Stafford County Sun, October 16, 2015

Page 1


6 Model trains bring out young, older




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OctOber 16, 2015

VOlume 27, Number 31


ViewpointS, page 4 | pUZZLeS, page 13 | cLaSSiFiedS, pageS 14, 15

Satisfying Stafford

SHS students to make up missed time



or those craving a taste of life, Stafford County strives to keep getting better. Three years ago when residents were asking for improved shopping opportunities, restaurants and recreation, the county made a point to closely examine its retail profile. County staff looked at what residents spend money on and where, as well as what types of retail operations the county lacked, and found that residents

were willing to spend more money in their own community for these opportunities, according to Stafford County’s Public Information Office. Now the county is home to Umi Japanese Fine Dining, Peet’s Coffee and More, Mission BBQ, Fatty’s Crabhouse, Sarku Japan, Cornbread and Caviar, Colonial Cupcakes, The Grille, Panera, Dunkin’ Donuts, Adventure Brewing Co. and Chipotle. Stafford also now has Freddy’s Frozen

Custard and Steakburgers, Goodyear, Sonic and Bojangles Famous Chicken and Biscuits. Businesses that relocated within the county include Bella Café, Honey Baked Ham and The Icing Baking Company. “We heard our residents loud and clear, and we have worked successfully to fill that gap,” said Stafford County Supervisors’ Chairman Gary SnelStaFFoRd lings, R-Hartwood. “We page 14 have engaged more than 60

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Tracy Bell

Stafford County Sun

tafford High School students will make up the time lost after starting the school year later than the rest of the county’s schools. The question is how. On Tuesday, the Stafford County School Board discussed options for how the school’s students will make up the four missed days. SHS students were supposed to start school Sept. 8, but instead started Sept. 14. The newly built school was still under construction when the first day of school rolled around. “We’re looking at 1,412 minutes of makeup time here,” said Rick Fitzgerald, executive director of human resources for Stafford County Public Schools. Fitzgerald said that a review committee recently formed to discuss options for the make-up time, and the committee came up with three possibilities. The first scenario would add 10 minutes to the school day beginning Nov. 2 through February; hold a full day of school Nov. 3, which is Election Day and a professional learning day for school staff; and hold full days of school Jan. 27, 28 and 29 — currently set as early-release days due to exams. The second option would add 10 minutes to the start of the school day through April beginning Nov. 2, and students would attend school on Election Day. The third option is to start the school day 10 minutes early through the end of the school year, beginning Nov. 2. The school board discussed the topic as an information item, and will vote SHS on the matter at a future meeting. page 10 School board member Scott



“I’ve shaved an hour off my daily commute. It’s made me a better dad and a better husband.”

Friday, October 16, 2015 • • STAFFORD COUNTY SUN

- Donald B. Stafford, VA

Public school teacher Donald lives in Stafford and works in Falls Church. Before the Express Lanes, he says his commute was stressful and unpredictable. When Donald would slug on the HOV lanes, sometimes it took him an hour to get work. He was always rushing and often resorted to fast food. Since the Lanes opened on 95, he still slugs or carpools to work, but now he can eat breakfast and dinner with his family and is able to spend more time with those he loves. He no longer misses important events and says his personal relationships have significantly improved.

See more real stories from the Lanes at

Donald’s story was one of our winning entries in our “Express Lanes Love Story” promotion.



NAACP to host candidates’ forums Stafford County is joining the political bandwagon with public debates that could rival those on the national scene. The Stafford Chapter of the NAACP is hosting a series of candidates’ forums at the Board of Supervisors’ Chambers, 1300 Courthouse Road, in Stafford. All forums start at 7 p.m., with the evening’s second forum starting around 7:40 p.m. The first forum will be Wednesday, Oct. 21, between Republican William Howell and Democrat Kandy Hilliard as they vie for the seat from the 28th District in the House of Delegates. The second forum will be with candidates for the House of Delegates’ 2nd District, Republican Mark Dudenhefer and Democrat Joshua King. A whole slew of contenders for county-wide posts will face off on Thursday, Oct. 22. For Stafford County Sheriff, Democrat Chuck Feldbush is running against Republican David Decatur Jr. The Commonwealth’s Attorney race pits Democrat Timothy Barbrow against Republican Eric Olsen. In the race for Clerk of the Court, Republican Kathy M. Sterne is running against Democrat S.Z. “Zee” Skoloda. For Soil and Water Conservation Director, independents Mike Anderson and R.C. “Bobby” Duke Jr. are in the

Candidates must represent and speak for themselves (surrogate speakers will not be permitted). Candidate signs, buttons, stickers, tee shirts, hats, or other items will not be permitted in the venue or the grounds outside the venue (we want to foster a serious, issue-focused environment). However, each candidate may have one yard sign for display on the dais. Each candidate may set up a campaign table outside the venue to provide information.. No video or audio recording will be permitted, according to the rules. The Stafford NAACP will produce copyrighted video recordings that will be posted on the Stafford NAACP web page. Video recordings with unlimited use rights will be available. For more, visit

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Stafford government wins Chamber award The Stafford County government won the 2015 Chamber Goodwill Award in the large business category in recognition of its extraordinary commitments to helping others and improving the local quality of life, according to a Fredericksburg Regional Chamber of Commerce news release. The awards were presented Oct. 13 at the 14th annual Goodwill Awards & Expo hosted by the Chamber at Rappahannock Goodwill Industries’ Community Center. Jim Gibbons, president and CEO of Goodwill Industries International, delivered the keynote address. Stafford County government was noted for its involvement with many nonprofits across the region, the release stated. They actively encourage their employees to help out and are often the first employer to sign up when there is a call to volunteer. Their participation in the Rappahannock United Way’s Day of Action each year has so many volunteers they have to participate in multiple projects. Last year, they were able to help out with seven projects at five different local non-profits.

STAFFORD COUNTY SUN • • Friday, October 16, 2015


contest. Another forum will be held Monday, Oct. 26 for positions on the Stafford County Board of Supervisors. In the race for the Griffis-Widewater race, Republican Jack Cavalier is running against Democrat Milton Bratton Jr. Three candidates are in the running for the post of Rock Hill District supervisor: Republican Wendy E. Maurer, independent Robert C. Gibbons and independent Paul J. Waldowski. The final forum will be held Thursday, Oct. 29, for seats on the school board. Running for the George Washington District are independents Dewayne McOsker Jr., Carol Huebner Medawar and Donna M. Oliver. In the Griffis-Widewater District race are independents Emily M. Fallon and Dana H. Reinboldt. The Rock Hill District contest is between independents Dean D. Fetterolf and Patricia A. Healy. According to NAACP rules, citizens in Stafford County may submit questions on the Decision 2015 Facebook page and may submit questions on 3x5 cards at each event. Moderator questions will not be restricted to those submitted by citizens. Candidates will not receive copies of questions prior to the events.




ViewpointS LetteRS to tHe editoR established 1987 Volume 27, Issue 31 (540) 659-4466 news/stafford/

P.O. Box 2522 Stafford, VA 22555 Postmaster: Send address changes to: Circulation Manager, PO Box 2522, Stafford, VA 22555. Published weekly by HPr-Hemlock LLC, d/b/a Northern Virginia Media Services. ©Stafford County Sun. 2015. All advertising and editorial matter is fully protected and may not be reproduced without permission. BRUce potteR ChieF OPeRATiNg OFFiCeR 571-333-1538

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Milton Bratton listens; is smart, hard-working

To the editor: As a long time resident of the GriffisWidewater area, I’m so glad that Milton Bratton is running for the Griffis-Widewater supervisor! Milton is the type of guy who listens and always demonstrates respect for others. He’s smart and hard-working, too, and has always been dedicated to serving others. Even during this campaign for supervisor, Milton takes out time from his busy schedule to continue participating in the Chicago Honor Flight. That involves taking a day to fly to Chicago Milton Bratton is an excellent alternative

To the Editor: Actions by our elected officials should have consequences. It’s time for GriffisWidewater Supervisor Jack Cavalier to be retired and there’s an excellent alternative in Milton Bratton, who served 20 years in the Navy and then did longrange planning for Sprint Corporation. The problem with Cavalier doesn’t just center around the approval process, financing and naming for his pet project, the multimillion-dollar aquatics center. There have been other examples of an “I’m high and mighty” approach to representing us. It’s interesting that while Cavalier was chairman of the Board of Supervisors in 2014, the Oakenwold development,

and then boarding a plane with World War II vets. He and other former servicemen accompany the elderly vets to Washington, D.C., where they view the memorial of those who perished in the war. Then they accompany the vets safely home. I think this work on Milton’s part shows exactly what kind of character, integrity and moral compass he has, something that is much needed in Stafford County government at this time. Additionally, Milton’s 20-year career with the Navy trained him in a number of skills that would be very useful as a member of the Stafford County Board of

Supervisors. Add to that his 15 years with Sprint Corporation where he worked in long-range planning, managing projects and budgets related to those projects. Milton Bratton will bring a new attitude and a fresh approach to the growing problems facing Stafford County from gridlock, education, and real estate development that is already impacting heavily crowded roads. If you live in Griffis-Widewater you can’t go wrong voting for Milton Bratton on Nov.3 (or vote early absentee).

which had yet to get approval, was promoted via the county government website. Previously known as a federal employee, Cavalier had chosen a new career in real estate and joined the realty firm that was associated with the Oakenwold project. However, the development, after much fanfare, was denied, partly because of concerns about its proximity to the Stafford Regional Airport. The county planners and airport representatives then began working on compatibility guidelines for any new development around the airport. After months of dedicated work, Cavalier then publicly lambasted them. Not nice. Cavalier’s constituents, backed-up in traffic, aren’t exactly satisfied with the job he’s done either.

The Aquia Harbor resident was first elected in 1999 when Voters to Stop Sprawl and the Democratic Party endorsed him. They did the same four years later, helping him win a second term, but by then Cavalier’s voting record was showing itself to be too developer friendly. In 2007 his former supporters chose Bob Woodson over him. Then, in 2011, Cavalier tried again and won a three-way race. So he’s currently serving his third term. It’s time for new leadership. With Milton Bratton, Stafford will change course.

Jenn Coolidge Stafford County

Alane Callander Falmouth

Friday, October 16, 2015 • • STAFFORD COUNTY SUN

BRenda poweLL


ADVeRTiSiNg RePReSeNTATiVe (540) 395-9176

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CORRECTIONS The Stafford County Sun wishes to present a fair and accurate news report each week. It is the policy of the newspaper to correct all errors. If you have a concern about a story or photo published, please contact the managing editor at (540) 659‑7897

Arising: New shopping center’s apartments As everyone can plainly see, they’re never left. Those businesses along the frontage now rebuilding Aquia Towne Center, finally. For years, all we had were fond of Jefferson Davis Highway were actually never part of the center’s ownermemories of that older place. Tan and Jean’s Oriental Gardens ship. Silver Cos. retained ownership of restaurant there had been the site of that profitable strip. The only misfortune there, of course, the celebration of the 50th wedding anniversary for me and Carole Lee. occurred when the original Shoney’s burned to the ground on the Then they moved south to same site where Mick’s now Fredericksburg. Then, alas, stands. years later she had to move Most businesses beyond north, to rest in Quantico’s that frontage went under lovely cemetery. with the demise of the origBack in the good old inal developer. But not all. days, we considered the The movie theater and the Aquia Towne Center shops as if they were our own. Ben BLanKenSHip Rite Aid drugstore survived. My family moved here, in Gargoyles coffee shop was a regular stop after I had worked out 1978, before ground was ever broken at Bill Hoyt’s Fitness University, a fine for the original center. We remember the removal of the historically signifigym with swimming pool. The same was true of Sue’s barber- cant Anne E. Moncure home on the shop, which nevertheless stayed property to its present location on without interruption following a move the grounds of the even more historic from the original building on the south Aquia Church nearby. Then came the departure of Shopside of the center to the ground floor of the newly built office building n the pers Food Store and its fine pharmacy. It would soon reappear as a bigger north side. Bill’s gym was only one of many store, across U.S.1 in the new Stafford attractions that unfortunately folded Marketplace. when the old management of the Next door to Bill’s Hoyt’s gym was center went bust. Of course, a few my favorite coffee shop and hangout

— Gargoyles — with its personable manager, John Herlig. Nearby was Achara flower and gift shop (now in Aquia Park, south on U.S. 1.) Other ATC places were also memorable, such as the travel agency, where neighbor Martha Manack once worked, and the foot doctor’s office nearby. Big Lots was a major tenant, as was the stationery and schools supply store next door…plus the place where grandson Jamie learned and honed his karate skills. And there was the beloved Dairy Queen, still marked by its rusting high sign. The part of the new center now arising consists of apartments. And next we anticipate they’ll begin construction of a large, big-name grocery store. Patronage will surely develop soon after, since Aquia Harbour’s population has grown considerably since the days of the old Aquia Towne Center. As for us lovers of Dairy Queen’s fine products….we’ll see. Ben Blankenship, a columnist here since 1995, lives in Aquia Harbour. Reach him at




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STAFFORD COUNTY SUN • • Friday, October 16, 2015




Railroads for young and older Rappahannock Model Railroaders’ O-gauge exhibit was a draw on the weekend at the National Museum of the Marine Corps. The club’s larger exhibit, the 18th annual Train and Christmas Show, will features trains of various gauges at the Eagles Lodge in Stafford County on Dec. 12 and 13.

Friday, October 16, 2015 • • STAFFORD COUNTY SUN

Virginia Castillo, left, of Stafford, shares some fun with her son-in-law, Moses Herrandez, and daughter Melanie, right, along with her grandson, 2-year-old John Herrandez, during the train show at the Marines’ museum on Saturday. PHotoS by AlekS DolzeNko/ StAffoRD CouNty SuN


Linda Garrett, secretary of the Rappahannock Model Railroad Club, gives some pointers to fellow club member Lee Harris, right, on a malfunctioning model roller coaster during an exhibition at the National Museum of the Marine Corps on Saturday. Amber Grisham and her daughter Alanna, 7, both of North Stafford, spot some finer decorations on a model carnival ride that is part of the Rappahannock Model Railroaders’ 0-guage layout on display at the Marines’ museum.

Teri and Len Chambliss of Woodbridge get a closer look at the details of the O-gauge layout at the Marines’ museum on Saturday.

Corey Hummel and his 3-year-old son Caleb, of Montclair, check on the possibilities of a present from Santa, with the help of Rappahannock Model Railroaders’ Phil Shaw at the National Museum of the Marine Corps on Saturday. The exhibit continues on Sunday.

Wings of Freedom Tour touches down in Stafford


care meet here.

STAFFORD COUNTY SUN • • Friday, October 16, 2015

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caLendaR oF eVentS

ScS through october

Stafford Fall Family Festival

QUiLt SHow

Stafford High citrus Sale

Tangelos, red grapefruit, hamlin (juice) oranges, mixed cartons. Order by phone, fax, email or SkillsUSA member/advisor. Orders prepaid; checks payable to ShS Citrus Sales. Order form and more info at

11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. John Lee Pratt Memorial Park 120 River Road, Falmouth Artisans, crafters, hay rides, inflatables, festival food, children’s activities, music and pumpkin derby. call 540‑898‑1500 ext. 304,

now through nov. 8

elk’s Lodge 875 Flea market

Riverside dinner theater “Sister act”

8 a.m. to 4 p.m. 11309 Tidewater Trail, Fredericksburg Lodge ballroom,

See website for varying times, prices, menu. or 540‑370‑4300

oct. 20

now through oct. 24

parents’ online Safety training

Science Snoops: Forensic Science for Kids

11 a.m. to noon Courthouse Community Center 29 Stafford Ave., Stafford Ages 9‑12, Cost is $25; pre‑registration required

oct. 16-18

Stafford county agricultural and Homemaking Fair 2135 Mountain View Road (field next to Mountain View High School) gates open at 5 p.m. on the 16th, noon on the 17th and 18th. Vendors and entertainment. or 540‑840‑8992.

oct. 16 - 25

Stafford Restaurant week

Friday, October 16, 2015 • • STAFFORD COUNTY SUN

eighteen restaurants are participating all over the county. Diners can secure a special “passport” at any participating


One of the area’s finest quilt shows returns to the Porter Branch of the Central Rappahannock Regional Library on Oct.23-25. This annual non-judged, nonjuried show, hosted by the Stafford Piecemakers Quilt Guild, features more than 100 colorful, vibrant, and unique quilts, according to a news release. Visitors can enter a raffle for a quilt and vote for viewers’ choice awards. A certified quilt appraiser will be on-site, by appointment. The quilts are on view 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday and Saturday, Oct. 23-24, and 1 -5 p.m. on Sunday. For more, call 540-6594909 or go to file PHoto AlekS DolzeNko/ StAffoRD CouNty SuN

restaurant. Those who eat out four times and have their passport stamped are eligible for prizes. For more, visit‑ events/stafford‑restaurant‑week/

walk at 10:30 a.m. choose a 1- or 3-mile walk. Register a team, join a team or donate at

oct. 17

8 a.m. to 3 p.m. 1171 Central Park Blvd., Fredericksburg Laura at or call 540‑898‑1500 ext. 304

walk to end alzheimer’s Harris Pavilion 9201 Center St., Manassas Registration at 8:30, program at 9:30

Spca Fall yard Sale

7 to 9 p.m, Germanna Community College’s Sealy Auditorium 100000 Germanna Point Dr., Fredericksburg Presenters to include an FBi special agent and FBi victim specialist. Advance registration required by Oct. 16.

parents’ online Safety training 7 to 9 p.m. Germanna Community College’s Sealy Auditorium 100000 Germanna Point Dr., Fredericksburg Presenters to include an FBi special agent and FBi victim specialist Advance registration required by Oct. 16 — Staff Report

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Stafford County Restaurant Week Debuts—With a Prize!


Stafford County will be celebrating Restaurant

Week from October 16-25, 2015, with a prize drawing as “dessert”.

The 10-day culinary celebration offers special prices at favorite area hotspots; perfect for foodies, culinary explorers, and anyone looking to experience top-notch dining or casual cuisine. No passes, tickets or coupons are required, just pick up a Stafford County Restaurant Week passport at any one of the many participating restaurants and have it stamped when dining out throughout the 10 days. Diners who visit at least 4 different restaurants during Restaurant Week have an opportunity to enter a drawing for great prizes! Don’t hesitate to try something new! An array of different cuisines is the cornerstone of Restaurant Week, and participating restaurants span the entire County.

For additional information about Stafford County Restaurant Week visit

Bon appetit! Stafford Restaurant Week 2015 is proudly sponsored by Stafford County Department of Economic Development and Tourism.

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STAFFORD COUNTY SUN • • Friday, October 16, 2015

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Buy an ENTRÉE/ DINNER and receive a FREE DESERT


Nowtakingappointments Aquia Family Medical Center Aquia Family Medical Center andwalk-inurgentcare.

SHeLteR petS oF tHe weeK


Providers: Anbessie M.D. •• Yared Gebreyesus M.D. Providers: Tedla Tedla Anbessie M.D. Gebreyesus Gebreyesus M.D. Providers: Tedla Anbessie M.D. • Yared M.D. Getachew GetachewWoldeher Woldeher M.D. Getachew Woldeher M.D. M.D.


Now accepting Medicare, Medicaid Aquia Family Medical Center Now accepting Medicare, Medicaid Providers: Tedla Anbessie M.D. • Yared Gebreyesus M.D. andFamily Anthem Healthkeepers Aquia Family GetachewMedical Woldeher M.D. Center and Anthem Healthkeepers Aquia Medical Center MondaythroughFriday9amto6pm Providers: Tedla Anbessie M.D. • Yared Gebreyesus M.D. Providers: TedlaGetachew Anbessie Medicare, M.D. • Yared M.D. Now accepting Medicaid Woldeher M.D.Gebreyesus Getachew Woldeher M.D. NowSaturday9amto2pm taking appointments Now taking appointments Now taking appointments and Anthem Healthkeepers Now accepting accepting Medicare, Medicaid Now Medicare, Medicaid and walk-in urgent care. and walk-in urgent care. urgent care. and Anthem Healthkeepers Now taking appointments and Anthem Healthkeepers Dr.Gebreyesus andtaking walk-in urgent care. HOURS: Now appointments HOURS: Now taking appointments Monday through Friday 9 am to 6 pm

FiONA is a 6-year-old boxer mix with big, soulful eyes. With proper intro, she would likely do well with other dogs. She is food motivated and intelligent. Fiona can be seen at the Fredericksburg Regional SPCA, (540) 898-1500.

JASPeR is a hound mix looking for a new home. He is very sweet and would be perfect for an energetic family. He is number 69943 at the Stafford County Animal Shelter, (540) 658-PeTS.

PiPeR is a young pit bull terrier looking for a new home. She loves to play outside and does great with everyone she meets. She is number 69946 at the Stafford County Animal Shelter, (540)-658-PeTS.

SCRiBe is a handsome Russian blue mix that has been in the shelter for more than a year, since he was a kitten. He does well with other cats. Scribe can be seen at the Fredericksburg Regional SPCA, (540) 898-1500.

HOURS: andFriday walk-in urgent care. Monday through 9 am to 6 pm and walk-in urgent care. Monday through Friday 9pm am to 6 pm Saturday 9 am to 2 HOURS: Saturday 9 Saturday amHOURS: to 299 am pm am to 22 pm pm Saturday to


r. Gebreyesus

Monday through Friday 9 am to 6 pm MondaySaturday through9Friday 9 am to 6 pm am to 2 pm Saturday Aquia FamilyMedical MedicalCenter Center 9 am to 2 pm 2146JeffersonDavisHwy,Ste101 Aquia Family

Dr.Dr.Gebreyesus Gebreyesus

Dr. Dr. Gebreyesus Gebreyesus

Dr. Gebreyesus quia Family Medical Center 2146 Jefferson Davis Hwy, Ste 101

Stafford,VA22554 Phone540-657-9191 • Fax540-657-0986

Aquia Family Medical 2146 Jefferson Davis SteCenter 101 Stafford, VAHwy, 22554 Aquia Family Medical Center Aquia Family Medical Center Phone 540-657-9191 • Fax 540-657-0986 Stafford, VA 22554 2146 Jefferson Davis Hwy, Ste 101Davis Hwy, Ste 101 2146 Jefferson 2146 Jefferson Davis Hwy, SteSte 101101 2146 Jefferson Davis Hwy, 540-657-9191 • Fax 540-657-0986 Stafford, VA 22554 Participate with most insurances including TRICARE Stafford, VA Phone 22554 Stafford, VA 22554 Phone 540-657-9191 • 22554 Fax 540-657-0986 Stafford, VA hone 540-657-9191 • Phone Fax 540-657-0986 Phone 540-657-9191 ••Fax 540-657-0986 540-657-9191 Fax 540-657-0986 Participate with most insurances including TRICARE Participate with most insurances including TRICARE


Participate with insurance including TRICARE Participate withmost most insurances including TRICARE Participate with most insurances including TRICARE

Whole-house water filter Friday, October 16, 2015 • • STAFFORD COUNTY SUN



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FRom page 1

Hirons, Falmouth District, expressed concern about traffic on Election Day. “I don’t really like the idea of having school on Election Day at Stafford High School if elections are going to be going on there,” he said, noting that he doesn’t want anything to prevent people from casting their ballots. He brought up the idea of an alternate voting location. School board member Irene Egan, Aquia District, wondered how teachers would feel about losing early-release days since they need that preparation time. School board member Patricia Healy, Rock Hill District, said: “I’m concerned about the early release days being a big burden on the teachers.” She said it could be a burden on voters, too. And the 10-minute addition to the day may be the least burdensome, she noted. The option chosen will also depend on 8.32 days of banked time for the high schools as snow days, the school board said, and whether or not that changes. Also at the meeting, the school board:

■ unanimously approved awarding a contract for $285,000 using Virginia Public School Authority funds to Moseley Architects of Harrisonburg for design and construction administration services to repair mechanical systems at H.H. Poole Middle School. ■ heard a presentation about elementary school class sizes. The average class size at the elementary level in Stafford is 23.77 students, ranging from 21.3 students at Kate Waller Barrett Elementary School to 25.6 students at Park Ridge Elementary School. Currently there are more than 27,550 students in Stafford County Public Schools. SCPS is 160 students over projection, Fitzgerald said, and has 273 more students than it did on the last day of the last school year. Because of this, 25 additional paraprofessionals have been allocated per grade level, according to the report. ■ discussed the rebuild of Anne E. Moncure Elementary School but took no action, planning to discuss the matter again next month. Tracy Bell can be reached at

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free seminars Could your dog be an urban dog and community canine? on weight loss LiVing witH dogS | LaURie c. wiLLiamS

So you’ve taught your dog all the so well when they are in unfamiliar basics, “sit,” “down,” “off ” and “leave territory. They are not deliberately it,” “coming when called,” and walking disobeying you. They honestly do not nicely on a leash…at home. Now understand the cue in that situation or what? Getting a dog to perform reli- environment. Therefore the goal ably around distractions should be to teach and in unfamiliar environbehaviors in as many ments is the challenge and different locations we often the missing link after can think of. Take your completing an obedience dog out of the classclass or training your dog room, your living room, on your own. Even if your your back yard and into dog has passed his Canine the real world. Good Citizen certification LaURie c. wiLGo to the park, soccer issued by the American LiamS fields, strip malls, tennis Kennel Club, is there more courts, outside conveyou can train for? Yes, nience stores, inside pet friendly stores, there is. If you’re looking for a challenge, on the corner when the school buses the true test of your dog’s skills aren’t are letting the kids off, etc. This realwhat he can do at obedience class (or world training is called “proofing,” and in your living room), but rather how he this helps your dog with the process of behaves everywhere else! Dogs do not generalization. This helps dogs undergeneralize very well. When they learn a stand that “come” means “come” and behavior attached to a cue (command), “stay” means “stay” no matter where he they first learn it in the exact situation is and what is going on around him. This newer approach to dog training, where it was applied. That means, in that environment, with that specific or “real-life training classes” geared cue, with that specific hand signal, tone to applying all the skills your dog has learned to real-life situations, away of voice, etc. That is one of the key reasons dogs from the training facility and in the perform so well in the places they’ve presence of everyday distractions can been trained and worked with, and not help your dog become a true “Urban

Dog or Community Canine,” and the AKC has created new certifications that dog owners can obtain for their dog. Classes like this will not only help with generalization and build your dog’s confidence as he learns to make the right choices, but will improve his socialization and familiarization with a multitude of people, places and things as well. Additionally, classes like this are fun! You get to spend time with and show off your dog to the world. They are tasked with being reliable and consistent in all life situations. This is how service and assistance dogs are trained and why you see them out in your community. Your dog can and should be trained this way too. With the cooler temperatures and kids back in school, Fall is the perfect time to implement this into your dog’s training regimen. Check with your local training facility to see if they offer any real-life dog training classes or programs.

Stafford business owner Laurie C. Williams is a television and radio personality and nationally recognized dog trainer. She can be reached at

Choosing weight loss surgery isn’t an easy decision. Those facing the challenges of living with obesity can get questions answered through Sentara weight loss surgery seminars, according to a news release. Board-certified weight-loss surgeons explain surgical solutions for weight loss, including laparoscopic gastric banding, gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy and revisional procedures. Free seminars are offered at: •  Sentara Pratt Medical Group, 95 Dunn Drive, Stafford, at 10 a.m. – noon on Saturday, Oct. 17. •  Sentara Northern Virginia Medical Center, 2300 Opitz Blvd., Woodbridge, 10 a.m. – noon on Saturday, Oct. 24. Other dates are available. Register online at or call 1-800-Sentara (1-800-736-8272).

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North Stafford graduate plays midfield for longwood DAViD DRiVeR


Friday, October 16, 2015 • • STAFFORD COUNTY SUN

For the Stafford County Sun


eghan O’Connor has been a fixture for four years with the field hockey team at Division I Longwood in Farmville. She started 19 of 21 games as a freshman in 2012, started 17 of 22 games in 2013, started 12 of 17 last year and started the first 10 games this year. “I am not officially a captain, but I try to be a good leader without the title,” said O’Connor, who also looked at Northeastern in Boston coming out of high school. The North Stafford High graduate has dealt with knee problems during her college career. “From my freshman year to my senior year, I definitely grew. I have so much more confidence and appreciation for the game,” said O’Connor, a fouryear member of the field hockey team at North Stafford High. “I have been dealing with the knee injury and have handled it better than last year.” Entering this season, she had started 48 of her 60 career appearances for Longwood, and the midfielder scored two points in 2013 with a pair of assists. Last year she had three shots on goal, with one goal, as an aggressive midfielder. O’Connor had one goal in the first 10 games this year for the Lancers, who were 4-6 overall and 2-2 in conference play. “The team is still pretty young this year,” O’Connor said. “We have just three seniors and five or six juniors. We are working a lot better this year than we did last year. We have a good team dynamics going. We are meshing well.” Other Stafford products with Longwood are junior forward Colleen Hoffman (Mountain View) and junior midfielder Lindsey Lysher (Stafford High). O’Connor was a two-time All-District player in high school and was All-Region

Mehgan O’Connor has dealt with knee problems during her college career.

as a senior. She led North Stafford High to a district title in 2009 and the school advanced to the state finals in 2009 and 2010. She also played tennis one year at North Stafford. She is the daughter of Will and Trish O’Connor and has been studying communications/mass media studies at Longwood. Earlier this season in late August, the Lancers lost, 8-1, to James Madison.

Two of the players for the Dukes in that game were Stafford residents Erin Husar (Stafford High) and Bailee Hubert (Mountain View). O’Connor and Lysher both started against JMU. O’Connor and Hubert were club teammates while in high school. The Lancers bounced back and beat Towson, 2-1, on the road Sept. 11 in suburban Baltimore. Stafford products who started in that

local Creepers shine on the hardwood BRiAN wRighT

For the Stafford County Sun

The retirement age may currently be at 62, but that doesn’t stop some from remaining very active long after surpassing that number. Some 10,000 who qualify as such participated in the bi-annual National Senior Games, held in Minneapolis this July – featuring more than 800 events and medals in 19 sports. There, the six-member Virginia Creepers men’s basketball team – consisting of players age 80 and up – prevailed in the double-elimination tournament to earn a gold medal. Two Stafford County residents were integral to the success of the squad. George Arvan and Dallas Chestnut first met about 15 years ago on the tennis court at the local YMCA. They quickly

became doubles partners and have won the state championship at the Virginia Senior Games. Their partnership quickly translated to the hardwood, and the camaraderie they and the other four teammates share went a long way in winning the championship. “Nobody’s a superstar,” said Arvan, who has been on the Creepers’ roster for seven years. “Whoever’s open gets the shot. We try and play good team defense – which was the key in us being so good.” But, of course, it takes more than chemistry to fuel a team’s triumph. And Chestnut is one of several who endure the demands of multiple sports. “He’s phenomenal,” Arvan said. “I call him the ‘Energizer Bunny.’ I’ve never seen a guy with that kind of a motor…a hell of an athlete.”

There’s plenty of proof to that statement. The 82-year-old Chestnut is an accomplished pole vaulter and was a renowned diver while attending Kansas State University. His basketball playing days stretch all the way back to high school in Kansas. Arvan is also quite versatile, but was limited from joining Chestnut on the tennis court to defend their state championship due to double vision. However, that condition didn’t prevent him from winning the free throw competition at the Virginia Senior Games earlier this year – connecting on 14 of his 20 shots. “I was seeing two baskets looking straight ahead,” he said. “I had to cock my head over to the side to get better focus.” Relatively speaking, Arvan’s physical health has been tremendous. Aside from

Mike kRoPf/loNgwooD uNiVeRSity

game for Towson were Morgan Lowry (Mountain View) and Morgan Skavdahl (Mountain View). There are Stafford residents with several Division I programs in the midAtlantic region. “It is definitely a growing sport in the county and the travel teams are becoming more competitive,” O’Connor said. David Driver can be reached at

a torn meniscus – suffered during the 2013 Senior National Games in Cleveland – his time is spent more as a participant than a spectator. His solution to good health is quite simple. “Stay active,” said the 80-year-old, who also enjoys metal detecting and gold panning. “Otherwise, you just vegetate…which is easy to do.” Age may wear down the body, but it doesn’t impede the joy that comes from winning. After a fourth-place finish during the 2011 event in Houston and an eight-place showing two years ago, Arvan knows this gold medal was a long time coming. “It was euphoric,” he said. “It’s hard to describe the feeling you get when you win something like that after trying so hard. Everybody was sky-high. It was fantastic to say the least.” Brian Wright can be reached at

FamiLy tecH | maRK StoUt

Don’t give out your phone number, there’s an app for that The telephone is often the bane of our existence, yet it is the necessary enabler of business and personal interactions. If you sell things online, have a home or family-run business, or if you are a single wanting to talk to someone you met online, you need the telephone. Yet there are risks to giving out your own phone number you should avoid. For example, you sell a bicycle online. You don’t want to give the person your phone number to avoid the possibility of them calling you a year later telling you the bike has broken and they feel you sold them a defective item. Or you want your one- or two-person family-run business to look like a bigger company but don’t want to hire a receptionist, what can you do? There’s an app for the iPhone and Android called Burner that lets you purchase a phone number that is good for a time period you choose. That way, you can list that phone number in your online ad. Any calls coming into the app from that phone number, come into the app where you can answer or let them go to a voicemail setup for just that number and use. Once the transaction is done, you can simply cancel the number and future calls

to that number do not reach you. If you are running a business from Text messages can also be sent and your home, or your family has a small received using a Burner phone number, business and you’d prefer your customers so if you hand out the number to not know how small you are, or that you someone, there is no reason they have to are in your home, a service like Ringcenknow that you have not given them your tral might be good for you. regular number. Ringcentral lets you setup a virtual If you need to call someone PBX. That is, it gives you one but do not want them to see phone number people can call your caller ID number, a and then type in an extension Burner number shows only to reach a specific person or that phone number, not your department. Transfers to the own. This is valuable if you sales department, shipping or need to call a business you fear support could all go the same will put you on their telemarperson if need be. The call is keting list. The number will forwarded to a landline or to maRK StoUt only be good for a short while. a mobile phone. You can even You may wonder why I do not recom- have it ring multiple phones such as your mend the service I use and have talked home office line and your cell, so no about before, Google Voice. Burner matter where you are you can answer it. phones are better for a one-purpose use The auto attendant can route calls such as an online ad or dating service. My based on rules, or by the caller entering Google Voice is the only number I hand in an extension number. out. If a telemarketer does get hold of it, I It can even give your tiny business a can block that number from reaching me. toll-free number, as well as call recording Blocking a number only prevents calls and conference calling. from that one number. A Burner number, Ringcentral can tie into Office, once it expires, means the person who Dropbox, SalesForce, ZenDesk and had that number to call you, cannot other systems to give you an integrated reach you from any phone, so there is communications system. that added security. And instead of paying a receptionist


for 40 hours a week, you pay once for just the time it is taking your calls using services like My Receptionist. Additional services let it book appointments for you using an online appointment system you can use. The appointment system can send out confirmations and reminders to your customers via email, text message and even Twitter. It can even take orders for you and process credit card payments. All this is setup to be an add-on to a Ringcentral phone system. All of these services give you a managed telephone system for a set cost per user, per month. You can have large business services, without having to have staff and equipment of your own to manage it. I’ve used Burner, Ringcentral, My Receptionist and Google Voice as examples. There are many providers for these services. Check this week’s Link Post at for resources. For links mentioned in the column or to share this column online, go to http:// For Mark’s contact information, visit on the web.

Statepoint cRoSSwoRd tHeme: woRLd SeRieS

down 1. Campaigned 2. Petri dish gel 3. Surrender 4. Mack the _____ 5. *Reason for world Series cancellation 6. *Opposite of strike 7. Sierra Nevada, e.g. 8. Pool problem 9. Nessie’s loch 10. “i’m ____ ____!” 11. away from port 12. *All‑Star 2nd baseman, ‘85 Cardinals champs 15. Neolithic tomb 20. “lifestyles of

the Rich and Famous” host 22. ____ Zeppelin 24. Like kathleen Turner’s voice 25. *hOFer Frankie Frisch, “The Fordham ____” 26. Spherical bacteria 27. Jeweler’s unit 29. *Last world Series win was 1908 31. Two-wheeler 32. in a cold manner 33. Not those 34. *Best‑of‑____ 36. Matted wool 38. Chieftain in arabia 42. The ____, against Britain


45. Type of flag 49. Break down 51. *2014 world Series champs 54. Sentimental one 56. Braid 57. kind of ski lift 58. guesstimate phrase 59. iron horse track 60. west wing’s Office 61. at the summit 62. Therefore or consequently 63. Maple, to a botanist 66. Bingo! 68. Miner’s bounty

STAFFORD COUNTY SUN • • Friday, October 16, 2015

acRoSS 1. *Where bats are stored, pl. 6. Sheep sound 9. Biblical captain 13. *Player’s rep 14. Opposite of nothing 15. Slow on the uptake 16. rock bottom 17. *____ out a triple 18. Twig of willow tree 19. Pharmacy order 21. *game that determines home-field advantage 23. Make bigger 24. Team homophone 25. Federal Communications Commission 28. Per person 30. Bank account transactions 35. Bread quantity 37. “kiss Me, kiss Me, kiss Me” band The ____ 39. Specialty 40. 4,840 square yards 41. edward Teller’s baby 43. Capital on the Dnieper 44. Dandruff manufacturer 46. Ship canvas

47. Additional 48. *h in Dh 50. kind of math 52. hankering 53. like a busybody 55. Voluntary fee 57. *Home of 1993 champion Blue Jays 61. Popular flowering shrub 64. Opera house exclamation 65. Not lean 67. Narcotics lawman 69. Of the Orient 70. however, poetically 71. *Ty cobb or al kaline 72. Sushi wrapped in nori 73. Small dog’s bark 74. Mercantile establishment


Nova Jobs


The Fredericksburg Realtors Foundation Gov. Donna Schmidt, left, empowerhouse executive Director Kathy Anderson, Foundation President Mary Beth Rich, Foundation Gov. Mark Geslock and Foundation Gov. Natalie Holt pose with a mock check representing the donation. SubMitteD

empowerhouse receives funds from fred Realtors The Fredericksburg Realtors Foundation recently presented a $3,000 grant to Empowerhouse, a local organization providing assistance to victims of domestic violence. The grant money will go towards Empow-

Friday, October 16, 2015 • • STAFFORD COUNTY SUN

Check out your roots


Discover the roots of our AfricanAmerican ancestors. Become a part of a nationwide effort in the Freedmen’s Bureau Project from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Oct. 24 at Mount Olive Baptist Church at 395 Mount Olive Road in Stafford. This event will foster efforts to enter the handwritten records into a genealogical database. The goal is to have the records fully indexed in time for the opening of the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History and Culture in late 2016. Volunteers will be able to assist you in indexing the records. The Freedmen’s Bureau was organized

erhouse’s housing assistance program. The Foundation raises funds at FAAR events to help support housing non-profits throughout the region. The Foundation has granted over $16,000 so far this year.

near the end of the American Civil War to assist newly freed slaves in 15 states and the District of Columbia. FamilySearch International, the largest nonprofit genealogy organization in the world, has released 1.5 million Freedmen’s Bureau historical records containing an estimated 4 million names. These records range from handwritten marriage information to banking, school, and hospital records. The Freedmen’s Bureau Project is a collaboration between FamilySearch, the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture, the Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society and the California African American Museum. For more, visit

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FRom page 1

retailers face to face to make the case for an investment in our community, and have involved many more through our marketing efforts.” More than 10 additional sites countywide are preparing for retail additions, including an additional Pancho Villa location at Quantico Corporate Center, and an AutoZone. According to the county, traditional retail pursuits depend on “rooftops,” but Stafford is selling its community as a diverse and growing employment center with ample Interstate 95 frontage. As new subdivisions and neighborhood pop up within the county, the population calls for more retail, recreation and restaurants for even more residents. And, with the revitalization of the former Aquia Towne Center in the works, more businesses and additions are set to come. Many of the current businesses new to

Stafford are restaurants, so it’s fitting that the county will hold its first-ever Restaurant Week this month. Eighteen county restaurants will take part in the event, which runs Oct. 16 to 25. Customers who visit at least four of the eateries can qualify for prizes. Earlier this year, the National Retail Federation predicted that retail industry sales would increase 4.1 percent, up from a 3.5 percent growth in 2014. “We know that retailers are listening based on increased conversations, and we are convinced that more and higherend retail is coming,” Snellings said. “But our work is not yet done. Stafford is just getting started and we will continue to pursue higher-end retailers and restaurants to keep our residents close to home.” For more, contact Stafford’s Department of Economic Development at (540) 658-8681. For a list of restaurants participating in Restaurant Week, visit — Tracy Bell

BLS/ACLS required for ED, ICU/IMCU and Cardiac units. BLS required for Med/Surg units. BSN preferred. Currently licensed to practice as an RN by the Commonwealth of Virginia. Flexi positions available TO BE CONSIDERED AND FOR LOCATION OF EVENT, FIRST APPLY ONLINE NO LATER THAN MONDAY, OCTOBER 26TH AT NOON; THEN RSVP TO JALOPORT@SENTARA.COM ASAP.

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Legal Notices TRUSTEE’S SALE OF 56 Madeline Lane Stafford, VA 22556

In execution of a Deed of Trust in the original principal amount of $544,425.00, dated April 14, 2005, recorded among the land records of the Circuit Court for Stafford County on April 15, 2005, as Instrument Number 050013043, the undersigned appointed Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at public auction, at the main entrance of the courthouse for the Circuit Court of Stafford County, 1300 Courthouse

Rd, Stafford, VA on October 26, 2015 at 9:00 AM, the property described in said deed of trust, located at the above address and briefly described as: Lot 32, MANOR WOOD ESTATES, as more particularly described in Deed of Subdivision, Dedication and Easement dated April 24, 2004, recorded as Instrument Number 040015939, and accompanying plat prepared by Dewberry & Davis, LLC, recorded in Plat Map Number 040000095, among the land records of Stafford County, Virginia. Tax ID: 27J 32.

TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. A bidder’s deposit of $14,000.00 or 10% of the sale price, whichever is lower, will be required in cash, certified or cashier’s check. Settlement within fifteen (15) days of sale, otherwise Trustee may forfeit deposit. Additional terms to be announced at sale. This is a communication from a debt collector. This notice is an attempt to collect on a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. Loan Type: Conv/ Conv (Trustee # 565059)

Phone: 703-771-8831


Substitute Trustee: ALG Trustee, LLC, C/O Atlantic Law Group, LLC PO Box 2548, Leesburg, VA 20177, (703) 777-7101, website: FEI # 1074.03193 10/9 & 10/16/15

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STAFFORD COUNTY SUN • • Friday, October 16, 2015

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