10 tips on marketing your property

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10 Tips On Marketing Your Property When marketing your property changing the way you think will help you get the results you want. Think like a traveller, think about what you would want and expect from a holiday rental property. Your guests are just like you and will have similar needs. Think about what you can give and provide, I can assure you, you will be happy with the results.

10 Tips On Successfully Marketing Your Property

Table of Contents 1. Photography


2. Landscape


3. Maintenance


4. Pool Clean And Regular Maintenance


5. Add Staging


6. Good Quality Furniture


7. Facilities


8. Rental Rates


9. Response Time To Enquiries


10. Adequate And Up To Date Information On Your Advertising Sites.




10 Tips On Successfully Marketing Your Property

1. Photography


picture says 1000 words!!! You have 10 seconds or less to grab the attention of anyone who views your advert. Will they be bothered to read? The answer will always be yes if you have good quality high resolution photos. The facts are simple: The better photos you have, the more interested viewers become, and the more likely they’ll make an enquiry. Statistics prove that travellers are 83% more likely to enquire if a property has 20 professional looking pictures. When looking at a holiday brochure or online we are visual beings, we want to see where we are going, what it looks like and what is on offer. We then imagine ourselves there, laying on a lounger by the pool a cold beer in one hand, totally relaxed. Immediately the traveller is forming a connection with your property. Any traveller will want to see what they are going to get for their money. A successful holiday rental advert will include as minimum the following:-

The exterior of your home Living area Dining area Kitchen Master bedroom Each additional bedroom Swimming pool Special facilities and features The view Your garden or outdoor living area Consider the order you will display the photos, help travellers to imagine they are there. Imagine you are giving them a tour of your property. You wouldn’t open the door look at the dining area, go upstairs look at a bedroom then go back to the kitchen, don’t display your photos in such a haphazard way. Arrange the furniture so that it fits the picture, not the room. This means angling it to create a sense of depth and perspective in your shot. This is an industry trick used by professional photographers when they shoot interiors for magazines. For more ideas and help try looking at a quality interior design magazine and try and copy it. Always use a digital camera, if you are taking your own photos. It will make transferring the photos to


your advert easier and will capture the best quality images. You can also take lots of shots, choose the best and then just delete the ones you don’t want. Put the lights on, switch the lamps on and open all the shutters and even the windows. Switch under-unit lights on in the kitchen. This creates warmth and inviting light and shade into the shot. It highlights reflective surfaces and warms the tones of empty rooms. You can increase the light with a photoflood bulb of high wattage and this can be placed out of shot behind the camera or hidden in a dark corner to bounce light off the wall or ceiling. Different types of flash can be used to fill in problem areas but check to see your cameras options and chose the correct one for the shot. The problem with flash is that it can flatten or “bleach” a shot, so natural light is always preferable. The eye expects the image to read from the left to right like a book. So the left side of the shot should be lighter and the right should be darker. If this is impossible then you can always “flip” the photo in your image editing software post production, or a good photographer will do this for you. CYPRUS SUN HOLIDAY RENTALS

10 Tips On Successfully Marketing Your Property

Try and get as much of the room in the picture as possible. A good way of doing this is to stand on a chair or use a step ladder in the corner of a room and shoot from above.  Your photos should be a true replication of the accommodation on offer, so there is a balance to be made between staging and reality. Don’t forget to take photos of the exterior of your holiday home. Potential guests will want to get an idea of the type of home they might be staying in, it will also help them to find your home when they arrive. Put your home on the map by including pictures of the local area in your gallery. What is there to see and so that would appeal to guests? Although guests need somewhere to stay they will not be staying in the property all day every day. You are selling a holiday and all its amenities, if you are near a waterpark or beach make sure you capture this. We are lazy on holiday and want everything within reach and walking distance.

Be selective in your photo choice. Show off the best features of your holiday. Avoid taking photos of your property with people in them. Let potential guests imagine themselves enjoying the privacy of your holiday home instead.

If there is one single investment to make then our advice is to invest in professional photography. Professional will outperform DIY any day. Also Make sure you take photos of your unique selling consider the size, the larger the picture the higher points, such as four-poster beds, open fires, the conversion rate. amazing views, swimming pools and attractive gardens. Always turn the TV off and make sure the sun is behind you when taking photos. Clear up the clutter. Tidy away any knick-knacks and present the property as people would like to find it when they arrive.



10 Tips On Successfully Marketing Your Property

2. Landscape


icture two properties side by side. There’s nothing remarkably different about their architecture or aesthetic -- except for the outdoor space. One outdoor space is well-tended with neat beds of vibrant plants splashed among freshly mown Kentucky bluegrass. The other looks pitifully neglected with yellow, parched grass and scraggly shrubs that conceal the house’s front windows. If you had pick between these two houses solely based on the curb appeal, which would you choose? The one with the nicer landscaping, right? Thoughtful landscaping can improve your occupancy levels

Outdoor areas are often the last to receive design attention, but they shouldn’t be: What surrounds your home is just as important as what is inside it. Whether it’s a manicured front lawn, stone paver pathway or intricate garden design, these spaces benefit from the same attention to detail as any bathroom or kitchen. Well-designed landscaping ideas can complement your home’s architecture and design, and the right plants, flowers and shrubbery can greatly enhance your curb appeal by adding colour, texture and even fragrance to your


outdoor. It is important to consider that although you need the outdoor space to look enticing, it has to be very easy to maintain. Travellers are not going to want to use the garden and pool if the gardener has to attend frequently to keep the outdoor area looking nice, he is going to be in their way and intrude on their privacy. Getting the balance can be tricky, advice from a local garden centre can be very helpful as they will know what is easy to look after and will work well with the climate.


10 Tips On Successfully Marketing Your Property

3. Maintenance


our investment home is likely to be one of the single biggest investments you’ll ever make, be sure you do all you can to care for it. Get hands-on advice from expert to help you make the most of your investment and ensure your home remains safe and comfortable for you and your guests. Invite qualified professionals round for quotations, these are usually free, but you generally get more information than just the price. Your investment home can turn into a nightmare if regular maintenance is not part of your standard routine. You should maintain your home for the same reason that you maintain your car. Without regular maintenance both your car and your home are headed for trouble and costly repairs down the road. Often these costly repairs can be prevented altogether with routine maintenance. Like a car, the value you have worked so hard to establish in your home, can be significantly negatively impacted without regular maintenance. Establishing a regular maintenance programme will enhance your home’s value, safety, and appearance, thus improving occupancy levels. The choice is yours… spend a little to maintain your home annually, or spend a lot more on costly repairs that could have been avoided. A coat of paint on both on the interior and exterior of your home is one of the easiest way to give your home a fresh, well-maintained appearance for little investment. Several factors (such as climate and whether or not you have small children or pets using the property) influence how often you will need to repaint your home’s interior walls, but as a general rule of thumb it should be done every three to five years. Painting the ceiling can also brighten up a room quickly and make it look more attractive. A home’s exterior generally needs to be repainted less often than the interior, perhaps every eight to ten years or so. If you need to paint your home’s exterior paint all the boundary walls and any fences.


Making sure your property is in perfect shape will definitely increase occupancy levels, would you want to spend your precious holiday time and money on a property that is lacking the basics or looking like the picture above? I know I wouldn’t. Unfortunately the reality is a majority of rental properties actually look like the picture above. These lead to complaints, dissatisfied guests, bad reviews and your property is talked about for the wrong reason.


10 Tips On Successfully Marketing Your Property

4. Pool clean and regular maintenance


he vast majority of owners, operators of swimming pools assume that a clear pool is clean and healthy pool. Regular pool cleaning will clear up any dust or debris on the surface or the pool floor but the correct testing procedures often reveal inadequate levels of sanitation leading to recreational water illness (RWI). These RWI, s are spread by swallowing, breathing or even by basic contact with contaminated water.

Water can be contaminated by microscopic organisms such as bacteria, viruses or protozoa. The most commonly reported RWI is diarrhoea caused by pathogens such as Cryptosporidium (Crypto) Novorvirous, Shingella, Escherichia coli and Giardia. The symptoms are wide and varying but most common are diarrhoea, Otitis externa (swimmers ear) conjunctivitis, skin rashes /irritation. All can be prevented by the correct procedures, testing and water balance within any aquatic facility.

It’s not just inside the pool where safety needs to be addressed, but around the poolside with correct information on how the pool should be used, complete with clear instructions of how to deal with accidents that may occur. Simple rules are often the most effective and should be clear for all to see. This along with the correct safety equipment such as lifebelts and retrieval poles will ensure that the risks are kept to a minimum.

The correct maintenance of pool equipment is also related to the pump house and the facility running gear such as pumps, gauges filters etc. These must be checked on a regular basis and kept in good “Safety isn`t expensive, it`s priceless!! working order. A faulty clogged up pump will affect the flow rate of the water and in turn will diminish The safety surrounding aquatic installations is often the effectiveness of the filtration system this will overlooked as the prime concern of owners tends lead to an imbalance in the chemicals used to to be focused on cleaning. The safety element sanitize the pool. cannot and should never be overlooked. Safety should not just be another element Water is a foreign environment, and immersion of pool maintenance, it should be second nature. into this environment is potentially dangerous Remember safety does not happen, accidents for humans. Swimming and other water activities happen due to the lack of safety!!! require entering this environment with a proper understanding of water safety. Many of the chemicals used to maintain a pool or spa facility are classified as toxic and dangerous. Chemical accidents result from having chemicals on the skin, in the eyes, inhaling or swallowing the chemical. Operators should be trained in all aspects of handling the chemicals, administering the correct doses when required and be able to respond when chemical spills or accidents happen.



10 Tips On Successfully Marketing Your Property

5. Add staging


rops can be used to invite guests in, such as a sunhat, book or glossy magazine, sunglasses, wine and glasses, and be sure to lay the tables or place a drinks tray in your shot. Set up your loungers, occasional tables or create a whole scene of dining al fresco.Â

Set your dining table. Use your best china and cutlery, and arrange the tableware as if you were about to serve a lovely meal. This will help potential customers imagine they are there. It’s also a chance to show off the lovely tableware you supply. Use cushions, throws and pillows. Staging your chairs, sofas and beds with these will make your pictures more inviting. Make sure your cushion and pillows are plumped up (even your sofa cushions) and your blankets and throws are ironed.



10 Tips On Successfully Marketing Your Property

6. Good quality furniture


s the owner of an investment property or a vacation home your principle objective is to obtain the highest occupancy level that is possible and receive a solid return on your investment. Many inexperienced owners having spent hundreds of thousands on a great new property then make the decision to furnish for as little as possible. We cannot stress enough that this is a FALSE ECONOMY. By buying cheap furniture you relinquish any form of quality and it will often fail or even fall to pieces within a few months of rental use. Equally important is the fact that the property will not look as good as your competitors home and this can Many travellers choose a private holiday rental have an immediate effect on your occupancy rate over a hotel stay because they enjoy having the comfort and conveniences of home to hand when and your income. they are away. At the very least they will expect As the rental market becomes more competitive, the accommodation to be furnished to the same the way you are going to furnish a rental property standard as their primary home or to a higher will be one of the most important factors to think standard if they are coughing up for a high end about when you decide to rent out your holiday holiday property home. The holiday rental market now demands more than a bog standard property with little or If you are advertising your holiday home as sleeping no entertainment facilities and kitchens have to 6 people, you must provide living room furniture to seat 6, the dining table should seat 6, and there provide more than the mere basics. should be enough sunbeds/patio furniture for It is understandable that many holiday home six people outside. Wardrobe/cupboard space owners may want to cut corners and furnish a rental should also be sufficient for the number of people property as cheaply as possible for fear of wear and occupying the property, with enough hangers and tear and damages. Guests these days want a ‘home drawers. from home’ experience when going on holiday and rental properties should be furnished to reflect this. Remember that over the years your holiday letting is likely to receive hundreds of guests. Try to buy items of furniture that are easy to clean and maintain. Fabrics such as suede get dirty very easily, and are difficult to clean. Delicate items (such as lace tablecloths) which can’t be machine washed will also require more work. Light coloured sofas and rugs look great, but remember they can be stained or damaged more easily.



10 Tips On Successfully Marketing Your Property

Any rental property should also be furnished in a ‘child friendly’ way if your holiday home is to appeal to families. Glass ornaments and breakable accessories should be avoided or kept in a place out of reach of young children, steep stairs should have a low handrail and the swimming pool if you have one should be gated off to avoid accidents. Paying for good quality mattresses and bedding is also important, a lumpy mattress and sleepless nights will not encourage a repeat booking and may even result in your guests requesting a refund. It can be difficult to decide on bedroom furniture when you furnish your holiday home as you want to be as flexible as possible so it can be a good idea for the master bedroom to buy two single beds which can slot together to make a double/king Catering for year round rentals is a must to sized bed. This way you can cater for couples and maximise your income so it doesn’t hurt to provide a few extra necessities for the cooler months such singles alike. as a gas patio heater, indoor heaters, maybe even a Travellers go on holiday to enjoy themselves and couple of hot water bottles. relax. The sitting room should be a place where they feel happy enjoying a drink together at the Always leave a number where guests can order end of the day, watch a film or read their favourite water or gas bottles if necessary. book. It may be tempting to buy wicker furniture, futons or sofa beds rather than proper sofas and armchairs, but they’ll make your guests feel Things that make that all important cramped and uncomfortable. The same goes when difference when furnishing a buying furniture for bedrooms and dining rooms. We recommend spending a night sleeping in each property for rentals: of the beds you provide. If they aren’t comfortable ÂÂ Comfortable beds, good quality enough for you, they’re not good enough for your guests. bedding Again and again travellers complain that they pay high end rental rates for a property that’s marketed as a luxury holiday home, and then arrive to find it’s anything but. If you booked a stay at a five star hotel to find nylon sheets on the bed and flat pack furniture you probably wouldn’t be amused. If you market your property as high end your guests will expect high quality furnishings, linens, appliances and entertainment systems. Similarly if you cater for the middle income family market, there’s no need to put Persian rugs in the children’s bedroom. It really pays to know your customers. It is well worth investing in mosquito nets or flyscreens, especially on bedroom windows, and a torch is a good idea as an emergency for power cuts.


ÂÂ Mosquito nets ÂÂ Microwave, dishwasher, Sat TV and/or DVD player, ÂÂ Well equipped kitchen, ÂÂ Heating, air conditioning, ÂÂ Tea/coffee/toilet roll, bottle of wine and cleaning equipment left in the property for your guests arrival, ÂÂ Good quality electrical items, ÂÂ Above all, cleanliness both within the property and the outside area


10 Tips On Successfully Marketing Your Property

7. Facilities


he more facilities & features you can offer your guests, the more attractive the listing will be. This is most important in areas where there are multiple rental properties – you want to stand out from your competition - and offering added value in additional facilities can often make the difference in the choices a potential rental guest will make. Paying attention to detail means thinking of the type of guests you want to attract, and providing the features that will convince them to choose your property over the competition. This could be a gourmet kitchen; high-end entertainment systems; offering family friendly items or a range of outdoor features.

Kitchen Your guests are away from their familiar home environment and they are on holiday. They don’t want to spend hours learning how to make a microwave work, struggling with minimal or ancient utensils, or ‘making do’ with a variety of mismatched pots, pans & lids. The more convenient and easy your kitchen is to work in, and the better equipped it is, the happier your guests will be. One of the primary reasons for choosing a holiday rental is the self-catering aspect. Guests will expect to find a well equipped kitchen with spotlessly clean appliances in good working order. Take pride in creating a gourmet environment that will delight whoever is nominated to cook.

Appliances ÂÂ Ceramic hob, much easier to keep clean and modern. ÂÂ Fridge, make sure it is rust free and the seals are free from mould. ÂÂ Dishwasher, if you have the space it is always a good idea to supply one, it could be the difference between a booking or them going next door. ÂÂ Coffee maker, choose a quality model with a steel jug if possible to minimise breakages. ÂÂ Toaster, a 4 slice stoater is always better and one that can accommodate different thickness is always a bonus. ÂÂ Kettle, a good quality model is advisable and cordless is better. ÂÂ Microwave, don’t go for anything too complicated if you don’t want calls at 11pm for guests who can’t make their popcorn. ÂÂ Blender, important for making pancakes or margaritas, both of which are an essential holiday enjoyment.



10 Tips On Successfully Marketing Your Property

Buying cheap utensils will not pay in the long run Full size ironing board so here’s a short list of absolute essentials for your kitchen that will not only create happier guests, You might already have an iron, but we also recommend having a full-size ironing board. After they will reduce your own stress. everything gets wrinkled in their suitcases, your travellers will probably appreciate not having to A good set of knives sit on the floor to iron. Travellers spend more time Forget the cheap knife blocks that look so nice getting ready for a night out on holiday therefore when they come out of the box. They may be creased free clothes is essential. sharp for the first few times of use, but will blunt extremely quickly. Spend a little more on a couple Starter pack of tea, coffee, of very good knives and your guests will love you water and juice for it. This is especially helpful if you live in a market where Can opener many of your travellers arrive at night. You don’t have to provide coffee/tea for their entire stay but one that works and is easy to operate. usually the first thing we want when arriving at our destination is a refreshing drink.

Cheese grater

Nothing fancy is required, just a rust-free metal grater will be fine. One that incorporates a fine grind grater is even better.


Oven gloves The last thing you want is to have one of your guests get burned. Keep oven gloves near the oven or cooking equipment. You provide an oven and expect people to use it, therefore provide the facilities to remove items safely.

We live in a world where we are now internet dependant for work and pleasure. By Salt and pepper providing internet access means that travellers will feel relaxed knowing Providing an array of spices is helpful for the renters they have everything to hand. We live in a world who plan to cook, but at the very least, be sure to where we expect the internet just as much as we leave some salt and pepper in the cupboard. expect to find a bed. This could be the major factor Pillow protectors and in increasing occupancy levels and generating bookings. mattress pads

A hair dryer

These items will help your pillows and mattresses last longer and will add to the appearance of Many travellers can’t fit a hairdryer in their suitcase cleanliness at your home. or would prefer to use their weight allowance on another pair of shoes. Hotels provide hairdryers Towels and bed linen and it is an assumption that rental properties provide them too. Provide a quality one with Even the most basic holiday rental should provide a bath towel and varying attachments. hand towel, for every guest they sleep. Make sure there’s a change Toilet paper of bed linen for every bed, in case Imagine getting into the property the sheets need to be changed. If from a long journey, you have it gets cold some extra blankets been busting for the toilet on the would also be much appreciated. journey from the airport, imagine your horror when you reach for the toilet paper and find out its empty. CYPRUS SUN HOLIDAY RENTALS


10 Tips On Successfully Marketing Your Property

Bin liners in rubbish bins

A guestbook

Keeping rubbish bags in all of your dustbins just appears cleaner. And you wouldn’t want raw household waste going directly into your bins? Don’t forget the small WC dustbins, too.

A guest book will encourage renters to leave a review. Those reviews might include tips for area activities or restaurants that future guests will certainly appreciate.


A customer’s review carries a lot of weight, 49% of traveller’s wont book a property without reviews, and a massive 72% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations. These will help you get further enquires. Why not submit a positive comment left by a previous guest, and submit it as a guest book comment?

In case of sickness or allergies don’t make your guests use toilet paper every time they need to blow their noses.

Mirrors and a full-length mirror Provide an ample amount of mirrors, if you have a property that can accommodate 6 guests chances are 3 are going to be female who spend hours in front of them. A simple full-length mirror is inexpensive and can be hung on the back of the bedroom doors or wall.

A deck of cards Keep your guests entertained during the evenings and rainy days. A variety of games is optimal, but you can’t go wrong with a simple deck of cards.


Emergency supplies You should always be prepared for the worst with, torches and a first-aid kit, especially if you’re located in an area prone to utility cuts. It is important to view your property from a guest’s perspective. Unless you actually stay in your holiday home periodically, you may not realise these things are even missing. It’s important to equip your rental property adequately for your guests


10 Tips On Successfully Marketing Your Property

8. Rental rates Set lower rates when you start and be prepared to adjust them

should be the same for your rental property. When setting rates in the summer or winter adjust the rates accordingly to factor in the electricity.

Know what the competition is charging

Getting started is a challenge and you’ll have no reviews that provide non-biased information to help people see what your property is like. Therefore lower rates can attract your first few guests more easily. In addition you should consider other factors such as high and low season adjustments. If times are tough you might also think about reducing rates to entice more potential guests to book.

This will help you gauge the right price to charge for your holiday rental property. You can lower your prices to be more competitive but don’t overdo it as it may produce the wrong effect. Holiday lets that are too cheap can be as off putting as ones that are too expensive.

Consider discounted rates for longer rentals

Know your key selling points

Sometimes a guest may require a longer stay – a month or two – in your property. Offering a discount in this situation is ideal as it books up your property for longer. You also don’t have to find several week long bookings to cover the same period.

Offer shorter cheaper breaks as well Your standard stay is likely to be a week, however you should also consider offering midweek breaks as well as long weekends – remember some people don’t have the time to be able to go away for an entire week! Just be sure to factor in any additional cleaning costs if necessary.

Offer an all-in charge Things can get complicated for you, and frustrating for your potential guests if you have a flat fee for renting your holiday let, and then have a list of add-ons. With an all-inclusive price you can make life, and the booking process, much easier for your guests. If a traveller is booking a property they don’t want to be stressed with the hassle of figuring out the electricity consumption and can they use the air-conditioning, or if the pool and property going to be cleaned. If booking a hotel room you make the assumption that it will be clean with fresh sheets and towels, you can use the pool included in the price, along with the heating or cooling. This CYPRUS SUN HOLIDAY RENTALS

Your key selling points can help you attract more bookings. Once you have researched the competition and set your prices, you can show your potential guests how your property differs from (and is better than) your competition. This should help you bring in more bookings.

Keep things simple There will be reasons to set different prices, such as high and low season and longer and shorter stays. However when you set the prices make sure you keep things as straightforward as you can. The more complex it is the harder it is to understand it. If people get frustrated trying to work out the cost of a week’s stay they will be more likely to go elsewhere.

Make sure people can book in advance While some people love booking last minute holidays, others book into a holiday rental months in advance. Make sure you have rates in place for at least the next year, ideally 18 months. This will make life easier for those planning ahead Be prepared to be flexible with your rates and changeover dates to appeal to a wider variety of travellers.


10 Tips On Successfully Marketing Your Property

9. Response time to enquiries


n order to convert a tentative enquiry into a definite booking for your holiday home, you need to be quick off the mark. Respond to your enquiries as quickly as possible and not only will you come across as being professional, but your availability calendar should also start to fill up. Each enquirer is a potential guest, so be sure to treat them as such. Think about your own expectations as a holidaymaker and respond to them as you would expect to be replied to Try and respond to all enquiries within 5 minutes of receiving them. A prompt turnaround will create a good impression and lets people know that their enquiry has been seen. Since many holidaymakers enquire about various properties, the sooner you respond, the better. Also, in this world of instant online transactions, people have come to expect speedy service. Respond to holidaymakers even if you can’t accommodate them for the dates requested. People want acknowledgment that their enquiry has been received and need to know whether they need to continue looking. Rather than simply saying you can’t help, you could suggest other dates that are available, in case there is a degree of flexibility in their plans. When a traveller sees a holiday letting they like the look of they make an enquiry to show their interest. Most enquiries are serious. Once you receive an enquiry it’s up to you the holiday home owner to covert this into a booking. If you find you get lots of enquiries but far fewer bookings, the following tips might help.

Check your emails regularly

Phone calls are a must

In these days of technology and impersonal we live in a world where we want things immediately contact, making a phone call can make and technology allows us to do so. Make sure you the world of difference. Potential check your emails at least four to six times a day, or guests have already formed a link it to your phone so you are aware immediately. connection with your property, Too many owners miss out on opportunities by letting them form a connection because they don’t check their emails regularly with you via a call to answer all their enough. Be sure to respond to emails immediately. questions will result in having a higher rate of converting enquiries into booking. Reply to enquiries A call is just as important as your website.


This is the most important factor in turning an enquiry into a booking. Research shows that owners who respond within minutes of receiving an enquiry are 50% more likely to secure the booking. Some travellers may make several property enquiries, chances are the first owner to establish contact will be the most successful.


Always return a call If you miss a call from a potential guest you should always call them back at your earliest convenience. Don’t let this great opportunity go to someone else!


10 Tips On Successfully Marketing Your Property

Follow up any correspondence

Introduce yourself.

Your correspondence should be consistent with your website and ads, maintaining a cheerful tone It’s acceptable to give an enquirer a polite follow and image. Introduce yourself, include a signature up call if they haven’t got back to you in a few days. in your emails and always add a link to your website. True, they might have decided on another property, You’ll want to make reference to the initial inquiry or they might be torn between your holiday rental by responding to it directly creating a thread, the and another. A friendly chat with you could remind prospective guest has probably sent out various them why your property is great and close your inquiries and may not be sure which property is deal. yours. Be personal, guests are looking to connect you so don’t sound like a disinterested hotel And most importantly … with assistant. Always remember that renting a holiday home is Tell stories. a very personal decision for the most travellers. It is important that they feel comfortable with you, How did you enter the vacation rental business? especially as they are unlikely to have seen the Why this particular house? What do you like about property in person. Remember, as wonderful as this neighbourhood? What do you love about your your home may be, it won’t be right for everyone, home? What are your favourite things to do – what so there’s no point being pushy. Always be polite, activities are nearby? What’s the history of the honest and sincere, and the right guests will know place? Tell them stories in which the underlying they’ve struck gold. message is: This lovely home is right for you! Guests will appreciate it.

Prepare responses in advance.

Many homeowners have an automated email go out when you first inquire, i.e. the ‘auto-responder’ that states that the homeowner will follow-up with the inquiry. This is a good idea, but is often done sloppily. Test it out so that it looks and reads the way you want it to. When you do respond yourself, it’s best if you have many answers already prepared. Canned responses, which you can conveniently use to respond to frequently asked questions, will be useful here. After a while you will click a canned message countless times, and this will save you time and labour (instead of repeatedly writing out the same answers again and again, long-form). You will have to do this even if the information is printed on your website because guests often will not read that and will prefer to ask you directly. Canned messages are useful, but don’t rely on them too much else you may get complacent and not answer the heart of guests questions. More often than not, guests just want to engage you.


Tell guests a secret. Surprise them with an amenity not mentioned on your site. Let them know something interesting about your home, the area, and the people. Include a discount or some perk that you want to entice them with.

Give a clear call to action. Messages must have calls to action so that the recipient is clear on what is expected from them and business can move forward. It is no different from your business. At the end of your emails, state what it is you’d like to see happen. For example, “If you’d like to book the available week, you can do so directly from my website at ……………..


10 Tips On Successfully Marketing Your Property

10. Adequate and up to date information on your advertising sites.


ave you spent hours searching the internet for something you want to buy? Finally after all that hard work and endless hours you are excited and find what you want at the price you are happy to pay. Upon further enquiry or purchase you get told sorry it’s not available anymore, I will have to get back to you, or the price has changed. How frustrated do you feel? The more up-to-date information you can provide, along with the ease of booking, the more likely you are to get bookings. It is estimated that 40% of calendars on property websites are not up to date. One of the reasons for this is that many owners simply forget. The consequences of this can be disastrous, double bookings and not informing the property manager to have the property ready. Would you want to hand over your money and trust your precious getaway time to someone who is disorganised? A popular myth from owners is that, if they leave the calendar blank they will get more enquiries, they can then convince the traveller to change their dates to suit the actual availability of the property thus filling up weeks. When booking a holiday or a getaway you have time limitations such as, work, family and social commitments, these are factors in why you make the choice of dates and sometimes there is no flexibility here. A full calendar helps travellers feel assured that you are offering a great holiday home, if others are going and booking it must be good, right? An empty or sparse calendar leaves travellers to assume that there is something wrong with your property. With the technology at our fingertips we are used to, and expect a quick, convenient and hassle free service. It takes less than 2 minutes to book and pay for a flight with an airline, your property needs to be able to provide the same service. Long gone are the days of sending numerous emails to clarify all is as described. Time is precious once spent we never get it back, travellers who can see all the information immediately are more likely to book. This guide has been written to help provide tips and information on the successful marketing of your rental property, thus increasing your occupancy levels. Should you need any further help or advice please feel free to contact a member of our team who will be willing to help.

info@cyprussunholidayrentals.com bookings@cyprussunholidayrentals.com



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