Little League season opener honors Coach Bill, Page A7
April 19, 2018
Volunteers honored, work valued at nearly $5 million By Adrienne Anderson Staff writer Fort Belvoir honored its volunteers with a lunch, Friday at the Community Center, as part of National Volunteer Week. Volunteers’ work over the year had a value of $4,877,684. This year’s theme is “Army volunteers: we salute you.” Organizations honored included the Belvoir Thrift Shop, an independent nonprofit organization that was established in 1950. The money it raises by selling donated goods goes back to the community in scholarships and grants. Last year, the thrift shop gave out more than $77,000 in grants and scholarships and more than $45,000 in consignment checks to Belvoir families. The Belvoir Bowhunters were also honored for their service helping MWR’s Outdoor Recreation. Other organizations honored included the Army Geospatial Intel-
Photo by Paul Lara
Some Fort Belvoir volunteers pose after the Volunteer Appreciation Lunch last week. Collectively, they and many others volunteered for more than 2,000 hours, for a total savings to Fort Belvoir of nearly $5 million. ligence Battalion Family Readiness Group; Army Community Service; Fort Belvoir Tax Center; Fort Belvoir chapel volunteers, MWR coaches and Fort Belvoir library volunteers. Lt. Col. Christopher Tomlinson, Fort Belvoir garrison commander, thanked the more than 2,000 Bel-
voir volunteers for their service to the community. “We are so grateful for all that you do. Please know the importance of each of you in this room and the value of your contributions,” he said. “All of those contributions have been making a real difference in the countless lives in our com-
munity, on and off the installation.” The organizations honored played a critical role at Fort Belvoir and contribute to Belvoir’s mission readiness. Volunteers “demonstrate a generosity of spirit, which reflects the highest values and traditions of our military and defines what makes our military families and communities strong,” Tomlinson said, adding that volunteers help the military extend its resources. “Without volunteerism, the Army could not provide the level of quality of programs that it does today,” he said. “The importance of volunteers cannot be overstated, especially as we continue to face increasingly difficult fiscal challenges.” For information on volunteer opportunities on post, contact Laureen DuPree, volunteer programs manager at ACS, 571-231-7001, laureen.t.dupree.civ@mail.mil; or visit armyonesource.com.
Acquisition executive visits PEO Soldier on Belvoir By Marissa Cruz PEO Soldier Public Affairs Bruce Jette, Assistant Secretary of the Army (Acquisition, Logistics and Technology) visited PEO Soldier April 11. Jette serves as the Army Acquisition executive; the senior procurement executive; the science adviser to the Secretary of the Army; and the Army’s senior research and development official. Beyond a PEO Soldier portfolio overview for Jette, Brig. Gen. Anthony “Tony” Potts led a discussion of how the PEO provides support to the Army Cross-Functional Teams, or CFTs. “Even though we (PEO Soldier) are one of the smallest portfolios, we are involved in every single CFT in the Army,” Potts said. Col. Ed Barker, PM Soldier Warrior; Col. Chris Schneider, PM Soldier Sensors and Lasers; and Col. Stephen Thomas, PM Soldier Protection and Individual Equipment, described their
work on network and lethality CFTs, in particular. They explained they are able to take on these responsibilities, beyond those in their PEO Soldier portfolio, thanks to their strong deputy support in the PEO. During his visit, Jette received an overview briefing of PEO Soldier capabilities, including the Warrior Integration Site, Nett Warrior and Soldier Power. Jette even got fitted for the Tactical Communication and Protective System, which provides Soldiers concurrent hearing protection and auditory situational awareness. He also received briefings on the modular handgun system, Enhanced Night Vision Goggle III and Family of Weapon Sight-Individual. Jette then led the quarterly PEO Soldier Leadership Professional Development. Jette has previously served in PEO Soldier and at the Rapid Equipping Force, so the visit was a homecoming of sorts.
Submitted photo
Maj. Gary M. Keller of PM Soldier Warrior gives a Soldier Power briefing to Bruce Jette, Assistant Secretary of the Army (Acquisition, Logistics and Technology).
Save the dates! Highway cleanup
All-Army Softball tryouts
Bi-annual Career Fair
Saturday, 8:30-10:30 a.m. Meet at Candlewood Suites 8847 Richmond Highway 703-360-6925
For men and women Saturday 4 p.m. Graves Softball Fields
April 26, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Community Center ronald.g.adams2.civ@mail.mil or Laureen.t.dupree.civ@mail.mil
Kids/teen fests
April 28, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Markham School Age Center and Youth Center Games, prizes, crafts, food Free
Belvoir Eagle April 19, 2018
Living with history from an environmental view Submitted by DPW Environmental There is no escaping the historical importance of the areas surrounding Washington D.C. in Virginia and Maryland. Fort Belvoir has been a central figure in that history, as home to William Fairfax at Belvoir Manor and his close neighbor George Washington at Mount Vernon in the mid 1700s. The military significance of the Belvoir property extends back to the War of 1812, when Virginia Militia exchanged cannon and musket fire from the Fort Belvoir bluffs, with the escaping British army who had pillaged Washington D.C. and Alexandria. However, the formal military mission at the installation began with the establishment of Camp Belvoir in 1912; continued through World War I as Camp A.A. Humphrey’s and later during the interwar years as Fort Humphrey’s in 1922. The installation became Fort Belvoir in 1935 and military training, particularly training with munitions, culminated with large-scale activity during World War II into the mid-1940s and the Korean War into the 1950s. The result of this period of unprecedented military training activity on Fort Belvoir is that many areas of the installation were left with the residues of former military missions that must be reconstructed and accounted for during redevelopment and repurposing of the Belvoir landscape.
File photo by Paul Lara
Some of the ruins of the foundation of Belvoir Manor still exist, a short walk from currentday Fairfax Village Community Center.
Eagle Volume 26 Issue 16 Lt. Col. Christopher Tomlinson Garrison Commander
Command Sgt. Maj. Corey Perry
Margaret Steele Editor
Rick Musselman Sports Editor
Paul Lara
Garrison Command Sergeant Major
Photo Editor
Stephen Brooks
Adrienne Anderson
Deputy to the Garrison Commander
Staff Writer
Joe Richard Director of Public Affairs
Sydney Adams Page Designer
Submitted graphic
A rendition of Belvoir Manor, which was once on Belvoir and housed William Fairfax, the county’s namesake. The manor was near the parking lot of the Fairfax Village Community Center, overlooking the water. Today, the manor’s foundation ruins can still be seen. ment through permitting; awareness campaigns; The Defense Department initiated the Miliand managing property actions through Fort tary Munitions Response Program in 2001 to Belvoir Master Planning. address explosive safety, environmental, and The physical signs of this vigilance are aphealth hazards associated with releases of unexparent, whether walking or jogging through the ploded ordnance, discarded military munitions, roads and trails on Belvoir, hunting or enjoying and munitions constituents found at locations Belvoir’s wilderness. The signs reflect the appreother than operational (active) training ranges ciation for the heritage of military training here. on installations. The tag line, If you did not drop it, do not pick The MMRP implementation at Fort Belvoir it up, is a mantra when visiting or recreating has identified 41 former munitions and small on undeveloped areas and the Directorate of arms training areas on Main Post and the Fort Public Works manages a dig-permitting proBelvoir North Area. Now, 26 of the former site cess. Because of our extensive military history, areas have regulatory concurrence for site closure with oversight by the installation for future curiosity about Belvoir’s public spaces and their contents should be restrained. Additionally, it’s a land use. The remaining areas are under invesduty of the everyday citizen, Soldier or employee tigation to assess the properties for munitions, munitions debris, or groundwater contamination on post to report suspicious items to emergency personnel. by related chemical constituents. As Earth Day is celebrated and the Army The importance of overseeing activities at continues to fulfill its obligation of stewardship these former training areas is to ensure the over former munitions site areas on Belvoir, the safety of installation personnel, workers, miligoal toward zero munitions hazards or incitary and civilian populations and visitors. This dents is tempered by the reality of living with oversight, in its basic forms, consists of warning military history. signs; evaluating all proposed property developThe Belvoir Eagle is published in cooperation with the Public Affairs Office, 9820 Flagler Road, Fort Belvoir, VA, 22060. To contact the Belvoir Eagle, call 703-805-2019 or 805-5001, or email us at editor@belvoireagleonline.com. Submission deadline is noon Thursday. The Belvoir Eagle is published each Thursday — by Rappahannock Media LLC, 1372 Old Bridge Road, Suite 101, Woodbridge, VA 22192, a private firm in no way connected with the Department of the Army — as a civilian enterprise newspaper in the interest of Fort Belvoir, Va. Views and opinions are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the official view of the Department of Defense, Department of the Army, Military District of Washington or Fort Belvoir. Advertisement in this publication, does not constitute endorsement of the products or services by Department of the Army. Everything advertised herein must be made available for purchase, use, or patronage without regard to the race, creed, age, color, sex, or nationality of the purchaser, user, or patron unless precluded by applicable federal, state or local laws. For Classified advertisement information, call 703-771-8831. Belvoir Eagle is a registered trademark. Circulation: 19,000.
To Advertise in the Eagle:
Contact Rick Bockes: rbockes@insidenova.com or 703-987-0854 Send comments and story ideas to editor@belvoireagleonline.com Questions, comments or concerns regarding garrison services? Visit the Interactive Customer Evaluation site at ice.disa.mil. Type in “Fort Belvoir” in the Site Name/Location Search bar to find all the services you can rate. And add your feedback (good and bad) to help Fort Belvoir improve or just say thanks for a job well done. For Fort Belvoir information, follow us on facebook at Fort Belvoir or visit www.belvoir.army.mil.
Find Belvoir news at the following:
Belvoir Eagle e-edition
April 19, 2018 Belvoir Eagle
Prayer lunch May 3 By Garrison Public Affairs Belvoir celebrates National Day of Prayer May 3, with a lunch at 11:30 a.m. at the Belvoir O Club. Bob Bardwell is guess speaker. Bardwell is founder and director of Ironwood Springs Christian Ranch in Southern Minnesota; and for Operation Welcome Home, which offers free retreats to Soldiers and has served 1,000 families. He also created the National Wheelchair Sports & Recreation Camp in 1986, which is the largest wheelchair sports camp in America. A heavy construction accident in 1973 made Bardwell a paraplegic. He’s completed 100 marathons from his wheelchair, including Boston five times; Chicago and Los Angeles; and has 75 first-place wins. In 275 total races, Bardwell’s put more than 10,000 miles on his wheelchair. Prayer lunch tickets are available at Belvoir and Woodlawn chapels.
PROUDLY SERVING THOSE WHO SERVE Military Save 10% Submitted photo
Bob Bardwell, wheelchair marathoner and founder of a Christian ranch in Minnesota, is guest speaker at Belvoir’s Prayer Lunch, May 3. Lunch tickets are available at either Belvoir or Woodlawn chapels, with a suggested donation of $10.
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Belvoir Eagle April 19, 2018
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April 19, 2018 Belvoir Eagle
Photo by Paul Lara
Echo Company, U.S. Army Engineer Officer Candidate School Class 1-69 reunited Saturday at Fort Belvoir to mark the 50th anniversary of their commissions as Army Engineer officers.
First OCS grads revisit Belvoir after 50 years Story by Paul Lara In the fall of 1969, the military draft was in full swing, and a handful of draftees were notified during AIT that they qualified for Army Officer Candidate School, which, to some, seemed a better proposition than shipping out to Vietnam as an Infantryman right after boot camp. The first OCS class of that year on Fort Belvoir was known as Echo Company, U.S. Army Engineer Of-
ficer Candidate School Class 1-69. First platoon members struggled with the adversity they faced – the long hours, the incredible class loads, and even the deprivation. The 1969 OCS graduates returned to Fort Belvoir last week to remember. On Saturday, 15 of the original 27 members toured the post, but recognized little, as the
Continued, page A10
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Belvoir Eagle April 19, 2018
Fishermen flocked to Fort Belvoir’s North Post Pool, Saturday to join in the annual TroutFest. Hundreds of rainbow trout were lured out of the deep end with corn, worms and spinners.
Catch of the day-Trout Story, photos by Paul Lara Saturday’s sunny, but cool weather brought shoulder-to-shoulder crowds to Fort Belvoir North Post Pool for this year’s TroutFest. The event, hosted by MWR and the Community Center, boosts the odds of landing a big one with the pool stocked with more than 200 rainbow trout. Anglers lucky enough to land a golden trout earned a trip to the prize table, with fishing tackle and event tickets of their choosing. A portion of each hour’s fishing was designated as kids-only time, with adults stepping back to let the younger anglers create their own fish stories.
Justin Jesus, left, helps his son Nathan, 11, reel in a trout at TroutFest, Saturday.
Liam McGinity, 13, catches another fish during MWR’s annual TroutFest at North Post Pool, Saturday.
Javori Warren holds up his catch during TroutFest at North Post Pool, Saturday.
and Recreation
B Section SHARP 5K draws another record turnout April 19, 2018
By Rick Musselman Sports Editor More than 800 military and civilian community members converged on the Golf Club to compete in Belvoir’s 10th annual Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention Program’s 5K Run/Walk Friday. Registration tallies showed an increase of 100 participants over last year, according to Joe Castro, Kawamura Human Performance Center supervisory sports specialist and event host. The event aimed to increase awareness of the problem of sexual assault and harassment in the military and provide the community a chance to learn about the impact and prevention of these crimes and ways to support victims. Photos by Rick Musselman
Fort Belvoir community members leave the starting gate of the 2018 SHARP 5K Run-Walk, Friday at the Golf Club.
Continued, page B2
Coed volleyball tourney returns to Belvoir By Rick Musselman Sports Editor Fort Belvoir once again hosted one of the most action-packed sporting events of the year, Saturday at Wells Field House. The 6th annual Coed Invitational Volleyball Tournament, sponsored by MWR, aimed to salute the Military District of Washington and give Service members and civilians from area military installations and athletic clubs a chance to participate in some friendly competition. Players representing Joint Base Andrews, Joint Base Langley-Eustis, U.S. Coast Guard Headquarters, and several local volleyball programs in the region competed against Belvoir teams in a one-day
double-elimination tournament. Justin Fitzgerald, Fort Belvoir intramural sports program coordinator and sports facility manager, hosted the tournament that began at 8 a.m. and ran well into the afternoon. According to Fitzgerald, the annual event gives players from all over the MDW a chance to build camaraderie and compete on a level a little higher than intramurals. Final results and more photos will appear in next week’s Belvoir Eagle. For more information about Fort Belvoir’s intramural and recreational volleyball programs, call Fitzgerald, 703-806-5093; or Ron Valentine, recreational volleyball program director, 703-805-2912.
Photos by Rick Musselman
Team Belvoir’s James Langley delivers a high-octane serve during his team’s 2018 Coed Volleyball tournament match series against JBLE, Saturday at Wells Field House.
Team Belvoir’s Darron Kenley sets up a scoring opportunity at the net with a spot-on bump during his team’s 2018 Coed Volleyball tournament match series against JBLE, at Wells.
Timeout The photo shop - Eagle photos now on flickr By Rick Musselman Sports Editor Over the years I’ve had some a frustration about not being able to fit all the photos I take at events into the newspaper. Not that it’s anyone’s fault, simply because space limitations have plagued the print industry since its very beginnings. Still, advertisements, while sometimes bothersome to the casual reader and always bothersome to the sports guy trying to be comprehensive, do pay the bills (and sports guy’s salaries) and as such, remain necessary. So, for several years I struggled to come up with
a remedy for this situation, mainly because I realized just how many athletes and parents understandably want copies of the shots that appear in the Eagle to disperse among family and friends. I considered posting the “extra” photos on a Facebook-type platform, and while that would probably be acceptable for the grown-up sports, I, as a parent myself, am not at all comfortable putting pictures of kids online. Well, an answer has finally presented itself. The PAO has set up a Flickr page to allow everyone on post to see and, if so desired, download every photo we take at events. I hope everyone enjoys this new feature.
flickr URL https://www.flickr. com/photos/fort_ belvoir/albums.
Belvoir Eagle April 19, 2018
Dental clinic downs DTRA, claims volleyball title By Rick Musselman Sports Editor
Photos by Rick Musselman
The Fort Belvoir Dental Clinic team poses with the FY18 intramural volleyball championship trophy after defeating DTRA 3-1, April 12 at Wells Field House.
DTRA’s Danielle Smith delivers the spike during her team’s FY18 intramural volleyball championship final against FBDC, April 12 at Wells Field House.
FBDC’s Mark Liu goes up for the spike during his team’s FY18 intramural volleyball championship final against DTRA, April 12.
Fort Belvoir Dental Clinic gave spectators a high-octane exhibition of what can result when preparation, commitment and no-compromise drive converge, when the rising-star unit defeated defending champion Defense Threat Reduction Agency, 3-1 in Fort Belvoir’s intramural volleyball championship match series, April 12 at Wells Field House. Taking to the court with an impressive 24-3 regular-season record, a quarterfinal triumph over U.S. Army Legal Services Agency and a strong match-series win over the National Guard Bureau in the semis, FBDC focused its efforts on offense, crowding the net with some of the most capable personnel in the league in an attempt to claim its first championship title. But, the task at hand would be anything but a cakewalk. DTRA, having turned in a near perfect 25-2 regular-season record, went into the post-season tournament with its sights clearly focused on the winner’s circle. Having downed the Belvoir Marine Detachment in the quarterfinal round and booking a victory over the powerhouse Defense Logistics Agency in the semis, the highly experienced rankings leader went into the final showdown atop a promising wave of momentum. DTRA unleashed its trademark offensive intensity right out of the starting gate, claiming a 21-14 first-match victory. But FBDC, celebrating its inaugural season in the Commander’s Cup leagues, came roaring back in the second exchange, setting the pattern for the remainder of the evening. Taking a 21-17 win in match-2 and crowning the comeback effort with a 21-19 victory in match-3 and a 21-16 triumph in the fourth exchange, FBDC emerged on top with the 3-1 title win. For regular-season and playoff results, visit http://www. quickscores.com/Orgs/index. php?OrgDir=belvoirmwr. For information about Fort Belvoir’s intramural sports program
and the annual Commander’s Cup title race, call Justin Fitzgerald, league coordinator and sports facility manager, 703-806-5093. Athletes can also contact their unit representative for sign-up information and scheduling details.
Tournament Results Champion FBDC
Runner-up DTRA
3rd Place DLA NGB
5th Place
249th Engineer Battalion FBCH MarDet USALSA
Team Members FBDC
Mark Liu Nathan Vaitautolu Joe Leisam Mike Amilale Rasheda Elijio Genaro Layo Lomitusi Taala
Jon Goe Dave Petersen Greg McIntyre Danielle Smith Kenneth McClendon Christine Myers Michael Masko Zachary Taron
SHARP 5K, continued from page B1 Guest speakers and race participants included Lt. Col. Christopher Tomlinson and Command Sgt. Maj. Corey Perry from Belvoir garrison; and Lt. Col. James Matheson and Command Sgt. Maj. Robert Cleveland, both from Belvoir’s Headquarters Battalion. The 249th Engineer Battalion’s Jeremy Schiefer was the first to cross the finish line, claiming the first-place title in the men’s open division with a time of 18:40. Erika Huerta, competing for Fort Belvoir Community Hospital, earned the first-place prize in the women’s open division with a time of 22:50. FBCH also won the highest participation award, fielding 202 runners. For more information about DFMWR fitness events and programs at Belvoir, visit http://belvoir.armymwr.com/us/belvoir/categories/sports-and-fitness.
Photos by Rick Musselman
Runners pass the halfway point of the 2018 SHARP 5K Run-Walk, Friday at the Golf Club.
April 19, 2018 Belvoir Eagle
Sports and Recreation Briefs This week
Army softball tryouts
Tryouts for the Army All-Star softball team continues Saturday, 4 p.m. at Graves Softball Field. For more information call 703-696-7867 or email richard.f.pulignani.naf@mail.mil.
Formation Run rules
Individual Match Play Golf Championship
Sunday is the deadline to sign up for Belvoir Golf Club’s annual Individual Match Play tournament, May 1. Match Play format is scored in a hole-by-hole competition. The side that holes its ball in fewer strokes than its opponent wins that hole. In a handicap competition, the side with the lowest net score wins the hole. There are handicap and non-handicap brackets for women, men and seniors. For information, call the Golf Pro Shop, 703806-5878.
Upcoming Boater Safety Class Boater Safety Classes are offered by U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary 25-08 the following dates: April 28, May 19 and June 23, 7:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. at Washington Farm United Methodist Church, 3921 Old Mill Road, Alexandria. The cost is $40, or $60 for two sharing course materials. Students who pass the test get a boater-education certificate recognized by the Coast Guard, Virginia and all other states that require boater education.
Photo by Rick Musselman
Fort Belvoir Dental Clinic’s Lomitusi Taala goes up for the spike as DTRA’s Zach Taron, left, and Jon Goe, defend during the FY18 intramural volleyball championship final, April 12 at Wells Field House. FBDC emerged on top, taking a 3-1 match-series title victory. Email Moses Pettigrew at msgtop@verizon. net or call 202-616-8987.
National Day of Prayer run-walk Belvoir community members are invited to celebrate the National Day of Prayer with a run-
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walk May 3, 7:15 – 7:55 a.m. at Pullen Field. The National Day of Prayer event will begin at 8 a.m. following the run-walk. For more information call Belvoir Chapel at 703-803-4318. Belvoir’s annual Formation Run is May 4. Planners changed the rules in 2015 to increase participation. The run is open to active duty and civilians in Belvoir units. Teams must consist of 12 runners and one guide on. (13 total). Teams without one female runner get a 40-point deduction. Each runner who crosses the finish line in formation gets 20 points, for a maximum of 260. Runners get additional points for placing. The time starts when the first runner crosses the starting line and ends when the last runner crosses finish line, in formation. Each formation must wear the same color shirts. Units will start in 2-minute intervals starting at 7 a.m. First place team gets this year’s formation run trophy. Awards are $400 for first; $250 for second; $125 for third; and $100 for the fourth-place team’s funds.
Run to Honor 5K Participate in the Run to Honor Fallen Heroes 5K, May 4. The run starts at Pullen Field, behind Specker Field House, at 7:30 a.m. after the formation run, which starts at 7 a.m. Activeduty military, retirees, DoD civilian employees, and family members are eligible and registration is not needed for this free event. For information, call 703-806-5368. Volunteers are needed for road guards and water points. If interested, call 703-806-4647.
Belvoir Eagle April 19, 2018
Jerry Arrington, CYS sports and fitness director, delivers an emotional rememberance of his long-time friend, Bill Behring, at opening day ceremonies on April 14 at Bill Behring Youth Baseball Park. Behring, who died last year, dedicated 45 years of leadership to the Fort Belvoir Little League program.
April 19, 2018 Belvoir Eagle
Lt. Col. Christopher Tomlinson, right, tosses the ceremonial first pitch to T-Ball Giants player Andrew Wetherell during Little League opening ceremonies Saturday.
Play ball!
Little League opens, honors Coach Bill Story, photos by Paul Lara Saturday morning, colorful crowds began assembling at Coach Bill Behring Youth Baseball Park on 21st Street, to open Fort Belvoir’s Little League season and to rename the fields in Bill Behring’s honor. The players wore Cubs, Pirates, Marlins, Orioles and other team jerseys for the ceremony. Jerry Arrington, CYS sports and fitness director, gave an emotional tribute to his mentor, Behring, who died
last year. “He was my friend, and Bill gave nearly 45 years of selfless dedication to this program,” Arrington said. After remarks from Lt. Col. Chris Tomlinson, Belvoir Garrison commander, each of the 22 T-ball, baseball and softball teams proceeded under the scoreboard and lined up in the outfield for ceremonial first pitches from the command team. Once Tomlinson declared ‘Play Ball,’ teams headed out for their opening competitions. CYS staff straighten the bunting on a memorial to Bill Behring at opening day ceremonies on April 14. Behring was honored for 45 years of volunteer service to the Fort Belvoir Youth Baseball Program.
The Fort Belvoir Royals wave their caps as they proceed on to the outfield during opening ceremonies at the newly named Bill Behring Youth Baseball Park, Saturday.
Command Sgt. Maj. Corey Perry, right, tosses out the ceremonial first pitch to All Stars Softball player Riley Trimble during opening Ceremonies at Bill Behring Youth Baseball Park, Saturday.
Belvoir Eagle April 19, 2018
Belvoir Briefs ASBP Blood Drive Armed Services Blood Program has a blood drive Monday, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. at the USO Warrior and Family Center on Belvoir. There are particular needs for O+, O- and AB. Appointments are available online at militarydonor.com, using the sponsor code of USO.
Tech Plus Expo Everyone is welcome and 50 exhibitors are expected at a free tech expo April 26, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. at the Belvoir O Club’s
Mount Vernon Ballroom. Exhibitors include cloud technologies; cyber security; wireless; 5G; quantum computing; cell phones; storage solutions; office automation and much more. The event also has demonstrations and giveaways. More info is available by calling 703-344-8771. RSVP via e-mail to lrinaldo@cox.net.
Belvoir’s Long Parade Field. Everyone is eligible to participate – active, National Guard Component Soldiers and civilians. Units are permitted two teams consisting of 10 participants. Register with the Aviation brigade’s sexual assault response coordinator via e-mail to theodore.q.coats.mil@mail.mil.
Ultimate Frisbee
April 28, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Youth Center, 5850 Langfitt Loop, Bldg. 1003 and Markham School Age Center, 9500 Barlow Road, Bldg.
The Army Aviation Brigade hosts an Ultimate Frisbee Tournament April 27, 8:30 a.m., on
Kids/teen fests - Free
950; and games, prizes and food.
Smuckers Mission: Breakfast As the grand prize for Belvoir’s Commissary winning a display contest using Smucker’s products, Belvoir gets a Smucker’s Mission Breakfast, May 2, 7-10 a.m., on Pullen Field. The event is open to everyone affiliated with Belvoir with a valid ID card.
Continued, page A9
Now showing at Wood Theater FRIDAY 6:30 p.m., Red Sparrow, R
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Wood Theater is in Bldg. 2120 on Abbot Road. Adult general admission tickets are $6, $8 for 3D, $8 for first-run movies and $10 for first-run 3D movies. Child tickets are $3.50, $5.50 for 3D, $5.50 for first-run movies and $7.50 for first-run 3D movies. Credit and debit cards may be used for the amount of purchase only. For more information, call 703-806-5237.
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Belvoir Briefs Continued from page A8 The community breakfast will also have live music and carnival events, including a caricature artist, bounce houses, Corn Hole and giveaways. Information is available from belvoir.army.mil.
Military Women Appreciation A lottery closes at 1 p.m. April 30 for the USO’s Military Women Appreciation, which is May 5, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. The event includes pampering, relaxation and healthy living! Open to female active duty service members and female spouses of active duty. Contact usofortbelvoir@usometro. org for any questions. Register at https://militarywomenappreciation2018.eventbrite.com.
Bodybuilder visit Jay Cutler, a professional bodybuilder and four-time Mr. Olympia winner, visits the Belvoir Exchange May 2 from 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
National Day of Prayer Run-Walk Belvoir community members
are invited to celebrate National Day of Prayer with a run-walk May 3, 7:15–7:55 a.m. at Pullen Field. The National Day of Prayer event begins at 8 a.m., after the run-walk. For information, call Belvoir Chapel, 703-803-4318.
Cooking demo Belvoir Hospital’s Nutrition Services has a cooking demo of quick and easy recipes, May 9, 11 a.m., at the third floor dining facility. Information is available from 1st Lt. Stephanie Ticer at the hospital, 571-231-3371, stephanie.l.ticer.mil@mail.mil
UFC Fight Night USO-Metro and CAUSE invite you to UFC Fight night, May 12, 8 p.m.-1 a.m. The event is open to all active duty and family members 18 and older. No-one admitted after 10 p.m. Light refreshments provided. For information on the USO programs, e-mail usofortbelvoir@usometro.org.
Military reunion The 173d Airborne Brigade Association has its annual reunion, May 23-27, in Alexandria, Va. Register through skysoldier.net.
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April 19, 2018 Belvoir Eagle
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Continued from page A5 Engineer barracks no longer exist on Belvoir. However, the group’s grounding moment came when their tour bus drove past The Eagle’s Nest Mess Hall. “Once they saw that, they were able to orient where the barracks used to be and the rest of the layout,” said Frank Gallagher, reunion coordinator. The old, consolidated mess also brought back memories of what a refuge it was, according to Gallagher. “Going through AIT, you get told you’re going to do KP (kitchen patrol). But, when we got to OCS, we were all willing to do KP, so we’d get to eat some food,” says Nils Nillson, a class graduate now living in Ohio. “They literally would not feed you for the first 10 weeks.” Nillson remembers the incredible challenges, and, looming over them, the prospect of graduation, or, washing out and going straight to Rifleman duty on patrols in Vietnam. “The first 10 weeks was brutal, and that’s what it was all about,” said Nillson. “If you wanted to do it, you would do it. If you didn’t want to do it, then you gave up and left, and that separates a lot of people.” Attrition was high. With 65 officer candidates reporting for school, by graduation day, Friday the 13th of December, there were just 27 remaining. This 50th reunion brought 15 members back together, to share laughs and remember the hard days that bonded them. While most of them did tours in Vietnam,
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Photo by Paul Lara
This plaque at Franklin and Goethals roads stands as a reminder of the U.S. Army Engineer’s Officer Candidate School, which had a large presence on Fort Belvoir from 1965 to 1971. only one was wounded in combat, something they feel fortunate about. John Meigs said the experience turned these Soldiers into leaders,
with a life-long connection. “We came together without knowing each other, and we bonded together, as brothers, and that bond has continued all of these years,” he said.
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