The Country Editor North 5.1.13

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May 1, 2013

Countryy Editor Just good reading

Fish Tales ~ Page 2

Illinois woman quilts for scholarships

Volume 1 Number 3

North A ruff reunion ~ Page 2

~ Page 4

Takee a hike Hiking to Jake’s Pond by Jamie Aloi The Friday started out like most, campers from the week leaving to go home and the staff of Oswegatchie Educational Center was planning something fun to do for the weekend. This particular weekend 10 of us decided to hike to Jake’s Pond, a roughly 4 mile hike near Croghan, NY that none of us had ever done. We also decided to stay the night at the leanto said to be near the pond. We started out late because two of us had to work a group that afternoon so it was already after 4 pm when we started our journey. The first mile or so we had all done countless of times, it lead to Trout Falls which is where we take campers and swim on the weekends. The rest was a mystery to us. We came across two bridges crossing edges of ponds where the river flowed on. As we were trekking further

Settling the dust



by Dee Ann Littlefield, USDANRCS “You couldn’t see. You couldn’t breathe. You couldn’t go outside for days,” remembers

Eugene Littlefield. “It was awful.” Littlefield is referring to the giant black clouds of soil that would blot out the sun and swallow the countryside. Born in Wayside, TX in 1934, Littlefield was welcomed into the world by the Dust Bowl — an era in the 1930s when the most massive, brutal dust storms ever known to our nation repeatedly ravaged the Panhandle and Great Plains regions. Littlefield was the only child of parents that raised cattle, wheat and sorghum on their farm 20 miles east of Happy, in the now-extinct community of Wayside. “We could see those storms coming over the horizon,” he said. “The dirt would blow in your face and hit your skin so hard it hurt. Dad would get our animals in the best shelter he could, while my mom started packing the windows with rolled wet towels and hung sheets to try to keep dirt out. “It still didn’t work,” he said, shaking his head at the fury and intensity of the storms. “Fine sand would get in our food no matter how well we

Know of a great hiking spot? Tell us about it and we’ll pay you $25 plus $5 per photo for every story we print. Send stories and photos to the trail became less and less traveled and in spots more muddy. We eventually hit a ‘road’ block. We had to figure out a way to cross a river that wasn’t shallow enough for all of us to wade across. Luckily there was a beaver dam that we used our training in teamwork and treated it as a low ropes element (a teambuilding game or element where the group has a task to complete). The dam wasn’t super steady and we had our clunky bags on our backs but we all made it across without any major losses. After the river there were a few more spots where we had to devise a plan on how we were going to get past them. We had been walking a while and thought that we should be at the pond soon but it was getting dark out and we knew we had to make a camp soon and that’s when we came across a fork in the trail. Not knowing which way to go and knowing we had a short time before it was dark we decided to set up camp

While crossing the beaver dam they used their training in teamwork and treated it as a low ropes element. Photos by Jamie Aloi protected it. It would get ing to use a bucket for the behind the wallpaper in our bathroom because they couldhouse. Our white sheets on the n’t go outside to the outhouse. bed would turn brown. His dad had a rope tied from “Mother would light kerosene the house to the barn so if lamps and you could barely see there was even the slightest them for the brown haze reprieve in the raging storm he around them,” he adds. could go check on the animals. He recounts his family hav- Littlefield says no matter how

See Hiking page 3 hard you tried to protect your equipment or vehicles, the fine sand would penetrate the carburetors and wind up in fuel lines, rendering equipment inoperable until it could be repaired.

See Settling page 4

A dust storm rolling across the Littlefield Farm in Swisher County, Texas in 1935. Photo taken at intersection of FM 1075 and 2301.

May 1, 2013 • THE COUNTRY EDITOR NORTH • Page 2

Fish tales by Joe Parzych Back in the days when dinosaurs roamed the earth, I fished the Connecticut River in Gill. We crossed a tributary at the Connecticut River’s edge on a log over the stream. While fishing, I lost a fishhook on a snag and returned to my bicycle to get another fishhook. On my way back, I spotted an enormous fish in the tributary. It looked like a giant pickerel lying in wait, with its head just a few feet from where the log lay. It was at least four feet long. I’d just had an experience with a pickerel in the brook running by our farm when I’d swished a baited hook through the water. A bull frog sprang from the

stream bank to clamp onto the bait. Almost simultaneously, a pickerel leaped out of the water to grab the frog creating a ferocious explosion of water. I hauled the frog out of the water with the pickerel attached, but before I landed them, the pickerel bit the frog in two and swam off with half the frog in its mouth. Now, here I was faced with a giant pickerel that could easily bite me in two. I tiptoed over the log, ever so gingerly, so as to not end up like the bull frog. Once past the peril of the giant fish, I couldn’t wait to tell my friends. But, then, I hesitated, because if the fish left by the time we headed back home, they’d think I was just telling a fish tail, because I couldn’t stretch my arms wide enough to show how long that fish was. They would just have to see it with their own eyes. I kept quiet, but to my great disappointment, the enormous fish was gone when we headed home. I never told this fish tale to them, or anyone else, in all these years, even though I’d learned a few years after the sighting that fish of that size, sturgeon, inhabit the Connecticut River. This recipe is not for baking sturgeon. I understand that they are very bony and probably not that great eating. Plus, you would need your entire collection of aluminum pie plates to even begin baking or frying one of those monsters.

Photo courtesy of Robert Michelson

Crummy Baked Fish 1 Fish (essential ingredient) 1 cup of crumbled Ritz crackers 1/2 cup of crumbled low fat potato chips Tartar sauce Spread a layer of cracker crumbs on pie plate. Rinse fish and pat dry with paper towel. Slather the fish all over with tartar sauce Lay slathered fish on cracker crumbs. If too long; cut it to fit. Sprinkle potato chips crumbs on top of fish. Bake until the fish flakes nicely. Incidentally, sturgeons are a primitive fish that lives up to 100 years old. They have bony armor instead of scales and can reach a length of 12 to 14 ft in length, so the sturgeon I saw was probably just a baby. Still, that would take a lot of tartar sauce.

Illinois woman quilts for scholarships by Becky Malkovich, (Carbondale) Southern Illinoisan HERRIN, IL (AP) — A Herrin woman found a unique way to honor the people who helped her on her journey back from a near-fatal car accident and to make sure that help is there for those who need it in the future. A little more than four years ago, Carla Shasteen was in a coma after a car crash left her on a ventilator and suffering from severe head trauma, broken

It’s shearing time!

bones and the effects of three strokes. Nearly two weeks after the crash, doctors gave her little chance of survival but her family asked for 30 more days. “I woke up on day 27,” Shasteen said. “I couldn’t walk, talk or even think for myself.” She was able to relearn those skills at the Acute Rehabilitation Center at Herrin Hospital. “These people were amazing. I couldn’t walk but they taught me to put one foot in front of another: heel, toe, right foot, left foot,” she said. “If not for them and what they do on a daily basis, I don’t know where I’d be. I can’t thank them enough.” But she wanted to try. She established the Carla Shasteen Scholarship Fund for Herrin high school seniors who plan to pursue careers in physical, occupational or speech therapies or rehabilitation nursing. To raise money for the fund, Shasteen and her mother, Dolores “Dee” Arnsmeyer, raffled off quilts they hand made together. “There were times when I didn’t think she would come home again. I never imagined she

would be quilting again,” Arnsmeyer said. “That girl amazed me. She’s made a great comeback.” Dr. Terence Glennon, a physiatrist at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago at Herrin Hospital, drew the winner of this year’s quilt during a special ceremony at Herrin Hospital last week. Shasteen, he said after plucking the name of winner Helen Lind of Johnston City from a basket, is an example of “Why people in rehab medicine do what we do. This is what does my heart good. From the beginning point to the person you see before you now, I can see why people use the word ‘miracle.’” The fund provided two $1,000 scholarships last year and will provide another two this year. “I will need therapy for the rest of my life and with these scholarships, I may be helping train my next therapists,” she said.


Gwen Hinman of New Hampshire is on the road shearing at many different farms throughout the Northeast. Gwen has been shearing sheep for over 13 years. Imagine the number of sheep she has sheared! Photo by Joan Kark-Wren

This week’s Whatchamacallit is a calf weaner. Ranchers slip the two protruding joints into the calf’s nostrils, covering the animal’s mouth so it won’t nurse. Since no two calves are exactly thesame size, the nose piece and flaps will need to be slightly bent and adjusted on each animal — it’s not quite one-size-fits-all. Though the one pictured here is an antique, this method is still used by some ranchers. Modern versions of this device come in both plastic and metal. Often, ranchers will opt for other means of weaning calves from their mother’s milk. It is less strenuous on all parties to simply separate calves in a different pen to prevent them from nursing. If the cows are free range, however, that may not be a viable option. Also, calves penned together may instinctively attempt to nurse on each other, making a calf weaning mouthpiece still necessary. Some ranchers also practice “natural” weaning, choosing to not influence the nursing process at all. This isnot possible if the ranch is a dairy

production, as the cow’s milk needs to be extracted for sale, not nursing. Some beef ranches also steer away from natural weaning, as nursing too long can be difficult on the cow — especially if she is pregnant again and her body needs rest between calves. ~~~ Have your own Whatchamacallit? Send a picture and description to Visit our Facebook page each week to see if you can figure out what the upcoming Whatchamacallit is!

Jamie Carpenter and his dog Ginger were reunited after 10 years.

and the owner was forced to make the decision many dread — having the animal put to sleep to end its suffering. “When I had to make that decision, I thought I would never get a dog again,” Carpentier said. “It’s the hardest thing in the world to lose your best friend and I had lost two of them in just a matter of years. So I wasn’t about to open myself up to another dog that I knew wouldn’t be here forever.” Despite his efforts to guard his heart from yet another loss, Carpentier found himself missing having a pooch pal around to pet and play with. And when he fell and injured his back during an ice fishing excursion several weeks later, his desire to adopt another dog intensified even more. “I was lying around recovering and happened to log on to our local Humane Society’s website; just to look,” he said. “I wasn’t planning on getting a dog yet, but when I saw an article about a basset hound named ‘Ginger’ who was up for adoption, I couldn’t believe it. The dog was around 13 years old and the colors and markings mentioned in the article sounded just like the basset hound I had owned many years before.” There was no photo with the article, so Carpentier called the Nashua Humane Society and asked for images. The staff

responded with a host of pictures, each one showing the unique markings that matched the photographs Carpentier had of Ginger as a puppy. Amazingly, they were a match. More than a decade after they were separated, Ginger and her master were about to be reunited. “My father drove Ginger is happy to be back home with Jamie. me to the Humane Photod courtesy of Jamie Carpenter Society and as soon as Ginger heard my older and weren’t able to take her for voice, she got up, trotted over, sniffed walks, so she had packed on the me and then licked me on the cheek,” pounds,” he said. “The Humane Society said Carpentier. “She remembered me managed to get some of her weight off, after all those years. And, she remem- but I have her on diet dog food and she bered my dad too.” runs around and plays a lot, both of Shortly after the Nashua native and which are helping her to get back to a his basset buddy came together, healthier size.” Carpentier decided that this time, it According to Carpentier, Ginger has would be forever. He adopted Ginger and the energy of a young pup. While some today, the two pass the time cuddling, of the rambunctiousness is due to her playing and making up for lost time. renewed physique, some of the spring in They are also hard at work on Ginger’s her step is undoubtedly due to being figure, joked Carpentier. back with her best buddy once again. “The last people to own Ginger were

Settling fromPage 1 on their Swisher County farm, the Littlefields struggled along with so many, just desperate to survive. During this time there was one man that was strongly convinced he had a plan to keep so much of America’s top soil from blowing away. In 1928, while working for the U.S. Department of Agriculture as a chemist with the Bureau of Soils, Hugh Hammond Bennett wrote about the ongoing soil erosion issue in a government report. “To visualize the full enormity of land impairment and devastation brought about by this ruthless agent is beyond the possibility of the mind. An era of land wreckage destined to weigh heavily upon the welfare of the next generation is at hand,” he wrote. Through his experience with soil surveys, Bennett realized the effects of soil erosion and the negative impacts it had on agriculture. His persistent admonition about the devastation of farmland that was occurring across the nation’s landscape led Congress to establish the USDA’s Soil Conservation Service (SCS), now known as Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). The establishment of the SCS marked the beginning of federal funding and Eugene Littlefield and his dog standing behind the horses that natural resource plowed the wheat and sorghum fields on their Swisher County education to Farm. landowners, espePhoto courtesy of Littlefield Family Album. Photo taken in 1939. cially farmers. States

“I remember coming outside after the storms and you couldn’t find things,” he says.”You could see, but you still felt disoriented because the landscape would look so different. Tumble weeds would blow against the fences and get trapped, then the dirt would just pile up in them to the point it would bury the fence so deep in dirt you couldn’t see it. Entire plows could get buried and only the levers would be visible.” The plowing up of native grasslands across the Great Plains left vast stretches of soil exposed to drought and wind. The 1930s mark a decade of the worst drought in U.S. history. Planted seeds would shrivel and die in the ground before they could ever sprout. With no plants to trap the soil or moisture, the parched dirt turned to powder that was easily carried

away by wind. This loss of land and crops only further deepened the effects of the Great Depression, to the point that by 1933 more than 11,000 of the nation’s 25,000 banks had failed and unemployment was at a record high 25 percent. The Dust Bowl affected 100,000,000 acres, centered on the panhandles of Texas and Oklahoma, and adjacent parts of New Mexico, Colorado, and Kansas. In December 1935, experts estimated that 850 million tons of topsoil had been blown off the Plains that year alone. The drought would linger four more years until rain finally brought relief in the fall of 1941. Hard work preparing the land and planting the crops, was met with years and years of crop failure. With no crops to harvest and no grass for livestock to eat

Road is covered with sand and car is stalled out from dust storm that passed through. Tumbleweeds are piled up against the fences. Photos courtesy of the NRCS established state soil conservation agencies and procedures whereby local Soil and Water Conservation Districts (SWCDs) could be formed in counties across the U.S. SCS assistance was delivered at the direction of the local SWCD board, made up of five landowners from across the county. The agency employees would hold workshops and in some cases go door-to-door to educate farmers on soil conservation and anti-erosion techniques, including crop rotation, strip farming, contour plowing, terracing and other beneficial farming practices. The agency provided financial incentives to help farmers offset the costs of adopt-

ing some of these practices. “Seeing what I saw growing up as a boy on our farm, I have witnessed the positive effects over 70 years of conservation efforts have had on our land,” Littlefield says. “I am now proud to say I am a landowner that is making a difference for the environment, and in the process, I hope to be able to help the prairie chicken populations.” Bennett, known as the Father of Conservation, perhaps said it best: “Farmers have only temporary control over their land. It can be theirs for a lifetime and no longer. The public’s interest, however, goes on and on, endlessly, if nations are to endure....”

Page 3 • THE COUNTRY EDITOR NORTH • May 1, 2013

A ruff reunion

by Kelly Gates Ten years ago, a Nashua, NH, man named Jamie Carpentier parted ways with his beloved basset hound Ginger when he and his wife divorced and she chose to take the dog with her. Carpentier was saddened by the loss, but he eventually got another pet, a white boxer, who he loved and tended to for many years. Then, on Christmas Eve 2012, an ongoing illness overtook the poor pup

May 1, 2013 • THE COUNTRY EDITOR NORTH • Page 4

Hello Again,

May 1, 2013

The New Health Program Bringing Bankruptcy Let’s turn the economic clock back to January 24, 1971 and read what the highly respected national weekly newspaper had to say. The Grit, with a paid weekly subscription base of 1,331,489 copies, published the following on its front page. Headline: States Facing Money Problems as Rolls Jump. An antiquated welfare system whose phenomenal growth in the last few years is virtually threatening many states with bankruptcy is the first order of business. President Nixon summed up the problem when he declared: “What began on a small scale in the depression thirties has become a monster… It is bringing states and cities to the brink of financial disaster… It is failing to meet the elementary human, social, and financial needs of the poor. It breaks up homes. It often penalizes work. It robs recipients of dignity. And it grows.” Why are we chatting about the welfare problem of 1971? It is even worse today — in 2013. And it points to a new problem, which totally dwarfs the 1971 problem and even the 2013 welfare problem. Think on this: New York State’s largest budget item is welfare. Individual tax payers and companies pay more of their hard-earned dollars to foot (support) welfare than any other cause. I read that if you add New York and California’s welfare costs, it is more than all the remaining states combined. To paraphrase what President Nixon said in 1971, “Welfare started on a relatively small scale during the depression and grew into a monster threatening states with bankruptcy.” We ask, if welfare started in a minimal way and could have brought states into financial disaster, what do you think will happen with this new Obama healthcare program which in one way or another, 100 percent of all U.S. citizens and possibly a few million more non-citizens will be involved? Sometimes I wonder if the news industry shouldn’t change their nomenclature from daily newspaper, monthly news magazine, and even TV channel news, etc. to: “Swap Sheet: Swap the truth for opinionated, exaggerated lies.” For example: when a news writer is faced with a report of any kind, twist the meaning of the report to mean something totally different but do it in such a fashion as to lead readers into believing something which is not the whole truth — not a total lie — but far from the truth. In this morning’s daily newspaper, an Associated Press columnist wrote: The richest Americans got richer during the first two years of the economic recovery while average net worth declined for the other 93 percent of U.S. households.

The trail started out dry, but as we got further in it became muddy and less traveled. Hiking from Page 1 right there at the fork. We built a fire and all of us dried— some melted— our socks and shoes. We had a rowdy night of hanging out around the fire and talking. Eventually morning came and we all got up and to our surprise we were right next to a pond, which we later found out was Jake’s Pond. Our hike out was just as crazy as our hike in. We all have awesome stories to tell. I would do this hike again in a heartbeat, even the sleeping in the middle of the trail and trekking across the beaver dam. It’s not about the journey you take, but who you take the journey with that matters. Jamie Aloi grew up in Baldwinsville, NY. She attended camp for 6 years at the Oswegatchie Education Center and then worked there for 5 years. She received her Bachelor's degree in Animal Science from the University of Vermont. Jamie is currently doing an internship in the Horse Barn at Green Chimneys, a school for children with social and mental disabilities.

The meaning of this column could easily be interpreted to be 7 percent of the richer Americans got richer on the backs of the other 93 percent of households. The real truth is, due to the crash in the real estate market and losing millions of jobs to countries such as Mexico and China, near disaster came about to the so-called 93 percent. If a house which had been purchased for $250,000 a few years earlier is now worth $150,000 and if a machinist working in a factory in the United States lost his job to China, what in heavens name has that got to do with the rich people? If the federal and state government leaders along with millions of stock holders had stepped on the toes of corporation presidents and forced them to not dump our country in favor of China and all of those other offshore manufacturers, we would not be in trouble today. What would you do if you were the president of a huge American corporation and you found out that the president of your country is trying his best to grab control of companies such as yours by growing the federal government and introducing new regulation after new regulation? Is it not possible that you would move most of your company’s factories out of this country? The hiking crew gets ready for a 4-mile hike to Jake’s Pond. That way you would not have your company strangled by regulations and have to bow down to the all-powerful U.S. based unions.

Huge elephant bird egg gets $101,813 at UK auction

The sad part is, that is exactly what a large percentage of U.S. companies did. They moved their manufacLONDON (AP) _ A massive, partly fossilized egg laid by a turing facilities and in the process, dumped their employees. If this causes our country to fail, and it could, now-extinct elephant bird has sold for more than double its who will they blame? They certainly will not blame themselves. estimate at a London auction. At least a part of this chatter has been about twisting the truth. Now — how about another twist and I’ll fill Christie's auction house said Wednesday that the foot-long, you full of blarney. Naturally, Irish blarney is the gospel truth, according to the Irish. nearly nine-inches in diameter egg fetched 66,675 pounds ($101,813). It had been valued at 20,000 to 30,000 pounds When I was a teenager, I bought a retriever Irish wolfhound puppy. Every afternoon I worked with “Cooky” pre-sale, and was sold to an anonymous buyer over the teleteaching him how to retrieve a two-foot long stick. He quickly learned how to retrieve even from across the phone after about 10 minutes of competitive bidding. Cherry Valley Creek. One day he was in a big hurry and ran across the top of the water. He did not sink or Elephant birds were wiped out several hundred years ago. swim. I couldn’t wait to show how smart he was to my neighbors so I asked a small group The oversized ovum, laid on the island of Madagascar, is to meet me and Cooky down by the creek. I tossed the stick out over the water and told believed to date back before the 17th century. the dog to fetch. With that, he ran across the top of the water and Flightless, fruit-gobbling elephant birds resembled giant retrieved the stick. ostriches and could grow to be 11 feet high (3.4 meters). I overheard one of my neighbors say, “He’s not so smart. He doesn’t Christie's says their eggs are 100 times the size of an average even know how to swim.” If you believe half of what you either read or chicken's. hear on TV you shouldn’t have any trouble believing about Cooky. You know the famous expression: “Go ahead, make my day.” A few days ago while driving the little red Spyder bike, an Amish grandfather driving with his horse and buggy made my day. As I was driving towards his buggy, I noticed he was waving with both hands. Now that man made me old Irish heart take an extra smile. My good friend, I hope you saw me waving back. Keep on waving with both hands and I’ll wave back. Our society has reached the stage where belief in God, country, and friends is passé. All I can say to that is I promise to continue to love our heavenly Father, this country, and my friends and family. Life would not be life if any of these were missing. Keep smiling, praying, show you’re a Christian believer and an American. Fred Lee and Family

Photo provided by

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Sapling from Anne Frank's tree planted in Indianpolis

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315-866-5800 Household & Garage Auction

35 South Columbia Street, Mohawk, NY

Sat., May 11, 2013 10:00 AM A lifetime of collections of Al Gauthier will sell including: dressers with mirrors, brass bed, single and double beds, old trunks, cedar chest, 5 leaf dining room table, washer & dryer, stove, refrigerator, corner china closet, sewing stuff, rocking chairs, Roy Rogers lunch box, Rowe AM1 jukebox, crocks, cast iron figures, old phone, old toys, Remington banks, old song books, Adirondack chairs, tool cabinet, bucksaws, water yoke, 100# nails, 40’ ext ladder, 34’ ext ladder, old license plates, fire trucks, anvil, vice, Yardman rider, milk bottles, bicycles, 10” tablesaw, radial arm saw, router, old car radios, roof jacks and more. TERMS: cash or good check

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INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — A sapling grown from the chestnut tree that was a symbol of hope for Anne Frank as she hid from the Nazis in Amsterdam has been planted at the Children’s Museum of Indianapolis. The Indianapolis Star r e p o r t s ( ) the leafy sapling planted Sunday is one of 11 grown from the tree’s seeds that were sent to the United States for planting. Anne Frank could only see the tree from an attic window in the Amsterdam home where her family hid from the Nazis. But she wrote about it repeatedly during the 25 months she remained indoors until her family was arrested in August 1944. The diary she kept during that period became world-famous after it was published in 1947, two years after she died in a Nazi concentration camp.



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SUVS,TRUCKS, VANS 2000 2000 1999 1999 1998 1997 1997 1996

BLAZER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DODGE CUSTOM VAN . . . . . . . . . JEEP CHEROKEE 4X4, AUTOMATIC HONDA CR-V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CHEVY S-10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CHEVY S-10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F-250 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CHEROKEE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2010 2006 2005 2005 2005 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002

HYUNDAI . . . . . . . . . . FORD TAURUS . . . . . . . HYUNDAI . . . . . . . . . . AMANTI . . . . . . . . . . . FORD 500 . . . . . . . . . . KIA RIO . . . . . . . . . . . MALIBU (WHITE) . . . . . INTREPID . . . . . . . . . . . SUZUKI . . . . . . . . . . . . SABLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . FORD TAURUS (SILVER) TAURUS . . . . . . . . . . . MALIBU (RED) . . . . . . . FOCUS . . . . . . . . . . . . SAAB . . . . . . . . . . . . . SONATA . . . . . . . . . . . SATURN . . . . . . . . . . . MALIBU (TAN) . . . . . . . SUBARU LEGACY . . . . . PROTEGE . . . . . . . . . . MALIBU (SILVER) . . . . . OLDS ALERO . . . . . . . . OUTBACK . . . . . . . . . .

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Page 5 • THE COUNTRY EDITOR NORTH • May 1, 2013



May 1, 2013 • THE COUNTRY EDITOR NORTH • Page 6


Strapless styles can give sleekness to brides by Samantha Critchell,

AP Fashion Writer

NEW YORK (AP) — The traditional bridal gown isn’t a skimpy silhouette: It’s long and typically without a plunging neckline or high slit. There’s often a whole lot of fabric. One of the few opportunities for brides to be a little bare is to go with a

strapless or sleeveless dress — and go with them they do. David Tutera, wedding planner, designer and host of WeTV’s “My Fair Wedding With David Tutera,” says that besides those restricted by religious customs, he en-

counters very few brides who want to be more covered than they have to be. More often they want to savor their moment in the spotlight and show themselves off as youthful, pretty and sexy, he says. New bridal collections

are dominated by dresses with no sleeves, even though that takes many women out of their comfort zone. There was a brief period when sleeves were hot — after Kate Middleton

Strapless 7

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wore a long-sleeve Alexander McQueen gown to become the Duchess of Cambridge — but it didn’t last. Bare arms are again the norm. It wasn’t always that way. “It feels like strapless has been the go-to in wedding dresses forever, but, historically speaking, it’s still a very recent trend,” says Keija Minor, editor in chief of Brides magazine. “With some notable exceptions, gowns had high necks

and long sleeves up through the 1990s. Just think about Princess Diana’s wedding gown in 1981 with those big puffy sleeves. It was larger than life to be sure, but still very on trend for the times.” The shift, she says, came about 20 years ago as tradition gave way to a hint of sex appeal. Strapless wedding dresses “are the majority of what’s out there. They dominate in the stores and on every bridal magazine’s editorial pages.

They are the easiest to try on and fit,” says designer Romona Keveza. Brides’ Minor says that women of many sizes and shapes, including full-figured ones, can benefit from the illusion of a longer, leaner arm created by the uncovered shoulder. And, Keveza adds, strapless gowns have come a long way and are now comfortable, sturdy and stable. Still, she thinks there’s room for a few more sleeved and off-the-

shoulder numbers. “Brides have come to believe a strapless gown is ‘the uniform’ even if it’s not what she wants,” she says. Tutera says brides should consider the season, location and overall vibe of the wedding before heading straight to strapless. It’s ideal for a beach wedding, but at a ski resort? Not so much, he says. A compromise could be the strapless dress topped with a mohairlined silk shawl or a dra-


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matic cape, suggests designer Anne Bowen. Whether a bride chooses to be sleeved or not, she needs to find balance in her gown, adds Bowen. If it’s a “big ball of tulle ballgown,” then the open neckline and bare arms might be the way to go, she says, but for a slim column gown, sleeves that go past the wrist can be delicate and feminine. (She’d stick with a light fabric, such as lace or sheer silk.) Tutera also likes those

airy, light illusion sleeves — although he’d cut them at a shorter bracelet length — or a short cap sleeve; poufy satin ones “will bulk up the bride,” he says. His solution is the detachable-sleeve gown he introduced into his collection. “You take them off after the ceremony. You can feel comfortable and confident when all eyes are on you, but you don’t have to have sleeves for the pictures.”

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Page 7 • THE COUNTRY EDITOR NORTH • May 1, 2013

Strapless from 6

May 1, 2013 • THE COUNTRY EDITOR NORTH • Page 8

Comfort foods made fast and healthy by Healthy Exchanges Pecan rhubarb crisp pie There’s no doubt about it — either you love rhubarb or you hate it! We love it, and look forward each year to the time we can again enjoy this wonderful veggie/fruit to our heart’s content. 1 (4-serving) package sugar-free vanilla cookand-serve pudding mix 1 (4-serving) package

sugar-free gelatin

strawberry 4 teaspoons reducedcalorie margarine

1 cup water 3 cups finely chopped fresh rhubarb 1 (6-ounce) purchased graham cracker pie crust 3/4 cup purchased graham cracker crumbs Sugar substitute to equal 1/4 cup sugar, suitable for baking

Measure not the work until the day’s out and the labor done. ~Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Ohio, NY 2824 State Route 8 *** RESERVED D REALL ESTATE AUCTION N - auctioned d at fairr markett valuee ** Starting Bid $1,000.00 Byy Widayy and d Widayy Reall Estate e Auction n Company

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Preview 1:00 p.m. & Auction 2:00 p.m. Visit website for details: RE Buyer/Seller Cash Contract with Bank Letter of Guarantee. Valid I.D. at time of Bidding. Sliding Scale Buyer's Premium between 0.5 - 4% depending on final Bid. Contact:: Ted d Widay,, Jr.. 313/790-8799 9 orr Margie e Widayy 315/790-4133 Orr Send d emaill to::

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1/4 pecans


1. Preheat 375°F.




2. In large saucepan, combine dry pudding mix, dry gelatin and water. Stir in rhubarb. Cook over medium heat until rhubarb softens and mixture thickens, stirring often. Spoon hot mixture

into pie crust. 3. In medium bowl, combine graham cracker crumbs and sugar substitute. Add margarine. Mix well using a fork until mixture becomes crumbly. Stir in pecans. Evenly sprinkle crumb mixture over rhubarb filling. 4. Bake for 20 minutes. Place pie on a wire rack and let set for at least 15 minutes. Refrigerate for at least one hour before serving. Makes 8 servings.

• Each serving equals: 205 calories, 9g fat, 3g protein, 28g carb., 288mg sodium, 2g fiber; Diabetic

Exchanges: 2 Starch, 1 Fat. (c) 2013 King Features Synd., Inc.

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by Rich Lowry

Photo source:

Jackie Robinson’s achievement Before he triumphed over prejudice, Jackie Robinson triumphed over himself. The signal achievements of the pioneering baseball star, whose story is recounted in the topgrossing biopic “42,” were perseverance and selfcontrol. In the face of hatred from fans and opposing players, he showed no anger. In response to isolation from his teammates, he betrayed no self-pity. He went out every day and swung the bat and ran the bases and fielded his position, and displayed the character that his detractors


lacked. “42” is a paean to discipline and to an ethic that has eroded badly in American sporting life, and in our national life in general: “Please, don’t express yourself or feel sorry for yourself, don’t make excuses, don’t worry about what someone else is doing or saying, just go out and do your job.” The first meeting between Robinson and Branch Rickey, when the team honcho broached making him a Brooklyn Dodger, with all the pressure and abuse that would entail, is one of the most mythogenic episodes in baseball his-

Cover your worn out shingles with a long lasting metal roof!


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the historic nature of his role,” Jonathan Eig writes in his book “Opening Day: The Story of Jackie Robinson’s First Season.” We never would have heard of Robinson, of course, if he hadn’t been a supremely gifted athlete (Rickey wanted to win the pennant, as well as do right). But baseball history is full of those; it is Robinson’s dignity when confronted with so many indignities that sets him apart. Baseball then had a distinctively Southern flavor that could make even players who were white ethnics feel uncomfortable. A contingent of Robinson’s own teammates wanted to boycott him, and so did rival players. He couldn’t stay in some of the team’s hotels. He got death threats. During all of this, he

slumped and thought about quitting, but kept on going, and eventually his talent spoke louder than words. A legendary image — memorialized in a bronze statue outside the ballpark of the minor-league Brooklyn Cyclones — is of Kentucky-born Dodgers shortstop Pee Wee Reese draping his arm around Robinson on the field, in a gesture of support and in a rebuke to hostile fans. It may or may not have happened that way. But it’s hard to make a statue to the essence of Robinson’s accomplishment, to the lonely resolve one at-bat and one inning at a time. Rich Lowry is editor of the National Review. (c) 2013 by King Features Synd., Inc.

Bible trivia

1. Secure 1x4 or 2x4 purlins, on top of shingles, into roof rafters.

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tory. Rickey shouted insults at Robinson and demanded to know how he would respond to such provocation. Robinson asked if Rickey wanted a player who lacked the guts to fight back. Rickey responded, “I want a ballplayer with guts enough not to fight back.” As a young man stationed at Camp Hood in Texas during World War II, he got court-martialed. One day, Lt. Robinson refused to move to the back of the bus when the driver told him to, and exploded in rage when the driver called him .... He was arrested, but eventually cleared of all charges. Rickey hadn’t sought out a shrinking violet. “He wanted someone big enough and strong enough to intimidate, and someone intelligent enough to understand

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by Wilson Casey 1. Is the book of Darius in the Old or New Testament or neither? 2. What prophet was trapped at a wall by an angel with drawn sword? Daniel, Balaam, Jeremiah, Nathan 3. In Proverbs 21:17, he that loveth wine and oil shall not be “what"? Pure, Blamed, Liked,

Rich 4. From Genesis 37:3, who had a coat of many colors? Abraham, Goliath, Adam, Joseph 5. What Hebrew woman became Queen of Persia? Sarah, Esther, Deborah, Ruth 6. From Judges 10:2, how many years did Tola judge Israel? 1, 7, 23, 110

Joseph; 5) Esther; 6) 23 (c) 2013 King Features Synd., Inc.

Answers: 1) Neither; 2) Balaam; 3) Rich; 4)


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Page 9 • THE COUNTRY EDITOR NORTH • May 1, 2013

The Rich Lowry column

May 1, 2013 • THE COUNTRY EDITOR NORTH • Page 10

Wash away the effects of rough weather (NAPSI) — When it’s time for spring-cleaning, remember to include your car. Cleaning your vehicle inside and out prevents the buildup of damaging chemicals and dirt, reduces the potential for rust from road salt and helps ensure proper visibility needed

for safe driving. How to clean your car To get started, remove any clutter from inside the car, including items that have accumulated in the trunk that can add extra weight and reduce fuel efficiency. The next step is to thoroughly clean and vacuum the

Keeping your vehicle clean protects your valuable investment. The task takes very little money or effort but provides huge returns.

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interior and wash the windows. When washing the outside, include the tires, wheels, underside and fenders to eliminate any road salt or grime. Wheels and tires should be cleaned with a mitt other than the one used to wash the body. This will avoid contaminating the vehicle’s paint with debris from the wheels and tires. Wash in the shade and with a product sold specifically for cars. Wash one section at a time, thoroughly rinsing away the soap as you go. Work your way down toward the front, sides and rear of the vehicle. Clean the fenders and bumpers last since they will have the most dirt and grime that can contaminate the wash mitt. Give the car a final rinse: Remove the spray nozzle from the hose and

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let the water cascade down the surfaces of the vehicle. To avoid water spots, dry your car with a chamois or other product made for drying. The last step is to wax the car. This should be done out of direct sunlight and every six months. It goes a long way toward protecting the vehicle’s finish and makes subsequent washes easier. If you found any stone chips, rust or other problem spots while washing your vehicle, the experts at the Car Care Council recommend having these taken care of immediately to prevent further damage. The Council is the source of information for the “Be Car Care Aware” consumer education campaign promoting the

benefits of regular vehicle care, maintenance and repair to consumers.

For further facts and tips, visit




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# NEW # Fri. Evening 5:00PM to 8:30PM Flowers-Shrubs ONLY Location: Mohawk Valley Produce Auction 840 Fords Bush Rd., Fort Plain, NY 13339 518-568-3579 • 518-568-2257 Fri. Evening: Flowers-Shrubs 5:00 to 8:30PM Saturday:

8:30 - Shrubs, Crafts, New Furniture, Quilts 8:45 - Misc, Garage, Attic, Appliances 9:30 - Lawn & Garden, Building Materials, Sheds 10:30 - Farm Equipment 12:00 - New Tools, Horse Tack, Followed by Horses and Small Animals

Flowers, Shrubs and Trees: Expecting a larger than normal selection of these products both local and from Sauders in PA. Crafts & Furniture: Steam bent hickory rockers, double rockers, swivel gliders, corner shelf, hall tree, etc. New small crafts, pine furniture, and lots more coming. Quilts: Star in a square 100x110, fabric quilt 105x92, fabric quilt 104x108, white star in a square top 97x110, patch quilt top 106x114, lots more quilts coming from various quilters. Sheds: 10x12 mini, 10x12 cottage, 8x12 quaker, 10x12 quaker, 8x12 cottage. Building Materials: stairways, metal roofing and more. Farm Equipment: Papec Silage Cutter; Ford 8N, nice condition; 48” Taylor tiller, like new; log splitter; FarmBilt 16’ flat wagon; single horse cart; 4, 6, 2 horse hitches; 48” Agri-Fab brush hog; New Idea manure spreader; 4 star tedder w/Honda engine; BR7050 New Holland round baler, new in 2011; Massey Ferguson 40HP power unit; Reese 8’ mower; Duetz 65HP power cart; 2 fore carts; 10 wheel V-rake w/12 volt hydraulic; Farmland round bale wagon; (2) 2-row NI corn pickers, nice condition; 56, 256, 258 NH side rakes; New from AZ 16” produce brusher w/Honda engine; New 2, 3, 4 and 6 horse hitches; camper trailer; roller harrows from Mud Creek Sales; 12 volt freezer, good condition; Taylor ice cream machine; L-30 Mighty Ox log splitter; 3500 Mighty Ox logging winch; 5500 Mighty Ox chipper; Hydra-Feed 3pt hitch; 27+ Millcreek manure spreader; antiques, corn shellers; grain grinders and more coming. New Tools: New Dewalt cordless tools; misc used tools; New Dewalt electric tools; lots of misc. shop related equipment. Horse Tack: Dewormers, snaps, brushes, whips, leads, halters, corner feeders, buckets, muck tubs, forks, brooms, shovels, harnesses, and much more. HORSES: Looking for quality road horses, draft horses, mules, ponies, miniature horses. Small Animals: Our usual run of sheep, goats, rabbits, chickens, exotic poultry, calves, and ponies. Also hay, straw and grain.

All horses must have current Coggins test and must be in good and usable condition. $20.00 non-refundable consignment fee will be charged at time of consignment. 6% commission capped at $150 will be charged to seller.

TAKING CONSIGNMENTS WED., MAY 8TH TO FRI., MAY 10TH, 8:00 TO 5:00. Plenty of Homemade Food All Day • Food Proceeds go for local hospital bill Phone Wed., Thurs., Fri. & Sat., May 8th to 11th 518-568-3579 Auction Barn For Consignment info call Benuel Fisher 518-568-2257 or Melvin Miller 518-993-4734 Auctioneers:: Benuel Fisher Auctions,, Elam Kauffman, Sam Swarey, Marcus Beiler, David Stoltzfus, Ed Leaman, Wilmer Fisher, Elmer Stoltzfus Breakfast ready by 7:00AM Saturday • Homemade Food Available 4:00 to 8:30PM Friday. All Announcements day of sale will take precedence over printed materials.

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by Jennifer Forker, Associated Press

I was chopping vegetables for dinner recently when my 14-year-old

utes later with paper, a stamping ink pad and the pilfered vegetable. “Look, Mom,” she said, and held up a stunner: The bok choy head, re-

crafters have long known — the beauties of stamping with food. Part of the pleasure derives from the experimentation, and part from the ele-

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Photo courtesy of

daughter, Grace, disappeared with the unusable end of the bok choy. She returned five min-

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fuse to me, had stamped a beautiful blooming rose onto the paper. I discovered what some

ment of surprise when an ordinary vegetable

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Page 11 • THE COUNTRY EDITOR NORTH • May 1, 2013

Nature takes starring role in stamping

ter is a little unwieldy and stinky, she says. Terri Ouellette of Phoenix has a tip for that: Cut and air-dry citrus and other watery fruits and vegetables, sometimes overnight, before working with them, she says. Be watchful because they dry out quickly. What works, she says: apples, oranges and pears. What doesn’t: grapes, broccoli and lettuce.


Photo courtesy of

Peppers, sliced and deseeded, wavy rounds for flowers. Garlic is the stamp of Sarah

in half stamp making favored Raven,

out of the bulb and realized it looked like a finger and a flower petal. She also has tried carved potatoes and star fruit cut in half. The lat-

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Sutcliffe, whose book for kids, “Fabric, Paper, Thread,” will be published in June by C&T Publishing, prints mostly on paper gift tags and note cards, and small swatches of fabric. Sometimes her 6-yearold daughter joins her. While it’s a great project for kids, food stamping also can provide attractive artwork for the home.


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soaking a sponge with tempera (poster) paint or pouring a thin layer of the paint on a plate and using either as an ink pad. Once your prints are dry, add embellishments, such as stems or leaves, with colored markers or fabric markers, says Ouellette. She has stamped aprons, placemats and tote bags with food. McGoldrick has stamped note cards and gift wrap.

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Besides celery, Ouellette likes using mushrooms, cauliflower and potatoes. Potatoes “can be cut up into anything and turned into a great stamp,” she says. “You just have to carve in reverse.” As with other stamping, use a stamp pad or acrylic paint for stamping on paper. Use fabricspecific acrylic paint for printing on textiles. Sutcliffe recommends

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program director for a group with the acronym GARLIC (Green Art Recreating Life in Communities) that encourages low-income residents of New Haven, CT, to make art from recycled items. Garlic, too, can create a delicate flower image. The discovery was part of the thrill, Raven says. “I tried to ink the entire garlic and that didn’t work,” she says. Then she pulled a single clove


imparts a beautiful image. Kristen Sutcliffe of Oberlin, Ohio, came to love stamping while teaching preschool in Japan, where it’s popular, she says. Her favorite food tool? Okra. “It’s so pretty,” Sutcliffe says. “It looks like a little flower.” Heads of bok choy and celery stamp pretty roses. Pull off a stalk of either to stamp U shapes.


May 1, 2013 • THE COUNTRY EDITOR NORTH • Page 12

Nature from 11


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by Amy Davidson, Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program Coordinator, University of Vermont Extension May is National Physical Fitness and Sports Month, so designated with the goal of encouraging individuals, families and communities to develop or maintain routines of regular physical activity and practice sound nutritional habits. Because spring is a

time for renewal, there is no better time to start taking control of your health. Consider trying some new, healthy recipes. Commit to a fitness routine, try out a new sport or simply explore the outdoors. Choose activities that are right for you. Here’s why. Approximately onethird of youths and twothirds of adults are overweight or obese in this country. Instances of overweight and obesity are correlated with nu-

merous health issues, including heart disease, type 2 diabetes and hypertension. This trend can be prevented by increasing the amount of time engaged in physical activities, reducing the amount of time spent in sedentary activities and eating a balanced diet, including lean sources of protein, whole grains, reduced fat dairy products and plenty of fruit and vegetables. Being active on a regular basis offers health

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workmates. • Challenge yourself to hike as many local mountain peaks as you can. • Ride a bike on some of the region’s many trails, recreation paths and back roads. • Plant a home or com-

sports league or just get outside for some active play with the kids. Try to choose activities that are accessible and fun for you. That way you are more likely to stick with it. To learn more, check out “Physical Activity — It’s Essential,” a Universi-

• Form a walking group with friends, neighbors or


Our Goal is to help you fulfill Your Wants, Needs and Dreams!

and wellness benefits for everyone, such as increased strength, improved mobility and enhanced mood and longevity. How much we need depends on our age and other factors. The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, issued by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, recommend at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity for children and adolescents and at least 30 minutes for adults five or more days a week. Even 10minute bursts of this kind of activity can add up to your daily total. Visit the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s SuperTracker web site at www.supertracker.usda.g ov for your personalized nutrition and fitness plan as well as tips to stay on track. Be sure to check with your doctor or healthcare professional before starting an exercise program. Here are some ideas for getting active this spring:


You Are Invited to an OPEN HOUSE at Double O Builders LLC 1130 Clinton Rd, Fort Plain, NY

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Page 13 • THE COUNTRY EDITOR NORTH • May 1, 2013

Spring into action during Physical Fitness and Sports Month

May 1, 2013 • THE COUNTRY EDITOR NORTH • Page 14

by Samantha Mazzotta Grill’s drippings stain patio bricks Q: The patio bricks underneath my grill tend to

catch a lot of grease and oil drippings. I clean up after every barbecue, but there are still stains on the brick from the grease. How can I get these up

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Éy gÜtw|à|ÉÇ Saltsman’s Hotel Junction of Routes 67 & 10 in Ephratah, NY Spring Dining (Fri., Sat., & Sun.)

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for reservations, banquet info and take-outs. Saltsman's serves unique seasonal specialties such as milkweed and elderberry pie and is noted for its creamed potatoes, baked onion casseroles, and corn fritters. If you enjoy historical settings, admire antiques, and appreciate a substantial meal, visit Saltsman's Hotel; a unique step back in time at affordable family prices.

without bleaching out the spots? — Rick in Savannah, GA A: With porous surfaces like brick and concrete, oil stains can set in and be tough to get out. Your instinct to avoid using bleach or another type of acid to clean up the stains (like lemon juice) is right on. These can just make things worse and can discolor some types of paving. Clearing the grease stain may take a few attempts with a number of

cleaning agents. Start with the least harmful materials, most of which can be found in your kitchen or garage. First, fill an old coffee mug with warm water, a couple of tablespoons of dish soap and a teaspoon of salt. Grab a clean synthetic scrubber brush (like a dishwashing brush). Scrub the stain with the soapy water and rinse with warm water, repeating a few times and letting the bricks dry out

unlikely any cleaner, commercial or homemade, will completely clear away the grease stain. More powerful or acidic cleaning agents could damage the brick, so they should be avoided. If the stain is really bad, consider replacing the brick. If it’s not too bad, clean the area as best you can and cover it with a grill mat to prevent

to see the results in between each try. If that doesn’t clear the stain, you can try an oilstain cleaner purchased at your local home-improvement store. Some DIYers recommend applying an engine degreaser and letting it sit for about an hour, but test any cleaning agent or degreaser on an inconspicuous spot first. The sad truth is that it’s

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further staining. Home tip: To prevent your grill’s grease and oil drips from staining your patio or deck surface, place a grill mat underneath, and clean up spills promptly. (c) 2013 King Features Synd., Inc.

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Page 15 • THE COUNTRY EDITOR NORTH • May 1, 2013


This is a hammer

by Ryan Trares, Daily Journal NASHVILLE, IN (AP) — That broom sitting in the closet might not seem like a work of art. Most people don’t think about the care and work that went into making it — how the bristles were folded, twisted and turned, or how the wire attaching the handle was kept under intense pressure to remain tight. But Brian Newton has spent years studying, perfecting and practicing the craft. For more than 200 years, Americans have been making their brooms out of a type of grass called broomcorn. Even as synthetic fibers have entered the market, certain artisans still adhere to the age-old techniques that broom-makers have used for centuries. Newton is one of the holdouts. In his workshop, called Broomcorn Johnny’s in downtown Nashville, he fashions sturdy, simple brooms

that exemplify the sensibilities of the pioneers. He uses tools from the late 19th and early 20th centuries to preserve a down-home art form that has all but been forgotten. “There’s something unique about the old arts and crafts that are dying off. It’s important to keep them around, important that people see them. There’s a heritage there,” he told the Daily Journal ( ). Newton’s broom-making will be showcased at this year’s Johnson County Garden Celebration. “What he does is interesting, and he’s using a farm product, so that fits in with what we’re about,” said Philomena Ross, president of the Johnson County Garden Club. “A lot of people don’t even know that brooms are made by hand, so we’re excited to see him here.” Broomcorn is a type of sorghum grass that is particularly durable and stiff, making it perfect

for sweeping. The material has been used in broom-making since the late 18th century. Newton grows his own 11/2 acres of the crop. He harvests it by hand, waiting until the perfect time when the stalk is strong yet bending but before seeds come in. “It’s very labor intensive. You have to do it in patches, because it never grows at the same rate,” he said. “If you tried to do it all at once, you’d waste it all.” In Newton’s shop, sheathes of broomcorn sits piled on shelves. Some are the natural straw-like color that the vegetation normally dries out to. Others have

been dyed in rich teal, magenta, crimson and other colors. Visitors can browse through dozens of brooms that Newton crafted. They can sit on a bench and watch him painstakingly turn the broomcorn into a working tool. His equipment was salvaged from a barn in Camden. The wood-andiron machine, called a foot treadle, holds the broom handle in place so that Newton can bind the strands with silver wire. The flat-broom style that Newton uses originated in the 1820s and has been employed much in the same way

ever since. Each broom takes about an hour to make. Newton’s family grew up on a farm in northern Indiana, and he remembers nearby Amish fami-

lies making their own brooms. He was fascinated by the process, watching them spin the dried strands of broom-

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May 1, 2013 • THE COUNTRY EDITOR NORTH • Page 16

Nashville broom maker preserves old-time art

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corn. But it never occurred to him to learn how to do it himself. As an adult, Newton worked as a mechanical designer until a heart problem forced him to reconsider his career path. His health forced him to think of lowstress, low-impact work he could do. He recalled the Amish craftsmen making

brooms and went searching for the right equipment. By chance, someone knew of old equipment in a nearby barn. “Broom-making found me. It made the choice for me,” Newton said. The knowledge used to make these Shaker-style brooms had all but disappeared. The painstaking method of hanging and drying the broom-

corn, wiring the bristles and stitching had been passed down by only a few craftsmen, including Wayne Thompson. An Alabama-based broom-maker, Thompson had spent 44 years making brooms. That had been handed down to him by a 90-year expert in it. He taught Newton that repetition is the only way to master

Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me. —Carol Burnett

the craft. “After about 300 of them, you get the hang of it,” Newton said. “There’s a lot of little things that you pick up each time.” Being in the heart of Nashville’s art and craft district, Newton gets a wide variety of people interested in seeing his work. His reputation has spread to fairs and competitions throughout the county, and often craft enthusiasts make ap-

pointments to sit in on a broom-making session. He also takes part in contests and fairs throughout the Midwest. Newton was a secondplace winner at the Arcola National Craft Broom Competition last year, where his elegant broom beat out a dozen other artisans. “There are about 100 of these broom-makers around the U.S., and they make these beautiful brooms. We wanted to get back to the broom

tradition,” said Pat Monahan, who organized the broom-making contest. “We wanted to honor them and let people realize that you can get a real functional broom that’s a work of art.” For Newton, that’s the reason he’s stayed committed to broom-making. “In my opinion, they never got any better. There’s all different kinds of ways you can go to make a broom, but this is still the best,” he said.

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Page 17 • THE COUNTRY EDITOR NORTH • May 1, 2013

Nashville from 16

May 1, 2013 • THE COUNTRY EDITOR NORTH • Page 18

A Walk in the Woods - April 2013 by David Falkenham, UNH Cooperative Extension Grafton County Forester Spring has sprung, the birds are singing, geese are honking, grouse are drumming, turkeys are gobbling and woodcock are doing whatever it is they do. When you are walking in the woods to enjoy the turkey hunting season or to simply enjoy the land we live on it is important to remember the life of one of the most influential people in the history of wildlife and land management, Aldo Leopold. Aldo Leopold was born in Iowa in 1882 and like so many conservationists before and after him he spent much of his childhood outside, hunting, fishing, observing and taking notes. Aldo attended Yale University and received a master’s degree in forestry in 1909. After graduating he moved to the southwest as an employee of the newly formed U.S. Forest Service and by 1919 Leopold had ascended to the position of Chief of Operations of the Forest Service in the southwest. During this time with the Forest Service Leopold became a strong political activist and laid the foundation for the creation for some of the nation’s first wilderness areas. Leopold tactfully mustered the support of local hunting

organizations towards his radical new policies of us-

ing restricted hunting as a tool for wildlife manage-

ment. From 1924–1928 Leopold worked for the Forest Products Laboratory in Madison, WI. This job allowed him liberal time for writing and activism. He began to question in writing the government’s policies on predator control and wildfire suppression and continued to be a strong advocate for the conservation of wilderness areas throughout the country.

Walk 19

Countryman Water Conditioning A Family Business Since 1956 Free Water Analysis Certified Water Specialist Sales • Service • Rental

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Aldo Leopold

Ilion True Value Hardware 39 W. Clark St., Ilion, NY 13357 (315) 894-5274

Weekly Sales Every Monday starting at 12:30 with Misc. & small animals, 1:00 Dairy. Call for more info and sale times. Our Volume is increasing weekly-join your neighbors & send your livestock this way! Monday, Aprill 22nd d sale - cull ave. .69 Top cow $ .83, bulls/steers $.81 - $.99, bull calves top $1.23, heifer calves top $1.00, dairy feeders $.54 - $.80, feeder bulls up to $1.15, Feeder heifers up to $1.15, feeder steers up to $1.20. Friday, Mayy 3rd - sale at sale barn. Organic Spring Special featuring Sunny Slope Farm Retirement Milking Herd & Bred Heifer Dispersal. 50 Head of Organic Cattle sell - 45 Milking age, 8 bred heifers with DHI records. "NOFA" Certified. From Ruben Miller - Ft. Plain - 20+ head of top Holsteins. 5 - 1st & 2nd Lactation cows, 5 bred heifers and 10 open & short bred heifers. We will be taking consignments for this sale with paperwork in order. Call ahead for advertising. Monday, Mayy 6th - Monthly Fat Cow & Feeder Sale. Monday, Mayy 13th - Monthly Heifer Sale. Monday, Mayy 20th - Monthly Sheep, Lamb, Goat & Pig Sale. Mondayy, Mayy 27th - Memorial Day - We will be open. LOOKING G TO O HAVE E A FARM M SALE E OR R JUST T SELL L A FEW W - GIVE E US S A CALL.. o advertise ** Trucking Assistance - Call the Sale Barn or check out our trucker list on our Web-Site. Calll to e sales s itt makes s a difference. in n anyy off these Directions: Former Welch Livestock 6096 NYS Rt. 8, 30 miles South of Utica & 6 miles North of New Berlin, NY. Call today with your consignments.

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• Little Falls • Dolgeville • Salisbury Center • Fairfield • Frankfort • Mohawk • Ilion • Jordanville • Van Hornesville • West Winfield • Cold Brook • Newport • Herkimer • Middleville • Poland To place an advertisement for your business call John Snyder 518-673-0129 or 518-378-3279.

The Boundary Waters Canoe Area in Minnesota for example owes its existence to the work of Aldo Leopold.

Leopold worked for the Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers Institute (SAAMI) from 1928–1932. During his

time at SAAMI Leopold worked on the nation’s first systematic effort to bring scientific principles to the study of wild game.

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His work emphasized the public ownership of wildlife and the democratic basis for American wildlife management. Leopold actively questioned the status quo of land management policies and he brought about changes that were radical at the time, but are common wildlife management practices now. In 1933 Leopold became the country’s first Professor of Game Management at the University of Wisconsin. Over time Leopold realized that game management was not sustainable without considering the entire functioning ecosystem; that game animals could not exist without the intricate relationship that occurs between all plants

and animals which includes the important role of predators. While working for the university Leopold served on FDR’s Committee on Wildlife Restoration and played an important role in the foundation of both the Wildlife and the Wilderness Societies. During this time Leopold also wrote his most endearing literary work, “A Sand County Almanac”. Aldo Leopold died of an apparent heart attack while fighting a brush fire in April 1948, five days after “A Sand County Almanac”, went to press. All of his life, Leopold was an avid hunter and believed that regulated hunting was an intricate component of his wildlife management policies. He hunted large and small

Adirondack Furniture Available We have Indoor Pine Furniture, Chicken Coops, Handwoven Baskets, Hickory Bent Furniture, such as Rockers, Dining Sets, End Tables & Magazine Racks. Also - Run In Sheds, Storage Barns, Swing Sets, Garages & Cabins.

Reference: Thomas E. D. (2010); How Sportsmen Saved the World. The Unsung Conservation Efforts of Hunters and Anglers. Globe Pequot Press

You can always tell a real friend: When you’ve made a fool of yourself, he doesn’t feel you’ve done a permanent job. —Laurence J. Peter



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game with his wife and sons using bows and arrows that he made himself and he championed some of the nation’s first archery-only deer seasons. Allegedly, Leopold was an accomplished shot gunner and especially loved hunting upland birds and waterfowl with his dogs and family (possibly in that order). Upland bird hunting was something that Aldo Leopold did through the last year of his life; we can all only hope to be so lucky!

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Exit 29 off Thruway, take Rte 10 South to Rte 163 154 Golf Club Road, Canajoharie, NY 13317

Page 19 • THE COUNTRY EDITOR NORTH • May 1, 2013

Walk from 18

May 1, 2013 • THE COUNTRY EDITOR NORTH • Page 20

Country Editor

Number / Classification 20 Air Compressors 25 Air Tools 35 Announcements 45 Antiques 55 Appraisal Services 75 ATV 80 Auctions 82 Auto Body 110 Bedding Plants 120 Bees-Beekeeping 130 Bird Control 155 Building Materials/ Supplies 157 Building Repair 160 Buildings For Sale 161 Bulk Foods / Spices 165 Business Opportunities 170 Butchering Supplies 173 Carpentry 175 Cars, Trucks, Trailers 180 Catalogs 182 Catering 190 Chain Saws 195 Cheesemaking Supplies 205 Christmas 210 Christmas Trees 214 Clocks & Repair 215 Collectibles 216 Clothing 235 Computers 253 Consignment 265 Construction Equipment For Rent 270 Construction Equipment For Sale 275 Construction Machinery Wanted 277 Construction Services 280 Construction Supplies 312 Crafts 325 Custom Butchering 330 Custom Services 360 Deer-Butchering & Hides 370 Dogs 410 Electrical 415 Employment Wanted 440 Farm Machinery For Sale 445 Farm Machinery Wanted 447 Farm Market Items 460 Fencing 470 Financial Services 480 Fish 483 Flooring 490 For Rent or Lease 500 For Sale 510 Fresh Produce, Nursery 525 Fruits & Berries 527 Furniture 530 Garden Supplies 535 Generators 537 Gifts 575 Greenhouse Supplies 585 Guns 587 Hair Styling 589 Hardware 600 Health Care/Products 605 Heating 610 Help Wanted 653 Hotel / Motel 683 Jewelers 700 Lawn & Garden 711 Lessons 760 Lumber & Wood Products 790 Maple Syrup Supplies 805 Miscellaneous 810 Mobile Homes 811 Monuments 812 Multi Media 813 Music 815 Motorcycles 817 Nails 820 Nurseries 910 Plants 950 Real Estate For Sale 955 Real Estate Wanted 960 RVs & Motor Homes 975 Rentals 980 Restaurant Supplies 1040 Services Offered 1075 Snowblowers 1080 Snowmobiles 1109 Thrift 1140 Trailers 1147 Trains 1148 Travel 1155 Tree Moving Services 1165 Trees 1170 Truck Parts & Equipment 1180 Trucks 1187 Vacuum 1190 Vegetable 1200 Veterinary 1205 Wanted



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Country Editor

Call Peg at 1-800-836-2888

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NEED BUSINESS CARDS? Full color glossy, heavy stock. 250 ($45.00); 500 ($60.00); 1,000 ($75.00). Call Beth at Lee Publications 518-673-0101 or NO JOB TOO SMALL WE DO IT ALL. All phases of general contracting/remodeling. Porches, decks. All phases of landscaping and lawnmowing. Roof patch/gutter repairwork. Driveway sealing. Door/window installation/repair. Painting/rebuild fencing, concrete walkway restoration. Attic/ basement/garage cleanouts. Fully insured. Free estimates. H:315-866-7102/315-8683622:cell

PHOTO CALENDARS now available right here at Lee Publications. 6113 State Hwy. 5, Palatine Bridge, NY 518-673-3237. Choose up to 24 photos. Only $12.00 for digital photos and $15.00 if we scan them. STAG PARTY TICKETS Call Beth at Lee Publications 518-673-0101. Questions Free Shipping TURN your wedding, baby, graduation, scenery photos into beautiful canvas prints starting at only $40.00. Call Beth at Lee Publications 518-673-0101 or email

For Rent or Lease

SUBARU FORESTER: 2001, fully equipped Pennsylvania car, all wheel drive, four door, excellent $5,675 or best; mitsubishi Galant 2002, air, fully equipped, sun roof, automatic, 4 cylinder, 4 door, great car, $3,675. 315-794-5863, 315797-3313

FOR RENT: Little Falls. 2 apartments available on John Street. 1BR w/appliances and utilities included. $575. 1BR w/appliances, $550. Call between 6-8pm only. 315-4298760.


For Sale

WANTED - CA$H PAID: for old jewelry, books. Dolls toys, even if broken, 1970s older. 1960s & older: Clothing. Old frames, Christmas, Halloween items. Interested in almost anything old. Shirley 315-8949032.

FOR SALE: Tan rocker Barcalounger, Blair slacks, 18W, many colors, like new. Details 315-894-8522 PORTABLE Carry-On BOAT air conditioner & cover, $800.00. 315-376-6639 leave a message.



UDA D WOODWORKING G & CHAIR R HOSPITAL Furniture Repair & Regluing • Countertops • Speaker Cabinets “Formica Work Is Our Specialty”

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Furniture 3 CHERRY Swivel Bar Stools w/high backs. $189 each from J.C.Penney. Asking $200/set OBO. 315-8957507. BIG Dupa’s breaking your chairs? Call Duda Woodworking & Chair Hospital. 734 Layfayette St., Utica. 315-733-4715. Custom Formica Counter tops too! CUSTOM FORMICA Countertops. Cash & Carry or Installed. Duda Woodworking & Chair Hospital, 734 Lafayette St., Utica 315-7334715 “Quality Work for Over 33 Years!” Hide-a-bed couch; rocking chair; end table, coffee table set; dining room set, 11 pieces/insets; mirror; bookcase; set: womans chest with mirror, mens 5 drawer chest; 21” TV; all-in-1 printer; floor lamp; fur coat; set of china; set of Oneida flatware. 315-2199021

Heating CHARCOAL GRILL: KAMADO JOE Ready to cook in 15 minutes. Free Accessories worth $113.00 included in the introductory price. HERKIMER HOME & LEISURE 247 Oberle Rd, Herkimer NY 315-866-5557 FIREPLACE XTRAORDINAIRE GAS INSERTS ON SALE, OVER $1000 discount. Limited supply HERKIMER HOME & LEISURE 247 Oberle Rd, Herkimer NY 315-866-5557 HARMAN PELLET STOVES: SAVE UP TO $300 NOW THRU 9/16/12 HERKIMER HOME & LEISURE 247 Oberle Rd, Herkimer NY 315-866-5557 LOPI WOOD INSERTSAVE UP TO $500 ON INSTOCK UNITS HERKIMER HOME & LEISURE 247 Oberle Rd, Herkimer NY 315-866-5557

Hair Styling HAIRDRESSER: In Home Ser vices. Experienced. Perms, Cuts, Colors & Sets. Call Pam H. 315-725-9404

Hay - Straw For Sale HORSE HAY: Round bales $40.00 per bale. Mohawk Valley Produce Auction. 518-568-2257

PELLETS SALE: $229/ton. HERKIMER HOME & LEISURE 247 Oberle Rd, Herkimer NY 315-866-5557 REMODELING SALE: STOVES, GAS INSERTS & FIREPLACES, Save over $1000 on Major Brands HERKIMER HOME & LEISURE 247 Oberle Rd, Herkimer NY 315-866-5557 ThermoPride High Boy oil furnace, model#OH3-72 75kBTU. Serious inquiry only, $500. Joe 315-894-5204 Frankfort

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Help Wanted

Writers Wanted We are looking for freelance writers for our weekly publication, The Country Editor. Articles should be general human interest, appealing to a broad national audience. Submitted articles should be 500 words or less. Photo essays welcome as well. Each article will be considered for its interest to the publication’s readers.

Please submit articles via e-mail to Joan Kark-Wren at Questions ? Call 518-673-0141 Help Wanted


OPENING NEW CAFE SOON - Valley area. Looking for parttime wait staff and short order cook. Call 315-985-5462.

BUSINESS CARD MAGNETS only $75.00 for 250. Free Shipping. Call Beth at Lee Publications 518-673-0101 or Please allow 7-10 business days for delivery

Lawn & Garden VALLEY LAWN SERVICE. Mowing, shrub trimming, mulch and clean-ups. Fully insured, free estimates. 315894-4331.

Lessons ERNIE BALL, D’ADDARIO, Dean Markley GHS guitar strings (lessons available). Imagineering Drum & Guitar Shop. 27 West Main St. Little Falls. 315-823-1500

Music EVANS, REMO DRUMHEADS, drumsticks by ProMark, Zilojian, On Stage. Imagineering Drum & Guitar Shop. 27 West Main St. Little Falls. 315-823-1500 GREG BENNETT Guitars. Authorized dealer. Imagineering Drum & Guitar shop. 27 West Main St. Little Falls. 315-823-1500

Motorcycles Lumber & Wood Products HEMLOCK LUMBER, Siding Boards, Framing Lumber, Beams. Miller’s, 6027Cty.Hwy. 18, WestEdmeston. 6miles south ofU.S.Rt.20

2007 HARLEY DAVIDSON 1200 XL Custom Vance & Hines Pipes, Vance & Hines Fuel Pak, Stage 1 EFI Kit, Black, 8,500 Miles, $7,500. Excellent Condition!


(800) 836-2888 To Place Your Ad Here

Motorcycles FOR SALE: 2000 LS Suzuki Savage, 11,000 miles, leather saddle bags, color green, excellent condition. 518-573-7468, 518-5732969. Or trade for 4 wheeler or snowmobile.

Real Estate For Sale 10 ACRES. Bridgewater,NY. Outstanding Views. Electric. $32,000.00. 845-783-8408 Fo r S a l e B y O w n e r. c o m #23928210 TEN ACRES West Canada Schools, wooded, pond, electric at road, eight miles to Utica, broker/ owner financing with 20% down. $32,900. 315796-4425

Recreational Vehicles & Motor Homes BLUE-OX TOW BAR Aventa11, Cover, Cables, $200.00; bike rake for ladder, $20.00. 315-269-8582

Rentals FOR RENT: Ground level, 2 bdr house, office space, adults only. Stove and refrigerator included. Parking for one car. No pets. $500 per month. Call 315-868-7364

Services Offered Join us CNY share exchange network Post free items or list services you have to give or what you need. Person to person recycling of good items or free giveaway. TED’S Painting and Home Repairs: Book now through April 30th get FREE power wash w/deck staining, good for April, May, June only. Call 315-429-3253

Tires & Tire Repair Service FOR SALE: 2 11R22.5 tubeless radial truck tires, like new, $200; 6 lowboy trailer tires, 750-15, 12-14 ply, mounted on 6 hole rims for a tiltbed Miller trailer, $275.00. 315429-8010 leave message. USED TIRE SALE: Huge Inventory, mounting & balancing FREE. No appointment necessary! Save money call Auto World, 534 North Perry Street, Johnstown 12095 518762-7555

Tractors MASSEY FERGUSON 65 tractor/ backhoe with front end loader and extra rims, $4,000 or best offer. Dan 518-706-0249




Country Editor

PO Box 121, Palatine Bridge, NY 13428 • Ph: 518-673-3011 OR 800-836-2888


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Page 21 • THE COUNTRY EDITOR NORTH • May 1, 2013

Country Editor

PO Box 121, 6113 State Hwy. 5 Palatine Bridge, NY 13428 800-836-2888 • Fax: 518-673-2381

May 1, 2013 • THE COUNTRY EDITOR NORTH • Page 22

New Jersey woman finds and thanks rescuer — 49 years later Associated Press

NEW YORK — A New Jersey woman has thanked a Florida doctor who saved her from drowning nearly 49 years ago in New York. Newsday says Edith Rothstein of Franklin Lakes, NJ recently contacted Dr. Larry Brick-

man. He moved from Long Island in 2005 to teach surgery at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton. Rothstein left a voicemail, asking if Brickman was the man who saved her life on Long Island’s Lido Beach in September 1964. He was, indeed.

Brickman had a summer lifeguard job there while attending Michigan State. He vividly remembers giving 5-yearold Edie mouth-tomouth. Brickman says lifeguards of that era were not trained in the technique. He says he acted mostly on intuition.

Newsday wrote about the rescue the next day. Rothstein decided to reach out after looking at an old scrapbook. Her son used Google to find Brickman. The doctor told her they both “got lucky that day.”

NEW YORK (AP) — A New York City teenager who once donated bone marrow for her cancerstricken sister has started an ambitious campaign to raise funds for cancer research. The Daily News reports ( ) that 15-year-old Lisette Watters of Queens has assembled a team of volunteers to help organize events, sell T-shirts and recruit corporate sponsors. Lisette was just 4 when she donated bone marrow for her younger sister Caroline. Caroline was battling acute myeloma leukemia. She is a healthy seventh-grader now. Lisette is now hoping to be named Woman of the Year by the regional chapter of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Seventeen men and women from the New York City area are competing for the honor. Similar fundraising competitions are being held around the country.

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Page 23 • THE COUNTRY EDITOR NORTH • May 1, 2013

Let us show you how to SAVE MONEY on your roof! COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL

May 1, 2013 • THE COUNTRY EDITOR NORTH • Page 24

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