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Autumn/Winter 2010

LEEFlet Newsletter of L ondon Environmental Education F orum Autumn/Winter 2010

Woodland craft training – a fun learning weekend

Contents News & Events Woodland craft training – a fun learning weekend 1 LEEF AGM 2010: ‘Habitats for frogs’ 2 A sunny invitation to teacher champions 2 Wildlife Gardening Forum 2 Seed gathering in London 2 “What the Bee Sees” – Children’s art competition 2 Urban gardeners questioned! 3 A fruit adventure in London! 3 ‘Let Us Feed Your Senses’ 3 Training Training: Managing Challenging Behaviour 4 Carbon detectives in schools! 4 ‘Facilitation for Learning for Sustainability’ 4 Engaging volunteers in visitor studies 4 “Winter Tree ID” Course 4

LEEF Woodland Craft Training Residential Weekend took place at the Lambourne End Centre in Essex on 4 and 5 December 2010. At this programme, the participants learnt woodland crafts, willow weaving and traditional woodland games from a team of trainers, including Tony Sharp (Lambourne End Centre), Geoffrey Sinclair (The Woodland Trust), Antony Chadwick, Ute Villavicencio and Alison Pelican (Wimbledon Common Nature Club). The skills would be useful in making Christmas presents and could be passed onto young people. For the participants it was a memorable weekend in a beautiful countryside setting as they enjoyed food from the farm in the warmth of the bonfires. We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children.

My idea of education is to unsettle the minds of the young and inflame their intellects.

Native American Proverb

Robert Maynard Hutchins

LEEFlet The newsletter of LEEF (London Environmental Education Forum) Issue: Autumn/Winter 2010 Guidance Anna Portch LEEF Co-ordinator aportch@wildlondon.org.uk Editor & layout designer Asitha Jayawardena LEEF Communications Intern http://www.aij.t83.net Page1 of 4

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