Calligraphy Booklet

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about this booklet This booklet was made to show the progress of me as a Designer & Calligrapher from the very beginning in this course, and it also shows the progress of making my name’s logo and all its trials.

content: Starting with calligraphy...............................................................................................5 Kufi style with my frist design....................................................................................7 Moodboard and a descption about my name “Leen�..............................................11 Firts trials without concept.........................................................................................15 First concept & its logo traials....................................................................................17 Second concept & its logo trails................................................................................19 Third concept & its logo trails.....................................................................................21 The final Logo chosen and why.................................................................................23 The final Logo chosen with different background & sizes colors......................25

Starting with Calligraphy

We started practicing the straight horizontal and vertical lines with different width, and the famous arabic dot, so we can control our hands while writing or designing anything later on.


Vertical thick

Vertical narrow Horizantal thick

The dots Horizantal narrow

kufi style in arabic calligraphy “Kufic” refers to the city of Kufa in southern Iraq. Although this style did not necessarily originate in Kufa, the name Kufic is commonly (if mistakenly) applied to the early scripts used to write the Koran. Our assignment was to choose a word and design it in a Kufic style the word I chose was “Ehsan” and it means In Islam the Muslim responsibility to obtain perfection, or excellence, in worship (thats why I picked golden color), such that Muslims try to worship Allah as if they see Him, and although they cannot see Him (due to the belief that Allah is notmade of matter), they undoubtedly believe that He is constantly watching over them,(I made it in continues & reflected from all ways becasue humans who wants to be a “Mohsen” will try from all aspects to satisfy Alla). 7

1st sketch

2nd sketch

Pre-final sketch

Final sketch

The story b

behind Leen

description My name Leen was founded in Scotland as family name in the 5th century, and the meaning of it was “The Flow”

After that the name was distributed all around Europe,

and each country has its own meaning; for example in Greece the name came from the name “Helena” which means the bright, light or torch, also it was founded in England and it means the Lili last but not least in France it means the vine leaves.

When the name reached Asia specifically China

they gave it the meaning of Willow tree. And when “Leen” arrived to the Arab world it has the meaning of the baby palm tree that has no fruit, more over they also gave it a close definition which is tenderness and delicateness. 11

moodboard Chinese willow tree Scottish flow

Scottish “Leen” family logo

Arabian baby palm leaf

Gree bright

English Lili French vine leaf

trilas without concept I’ve been sketching randomly without a concept to see the flow of my mind and hand at the same time,as you can see they are all similar they have the tenderness and flowness. These sketches have been scanned from my sketchbook no changes involved on them.


the sketches

1st sketch

2nd sketch

3rd sketch

the con


first concept Talking about the fist concept I wanted to take the Scottish and English meanings then combine them together in one logo, i’ve done a lot of sketches but after long thinking i’ve chosen the best in my eyes for this concept. So i took the wave shape as if it is an abstract shape of water and the Lili shape for the dots and the opening of a Lili for the name.

The sketches:

What I chose:

the opening of a Lili abstract flow

Lili leaf


second concept Talking about the second concept it all came from the Scottish family “Leen� each family has a family tree and tree is an element of nature and as we noticed all the meanings of my name are nature elements. After thinking about how this concept would work out I smashed up the family tree and the normal tree together, both of them need two element to grow as if the family tree needs parents and the normal tree needs seed and water.


The sketches:

What I chose: The opening of tree representing the love between family members

The trunk of a tree representing the soulmates

The fruit representiong the gain of this family

The roots & seeds representing the trust and the base of a family


third concept Talking about the third concept it came from the greek meaning of my name and the meaning is bright, light or torch as i said before, and “Leen” came from the name “Helena” and she was a greek queen. Imagining the logo or the 3rd concept was a bit hard I wanted to make it like something bright or an abstract torch flames, and thats what I’ve done.


The sketches:

What I chose:

circulation of sunbeam

combined abstract flames curve taken from beam attracted to sun

unity of light or flame


oneabstract sunbeam

the one


Firstly i chose this logo because it is so close to me concept wise,

I have the flow in my personality I get along in any enviroment, more over I’m a Lili loving person, I admire flowers. Secondly the finishing of this logo was the best in my eyes and everyone as well. Finally working on my first concept was exciting it is just like the first love; it can’t be replaced by second or third.

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