Welcome to the second issue of Xposure, the online magazine from LEE Filters where we aim to demonstrate the huge scope for creativity that exists in modern photography.
David Noton has been taking pictures professionally for 30 years, and for much of that time his core income was derived from stock photography. Now drastic changes in that industry have forced Noton to rethink his approach.
With its Big and Little Stoppers, LEE Filters is at the forefront of making long-exposure photography accessible to all. Learn more in our workshop with Steve Gosling. Another photographer who has embraced the technique is Kuwait-based Sarah Alsayegh. A self-confessed ‘rooftopper’, she takes many of her images from the top of her city's skyscrapers.
At the opposite end of the scale is landscape photographer David Ward, who is renowned for his detailed close-up images. He explains his approach in our Composition Masterclass.
We hope you enjoy the magazine!