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1,300 New Mobile Phone users are introduced to a new World

0ver 320 new Twitter Acounts and 100,000 new Tweets

204 Million Emails are Sent Worldwide

Over 27,000 are photos uploaded to Instagram

30 hours of video footage are upladed to YouTube

0ver 2, Million Search queries are made on Google

47,000 Apps are downloaded across IOS and Android

The number of UK smartphone users continues to grow rapidly. There will be 30.9 million smartphone users in the country in 2013, eMarketer estimates, representing 48.4% of UK residents and 60.4% of UK mobile phone users. eMarketer has significantly increased its projection for UK smartphone users since our April 2012 forecast. Based on new data pointing to faster-than-expected smartphone adoption, eMarketer revised our estimate for the total number of UK smartphone users in 2013 upward by 6.9 million. eMarketer projects that by 2014, two out of three mobile phone users and 53.7% of the UK population will use smartphones. By the end of the forecast period, 43.4 million smartphone users will account for nearly 81% of mobile phone users and two-thirds of all people in the UK.

“out with the old...�

The vast majority of mobile phone users between the ages of 12 and 54 now use smartphones. Between 2011 and 2017, 18- to 24-year-olds will have the highest percentage of smartphone users among mobile phone users, while beginning in 2014 and lasting for the remainder of the forecast period, teens ages 12 to 17 will have the second-highest penetration out of all mobile users. Smartphone users ages 25 to 34 will be right behind in penetration rates. By 2017, smartphone user penetration among mobile phone users ages 12 to 44 will be between 94% and 98%. Among adults, smartphone usage decreases with age, and this will continue to be the case throughout the forecast period. This year, 62.3% of mobile phone users ages 45 to 54 and 37% of those ages 55 to 64 will own and use a smartphone. eMarketer estimates that only 13% of mobile phone users 65 and older will be smartphone users in 2013. (eMarketer, June 2013)










Smart Phone Users as a percentage of the Mobile phone users as an entirety of the UK (Forcasted April “2012)


Dr Simon Hampton, psychology lecturer at the University of East Anglia, said: “People’s inability to leave their phones alone is the newest addition to common ‘displacement’ behaviours such as smoking, doodling, fiddling with objects and picking at food. It’s also an extension of ‘nomophobia’. “Rather than do nothing we’re compelled to turn to them for reassuring comfort. What’s exciting for marketers is that, unlike most of the examples above, this mildly compulsive behaviour might be exploited to encourage purchasing, particularly as digital increasingly blurs the line between shopping and entertainment.” The study also found one in six smartphone owners had used their phone for online shopping in the last fortnight, whether is was for browsing, researching, or buying.

connected devices have changed the shopping process but even how people regard it. Shopping, particularly browsing for aspirational products such as holidays or higher-value items, has become part of the evening’s leisure time for Britons. “As people are becoming more adept at using these devices, they’re hopping between them – a more parallel use than the sequential method we’ve seen in recent years. “However, smartphones are increasingly the entry point into the digital world so advertisers should consider it as the ‘first date’ – enticing people to find out more at a convenient time without coming on too strong in terms of information or call-to-action.”

Four in ten people said they often shop online whilst bored, rising to 58 per cent for 18-30 year olds. Elkington said: “There’s no doubt that

“ with the new.”

Gaming Overdose Dr Mark Griffiths, professor of gambling studies at Nottingham Trent University’s international gaming research unit, has extensively researched addictive behaviour. t’s easy to assume that if someone spends hours on end on the Xbox or PlayStation, it could be an indication that they’re addicted to gaming. In his view, gaming addiction occurs when someone’s behaviour meets the following six criteria:


Gaming becomes the most important activity in a person’s life, and dominates their thinking, feelings and behaviour. Even if the person is not gaming, they will be thinking about the next time they can play

Mood modification

This refers to the subjective experiences someone feels through gaming, eg a buzz, a high or a sense of escape


The amount of game-playing has to be increased, for the person to get that mood-modifying ‘buzz’ or ‘high’

Withdrawal symptoms

These can be unpleasant emotions or physical effects, that are experienced by the person when gameplay is stopped or reduced eg the shakes, moodiness and irritability.


This can take place in the form of conflict between the gamer and the people around them, conflicts with their job, school life, social life or other interests, and conflict within themselves


The tendency for old game-playing patterns to return after a period of abstinence or control




Mobile Devices users (UK) (Percentage Of Population) Percentage of English Language Grades A*-C Achevied By students at Gcse

DeGrading Intelligence Reforms to exams in England have been introduced amid fears that thousands of children currently leave school without being able to compose a sentence, spell difficult words or write a coherent letter or email. Business leaders have repeatedly complained that too many young people enter the workplace lacking basic literacy.

grades at a time when many pupils are allowing mobile phone “text speak” to creep into their written work. “It is an important step because good spelling and grammar is crucial but it may well lower grades a bit, particularly as young people have been so keen to invent their own variations of the language for texts and Tweets,” he said.

Prof Alan Smithers, director of the Centre for Education and Employment Research at Buckingham University, suggested it could lead to a decline in the number of top

Were not saying that mobile device are the main cause of the problem, but is something that should be consdered. Here are some statistics to clear some light.







Social media sharing services are services, which allow its users to generate and share different types of content. Youtube and Vimeo are an example for sharing service for video and audio, Instagram and flicker are the ones for sharing photos and there are many more. However the aim of this paper is not to go in depth into what kind of different sharing service providers, platforms, apps and etc. there are on the market but to discuss about the privacy issues that arise with sharing different kinds of content on these networks. Although the Issues of online privacy has been a problem for the general public for a long time it has started to grow rapidly due to technology, to be more precise in case of sharing services- smart phones that easily enables anyone to make content and share it with just one click of a button. Due to high penetration of smartphones with photo and video creation and sharing opportunities, the amount of personal content available online is has been increasing rapidly in the last years. Posting Content such as picture and video arise new privacy concerns due to their context revealing details about the physical and social context of the subject. The growing amount of online personal content exposes users to a new set of privacy concerns.

Digital cameras, and lately, a new class of camera phone applications that can upload photos or video content directly to the web, make publishing of personal content increasingly easy. Privacy concerns are especially acute in the case of multimedia collections, as they could reveal much of the user’s personal and social environment. Commonly users do not think or are not even aware of the risks when they share something online. Based on Das and Sahoo (2011) survey often the decision about sharing something is “made on the moment�, however in todays networked world, the next day the content you have shared is accessible to parents, teachers, employers, spouse, criminal or a marketing company. Once there is content shared online, it might be very difficult to take it offline again and it will remain there for everybody to see. Video and photo sharing services can pose a great threat especially for teenagers and youngsters, due to their vulnerability. Although This topic a very important and sensitive issue which requires more in-depth discussion, the purpose of this paper is to briefly discuss the privacy concerns regarding social sharing networks and therefore the issue in this paper is not discussed as in depth as the topic in reality would require.

Broken Privacy

On average Britons spend a total of two hours and 12 minutes daily on a connected device, and spend 46 per cent of this time using two or three devices simultaneously. More than half of the 1,350 UK smartphone owners surveyed also said they use their smartphones for day-to-day tasks. This rose to 70 per cent among 18-30 year olds, 52 per cent of whom said their smartphone is a “lifesaver”, according to the FishEye cameras study. Smartphone dependency can lead to a condition called ‘nomophobia’, meaning the fear of being without your mobile. It is also linked to ‘omni-screening’ where users must always be at arms-length from a device. More than half of all users said they prefer to check their smartphone if they have any “downtime” rather than just sit and think, which rose to 62 per cent for 18-30 year olds.

Always Connected

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