanesville and Akron, Ohio from 1896 to the contemporary 1960 swirls. He also said that there are approximately 400 varieties of swirls. “The rarest are the Lutzes, Benningtons and sulfides. Sulfides have small objects placed inside clear glass.” Another program of interest was one that President Mike Dolcini

Bottles and Extras 150 hands. The plant burned in 1891, was rebuilt and taken over by the Southern Glass Company. Among other things, the Atlanta Glass Works made clear and aqua whiskey flasks bearing the likeness of President Grover Cleveland. “Local” whiskey flasks from Columbia, St. Matthews, Chester and Greenville, all in South Carolina, were manufactured by the company, as well as Hutchinson sodas embossed C.L. Kirkley / Columbia, S.C., and Sumter Bottling Works / Sumter, S.C. One of the more interesting flasks is Gobel’s, on which is embossed the full figure of an elephant. It comes in halfpint, pint and quart sizes, Teal said. heads were found on an ancient hard pan ledge in the river. Las Vegas Antique Bottles and Collectibles Club Here is an interesting story that some of you diggers might be interested in reading about that happened long ago. The article is entitled, “Bottle Field Revisited” by Grace Kendrick. The area is Goldfield, Nevada. It first started back in a time when you could find treasures on the surface. However. the writer of the article fast forwarded everyone to realizing that any hunt worth anything would require some shoveling work. The best treasures were found on the rocky side of a gulch where 94 French and Italian wine bottles were found. They were described as bulbous, long-necked bottles. They were considered good examples of the freeblown technique. Free blown meant that no two were alike. They had bubbles, dimples and imperfections. Some bottles were pale, while others were deep greenish aqua or had an amber cast. Of further interest were an amber whiskey (a near native from San Francisco), and an aqua beer bottle from the Sioux City Brewing Co. An amethyst olive oil, an aqua H.H.H. horse liniment, a Carter’s pour ink and an oval, four-sided olive bottle were among other finds. Part of the experience was their walk-about taking a tour of Goldfield

Bottles and Extras and imagining what it would be like to have lived there during those early days of discovering gold. There might have been collectible bottles sitting in the saloons, that once empty, were tossed down the privy in those days. The Whittlemark Los Angeles Historical Bottle Club There was a recap of the Reno 2010 show, written by member Ken Lawler, that appeared in a club newsletter. The Reno club had reported that there were fewer dealers this year, but better attendance. Ken agreed with them. He noted that maybe 200 cars were parked in front of the entrance way and to him that was a good sign. He also wrote that there was a crowd of early birds waiting to get in. Ten of our club members showed up. Among them was our club member John Compton who flew in from Utah. He mentioned that there was a Cutter whiskey display that was a combined effort from collectors, a beer display, swirled bottles, an ink display and a miner’s clothing display. He elaborated on the clothing display and went on to say that the personal clothing had been dug up and discovered in a changing room in a southern Nevada gold mine. The changing room had been sealed up since the 1920s. There was what was described as a “bottle frenzy” at Jeff Wichmann’s table. Jeff unpacked some 20 to 30 boxes at about 11 a.m. Some bottles that were on the table were snatched up. The ones Jeff still held in his hands were getting the eye from several potential buyers crowded in at the front of his table. The bottles were left over from consignments from his auction business. Some of the bottles available were Hutches, whiskeys and back bar bottles. It seems that the price was right and many folks ended up buying multiple bottles. The Big Sky – Glass Gazette Montana Bottle Collectors Association t looks like President Ray Thompson writes and also contributes to his club’s newsletter, as well as presides over meetings. He wrote an article about a particular Hutchinson soda. His article is entitled, “One of Montana’s Favorite Bottles – The A. Landt Territorial Soda.”

March - April 2011 He went on to explain how Adolph Landt became established in his Livingston location and that when a partnership he was involved in split, he continued on his own. The main crux of this story is that club member James Campiglia and Reggie Shoeman located the site of the 1883 stone and brick building in the recent past. An embossed “A.LANDT – LIVINGSTON M.T.” was dug there at that time. The other part of the story is how rare and scarce Ray says these bottles are. He goes on to cover the fact that these bottles are often found in communities serviced by businesses along the Northern Pacific Railroad at its branches. Ray also says that “at one location I unearthed several Midwestern bottles along with A. Landt bottles and remnants. Two of the embossed examples are both early custom-molded, aqua sodas: ‘CARSE & LAMONT / ROCK ISLAND / ILLS’ and ‘S. GEER / CHICAGO, ILL.’ Although Ray says he is unfamiliar with the rarity of the Illinois bottles, he estimates that there are less than 20 collectible examples of the A. Landt in existence today. Ray writes that “Henry Thies and I believe the A. Landt bottles were manufactured in 1883-84 and used into the late 1800s.” From the pictures in the newsletter it looks like Ray Thompson has dug and saved whole as well as damaged examples. The Glass Blower Northwestern Bottle Collectors Association An article written by Eric McGuire appeared in one of this club’s recent past newsletters about a man named Alfred August Enquist who was born in Sweden in 1825. The man sailed to the New World with his wife in 1859. The article includes Alfred’s life with his wife, birth of his children, and his traveling to New York, Mexico and with finally the family settling in San Francisco. Out of Enquist’s exposure to ships and sailing he realized the need to correct the situation of the poor treatment of seamen in San Francisco. He helped form an early sailor’s union in January 1866 and was elected president of the Seamen’s Friendly Union and Protective Society. The lack of consistent maintenance of the union

17 while key players were at sea caused the union to fail. Eric says that “It was in 1866 that something got Enquist thinking about selling a product that would clean clothes easier and more effectively than other methods.” However, Eric learned that Alfred Enquist’s marketing efforts were probably not channeled properly for there has only been one advertisement located regarding his California Washing Extract. That advertisement was found in the San Francisco Chronicle. It ran from midSeptember to the end of October, 1865. He did apply for a United States patent and it was awarded as Enquist Patent Number 55,997 on October 5, 1866. The height of the bottle is 4.1 inches, with a capacity of 1.75 liquid ounces, and embossed on the front: CALIFORNIA / WASHING / EXTRACT. The reverse is vertically embossed A.A. ENQUIST. Eric speculates that the content would only provide enough content for one wash. He further says that the cost of bottling alone would price this item out of the market. Eric’s thought is that the bottle could have been a trial size. Another interesting piece of information is that “the San Francisco Glass Works had just opened its doors in 1865 and was the first to manufacture what is called ‘flint glass’ on the Pacific Coast. (Editor’s Note: The dictionary definition is that flint glass is a hard, bright glass, containing lead oxide and having a high index of refraction, used for lenses, crystal, etc.) The extract bottle exhibits all the attributes of the flint glass that was an actually shortlived product of the glass works. In fact, the article reads that the factory was leveled in a fire in 1868 and that there were inconsistencies in some of their products. It is highly likely that the ill-fated California Washing Extract was also a short-lived product made only in 1865, never to return to the market again.” In spite of Enquist’s apparent failure with his extract, Eric writes that the inventor continued his interest in the maritime industry until the early 1870s. Alfred Augustus Enquist’s name appeared in the 1870 U.S. census as

18 showing him as captain of the Salvadoran barque Marmaluke. His sailing career came to an end in 1870 after his ship went aground. It was reported that the crew was saved, but the sobering event weighed heavily on Enquist. In 1872, he was a passenger on what was said his last voyage on water. It was assumed he sailed to Sweden to deal with family matters. Meanwhile, his wife was still living in San Francisco and manager of a hotel at 2091 Sacramento Street. Upon his return to California, he chose his family over the sea and began a series of land-based jobs which ended in his being appointed the notary public for the City of San Francisco in 1878 by Governor William Irwin. One of the accomplishments during his appointment was his signature as witness of at least 124 U.S. patents. He and his wife had owned their original home in San Francisco as well as a residence in Sausalito. His wife died while they lived in San Francisco in 1905. He returned to Sausalito and died a year later. The Stumptown Report Oregon Bottle Collectors Association A nice IN MEMORIAM was placed in this club’s newsletter, even though this person was a member and editor of the newsletter for the Washington Bottle & Collectors Association. It read “The Northwest lost one of its great bottle collectors this summer. Ed “Red” Kacalek of Ritzville, Washington passed away after a long battle with appendix cancer. Although not a member of the OBCA, he was well known to many of our members from his usual presence at the Centralia bottle shows. He was active in the WBCA and was their newsletter editor for the past several years, putting out a great product. He collected Washington whiskeys, Eastern Washington historical memorabilia and many other great items. He was always full of information and was a super nice guy. He will be missed. We wish his family the best.” While speaking of what Red collected, let’s see some of what you folks have been collecting. There are no last names in the newsletter so I will just mention members by their first

March - April 2011 names. Rod showed what he found when he did a dig near Tillamook. He found an Ideal Doll bottle, a clear crown top Owl Drug Co. bottle and a labeled Owl Drug Co. glycerin bottle. Joe’s show and tell consisted of a crude amber flask, a Christmas green barrel pickle jar he got for $5 and a crude miniature flask. Tom showed a nice Vancouver Soda Works, Stricker & McArty, Vancouver, Wash. Hutch soda. Julie brought a blue Lewis & Clark Centennial mug and a 1915 Panama Canal Compliments of Dufur Drug Co., Dufur, Ore. calendar plate. Pete had a mini jug: Compliments of Moro Mercantile Co. Moro, Oregon, a Log Cabin bitters that he traded a Nebraska mini jug for and a rare Levy Bros. Portland, Oregon gravitating stopper soda. Bill proudly showed his bottle he got at an estate sale for $1.80 (70% off): Williams & Co. / Druggists / Oregon City. He explained that “this is Oregon City’s earliest drug bottle and has a smooth base.” Bill was happy to get it even though the bottle has a few lip chips. He says he’s happy because it is a new larger size than the two sizes in his collection. Oregon City bottles are his specialty. Among Jim’s best was his unlisted Fleckenstein & Mayer white enamel back bar bottle. He also shared his raffle bottle from the Reno Show which was a Greeley’s Bourbon Bitters. Another rare find among the show and tell folks was Mark’s very rare ginger spice tin from General Products Co, Canby, Oregon. He also had a dug coffin shape Wisdom’s Violet cream (Portland). Scott was lucky and had dug a Vasogen hexagonal amber poison bottle. He also showed a crock base from (Crown) / Bradley Hotel Ware / England / Vitrified / M. Seller & Co. / Portland-SeattleSpokane (M. Seller sold the valuable 1860s Portland wax sealer fruit jars). The A-Z Collector Phoenix Antiques, Bottles, and Collectibles Club This year’s show was a huge success, according to Betty Harnett’s newsletter write-up and pictures. She said, “A huge THANK YOU to all of you who participated in the show this year…as dealers, helpers, etc.!”

Bottles and Extras She also mentioned that they had a “wonderful dealer dinner, an increase in the number of early birds and general customers, and most of all --- great camaraderie and networking!” Also announced is the fact that many folks have been asking for the show to be moved from October to the winter months when the winter visitors are in town. Betty has been able to make that change so that their show will be February 25 and 26, 2011. However, because of an increase in rental fees at their venue, the club has decided to make Friday a half-day event and Saturday a regular full day. A general tips type section appeared in one of their newsletters with precise descriptions of some terms in the bottle world. Pictures accompanied the descriptions. The first feature was to explain what a “kick-up” is. It is the indentation found on the bottom of a wine bottle, also called a push-up. These indentations most likely strengthened the bottom of the bottle or formed a stable base on hand-blown bottles. The apothecary jar is explained as follows: Pharmacists stored medicine ready to be dispensed in these jars. The inside of the bottle’s neck and the side of the stopper are etched to ensure a tight fit. The tab on the top was applied by hand. A practical explanation of “How to Date a Bottle” is made: There are many ways to determine a bottle’s age. One is the seam, an embossed line where the bottle’s molds meet. Often, the older the bottle, the lower the seam ends. The line stopped where the mouth met the pressed section of the vessel. As techniques changed to make the process faster and more productive, more of the bottle would be formed by a mold. In the United States, molds were rarely used before the 1800s. Free-blown bottles have no seams, and almost all mold-blown bottles have some sort of seam. Before the 1860s, seams would end where a bottle’s shoulder would meet its neck. From 1860 to 1880, the seam began to creep upward as the ability to form part of the neck, with a mold, was developed. The last of the informational tips is regarding the “Pontil Marks Timeline.”

Bottles and Extras Pontils are long rods that were used to hold bottles by the base so that the neck could be removed from the blowpipe and finished. It almost always left a mark at the center of a bottle’s base. The number of utilitarian bottles bearing pontil scars began to diminish during the late 1840s and ceased to exist by the mid-1890s. Rough pontil marks are unfinished circular scars. They can be found on disposal vessels, such as soda bottles that would have been considered mass-produced for their time. Before the Civil War, iron pontils were used. These left a trace of iron when removed. The appearance of this mark can increase the value of a bottle dramatically. The Bottleneck San Diego Antique Bottle and Collectibles Club Here’s an article entitled, “Digging with Jeff Hooper 2010” that should be of interest to readers. Along with the article there was a big picture in the newsletter that showed a digger up to his shoulders in a privy-sized hole and the ground around him littered with bottles. Digging started out in a small town named Cooterville in Indiana. The first day, an eight-foot-deep stone liner with five feet of 1990s – 2010 “stuff” was dug and only when they got down to the last three feet of this pit were some decent bottles found. Mixed in were some broken amber Leader & Globe fruit jars (it was estimated about a thousand dollars worth). Of the few whole bottles that came out there was an Indianapolis Brewing beer, a small aqua Otto’s Cure For The Throat & Lungs and a one gallon stoneware jug (that also appears in the newsletter picture). A day off for rain followed the above dig. The diggers then moved on to dig three smaller pits in Hooterville. Among some of their better finds were a Hooterville Pharmacist & Surgeon drug store bottle, a Madison, Ind., drug store, and a Boericke & Taffel medicine. Things got more interesting when the men got to Pipeville, Illinois. A friend there had gotten permission to dig behind a 1855 – 1865 “bricker” in the area. Four pits were probed. “It took all day to do one pit a day the first two days, as these pits were only six feet deep, but they were loaded. We

March - April 2011 had to just scratch through the trash.” The first two pits dated back to the late 1870s – 1890s. They found a lot of broken yellow ware, and also managed to find some nice bottles. However, there was also supposed to be a hole with 1850s – 1860s treasurers in it, but they couldn’t locate it. To give you an idea about the quantity they were able to find, there was a total of 75 slicks. Here is a list of some of their better finds: two sample Scheyer’s whiskies, 50 clay pipe bowls (including 12 whole pipes and a redware clay pipe), a twelve-sided blob top stoneware beer, one umbrella ink, three cone inks and a heart-breaker, broken aqua-paneled open pontiled Harrison’s Columbian ink, two marbles that were handmade German pontils, three rare local Pipeville drug stores, six pumpkinseeds, and an amber Hawthorn Springs Saratoga quart. As the men were starting to wind down their digging experience, they ended up checking out an auction in Mayorsville. They dug a couple of pits there. The article reads “The first pit had just one unembossed jake in it and the next pit gave up a couple of Dr. Miles’ Restorative Nervines and some slicks. A small, one-ounce size embossed Aurora pumpkinseed flask came out of that hole with a hole in the side of it.” Sounds like these guys had another good time together and took home some great finds. Unfortunately, one digger forgot to put his gloves on and got poison ivy on his left arm. He described his arm as looking like a “toad’s leg.” The “toad’s leg” stayed with him for the rest of the trip. It is a probability that the diggers might pick up their trail again in 2011. The article was signed “Dig on, fellow pit members.” Ghost Town Echo Washington Bottle & Collectors Association In addition to what the Oregon club said about Red Kacalek’s passing, it was written in Red’s own Washington club newsletter that he was born in Spokane in 1945, served in the Vietnam War and received several medals for his service. He worked for The Boeing Company for over 35 years. It seems

19 that Red found time between working for Boeing to also collect stoneware, among his other interests. The club has a new member named Daniel Gosch. Hopefully Daniel can bring some of his interesting finds to club meetings. In addition to welcoming Daniel there was a brief discussion of “a fake Eagle from Tacoma with a funny glued top, a dealer in Michigan found on eBay.” Similar frauds were discussed. Collectors can’t let their guard down for a moment. While Ellen Levesque is filling in as editor, until a volunteer steps forward, she decided to type in an article of her own in her club newsletter. The title of “Shootout at the Walla Walla Corral – the Saga of Henry G. Tobin,” sounds intriguing to me. Ellen’s article developed from curiosity about information found on a 1880s empty envelope and the history of rare H. G. Tobin bottles. If Ellen’s mom had not been a collector of postmarks and if Ellen had not rescued a few 1880s empty envelopes for her, this article would never have been written. The return address on the envelope, of interest, was the Portland liquor company Fleckenstein and Maier. It was addressed to H. G. Tobin, of Walla Walla. Also, if Ellen’s husband hadn’t known that H. G. Tobin bottles were rare, she probably would not have been curious and would not have started research on Tobin. Both felt that Tobin must have been an agent for the Portland liquor company. In browsing in an old newspaper database, Ellen found the story of Henry G. Tobin and the “Shootout at the Walla Walla Corral.” She found Tobin was born in Ireland in the 1850s and came to America by way of California. He was trying to make a living as a saloon bartender in Walla Walla in 1880 but with the economic downturn at the time, he ended up losing his home to foreclosure in 1875. In the 1890s, he lost his over $5,000 savings in a bank owned by J. K. Edmiston. He tried to get his money out several days before the bank closed, but was unsuccessful. In 1894, the banker was tried and acquitted for embezzlement in the bank’s failure. It was then that “pistol-toten” Tobin showed up on the street near where the banker was engaged in conversation. Tobin didn’t realize it at that very moment,

20 but he was trying to kill Edmiston with a gun loaded with blanks. However, Tobin shot at him four or five times and missed. He was charged $20 and court costs. Speculation was that he was probably distraught over trying to feed his family. As the article goes, in 1895 Edmiston ended up being sentenced by the State Supreme Court to serve time at the Walla Walla Penitentiary where Tobin was working as a prison guard. It was said that Edmiston had apparently accepted deposits even after knowing the bank was declared insolvent. Henry Tobin moved on to Lewiston, Idaho and again worked as a bartender. Bad luck followed him with the suicide of his wife in 1899. The newspaper headlines declared “deranged over troubles.” Ellen relates that “By 1904, Henry was admitted to a National Home for Disabled Veterans near Malibu, California. He was a veteran of the Civil War. His long saga with Edmiston ended in 1912 when he received $4,000 of the money he had lost from the banker, who was then living in Egypt, having escaped after being released on bail after his last of four trials in 1894. Edmiston had been pardoned in 1910 by Washington’s governor, after 17 years in exile.” He died in 1922 and was buried in the Los Angeles National Cemetery. He started out in California and ended back in California. At the end of Ellen’s article, she remarked, “I’m still amazed how one old empty envelope, salvaged 20 years ago, could open the door to gunfights, escapes and tragedy. What’s lurking in your closet that might tell its own wild story?” Current reports for the March-April, 2011 Dump Digger’s Gazette Antique Bottle Collectors of Colorado While it sounds like President Rick Sinner was on a month’s business trip to Montana, Utah, and western Colorado, he said that he did get to see many old homes while he was driving through various towns. He took pictures of a house that impressed him. He put two pictures of it in his newsletter. He was impressed that some of the old homes were “being kept up.” While there might have been an opportunity to investigate the property, it

March - April 2011 seemed that he didn’t have time to stop and get involved at that point. However, he did speak to a person that was working on the house. Rick learned that the house was built in 1892. The Corker Golden Gate Historical Bottle Society There is optimism among the members of this club as they welcomed Donny Young and Thomas Gaudy of Martinez and Gregory Johnson of Pittsburg into their club. Some feel the increase in membership is coming from an apparent upswing in interest in this club and the hobby, in general. There was an informative article on Warren M. Watson that was obtained from Bruce Silva’s website: www. westernwhiskeytooltopgazette.com. Warren set up a wholesale liquor business “supposedly from 1880 – 1915 in Oakland, California.” He was credited with at least five different western tooled top whiskies and one glob top. The five different brands were mentioned in the article. Because of the length of time he was in business Bruce figured that it should have been a “nobrainer” to research information on this business man. However, as Bruce states it, “The bottles remain as mute testimony to Warren M. Watson, but everything else remains shrouded in the mists of time. Talk about disappearing without a trace.” The Whittlemark Los Angeles Historical Bottle Club During the latter part of 2010 a “Bitters” Program was presented by Dave Kyle. For those of you who know Dave, he had a fantastic Warner’s collection which he sold prior to starting his new collection. Some of the bottles he showed and talked about were an extremely rare Andrus and Palmer; artillery bitters, fish bitters and a Dr. Wheeler’s Tonic Sherry Wine Bitters. He also proudly showed his three variants of his ears of corn and two Indian queens. It was an awe-inspiring event. A report covering the Auburn 2010 show appeared in another issue of the club newsletter. There was the usual identifying of dealers and buyers. Quality bottles were abundant and some changed hands. Well known folks in the bottle world were eagerly chatting and scrutinizing potential

Bottles and Extras purchases. The weather cooperated which also helped attendance. The Glass Blower Northwestern Bottle Collectors Association Siphon (seltzer) bottles have been a popular collectible for many years. Eric McGuire authored an article on Ernest Verdier regarding his French soda water. Eric stated that his article was written to document what is probably the earliest siphon bottles made and used in San Francisco, California. Ernest began manufacturing French mineral water in San Francisco in 1865. Research was not clear as to whether his water was dispensed solely by fountain or whether he was using bottles. It was recorded that in either 1865 or 1866 Ernest ordered bottles from the Pacific Glass Works that were “undoubtedly siphon bottles.” It was known that Ernest also had bottles blown at the San Francisco Glass Works. The article followed the uncertainty of Ernest’s success as a businessman. This article at least seems to date the introduction of the siphon bottle. The Stumptown Report Oregon Bottle Collectors Association There have been some great finds shown and talked about by club members. For example, club member Mike proudly showed pictures of a hole he dug this past summer that had 17 glob top whiskeys from a saloon site that had a brothel upstairs. Mike reported that it was the best hole he had ever dug in over 40 years of digging! Tom Bostwick submitted articles that appeared in club newsletters. One appeared in the December 2010 issue and the other in the January 2011 newsletter. Tom certainly rates an “A” for effort in both sharing his stories and his enthusiasm for the hobby. One article covered his attempt to reach the East coast; however, engine problems with his VW van and other stresses caused him to cease plans to attend the Keene, New Hampshire show. His trip was “aborted” along the way and his vacation became forever more known as “a successful failure.” There is some good news here. He had some

Bottles and Extras success upon his return trip back to the West coast. He dug in Hannibal, Missouri at the rear of a 1840s house. After learning from a neighbor near the house that “no one would really care if he scratched around or not in the basement dirt,” he immediately got to work. He has a picture of some bottles he unearthed that were from the early 1900s to the 1940s. He said that he dug a decent painted label Hannibal soda with a broken top. At least he didn’t come away “empty handed.” The second article regards a cobalt 9 ½” tall Owl Drug bottle that was dug in a rose garden. Tom’s ears and imagination picked up when he learned this. While Tom could not purchase this bottle from the one who dug it, he has the promise of being shown where it was dug. Tom should be busy writing and submitting another article, in the near future, on “his” rose garden adventure. We look forward to hearing from you, again, Tom. The A-Z Collector Phoenix Antiques, Bottles, and Collectibles Club Director-at-Large Steve Mares and Colleen Stuart hosted a luncheon and invited folks to view the “Mares Museum Collection.” From the pictures in one newsletter it looks like Steve has quite an extensive collection of antique advertising and bottles. He also has railroad locks and keys, pocket watches and knives on display in his home. A two-sided glass showcase is built into one wall for bottles. It is backlighted by a window in the next room. During the tour, members were also treated to numerous curio cabinets displaying some of Colleen’s collectibles such as thimbles, toy trucks and various glass and china. Another surprise to those of us, who might have thought that Steve’s only interest was selling his porcelain signs, is the fact that there is a beautiful fruit jar display in lighted oak cabinets in the kitchen. digger’s dirt Reno Antique Bottle Club During a show and tell portion of a meeting, President Marty Hall showed a

March - April 2011 fancy fluted shoulder, cylinder stomach bitters he found under the floor boards of an old house being torn down. “There are only five known at this time.” Bill Metscher showed photos of a dig where vintage clothes were found. According to Bill, “The mine, located out in Tonopah, also contained over a hundred pairs of weathered shoes and boots.” There was a short article regarding the history of pottery pots of Holloway’s Ointment. Thomas Holloway was born in England in 1800. As a young person he was interested in medical cure-alls. By 1837, he created a product that he believed was a true cure. He promoted his ointment in a small pottery pot. A picture of the pot was in a newsletter showing the wording: “HOLLOWAY’S For the Treatment of GOUT and RHEUMATISM Manufactured Only by the Proprietor.” Thomas, being aware of “quackery” medicines, achieved his goal of manufacturing a true cure. His medicine became a common, inexpensive remedy in England. The United States started producing the ointment in the late 1800s. Thomas Holloway went on to become wealthy in the mid 1860s and in his later years he established the Holloway Sanatorium which dealt with mental health issues. The Royal Holloway College was also founded in England and promoted higher education for women. The Bottleneck San Diego Antique Bottle and Collectibles Club Lance Westfall presented an interesting and very educational program on J.H. Cutter Whiskey. He brought in his display which they say was “remarkable.” Lance said that the history started in the early 1800s with the birth of J.H. Cutter in 1807. Lance covered information regarding the markings, colors, and other details. It was written that Cutter Whiskey was the Jack Daniel’s of the 1800s and was the best produced. A sense of humor is one of President Mike Bryant’s best assets. He and his wife Dixie vacationed in Egypt in 2010. A picture of both of them seated on camels out in the desert appeared

21 in a club newsletter. The picture is pretty cool. With the club looking for a treasurer, Mike placed a caption to the right of the picture that says: “Instead of ‘Walking a Mile for a Camel,’ I’ll settle for a new club treasurer!” Ghost Town Echo Washington Bottle & Collectors Association Mike Parris shared his excitement about receiving a copy of a Redwing ledger. This ledger gave him some insight into his favorite collecting category. It covers the period from 1892 to 1914. He wrote an article entitled, “The Redwing Ledger: A Study of Stoneware” and submitted it for publication in his club’s newsletter. The first thing he reminded the readers about was the fact that “stoneware was a utilitarian product that was used in many different applications.” He mentioned that through using this ledger he has discovered a couple of jugs he had not yet seen. His article goes on to point out that he made lists of jugs from Redwing in other states. He has discovered the rarity of some. He was also checking out information on stoneware other than jugs. His attention has focused on learning about different pottery styles and functions. It sounds like he is on a “fact-finding” quest with his copy of the Redwing ledger. Mike points that he is not new to this collecting hobby. His fellow club members remember that he had put out three Washington stoneware lists in the last few years. He must be the guy you might want to contact if you want to know more about the hobby of collecting stoneware. Rocky Becker tells the tale of how he acquired a “killer” bottle at the Canyonville Oregon Bottle Show. The way he describes it is that it is “a beautiful indented panel, applied top cylinder, embossed J.C. NIXON & Co SEATTLE W.T.” He said that “This example was dug some 30 years ago in a back yard by Lou in Napa, California.” The Lou he is referring to is Lou Lambert. Rocky proudly reports that the NIXON now resides in Gig Harbor, Washington. He compares the NIXON cylinder as being “our BRYANT’S” Cone Bitters for Washington collectors.


March - April 2011

Bottles and Extras

The Rebound of a Great City to Bits & Pieces of the Past


he passage of some of the worst winter blizzards on record in the Midwest has set the making for a prominent showing at the Cross-Roads of America in early Spring. Creative Promotions has put its best foot forward to promote the best show possible in Indianapolis, Ind., April 2-3 at the Wyndham Hotel and Convention Center located off I-465 West across from the airport. It offers 900 free parking spaces, 24-hour full room service, security around the clock, free shuttle to the airport, porter help loading and unloading, a broad array of categories, special room rates for dealers, collectors and public alike. Creative Promotions’ main goal is to build up this show to become one of the strongest and best shows in the Midwest and turn it over to the Circle Center Bottle Club of Indianapolis. The goal is to bring back some of the unique characteristics of some of the past shows such as the first Bottle & Jar Show in Indy in 1969 where I assisted the hobby’s legendary Charles Gardner and his wife put up a display on the stage in the Farm Bureau building. Jim Cope, from Orange County, Texas, displayed 10 Indian Queens (all in different colors) which he sold and later became known as the Ten Little Indians. The buyer, I believe, was from Atlanta, Ga. He also bought an E. Longs figural out of the Hooks Drug Store on the Indiana State Fairgrounds that same show. During that same show, Kenneth Roate and George Walker, both from Cincinnati, displayed 40 or more open pontiled embossed medicine bottles with full content and labels intact in mint condition – just like they just left the drug store. You just don’t see this in today’s shows. We promise to keep working on getting some of the best collections out for display that are normally not seen by the general collector or public. We currently have a number of confirmed commitments for displays featuring pottery, early Indiana bottles, sodas, ales and lightning rod balls.

By William “Billy” Gonterman We highly encourage more displays. We are more than willing to offer complimentary rooms for collectors who bring out their high end collections for public viewing. We will also offer porter help if needed. All requests must be approved by the management before the show, with special requests for flasks, bitters and jar collections. Our hats come off to Ron Glasscock and Martin Van Zant for their help and roles in promoting new bottle clubs in Indiana - a job well done in bringing new interest and collectors into the glass world - a great act of brotherhood. The second year for the Indy show was 1970 when L & W Promotions moved its show from the Farm Bureau building on the Indiana State Fairgrounds to the Agricultural building with more than 85,000 square feet of space. It held 600 eight-foot tables. The show was sold out with standing room only, and the attendance was unbelievable. The traffic count was up in the thousands for each day. After the second show in Indianapolis, I left the Hoosier State and ended up staying with C. “Tiny” Kennedy for most of the next three years. If you didn’t find me in Anchorage, Ky.,. the Kennedy residence, or at our shop on Market Street in Louisville, Ky., I would be on a local dig. I have tons of stories and great memories of the club members and especially of “Tiny,” who was quite a unique individual. The year 1972 was the starting point of what became known as one of the premier bottle shows of the South, mostly through the aggressive promotions of “Tiny.” He and I traveled to at least two bottle shows per month for the next year promoting this show. Steve Keith and Don Kay were also equally instrumental in the overwhelming success, which drew collectors and dealers from around the country. I might mention up to this point Tiny had concentrated his collection to mainly Louisville, Ky., sodas of which he had a great collection and a few other prize Louisville bottles. One that always caught my eye was an aqua

bottle shaped like an old Budweiser quart with two men pictured - one fat and one skinny - Fat Man Skinny Man Brewery from Louisville and St Louis. I never have seen another one. In the spring of 1972, six of us pooled our funds and bought this tract of ground in Shelbyville, Ky., which was the original 1870-1910 city dump site. The property was owned by some backwoods family originally from Mississippi. It consisted of a small shack of a house, one floor cobbled together, a 1940s school bus, used for storage, hens and roosters roaming the grounds, an outhouse, which they still used, and approximately two acres of ground. The family was so happy to sell out because it enabled them to return to the backwoods of Mississippi. They literally looked like the Beverly Hillbillies when they departed. This was a deep dump and in some areas it was 10 to 15 feet deep. We dug just about everything you could imagine out of this dump. Some things to mention were two dozen or more one-gallon scratch handled jugs from a local Shelbyville liquor and druggist, circa 1860-1880; quite a number of pint aqua graphitepontiled scroll flasks and one amber one; six or more 11-3/8-inch tall Schroeder’s ladies leg bitters from Louisville; three miniature Schroeder’s 4-1/2-inch with a motif of a rooster, and 37 Chamber Companion insulators. When the arm of the backhoe knocked over the outhouse, right in the middle an amber Coke was sticking out of the ground. When I pulled it out, it revealed a pocket of amber Cokes from Louisville. I dug more than 250 in an hour. There were a number of pockets of amber Cokes in this dump. After this find, I started collecting amber Cokes from different cities. I assembled over 50 different towns. Mr. Schmit, who owns the Elizabethtown Coke plant and the Coke Museum, heard about my collection and now they are part of the museum. After digging out the dump, we donated the land to the city to enlarge its park.

Bottles and Extras

March - April 2011

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March - April 2011

Bottles and Extras

Bottles and Extras

March - April 2011



March - April 2011

Most collectors have seen or dug the plentiful, three-sided, amber bottle embossed FREDERICK STEARNS & CO. DETROIT, MICH. While the bottle seldom gets much respect, the company behind the bottle is worthy of a second look. Shown here are two front pages of a Stearns publication titled “The New Idea.” A couple of paragraphs found on the 1885 example of the publication indicate that Stearns was attempting to remove the mystery behind the secret recipes of the big nostrum makers and at the same time undercut the patent medicine manufacturers by making nostrums for small retailers unable to make their own. Stearns would then sell the medicines to these small druggists and other retailers, complete with the buyer’s own label, at a cost far less than the comparable, Stearns publication titled “The New Idea.” brand name patent medicines. Here is the Stearns explanation of the process: The New Idea of which this paper is the exponent and organ, is explained as follows: Under the title of Popular NonSecret Medicines, we introduced, in 1876, to the retail druggists of the United States, a line of articles avowedly made to supplant patented and secret medicines. The plan comprised staple articles like Sarsaparilla, Condition Powders, Cathartic Pills, Liniments, Cough Syrups, Worm Medicines, etc, to simulate the forms and sizes of like popular patented goods. To print the working formula on each package; to make them in large quantities at a saving of cost in material and labor; to sell them to the RETAIL TRADE of the United States; to print each buyer’s name and address on labels Stearns publication titled “The New Idea.”

Bottles and Extras

and wrappers in place of ours; to sell them on a close margin of profit as manufacturers; to use good glass, velvet corks, excellent printing, engraved and tinted wrappers; to adapt the style, sizes and prices to meet popular wants; to furnish the retail druggist, who has few of the appliances himself, a means to drive patented medicines out of his sales; to enable him to make the profits himself which otherwise go into the pockets of patent medicine manufacturers; to replace quack and secret nostrums by medicines of known composition and value. To the list new articles are constantly being added, which are first described in this paper. The Stearns paper also contained sections offering Patent Medicine Analyses, Formulas and a section devoted to Swindles in the patent medicine market. A piece in the June, 1885, issue begins, “During a recent visit to New Orleans, we visited early one morning the French market, and among the hucksters and fakirs which crowded the sidewalks around the market, were some that dealt in Cinnamon Beans.” The beans turned out to be horse beans coated with paraffin and scented with oil of cassia. Still another article, written for “The New Idea” by L.C. Hogan, an Englewood, Illinois, pharmacist, was titled, “Free Prescription Frauds. How Shall We Treat Them?” While quackery was rampant in the United State for many years prior to the publication of “The New Idea,” it would be another 20 years before Congress finally enacted the first pure food and drug laws in 1906.

Bottles and Extras Hawaiian Liquor Companies: Invoices and letterheads from companies that produced and/or sold bottled products often provide a wealth of knowledge to collectors lucky enough to find them. Shown here are three invoices from Hawaiian companies once engaged in the liquor business on the islands. Thomas Frazier-Dewees submitted these items. His notes indicate that W. C. Peacock & Co. Ltd. operated on both Maui and Oahu. Known bottles include amber cylinder whiskies, pint gins and shot glasses (considered rare). Note that the sale recorded on this letterhead was to a saloon. About the Serrao invoice, Tom says, “The Serrao Liquor Company was a Portuguese firm on Hawaii Island and a pint gin is known and rare.” Tom also shares that the Hoffschlaeger invoice is from a firm that began in 1851 as Hoffschlaeger & Stepenhorst. Tom goes on to say that known bottles from this firm include “a monogrammed whiskey and two sizes of tooled top gins, one and two pints.” Images and information submitted by Thomas Frazier-Dewees. Bottle photos courtesy of Bruce Silva


March - April 2011

W.C. Peacock & Co. Ltd. Stationary Hoffschlaeger and Co Ltd.

Serrao Liquor Company Stationary

Hoffschlaeger and Co Ltd. Stationary

“Paper Trail” is a regular feature which showcases the wide world of bottle-related ephemera, from trade cards and post cards to letterheads and blotters. Readers are encouraged to submit items for publication. Simply scan or photograph your item (JPG please), add a short paragraph or two about the item, and include a photo of the bottle to which it relates.

W. C. Peacock & Co. Ltd.

E-mail your contribution to: s.ketcham@unique-software.com or Ph: (952) 920-4205 or mail it to: Steve Ketcham, PO Box 24114,Edina, MN 55424


March - April 2011

Bottles and Extras

Digging adventures in Savannah (Savannah Diggin’s) By Bobby Hinely The History of Collecting Bottles in Georgia (One of a series) In 1963, I was living in Savannah and decided to go fishing in the Savannah River between Forts Jackson and Pulaski. Nothing was biting so I idly began looking around and spotted a couple of bottle necks sticking out of the mud. There was a railroad bridge (the tracks ran to Tybee Island) and people threw bottles off the train. I put my bottles into my Volkswagen and while riding down Oglethorpe Avenue, I spotted an antiques store with bottles on display in the window. It was operated by an old woman named Rosemary. I stopped and sold my bottles to her for $2 or $3 – my first sale! Later I sold her a case of old Cokes for $12 and six crocks (ginger beers) for $5. When I got into serious collecting, I tended to prefer early, pre-1860 bottles. I once dug a black glass bottle (circa 1810-1820) and something just clicked within me. One day, while driving into South Carolina to buy firecrackers, I saw houses along Highway 17 being demolished. Once construction started, workmen dug trenches where I found John Ryan and Thomas Maher Savannah sodas. Later, I dug at sites where the Thunderbird Inn and Howard Johnson Motel were being built. I found four or five sodas floating in rainwater in a ditch. When the new bus station was being built, I dug a hole and hit the sidewall of a brick-lined privy. Then there was Indian Street. I discovered it in 1965. All the houses in this red light district had been cleared off and a new post office was being planned for the site. However, there was a threeyear delay in construction for some reason. I met pioneer bottle collectors George and Nick Mastopoulos. I became a digging fool. “Buy Bobby a tuna fish sandwich and a soda and he could dig all day,” someone once said of me. I’d gotten to be good friends with

Bobby Hinely with a case gin (courtesy of Bobby Hinely)

historical flask (neck broken). I learned a lot of the diggers were like rabbits – they tunneled. Not only was it dangerous, but they missed a lot of stuff. Three or four old houses were demolished to make room for the city auditorium. I dug that site for a year with a pontiled eagle soda one of my best finds. Once, while digging into a privy, I found a BC Headache Powder wrapper. I knew Carroll Spell had been there before me. I’d get off work (after dark) and go to Indian Street where I’d see the glow of lanterns in the holes. Sailors would come off ships tied up to the wharves in nearby Savannah River and we’d holler for them not to come our way because they couldn’t see the holes. They’d come anyway and we’d hear a curse when one of them fell into one. Another of my digging buddies, Charlie Schroder, was digging behind a house of ill repute and found three red light bulbs. Charles Cowart found the Dooly Street dump and it was better than Indian Street. I dug my best bottle, a Gen. Scott’s Artillery Bitters (in the shape of a cannon). It was wonderful. You could be digging in a hole, find a bottle and reach for it, but it would be snatched out of your hand by a digger on the other side

Rosemary and one day I asked her where her bottles came from. That’s when I learned of a dump site off Skidaway Island Road. This was the Brown Farm. I could walk along and find Atwood Bitters and Bitterquelles on the top of the ground. This was hog heaven to me. Later, I found a couple of Ryans in the 1870-1890 dump. It was 10 feet deep in places and I even found porcelain signs. I met Harry Joyner and Carroll Spell at the Brown Farm. Harry owned bait a and tackle store and Carroll worked for him. They were digging for earthworms! Later, Carroll and I dug on Indian Street. Things got a bit wild. I even dug beneath a building. Once, I dug all around a tall tree and it eventually fell. In its roots I found a black glass bottle. I once dug an 1820s-30s privy and found a pontiled bottle. I also found the skull of a 20-year-old woman and a flintlock pistol Apparently she’d been shot and the pistol was tossed into the hole with Early Savannah diggers (L-R) Renfo Martiin, her. My own CSI! I also George Mastopoulous (courtesy of Bobby Hinely) found a rare pint Charter Oak

March - April 2011 29 Bottles and Extras of the hole. not have one in his collection. weekends to dig as he was planning to In 1964, after seeing George Brewer After a couple of trips, I was run off build on the property. in Plattsburgh, N.Y., advertising a bottle by a railroad detective who said it was The owner expected to get $1,500 list in Antique Trader, I thought that railroad property. So when we returned, or so, but after Nick got the word out, so would be a good way of getting rid of my it was at night and with a full moon, you many diggers came out that Nick had to duplicates and bottles I didn’t want. So I didn’t need a light, but the field was flat place a limit on the number who could started sending out lists and thus the dig. He had a crowd of local diggers network was started for me in buying and others from many states. Many and selling bottles through the mail. lady’s leg types of Reed’s Bitters, two My mail carrier was delivering a cobalt Solomons Strengthening and lot of mail and packages containing Invigorating Bitters from Savannah, bottles I was buying or trading for. several Tippecanoes and all kinds of One day, he asked me what was local sodas were excavated before it going on. I told him and showed him all came to an end. some of my old bottles and told him Nick collected more than $5,000 about the Brown Farm dump. He said for the owner! that his brother had cleared a large NOTES: Indian Street was field on the Louisville Road by the located in a triangular parcel of land old Meddins Meat Packing Co., and in 1813 and was known as the North I should go look. Oglethorpe Ward. Indian Street was So when the weekend came, I on the north, Joachim Street (Bay) drove out there and found the dump on the south, West Broad Street on was about 150 yards by 75 yards. the west and Rice Fields (Talmadge You’d never notice it just by riding Figural pipe bowls dug by Bobby Hinely in Bridge, U.S. Highway 17) on the east. down the road. After walking on it, Savannah, Georgia (photo by Bobby Hinely) In 1813, it was divided into 16 lots you’d see broken pieces of bottles east of Farm Street (now called Fahm packed on the top, but once you Street) and 38 below east of Farm to started digging through the hard pan, and there was no room to hide. You could the rice fields. From the 1850s-60s, it was you’d find a trash layer with bottles that tell you found a bottle when the glass known as the red light district. Located had been in there for at least 125 years. “squeaked” when you hit it with a hand one block from the Savannah River, it In 1968 about 1 a.m., we were digging scratcher. offered easy access to sailors looking for a privy on Indian Street and two people About a year later, I told my newfound a good time. An article in an 1853 issue of saw our lights and came over to see what friend, Nick Mastopoulos, about Meddins the Savannah newspaper quoted Officer was going on. It was John Harrington, of and the problems of digging there and O’Malley saying that neither he nor any Tampa, Fla., and a friend. After watching he said he knew the man who owned the of his officers went into the area because awhile, John said he would love to dig property! Lo and behold, he got permission it was too rough. . . a colored soda. I asked him how much for us to dig the field for a fee and made a I had never dug or looked for bottles would he pay and he said $20. So, I said, deal with the owner to turn over proceeds on dry land, but since finding some bottles let’s go (the privy was petering out) and to him. He allowed Nick three or four at the Thunderbird Inn construction site, so we drove to the Meddins site. He was I thought I’d check it out. . .I found some wondering how he was going to dig a sodas in piles of bricks, rocks, roots, soda in this field with grass a couple of old iron and other debris at the Inn site inches tall. In about 10 minutes, he dug during the clearing of the land. When the a green 1885 Henry Lubs Savannah soda workers were digging for the foundations, and we have been friends ever since. they had cut ditches through some privies The dump was in a low-lying field and trash pits Unbelievably, I found soda about the size of a football field. The trash bottles mixed in with the rest of the debris. layer was about 18 to 24 inches deep with I noticed one black spot along a trench about six inches of hard-packed dirt on and pieces of plates and part of an 1866 top. The age of the dump was 1870s John Ryan Porter & Ale was showing. to late 1880s. A few Ryans and lots of So I got a stick, dug around it and pulled bitters were dug. Bottles were not thick, it out. I also found a J. Manke Mineral 1830s Prattware pitcher dug by but every once in a while, you might hit a Water in aqua and other bottles. This was Bobby Hinely from an Indian pocket. In one, I dug an English Female May 1, 1964. It was my first experience Street privy in Savannah (photo Bitters and 10 sodas. Later, I sold the digging bottles, especially a Ryan. . . by Bobby Hinely) bitters to Judge Ed MacKenzie, who did So I bought a shovel and went back


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jumped the fence and before I could pick one out of the dirt, the operator hollered: “Those are MINE!” We did some haggling and I bought four Ryans for $20. I wanted to dig into that dirt pile, but the construction boss told me to leave as I was in the way. So I did what anybody would do – come back with my shovel and rake after they left at 4 p.m. I found some other sodas and bottles in the pile. . The old Greyhound Bus Bunch of John Ryan sodas, other bottles Station on the corner of Oglethorpe dug from privies along Indian Street, and West Broad was demolished to Savannah’s red light district (Photo by make way for a Howard Johnson’s Bobby Hinely) Motel. I found an early 1830s pit on Saturday and dug into the black trash that yielded some black glass, area until I hit a wall. I was in the middle pontiled bottles and a nice jug. I dug my of my first privy. So now I was looking for first Meinke & Ebberwein 1882 Mineral other construction sites to dig. J.C. Lewis Water from a trash pit while workers were Ford was torn down and a Downtowner at lunch. I had their permission. . . motel built on the site. The construction On August 4, 1964, the Union Station crew started digging in March 1964. A on West Broad was demolished to make dragline dumped a pile of dirt onto a 15- way for Interstate 16. My first find was a foot-high pile and all of a sudden these privy that was so easy to spot. It was on bottles came rolling down the dirt hill. So I virgin ground with a 5-foot-by-10-foot

Bottles and Extras black area outlined in brick. My first flask was embossed with Dancer & Chapman with Balt. Md., embossed on raised bars. My first 1859 Ryan came from there and several privies on the site yielded a small green Harrison Columbian Ink. Following the bulldozers, I picked up bottles, pipe bowls and a few coins, as well as a cobalt umbrella ink. One day, I was driving by and noticed holes for pilings had been dug, leaving a large mound of dirt covered with glass. I nearly drove off the road. Most of the bottles were eagle sodas and a few Ryans. The first bottle was a large cathedral pickle, several George Gemenden eagle sodas, two Planters Hotel sodas, some Ryans and a few pontiled medicines. . . The next day, the pile of dirt was gone and about sundown, I heard a commotion from some boys who had found a box of coins. After they left, I went over and picked up three 1877 dimes in shiny mint condition. How did I miss seeing that box?

Bottles and Extras


March - April 2011

By Bruce Shank

Have you ever regretted anything in your life and the regret centered on what you didn’t do, what you could have done and why you didn’t do it? I don’t know about the rest of you but I’m guilty of that kind of regret. You might ask what this is all about anyway. Well, this is simply about me dropping the ball and failing to stay in touch with someone I considered a very close friend at one time. The regret is due to the fact I can’t make it right because that special person is now gone. How many times have we heard people say, if you can count on one hand how many true friends you have then you’re a rich person indeed? Well, honestly I can say I have that with all sincerity right now in my life but what about those true friends you lost contact with? Can we ever really stop remembering them? Does the passage of time erase the conversations, letters and communications we had with those people? Only if you decide it should. This one thing has been nagging me for what seems like an eternity. Why did I allow myself to drop off the face of the earth and lose contact with all of those I considered a good friend so many years ago? Ok, so I had many excuses such as I was going through an ugly marriage and brutal divorce at the time and the Ex was so bad she made it practically impossible “Ball jars were to do anything let alone continue Vivian’s specialty” life as it had been prior to all hell breaking loose. I was broke mentally, physically and financially and I had no way of keeping in contact with others let alone take care of myself. I was ashamed at how badly I had failed in life and I didn’t want to be a burden on those around me. And lastly, I convinced myself that “nobody knows you when you’re down and out.” Which by the way is a lie of sorts because there’s always someone who knows and someone who cares? Yes, sad but true I lived for years in isolation afterwards with a so-called clear conscience but there’s an old saying; “a clear conscience is often the result of a poor memory.” Let’s face it though, I eventually found it hard to look in the mirror and continue convincing myself in all honesty that I could pin my reclusiveness and complete silence on anything other than me. The truth unfortunately was I alone chose to run from openness and into obscurity. I chose the path that led to complete communication breakdown with all of my

Granny Kath’s Kitchen family and friends. Ok, many of you reading this article so far are probably thinking yet again to themselves, what in the blippy-blip does this have to do with “fruit jars. Well, I’ll tell you plainly that it has everything to do with fruit jars and the hobby too because the person I’ve been lamenting losing contact with was none other than the late great Vivian “Granny” Kath. I had a very close relationship with her from between late 1988 through late 1993, until as I mentioned, I fell off the face of the earth and lost all contact with everyone I knew and cared about including poor Vivian. I was going through literally hell on a daily basis with my ex-wife and it all finally ended in a brutal divorce in February 1999. When the dust finally settled and I became focused on fruit jars and people once again in early 2000, I began trying to make contact with long lost friends and acquaintances. It wasn’t until Feb of 2003 though that I found the Fruit Jar Group on Yahoo. I joined and to my delight found a few of my old friends already situated there but it was also at that time I discovered to my complete disheartenment the sad fact that my old and dear friend Vivian “Granny” Kath had passed away in 1999. I was devastated to say the least and that news has somehow haunted me to this very day. And in writing this it all finally ends here and now. I only knew Vivian “Granny” Kath through the written word and by phone. To all of you modern gadget people in the audience (and I’m a proud member of that group too) you’d be surprised how the written word on paper has the tendency to mean a whole lot more than a casual txt message or email. It literally took time and a bit of real caring to sit down and either write or type out a long letter to a friend in those days but once done and read over and over again it stayed more indelibly into your being. Although Vivian and I never met in person, we knew each other as if we in fact had. Back in those days there was no Internet and long distance phone calls cost a premium. Yet I wrote her often and bombarded her constantly with questions and jar finds. We wrote back and forth to each other consistently on a monthly basis. I even broke down eventually and called her at least once a month, typically on


March - April 2011

Bottles and Extras

a Saturday despite the high she mentioned that the jar had no olive in it at least from phone rates so it could be a what she could see and that it was a true amber example bit more personal once in she hoped and in fact it was indeed. I was elated of course awhile. and that jar still sits on my shelf alongside all of my other I remember talking colored BPM’s. with Vivian over the phone Over the years Vivian sent me a few gifts including one day and her telling a Ball logo patch, an I Love fruit Jars badge, a light blue me that my incredible shoulder seal pint Ball the Mason, an unusual white wide enthusiasm for jars as well mouth lid (glass holder) and two blue Ball logo mugs on one as my zest for knowledge Christmas. I still have every one of those items she sent to had caused her to have a me and it’s never even crossed my mind to part with them sort of personal rebirth in for any reason. But the one real surprise she sent me was the the hobby. And if anyone complete Volume 1, #2 thru Volume 3, #2 of the AB&GC knew her sense of humor, minus Volume 1, #1. I still have those magazines too and she made sure to mention every one of them has her name and address on the mailing how I had now upset the label. And it was typical of Vivian how she played it all apple cart in regards to her down by saying how bad she felt that she couldn’t locate Antique Bottle and Glass budget. We became quite Issue #1. And all of that came about simply because in a good friends and sold and general conversation with her on one Saturday I mentioned I Collector traded jars with each other was missing the earlier years of the magazine. on a regular basis as well as sharing valuable info Vivian was a and just plain ole good laughs. wonderful, full of life, I still have every letter she ever sent me as well giving and gracious human as every jar and go-with that was graciously given being who I have never to me as a gift or trader. Whenever I look at those forgotten. She actually things I am transported to a much simpler, slower was my inspiration to and somewhat happier time and I can almost hear share more with the hobby her raspy voice. I used to send out jar lists in the by revealing finds. I wish I mail back then and as a matter of fact, that’s really could go back and change how it was done in those days. It was either that 1994 – 1999 in particular or a magazine. Well, Vivian at one time bought a but that isn’t possible. goodly amount of whatever was left on one of my There’s a valuable lesson lists. She owed me $100 but I didn’t give a hoot to be learned here folks “Gifts author received from because money has never meant that much to me and I know I have learned Vivian “Granny” Kath”, when it came to a friend. One day though to my it. Don’t ever forget what sheer amazement and complete surprise and out of the blue, really matters in life are God, Family and Friends so keep a package arrived at the house. In it was the most beautiful them close to your heart. I’m now making the remorse work quart amber Ball out for the positive after all these years. It was because of Perfect Mason I “Vivian’s” passing that I came up with the idea of doing had ever seen at a series of articles about long time collectors. Then other that point. And of long time collectors started to pass from the scene too which course it was a color made it even more urgent for me to get things done. Suffice I didn’t have either it to say, Vivian was the true inspiration for my new series and wanted very of articles entitled “Legends of the Jar” now being published badly. I’ll never nationally. forget how in her I’m reminded how fleeting life truly is and how letter accompanying eventually we too will all pass from this wonderful life. So the package she with that in mind, be the Best friend you possibly can to mentioned this was each and every friend you have? Go and make new friends to make up for what and acquaintances especially with the old timers? If you was owed me and do that you will learn a lot. Get out to as many Shows as that she just plain possible and mingle with people. Don’t ever let your silence didn’t have the be deafening and even when you think you have no more to money. What struck give, when a true friend cries out to you, somehow find the me funny was how strength to help them.

March - April 2011

Bottles and Extras

A Poison Collector in Paradise By Bob Barbour It was the 1982 Keene show that started this seemingly endless passion of collecting poison bottles. I was walking past the table of the well-known poison collector, Jerry Jaffe, and something caught my eye. I stopped to peruse these colorful, oddly shaped bottles. I picked up a DP coffin and thought to myself, what an absolutely stunning bottle. I found the price tag and immediately put the bottle back onto the table, astonished that someone wanted $300 for this tiny bottle. I looked at some of the more reasonably priced poisons and began to set a few aside for purchase. I selected about five or six poison bottles and began to negotiate the selling price. We settled on a price, when Jerry said, “If you are serious about collecting poison, you might want to consider these two bottles.” The two bottles were the DP coffin and the F.A. Thompson coffin and they were priced at about a fourth of what I initially was going to spend. I picked up the Thompson and it, too, was priced at $300. I had never spent that much for one bottle, much less that times two. Jerry went on to explain the importance of rarity. “Buy one rare bottle, rather than five common ones. The common poisons will always be available, the rare poisons you won’t find at every show” -- wise words from a wise man. But how could I justify the cost, let alone afford the asking price? I stood for a long time while pondering my decision and then bit the proverbial bullet and wrote the check. With the purchase, Jerry included the book “The Benign Blue Coffin and Other Life Saving Bottles,” by Roy Morgan and a new “poison collector” was born. After the show, in my motel room, I lined the bottles up on the table, as many of us do, and reflected on the day’s purchases. I loved the poisons, but, it would be some time before I knew I had made the right decision. I can’t remember what other bottles I bought at that Keene show, but, I will always cherish the DP and the Thompson I bought from Jerry Jaffe. A few years later we butted

heads on a couple of poison flasks at Skinner’s Auction. I was examining a pontiled apricot hobnail flask, when Jerry came over and said, “I will own that flask.” And sure enough he did win it! It would be several years before I was able to find a similar flask in a Glass Works Auction. Over the year I’ve lost touch with Jerry, but, I will always credit or blame him, as the case may be, for my passion in collecting poisons.

33 to purchase several of the moderately priced English poisons. I contacted various English bottle dealers and added more poisons to my collection. Back in those days, there was only one auction house in Britain auctioning bottles and I was fortunate to acquire some of my rarer poisons via these auctions. After several years of collecting, there were several poisons still on my list and these were the crème de la crème of English poisons. The Coffin, the Gilbertson’s Wedge, the Wasp Waist, the Binoculars and the Slug were just a few of the rarer jewels that had eluded me.

Bottle 1: Rare Amber KR-4, Carbolic Acid Poison, also found in cobalt blue Bottle 2: Scarce green Taylor’s patent, 1905, 1 example known in cobalt blue Bottle 3: Scarce KU-24, cobalt blue Foulton’s Crescent poison, patent 1905, also found in green, aqua, teal & rosewood Bottle 4: Scarce KU-16, cobalt blue Star poison, patent 1925, also found in green, rarely in Amber Bottle 5: Very Scarce, KE-7, Leath & Ross Green Neuraline poison Bottle 6: Somewhat Scarce KI-10, cobalt blue Wide Mouthed Lewis & Towers poison Bottle 7: Rare KO-21 variant, deep teal, Yapoo poison, also found in amber, green, cobalt blue & aqua Only after reading Morgan’s book, “The Benign Blue Coffin” several times, did I realize how diverse and fascinating poison bottles were. I was particularly captivated by the patent drawings and their associated namesakes, Wilson, Stephenson, Lewis & Towers, Martin, O’Reilly, Merrikin, O’Quine & Reeve. The accompany photographs of some of these bottles inspired me to seek them out. As I gathered information, it became painfully clear that some of these poisons were incredibly rare and expensive. But they were attainable, albeit in limited quantities due to my finite resources. Over the next few years, I was able

As the more uncommon English poisons became harder to find, I began to focus on the more easily attainable American poisons. I had relegated myself to the fact that the rarest of the rare English poisons were beyond my reach and means. With the purchases dwindling, my interest naturally began to wane and I started to focus more on the American poisons. Fast forward 10 years and the American poison collection had grown dramatically, while the English poison collection had stagnated. As space for my collection became an issue, I began to sell off the more common American and English poisons. Slowly the collection


March - April 2011

Bottles and Extras

was reduced to a more manageable size, It was October and I was thumbing poisons? More importantly, could I based on quality rather than quantity. through an issue of Antique Bottle afford them? Only time would tell and Once again, I was able to display all of & Glass Collector when I noticed an the day finally arrived for our departure my poisons in my small office. advertisement for Jim Hagenbuch’s to England. I was still attending a few bottle England in January trip. I had always I will spare you the details of the trip. shows a year, but I was noticing that the wanted to visit England. Britannia, We didn’t buy, let alone see any of the shows were smaller and the number of enveloped in history, home to King more elusive English poisons, but, we better bottles becoming less and less. The Arthur and the Knights of the Round did manage to fill a large suitcase with talk around the bottle shows seemed to Table, Shakespeare, Stonehenge, stately bottles and goodies for the family back indicate that eBay was mostly responsible home and castles, the EPL (English in the states. England more than lived for this decline. For years people had Premier League) – professional soccer up to our elevated expectations. It was blamed the bottle auction houses for the for you Yanks, Harry Potter, and, of one of the most enjoyable trips of my reduction in quality bottles at the shows. course, London, one of the most exciting life. England is blessed with a wonderful Now there was a new threat to history, fantastic people, beautiful the shows, eBay. I heard from scenery and the food…well, it’s fellow collectors of the fantastic getting better. bargains they had found on eBay The one part of our trip I and so I decided to explore this will share with you occurred at new phenomenon and see what the Bletchley show, the Winter it had to offer. To my surprise, National. It is one of the largest I could now buy poison bottles bottle shows in England with over within the comfort of my office 200 tables. Jonathan Melnick with hundreds of poisons to see came up to me and asked if I had and bid on. Everyday there were seen “The Coffin” poison that new listings. It was like going to a someone had brought into the different bottle show every week. Bottle 1: Scarce KT-3, green Wilsons, patent 1899 show. I replied, “No, I haven’t After a few months on eBay I had Bottle 2: Very Scarce, KO-81 cobalt blue Cyona, with seen one in the flesh and would purchased some better poisons, love to have a look.” A doctor had embossed elephant but, the bargains were few and far Bottle 3: Extremely Rare, KO-69, cobalt blue brought the Coffin to the show; it between. Burgons Cloudy Ammonia, with embossed had recently been purchased at Then someone told me about auction. Although the bottle did elephant eBay.uk and an entirely different Bottle 4: Extremely Rare, KU-7, aqua , O’Reilly’s have some damage, it was still selection of poisons came to light “Binocular” poison, patent 1905, also an absolutely stunning example. again. I had essentially ignored the There was another gentleman found in cobalt blue English poisons for many years and Bottle 5: Extremely Rare cobalt blue Southerst poison, there enjoying The Coffin and my reintroduction was the impetus we were introduced. To my patent 1903 that I needed to reenergize my surprise, this gentleman was one enthusiasm for English poisons. of England’s Poison Giants. I had I began to look at the English poisons cities in the world. Here was a chance heard many stories about his fabulous from an entirely different point of view. to experience England, visit three large poison collection and now I had finally These bottles had an incredible variety antique shows and take in two bottle met Brian Thatcher. We started up a of shapes, colors, embossing and sizes. I shows, all in a span of ten days. It was an conversation that naturally focused on soon recognized that the poisons listed in opportunity I could not pass up. poisons. Brian mentioned that he had Roy Morgan’s book were just a fraction I booked spaces for myself and my been writing poison articles for the ABC of what were actually manufactured. oldest son, Alex. To say we were excited magazine. Craving any information on The English poisons were available and about going would have been a gross English poisons, I asked if the magazines more importantly, unlike some American understatement. I dreased of Coffins, were still available. Brian generously poisons, they were still reasonably priced. Wasp Waists, Binoculars, Crescents, offered to find the magazines at the ABC The English side of my poison collection Quines, Stars, Neuralines, Submarines table and a few minutes later he came blossomed, while the American side and Slugs; Oh my! Of Gilbertsons, back with four issues. They contained began to dwindle as I sold off the poisons Burgons, Wilsons, Tippers, Taylors, a plethora of information that kept me that no longer appealed to me. I think this Martins and Lewis & Towers. Sleep occupied all the way back to Kansas happens to most bottle collectors. We was very enjoyable over the next few City. get pulled in different directions and our weeks, but the anticipation was almost During the next few months I actively collections ebb and flow with the current unbearable. Would I have the chance to sought out English poisons. The more I pulse of our focus. buy some of the more elusive English learned about English poisons, the more

Bottles and Extras

March - April 2011


intrigued I became with them. So much Cup. Let me assure you, if you haven’t important phone call to Brian. On the so, that I decided to take another trip to watched English football in an English following day, we would take the 1 England and the highlight of this trip pub, you haven’t really experienced o’clock train from Charing Cross station would be the Summer National, the largest England. Although I was again able to to south London, where Brian would bottle show in Britain. Unfortunately, fill a suitcase with glass, I knew deep meet us at 1:30 at the Lee station. The the itinerary would be a northern focus of down that I would probably never own meeting was set. Great Britain and since Brian’s collection several of the rarest English poisons. Nearly 18 months after our initial resided in south London, I would not be They were exceptionally rare, with one introduction, it was less than 24 hours able to see the collection on this trip. or two examples being known and they until I had the opportunity of a lifetime – That just meant I would have a chance to see one of the best to take another jaunt over the poison collections in England, pond. The Summer National if not the world. Jonathan is a great show with about and I were absolutely beside 200 indoor tables and 50 to 60 ourselves. The question now outdoor tables. There were was how to make the time some impressive bottles at the pass as quickly as possible, show and once again, I would before the anticipation drove leave England with a suitcase us crazy. Fortunately for us, full of glass, but, alas no we were in London, a city Wasp Waists, no Binoculars, where there is a multitude of no Burgons, no Slugs and no attractions to keep you busy. Coffins. Once more these The 1 o’clock departure English rarities eluded me. time finally came and we It had been about nine were off on the train headed months since I had met Brian. to Lee. Our conversation We began to correspond Bottle 1: Extremely Rare, KU-7 cobalt blue O’Reilly’s was, of course, focused on the and exchange information “Binocular” poison, patent 1905, two known in collection and what we would regarding English poisons. see, hold and caress. Would cobalt blue Brian was doing most of Bottle 2: Ultra, Ultra Rare KU-2 cobalt blue 32 ounce we have the great fortune the exchanging, but every to see and hold some of the Eclipse “Wasp Waist” poison, patent 1905, only now and then, this ole Yank rarest poisons known? All one known, THE RAREST OF THE RARE, would have something to add questions would be answered weighs in at two pounds. The Finest poison bottle to the conversations. Brian in short order. The train was in the World, Bar None!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! suggested that on my next pulling into Lee. We exited Bottle 3: Extremely Rare KU-2 variant cobalt blue visit to the UK, I come and see the train and walked down Stephenson’s “Wasp Waist” poison, patent 1894. his poison collection and eat the ramp to the street. A short Notice the absence of the hobnails, this is the dinner with him and his wife, time later, Brian pulled up earlier version of the Eclipse Sonia. I naturally accepted, and we were off to the house. Bottle 4: Very Rare KU-6, cobalt blue Walker-Martin but indicated that I was unsure Along the way, Brian asked “Submarine” poison, patent 1906 of when I would be able to about our trip and I could tell come. I had traveled to UK by the tone of his voice that twice in the last year and I wasn’t sure weren’t going anywhere. But now, I he was almost as excited to have us as how soon I would be able to go again. would finally have the opportunity to we were to be there. We arrived at the With the invitation as the motivation I enjoy the next best alternative – a chance house and were introduced to Brian’s scheduled another journey to the 2006 to see them, hold them, appreciate them charming wife, Sonia. The first thing Summer National. I discussed my plans and inquire as to their history. that struck me about Brian’s and Sonia’s with Brian and we agreed to talk after Jonathan Melnick and I left the living room was there were no bottles. the show on Sunday night. The 2006 Summer National and made our way There was a display of small of Doulton Summer National was another great back to Heathrow airport. We hauled stone ware, but, not a single bottle. In my show. Although my finds were somewhat our suitcases down to the train tunnel early collecting days, there were bottles meager, I had a great time. I was able to and caught the Heathrow Express to all over the house. Over time with the meet and put some faces with the great Paddington Station. It was a short cab introduction of a wife and children, my people I had only corresponded with ride past Hyde Park where The Who collection has migrated entirely to the over the internet. I was able to enjoy the would be playing later that afternoon, to safe confines of my office. ambience of a small English pub while our hotel at Charing Cross. We checked Was there a bottle room, a room watching England play in the World into the hotel room and I placed the all totally devoted to the collection? Sonia continued on page 38


March - April 2011

Bottles and Extras

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Bottles and Extras

March - April 2011

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March - April 2011 Bottles and Extras Continued from Page 36 offered us some lemonade or water and There were around 5,000 poisons in poisons have always had a special allure I chose the latter. Brian led us up the front of us and I wanted to see and hold for me and so with great anticipation stairs where my question was answered. every last one of them. It was now about Brian pulled out the 32-ounce Eclipse, It wasn’t a bottle room, it was a bottle 2:30 and I had not held a bottle, and I the Wasp Waist, the King of all poison museum! The walls across from the door was completely overwhelmed. It was bottles. It is difficult to fully appreciate were painted with stoneware of all kinds, time to take a couple of deep breaths and Brian’s favorite bottle until you have colored print and colored top ginger beers, gather myself. Brian started on the left the pleasure of holding this treasure in ammonias, one that was studded with side of the poison collection. I believe your hands. And, yes, I gripped this hobnails, black glass beers, aqua Codds that was the aqua cabinet. Now normally five-figure poison with two hands at all with red, blue and green lips, vividly when someone brings out aqua poisons, times. The sensuous wasp-waist shape, colored dumpies and aqua Hamiltons. I don’t get too excited; however, when indicative of a corseted Victorian belle, The floor along the walls was blanketed Brian brought out an aqua Binoculars, the oversized hobnail protrusions on with huge flagons and foot warmers of my heart stuttered. This was the first three sides, POISON embossed on both various sizes and manufacturers. To of the many rare poisons to grace my sides in a subtle arch at the top and the the right were four cabinets sheer size of this poison (9.875 of mostly English poisons, inches tall, 4.25 inches wide grouped mostly by color. From and 2.5 inches deep, weighing this distance, I could not pick in at a hefty two pounds) out any of the super rarities, but constitutes the fines example that would soon change. On of an English poison design. my immediate right were the This 32-ounce specimen was colored Codds and Hamiltons initially exported to India, in different shades of cobalt, then found its way to Australia green and amber. I don’t know where it was purchased for much about these particular £250 and returned to the UK. It bottles; however, anyone with sat on a shelf for five years until even a vague knowledge of the owner decided to try and Codds and Hamiltons could sell it. It was sold to a friend recognize the quality resting of Brian’s, who fortunately Bottle 1: Scarce KU-20, aqua Martins, patent 1902, also on these shelves. I hadn’t even for Brian decided to sell it to found in ice blue and green sat down and I was already in him. Finally after 24 years of Bottle 2: Extremely Rare KT-7, Dowells poison, “Slug”, overload mode. collecting poisons, I was able to patent 1911, two known, amber & green Sonia brought up the water hold, caress and examine that Bottle 3: Rare KU-5, Clear Gilbertons poison, “Wedge”, and lemonade and we sat down beautiful beast. patent 1861, also found in green and began to chat about Brian Once I held this unique and the collection. For those Bottle 4: Scarce, KU-3, Ice Blue Quines poison, patent poison bottle, and, yes, to date 1894, also found in Aqua of you who aren’t familiar this is the only one known, I with Brian Thatcher and his didn’t want to let go. But, there poison collection, I will give you a little hands that day. Ever since I read Roy were other rarities waiting to be fondled, background. Brian has been collecting Morgan’s poison book, I had wanted to so it was time to move on. The cobalt bottles for about 25 years. Unlike most own this bottle. Now I was enjoying Binoculars and the Burgon’s ammonia of us, he got started collecting due to the next best alternative – I was holding were next to come out of the cabinet. The a most unusual sequence of events. and examining this beauty. Then Brian Binocular poison, as the name implies, is “Early one morning whilst working as a brought out a clear Gilbertson’s, several shaped like a pair of binoculars. Although Metropolitan police officer, I was chasing Martins, including a 20-ounce and a half- somewhat simple in design compared to a suspected car thief across a field. I ounce – both stunners, several Quines in a the Eclipse, there was something about tripped over an old bottle that was poking beautiful ice blue color. What a fantastic this bottle that made it very pleasing to up out of the ground and fell on top of start to what would turn out to be one of the eye. The unique shape and having the suspect and arrested him. The field the most remarkable days in my 32 years POISON embossed three times certainly turned out to be an Edwardian rubbish tip of collecting. contributed to the eye appear as well as and I subsequently obtained permission After an hour or so of handling the the five figure price tag. The Burgons to do some digging. It contained a fair aqua and clear poisons, we moved to the is one of two English poisons that has number of poisons mostly common, but cobalt cabinet – home to the 32 ounce an animal – in this case, an elephant I was immediately attracted to them.” Wasp Waist, Binoculars, Submarines, embossed on the front; the other being Well, the rest is history and the results lay Skulls, Stars, Yapoo’s Southerst and the the Cyona, which has a horse embossed before us. Burgon’s Elephant Ammonia. The cobalt on the front. There are only a handful of

Bottles and Extras the cobalt Burgons to be found in all of England. These pricey little elephants will command four figures if you can find one. Well, it is now approaching 6 p.m. and time for the evening meal. Sonia had prepared a wonderful English dinner for us and it was time to help her bring this sumptuous repast to the table on the patio. As we enjoyed our dinner, it was hard to believe that we were in south London. The quaint and peaceful garden provided a much needed moment of relaxation. It was time to share stories about family and various bottle collecting escapades. It was fascinating to hear Brian recount many of his bottle digging and collecting stories. After listening to these epic tales, it gave me a much better appreciation for the amount of dedication and effort that went into compiling these outstanding collections. Great collections do not happen by chance. They are the result of long hours of arduous work and devotion. I also enjoyed hearing Brian describe his 30-year career as a police officer in London. It’s no surprise to those of us that know Brian, that his time a as a police officer was a mirror image of his life as a poison collector. Do the two seem unrelated? Not to me. In order to be successful at either, you have to be diligent, devoted and approach the task at hand with a level of passion that assures success. Feeling rejuvenated, it was now time for the final assault on the bottle room. As we settled back into our seats in the bottle room, we realized that it was almost 7:30. The last train from Lee to Charing Cross station leaves at 9 p.m. Due to the lack of time left before we had to catch our train, Brian suggested that we take a 9:30 train from a different station. That would give Jonathan and me an extra 30 minutes to view the remaining 4,900 bottles. No easy task, but, we were up to the challenge. It was mutually decided to just look at the rarest of the rare during the remaining hour and a half. It would be a world wind event with bottles coming fast and furious. The first to come off the shelf was the infamous Slug, similar to the Gilbertson’s Wedge, the Martins and the Quines in that

March - April 2011 they were designed to lie flat, rather than stand upright. This feature made them extremely difficult to tip over and spill the contents. However, the similarities end there with this magnificent amber bottle being embossed with cross-hatching over the upper part of the body and sides with a smooth space on top for a label. The base is embossed in large letters, WARNING, POISON. A few years ago parts of a cobalt example were found. Brian describes this bottle as the UK’s and possibly the world’s rarest poison. I held this bottle for quite some time, examining every facet in great detail, a truly extraordinary poison. The next poison to be inspected was the green 20-ounce Taylors – one of my favorites. The front panel has “NOT TO BE TAKEN” embossed vertically downwards. Adjacent panels angle steeply away and are covered with raised bumps. The rounded back is embossed “CAUTION” across the top with the registration number 469210 across the bottom. What is very interesting about this bottle is a variant that has rows of raised bumps along the rear panel below the word Caution and above the registration number. They also come in a variety of green colors, from a deep teal green to a pale grass green and one cobalt blue example, which I had the pleasure of seeing at the Summer National in 2006. The cobalt Taylors was a real stunner and one that I would pay dearly for to add to my poison collection. Brian then brought out the 13-plus-inch, vertically ribbed cobalt blue cylinder with POISON embossed diagonally across the front. It was a huge poison that was hauntingly familiar as I had purchased an olive-green example several years earlier from Glass Works Auction. I asked Brian if he had ever seen an olive-green example and he replied, “I have never seen or heard of one.” To make a long story shorter, because this short story has now been going on for seven pages, the olive-green poison now sits on Brian’s shelf. One of the last poison groups we had a chance to peruse was the Wilsons - a triangular shaped bottle with serrated corners. It comes in a variety of sizes from the teeny half-ounce, 2.75 inches to the massive 20-ounce, 7.5 inches. They usually come in shades of green, with

39 a number of variations in the wording. There is one example, a remarkable poison, that would be the center piece of most poison collections. Unfortunately, our time had run out. It was 9:10 and if we wanted to make it back to London, we would have to leave at once. Jonathan and I would have gladly stayed and slept on the bottle museum floor, but alas, it was not to be. We made it to the train station with a few minutes to spare. We said our “Thanks” and “Goodbyes”, but somehow words seemed utterly and completely inadequate. The train ride back to London was quiet and subdued. I was overwhelmed, overloaded and totally drained all at the same time. My brain was numb. Not until I wrote this article did I begin to comprehend the magnitude of what I had seen. My research brought back those fond memories of Brian’s poison collection that for so long lay dormant in that mass of grey matter (called my brain). It is extremely difficult to put into words what an incredible experience it was. There aren’t enough superlatives in the English language to express how grateful I am to Brian and Sonia. It was such an absolute pleasure and privilege to share that day with the two of the most generous and considerate people I have ever met. For this poison collector, it was truly Paradise. In closing, I want to encourage all bottle collectors to share their collections. Remember, it’s the people who make the collections and their willingness to share that knowledge, information and enthusiasm with others. Without it our hobby would surely die. So I will close this long-winded narrative with a bit of advice from a wellknown poison collector. “Learn as much as possible about what you collect. It will help identify quality items and it will add to the pleasure of the collection. Put as much effort into displaying items as into collecting them. Don’t be swayed by the latest fashion or fad in the bottle world, buy it because you like it and buy one quality bottle rather than 10 lesser bottles.” Wise words from a VERY WISE MAN!


March - April 2011

Bottles and Extras

By Bruce Schank (Editor’s Note: This article is a result of long time collector and author Bruce W. Schank reaching out to long time collector Dick Harris) I’ve known Dick Harris for a very long time now. Dick. along with a few other notable old timers, had a huge influence on me when I first started collecting. In all of the years I have known him, I have never been to his home except this one time and I’d never seen his collection before this article. Dick was born in the town of Franklin, Sussex County, New Jersey in 1928. He grew up in Branchville, New Jersey and has remained there as a Sussex native all of his life. I really can’t blame him for that because where he lives absolutely represents nothing but beautiful, spacious and laid-back rural New Jersey at its finest. For those who don’t know or only know New Jersey from what they see on the boob tube, the Turnpike is not representative of the entire state at all. There are actually many extremely beautiful rural areas that still survive, Sussex County being one of them. Dick is a graduate of Ursinus College, Collegeville, Pa. He is retired now from a successful property and casualty insurance career that he devoted most of his life to. Amazingly at his age, he is involved in the investment of hundreds of millions of dollars of shareholder assets in the stock market. Not something for the faint of heart, I might add. According to Dick, he started collecting fruit jars during the “bottle

Long time collector Dick Harris craze” of the 1960s. He became very interested in bottles and such especially sodas, but he very quickly gravitated to fruit jars. What drew him in were the varying patents and closures and he just found that to be very interesting. Everything back in the 1960s was unknown until Julian Harrison Toulouse came out with his book, Fruit Jars, A Collectors Manual, in 1969. Dick read that with fascination and it just gave him even more of an incentive to go wherever it took and spend hours upon hours and day after day driving sometimes hundreds of miles, looking for fruit jars. Dick at that time believes he

was an integral part of and right in the middle, too, of the very inception and initial exploration of the fruit jar hobby as we know it today. And I would have to agree with that. The first really good jar Dick ever bought was a pint Excelsior with an outstanding original condition lid and band. He found it right in his own backyard of Sussex County. He told me that Dick Roller came to his house 30 years ago (1980) and when he saw the Excelsior pint he was flabbergasted and immediately recognized it as something very special. What amazed me was that Dick not only had that beautiful pint sitting out on his window sill, he had a fantastic Excelsior quart sitting there, too, in the same milk bottle shape as the pint and all original as well along with so many other great jars too numerous to mention here. I sat there mesmerized as Dick pulled out box after box after box with

Rare milk bottle shaped fruit jars.

Nice grouping of rare and early fruit jars.

March - April 2011

Bottles and Extras

Rare HM Harris Improved jar. nothing but the most outstanding jars imaginable and many I had never seen or touched before. What struck me even more incredulous was the fact he told me that for every box he had pulled out of the barn (and there were at least 12) there were five he didn’t bother to


bring into the house. My mind went family was attending the 1976 National blank, thinking how he had at least 60 Show in St. Louis. He remembers how boxes of nothing but fantastic jars that Alex Kerr and George McConnell were have sat in his barn and haven’t seen there and Dick claims Alex actually the light of day for at least 30 years. admitted George had the best jars (at Without a doubt, Dick is one of those that time), but then again, Alex was just under the radar collectors that hardly getting into the hobby and Alex made up anyone even knows about and I am a for lost time in a big way. Dick claims very fortunate person that he allowed me access. According to Dick, right at the very get-go he went to bottle shows all over the northeast and that’s how I actually met him. He has had a sales table at the North Jersey Antique Bottle Collectors Association Show in Oakland since 1970, with the exception of probably four years. Dick told me in the early years, jars were plentiful at the shows and reasonably priced. Of course the rest of us know what has happened since those days but jars are still a hot commodity. Rare colored Franklin jar along with rare Dick says the most exciting Excelsior pt. time for him as well as his

Rare half quart Millville left, rare small mouth A. Stone center and rare mold preventer 1858 quart right.

Another grouping of very nice jars.


March - April 2011

Nicely colored unique Salt & Peppers.

More Nicely colored unique Salt & Peppers.

Alex had all of his jars professionally packed and air-shipped to the show. He actually was right there and had the privilege of helping Alex unpack his jars and also setting up his display. Besides the many great jars Dick has in his collection, he has also bought and sold many fantastic jars to other collectors over the years as well. Don Burkett came to his mind and he said, after reading Don’s article and seeing how ugly the solid 1858 quart looked he knew he sold it to the right fellow. He also claims he mistakenly sold a Collins & Chapman Wheeling, W.Va. jar to Jon Vander Schouw, oops! I’ll never forget how back in 1985 Dick allowed me to come up to his area and look in one of his barns. He knew I collected Ball jars and he had been given hundreds of them. I spent the good portion of an entire day going through them and coming up empty. I asked at that time if he had any other

Incredible wall of Salt & Peppers.

Bottles and Extras jars I might be interested in and he told me about his honey amber Christmas Mason. So he goes away for a minute and comes out with what at the time was the most gorgeous jar I had ever laid my eyes on. He wanted $500 for the jar and I about busted a gut. I wanted that jar so bad I could taste it, but back then $500 was like coming up with 15k now and for me. I just couldn’t do it so sadly I had to walk away without the jar. In retrospect I should have sold everything else I owned and did whatever it took to get that jar. It ended up with David Byrd and no one seems to know where it is now. Dick had a sad jar story about how he had a deep bluish jar in the basement that the oil man hit with the hose one day when filling the tank. Claims the bottom fell out of the jar. Moral of this story, I suppose, is don’t leave good jars lying around. Besides the myriads of fantastic fruit jars Dick has accumulated over the years, he also collects other types of old glass. He and his wife collect salt and peppers and probably have one of the top collections in the country. His living room has a massive display cabinet chock full of them and he also has one side of his dining room wall with them, too. And I must say, the colors and different varieties were really eyecatching and appealing to me. There is no way I could even come close to counting how many he had and I wondered how he knew himself, but I’ll tell you, he knows exactly what he has and where. He rattled off the ages of some of them, places they were made and what glass houses and I

Black glass plate from Bridgeton, NJ circa 1881 – 1883.

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me represented just unbelievable stuff that collectors across the country would love to get their hands on at almost any cost. What he amassed in a short 12-year period of time is truly remarkable, but in retrospect, he told me for the most part jars were much more readily available back in the early years and they cost a lot less money than they do today. Of course, money then vs. now is a huge difference. Dick claims he stopped populating his own collection when the prices became in his opinion far too high A Couple Colored Mason’s sometime after 1980. Because of could see he had an intrinsic knowledge, space limitations he never displayed understanding and passion that his jars and instead focused on went well beyond the pale. displaying the salt & peppers Simply put, I was stunned for his wife instead. by them all. Besides the wall Dick mentioned that he shelves, salt & peppers were never really went after colors everywhere, on tables and the when it came to fruit jars, yet like. I innocently asked him if he does have a few beautifully he had “The” best collection colored examples. In a and he told me straight out no. weird sort of way I felt a bit Rare half In fact, he said he didn’t want pint Millville melancholy that he had such to have the best collection. I incredible jars and most with Improved. asked him in a quizzical way fantastic original closures, why? He said to my surprise yet he really has no place to “when you’re on top, the only way to look is down.” Dick also likes black glass and had a spectacular Bridgeton, New Jersey 1881/1883 plate that I had never seen before. Dick feels a lot of people don’t seem to appreciate black glass and that it goes unrecognized for its beauty and rarity. I found it truly remarkable that this man hasn’t added a single jar to his collection since 1980. What he showed

display them and has never displayed them. A visit by a few collectors the week Rare Mason’s Shield before I unlined cap. showed up along with my visit gave him at least a nice period of time to temporarily display many of his wonderful jars once again. One jar in particular caught my eye but alas it had a “not for sale” sign on it. I could see how he looked at and talked about his jars that he was extremely attached to them and they weren’t going anywhere anytime soon.

Rare set of Arthur’s Patent jars.

Scarce Mason’s Shield Union jar., Rare OVGCo Jar 1881, Very Rare West Virginia jar, Rare color 58 (only) midget

Beautifully colored Keystone pints.

Super grouping of Crowley town 1858’s all with original caps.


March - April 2011

Bottles and Extras

Collecting Target Balls Is Tough; Shooting ’Em Often Deadly By Ralph Finch

If you know anything about the colorful old world of shooting target balls, you likely have seen a poster of Annie Oakley in a pretty dress blasting balls from the sky, or buckskin-clad Buffalo Bill — riding behind an Indian carrying a basket of them — shooting them with his rifle. Ditto big Doc Carver, who would shoot thousands of them in a crowd-pleasing exhibition. And what about the itinerant sharpshooters who, as part of traveling vaudeville troupes, appeared in theaters big and small across America, England, Australia ... around the world, actually. How much fun it must have been to see shooters described in newspapers as ... — “James Webb, the celebrated Rifle and Pistol Shot and his Champion Dog, Rover.” — “Dr.CarlandMissJennyCarl,AmericanRifleSharpshooters, now appearing, with Nightly Success” (in Australia). — “Miami, the Western Wonder and Champion Lady Rifle Shot of the world. Miami performs all the Feats with the Rifle performed by any Male Rifle Shots.” — “Buffalo Frisco, the famous and Popular Sharpshooter, assisted by the Beauteous Amazon, Hyda Revell.” — “W.H. Patterson, shooting a small Hazel-nut from the Lady’s Head.” — “Adeath-defying turn in which Colonel Marvan shot glass balls placed above the head and encircling the neck of his companion.” Yet those were the good nights, when everyone went home smiling, talking about what fun — and skill — they had witnessed. But what about those evenings when everything went wrong, when a shot rang out, a gasp was hear, a body fell and — after a moment of horrified silence — the audience screamed, women fainted, children cried and normally infallible marksmen fell to their knees and sobbed. Also from old newspapers ... The Melbourne Express, Thursday, July 23, 1897: “A Berlin correspondent sent particulars of a very sad accident at a display of expert shooting by Kruger, who shot all sorts of objects off his sister’s head and out of her hand amid the applause of about 4,000 persons. He had begun mirror shooting, firing backwards over his shoulder at an object, only the reflection of which he saw through the glass, and prepared for the so-called William Tell shot — aiming at a glass ball placed on her head. “For this purpose he loaded a cavalry pistol with a large ball cartridge, pointed the weapon backwards over his shoulder, and pulled the trigger. An awful scream told the result, the poor girl at the same time falling to the ground. The ball had struck her in the mouth and had passed out through the back of her neck. Indescribable excitement prevailed amongst the audience, and everybody tried to rush onto the stage, where the unhappy Kruger, the picture of

despair, knelt by his dying sister. “A surgeon was on the spot at once, but he could not save the young girl, who died a few minutes after the fatal shot had been fired.” — From a Dec. 28, 1908 Australian newspaper, The Advertiser, a report from England titled “A LADY ‘WILLIAM TELL.’ A FATAL BLUNDER. “An extraordinary mishap, by which a man named Herbert Lee, aged 25, of 5, Robert-street, Hampsteadroad, was shot in the course of a ‘William Tell’ shooting act, occurred shortly before 10 o’clock the other night at the Middlesex Music Hall, Drury Lane, writes our London correspondent under the date of Nov. 27. “A woman artiste who figured as ‘Clementine, Lady Expert, Queen of Firearms,’ was proceeding with her performance, which consisted of a display of expert marksmanship, and had occupied the stage about seven minutes, when the ‘William Tell’ act was reached. Lee, who acted as assistant in the previous items of ‘Clementine’s’ performance, stood on the stage with a glass ball raised slightly from the top of his head, the ball being made more prominent by a colored disc fixed behind it. “ ‘Clementine’ took up a position in the dress circle, distant about 50 feet from Lee, who, in accordance with the story which was being illustrated, was blindfolded. ‘Clementine’ raised a short rifle to her shoulder, and amid the breathless excitement of the packed audience fired. The greatest consternation followed when Lee was seen to fall forward on to the stage, bleeding profusely from a wound in the head. “The curtain was lowered, and Dr. Bremner, of DruryLane, was in immediate attendance. A cursory examination showed a wound near the left eyebrow. Lee was removed to King’s College, where he died. “Subsequently Mr. J.L. Graydon stated: ‘I had no idea that there was any real shooting in Mme. Clementine’s performance of this particular trick, being under the impression that a string was used in some way to release the glass ball. I expressly asked her at the rehearsal if there was any danger in it, and she said that there was not. This is the first night that she has performed at the Middlesex Music Hall, although I believe she has been engaged in this very same business for about 18 years.’ “As a sequel, Clementini Dolcini, 33, an Italian, describing herself as a music hall artiste, staying at the Coronet Hotel, Soho-street, Soho-square, was charged at Bow street with manslaughter. The defendant, who was remanded, bail being allowed at £100, pleaded that Lee’s death was an accident.” — From The West Australian, Perth, March 24,1923: “A crowded theatre at Vienna witnessed a tragedy during a music hall ‘William Tell’ act. Alexander Brenner was shooting glass balls and electric light globes off his wife’s

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head, and his first shot struck her in the forehead, killing her instantly. The man appeared to be broken-hearted, but the police arrested him. “It is alleged that he had a liaison with a pretty dancing girl.” — WHAT’S NEW ON EBAY: x Cornflower “E Jones Gunmaker Blackburn Lancashire” for an amazing $564. x A very nice Card glass ball trap for a bargain price of $1,380. x A cabinet card of the sharpshooting “Bartlett Family,” with “Little Florence.” A bargain $89. X A four-dot yellow-amber Bogardus for $585. X Adam Bogardus’ Field, Cover, and Trap Shooting, 1891 edition, $255. Wow! X A beautiful, mint, bright and extremely-light yellowamber Bogardus with one dot above the “A” in PATD. It sold for a very strong $597. X Two very, very dark amethyst shooters, one for $610, the other for $798! X A beautiful Australian ball, cobalt, in a rare geometric pattern: $1,025. — Drop a note if you have a ball question: 34007 Hillside Ct., Farmington Hills, MI 48335-2513, or give me a call (8 a.m.-11 p.m.) at 248-476-4893. Better yet, e-mail rfinch@twmi.rr.com. For an in-depth look at ’em, go to www.targetballs.com. For a subscription to On Target!, the 64-page, three-times-a-year journal for collectors of glass balls, send $40 to the above address.

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March - April 2011

Bottles and Extras

Bottles and Extras


March - April 2011

California Bottle Collecting By Betty Zumwalt involved in bottle clubs. With this earthquake dump came several neighborhood teen boys, A need for explanation, safety and guidance became necessary. The Santa Rosa club (Northwestern Bottle Collectors Club) was formed to help with this, Some of those boys have become serious collectors, like Tom Jacobs in Marin County. By joining the Sacramento club and digging in the urban renewal district, we advanced to older bottles. John Tibbitts, Elmer Lester and others, whose names I’ve forgotten, but not their faces. All of us had fun digging the Sacramento “gold.” I recall Elmer Lester doing a jig the day he dug his first cathedral food Betty Zumwalt Hall of Fame Picture bottle intact. He went on to having a great collection of food bottles. My interest was leaning toward One of a series the whiskeys so trading our other finds [EDITOR’S NOTE: In 1969, Betty for them seemed the answer. Hence, and Bill Wilson co-authored “Western the result was the book, “Spirit Bottles Bitters,” with Betty doing most of the of the Old West.” In the process of research and Bill all of the photography. doing research on the whiskeys, bitters Previously, they’d co-authored “Spirits information kept popping up and I Bottles of the Old West” (1968) with Betty kept a record of everything. “Western the researcher and Bill the photographer. Bitters” was a natural for us to produce Now Mrs. Ernest Zumwalt of Sandpoint, the following year. A limited edition Idaho, Betty shares her memories of was produced because there was a those fabulous, early days of California limited audience. However, a beautiful diggings – bottles, that is, and not gold, book (with full-color photos) by Jeff although (as she remarked), it was like Wichmann covers the subject today. We published all of our books and digging for gold!] that was expensive. It was difficult to I must plead memory loss as to dates collect bottles and write books. Knowing — too many years have gone by. Interest began in digging an old how many to print depended upon the earthquake dump (circa 1906) in Santa subject. Western whiskeys and bitters Rosa, Calif. How exciting it was – like meant limited sales to small audiences. finding gold! The goal was to find Medicines were of interest to a larger a whole “punkin seed” flask. Many group, but I wasn’t in control that time bottles were found and also a new (“19th Century Medicine in Glass”). discovery – that some bottles turned However, the foods book has done quite purple. There were oh so many things well with a large audience. (It is still to learn. Questions kept popping up – available from Mark West Publishers, P.O. Box 1914, Sandpoint, ID 83864). how was it made? Who? When? It was during the research and Some answers were learned by writing of “19th Century Medicine asking other collectors or getting in Glass” that the greatest dig ever

happened for me. Although I did dig, never was I lucky enough to find a cathedral pickle. (In her letter, Betty included a page with drawings of cathedral bottles, including pickles, pepper sauces and chutneys). Benicia Bay was a challenge. One could dig only at low tide. Hip waders were needed, but sometimes got stuck in the mud. Lumber was required to shore up the sides of the hole. Caution was the by-word of the day and fortunately advertising produced scores of people, each looking out for the other. Doc Ritz was pulled out of his hip waders, which were left stuck in the mud, more than once. It was an exciting time and as editor of my club newsletter, The Glassblower, I had to tell the world all about it. During the years of being in the Northwestern Bottle Collectors of Santa Rosa, I served in many positions, including president, secretary and program chairman. The rotation of responsibility without new members came to each of us. It became our goal to interest new people, expand and grow. New ideas included dressing up our annual show by wearing period costumes and having educational meetings with slides and talks. All made the hobby much more fun. In the same light, we visited with fellow collectors. Richard and Ted Siri were frequent visitors and the talk of bitters and whiskeys (before our book) was enlightening. Things were expanding. Clubs were springing up everywhere. Communications with future bottle collecting legends Charles Gardner, Jean Garrison and others showed the need for more organization. Together with the Sacramento club and others, a beginning was formed. Dick Hanson, Bill Wilson and I wrote the bylaws which later were adopted by the newly formed Federation of Historical Bottle Clubs, later changed to Collectors.

48 In light of my search for knowledge, the office of federation program chairman was offered and I accepted. Listing slide programs, speakers, etc. available to each club helped promote interest. It didn’t seem to be a need for the dates when these things were taking place to be recorded because we were having so much fun serving the hobby. Attending the different clubs’ meetings and federation shows was a real thrill. One time following the Las Vegas show, some of us gathered in our motel room with drinks and jokes. The laughter got so loud and a drink was spilled on the bed to call a halt to the merriment. I don’t know if Bob Ferraro remembers the occasion. My first love for old bottles was the cathedral pickle. I had been out of bottle collecting for awhile when a gift of an Ackers’ tea jar in emerald green came my way. I couldn’t believe my eyes. Was it real? I’d never seen anything like it. My husband, Ernest, thought I would like it to keep my tea in. I loved it, and it led me to researching and writing another book, “Ketchup, Pickles & Sauces – 19th Century Food in Glass,” in 1980. I introduced the book at the Chicago FOHBC show. Getting everything organized from the West Coast was crazy, but it turned out okay. It was the return of the rental car that was disastrous. Good friend Audie Markota and I volunteered after my Ernie couldn’t find the airport return center. Audie and I got lost, didn’t see the sign pointing the way to the center, and wound up in a questionable neighborhood after dark. We were not a little bit scared! Eventually, we made our way to the right place, only to learn the airport had a bomb scare, and that delayed us. All’s well that ends well. Then came retirement and limited income so my collecting suffered, but I have the warmest feelings about the solid friendships formed and recall with great gladness the camaraderie shared during my days in the hobby. Great fun!

March - April 2011

Bottles and Extras

Benicia Bottles Were Special

By Richard Hansen [EDITOR’S NOTE: Longtime properly exploit the mud. western collectors may recall digging in (Coffer-dams were open boxes made the Benicia, California mudflats nearly of wood and sunk into the mud where 45 years ago, but it’s probes indicated the likely newcomers presence of sunken to the hobby have glass treasures. The never heard of the walls of the boxes kept area. Richard Hansen the mud from oozing authored an article back into the hole carried in the April during excavation). 1969 issue of Western Benicia was Collector magazine. established during the Here are excerpts late 1840s before the from that story.] cries of gold echoed To most throughout the region. Californians, the The burgeoning city name Benicia brings was on the primary to mind a former land route to the state capital site, or goldfields and many of possible recollections Cabinet of Benicia glass that was the Argonauts crossed of the Benicia the Sacramento River displayed at the Arsenal. But to many at Benicia on Semple’s Reno National show in 2006 collectors throughout ferry. Most of the river the West, it now stands for bottles. Not steamers, sloops and barges stopped just ordinary, simple, hundred-year-old at Benicia on their way to “Sac City” bottles, but beautifully iridescent bottles or Stockton and it was at the site of the etched with every color of the rainbow. former steamer and ferry landing that the They have come in every size, shape Benicia bottle bonanza was discovered. and style: cathedral pickles and pepper The rise and fall of Benicia was just sauces that echo the colors of the stained long enough to deposit a wealth of bottles glass windows they portray; tall, graceful in the peculiar mud of Suisun Bay where chutneys with open pontils, flutes and they could begin to accumulate the colors rolled tops that show greens, blues and which would startle collectors who would reds in reflected light; olive amber case come in droves one hundred years later. gins that glow with a fiery iridescence (By necessity, all of the digging or show shades of greens and blues, and took place at low tide. Hansen noted that soda types which gleam with colors so “digging alone is suicidal, since it is all rich they almost seem metallic. done below the high tide line. Several Since early 1968, the site of the old persons have become so firmly stuck in Benicia steamboat landing has been the a hole that it took the combined efforts scene of a new bonanza for dedicated of several men as long as an hour to get diggers from all over. them loose, and this time isn’t always Members of the Northwest Bottle available if the tide is coming in.”) Collectors Association have gathered nearly every weekend to slop around in the mud, build coffer-dams and give shouts of glee at every new discovery. Entire families would drive down to the diggin’s complete with kids, picnic lunches, waders, hip boots, changes of clothing, shovels, probes, bailing buckets and all the other paraphernalia needed to

Bottles and Extras

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The Dating Game: Reed & Co. and the Massillon Glass Works: R&Co – MGW – M By Bill Lockhart, Pete Schulz, Carol Serr, and Bill Lindsey with contributions by Rob Riese, Tod von Mechow, and David Whitten Two manufacturer’s marks completely confounded Toulouse and the other early researchers. As examples, Toulouse (1971:432, 438-439) variously ascribed the R&Co logo to Roth & Co., a San Francisco liquor dealer, to the F.E. Reed Glass Co. (Rochester, New York), and admitted he did not know who used the mark. Similarly, Toulouse (1971:362) suggested the Middletown Glass Works, Middletown, New York, as a possible user of the MGW mark, and, on the same page, admitted that he did not know who used it. Other early researchers were equally as confused. Later researchers (e.g., Ayres et al. 1980:36; Whitten 2010) figured out that Reed & Co. (Massillon, Ohio) used the R&Co mark, but it was only recently that Bill Lockhart and Rob Riese independently concluded that the Massillon Glass Works used the MGW logo. The single letter “M” on export beer bottles, however, has been unexplained until this article.

worked day and night like the others” by the next year. Reed & Co. reported an interesting change in 1904, shortly before the plant became part of the Ohio Bottle Co. merger: This year the demand was for a larger number of pint and half pint bottles. The great bulk of the trade, however, consisted of quart bottles. Four sizes were made ranging from the half pint to the quart bottle. Shipments were made principally to St. Louis and Milwaukee, with a number of gross sent to Mexico (National Glass Budget 1904a:9). Although many sizes of bottles had been made since beer was first bottled, this marked a massive switch in the American market from a dominance of 26-ounce “quart” beer bottles to smaller sizes, eventually settling after Prohibition at the 12ounce standard. Reed & Co. obviously catered to the larger breweries in the two major brewing centers of the U.S. David Reed (n.d.) told a probably apocryphal story about History his uncle: Reed tested the temper of this bottles by dripping Reed & Co, Massilon, Ohio (1881-1904) [sic] them on the brick floor–if they broke on impact they weren’t properly tempered. They could break after they Charles W. Reed, John Miller, Jr., and David Reed, bounced and still pass his test. The workers were paid by moved from Clyde, New York, to Massillon, Ohio, in 1881 the piece–only for those that passed inspection. and established Reed & Co. by April of that year (Figure 1). Reed & Co. joined with the Edward H. Everett Glass By mid-November, the factory, called the Massillon Glass Co., the Massillon Bottle & Glass Co., and the Wooster Works, was in full production, making bottles, flasks, and Glass Co. to form the Ohio Bottle Co. on October 11, fruit jars at a single six-pot 1904. The merger occurred furnace (Roller 1996). to capture the exclusive Joseph Reed bought license to use the Owens Charles Reed’s interest on Automatic Bottle Machine July 13, 1883, and Miller sold to make beer and soft drink his share to the other partners bottles. During August and in 1885. The plant made beer September of 1905, the bottles, soda and mineral Ohio Bottle Co. (including water, wine bottles, and fruit the former Reed & Co. jars – although beer bottles plant) became part of the were its specialty (Ayres et [1] American Bottle Co. merger al. 1980:36; Markham n.d.: ; (Lockhart et al. 2007:47-48; Ohio Historical Society Scoville 1948:104; Toulouse n.d.; Roller 1996; Toulouse 1971:31). A flood in 1913 1971:30-31). Figure 1 – Postcard of the Massillon glass plants; closed the factory. Because As early as 1898, Reed Reed & Co. in upper left (courtesy of Rob Riese). it had been a hand shop, and & Co. exported a significant mechanization was rapidly portion of its output to Mexico. In July 1899, 25% of the plant’s output went South taking over the industry, the plant was never reopened of the Border. The Massillon Independent predicted on July (Ohio Historical Society n.d.; Kane 1978:84; Reed n.d.) 10, 1899, that “the new factory of No. 3 as it is called, will be [1] Wilson was also selective in his listing of bottles from Fort Union. The only example he included was embossed “M / 7” with “PAT” to the left and “85” to the right. There may have been other “M” marks at the fort. The database for Fort Laramie, however, appears to be complete.

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firm maintained 90 glass blowers. The newspaper added that “Reed & Company have also the distinction of having furnished the bottles which were filed with beer and shipped to the United States soldiers at Manilla by Milwaukee brewers.” By 1899, the plant was listed with two continuous tanks operating 20 rings, but that shifted to three continuous tanks with 51 rings by 1900. That number remained steady until at least 1902 (National Glass Budget 1900:11; 1901:11; 1902:11). Although the plant continued to list “mineral water” bottles until at least 1902, the manufacturing emphasis was clearly on generic (i.e., slick-sided or unembossed) export beer bottles. One of the plants may have ceased production around 1902. The National Glass Budget (1904d:10) only discussed “furnaces, Nos. 1 and 3” in 1904. The number of furnaces (or factories) very likely has bearing on the identification of the marks in the next section.

As noted above, the Reed & Co. factory was called the Massillon Glass Works, and the plant history deserves its own report. It was common in the 19th century and the very early part of the 20th century for glass houses to be listed by two names. The operating company – in this case, Reed & Co. – was named separately from the actual factory – the Massillon Glass Works. Increasingly, after 1900, both the firms and factories typically went by the company names, although workers frequently used nicknames for the plants. The Reed & Co. factory went through three significant periods in the development of the company, and each apparently affected the manufacturing marks used by the firm. Initially, the plant made bottles (apparently limited to wine, soda, and beer bottles), flasks, and fruit jars at a single furnace with six pots. The February 1887 Sanborn Fire Insurance map still showed a single furnace (Roller 1996). The use of such a small Containers and Marks setup suggests a limited production between 1881 and at least February 1887, when only the single furnace was used to make It is almost certain that Reed & Co. used at least two at least four separate types of glass containers. manufacturer’s marks: MGW and R&Co. Each mark had more A letterhead, dated December 7, 1887, noted that the than one configuration. Several controversial issues are involved plant had two furnaces. The plant was still making “beer bottles, minerals & fruit jars.” Thus, the plant apparently with the finer dating of these marks, and two of those issues (the installed a new furnace sometime during 1887. In June, 1885 patent and embossed numbers) are discussed below. Those 1888, the number of pots was noted at 13, but it is not clear are followed by a discourse on the marks. Additionally, even more whether that meant both furnaces or just the new one. By controversial, an enigmatic group of “M” marks may have been September 1888, the Commoner & Glassworker stated that used by the Massillon Glass Works during its earliest years. It was difficult to discover a chronology that fit all the aspects of Reed & Co. operated “1 house [Furnace No. 1] running manufacturing techniques, historical information, and data derived entirely on beers, 8 pint shops & 4 quart shops, new house from the logos and numbers embossed on the actual bottles. A [Furnace No. 2] running full on groove ring jars, 2 halfgallon shops & 8 on quarts” (quoted in Roller 1997). This thorough search of the literature on fruit jars failed to disclose a single entry for either MGW or R&Co. It is virtually certain that period is thus characterized by two furnaces (Figure 2). The new furnace (No. 2) was rebuilt and greatly enlarged in the plant did not emboss its logo on any fruit jars. Also, see Table 1 for the chronology of the marks. 1889 to accommodate 56 pots; it was mostly making fruit jars at that point, but the concentration probably shifted soon to beer bottles. The last listing we have found for fruit jars was in 1891, although it was 1902 before an entry noted only beer and soda bottles (Roller 1997). According to the 1892 Sanborn map, the factory was still called the Massillon Glass Works, and it still operated two furnaces. The 1896 map, however, changed the name to the “Massillon Holloware Glass Wks. - Reed & Co.” – although the plant still had two furnaces. While not definitive in itself, this likely indicates that the MGW initials were no longer valid by 1896. By 1897, however, the firm was listed as having two day tanks with eight rings and one continuous tank with 14 rings (Roller 1996). A second 1897 listing noted that Reed & Co. operated “three furnaces, 20 pots, on beer bottles” – although that listing almost certainly intended to describe the same production setup (National Glass Budget 1897:5). The Massilon Figure 2 – Massillon glass workers, probably at Reed & Co.; Independent (12/26/1898) called the tanks three note “No. 1” on wall at center of photo, kid holding an export “factories” (Factory No. 1, No. 2, and No.3) in late 1898 beer bottle in upper center, and two kids with snap cases and and stated that the plant made “more beer bottles than beer bottles at lower center – also blowpipes and more beer bottles on ground in front (courtesy of Rob Riese) any other manufacturing concern in the country.” The

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PAT 85 The Ayres researchers (1980:25) noted that the “PAT 85” embossing “presumably indicates some attribute was patented in 1885. An examination of the actual bottle itself indicates that it is identical in all respects to contemporary ones without this mark so that the registered attribute must have been something applied to the bottle.” On the next page, they listed 10 patents that were issued in connection with bottle stoppers in 1885. Two bottles in the David Whitten collection were embossed on their bases with “PAT 85” and had one-part finishes with an internal groove for the Baltimore Loop Seal. This information Figure 3 – Baltimore Loop Figure 4 – Finish for Baltimore makes it virtually certain that “PAT 85” referred to the patent Seal (Bill Lindsey) Loop Seal (eBay) for the Baltimore Loop Seal. Bottles offered on eBay auctions also had the same patent mark associated with Baltimore Loop same time – hence the sequencing (see below). finishes. Mold Numbers The Baltimore Loop Seal consisted of a thick rubber disk that was inserted into a debossed groove on the inside of the A complete discussion of these numbers, even one bottle opening or throat (Figures 3 & 4). The seal was removed applied only to beer bottle bases, is beyond the scope of this by pulling on a wire loop attached to the rubber. Painter applied article. Lockhart (2006) hypothesized that these numbers, for the original patent on June 5, 1885, and received Patent embossed on bases of export and other beer bottles during No. 327,099 on September 29 of that year. the ca. 1880-1900 period, were ordered On March 7, 1890, he applied for a another sequentially by the glass houses. Thus, patent to improve the seal and received a glass house would order molds to be Patent No. 449,822 on April 5, 1891. For engraved sequentially, probably as a more discussion about the Baltimore Loop quality-control device, creating an ordinal Seal, see Lindsey (2010). timeline based on the numbers. We have only discovered a few Lockhart discovered that most glass examples of beer bottles with the PAT 85 houses that were only in business for a mark short period had a short series of numbers “PAT (arch) / R&CO (horizontal) / embossed on beer bottle bases. Conversely, 85” (Figure 5) glass houses in business for many years “PAT 85 (arch) / R&CO (horizontal) / 14” had a longer sequence of numbers. For (also 15, 17, 18, 19) (Figure 6) example, the C / MILW mark (Chase MGW in a downward arch at the top of the Valley Glass Co. – only open during 1880) base with “6” in the center and “PAT 85” Figure 5 – R&Co mark with was only accompanied by numbers 1-3. Its PAT 85 (eBay) in an upward arch at the bottom of the base successor, Chase Valley No. 2, was only (Figure 7) open in 1880 and part of 1881, and its “M / 7” with “PAT” in an arch to the left bottles were embossed with numbers 1-8. and “85” in an arch to the right (Figure 8) The Frederick Heitz Glass Works (using “PAT / BOC / 85” [actually DOC, an the FHGW logo), however, was open for 13 engraver’s error – D.O. Cunningham, years (1883-1896) and had numbers from 1 Pittsburgh – 1880-1931] (Figure 9) to at least 41. “PAT 85 / F. B. Co. / 1” [Findlay Bottle Of course, several molds were often Co., Findlay, Ohio (1888-1893)] ordered at one time. The Chase Valley Glass “PAT / F.C.G.Co / 85” [Falls City Glass Co., for example, probably ordered all three Co., Louisville, Kentucky (1884-1892)] molds at the same time and used them during (Figure 10) its only year in business. Thus, sequencing “PAT 85” alone cannot be directly equated with specific Clearly, “PAT 85” could not appear on a Figure 6 – R&Co variation with years. This system does, however, suggest bottle prior to 1885. It is highly likely that that molds with higher numbers in the PAT 85 (eBay) each company only used the mold to make sequence were probably made after molds the bottle until it wore out; the Baltimore Loop seal quickly with lower numbers. came into common usage, alleviating the need to specify the M {letter} or M / {number} patent number. Reed & Co. probably ordered six molds (with numbers 14-19) to be made for the “PAT 85” basemark at the Toulouse (1971:341) noted that some “crudely made


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beers” also carried an “M” mark. Herskovitz MGW (1978:8-9) listed quite a few beer bottle bases with “M” marks, although Wilson (1981:123) Jones (1966:8) guessed that the MGW only noted a single example at Fort Union and mark was used from 1850 to 1863 by the another at Fort Laramie (Wilson 1960).[1] Missouri Glass Works at St. Louis. She Lockhart (2008) recorded several examples at continued with that identification two Fort Stanton. The Herskovitz marks were the years later (Jones 1968:21) and illustrated same medium-sized “M” embossed on the base the MGW / 2 mark as being found at Fort that were recorded by Lockhart (as shown in Union and Fort Custer, along with “MGW / the photos from Fort Bowie and Fort Stanton). 5” at Fort McKinney, Wyoming. Toulouse These were made in two formats: 1) M above a (1971:362) suggested the Middletown single-digit number between 1 and 9 (Figures Glass Works, Middletown, New York, as a Figure 7 – MGW mark with 11 & 12); or 2) M to the left of a letter between possible user of the MGW mark, ca. 1889. PAT 85 (Ayres et al.) A and D (Figures 13 & 14). On the same page, he noted a second MGW When the Bottle Research Group recorded mark as “User Unknown” but dated the logo and photographed the bottles from Fort Bowie, “between 1880 and 1910 by technique.” He we discovered four complete containers with speculated that “there are advocates” for the M / {number} configuration and two of M the Modes Glass Works, Ottawa, Illinois, {letter} variation. All were on amber export and Cicero, Illinois, “but the use of that beer bottles with one-part finishes. Bases with name by William F. Modes is questionable.” the marks found at Fort Stanton were all amber, Ayres et al. (1981:25) found little further and they were found in contexts composed information on Middletown and had no primarily of export beer fragments. The oneother suggestions. part finishes and the export style were similar to Beer Bottles bottles with MGW marks. The intriguing PAT Wilson and Caperton (1994:70) recorded 85 embossing may further tie these “M” marks Figure 8 – M mark with PAT 85 all beer bottle advertising in The Western (Fort Stanton) to the MGW and R&Co logos (see discussion Brewer between 1883 and 1890 as well as in the “PAT 85: section above and Figure 8). samples from issues between 1878 and 1882. The PAT 85 connection allows us to The Massillon Glass Co. advertised in the present a working hypothesis that the M journal in December 1881. Although there is / {number} configuration was used by a blank spot in their record during 1882, the the same company that used both MGW Massillon Glass Works (note difference in and R&Co – the Massillon Glass Works, name) advertised most of 1883 and resumed operated by Reed & Co. Because the M / its ads in February 1886. Those continued {number} marks and the M {letter} marks until Wilson and Caperton ceased recording are generally found in the same contexts, the journal in December 1890. we include the latter in the hypothesis as Jones (1966:8; 1968:21), Herskovitz well. In fact, both the M / {number} and Figure 9 – BOC with PAT 85 – (1978:9), Ayres et al. (1980), Wilson (1960; M {letter} patterns are generally found on error for DOC (eBay) 1981:123), Hull-Walski 1989:90, and the same sites as the MGW marks and not Lockhart (2009) all reported export beer on sites where MGW marks are absent. bottles with “MGW” embossed on their Unfortunately, our sample is small. Table bases. These bases were found at Fort 1 explores the sites we currently have Union and Fort Stanton, New Mexico; Fort data for, and Table 2 looks at the available Custer, Montana; Fort Bowie, Arizona, variations on the two sites with the largest and Ft. McKinney, Wyoming, as well numbers. as locations in Tucson, Arizona. The Herskovitz (1978:11) presented New Mexico Historic Bottle Club dig at evidence for another possible tie with Kingston, New Mexico, found a base with the Massillon factory. He found bottles with paper labels from the Joseph Schlitz Figure 10 – FCGCo mark with PAT the equidistant “2” variation in a ca. 18801886 context. Auctions at eBay have also Brewing Co. that had basemarks of 85 (David Whitten) included variations of the mark on both “R&Co” and “MC” but none from any export and champagne style beer bottles. other glass house. As noted in the history Based on data from these sources, we may divide the MGW section, the Massillon Glass Works shipped a significant part marks on beer bottles into four categories, one with a sub-category: of its production to Milwaukee, the home of Schlitz. 1. MGW horizontal across the center of the base, no

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numbers (champagne beer bottles)[2] 2. MGW horizontal across the center of the base with a “1” or “2” below the mark (champagne beer bottles) (Figure 15) 3. MGW and the number “2” spread equidistant around the base like the cardinal compass directions, beginning on the left (or west) with “M” (export beer bottles) (Figure 16) 4. MGW in a downward arch at the top of the base with a single digit number (3-9) in the center (champagne beer bottles [9 only] and export beer Figure 11 – M / 1 basemark (Fort bottles) (Figures 17 & 18) Bowie) 4a. Same but with PAT 85 in an upward arch at the bottom of the base and “6” below the logo (export beer bottles) (see Figure 7) All export beer bottles we have observed have a number accompanying the marks on the base. Several champagne-style beer and soda bottles have been found with “MGW” embossed on the base. Most of these only have the logo, but a few have the horizontal mark above the number “1” or “2.” Other bottles had “MGW” in an arch above a “9.” Most of these were made for breweries or soda bottlers in Ohio, but a few were also located in nearby Michigan. One eBay auction offered a blob-top, champagnestyle beer bottle embossed “GEO SIMMONS Figure 13 – MA basemark (Fort Stanton) BOTTLER OF FINLAYS SUPERIOR LAGER TOLEDO O” in a plate mold on the side, with “MGW (arch) / 9” on the base. Another, with the same mark and number, was used by Anton Kopp, a Massillon, Ohio, brewer (Figure 19). This quart bottle is important because Kopp was only in business from 1894 to 1898. Since Kopp followed Paula C. Schimke (1893-1894) and was succeeded by John W. Schuster (1898-1900), these dates for Kopp are very accurate (Van Wieren 1995:283). Two other slight variations characterize the MGW logos. One variation, probably the earliest, had a “G” with a serif like a “tail” extending down and Figure 15 – Horizontal slightly curved to the right. This variation appeared MGW basemark (eBay) on Hutchinson bottles (see below) and champagne beer bottles with the horizontal variation of the logo. The “tail G” also appeared on the “MGW / 2” mark on export beer bottles. The second variation had a “G” with no serif or a short serif extending to the left. All of these in our sample were arched, had no punctuation, and appeared with numbers 3-9. These were probably used during the later part of the MGW period.

Figure 12 – M / 3 basemark (NPSWACC)

Figure 14 – MB basemark (NPSWACC)

Figure 16 – Horizontal MGW basemark (eBay)

Other Bottle Types Two other types of bottles with the MGW mark have been reported. An emerald green pumpkinseed flask was marked on the base with the MGW logo (Antique Bottles 2004), but this is the only marked flask we have [2] The same style “champagne beer” style was used for both beer and soda bottles, so soda bottles of that style are included in this analysis.

Figure 17 – Arched MGW mark – export beer bottle (Fort Bowie)

Figure 18 – Arched MGW mark – champagne beer bottle (courtesy of Rob Riese)


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seen. Oppelt (2006) listed a blue Hutchinson soda bottle that was also marked with MGW, although he did not mention where the logo was located. The bottle was for a soda bottler in Ohio. At least three Hutchinson bottles have been offered on eBay. One had “M.G.W.” embossed across the center of the base. The other two had the same logo embossed on the heel (Figure 20). We have not seen the heelmark on a beer bottle, and we have not discovered Hutchinson soda bottles with numbers below the MGW logo.

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New Mexico, found an amber, export-style beer bottle marked “R&Co.” horizontally across the center. The finish was applied, indicating that the manufacturer used that finishing technique initially. This also suggests that the horizontal format was the first one used by the company. In addition, the only R&Co marks were found R&CO in post-1890 contexts (Lockhart 2009). Ayres et al. (1980) illustrated three major variations of the Our examination of the bottles R&Co mark. Wilson (1981:123) showed numbers as high in the Tucson Urban Renewal as 46 on the horizontal variation. Herskovitz (1978:9) did not collection (Arizona State Museum) distinguish between variations, but he listed the mark twice, in 2006 disclosed all three of the possibly indicating that there were two variations at Fort Bowie. major variations in the sample of 26 He recorded a total of 176 examples of the mark with associated bottles, along with sub-variations Figure 19 – Anton embossed numbers ranging from 1-58 and letters from A-L. He illustrated by the Ayers researchers finally included seven examples with PAT 85 below the logo and Kopp beer bottle – (1980). However, manufacturing numbers between 14 and 18. Jones (1966:8) not only showed (Rob Riese) styles allowed us to create a probable the logo across the center, she also drew it in an arch at the top of the Table 1 – Presence or Absence of “M” Marks Publication or Site Dates MGW M / 8 MA base. ? P* A A Herskovitz (1978:11) also Ayres et al.(1980) [Tucson] noted that R&Co marks were Lockhart (2008) [Ft. Stanton] 1855-1896 P P P found on bottles that contained Herskovitz (1978) [Ft. Bowie] 1862-1894 P P P paper labels from the Joseph Wilson (1980) [Ft. Union]** 1863-1891 P P A Schlitz Brewing Co. He noted that Wilson (1960) [Ft. Laramie] 1849-1890 P A P Joseph Schlitz gained control of the Wilson & Caperton (1994) [Ft. Selden] 1874-1888 A A A brewery upon the death of August A A Krug, the former owner. The Lockhart & Olszewski (1994) [San Elizario]† ca. 1880-1886 A ca. 1880-1886 P* A A company began bottling its beer in Lockhart (2008) [Hillsboro, NM]† 1877, so these bottles could not be * In each case, there was only one of these marks recorded. used prior to that date. However, ** Since Wilson was selective in what he published, the M-plus-letter bases may have been he also noted that Schlitz was one at Fort Union as well. of the four most important western † No R&Co marks were discovered at San Elizario or Hillsboro. All other reports included R&Co. shippers of beer, citing Cochran (1948:71). Herskovitz also noted Table 2 – Frequency of Marks and Accompanying Numbers Herskovitz (1978) Lockhart (2008) that one Schlitz bottle was marked Marks Frequency Numbers Frequency* Numbers “MC” on the base (also see “M” M 80 1-8 (6) 5-6; 8 marks above). 7 In his Fort Laramie, M / PAT 85 2 M+ 4 Wyoming, database, Wilson 11 (6) (1960) listed ten R&CO marks in MA 5 (1) the horizontal configuration with MB 3 (2) numbers ranging from 11 to 45. MC MD 4 (1) He also listed two with the arched 22 2-4;6-8 19 2-8 variation with numbers 16 and MGW 1 19. This particular database is MGW / PAT 85 important because Fort Laramie Totals 126** 44 was open from 1849 to 1890. * Numbers in parentheses are approximate. This timeframe suggests that the ** M /-{number} (87); M {letter} (33); Other Ms (6). Wilson R&CO marks were in use by at (1981:123) only showed three MGW marks and one M Figure 20 – MGW least 1890. heelmark on Hutchinson /-{number} at Fort Union and two MGW marks and one M A survey at Fort Stanton, bottle (eBay) {letter} mark at Fort Laramie (Wilson 1960).

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chronological order for the marks. All number) (Figure 25) R&CO marks embossed across the center 6. R.&CO. horizontal heelmark (ca. of the base had one-part applied finishes, 1896-1904) a technique commonly used until ca. 1896 R&Co marks are almost exclusively (see Lockhart 2006). The mark embossed found on generic export beer bottles, in a downward arch at the top of the base although the marks exist on at least three (regardless of whether the “o” in “Co” was bottles made for Ohio brewers. One of the capitalized or not) appeared on bottles with Ohio marks was on a pint champagne beer both applied one-part finishes, tooled onebottle (so the others probably are, too). part finishes, and tooled crown finishes. The arched mark above a large, serif “C” was Figure 21 – Horizontal R&Co The base was embossed “PAT // R&CO // 85.” The brewer, J. Walker Brewing Co., only found with the tooled crown finish. mark (Fort Laramie) was open from 1885 to 1912 (Van Wieren These marks are accompanied by single- or 1995:271). Another of these marks is on double-digit numbers or occasional letters. the base of a pint bottle used by Anton Kopp Marks that included the large “C” always (1894-1898). As noted above, Kopp also enclosed two-digit numbers in our sample. used a quart bottle embossed “MGW / 9.” We have also seen a heelmark of R.&CO. embossed on an export beer bottle. Discussion and Conclusion Unfortunately, we did not record the type of M {letter} or M / {number} finish on the bottle. However, this mark was likely used toward the end of the sequence, The connection between these two marks and it appears to be quite scarce. and the Massillon Glass Works is still tenuous The variations of basemarks and the and must be regarded as a hypothesis. Since heelmark on export beer bottles may or may not contain punctuation and can be scaled in Figure 22 – R&Co and number these have not been previously identified as manufacturer’s marks, they have rarely been the following order: equally spaced (eBay) reported. However, they were present at Fort 1. R&CO across the center alone or with Bowie (Herskovitz 1978:9), Fort Stanton two-digit numbers below the mark (Figure (Lockhart 2008), Fort Laramie (Wilson 1960), 21) and Fort Union (Wilson 1981:123). Since Fort A. Same as main variant but three-digit laramie closed in 1890, the mark was in use by number in smaller font instead of the usual at least that time. Of course, the marks were two-digit number probably used earlier in each context. 2. R&CO across the center accompanied Three main reasons exist for making the by PAT 85 hypothesis that one or both of these two marks A. PAT (arch) / R&CO (horizontal) / 85 were used by the Massillon Glass Works. First, (see Figure 5) the ads noted by Wilson and Caperton (1994:70) B. PAT 85 (arch) / R&CO (horizontal) / show that the Massillon Glass Works made {two-digit number} (see Figure 6) Figure 23 – R&Co in an beer bottles and advertised them nationally in 3. R&Co in an arch with the letters arch – lower-case “o” in “Co” 1881 – the first year that the factory was open – spread out above a single letter located at the (eBay) and continued to advertise until at least 1890, bottom of the base; both “R” and “Co” are the last year that Wilson and Caperton studied. positioned just above the cardinal compass Thus, the plant made the right type of bottles positions (Figure 22). during the right time period. 4. R&Co in an arch with a single small Second, other glass houses made beer dot (not always present) between the logo bottles during the period and had names and a one- or two-digit number (Figure 23) associated with the letter “M” – such as A. Same but “CO” – may have a large William McCully & Co. or the Mississippi or small dot between “R&CO” and the twoGlass Co. However, both of these and digit number other “M” companies had well-documented B. In some cases, a three-digit number manufacturer’s marks. We have discovered beginning with “0” in smaller font was below the two-digit number; these are Figure 24 – R&Co in an arch no other mark for the Massillon Glass Works always the “CO” variant (Figure 24) – upper-case “O” in “CO” during the earliest period of the factory’s existence (1881 to ca. 1887). 5. R&CO in an arch above a large – two levels of numbers Finally, three tenuous connections are serif “C” with a two-digit number in “C” (Tucson Urban Renewal established. The first is that “M” marks and (sometimes accompanied by a dot above the collection [TUR]


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MGW marks are generally present on or absent from the same MGW sites where export beer bottles are found. Second, marks of “M / 7,” MGW / 6,” and several numbers used in conjunction with The earlier attempts at identification of the MGW mark are R&Co marks are all found with the “PAT 85” basemark, and relatively easy to debunk. The Missouri Glass Works (operated these are consistently found on bottles made for the Baltimore by the Missouri Glass Co.) made fruit jars, then became a Loop stopper, patented in 1885 (see Table 3). Finally, bottles jobber or distributor ca. 1865, far too early to have made the with both “M” and “R&Co” logos were found at Fort Bowie beer or Hutchinson bottles with the mark. As Toulouse noted, with Schlitz paper label remnants, and Schlitz was located at there was no Modes Glass Works. The Middletown Glass Milwaukee, a noted destination for bottles made by the Massillon Works in New York is also eliminated by the list of 14 soda Glass Works and an established shipper of bottlers and brewers in Ohio (mostly the bottled beer to the western territories – where northern part of the state and two in southern the forts were located. Michigan) and a study of New York beer There are also similarities between and bottles described below. A look at Figure 27 within the two configurations. Both the M clearly shows that the distribution is centered {letter} and M / {number} basemarks were around northern Ohio and is nowhere close embossed in small, concave, post-bottom to Indiana, Missouri, or New York. locations. Although the size of the post was One of the contributors, Rob Riese, a not measured, each photograph shows very collector in Massillon, has bottles with the similar diameters. In addition, the letter “M” is MGW basemark that his father dug at two virtually identical both within and between the trash dumps less than 1/8 of a mile from two configurations. The “M” is always very the site of the Massillon Glass Works. This Figure 25 – R&Co in an arch – wide with the same font, where the “V” shape close provenience virtually assures the large serif “C” below (TUR) in the center extends downward until it is on the connection between the MGW logo and same plane as the base of each “leg” (Figure Massillon Glass Works. Placing the mark 26) Although they are not always apparent on worn bases, each in its historical context, however, requires a close look at the M {letter} logo had full punctuation (i.e, M.A., M.B., etc.). evidence. This evidence leads to a bit of speculation that can hopefully be tested Historical context also requires a split category: temporal and as hypotheses in the future. Based on the assumption that both sets of product. Although these are somewhat intertwined, the context of codes were used by the Massillon Glass Works, each probably represents time is the least complex. Bottles with the marks were found at six a single order of molds. The oldest were likely the ones embossed with Southwestern military posts (so far): Fort Stanton (1860s-1896), “M” followed by the letters A, B, C, or D. These were probably used Fort Bowie (1862-1894), Fort Union (1863-1891), Fort Custer from the inception of the company until ca. 1884, although they would (1877-1898), Fort Laramie (1849-1890), and Fort McKinney certainly have remained in use until they wore out. (1878-1894). Since Fort Laramie closed in 1890, the bottles were Because of the “PAT 85” accompanying one mark, the molds with almost certainly made prior to that date. The most logical date for “M” above a number were probably made about 1884 or 1885 and used the change, however, is 1887, when the plant opened its second until the second furnace was built in 1887. The numbers ranged from 1 furnace. It is interesting that, with no idea of the maker of the mark, through 9. The only bottles with either type of “M” mark that we have Lockhart (2009) recorded the probable date range at 1887-1891, found were amber export beer bottles. based primarily on provenience at Fort Stanton. Hopefully, future research will The end date for the mark is discover new historical sources that will approximately set by a quart bottle made confirm or deny the use of these marks for Anton Kopp, a Massillon brewer in by the Massillon Glass Works. A more business from 1894 to 1898. The bottle likely avenue of research, however, is base was embossed “MGW (arch) / 9.” finding beer bottles with “M” marks in With Kopp’s name embossed on the contexts that can be tightly dated to the side, the bottle could not have been made 1881-1887 period. earlier than 1894. Again the logical point Figure 26 – Comparison of “M” logos of change was the opening of the third furnace sometime between Table 3 – PAT 85 Marks Associated with Massillon 1892 and 1897. The name of the Configuration Date Range factory also changed during that “M / 7” with “PAT” in an arch to the left and “85” in an arch to the right 1885-1887 approximate period. The 1892 Sanborn map still listed the plant MGW in a downward arch at the top of the base with “6” in the center and as the Massillon Glass Works, “PAT 85” in an upward arch at the bottom of the base 1887-1889 but the name had become the “PAT (arch) / R&CO (horizontal) / 85” 1887-1890 Massillon Hollowware Glass “PAT 85 (arch) / R&CO (horizontal) / 14” (also 15, 17, 18, 19) 1890-1895 Works on the 1896 map. The

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mark probably remained in use until ca. 1895, although all molds 3 to 9. It seems more probable that this was a large mold order, were certainly used until they wore out. and some of the molds continued to be used a bit later than The product context is even more complex. The MGW others. The molds were probably made ca. 1890 or so, but logo has been identified with numbers from 1 to 9 and with some (e.g., the one for the Anton Kopp bottle from Massillon) no numbers present. Logically, bottles with the mark and no were certainly used at least as late as 1894. numbers are probably the oldest, although these may have been Middletown Glass Works used throughout the period. Other mold numbers were probably added sequentially as they were needed. A single loose end remains to be tied. Lockhart (2010) MGW with no number and with numbers conducted a study based on a sample 1, 2, and 9 are associated with champagne of 476 New York beer bottles listed beer (or soda) bottles and Hutchinson bottles. and illustrated at the One Man’s Junk Numbers 2-8 were found on export beer bottles. website (Mobley 2010). If Middletown The number 2 is the only one that was used on Glass Works had used the MGW mark, it both export and champagne beer molds. This should appear on at least some bottles in may have been an error in ordering or on the the vicinity of Middletown (ca. 40 miles part of a mold engraver. northwest of New York City). However, Finally, the marks appear in different not a single bottle in the sample was configurations. The early marks were embossed with the MGW logo. Instead, horizontal across the center of the base 62.4% of the bottles had no embossed with no number or with numbers 1 or 2 logos, numbers, or letters to help identify (on Hutchinson bottles or champagne beer a manufacturer. An additional 8.4% bottles). The MGW / 2 mark on export beer were embossed only with numbers, and bottles was only in a configuration with Figure 27 – Distribution of 5.9% of the sample had letters or letter/ the letters/numbers spaced equidistantly embossed bottles with MGW number combinations the were not around the edge of the base (like the cardinal logos diagnostic. In all, 76.7% of the sample compass points, with the “M” in the west was non-diagnostic – suggesting that the position). The remaining marks, whether on Middletown Glass Works, an identified producer of beer champagne or export beer bottles, were embossed in an arch at bottles, used no manufacturer’s mark. the top of the bases, with the numbers in the center or just below. Two Hutchinson bottles, offered on eBay, had the MGW logo R&Co embossed on the heel. Jones (1966:8) was the first to attempt to identify the It is thus likely that Furnace No. 1 made a variety of bottles, including most of the ones made with embossed labels. The MGW R&CO mark, which she illustrated in both horizontal and mark was probably used exclusively by Furnace No. 1 from 1887 arched formats. She wondered, “Ripley & Co? Could be” (when the second furnace was placed into operation) until both the but noted that “Dr Toulouse says it is Reed & Co./B.F. I name change of the factory and the addition of the third tank ca. can’t find that one (B.F. Reed).” Two years later, Jones (1968:24) still designated Ripley 1895. See Table 4. & Co., Birmingham (Pittsburgh), Pennsylvania, as the user It is probable that the variations in MGW marks represent of the mark. She placed the company in business from 1866 three different mold makers. The horizontal baseplates with no numbers and those with “1” and “2” were likely the oldest molds, to 1889 and noted that she had beer bottles with this mark and they may have all been made at one time, perhaps in 1887, or topped by crown finishes, which she noted was proof that shortly thereafter, when the second furnace was built. The second the company was in business later than 1889. However, order was likely sent to a different mold maker (or crafted by a Ripley & Co. became part of the U.S. Glass Co. in 1891, different individual engraver), who used the “cardinal compass and the company primarily made pressed glass tableware. point” system along with the number “2” on baseplate and made It is unlikely that the company produced bottles of any kind only a single mold for export beer bottles. Table 4 – MGW Manufacturer’s Marks Although bases with this mark are found Numbers Products on various sites, all of them were made Configuration from the same mold. These may have been Horizontal (base) none champagne beers & Hutchinsons made during the middle of the probable use Horizontal (base) 1, 2 champagne beers period, ca. 1889 or slightly earlier. Cardinal points (around base) 2 export beers The final style, an arched logo, was Arch (base) 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 export beers almost certainly the last, and this may Arch (base) / PAT 85 (inv arch) 6 export beers have included more than one order from Arch (base) 9 champagne beers the same mold maker. These logos are Horizontal (heel) none Hutchinsons accompanied by numbers ranging from


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until the 1910-1917 period, and those were almost certainly specialized bar bottles. Toulouse (1971:439) noted this mark but failed to assign a factory to it. He stated it was found “on export beers; 1880 to 1900 techniques.” Although confused, he continued trying. Toulouse (1971:432) discussed the mark in possible connection with F.E. Reed & Co., Rochester, New York, a long-standing company that made bottles from the late 19th century well into the 20th century. Toulouse (1971:438-439) also attributed the R&Co mark to Roth & Co., San Francisco, California, and dated it 1879 to 1888. He stated, “If the bottle is a whiskey bottle of 1880-90 technique it is probably marked by the initials of bottle-user Roth & Co. who marketed several whiskeys and liquors in the San Francisco area in the 1880s.” Roth & Co. did use an R&Co monogram, but these were only embossed on the body (side) of the bottles and are not likely to be confused with a manufacturer’s mark (Figure 28). We find it very unlikely that the R&CO mark on beer bottles could have been used by Roth & Co. – a whiskey distributor. Since Roth & Co. dealt primarily with liquor and was certainly not a brewery, their initials on beer bottles would be highly unlikely. Kroll (1972:3) associated the mark with the Eugene P. Reed Co., Rochester (an earlier operating company that became F.E. Reed & Co.). This Reed, however, had its own marks and should not be confused with the Reed & Co. that became a part of the Ohio and American Bottle Companies. Ayres et al. (1980:36) noted that “Reed & Co. [Massillon, Ohio] made beer bottles as early as 1888” and that beer bottles, made in green (aqua) and amber color, were the firm’s specialty. The making of beer bottles by Reed & Co. is supported by Walbridge (1920:84-85) who described a visit by Owens Bottle Machine Co. representatives to Reed in Massillon to show beer bottles made on the Owens machine to Reed officials. Walbridge described Reed as “a plant manufacturing beer bottles.” Roller (1996) confirmed beer bottles as the plant’s primary product. Lehner (1978:67) called the company the “Reid Bottle Co.” and dated its operation from 1881 to 1904. Based on the above evidence, the conclusion is simple. Only Reed & Co., Massillon, Ohio, was noted for making beer bottles, especially in the quantity necessary to have produced the large numbers of export beer bottles that have survived in wide-ranging contexts. The plant was in operation at the correct time period and made the correct product. The bottles dug at the Massillon plant by Rob Riese provide the “smoking gun” that eliminates all doubt. Configurations We have recorded the R&Co mark in four configurations, and each of these has its own temporal context. Although some of these overlap, each has its own distinct setting. See Table 5 for a chronology of all the marks. R&CO – horizontal (1887-ca. 1895) This configuration consists of R&CO (note the capital “O”

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in “CO”) embossed horizontally across the center of the base. Bottles in our sample were always accompanied by a number below the logo. Numbers ranged between 1 and 58. The mark was used almost exclusively on generic (i.e., paper labeled) export beer bottles. We have only been able to locate three exceptions, all on pint-sized champagne beer bottles, embossed on the sides with company names. Since the mark was found on at least ten bottle bases found at Fort Laramie (1849-1890), it had to have been in use prior to 1890. Further, the mold numbers on the bottles were 36, 39, and 46. This suggests an earlier use. It is our contention that the horizontal R&Co mark was therefore in contemporary use with the MGW logo. It is thus likely that the horizontal R&Co mark was used in connection with the opening of Furnace No. 2 in 1887. In addition, the horizontal mark is found in two formats with the 1885 patent for the Baltimore Loop seal. The first of these – PAT (arch) / R&CO. (horizontal) / 85 (inverted arch) – had no accompanying mold number (see Figure 5). The second followed a pattern of PAT 85 (arch) / R&CO / {number} (both horizontal), with numbers ranging from 14 to 19 (see Figure 6). In our sample, these numbers are only on bases with “PAT 85.” One of the champagne beer bottles was made for Anton Kopp, a Massillon brewer (discussed above) who was in business from 1884 to 1898. A virtually identical bottle was embossed “MGW / 1” on the base. This suggests that the R&Co horizontal mark was used at least as late as 1895. We found no example of this configuration with crown finishes. An unusual example was embossed “+ / R&CO / 53.” Not only was this the only example we have seen with a plus sign or cross, it is also the only horizontal example we found with a double-stamp on the base (Figure 29). The double stamp is an interesting phenomenon that occurs only on the bases of bottles blown into a two-piece mold. Along Figure 28 – Roth & with the regular embossed logo and Co. whiskey bottle (Thomas 1969) codes, there is a second set of initials or partial stamp that is slightly offset and much less distinct. The stamp was apparently created by the gaffer (blower), when he pressed the gob of glass at the end of his blowpipe onto the baseplate of the mold, then lifted it before blowing the glass into shape. We have not discovered any specific references to this technique in the literature nor any reason for its use – although it may have been a method to center the glass in the mold. However, the double stamp appears on some mouth-blown bottles between ca. 1894 and ca. 1914. It


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was especially popular during the ca. 1900-1910 period. We have two photographs of bottles made in this specific mold, one excavated at Fort Bowie, the other, from an unknown context. Both are clearly made from the same mold, and each has the double stamp. However, the “ghost” of the embossing is offset differently in each example. This also supports a use of the mark – with one of the highest mold numbers in our sample – by at least 1894. Because the double stamp technique was unusual this early, the bottle was probably not made much earlier than 1894, the last year Fort Bowie was open. R&Co – arch (ca. 1890-ca. 1902) With very few exceptions, the arched variation of the RGCo logo occurred on generic, 26-ounce “quart” export beer bottles.[3] A notable exception was auctioned at eBay. The bottle was a champagne-style amber pint embossed “R&CO (arch) / 5” on the base, with “NEW ORLEANS (arch) / BREWING ASS’N (horizontal) / NEW ORLEANS (arch) / LA. (horizontal)” in a plate on the front. The Louisiana branch of the New Orleans Brewing Association was open from 1890 to 1899 (Van Wieren 1995:126). The bottle is very unusual because of its size, style, and being sold so far from the typical vending area. It is probable that Reed & Co. ceased production of champagne-style bottles and special orders during the early years that this mark was in use. This mark is found in two slight variations. The first (possibly the oldest) had “R & Co” (note lower-case “o” in “Co”) in an arch with the letters spread out to almost the compass points – with the “R” just slightly above the “west” position. This variation always had a letter embossed in the “south” position, although our small sample only includes “C” or “D.” The other variation had the letters closer together, forming a tighter or smaller arch placed at the top of the base, with a number in the center. We have seen examples of a single mark accompanied by the letter “K.” Each mark had either an upper- or a lower-case “o” in “Co,” and the logos are found Figure 29 – Horizontal R&Co on bottles with either applied mark with plus sign (Bill Lockhart) or tooled finishes.

Wilson (1960) recorded two examples of the arched mark at Fort Laramie, Wyoming. Since the fort closed in 1890, the logo must have been used at least that early. It is likely that the mark was originally used by Furnace No. 1 to replace the MGW molds, and the MGW logo was probably phased out, but the molds continued as long as they remained serviceable. The arched mark was almost certainly adopted by all three furnaces, probably soon after Furnace No. 3 opened ca. 1895. Double stamped bases are fairly common on this configuration (although most do not exhibit this phenomenon), and some of the marks are found on bottles with crown finishes. This mark was probably being phased out ca. 1902, although some of the molds were likely still used until the merger that ended the firm in 1904. R&Co or R&CO – arch above a large, serif “C” (ca. 19021904) Much less common than the earlier two configurations, this was almost certainly the last variation to be used. Unfortunately, we have no idea about the meaning of the large, serif “C” below the logo. However, bottles with this mark were used in the construction of the Tom Kelly Bottle House, Rhyolite, Nevada, built in 1906. In addition, one example was embossed “R&CO / 88 / 087” – a numbering system used by the succeeding company, the American Bottle Co., in conjunction with the AB-connected plus Co. mark and the ABCo logo. These two characteristics almost certainly place the mark as the last one in the sequence. The logo was almost certainly used until the merger that created the Ohio Bottle Co. in 1904 (followed by the American Bottle Co. in 1905). R.&CO. heelmark (ca. 1896-1904) We have only discovered a single example of a beer bottle with the R.&CO. heelmark. Unfortunately, we recorded the mark very early in our research, and we did not note the important details of manufacture or use. We are assuming that the mark was used during the ca. 1896-1904 period. Conclusions This study clearly identifies the two major marks used by Reed & Co. at the Massillon Glass Works – MGW and R&Co. Both of these had notable variations, several of which are closely datable. In addition, we make a case for the use of two other marks – M {letter} and M / {number} as being early marks used by the Massillon Glass Works on export beer bottles.

Table 5 – Chronology of Manufacturer’s Marks for the Reed & Co. Factory Mark M {letter} M / {number} MGW R&Co (horiz.) R&Co (arch) R&Co (arch over C) R&Co (heel)

Date Range 1881-1887 1881-1887 1887-1895 1887-1895 1892-1902 1902-1904 1892-1904

Furnace 1 1 1 2 all all all

Products export beers export beers champagne beers & sodas; Hutchinsons – overrun export beers export beers; very occasionally on champagne beers export beers; rarely on champagne beers export beers export beers

[3] These containers were actually advertised in glass house catalogs as 26-ounce quart bottles!


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Future research should center around the hypothesized earlier marks. This study was hampered by a lack of precise contexts for these bottles. Documentary evidence would also be helpful, but finding such early sources is, unfortunately, unlikely. In addition, larger samples of complete bottles with the other marks and/or more tightly datable contexts would help to more solidly place them within a chronology. Sources Antique Bottles.Net 2004 “Barely Touching the Table” http://www.antique-bottles.net/forum/m_21798/ mpage_1/tm.htm#22473 Ayres, James E., William Liesenbien, Lee Fratt, and Linda Eure 1980 “Beer Bottles from the Tucson Urban Renewal Project, Tucson, AZ.” Unpublished manuscript, Arizona State Museum Archives, RG5, Sg3, Series 2, Subseries 1, Folder 220. Herskovitz, Robert M. 1978 Fort Bowie Material Culture. University ofArizona Press, Tucson. Hull-Walski, DeborahA. and Frank L. Walski 1993 “Brewing and Bottling in Harpers Ferry, West Virginia.” In Interdisciplinary InvestigationsofDomesticLifeinGovernmentBlockB:PerspectivesonHarpers Ferry’s Armory and Commercial District. Edited by Paul A. Shackel, pp. 17.117.53. Occasional Report No. 6, Regional Archaeology Report, National Park Service, Washington, DC. Jones, May 1966 The Bottle Trail, Volume 6. Nara Vista, New Mexico. 1968 The Bottle Trail, Volume 9. Nara Vista, New Mexico. Kane, Ruth 1978 Wheat, Glass, Stone and Steel: The Story of Massillon. Privately published, Massillon, Ohio. Kroll, Wayne, L. 1972 Wisconsin Breweries and Their Bottles. Privately Published, Jefferson, Wisconsin. Lehner, Lois 1978 Ohio Pottery and Glass Marks and Manufacturers. Wallace-Homestead Books Co., Des Moines, Iowa. Lindsey, Bill 2010“HistoricGlassBottleIdentification & InformationWebsite.” http://www.sha.org/ bottle/closures.htm#Baltimore%20Loop Lockhart, Bill 2006“Do Numbers Matter? Astudy ofBeerBottle Bases.” Unpublished manuscript. 2009 “Ten Wagon Loads of Beer Bottles:AStudy of Fort Stanton Trash Deposition.” InQuince:Papersfromthe15thBiennialJornadaMogollonConference,pp.212143. 2010 “Testing the New York Glass House Hypotheses.” Link at Bill Lindsey’s “Historic Glass Bottle Identification & Information Website: Reference Sources/ Bibliography.” http://www.sha.org/bottle/References.htm Bill Lockhart, Pete Schulz, Bill Lindsey, Carol Serr, and David Whitten 2007 “The Dating Game: The American Bottle Co., A Study in Contracts and Contradictions.” Bottles and Extras 18(1):47-56. Markham, Kenneth H. n.d. “Massillon and Canton, Ohio Glassware.” Unpublished manuscript on file with the Ohio Historical Society, Columbus, Ohio. Massilon Independent 1898 “AGreat Plant.” Massilon Independent, December 26. 1898. Mobley, Bruce 2010 “One Man’s Junk . . . Is Another Man’s . . . Treasure: Beer Bottle Library of Embossed Beers.” http://brucemobley.com/beerbottlelibrary/index.htm National Glass Budget 1897 “Flint and Green Glass Review.” National Glass Budget 13(26):4-6. 1900 “Complete List of Glass Factories in the United States and Canada.” National Glass Budget 15(48):11. 1901 “Complete List of Glass Factories in the United States and Canada.” National Glass Budget 17(1):11. 1902 “Complete List of Glass Factories in the United States and Canada.” National

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Glass Budget 17(52):11. 1904a “Massillon’s Bottle Industry.” National Glass Budget 20(8):9. Ohio Historical Society n.d. “Reed & CO. 1881-1904.” Unpublished manuscript on file with the Ohio Historical Society, Columbus, Ohio. Oppelt, Ted 2006 “Colored Hutchinson Sodas in the United States.” http://www.glswrk-auction. com/contest-8.htm Reed, David n.d. Untitled manuscript, written by the nephew of David Reed, last owner of Reed & Co. On file with the Ohio Historical Society, Columbus, Ohio. Roller, Dick 1996 “Massillon, OH Historical Notes.” Unpublished manuscript on file at the Massillon Museum, Massillon, Ohio. Scoville, Warren C. 1948RevolutioninGlassmaking: EntrepreneurshipandTechnologicalChangeintheAmerican Industry,1880-1920. HarvardUniversityPress,Cambridge,Massachusetts. Toulouse, Julian Harrison 1971 Bottle Makers and Their Marks. Thomas Nelson, NewYork. Van Wieren, Dale 1995AmericanBreweriesII. EastCoastBrewerianaAssociation,WestPoint,Pennsylvania. Walbridge, William S. 1920 American Bottles Old & New: A Story of the Industry in the United States. Owens Bottle Company, Toledo, Ohio. Wilson, John P. and Thomas J. Caperton 1994 “Fort Selden, New Mexico: Archaeological Investigations of the Latrines and Magazine, 1974-1976.” TheArtifact 32(2-4):i-ix,1-145). Wilson, Rex 1960 Unpublished database of bottles discovered at Fort Laramie,Wyoming. On file at Fort Laramie National Historic Site. 1981 Bottles on the Western Frontier. University ofArizona Press, Tucson.

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March - April 2011

Classified Ads For sale For Sale: Attic find: six early pull tab, Utica Club Bock Beer, circa 1965. Tabs intact. All bottom opened. Intact old type cardboard, very graphic, goat looking out old mug. Cans average grade one to one plus. Brewery: The West End Brewing Co, Utica, NY. $99 each or $500.00 for all six and cardboard holder. Postage and insurance included. Contact: Loren Love, PO Box 412, Dayton, NV 89403, ph: (775) 246-0142. For Sale: Redbook #10 The Collector’s Guide to Old Fruitjars. Available from the author. Order online or by the mail. Please visit our website Redbookjars. com. $40 postpaid in US. $49 postpaid to Canada. Other destinations please call for shipping costs. Best Wishes and Happy Collecting. Contact: Doug Leybourne, PO Box 5417, North Muskegon, MI 49445. For Sale: Super Rare 4 gallon Red Wing butterfly churn – excellent condition. It is the only one known and was confirmed as an unmarked Redwing piece by Al Kohlman and Larry Peterson. $10,000 or best offer plus shipping. For pictures and information: Contact: Thomas Noel, ph: (270) 489-2440, email: jugging@mchsi.com. For Sale: $650.00 – large letter E.K.B. aerated soda water bottle, cobalt, iron pontil, no residue, dug and professionally cleaned, no chips, no cracks, no stain. Some light ground ware. Contact: Ralph Wenzel, 9961 Chetwood Dr or PO Box 413, Huntley, IL 60142, ph: (847) 669-8424 or (847) 533-8424, email: constructingrw@comcast.net. For Sale: Beautiful teal Pittsburgh porter – embossed Kennedy with a flower next to the name. All iron residue remaining. Thousands of bubbles in glass when held to light. $250.00. Contact: Jeff

Bottles and Extras

Bottles and Extras Mihalik, ph: (724) 551-1265, email: mihalikjeff@gmail.com. For Sale: Oregon and Washington soda books and “Collecting Soda Pop Bottles”. Visit www.hutchbook.com for details. Contact: Ron Fowler, ph: (360) 915-8415, email: hutchbook@ yahoo.com. For Sale: Pre 1920s crown top soda bottles, mostly non-territory crown tops and hutches. If you are looking for a particular Oklahoma town or special bottle, give me a call, I might have just what you are looking for. Contact: David Baumann, ph: (405) 816-1340, email: firstgencoltman1@cox.net. For Sale: Oak wall telephone – complete and in working order – near mint condition $350.00. Warner’s Extract box and contents - nice $450.00. Primitives: country hand-made farm items. Contact: John Spellman, 1530 High St (PO Box 61), Savannah, NY 13146, ph: (315) 365-3156, email: spellmanjc@tds.net. For Sale: A variety of antique bottles, pottery and various other antiques in Northeast Georgia. Visit my booths in Gateway Antiques in Dahlonega and Remember When Antiques on Highway 53 seven miles west of Gainesville (the latter is closed on Mondays). Contact: Jim Scharnagel, 3601 Laura Lane, Gainesville, GA 30560, ph: (770) 536-5690.

March - April 2011 The Mobile Bottle Collectors Club’s 38th Annual Show & Sale will be held on Saturday, March 26 from 9am to 3pm at the Daphne Civic Center, Whispering Pines Rd and US Hwy 98, Daphne, AL. Free admission. Dealer setup is Friday, March 25 from 3pm to 7pm and Saturday 7am to 9am. Contact: Jim Simmons, ph: (251) 8242697 or Rod Vining, ph: (251) 9576725, email: vinewood@mchsi.com or Richard Kramerich, PO Box 241, Pensacola, FL 32591, ph: (850) 4355425, email: shards@bellsouth.net

The Montana Bottle Collectors Association plans its 10th Annual Bottle, Insulator, Collectable and Advertising Show & Sale for June 3 – 4, 2011 at the centrally located Butte Civic Center Annex, 1340 Harrison Ave, Butte, MT. Friday, June 3 dealers in at 3pm with early birds 4pm – 8pm. Saturday, June 4 doors open from 10am – 4pm. Info: Erich Weber, MBCA, PO Box 5301, Helena, MT 59604, ph: (406) 459-3038, email: eeweber@ bresnan.net or James Campiglia, 965 Spring Brook Ave, Bozeman, MT 59718, ph: (406) 219-3293, email: jameschips@bresnan.net


Wanted: RAWSONVILLE, MICH bottles or any bottles with RAWSON name. Also seeking bottles from the cities of Hell, Paradise, and/ or Climax, Michigan. Contact: Michael, ph: (936) 329-8838. Wanted: The following Rockford, Illinois blob beers: Thos. Noonan – amber or aqua, aqua Geo. Lincoln, aqua John Fritz, aqua Gust. Erickson, aqua Ryberg Gros. Contact: Jeff Dahlberg, ph: (815) 963-5477, email; jmdjdahlberg@sbcglobal.net. Wanted: Buying amber fruit jars – one or a collection. Contact: Ron Ashby, ph: (580) 363-5154. Wanted: Green River whiskey jug’s “The Whiskey Without a Headache”. Any size jug from any state. Contact: Warren Dockins Jr, 3507 Bucksville Rd, Auburn, KY 42206, ph: (270) 542-4347. Wanted: Demijohns – 15 - 20 gallon sizes (plus or minus) with original basket covering in good condition. Contact: Dewey Heetderks, 4907 N Quail Crest, Grand Rapids, MI 49546, ph: (616) 949-0713, email: Dheetderks@aol.com.

Wanted: Christmas bottles – Merry Christmas/Happy New Year flasks and jugs. Schafer & Vater flasks, Santa figurals – older bottles, no Wheatons. Also want baseball and sports related bottles like Big Hit soda. Embossed or ACL bottles but no commemoratives or Jim Beam. Interested in pre-1970 sports programs too, will buy collections. Also want embossed Holy Water Wanted: Sacramento whiskey: bottles. Contact: John Kasper, PO THEO. BLAUTH/WHOLESALE Box 3642, Victoria, TX 77903, ph: WINE/&/LIQUOR DEALERS/ (361) 572-3588, email: jamast@ SACRAMENTO, CAL. Barnett #55. suddenlink.net. Contact: Steve Abbott, ph: (916) 6318019, email: foabbott@comcast.net.

Wanted: Cologne and scent bottles For Sale: Over 50 AMERICAN made by the Boston & Sandwich Glass GINGER BEERS, some scarce. Co between 1825 and 1888. I prefer Reasonable prices. Call or email for cut overlay colognes bottles complete list. Contact: Roger Heatley, ph: (978) with stoppers. I will also buy certain 433-8274, email: jennrog@charter.net interesting miscellaneous glass items made at Sandwich. Contact: Bryan For Sale: All types of bottles and related items. Just visit our online site that is updated Grapentine, ph: (602) 993-9757, often with new listings added regularly. We email: bgrapentine@msn.com. are a safe and relaxed alternative to eBay with fixed priced items, private dealings and an outstanding reputation in buying/ selling antique bottles. Our site is http:// mysite.verizon.net/flaschenjager/sale.html. Please have a look around. Contact: Rick Burchfield, email: flaschenjager@aol.com


64 Wanted: aqua slug plate hutch embossed: G.E.B Fapf / West Palm Beach, FLA. I will pay your price for this bottle. Contact: Larry Smith, ph: (561) 743-7278.

March - April 2011

Wanted: Oregon bottles especially pre-prohibition beers and whiskies, milk or pharmacy bottles from Medford, Ashland, and/or Jacksonville, Oregon areas. Contact: David Scafani, ph: (541) 773-6503, Wanted: Stoneware wanted: Pre- email: scafanind@charter.net. prohibition advertising jugs, crocks, pitchers, churns, rolling pins from Wanted: Straight-sided script all states and all sizes. Will pay Coca-Cola bottles from Alabama: premium prices for jugs from small Florala, Frisco City, Russellville, towns and saloons. Also want pre- Sylacauga, Tallahassee; Georgia: prohibition shot glasses, signs, Elberton, Fairburn, Lincolnton; corkscrews, tokens and back bar South Carolina: Bishopville, bottles. Contact: Thomas Noel, Lancaster, Hardeeville; Florida: 1385 Norsworthy Rd, Kirksey, KY Cocoa, Holder, Mayo-Alton, 48054, ph: (270) 489-2440, email: Okeechobee, Princeton, Wauchula, jugging@mchsi.com. West Palm Beach; Tennessee: aqua Dickson, Englewood, Jellico, Wanted: cash money for damage Johnson City, South Pittsburg, free (stain is acceptable), rare flared Tracy City, Trenton. Cherolip, pontiled medicines, hair bottles, Cola from Alabama: Greenville; etc. Also rare pontiled sodas and/ Florida: Daytona, St. Petersburg, or mineral waters. Contact: Ralph Appalachicola; North Carolina: Wenzel, 9961 Chetwood Dr or PO Mt. Olive; Mississippi: Yazoo Box 413, Huntley, IL 60142, ph: City; South Carolina: Newberry; (847) 669-8424 or (847) 533-8424, Tennessee: Athens, Copper Hill, email: constructingrw@comcast.net. Dyersburg, Dickson, Kingsport, Harriman, Lafollete. Contact: Carl Wanted: Indian medicines and Barnett, ph: (912) 384-0651. bitters. My list of bottles is at www. weloveoldbottles.com. Click on Wanted: GREAT bitters bottles and bottles/Indian bottles and help me fill go-withs and especially interested in the blanks. If you have one that in the rare color variants. Contact: I haven’t listed, please let me know. Ferdinand Meyer V, 101 Crawford Contact: Mike Smith, 27315 S 4460 St, Studio 1A, Houston, TX 77002, Rd, Vinita, OK 74301, ph: (918) 256- ph: 713-305-4432, email: fmeyer@ 6481, email: mikesierra@telis.org. fmgdesign.com. Wanted: Colorado pint and ½ pint jars, Colorado tokens and postcards. Send list with prices. Contact: George VanTrump, PO Box 1537, Wheat Ridge, CO 80034, email: Jo36George@gmail.com. Wanted: Blob top beer, Mark Mann, aqua. Philadelphia circa 1890s. Contact: ER DeHaven, 23 W Golden Oak Ln, Marmora, NJ 08223, ph: (609) 390-1898.

Bottles and Extras

522 Palmer Ln, Menlo Park, CA 94025, ph: (650) 380-9712, email: rogerhillusa@yahoo.com. Wanted: Globe fruit jars. Redbook #1123. Only those with color swirls in the making of the jar. Also bleaching and bluing water bottles of unique color and shape. Contact: John Swearingen, ph: (805) 4925036, email: fruitjars@verizon.net. Wanted: St. Louis colored blob top sodas. I am also looking for ales from St. Louis Vail, Evans embossed on side, R&J Adams, Costello, Culver, etc and from East St. Louis Illinois, I am looking for C. Lutt and E. Schroeder ales. Contact: Theo Adams, 3728 Fair Oaks Dr, Granite City, IL 62040, ph: (618) 781-4806. Wanted: Bottles and stoneware from cities and towns in Dutchess County, New York – Poughkeepsie, Millbrook, Wappingers Falls, Fishkill, Matteawan, Redhook, Dover Plains, Glenham, Lithgow, Madalin, Millertown, Rhinebeck, Pawling, Bangal, Moores Mills, Sylvan Lake, Verbank, Washington Hollow. Contact: Art Church, ph: (845) 2214259, email: art3622@aol.com

Wanted: Bottles and insulators with contaminants in the glass such as nails, wire, metal, fish hooks, or anything unusual. Also bottles with wild swirls of color in the glass. Buy Wanted: Rare Los Angeles bottles – or trade. Contact: Dwayne Anthony, “M Keller”, “James Cod”, LA soda 28390 Saffron Ave, Highland, CA cod. Also colored pharmacies, rare 92346, ph; (909) 862-9279, email: padlocks and keys, large marbles insulators@open-wire.com. – 2 ¼” and up in swirls, onions, clouds, transitional, etc. Contact: Wanted: To purchase Pittsburgh Bob Hirsch, ph: (562) 789-8870. pontiled inks – any condition. Send an email. Contact: Jeff Mihalik, Wanted: Fancy embossed, unique email: mihalikjeff@gmail.com. shaped soda pop bottles from 1920s – 1930s. Contact: Roger Hill,

Bottles and Extras

Wanted: Puce, yellow, green, red, and/or blue Clyde Glassworks, Clyde, NY items – bottles, flasks, jars.. Flag Salt Remedy Co. Savannah, NY paper items. Contact: John Spellman, 1530 High St (PO Box 61), Savannah, NY 13146, ph: (315) 365-3156, email: spellmanjc@tds.net.

Coplay, Cementon, Egypt, Hokendaugua, Northampton, Stiles. Contact: Bill Begedus, ph: (610) 2645945, email: bhegedus@rcn.com.

Wanted: Candy containers, Wisconsin and Illinois beer advertising, information on Wisconsin dairies. Contact: Audrey Wanted: Advanced collector pays top Belter, 3825 N Indiana Ave, prices for Minnesota Patent Medicines: Florence, AZ 85132, ph: (520) 868Anti-Chap, Washington Lotion, 5704, email: audjerry29@msn.com. Cirkler’s Borated Cream, Thompson’s Throat Lozenges, Knowlton’s Wanted: Kansas bottles and Liniment, Caswell’s Blood Cleaner, advertising stoneware. Contact: Wheeler’s Sarsaparilla, Hilleman’s Mark Law, ph: (785) 246-1818, Chicken Chloera Cure, Doctor Tolstoi’s email: mlaw4@cox.net. Life Prolonger, Great Mormon Remedy, Frost’s Expectorant, Nature’s Wanted: One embossed medicine Liver Renovator, Hovorka Wild dose glass from any town or city in Cherry Compound. Contact: Boyd Utah, Arizona, and/or South Carolina. Beccue (The Minnesota Medicine Paying top dollar. Finding these Man), PO Box 3232, Willmar, MN three states will complete my 50 state 56201, ph: (320) 220-1897, email: collection. Also interested in any judd.b@charter.net. embossed medicine measures from Georgia or Florida and any unique Wanted: Virginia and West Virginia dose glasses. Thanks. Contact: mineral water or Lithia water bottles Tracy Gerken, 113 Kings Cross, and/or go-withs. Contact: Sonny Brunswick, GA 31525, ph: (912) 269Smiley, ph: (540) 4334-1129. 2074, email: 1gerken@bellsouth.net Wanted: Additional members for “the Hutchinson Bottle Collectors Association”. Visit www.hutchbook. com for full details. Contact: Ron Fowler, ph: (360) 915-8415, email: hutchbook@yahoo.com. Wanted: Sacramento shot glasses: Silver Sheaf/Trade(monogram) Mark/Bourbon/H. Weinreich & CO/ Sacramento, Cal. Contact: Steve Abbott, ph: (916) 631-8019, email: foabbott@comcast.net.


March - April 2011

Wanted: Pre 1920s Oklahoma soda bottles that I do not have in my collection. I will pay above book prices for hutches or crown top sodas. All bottles graded according to condition. Contact: David Baumann, ph: (405) 816-1340, email: firstgencoltman1@cox.net. Wanted: Early pontiled Ohio soda bottles. Also bottles from Painesville, Ohio. Contact: Dennis Peine, ph: (440) 254-4837, email: dgpeine@hotmail. com.

Wanted: Lid for pint Doolittle Wanted: Rare quart fruit jars. It appears fruit jar in aqua. Contact: Roger that my philosophy is to buy high and Fletcher, ph: (540) 631-0058. sell low. Contact: Dick Bere, 6236 Lilbur Lane, Cincinnati, OH 45230, ph: Wanted: Bottles and advertising from (573) 720-4157, email: dickbere@aol. Pennsylvania towns – Catasauqua, com.

Wanted; Still looking for any Virginia bottles, early colognes, scents, smelling bottles, smelling salts, pungents, and similar glass items. Visit us on the web by searching flaschenjager. Happy collecting and good luck digging everyone! Contact: Rick Burchfield, flaschenjager@aol.com.

KETCHUP, PICKLES, SAUCES 19th Century Food in Glass Betty Zumwalt, author 498 pages of pictures & research of glass containers the early food industry utlilized Smyth Bound - $25 $10 Christmas Special Mark West Publishers PO Box 1914 Sandpoint, ID 86864

Support your Local Club Get involved in your hobby, attend meetings and/or become a club officer! Need assistance finding your local club, contact your FOHBC regional DIrector. They can supply with a list of local clubs in your area. See page two for a list of Officers and Regional Directors in your area


March - April 2011

Bottles and Extras


Calendar of shows and related events FOHBC Sho-Biz is published in the interest of the hobby. Federation affiliated clubs are connotated with FOHBC logo. Insulator shows (courtesy of Crown Jewels) are indicated with an insulator. Information on up-coming collecting events is welcome, but space is limited. Please send at least three months in advance, including telephone number to: FOHBC Sho-Biz, C/O June Lowry, 401 Johnston Ct, Raymore, MO 64083 or E-mail: OSUBuckeyes71@aol.com. Show schedules are subject to change. Please call before traveling long distances. All listings published here will also be published on the website: http://www.FOHBC.com.

March 5 Shrewsbury, Pennsylvania The Chesapeake Bay 23rd Annual Show & Sale (9am - 2pm) at the Shrewsbury Fire Hall, 21 West Forrest Ave, Shrewsbury, PA (Exit 4 off I-83) with dealer setup 7am - 9am. Info: Charles Irons, ph: (302) 422-5712, email: ironsjrc@verizon.net, www. insulators.info/clubs/cbic. March 6 Baltimore, Maryland Baltimore Antique Bottle Club’s 31st Annual Show & Sale (8am - 3pm) at Essex Campus of the Community College of Baltimore County, 7201 Rossville Blvd, Baltimore, MD. Info: Rick Lease, ph: (410) 239-8918, email: baltojar@comcast.net March 11 - 12 Chico, California Bidwell Bottle Club’s 45th Annual Chico Antique Bottle, Jar, Insulator and Collectables Show & Sale (Friday 10am - 7pm - $5, Saturday 9am - 4pm - free admission) at the Silver Dollar Fairgrounds, Chico, CA. Info: Randy Taylor, PO Box 546, Chico, CA 95927, ph: (530) 518-7369, email: rtjarguy@aol.com. March 12 Lebanon, Indiana Heartland Glass Collectors Insulator & Bottle Show (8am - 3pm) at the Boone County Fairgrounds, Lebanon, IN - I65, exit 138. Info: Kim Borgman, 1056 E US 136, Pittsboro, IN 46167, ph: (317) 6989177, email: kborgman@nwscorp.com. March 12 St. Joseph, Missouri Missouri Valley Insulator Club’s 9th Annual St. Joseph Insulator and Bottle Show & Sale (9am - 3pm) at the American Legion Post 359, 4826 Frederick Ave, St. Joseph, MO. Info: Dennis Weber, 3609 Jackson St, St.

Joseph, MO 64507, ph: (816) 3641312, email: stjoeshow2011@aol.com. March 12 Badin, North Carolina Uwharrie Bottle Club’s 4th Annual Bottle and Collectibles Show & Sale (8am – 3pm) at the Badin Fire Department, Badin, NC. Info: Todd McSwain, ph: (704) 474-0552, email: mcswain8649@windstream.net March 18 - 19 DeLand, Florida The DeLand M-T Bottle Collectors Club’s 41st Annual Bottle and Insulator Show & Sale (Early buyers Friday 3pm - 7pm $20 and public Saturday 9am 3pm) at the Volusia County Fairgrounds, DeLand, FL. Info: Brian Hoblick, PO Box 2015, DeLeon Springs, FL 32130, ph: (386) 804-9635, email: hoblock@ aol.com or Dwight Pettit Jr, ph: (386) 575-0293, email: pettit9119@bellsouth. net, www.m-tbottleclub.com. March 20 St. Louis, Missouri St. Louis Antique Bottle Collectors’ Association’s 41st Annual Show & Sale (9am - 3pm) at the Two Hearts Banquet Center, 4532 S. Lindbergh, St. Louis, MO. Info: Pat Jett, 71 Outlook Dr, Hillsboro, MO 63050, ph: (636) 9483029, email: patsy_jett@yahoo.com. March 20 Flint, Michigan The Flint Antique Bottle and Collectibles Club’s 41st Annual Show & Sale (9am - 3pm) at the Dom Polski Hall, 3415 N Linden Rd, Flint, MI. Info: Tim Buda, 11353 Cook Rd, Gaines, MI 48436, ph: (989) 271-9193, email: tbuda@shianet.org March 25 - 26 Morro Bay, California The San Luis Obispo Bottle Society’s 43rd Annual Show & Sale (Friday 3pm

- 7pm and Saturday 9am - 3pm) at the Morrow Bay Veterans Hall, 209 Surf St, Morro Bay, CA. Free admission and no charge to early buyers. Info: Richard Tartaglia, ph: (805) 543-7484.0 March 26 Daphne, Alabama The Mobile Bottle Collects Club’s 38th Annual Show & Sale (9am - 3pm) at the Daphne Civic Center, Whispering Pines Rd and US Hwy 98, Daphne, AL. Info: Jim Simmons, ph: (251) 824-2697 or Rod Vining, ph: (251) 957-6725, email: vinewood@ mchsi.com or Richard Kramerich, PO Box 241, Pensacola, FL 32591, ph: (850) 4355425, email: shards@bellsouth.net. March 27 Bloomington, Minnesota North Star Historical Bottle Association and Minnesota’s First Antique Bottle Club’s 40th Annual Show & Sale (9:30am - 2:30pm) at the Crowne Plaza & Suites, 3 Appletree Square, (I-494 & 34th Avenue South) Bloomington, MN. Info: Steve Ketcham, ph: (952) 920-4205, email: Steve@antiquebottledepot.com. March 27 Enfield, Connecticut Yankee Pole Cat Insulator Club’s Annual Spring Insulator, Bottle and Tabletop Collectibles Show & Sale at the American Legion Hall, 566 Enfield St, Enfield, CT. Info: John Rajpolt, ph: (203) 261-1190, email: rajpolt@earthlink.net March 27 Brewerton, New York Empire State Bottle Collectors Association’s 41st Annual Spring Show & Sale (9am - 3pm) at the Brewerton Fire Hall, 9625 Route 11, Brewerton, NY. Info: Dave Tuxill, ph: (315) 4690629, email: dtuxill1@twcny.rr.com.

Bottles and Extras

March - April 2011


(More) Sho-Biz April 2 Sioux Falls, South Dakota Insulator Show & Sale (9am – 3:30pm) at the SDAD Center 3520 Gateway Lane, Sioux Falls, SD. Info: David Dahl, email: ddahle@sio.midco.net April 2 - 3 Indianapolis, Indiana Greater Midwest Antique Bottle, Pottery, Advertising and Antique Show and Sale (9am - 5pm Saturday and 9am - 2pm Sunday. Early admission 5pm - 8pm Friday) at the Wyndham Indianapolis West (formerly Adams Mark). Info: Martin Van Zant, 208 Urban St. Danville, IN 46122, ph: (812) 841-9495, email: mdvanzant@ yahoo.com or William Gonterman, ph: (317) 268-4612 April 3 Hutchinson, Kansas Kansas Territory Bottle and Postcard Club’s Annual Show & Sale (9am - 3pm) at the Sunflower North Building at the Kansas State Fairgrounds, Hutchinson, KS. Info: Mike McJunkin, 42 Sunflower, Hutchinson, KS 67502, ph: (620) 726-8304, email: scarleits@cox. net or Jim Hovious, 6617 N. Kent Rd, Buhler, KS 67522, ph: (620) 200-1783, email: jimhovious@yahoo.com. April 8 - 9 Antioch, California Golden Gate Historical Bottle Society’s 45th Annual Bottle, Antiques and Collectibles Show & Sale (Early bird Friday noon - 6pm $10, Saturday 9am - 3pm free admission) at the Contra Costa County Fairgrounds, 1201 W 10th St, Antioch, CA. Info: Gary or Darla Antone, ph: (925) 373-6758, email: packrat49er@netscape.net April 8 – 9 Yorkville, Illinois Yorkville (formerly Wheaton) Insulator Show & Sale (Saturday 8am – 3pm, Friday setup and early buyers 5pm – 9pm) at the Kendall County Fairgrounds. Info: Jason Townsend, ph: (630) 667-3357, email: jtins76@gmail.com.

April 9 Kalamazoo, Michigan Kalamazoo Antique Bottle Club’s 32nd Annual Show & Sale (10am - 3pm) at the Kalamazoo County Fairgrounds, 2900 Lake St, Kalamazoo, MI. Info: John Pastor, PO Box 227, New Hudson, MI 48165, ph: (616) 581-7005, email: jpastor@americanglassgallery.com or Mark McNee, ph: (269) 343-8393 April 16 Salisbury, North Carolina Piedmont Bottle and Pottery Club’s 5th Annual Show & Sale (8am - 2pm, 6:30am dealer setup at the Salisbury Civic Center, 315 S Martin Luther King Ave (formerly 315 S Boundary St), Salisbury, NC 28144. Info: John Patterson, ph: (704) 636-9510, email: ncmilks@carolina.rr.com. April 16 Natrona Heights, Pennsylvania Western Reserve Insulator Club’s 11th Annual Allegheny Valley Insulator Show & Sale (9am - 3pm) at the VFS Post 894. Info: Ron Varth, ph: (724) 845-8439, email: rktbarth@windstream.net April 17 Rochester, New York Genesee Valley Bottle Collectors Association’s 42nd Annual Show & Sale (9am - 3pm) at the Monroe County Fair & Expo Center, Minett Hall, Route 15A & Calkins Rd, Henrietta, NY. Info: Aaron & Pam Weber, ph: (585) 2266345, email: gvbca@frontiernet.net. April 17 Harrisonburg, Virginia The Historical Bottle Diggers of Virginia’s 40th Annual Show & Sale (9am – 3pm) at the Rockingham County Fairgrounds, US Route 11 (Exit 243 off I-81), south of Harrisonburg, VA. Info: Sonny Smiley, 1025 Greendale Rd, Harrisonburg, VA 22801, ph: (540) 4341129, email: lithiaman1@yahoo.com April 30 Aiken, South Carolina

The Horse Creek Bottle Club’s 3rd Annual Show & Sale (9am - 3pm, no early buyer) at the H. Odell Weeks Activities Center, 1700 Whiskey Rd, Aiken, SC 28903. Info: Geneva Greene, ph: (803) 593-2271 or Mike Newman, ph: (706) 829-8060. April 30 Perth, Ontario, Canada The Ottawa Valley Insulator Collector’s 2011 Insulator Show & Sale in the Lions Hall on the Perth Fairgrounds. Info: Robin Plewes, ph: (613) 256-7638, email: Robin.Plewes@cmcelectronics.ca. May 1 Brick, New Jersey The Jersey Shore Bottle Club’s 38th Annual Antique Bottle, Post Card and Local Memorabilia Show & Sale (8:30am - 2pm) at the Brick Elks, 2491 Hooper Ave, Brick, NJ 08723. Info: Rich Peal, ph: (732) 267-2528, email: manodirt@msn.com. May 1 Whitesboro, New York Mohawk Valley Antique Bottle Club’s 17th Annual Antique Bottle Show & Sale (9am - 2:30pm) at the Sons Of Italy Lodge, 644 Bleecker St, Utica, NY 13501. Info: Peter Bleiberg, 7 White Pine Rd, New Hartford, NY, ph: (315) 735-5430, email: pmbleiberg@aol.com May 1 Antioch, Illinois Antique Bottle Club of Northern Illinois’ 36th Annual Show & Sale (9am - 2pm - free admission) at the Antioch Senior Center, 817 Holbeck, Antioch, IL. Info: Greg Schueneman, ph: (847) 6237572, email: anteak_gramps@yahoo. com or John Puzzo, ph: (815) 338-7582, email: johnpuzzo@sbcglobal.net. May 7 Gray, Tennessee The State of Franklin Antique Bottle and Collectibles Association’s 13th Annual Snow & Sale (8am - 2pm with free admission; dealer setup and early


March - April 2011

Bottles and Extras

(More) Sho-Biz buyers ($10) - Friday, May 6 12 noon - 6pm). Info: Melissa Milner, ph: (423) 928-4445, email: mmilner12@ chartertn.net, www.sfabca.com. May 7 Mansfield, Ohio The Ohio Bottle Club’s 33rd Annual Mansfield Antique Bottle and Advertising Show & Sale (8am – 2pm, early buyers Friday 2pm – 6pm) at the Richland County Fairgrounds, Trimble Road Exit, US Route 30, Mansfield, OH. Info: Bill Koster, PO Box 585, Barberton, OH 44203, ph: (330) 690-2794. May 13 -14 Columbia City, Indiana Columbia City Insulator, Bottle and Antique Show (3pm - 7pm Friday and 9am - 3pm Saturday) at the Whitley County 4H Fairgrounds, 581 W Squawbuck Rd, Columbia City, IN. Info: Chuck Dittmar, 5209 Forest Grove Dr, Fort Wayne, IN 46835, ph: (260) 485-7669 or Gene Hawkins, email: gene.hawkins@mchsi.com. May 15 Millville, New Jersey New Jersey Antique Bottle Club’s Annual Millville Show & Sale (9am - 3pm) at the Elks Lodge of Millville, 1815 E Broad St, Millville, NJ. Info: Joe Butewicz, 24 Charles St, South River, NJ 08882, ph: (732) 345-3653, email: botlman@msn.com. June 3 - 4 Butte, Montana The Montana Bottle Collectors Association’s 10th Annual Antique Bottle, Insulator, Collectable and Advertising Show & Sale at the centrally located Butte Civic Center Annex, 1340 Harrison Ave, Butte, MT. Friday, June 3 dealers in at 3pm with early birds 4pm to 8pm. Saturday, June 4, doors open from 10am to 4pm. Info: James Campiglia, 965 Spring Brook Ave, Bozeman, MT 59718 , ph: (406) 2193293, email: jameschips@bresnan.net, Erich Weber, PO Box 5301, Helena, MT 59604, ph: (406) 459-3038, email: eeweber@bresnan.net

June 4 Toledo, Iowa The 14th Annual Hawkeye State Insulator Swap Meet (8am – 3pm) at the Toledo Heights Park, Toledo, IA. Info: Dave Shaw, ph: (641) 484-5463, email: dashaw@mchsi. com or Tom Murphy, ph: (641) 484-6870

July 23, Reno, Nevada Reno Antique Bottle and Collectibles Club’s 47th Annual Show & Sale (9am – 3pm $4) at the Reno/Sparks Convention Center, 4590 S Virginia St, Reno, NV. Info: Willy Young, ph: (775) 746-0922

June 11 San Diego, California Antique Bottle Club of San Diego’s Annual Antique Bottle and Collectibles Show & Sale (9am - 3pm) at the Al Bahr Shrine Tempe, 5440 Kearny Mesa Rd, San Diego, CA 92111. Info: Jim Walker, ph: (858) 4909019, email: jfw@internetter.com, www. sdbottleclub.org.

August 12 - 13 Martinsburg, West Virginia The Chesapeake Bay Insulator Club is hosting the 2011 Eastern Regional at the Holiday Inn. Info: Charlie Irons, ph: (302) 422-5712, email: ironsjrc@verizon.net, www.insulators.info/clubs/cbic/

June 25 - 26 Memphis, Tennessee Federation of Historical Bottle Collectors’ Annual National Show & Sale at the Cook Convention Center, Memphis, TN. Info: R. Wayne Lowry, FOHBC Conventions Director, ph: (816) 318-0161, email: JarDoctor@aol.com. July 8 - 10 San Jose, California 42nd National Insulator Association Show & Sale at the Doubletree Hotel in San Jose, CA. Info: Colin Jung, ph: (408) 732-8736. July 9 Leadville, Colorado Antique Bottle Collectors of Colorado’s 7th Annual Show & Sale (9am - 4pm with setup at 6am). $3 admission, at the National Mining Hall of Fame and Museum Convention Center, 117 W 10th St, Leadville, CO. Contact: Jim and Barb Sundquist, 2861 Olympia Ln, Evergreen, CO 80439, ph: (303) 674-4658. July 23 Tallahassee, Florida The 5th Annual Tallahassee Antique Bottle Show & Sale (9am - 3pm) at the North Florida Fairgrounds, Tallahassee, FL. Info: Britt Keen, 1144 Azalea Dr, Tallahassee, FL 32301, ph: (850) 877-44990, email: britt_keen@hotmail. com, www.floridabottles.com.

August 20 Urbana, Ohio The 2nd Annual Urbana, Ohio Antique Bottle and Jar Show & Sale (9:30am - 3pm) at the Champaign County Farigrounds and Exhibition Center, Urbana, OH—just off 68 on the south side of Urbana. Info: John Bartley, PO Box 53, North Hampton, OH, 45349, ph: (937) 964-8080, emai: jbrtley@woh.rr.com. September 10 Arcadia, California The Los Angeles Historical Bottle Club’s 45th Annual Show & Sale (9am - 4pm admission $3 with early buyers admission $5 at 8am), at the Arcadia Masonic Lodge, 50 West Duarte Rd, Arcadia, CA. Con- tact: Don Wippert (chairman), ph: (818) 3469833 or Dick Homme, ph: (818) 362-3368, website: www.lahbc.org. September, 10 Downieville, California Downieville 10th Annual Historic Bottle Show & Sale (10am - 3pm, early lookers 8am - 10am - $10) at the Downieville School Gym, Info: Rick Simi, 433 Main St, Downieville, CA 95936, ph: (530) 2893659, email: ricksimi@att.net. November 5 Jacksonville, Florida Antique Bottle Collectors of North Florida’s 44thAnnual Show & Sale (8am - 3pm with early buyersFriday5pm-8pm)attheFraternalOrderof Police Building, 5530 Beach Blvd., Jacksonville, FL. Info: Mike Skie, 3047 Julington Creek Rd, Jacksonville, RL 32223, ph: (904) 710-0422 or Jackie McRae, ph: (904) 879-3696


March - April 2011

Bottles and Extras

FOHBC MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Additions Barna Bencs 9815 14th Place Kenosha, WI 53144 262-515-6290 kbencs6@yahoo.com Racine/Kenosha Wisconsin bottles Vern Dotseth Jr 5460 Vicksburg Ln N Plymouth, MN 55446 763-559-3777 Maureen Downey 103 Beaupre Dr Luling, LA 70070 985-785-2545 msdowney@aol.com Curt Ewing 3520 North Lakeshore Dr Clemmons, NC 27012 336-766-4862 curtielind@yahoo.com All antique glass Dennis Fedorwich 549 Hoadley Hill Rd Windsor, NY 13865 607-655-1483 Fruit jars Troy M. Hardy 1912 N 1700 W Farr West, UT 84404 801-782-5686 anetroy@msn.com Western states stoneware Sam Henderson PO Box 667 Flora Vista, NM 87415 334-2119 shender2635@msn.com Western sodas, western whiskeys Mitchell Kramer 22 Locust Ave East Norwich, NY 11732 516-624-3483 seae01@aol.com Ink bottles, New York and Long Island bottles and stoneware

Bob Lee 360 N Alta Vista Monrovia, CA 91016 626-290-6044 Dennis Odziana 617 Nolan Rd Wales, MI 48027 810-367-6181 Orville Peterson 3218 N Wolf Creek Dr Eden, UT 84310 801-791-2250 shanorv@gmail.com Crude, applied top, eye appealing Wayne Sanchez PO Box 143 Medicine Bow, WY 82329 307-379-2597 ryne92798@aol.com Wyoming bottles and western flasks

John Baron 10230 Ryans Way Cincinnati, OH 45241 513-563-7183 oysterking@fuse.net Cincinnati whiskey bottles Howard “Bud� Bassett PO Box 2877 Chino Valley, AZ 86323 928-710-6331 yavapaibas@msn.com Pre-1920 Arizona bottles advertising pre-1920


Dave & Carol Brown 6 Martine Ct Newark, DE 19711 302-738-9960 Dbrown3950@comcast.net Fruit jars and oyster related items

Robert W Smith 19 Rogers St Fort Edward, NY 12828 518-747-9296 pickle1947@msn.com

Art Church 411 Hillside Lake Rd Wappingers Falls, NY 12590 845-221-4259 Art3672@aol.com Stoneware Hudson Valley, local bottles (Dutchess County, NY)

Walter Wozney 46 Famingdale Rd Wayne, NJ 07470 973-835-6385 kwolier@optonline.net Paterson, New Jersey bottles, jugs, and crocks

Ray & Cathy Davidson 9464 W 1300 N Elwood, IN 46036 765-552-2374 davidson.ray@comcast.net Coca-Cola and foreign soda bottles

Changes Arizona Antiques & Collectibles Club Attn: Gary Streit, President 1823 W Alamo Dr Chandler, AZ 85224 480-732-9786 smileys48@aol.com Hubert Barb 1316 Hampton St Charlottesville, VA 22902 434-296-7732 homeplaceii@msn.com Fruit jars

Greg Dean PO Box 66 Miami, Queensland 4220 Australia 011 61 438 488 544 greg@deantiques.com Pot lids Linda L. Fields 4025 Powrie Dr. Pensacola, FL 32504 850-478-7636 llfieldsggp@yahoo.com Garrett & company wine items


March - April 2011

Bottles and Extras

FOHBC MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Ron Fowler 6311 139th Ln SW Rochester, WA 98579 360-915-8415 hutchbook@yahoo.com Washington or Oregon sodas Norman H. Griffith Jr RR7, Box 7642 Saylorsburg, PA 18353 610-381-3309 Bottles, jars, go-withs Harry Hallam 1225 Route 390 Cresco, PA 18326 570-595-7169 Bottles, jars, and insulators Chris Hartz 2433 George Washington Way Apt 4203 Richland, WA 99354 980-297-6922 General Bill Hegedus 20 Cambridge Pl. Catasauqua, PA 18032 610-264-5945 bhegedus@rcn.com Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton, Catasaqua Pennsylvania towns everything

James Jackson 1210 Robinhood Ln Kannapolis, NC 28081 j-mike45@hotmail.com Bitters, whiskeys, flasks Tom Johnson 224 Cherry Creek Rd. Marquette, MI 49855 906-249-5176 tomj@midwayrentalsandsales.com John & Wanda Joiner 130 Peninsula Cir Newnan, GA 30263 404-538-6057 propjj@bellsouth.net Chestnuts and southern pottery Jim Louks PO Box 307 Spearfish, SD 57783 605-641-1988 rockymtnmkting@aol.com South Dakota and Dakota Territory Jeff Mihalik 1233 Indiana Ave Monaca, PA 15061 724-551-1265 mihalikjeff@gmail.com Porters, inks, Pittsburgh pontils

Perry Hendrix 77 Autumn Ln Columbus, MS 39702 662-435-7696 pshendrixref@yahoo.com All

Bruce Mobley PO Box 163 Macon, MO 63552 660-346-0375 hobby@brucemobley.com Embossed beer bottles domestic and foreign

Roger Hill 522 Palmer Ln Menlo Park, CA 94025 650-380-9712 rogerhillusa@yahoo.com Deco inspired embossed soda bottles 1920s and 1930s

Dennis Peine 7135 Mildon Dr Le Roy, OH 44077 440-254-4837 dgpeine@hotmail.com Early Ohio pontiled sodas, barber bottles, and bottles from Painesville, Ohio, and marbles

Allan Holden 2132 Chaparral Kalamazoo, MI 49006 269-685-1776 prostock@net-link.net Bottles - medicine, bitters, inks, early beer & sodas

Paul E. Sims 2471 County Road 17 Pine Hill, AL 36769 334-830-3754 Psimsco@msn.com Bottles & Pottery

Mike & Lilarae Smith 27315 S 4460 Rd Vinita, OK 74301 918-256-6481 mikesierra@telis.org Indian bottles, New Orleans bitters, and pontiled sodas Walter Smith 3345 Peach Orchard Rd Augusta, Ga. 30906 706-798-5951 jennifer_fdoc@bellsouth.net Drug pottery, Augusta - bottles and pottery Carol Sutton 1485 Villa Juno Drive, N Juno Beach, FL 33408 561-840-2102 carol1594@earthlink.net Black glass George VanTrump Jr PO Box 1537 Wheat Ridge, CO 80034 303-232-3542 Jo36George@gmail.com Colorado milk bottles & post cards and glass top pint canning jars Catherine Weide 1590 Gately Rd Jacksonville, FL 32225 904-221-3717 cweide@comcast.net ACL soda pop bottles

Notice to Members Please check your mailing label for correctness and your membership expiration date. This will insure you continue to receive Bottles and Extras without interruption. If moving, please send in a change of address. Contact: June Lowry FOHBC Business Manager 401 Johnston Ct Raymore, MO 64083 816-318-0160


March - April 2011

Bottles and Extras

Bottle and Extras Individual and Affiliated Club Membership Information Membership in the Federation of Historical Bottle Collectors includes:

Bottles and Extras

Individual Subscription / Membership Rates for One Year 2nd Class $30.00 U.S. only

First Class $45.00 (inside U.S.) $50.00 (Canada) $65.00 (other foreign)

Name___________________________________________________________ Associate Member Name(s) ($5 additional each:_________________________ Street___________________________________ Apt.#___________________ City____________________________________________________________ State ___________ Zip __________ Phone (_____)______________________ Collecting Interests________________________________________________ E-mail Address:___________________________________________________

Bottles & Extras FREE ADS

Send to : FOHBC c/o June Lowry (Business Manager) 401 Johnston Court. Raymore, MO 64083 or Email : OSUBuckeyes71@aol.com Category - “WANTED” Maximum - 60 words Limit - One free ad per current membership per year. Category - “FOR SALE” Maximum - 100 words Limit - 100 per issue. (Use extra paper if necessary.)

Single Issues and Back Issues: $5.00 Membership information, forms and an online payment option are also available on the website www.fohbc.com

Enclose the Appropriate Amount payable to FOHBC and mail to: FOHBC, c/o June Lowry, 401 Johnston Court, Raymore, MO 64083 Make checks payable to: The Federation of Historicial Bottle Collectors (FOHBC) Please allow 6-8 weeks from the time you send in your payment for the arrival of your first issue of Bottles and Extras.

Bottles and Extras

Affiliated Club Membership Rates for One Year $75.00 (inside U.S.) $95.00 (Canada) $110.00 (other foreign)

Club Name_ ________________________________________________ Mailing Address_ ____________________________________________ City_______________________________________________________ State ___________ Zip ________ Telephone (_____)________________ Club President_______________________________________________ Address__________________________ City______________________ State ___________ Zip __________ Phone (_____)_________________ E-mail Address______________________________________________ Meeting Location_ ___________________________________________ Day of Week__________________ Time_________________________ Club Website________________________________________________ Newsletter Name_____________________________________________ Newsletter Editor_ ___________________________________________ Club Show Date_ ____________________________________________ Club Show Location__________________________________________ Enclose the appropriate amount payable to FOHBC and mail to: FOHBC c/o June Lowry,(Business Manager) 401 Johnston Court, Raymore, MO 64083

Clearly Print or Type all ad copy


March - April 2011

Bottles and Extras

Membership Benefits

The Federation of Historical Bottle Collectors cordially invites you to join a dedicated group of individuals and clubs who collect, study and display the treasured glass and ceramic gems of yesteryear.   The Federation of Historical Bottle Collectors (FOHBC) is a non-profit organization supporting collectors of historical bottles, flasks, jars, and related items. The goal of the FOHBC is to promote the collection, study, preservation and display of historical bottles and related artifacts and to share this information with other collectors and individuals.   Federation membership is open to any individual or club interested in the enjoyment and study of antique bottles. The Federation publication, Bottles and Extras, is well known throughout the hobby world as the leading publication for those interested in bottles and “go-withs”. The magazine includes articles of historical interest, stories chronicling the hobby and the history of bottle collecting, digging stories, regional news, show reports, advertisements, show listings, and an auction directory. Bottles and Extras is truly the place to go when information is needed about this popular and growing hobby.   In addition to providing strength to a national/international organization devoted to the welfare of the hobby, your FOHBC membership benefits include: • A full year subscription the Federation’s official bi-monthly publication, Bottles and Extras • One free ad per yearly membership of 60 words for use for “wanted” items, trade offers, etc. • Eligibility for a discount at FOHBC sponsored shows (National or EXPOs) towards “early admission” or dealer table rent • Access to a knowledge of the world of antique bottle collecting unavailable elsewhere • Contact information for clubs devoted to the study of historical bottles • A forum for your writings, articles, and editorials regarding the hobby • Participation in the nomination and selection of Federation members for the Honor Roll and Hall of Fame • Federation-sponsored writing, show poster, and newsletter-design contests • Free publication assistance for your book or manuscript • And more... We encourage Affiliated Bottle Club memberships by offering these additional benefits to your group: • Display advertising in Bottles and Extras at an increased discount of 50% • Insertion of your bottle club show ad on the Federation website to increase your show’s exposure • Links to your club website free of charge, as well as assistance with the creation of your website • Free Federation ribbon for Most Educational Display at your show • Slide programs for use at your club meetings • Participation in Federation sponsored insurance program for your club show and any other club sponsored activities Finally…   We need your support! Our continued existence is dependent upon your participation as well as expanding our membership. The Federation is the only national organization devoted to the enjoyment, study, preservation, collection, and display of historical bottles. The FOHBC welcomes individuals who would like to contribute by running for Board positions or by sharing their expertise and volunteering their talents in other areas of interest such as contributions to our publications, assistance with the Federation’s National and EXPO shows, or through membership promotion.   If you haven’t yet joined our organization, please do so and begin reaping the benefits. If you are already a member, please encourage your friends and fellow collectors to JOIN US!!   For more information, questions, or to join the Federation of Historical Bottle Collectors, please contact: June Lowry FOHBC Business Manager 401 Johnston Ct. Raymore, MO 64083 816-318-0160 OSUBuckeyes71@aol.com

or visit our home page on the web at www.FOHBC.com

Auction #6, Spring 2011


ur Spring, 2011 Auction will include an interesting and diverse selection of fine bottles in many categories including Historical Flasks, Bitters, Medicines, Black Glass, Blown and Pattern Molded, Early Chestnut Bottles and numerous other categories. High quality, full-color, detailed catalogs are still only $10.00, postage-paid! (includes a post-auction, prices realized list). Order now to reserve your copy! Checks, money orders, credit cards and Paypal accepted. For more information, or to join our mailing list, visit our website at: BNFSJDBOHMBTTHBMMFSZ DPN

These fine items have already been consigned to our Spring, 2011 Auction.


FOHBC C/O June Lowery 401 Johnston Ct. Raymore, MO 64083

Bottles and Extras

Please Check your information and notify us of errors.

Legends of the Jar - Page 40

Sold at Auction - Page 5

The Dating Game: Reed & Co. and the Massillon Glass Works: R&Co – MGW – M Page 49


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