Fort Belvoir 23rd Oktoberfest. See pages A6-A7 for more.
October 10, 2019
Practice Belvoir Warrior home escape Transition planBrigade Soldier for flourishes Fire Prevention at DoD Warrior Week Games
By Paul Lara One of the most common issues Belvoir cause your arms are not your legs By Mary Therese Belvoir Eagle firefighters are discovering are dryer vent Griffin –it’s all arms and upper body. I’m Army Warrior Care and Transition ort Belvoir Garrison and Fire and problems. If clothes dryer ventilation systems pretty much limited from the chest Emergency Services leaders observed Fire get clogged with lint, it can overheat the eleup. It’s hard, but once I got fitted in gt. 1st Class Jay Martin, a Prevention Week, this week, by signing a ment and spark a fire. Clothes taking longer the bike, I realized I have to get in trumpet player in the Army’s proclamation and thanking firefighters for all to dry is often an indicator the vent is clogged. Guard Fife and Drum there and keep going, because pracThe speed that a house fireOld spreads can the hard work they do every day to help keep the tice makes perfect,” said Martin. Corps, be startling, and there can be asopenly little asadmits two he was never Belvoir community safe. He won a bronze medal for his really athletic. “I was not athletic why it’s important The National Fire Protection Association minutes to escape, which is classification in hand cycling for my fire mid-forties written escape and I started Team Army at this started Fire Prevention Week in 1922, which is for every family to have auntil year’s DepartPhoto courtesy FBFES racing twoBMX exitsbicycles, from believe it or ment of Defense Warrior Games observed each year during the week of Oct. 9, in plan. The plan should have Col. Michael Greenberg, Fort Belvoir Garrison comnot,” said twiceMartin. a year – commemoration of the Great Chicago Fire. The every room, and be practiced in Tampa. Martin knew about the mander, signs Biking was his new un- the Fire Prevention Week proclamafire killed more than 250 people and left 100,000 in daylight and in dark – and have everyone tionhobby games before his accident but now at Fire Station 465 as Fire Chief Shane Crutcher til an accident Jan. 6, 2018, at an realized homeless. That week changed the way firefight- meet at a nearby tree or sign. he could participate. He exlooksknew on, Sept. Fire Prevention Week, observed indoorhomes. bike park. Martin im- 30. But fires don’t just threaten Shane ers and public officials thought about fire safety. plains why he believes the Warrior since is on record as the longest running public mediately on impact that 1922, his legs said whether at safety Games are important. Fire prevention has come a long way since Crutcher, Belvoir fire chief, observance. were not going to be the same. After know where “Just like sports are important then, with the advent of smoke and gas detec- work, out shopping or dining, immediate surgery he learned he for kids with developing personality your exits are. tors, sprinkler systems in all commercial buildwould never walk again. and growth, sports at this point for U.S Army photo by PFC Dominique Dixon “Situational awareness is a skill people need ings, and proactive departments. For instance, Fire Prevention events: he transitioned Sgt. 1st ClassFire Jay and Martin participates in the cycling event June 23 they in go,” As wherever Crutcher said. “No through the injured or handicapped individuFort Belvoir Emergency Services is to use Fire Training Warrior Transition at Extinguisher als is the same kind of thing . . . it Tampa, during the 2019 Department of Defense an are, look matterGames, where you for available exits. IfBattalion spending this month voluntarily inspecting ev- Warrior Exchange Parking Lot Fort Belvoir, he decided not to give shapes development and helps you adaptive sports competition for wounded, ill and injured Service memery home on the installation to minimize the risk the alarm system sounds, take it seriously and Today, 9:30 – 11 a.m. up on biking and used it in his adapbers and veterans. Approximately 300 athletes representing teams of fire, and briefly educate residents on impor- exit the building immediately.” tive reconditioning. from U.S. and Allied military forces compete in a variety of athletic Fort Belvoir Fire and Emergency Services can Fire Prevention OpenGames, House page A5 See Warrior tant practices in the home and kitchen. Annual competitions. “Hand cycling is different, bebe contacted at 703-805-2091. South Post Fire Station fire safety inspections are underway on Belvoir For information about home escape planning, Saturday, 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. and residents can sign up for an inspection on visit www.fpw.org. the housing portal.
Academic program could boost Soldier retention
DoD changes transition assistance program
Credentialing, along with changes to promotion By Defense.gov boards, helps ensure the best are promoted and retained
bachelor’s degrees to senior NCOs who attended the Sergeants Major Academy at Fort Bliss, Texas. Dailey said the Army will provide Soldiers with some college credit or professional credentialing for each level of NCO training. “The expectation is we give something back for that service,” Dailey By Joe Lacdan said at an Association of the U.S. Army News Service Army breakfast in Washington, he Army could add to its D.C. “Not just be able to say that record retention numbers by you served and sacrificed, but (getproviding more incentive for ting) tangible results. That’s what Soldiers to stay on duty, the ser- we owe to the American people–is a better product, to be more producvice’s top enlisted leader said. The Army has been testing a pilot tive in their hometowns.” Dailey said the Army has been program for academic credentialing at Fort Hood, Texas, and plans to working out the finer points of the extend the program to several ma- program to ensure higher quality jor installations by the end of 2019, training for Service members and said Sgt. Maj. of the Army Daniel deciding how agencies will get payDailey. The Army plans to spread ment. The program will also be Photo to by Sgt. 1st ClassGuard LaTonya and Kelly National the program to all installations in available The Soldier for Life Transition Assistance Program is making changes that Army Reserve members. fiscal year 2020. willRecently, be more the beneficial Soldiers. Dailey said the Army has been Army to provided 110
Housing A5 A2 Avoid Heat Illness
A6 A6
Oktoberfest CYS 40th Anniversary
working with each of the military centers of excellence to provide technical skill training equitable to academic skills.significant alterations to the Defense Department’s he first “WeTransition thought we need to build on since 2011 took effect with the new Assistance Program that more, 60 percent by of the fiscalbecause year, mandated the Fiscal Year 2019 National Defense Army is combat arms, so what tanAuthorization Act. gible skills do TAP theyremains leave the same, officials said, but the new Thetechnical purpose of DoD’s with?” he said.will reflect a different process of execution. requirements “It is our hope these changes will provide ample time for transitioning Skilledmembers labor required Service to begin thinking about their transition and begin planPhoto by Luc Dunn, AUSA ning accordingly,” said H. of Newton, director of DoD’s Transition to Dailey cited that 80Tamre percent Sgt. Maj. of the Army Daniel Veterans Office. AmericanProgram jobs require skilled labor, Dailey speaks about retention TAP is Soldiers an outcome-based program opportunities, services and that can become pro- that and bolsters academic credentialing at the and training for transitioning ServiceAUSA members as they prepare for their ductive members of the work force Institute of Land Warfare post-military goals, and should not bebreakfast confused in with TAPS, an acronym after leaving the Army. Arlington, June 26. for“There the Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors, officials noted. is a great opportunity mandatory components of TAPlate are applicable for all Service skills, memforThe many of our Soldiers to fulfill those to civilian-sector bers with at continuous or more on active duty; including the ranks of least those180 skilled labor re-dayswhich we had not done.” members of the National Guard and quirements in our hometowns of Reserves. Last year, with the help of ConAmerica, and they have the tangible gress and the Army Continuing What TAP will look like: skills,” Dailey said. “We just need to Education System, the Army cre TAP starts no later than a year before transition for those who make it now official. ated the credentialing are separating or retiring. Officials recommend that retireesassistance begin the “We saw the opportunity to be able to capitalize on the great skills See Credentialing, page A8 our Soldiers have now, and trans-See Transition Program Changes, A4
Healthy Cooking PCS Travel Tips A7
B1 B1
Alpha Undefeated Warrior DTRA
Belvoir Eagle
October 10, 2019
HOUSING INFORMATION Compiled by USAG Fort Belvoir Public Affairs
Senior leaders discuss progress in reforming privatized housing initiative the private companies have taken this year to improve privatized housing. Othhousing companies accountable will provide ers include implementing quarterly town halls at inour Soldiers and their families a higherstallation to hear residents’ quality living standard that they deserve.” concerns; establishing 24-7 telephone hotlines at evRyan D. McCarthy ery installation; hiring adArmy Secretary ditional quality-assurance/ quality-control personnel; and implementing a new framework for inspecting 100 percent of homes between occuawarding incentive fees to hold prop- pancy; conducting online housing-satisfaction erty managers accountable for respond- surveys, and developing phone apps to allow beting to work orders, better quality work ter communication flow with residents on workand increased resident satisfaction. order status and completion. “Incentive-fee awards should reflect the experiences of our Soldiers and their families at the installation level,” Photo by Paul Lara said Gen. Gus Perna, commander of Army Materiel By Army Public Affairs Command. “The revised criteria will rmy Secretary Ryan D. McCarthy, allow me to incorporate residents’ conSecretary of Defense Mark T. Esper cerns and feedback from installation and secretaries from the other military leadership, adding another layer of acbranches met with senior executives from private countability.” Army senior leaders and housing housing companies to further improve privatized company executives also discussed fuhousing for Service members and their families. ture investments to improve on-post “Our most important obligation as Army leadhousing. The companies have already ers is to take care of our people,” McCarthy said. committed more than $500 million, and Topics included adopting a common framethe Army will continue to work with work for dispute resolution; increased training them to bolster long-term investments. for installation commanders; ensuring comThe improved incentive-fee strucmanders are increasingly involved with housing issues; improving housing market data to ture and recapitalization initiatives LEVELS OF ESCALATION make BAH rates more accurate and relevant; are two of many steps the Army and
“Holding ourselves and the privatized
Belvoir Happenings Budweiser Clydesdales Visit Friday, 2-4 p.m. Exchange, North Post Express 8651 John J. Kingman Road 703-806-5263
Commander .................................... COL Michael Greenberg Command Sergeant Major .....................CSM Jason Young Director of Public Affairs ...................................Joe Richard Deputy Director Public Affairs................... Ganesa Robinson Managing Editor ................................................G.H. Cureton Digital Editor .....................................................Terry Ruggles Copy Editor .................................................. Margaret Steele Sports Editor............................................... Rick Musselman Reporter/Photographer .......................................... Paul Lara Page Designer ..................................................Betty Watson The Belvoir Eagle is published in cooperation with the Public Affairs Office, 9820 Flagler Road, Fort Belvoir, VA, 22060. To contact the Belvoir Eagle, call 703-805-2034 or 805-5001, or email us at editor@belvoireagleonline.com. Submission deadline is noon Thursday. The Belvoir Eagle is published each Thursday — by Rappahannock Media LLC, 1372 Old Bridge Road, Suite 101, Woodbridge, VA 22192, a private firm in no way connected
USO Fall Fest Saturday, 2-5 p.m. USO Fort Belvoir 5940 9th St. USO Metro.org
Military Spouse Career Summit Oct. 17, 5 p.m.- Oct. 19, 9 p.m. 6715 Commerce St. Springfield events@milspousenetwork.org
Columbus Day Monday, Oct. 14 Federal holiday Check websites for hours of operation
Eagle Volume 27 Issue 41
with the Department of the Army — as a civilian enterprise newspaper in the interest of Fort Belvoir, Va. Views and opinions are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the official view of the Department of Defense, Department of the Army, Military District of Washington or Fort Belvoir. Advertisement in this publication, does not constitute endorsement of the products or services by Department of the Army. Everything advertised
herein must be made available for purchase, use, or patronage without regard to the race, creed, age, color, sex, or nationality of the purchaser, user, or patron unless precluded by applicable federal, state or local laws. For Classified advertisement information, call 703-771-8831. To advertise in the Eagle contact Rick Bockes at 703-987-0854. Belvoir Eagle is a registered trademark. Circulation: 19,000.
October 10, 2019
Belvoir Eagle
Thought about teaching?
County sets career-switch, Troops to Teachers info session Courtesy Fairfax County Public Schools
airfax County Public Schools hosts a Career Switcher Information Session, 5:30 p.m., Oct. 14, at the Willow Oaks Administrative Center, Room 1000A, 8270 Willow Oaks Corporate Drive, Fairfax. The event gives military veterans, community members and anyone interested a chance to learn about how to become a licensed, Virginia teacher. The session begins with presentations from the five approved Virginia Department of Education career switcher programs: Educate Virginia, Old Dominion University, Regent University, Shenandoah University, and Virginia Commonwealth University. Troops to Teachers representatives will also present their program offerings to veterans who attend. A panel of FCPS educators will share information with attendees, followed by a chance to network with the panel members, the FCPS licensure team and the substitute office. Registration is limited and is available at the bottom of the school district’s website, fcps.edu. For more information on Troops to Teachers, visit proudtoserveagain.com.
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Belvoir Eagle
October 10, 2019
www.belvoireagleonline.com From Transition Program Changes, A1 transition process at least two years before retirement. If there’s an unanticipated separation or retirement, or if a member of a reserve component is demobilized with less than 365 days, TAP must begin as soon as possible within the remaining period of service. Individualized initial counseling between the Service member and a TAP counselor now officially starts the transition process. During the IC session, Service members complete their personal self-assessment and begin developing their Individual Transition Plan to identify their needs and post-transition goals. Once the individualized IC is complete, pre-separation counseling begins, and must start no later than 365 days before transition. Counseling covers by-law information, including benefits; entitlements and resources for eligible transitioning Service members. The DoD Transition Day follows pre-separation counseling, and is mandatory for transitioning Service members. This part of TAP includes curriculum modules on building resilience; translating military skills and developing a financial plan. The Department of Veterans Affairs will continue to provide the VA benefits and services briefing, formerly known as VA Benefits I and II. The Labor Department provides a required one-day briefing on preparation for employment, which is a change from the current, three-day employment workshop. The new changes with TAP also include the Service member electing two days of instruction; including employment, vocational and education tracks; and the Small Business Administration Entrepreneurship Track. Transitioning Service members must elect at least one track. The capstone event, when commanders verify achievement of career readiness standards and a viable ITP, must happen no later than 90 days before separation or released from active duty. While certain changes to DoD TAP are standard across military departments, each Service may execute the mandatory parts, based on their service culture, as long as they are within the required timeframes, officials said. The changes to TAP will not immediately be reflected on the www. DODTAP.mil website. However, officials anticipate that the site will be updated soon. For more information on the updates to TAP, call the Fort Belvoir Soldier for Life – Transition Assistance Program office at 703-8059247 or email usarmy.belvoir.usag.mbx.sfl-tap@mail.mil.
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Belvoir Eagle
October 10, 2019
Children ride on the Dragon Wagon rollercoaster during the installation’s annual Oktoberfest, Saturday on Fremont Field.
Photo by Rick Musselman
Photo by Margaret Schoikhett
From left to right, German Army 1st Sgt. Michael Schulp; Command Sgt. Maj. Jason Young; German Army Col. Carsten Treder; and Col. Michael Greenberg, Fort Belvoir Garrison commander; participate in keg-tapping, signaling the official start of the Fort Belvoir 23rd annual Oktoberfest, Friday.
and Recreation
October 10, 2019
DTRA dominates in softball, remains perfect Defense Threat Reduction Agency makes Aerospace Data Facility-East latest victim By Rick Musselman Sports Editor Despite sweltering heat, humidity and approaching thunderstorms, undefeated Defense Threat Reduction Agency kept bats con-
necting and runners rounding the bags through four innings, to trounce Aerospace Data FacilityEast, 15-0, in a late-season, intramural softball matchup, July 2 at Graves Field. DTRA, one of the ablest softball squads in Belvoir’s intramurals league, claiming more championship titles, and Commander’s Cup trophies than any other unit on the installation came to Graves Field with a roster full of veteran athletes
Obstacle course tests strength, endurance By Rick Musselman Belvoir Eagle
Isaac Ruiz, 9, takes on the Alpha Warrior Battle Rig Obstacle Course during Oktoberfest.
Photos by Rick Musselman
Sgt. Shilloy Stephens, Fort Belvoir BOSS president, takes on the Alpha Warrior Battle Rig Obstacle Course during the installation’s Oktoberfest, Saturday on Fremont Field. For more photos, visit https://www.flickr.com/ photos/fort_belvoir.
For the athletes who gave the Battle Rig a try, uring Fort Belvoir MWR’s annual Oktoberfest, community members got a all agreed the course turned out to be more chalchance to push their endurance to the lenging than it looked. limit in a unique physical fitness event designed “It looks tough enough, but it actually feels to present athletes with the ultimate challenge. twice as tough when you’re doing it,” said AnBelvoir MWR teamed up with Healthy Army drew Siddall, a college student who plans to join Communities to present the Alpha Warrior Bat- the Navy upon graduation. “I didn’t expect my tle Rig Obstacle Challenge—a massive structure forearms and my grip to start giving out (before containing ropes, balance beams, cargo nets and the end). Fatigue is the real problem—this course grip rings—as part of the Be Strong health and is incredibly hard. When my arms started giving fitness campaign. According to AlphaWarrior.com, the state-of- out, I just hung from the nets for a while to give the-art obstacle course is specifically designed to them a rest. But, I made it through.” “This is every bit as hard as it looks,” added test every aspect of ability; the strength of every shortstop, Mike Zelinsky, scoops up a blistering grounder during the parts that (tested muscle group; mental fortitude and a body’s abil- Anna Wessels. “I think ADF-E a softball matchup is DTRA, July 2 at Graves Field. ity to keep going. The AW Fitness Tour visits your) balance were the toughest; stabilitywith installations of all U.S. military branches to in- definitely something I have to work on. Keeping no timethe unleashing a For regular-season results, troduce the Alpha Warrior Training and Testing yourself up is hard whenand youwasted start feeling massive onslaught from the batter’s standings and the playoff schedule, Program. burn in your arms—and I could definitely feel box. In customary form, the team visit http://www.quickscores.com/ Alpha Warrior athletes and coaches, McKinley the burn.” Pierce and Kevin Klein, conducted demonstramatched its offensive fortunes with belvoirmwr. The Alpha Warrior demonstrations and comtions and kept participants motivated. McKinley petition to teach military stellar play in thetheir infield and out members and For information about Fort and Klein have competed on the American Ninja Families that healthy living in the grassand to remain is easy fun andat the top of Belvoir’s intramural sports program Warrior television series. can be enjoyed by people the of allFY19 ages.rankings with the 15-0 and the annual Commander’s Cup The 2019 event was the first time Belvoir For more information and schedule of events, blowout. title race, call Justin Fitzgerald, hosted the Alpha Warrior Rig, said Romel Voellm, call Kristen Kinnamon, Fort Belvoir Community Fort Belvoir Outdoor Recreation director. The single-elimination champi- league coordinator and sports facilPhotos by Rickchief, Musselman Recreation 703-805-1134; Romel Voellm, “This is really exciting to have people stop by,” onship tournament is scheduled to ity manager, 703-806-5093. Anna Wessels tackles the Alpha WarriorAthletes DTRA second baseman, Rich Goad, drills one up Outdoor the middle for a base Recreation and Special Events director, Klein said Saturday. already looks like this is Rig Obstacle Course their duringunit Oktoberfest begin today, starting at 6 Battle p.m. at can also contact represenhit during his team’s“It late-season intramural softball matchup against 703-805-1488; or visit belvoir.armymwr.com. going toJuly be a2popular event here.” Saturday. tative to sign up and get schedules. ADF-E, at Graves Field. Graves Field.
Belvoir Eagle
October 10, 2019
Team DLA named Belvoir Commander’s Cup champion for 2nd straight year By Rick Musselman Sports Editor efense Logistics Agency was awarded the FY19 Commander’s Cup trophy, Sept. 27 by Lt. Col. Andrew Wilbraham, Fort Belvoir Headquarters Battalion commander, for yet another season of outstanding performances across the spectrum of intramural sports. DLA wrapped up the dynamic season with first-place trophies in racquetball, tennis, bowling and golf; runner-up distinctions in basketball, soccer and volleyball; and third-place finishes in Formation Run, softball and the cross country run, earning the unit 213 overall points to clinch the coveted prize. For information about Fort Belvoir’s intramural sports program and the annual Commander’s Cup title race, call Justin Fitzgerald, intramural sports program coordinator and facilities manager, 703806-5093. Athletes can also contact their unit representative to sign up and get schedules. To read more about DLA sports dominance, visit dla.mil/news.
Fort Belvoir FY19 Commander’s Cup Final Results Champion
Defense Logistics Agency
213 points
249th Engineer Battalion
187 points
3rd place
Defense Threat Reduction Agency
154 points
4th place
U.S. Army Legal Services Agency
137 points
5th place
Fort Belvoir Community Hospital
86 points
File photo by Rick Musselman
Runners representing DLA leave the starting line of the FY19 Formation Run at Pullen Track, May 10.
File photo by Rick Musselman
DLA’s Connie Braesch competes in the 200-yard no-free relay event during the FY19 intramural swim meet, Sept. 19 at Benyaurd Pool.
Photo by Teodora Mocanu
File photo by Rick Musselman
DLA’s Jesse Hall follows through on his opening drive during the FY19 intramural golf championship, Aug. 15 on the Fort Belvoir Golf Club’s Gunston Course.
Members of Team DLA, 2019 Fort Belvoir Commander’s Cup champions, pose with DLA Director Lt. Gen. Darrell Williams (center). Also holding the trophy is Andrew Green of DLA Strategic Materials, who organized DLA’s participation in the events throughout the year. This is the second year in a row DLA has won, beating out teams from across Fort Belvoir.
October 10, 2019
Belvoir coaches and Child and Youth Services coordinators are planning the next installment of the Fort Belvoir Barracudas Youth Basketball Program, starting with building the boys’ and girls’ teams that will compete in the 2019 - 20 Fairfax County Youth Basketball League season. The tryouts are weekdays through Tuesday at Specker Field House, 6 – 7:30 p.m. Players in 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grade are eligible to participate. For more information, call Jerry Arrington, CYS sports and fitness director, at 703-805-9139 or email jerry.r.arrington@ us.army.mil.
Water Aerobics – Winter Schedule The schedule of water aerobics classes until May 22. Deep Water Classes are held 6 – 6:55 a.m. every
Monday and Friday, Shallow Water Classes are held 9 – 9:55 a.m. every Tuesday and Thursday. Classes are $5 per session and no registration is required. For more information, call Benyaurd Indoor Pool at 703-805-2620.
Breast Cancer Awareness 5K
Stroller Walking Group
MWR and Fort Belvoir Community Hospital hosts the 7th annual 5K run/walk, Oct. 19, 8:30 a.m., on the main hospital campus at the Oaks Pavilion entrance. To register, visit www.raceentry. com/races/mwr-fbch-breast-cancerawareness-5k/2019/register. For more, call 703-805-4430.
Join ACS and other Belvoir community parents for their Stroller Walking Group at Pullen Field. The group will meet at 10 a.m. Oct. 18, Nov. 1 and 15, and Dec. 13. The Stroller Walking Group is an incredible way to socialize while providing a good source of exercise. This group is open to active-duty military, retirees, their Families, DoD civilian employees, and contractors. For more information, call 571-231-7028.
The Turkey Trot 5K/10K will be held on Nov. 16. The race will start at 9 a.m. and conclude with an awards ceremony at approximately 10:30 a.m. The race will start and end at 14th Street and Middleton Road. Register online at belvoir.armymwr. com or in person at Graves Fitness Center or the Body Shop. The cost is $25 in advance and $35 on the day of the run. For more info, call Graves Fitness Center at 703-806-5368.
Turkey Trot 5K/10K
Super Senior Flight Low Gross . . . . . . Thomas Gerard 2nd Gross. . . . . . . Larry Ledbetter Low Net . . . . . . . James Agbayani Net Flight Low Net . . . . . . . Albert Novack 2nd Low Net . . . . . Terry Chasteen 3rd Low Net . . . . . Craig Reynolds Ladies Low Gross, Club Champion . . . . Yong Merritt 2nd Gross. . . . . . . Oksan Hite Low Net . . . . . . . Yua Kohler Senior Scratch Low Gross, Club Champion . . . . Gregory Edwards 2nd Gross. . . . . . . Fiti Malufau 3rd Gross . . . . . . . Brian West 4th Gross . . . . . . . Vincent Harmon
Intramural Flag Football Weekly Results Sept. 24 DLA . . . . . . 26
Sept. 26 TISCOM . . . . 47
TISCOM . . . . 20
OCAR . . . . . 0
FBCH . . . . . 27
FBCH . . . . . 13
ADF-E. . . . . 18
911th TREC . . 6
Oct. 1 249th En. Bn. 45
FBDCC . . . . 13
NGA. . . . . . 28
OCAR . . . . . 6
TISCOM . . . . 34
OCAR . . . . . 12
JPPSOMA. . . 6
DLA . . . . . . 14
FBDCC . . . . 28
JPPSOMA. . . 28
ADF-E. . . . . 6
FBCH . . . . . 7
USALSA. . . . 20
USALSA. . . . Forfeit
DLA . . . . . . 27
911th TREC . . 21
249th En. Bn. 12
USALSA. . . . 13 NGA. . . . . . 28 ADF-E. . . . . 0
Standings DLA . . . . . . TISCOM . . . . NGA. . . . . . 249th En. Bn. . FBCH . . . . . 911th TREC . . FBDCC . . . . JPPSOMA. . . ADF-E. . . . . USALSA. . . . OCAR . . . . .
7-0 5-1 5-1 4-1 3-3 3-3 2-4 2-4 2-5 1-5 0-7
For information about Fort Belvoir’s intramural sports program and the annual Commander’s Cup title race, call Justin Fitzgerald, intramural sports program coordinator and facilities manager, 703-806-5093. Athletes can also contact their unit representative to sign up and get schedules.
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Belvoir Eagle
October 10, 2019
Help Us Recognize Local Veterans
Our Veterans Day tribute will include information and photos about many of the veterans who live in our area and served our country. Make sure your favorite veteran is included by completing the information online at: https://va.secondstreetapp.com/Veterans-Day-Tribute-2019/ There is no cost, and selected submissions will be published in Belvoir Eagle on November 7. Deadline for submissions is Oct. 25. If you would like to place an ad in this section, contact us today 703-318-1386
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Annual is defined as April 1, 2019 - March 31, 2020. Annual membership plan is unlimited green fees for the defined golf year.
October 10, 2019
Belvoir Eagle
comes to Belvoir More than 28,000 Fort Belvoir and surrounding community residents visited the four-day event at Fremont Field, the largest public event on Fort Belvoir. Inside colorful tents, fest-goers enjoyed food and beverages while listening to music and watching traditional German folk dances. Outside, children and the young at heart enjoyed an Alpha Warrior Obstacle Course, Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers healthy cooking contest, games, carnival, and pony rides. For more photos, visit https://www.flickr.com/photos/fort_belvoir.
Photo by Rick Musselman
Matt Riesenberg and son, Leo, 6, ride the helicopter pilot ride during Fort Belvoir’s annual Oktoberfest, Saturday on Fremont Field.
Photo by Rick Musselman
Oktoberfest attendees dance to German music by the Alte Kameraden Band Saturday.
Jaeda Dillard, 7, rides a horse at Oktoberfest on Fremont Field, Saturday. The rides were a new attraction at this year’s event.
Photo by Paul Lara
Belvoir Eagle
October 10, 2019
Cook like a BOSS Chef teaches Belvoir Soldiers how to prepare healthier meals
Guide Program, a labeling system on the food shelves, marked with a green thumb. It identifies nutrition items, such as gluten-free, high-fiber and low-fat, so it does a lot of the work for you, and you don’t have to read the labels,” he said. After an hour of cooking, it was time for judges to render their verdict. Staff Sgt. Paula Sanchez, Sgt. David Colonna and Pfc. Justin Peterson, BOSS Team 2, took top honors as they won bragging rights, gift cards and cooking gear from the Exchange. “The skills that these nine Soldiers have learned in this competition are meant to be passed down to other Soldiers in the BOSS program throughout the year. So, it’s a great way for them to learn something together, and take with them wherever they go,” said Higdon.
By Paul Lara oldiers competed for top honors in a BE STRONG powered by Healthy Army Communities cooking competition, Saturday. Nine Soldiers formed three teams and spent the previous day with Chef Andrew Gruel, owner of several restaurants in Virginia and D.C., who wanted them to understand that healthy, tasty dishes can be easy to make. “It’s all about reducing fats in our food, and increasing flavor by adding fresh herbs and flavorful vinegars, and then knowing how to balance those flavors,” said Gruel. After a day of shopping and planning, it was time for the nine Soldiers, all members of the Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers program, to put into practice what they learned. According to Sgt. Shilloy Stephens, BOSS president, each Soldier had to make their own dish using a style of cooking they were taught. The food had to be healthy and taste good. The competition was sponsored by Healthy Army Communities, and Program Manager Tim Higdon said it’s all about changing culture and the environment. “We wanted to show them the resources they have on every installation with the Commissary and the Exchange, where they have the tools to cook something nutritious, healthy, and doing it a lot cheaper than going through the drive-thru every day,” said Higdon. Photo by Paul Lara Higdon said Belvoir’s commissary is working hard to make nutritious meals easier than ever. Lt. Col. Andrew Wilbraham, Headquarters Battalion commander, center, poses with chef Andrew “The Fort Belvoir Commissary uses the Nutrition Gruel and the BOSS teams after the Be Strong cooking competition.
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October 10, 2019
Belvoir Community Briefs ArmyCon comes to D.C. The Army is connecting the gaming world to the military characters and equipment featured in many of today’s most popular games during the first ArmyCon at the Army Ten-Miler Expo Park and D.C. Armory, 2001 E. Capital St. S.E., Washington, Oct. 11-12. ArmyCon will showcase high tech, warfighting capabilities with interactive displays and demonstrations. For more info, visit https://www.armytenmiler.com.
Garden Club seeks new members Belvoir Garden Club meets monthly to learn flower arranging, flower design, and home garden and yard care. The next meeting is Tuesday, 10-11:30 a.m., Vernondale Community Center. For more information contact Alice Ess, 703-360-8853.
Parents’ Night Out Child and Youth Services offers childcare for $25 per child, so parents can enjoy Parents’ Night Out. The next date is Saturday, from 5-10 p.m. For more, call Parent Central Services at 703-805-5555.
The Art of Marriage Come join us for a 6-week marriage enrichment small group study, The Art of Marriage, Sundays, Oct. 13 through Nov. 17, 4:30-6:30 p.m., Woodlawn Chapel. Childcare (up to age 11), dinner, and study materials are provided for free. Register
now with a text to Keith Morgan (Chapel Next) at 703-785-9333.
Exchange holiday hours
Hiring Event
Main Store North Post Express Arby’s, North Post Military Clothing South Post Express Burger King, SP
10 a.m. – 6 p.m. 7 a.m. – 7 p.m. CLOSED CLOSED 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. 10:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Food Court Subway Popeye’s Starbucks
10 a.m. – 6 p.m. 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Hire Vets Now is hosting a networking reception for transitioning Service members to connect with Virginia employers. The event will be Oct. 17 at the Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall Spates Community Club, 214 McNair Rd., suite 407, 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Register at www.vachamber. com/hirevetsoct17. For more, email Kelsey at k.cadow@vachamber.com.
After the Storm This free two-part workshop helps couples who have experienced, or are currently experiencing, infidelity in their relationship learn how to find closure or how to heal in their relationship. Series 1: Oct. 17 and 23. Eligible participants include active duty, retirees, their families, and DoD Civilians. Register by calling 571-231-7018.
Nerf Fest at the Exchange Military brats are invited to participate in Nerf Fest at the Exchange, Oct. 19, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Participants will be able to test out Nerf Blasters with friends and family, inside a tent in the toy department, where targets will be set up. For more, call 703806-4371.
Federal Resume Workshop National Capital Region Military Spouse Network will host a Federal Resume Writing Workshop, 5940 9th St., Fort Belvoir, Nov. 5, 7-9 p.m., Fort Belvoir. For more, go to ncr@hiringourheroes.org
Exchange Hours for Monday, Oct.14:
Charley’s Sub, Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, Burger King, Boston Market, CLOSED 12th Street Starbucks: CLOSED Hospital: Store, Starbucks, Subway, CLOSED
Stormwater Document for Public Review As required by the Garrison’s Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Permit, Fort Belvoir Environmental Division is accepting comments on the Draft Chesapeake Bay Phase II Total Maximum Daily Load Action Plan until October 25, 2019. The document is located at https://home. army.mil/belvoir/index.php/about/ Garrison/directorate-public-works/ environmental-division. Submit comments via email to Sybille Vega at sybille.r.vega.civ@mail.mil.
Belvoir Eagle
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October 10, 2019
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