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tab l e o f c ont ents


brookings rec center


bend outdoor school


eugene kiosk & market




bozeman cohousing


outdoor retreats


graphics/ art


product design


contact/ biography


curriculum vitae

main floor

second floor

north south section

b ro o k i ng sr ec cent er

site and densification


an athletic facility for oregon’s coastal retirement community. the brookings rec center aims to be localized in the residential neighborhood, allowing recreation and fitness to become integrated into daily life. the building creates views of its own for users, as well as preserves the adjacent homes views. the interior focuses on daylighting all spaces whilst providing an efficient flow of egress.





central lobby

view from square

climbing and circulation

Bendo ut d o or school


with the development of troy field the civic funtions that took place there need a new home. coincidentally old bend high school and the square in front of it need revived. The project aims at reducing the overall area these three sites occupy meanwhile actively engaging the former activiies in a new way

roof level

third level

main floor

second floor

third floor

market level

wall section

1/4" = 1'

booth detail

north elevation

1/8" = 1'

booth detail

south elevation

1/8" = 1'

roof level

third level

second level

market level



section 2

1/8" = 1'

section 1

1/8" = 1'

8th avenue oak street

park street

willamette street

ďŹ sh fruits meat spreads textiles trinkets vegetables

eugene public market is the livelihood of the euge n ek io s k & m a r ket the southern willamette valley. the market brings




program map

artisans and farmers together in a cerntralized location, the historic eugene park blocks. the location of the eugene public market will be the northside of the butterfly parking lot. the southern part of the lot will be given back to the city to enhance the park blocks and reestablish the livelihood of this location

program graph seasonal annual



program items

7th avenue

main floor


south north section

upper floor

wall section Endwall 1 Garage 1/2”=1’-0”

Bay Endwall 2 Maintenance 1/2”=1’-0”

east elevation

bigsk y b us ga r ag e

east west section


in the rocky mountains, the big sky school district and streamline transportation were facing intermittent problems, due to long winter storage with temperatures down to -20. With the nearest maitenance shop being 50 miles away. the two clients came to the Communtiy Design Center for a solution to protect and maintain their buses. the project aims to cater to the needs of both fleets, in one building all while blending into an upscale resort community. the garage features three masses to downscale the size of the project. the building sits at two different levels to distinguish between users, and reduce excavation cost. The building also angles together to fit onto the site, with minimal impact, and ease of user flow through the site.

wall section


cohousing project proposes an advantageous lifestyle to the community of bozeman coho us ing the Bozeman, Montana. the project elicits the daily uses of ones life and combines them with

north elevation

others to provide for a more efficeint means of living. the project has a central public courtyard and building for community meetings, dinners, classes, crops, and combined life necessities. the public building houses a teaching workshop specializing in the seasonal talents of snowsports and rock climbing. the envelope of the building harnesses these activities with a skiable roof, and climable skin. the residential units are situated around the public space to create a social dynamic, while situation of the units adds a private space for each on the external boundaries.




park station

prefab wall

warming shelter


in the pacific northwest we hold the outdoors dear to our everyday lives. o ut d o o rr etr eats living these minimal dwellings aid in allowing new transients that have moved to the area to enjoy our ammenties whilst giving them context to learn to respect and appreciate them as we do. the dwellings feature a similar 200 ft2 prefab unit to create ease of construction and efficiency of materials combined with a modular wall that adapts to the necessity of users. designs were done as 2 week group design charettes.

g r a p h ics/ a rt


series of graphical illustrations in photography, watercolor, pencil, and ink.

p ro d uct des ig n


cardboard surfboards are an experiment in sustainability in the realm of adventure sports. the core is a grid of lasercut pieces reducing impact on environment and weight while improving buoyancy. bike racks are a contemporary take on a common object. the bike racks aim for simplicity through thoughtful design furniture aims to challenge common perception. chair 1 one brings new life to an old abandoned chair through simplistic means. chair 2 transforms to accomodate the occasion

birthname: lee elder birthdate: 06 december, 1990 birthplace: bend, oregon

phone: (541) 598-6017 email: elder.lee06@gmail.com linkedin: linkedin.com/in/elderlee


born and raised on a small ranch in the pacific northwest, he learned the importance of hard work and perseverance. throughout his academic career lee excelled in every subject matter he took on. growing up in bend he was subject to the majestic beauty and importance of nature and those roots never left him. today lee pushes himself to live close to nature and design within those means. he is always searching for better solutions to societies pragmatic problems.

cĂ˜ntact /biogr a p h y

BLRB Architects - Architectural Intern - 06/ 15 - 09/15 worked on multifamily and single family residential projects worked on senior housing and city hall projects coached colleagues on revit assisted with job proposals and scheduling



Minor in Business University of Oregon | 2013 - 2014 B.A. with Major in Environmental Design Montana State University | 2009 - 2013

Arbor Builders - Architectural Designer - 06/ 14 - 06/15 planned and designed commercial storage facilities multi-family and single family residential homes commercial and residential remodels and additions assisted with adminstrative and project submittal documents

Honors Diploma Sisters High School | 2005 - 2009


OregonBILDS - Construction Worker - 01/ 15 - 03/ 15 framed, roofed, and sided house for low-income family advised decisions for all efficient appliance purchases Tri-County Mechanical and Electrical - Intern - 04/ 12 - 03/ 14 designed, installed, and repaired mech./elec./plumbing systems designed and built lightweight timber construction projects managed project operations and other intern Maud Glover Folsom Foundation scholarship recipient 2009 - present Prohibition Brotique Great American Suit Giveaway won a tailored suit based on academic achievementsand aspirations Boy Scouts of America eagle scout by age 15 - 2006

c u r ric u lu m v i tae

M. Arch with Housing & Ecological Design Specializations University of Oregon | 2014 - 2016

Programs AutoDesk Cad, Revit Architecture, 3ds Max SketchUp, Rhinoceros Adobe Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator Notepad ++,TextWrangler Equipment excavators, dumptrucks, bulldozers, skidsteers, boomlifts



my objective is to obtain a position with your company that utilizes my work ethic and skills, while gaining experience and contributing to a productive work atmosphere presentations & publications

“Architects Who Can’t Build: the necessity of design build education in academia” - presenter at UOregon Symposium, December 2014 “UO Trustees learn about A&AA” - chair 2 published on A&AA University of Oregon Website, June 2015

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