FBCH defends Combatives title Pages A6 & 7
March 29, 2018
Suspicious package found on Belvoir, investigation underway, suspect in custody Submitted by FBI Washington Field Office On Monday, suspicious packages were received at multiple U.S. government facilities in the local area, including one at Fort Belvoir. The FBI responded and each package was collected and will be analyzed at the FBI Laboratory at Quantico, Va. In addition to Belvoir, packages were sent to mail processing facilities at Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling; Fort Lesley J. McNair; Naval
Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren, Va.; and the CIA in Langley, Va. The FBI investigation determined the packages contained potential destructive devices and appeared to be sent by the same person, from the Seattle area. The individual, Tranh Cong Phan, 43, was taken into custody by FBI
SnohomSeattle and the Snohom ish County Sheriff ’s Office at his residence in Everett, Wash., on Monday. Phan was scheduled to have his initial appearance in the Western District of Washington on Tuesday afternoon. The joint investigation with the U.S. Postal Inspection Service continues. It is possible that other packages were mailed
to additional mail processing facilities in the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan area. The FBI takes all suspicious packages seriously and has been coordinating with local, state, and federal partners on established protocols of how to handle suspicious packages. The FBI continues to advise the public to remain vigilant and not touch, move or handle any suspicious or unknown packages. If you observe any suspicious activity, contact local law enforcement or the FBI at www.tips.fbi.gov.
Local VFW recognizes two Belvoir personnel By Adrienne Anderson Staff writer Two Directorate of Emergency Services employees were recently honored for their public service by the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Springfield Chapter during their Americanism Award Ceremony. Each year, the VFW honors police, fire and other emergency personnel for service to their communities. Capt. Samantha Green and Julien Crolet were nominated by Battalion Chief Daniel Wedding for the awards. Green, recipient of the VFW’s Firefighters Public Service Award, said it felt good to be recognized by her supervisor and the VFW for what she does, although she considers it just another part of the job. Green has worked on Fort Belvoir for 10 years and has 15 years total experience. “I’m very grateful for it. I
always go above and beyond with my job,” she said, adding she has the best job in the world. “I can honestly say that I love coming to work every day,” Green said. “I got into it because who doesn’t want to ride a fire truck? It’s the coolest thing ever,” But she also wanted to make a difference. “The thrill is there, but also the selflessness,” Green said. Crolet has worked with Fort Belvoir since 2013 and has been a firefighter since 2006. He received the VFW’s Paramedic Public Service Award. Crolet said he got interested in firefighting as a career at a young age, saying he loves helping others. “It was very humbling,” Crolet said about receiving the award. “We have a lot of great guys here that do a lot. It’s nice for people to get recognized from this department. Hopefully, more and more get recognized for the hard work they do.”
Submitted photo
Firefighter medic Julien Crolet, left, and Capt. Samantha Green, center, were awarded March 17, for their public service by the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Springfield Chapter. Crolet was awarded the Paramedic Service Award, and Green was awarded the Firefighter Public Service Award. Kevin Good, acting deputy fire chief, is on the right.
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Belvoir Eagle March 29, 2018
Army Vice Chief of Staff: Women vital to ‘strength of our Army’ By David Vergun Army News
History is replete with inspiring examples of female Soldiers who served, the Army vice chief of staff said. “Today, women are a vital part of the strength of our Army,” said Gen. James C. McConville, who spoke recently on Capitol Hill as part of the 10th Annual U.S. Army Women’s Summit. The general said a female inspired him very early on in his own career. That woman, Gale O’Sullivan Dwyer, was his classmate during high school in Braintree, Mass. Coincidentally, McConville and Dwyer both entered the same class at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, N.Y., he said. At the time, McConville acknowledged that he had some challenges going through the academy. It was Dwyer who inspired him to persevere, he said, describing her as a little over five feet tall and about 100 pounds but “tough as nails.” “She had tremendous character and resilience, was extremely smart and super physically fit,” he said. “She motivated me every day by her presence.” Dwyer later wrote a book with the fitting title: “Tough As Nails: One Woman’s Journey Through West Point.” Throughout his career, McConville said he’s seen “hundreds of formations with women, motivating Soldiers left and right.” The vice chief of staff provided another account of a female Soldier who inspired him. When he was a brigade commander in the 1st Cavalry Division in Iraq in April 2004, he said he got a call from the 1st Armored Division, saying that enemy fighters were on the verge of overrunning a
army.mil Center for Women Veterans, on va.gov The Army Women’s Museum awm.lee.army.mil
U.S. Army photo by Cadet Alex Werden
Cadet Simone Askew (right) leads her freshmen class on a road march at the U.S. Military Academy. small outpost in Najaf. Fortunately, McConville said he had a team of Apache helicopters available, led by Chief Warrant Officer 2 Cindy Rozelle, outside of Baghdad. The helicopter team launched, arrived at Najaf in about 35 minutes, and came in shooting, he relayed. “I don’t recall any of those Soldiers whose lives were saved talking about her gender,” McConville said. “They were just happy to be alive.” Recent milestones McConville listed some recent achievements made by women in the Army: • Last year, Simone Askew became the first African-American woman to hold the position of first captain of the Military Academy’s Corps of Cadets. Askew was also selected as a Rhodes Scholar • In the fall, six women earned Expert Infantry Badges during testing at Fort Bragg, N.C. • By the end of 2017, more than
Eagle Volume 26 Issue 13 Lt. Col. Christopher Tomlinson Garrison Commander
Command Sgt. Maj. Corey Perry
Margaret Steele Editor
Rick Musselman Sports Editor
Paul Lara
Garrison Command Sergeant Major
Photo Editor
Stephen Brooks
Adrienne Anderson
Deputy to the Garrison Commander
Staff Writer
Joe Richard Director of Public Affairs
Sydney Adams Page Designer
600 female Soldiers were in Infantry, Armor and Artillery positions that were only recently opened up to women • Today, every Infantry, Armor and Artillery battalion in every single active-duty brigade combat team has women assigned -- up to hundreds in some BCTs • 10 women graduated from Ranger School • 17 percent of the Army,or 174,000 Soldiers, consists of women. That number approaches the active-duty end strength of the Marine Corps. Talent management Now that all military occupational specialties are open to women, it’s more important than ever that the Army knows how best to identify and use the talent it has in its workforce. McConville said that talent management is about putting the right person in the right job at the right time. Another part of talent management, he said, is “lever-
aging the strength of diversity.” Women are an important part of that diversity, he said. Unfortunately, the Army’s current personnel management system focuses on just two factors: rank and military occupational specialty. That’s a very incomplete picture of Soldiers, each of whom has a unique set of knowledge, skills, abilities and aspirations, McConville said. He added that the Army wants to manage Soldier talent using as many as 25 variables. Examples of those variables include language skills and foreign experience. The Army is getting ready to field the Integrated Personnel and Pay System - Army, which will, among other things, allow the Army to document a much wider array of talent than what it currently does. A pilot program in one of the captain’s career courses used this talent management approach, McConville said. The first phase of IPPS-A will be fielded by the Guard this fall and in the active and Reserve components next year, he said. Getting this done right is important, he emphasized. “The Army is about people ... its most important weapon system.” He added that, when done right, a talent management system that works encourages good people to stay in the Army.
The Belvoir Eagle is published in cooperation with the Public Affairs Office, 9820 Flagler Road, Fort Belvoir, VA, 22060. To contact the Belvoir Eagle, call 703-805-2019 or 805-5001, or email us at editor@belvoireagleonline.com. Submission deadline is noon Thursday. The Belvoir Eagle is published each Thursday — by Rappahannock Media LLC, 1372 Old Bridge Road, Suite 101, Woodbridge, VA 22192, a private firm in no way connected with the Department of the Army — as a civilian enterprise newspaper in the interest of Fort Belvoir, Va. Views and opinions are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the official view of the Department of Defense, Department of the Army, Military District of Washington or Fort Belvoir. Advertisement in this publication, does not constitute endorsement of the products or services by Department of the Army. Everything advertised herein must be made available for purchase, use, or patronage without regard to the race, creed, age, color, sex, or nationality of the purchaser, user, or patron unless precluded by applicable federal, state or local laws. For Classified advertisement information, call 703-771-8831. Belvoir Eagle is a registered trademark. Circulation: 19,000.
To Advertise in the Eagle:
Contact Rick Bockes: rbockes@insidenova.com or 703-987-0854 Send comments and story ideas to editor@belvoireagleonline.com Questions, comments or concerns regarding garrison services? Visit the Interactive Customer Evaluation site at ice.disa.mil. Type in “Fort Belvoir” in the Site Name/Location Search bar to find all the services you can rate. And add your feedback (good and bad) to help Fort Belvoir improve or just say thanks for a job well done. For Fort Belvoir information, follow us on facebook at Fort Belvoir or visit www.belvoir.army.mil.
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Belvoir Eagle e-edition
Comedian returning to Belvoir with SHARP message By Adrienne Anderson Staff writer Stand-up comedian Bernie McGrenahan performs to a Belvoir audience at 10 a.m. April 10, in Thurman Auditorium, in an event hosted by Army Substance Abuse and Sexual Harassment/ Assault Response and Prevention programs. The show will focus on McGrenahan’s past dealing with alcohol abuse. “I personally used alcohol to cope with stress,” he said, adding it’s his goal to bring awareness about the dangers of alcohol abuse. “I am now 30 years clean and sober from all alcohol and substance abuse and hope to inspire audiences to use the resources available on base, including chaplains, counselors and suicide prevention specialists to cope with their job stress or personal stress at home,” McGrenahan said in a phone interview. He opens up with 30 minutes
of comedy which, McGrenahan said, “brings a new, innovative way to deliver the training outside of the standard format.” Although he talks about the dangers of alcohol abuse, McGrenahan said his message is not to avoid alcohol, but to think about choices related to it, like being a responsible drinker. “I hope to entertain and bring laughter to us all, but leave every person in the audience thinking about their choices and behaviors and maybe inspire them to lead happy, healthy and productive lives.” McGrenahan visited Belvoir in 2014 and said he is excited to return. “(I hope) they will leave the presentation with more information that when they came,” he said. Those who attend can have the event count toward annual training requirements. Info is available from Michell Waters, 703-805-2587.
March 29, 2018 Belvoir Eagle
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Belvoir Eagle March 29, 2018
Training division official meets with CGSS students By Mark Kormos and Eric Katz Command and General Staff College Fort Belvoir Satellite Campus Brig. Gen. Aaron T. Walter, Commanding General, 100th Training Division, (Operational Support) visited the Fort Belvoir Command and General Staff College Satellite Campus on March 10. He was hosted by Lt. Col. Sean Truax, Virginia Coordinator for The Army School System, or TASS; and Michael Bizer, supervisory assistant professor of Teaching Team 30 at the CGSS-Belvoir. The classroom instruction he visited was facilitated by TASS instructors assigned to the 10th Battalion, 80th Training Regiment, one of the Division’s subordinate units. TASS students enrolled in the CGSS course are U.S. Army Reserve and Army National Guard officers. Walter began his visit by observing Lesson C405 - Decisive Action, Offense, facilitated by Lt. Col. Edward Vancourt and Maj. Jeff Gunlicks. After the lesson, he conducted an officer professional development session with the TASS CGSS students, and discussed four challenges the officers should expect to encounter and solve after graduation. The first challenge that Walter discussed was the importance of understanding the Sustainable Readiness Model, a subject from their Force Management curriculum. The model emphasizes that each Soldier and their assigned unit must be ready all the time. Second, he encouraged the students to learn all they could during the course and continue their military education throughout their careers, by completing the Reserve Component National Security Course, the Defense Strategy Course and Senior Service College.
Submitted photos
Brig. Gen. Aaron T. Walter, commanding general, 100th Training Division, (Operational Support), visited Fort Belvoir’s Command and General Staff College Satellite Campus March 10. Third, Walter stated the importance of serving in difficult, key and developmental, senior military leadership assignments. The final challenge he discussed detailed how to balance the demands of a civilian job with family obligations, Army Reserve assignments and attendance at CGSS. Walter ended his visit by serving as the senior officer for a promotion ceremony for one of the TASS instructors, Lt. Col. Lester Twilley, who got promoted from major. Lt. Col. Michelle Avolio, the 10th Training Battalion commander; and Walter promoted him. Truax said Walter’s visit emphasized to the students the importance of graduating from the Command and General Staff School to prepare them to be successful, future, organizational level leaders.
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Brig. Gen. Aaron T. Walter, commanding general, 100th Training Division, (Operational Support), left, stands with recently promoted Lt. Col. Lester Twilley, and Lt. Col. Michelle Avolio, 10th Training Battalion commander. Twilley is an instructor at The Army School System.
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March 29, 2018 Belvoir Eagle
Public Works gearing up for Earth Day with special programs Directorate of Public Works Each year, Fort Belvoir hosts its own Earth Day celebrations. Children are encouraged to learn about the importance of a healthy environment and what they can do to help ensure it remains that way, while adults are reminded of how the small actions taken every day can result in huge impacts. “We really want people to take home ideas for how they can reuse things around their homes and bring awareness of things around that can be damaging to the environment in order for them to do their small bit,” said Camila Goncalves Dias, from Belvoir Garrison’s MS4 and Industrial Stormwater Program at the Directorate of Public Works. “If everyone plays a part, it makes it easier to accomplish these goals.” As part of Earth Day 2018, Belvoir DPW hosts several events throughout April: April 8, 9 a.m. – noon Potomac Watershed Clean-up Clean up litter at Tompkins Basin to protect our wetlands. FMI, Kevin Walter, 703-805-3969 April 9-17 Spring Cleaning Competition Compete with other units to collect the most litter around your building. Contact DPW Environmental for trash bags and gloves and to report how much gets collected. April 18, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Informational session and children’s events
Meet environmental specialists at the Exchange to learn what you can do at home to protect the earth. And, family fun and environmental education lead by natural resource specialists at Tompkins Basin. Clean-up Crews Want to coordinate an Earth Day clean-up for your group? Contact DPW Environmental at 703-806-0046. History of Earth Day The thought of Earth Day brings to mind images of community members planting trees and children learning about the importance and value of the natural world. While this might be true today, few Americans realize that the first Earth Day was a much more dramatic, national event. In the midst of the Vietnam War, college
campuses across the country were ablaze with anti-war protests and teach-ins or informal lectures and discussions. Wisconsin Senator and lifelong environmentalist Gaylord Nelson saw a chance to redirect the highly vocal force of American academics and young adults to another national crisis … the severity of environmental degradation that people had come to accept as normal. Nelson advocated applying the teach-in format to the new environmental movement that was sweeping the nation, thanks to Rachel Carson’s bestselling book “Silent Spring.” To ensure that the most student and faculty members could participate, Nelson selected April 22, poised between spring break and final exams, to be the official Earth Day. The first Earth Day in 1970 saw many different forms of protest. Events ranged from lectures and nature walks to more dramatic displays, like mock trials for big time polluters and dump-ins, where students collected litter and relocated it to city halls’ and manufacturing facilities’ doorsteps. Due, in part, to the efforts of many participating activists, the Environmental Protection Agency was established Dec. 2, 1970. That was followed by the passage of the Clean Water, Clean Air and Endangered Species acts; and other environmental protection regulations. In 1995, Nelson received the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian honor in the U.S., for organizing Earth Day and for his enduring commitment to improving environmental quality. Earth Day 2018’s focus is on single-use plastic items, advocating reducing and reusing over recycling, both personally and commercially.
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Belvoir Eagle March 29, 2018
Photos by Paul Lara
Philip Johnson, left, and Joshua Lofton, fight for medal placement in the welterweight division of the FY18 Commander’s Cup intramural Combatives tournament.
FBCH successfully defends Combatives title Rick Musselman Sports Editor
Fort Belvoir Community Hospital fighters kept focus and intensity at full steam for the duration to edge past Defense Logistics Agency for the FY18 intramural Combatives championship title, March 23 at the Wells Field House. More than 30 athletes representing various units assigned to Fort Belvoir and the Military District of Washington competed in the tournament across six weight divisions. Final results and more photos will appear in the April 5 edition of the Belvoir Eagle.
Above: Fort Belvoir Garrison Command Sgt. Maj. Corey Perry, center, presents the Fort Belvoir Community Hospital team with the first-place team trophy. Left: Fort Belvoir Garrison Command Sgt. Maj Corey Perry, center, presents Defense Logistics Agency fighters with the second-place team trophy
and Recreation
March 29, 2018
Timeout The best of the worst By Rick Musselman Sports Editor
Belvoir Cavaliers point guard, Trey Curtis, plows through a crowd of Wolfpack defenders during the 2018 CYS House basketball league 9-11 year old division championship final, Saturday at Specker.
Photos by Rick Musselman
Belvoir Wolfpack shooting guard, Dujuan Hunter, sinks a clean three pointer from the perimeter during his team’s 2018 CYS House basketball league 9-11 year old division championship final against the Cavaliers, Saturday at Specker Field House.
Wolfpack upsets Cavaliers for House hoops title By Rick Musselman Sports Editor The Belvoir Wolfpack 9-11 year old division youth basketball team wrote itself into the Child and Youth Services history books when it claimed an upset victory over the undefeated Cavaliers, 15-13 in one of the most intense House league championship nail-biters on record, Saturday at Specker Field House. With seconds remaining on the game clock, the contest was still anybody’s game. As the Cavaliers took possession, the Wolfpack defense rose to the occasion and thwarted a final-seconds shot from the perimeter to emerge triumphant. The 2018 championship series continues Saturday with the 12-15 year old division final. For information about the league call Jerry Arrington, 703805-9139; or Julie Libert, 703-805-9138.
Belvoir Wolfpack point guard, Aiden Alveo-Forbes, works the ball down the court during his team’s 2018 CYS House basketball league 9-11 year old division championship final.
After reading over last week’s rant about the resemblance between Northern Virginia’s primary traffic arteries and Roman gladiatorial arenas, I found I wasn’t quite done with that topic, mostly because the wild lane-changing, speeding, honking horns and pinched up angry faces continued to vex me all through the ensuing week. As I thought the whole mess over, I struggled to find a common denominator that bound all these highway antics together. I considered that, perhaps, the population at large is frustrated and bitter about the state of the world these days and figures it’s time to join the chaos instead of beating it. Perhaps economics and politics have beaten people’s attitudes towards a new workday into bitter apathy. But, then I remembered the one thing every bad driver had in common all those days I was fatalistic enough to pay closer attention to them. It’s the cell phone—perhaps the most culturally advancing and, at the same time, common-sense destroying piece of technology ever devised. As a parent, I can attest to the validity of cellular technology in that when my son reached driving age and left the house with his friends, I took great comfort in knowing I had a means to contact him if worry started setting in on me. Being anxious by nature, that alone truly changed the complexion of my evenings when he was out and sleet began rasping against the kitchen window and sirens started blaring in the distance. But I’m starting to think that’s where any benefit stopped. Today, everywhere I go, everyone around me is feverishly tapping or swiping at a cell phone screen—at sporting events, at concerts, at the movies, while they walk through the mall (and across the street), and certainly when driving. Is it possible that this “information age” is giving us bad habits, if not softening our brains? I know younger people adept at texting can scarcely carry on a conversation face to face and drivers can hardly go to the local hardware store without employing GPS. Honestly, I’m truly concerned that the technology designed to push man forward just might be dragging us backwards—at least in our choice and ability to actually think.
Belvoir Eagle March 29, 2018
MarDet’s Jayson Scott foils a FBDC scoring attempt with a spot-on bump during an intramural volleyball match series, March 22 at Wells Field House.
Photos by Rick Musselman
FBDC’s Nathan Vaitautolu goes up for the spike during his team’s intramural volleyball match series against MarDet, March 22 at Wells Field House.
Dental clinic sweeps Marine Detachment in volleyball By Rick Musselman Sports Editor
FBDC’s Mark Liu takes to the air for a massive spike during his team’s intramural volleyball match series against MarDet, March 22.
MarDet’s Robert Taylor makes the save at the sideline during his team’s intramural volleyball match series against Belvoir Dental Clinic.
Fort Belvoir Dental Clinic, celebrating its inaugural season in the installation’s Commander’s Cup intramural athletics league, established itself as an up-and-coming contender when the unit downed the Marine Detachment, 3-0 in a week-3 volleyball match series, March 22 at Wells Field House. Volleyball matches are played Tuesdays and Thursdays through April 3. The season culminates with a single-elimination championship tournament between the eight top-ranked teams. For game schedules and results visit http://www.quickscores.com/ Orgs/index.php?OrgDir=belvoirmwr. For more information about Fort Belvoir’s intramural sports program and the annual Commander’s Cup title race, call Justin Fitzgerald, 703-806-5093. Athletes can also contact their unit representative to register and for details.
March 29, 2018 Belvoir Eagle
Sports and Recreation Briefs Upcoming
Boater Safety Class
Boater Safety Classes are offered by U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary 25-08 the following dates: April 28, May 19 and June 23, 7:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. at Washington Farm United Methodist Church, 3921 Old Mill Road, Alexandria. The cost is $40, or $60 for two sharing course materials. Students who pass the test get a boater-education certificate recognized by the Coast Guard, Virginia and all other states that require boater education. Email Moses Pettigrew at msgtop@verizon. net or call 202-616-8987
March Madness Golf Tournament Compete in the 2018 March Madness Golf Tournament, Saturday. The tournament begins with a 9 a.m. shotgun start on Woodlawn Golf Course. The format will be two person team chapman alternate shot. Both golfers tee off on every hole. Players then alternate and hit their partner’s shot. The cost is $50 per person for active-duty and Golf Club members and $85 for all others. The tournament fee includes a continental breakfast, carts, range balls, prizes, lunch and basketball contests. Players will pay on the day of the tournament in case of inclement weather.
In progress Max Mileage Cardio Program
SHARP and MWR 5K Fort Belvoir’s Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention Program, in partnership with MWR, host the 9th annual SHARP and MWR 5K Run/Walk April 13 at 6:30 a.m. The run/walk will be at the Fort Belvoir Golf Club, 8450 Beulah St. Registration is free and can be completed online at www.belvoir.armymwr. com or in person at Graves Fitness Center, the Body Shop, or Kawamura Human Performance Center. Free T-shirts will be given out on a first-come, first-served basis while supplies last and a trophy will be given to the unit with the highest participation. Eligible participants include all active-duty Soldiers, mobilized/ADOS National Guard/Reserve-component Soldiers, retirees, and DoD civilians of the local community. For more infomation 703-806-4430.
Photo by Rick Musselman
A victorious Belvoir Wolfpack team celebrates after claiming the 2018 CYS House basketball league 9-11 year old division championship title, with a 15-13 win over the undefeated Cavaliers, Saturday at Specker Field House.
Trout Fest The North Post Pool will be stocking the pool with trout for the annual Trout Fest, April 14, 7 a.m. – 2 p.m. Unlimited fishing is $10 for pole and bait or $7 for bait only. Catch one of 10 golden fish to win a prize. No registration required. Call 703-805-2620 for more information.
Sports and Fitness offers a free, 12-week cardio program where participants record their miles each day. Participants who achieve 250 miles or more at the end of the 12 weeks get a T-shirt. The program runs through April 1. Participants get log-in sheets to track their progress in their daily steps/miles while walking, biking, rowing, using an elliptical and/or climbing on a stepper. At the end of each week, participants add their weekly totals. The Max Mileage Cardio Program manager will collect the log sheets every Friday and post the results the following Monday. Visit belvoir.armymwr.com for a list of suggested goals based on skill level. Eligible participants include all active duty, retirees, DoD civilian employees, and family members. Registration can be completed at Graves Fitness Center, the Body Shop or Kawamura Human Performance Center. Call 703-806-3100 for more information.
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Belvoir Eagle March 29, 2018
March 29, 2018 Belvoir Eagle
Top left: Service members representing several mission partners across the installation await the start of the FY18 Commander’s Cup intramural Combatives tournament, Friday at Wells Field House. Top right: Joshua Lofton, blue belt, takes on Josh Hager in a welterweight bout. Left: Philip Johnson, left, and Joshua Lofton fight for medal placement in the welterweight division of the FY18 Commander’s Cup intramural Combatives tournament, Friday at Wells Field House
Belvoir Eagle March 29, 2018
Submitted photo
Fort Belvoir’s Exceptional Family Member Program, supported by the Defense Acquisition University, held its annual Easter event Saturday. EFMP and DAU volunteers assisted EFMP families with activities including an Easter egg hunt.
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March 29, 2018 Belvoir Eagle
Now showing at Wood Theater Belvoir’s Wood Theater is closed over spring break and Easter. Movies resume–April 6 at 6:30 p.m., with the R-rated movie, Annihilation. The rest of the schedule is:
movie, at 3 p.m. Tickets are available at the Exchange Food Court and theater. Seats opens to non-ticket holders 30 minutes before show time.
APRIL 7 Studio appreciation - advanced, free screening of a PG-13 rated
APRIL 8 2 p.m. Paddington 2, PG 5 p.m. Forever my Girl, PG
Wood Theater is in Bldg. 2120 on Abbot Road. Adult general admission tickets are $6, $8 for 3D, $8 for first-run movies and $10 for first-run 3D movies. Child tickets are $3.50, $5.50 for 3D, $5.50 for first-run movies and $7.50 for first-run 3D movies. Credit and debit cards may be used for the amount of purchase only. For more information, call 703-806-5237.
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A10 Belvoir Eagle March 29, 2018
Belvoir Briefs Gun policy Fort Belvoir Regulation 192-2, Firearms Control, applies to everyone living, working or serving on Fort Belvoir. The regulation has stipulations that prohibit carrying privately owned weapons, explosives or ammunition on Belvoir, except when engaged in or en route to or from practice areas or off-post activities. Residents must register their weapons at the Tulley Gate Visitor Control Center, Bldg. 1409. Active-duty, Reservists and Army National Guard personnel, E-5 or below, must have a commander’s or director’s signature on the weapons registration form. The complete policy is available at belvoir.army.mil.
Military Clothing Sales The Exchange’s Military Clothing Sales store on Belvoir has new hours. They are: Tuesdays through Fridays, 9 a.m.-6 p.m.; weekends, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. The clothing store is closed Mondays.
Legal closure The Legal Assistance Office and Tax Center are closed for all
services on April 10, for an official function, and re-opens April 11.
Ed Center outreach An Army education counselor and base college counselors from Barden Education Center will be at the Belvoir Exchange Food Court, to answer education degree program questions, April 10, 10:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m.
Ed Fair Barden Education Center’s Spring Education Fair is April 17, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., in the Ed Center auditorium, with more than 35 colleges and universities attending. There will be five briefs conducted every 30 minutes consisting of: Troops to Teachers; Career Skills Programs; Higher Education session for those transitioning; Forever GI Bill and CLEP/DSST information session. Info is available from TaMekii Clark-Warrington, 703-805-9267, tamekii.l.clark-warrington.civ@ mail.mil.
Teen job fair Mount Vernon-Lee Chamber of Commerce hosts a Teen Job Fair at Mount Vernon High School, from
Photo by Paul Lara
Workers gather in the Garrison Headquarters basement last week, as part of a statewide tornado drill. The exercise familiarized everyone with the workplace shelter ahead of the tornado season. 11 a.m.-1 p.m. April 14. The school is at 8515 Old Mount Vernon Road, Alexandria, 22309. The teen job fair will focus on student job seekers, approximately ages 16 to 18, looking for full time or after-school employment;
seasonal positions; internships; or volunteer experiences. It is open to all teens in Fairfax County. Businesses can also participate, for free. Info is available from the events tab at mtvernon-leechamber.org.
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March 29, 2018 Belvoir Eagle A11
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A12 Belvoir Eagle March 29, 2018
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