to Guide
Loudoun Leesburg Today’s annual
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Discovering the You’re #1 at M.E. Flow! ‘Gems’ of Loudoun
Over more than two decades of publishing the annual Guide To Loudoun, Leesburg Today has produced a comprehensive survey of what goes on in the county—its town and county governance, fire-rescue services, law enforcement, court system, public education and other community services. Woven into that mass of information is a particular theme for each year. We’ve cov-
ered Loudoun’s architecture, its waterways and bridges, its roads, parks, churches, institutions and its people, just to mention some. This year, we touch on some of what we’re calling Loudoun’s “gems,” some known and some less familiar resources that are available to residents in a number of fields. Sprinkled throughout the issue readers will find snapshots of organizations, places and people that help to make Loudoun a special place in which to live and work.
Loudoun County covers 521 square miles and has an estimated population of 339,123. The county is named for John Campbell, fourth Earl of Loudoun and Governor General of Virginia from 1756–59. Ironically, Campbell never set foot in Loudoun, or Virginia. The county has ranked among the nation’s fastest growing jurisdictions for much of the past two decades and the population has almost doubled since 2000. To accommodate that growth, county leaders have adopted plans to permit suburban development in the eastern portion of the county, but to maintain the western area in low density. With the coming of the Silver Line Metrorail extension, dense urban centers are planned along the Dulles Greenway.
Board of Supervisors..................................................................................Page 4 Research Resources..................................................................................Page 11 Loudoun Schools.......................................................................................Page 12 Loudoun Planning Commission.............................................................Page 18 Loudoun Agriculture & Business...........................................................Page 20 Town of Leesburg......................................................................................Page 24 Sports...........................................................................................................Page 28 Nature Centers.........................................................................................Page 29 Public Health Resources..........................................................................Page 30 Law Enforcement.......................................................................................Page 32 Fire-Rescue.................................................................................................Page 36 Courts of Justice........................................................................................Page 38 Community Events....................................................................................Page 43 Civil War Historic Sites............................................................................Page 47 Western Towns..........................................................................................Page 49 Index of Advertisers..................................................................................Page 58
You can read more about Loudoun’s senior centers, libraries and other notable features online at
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Table Of Contents
Loudoun’s Board Of Supervisors
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The nine-member board consists of eight initiated a review of changes to the county’s supervisors, who represent the county’s elec- Zoning Ordinance to make the process simpler toral districts, and a chairman elected by voters for applicants, approved the construction of a countywide. All members are elected to four- baseball stadium in Ashburn and worked to year terms, which are served concurrently. continually lower the county’s residential real The current Board of Supervisors was elected estate tax rate for homeowners. The board also in November 2011. Its term will end Dec. 31, has revamped the county’s retirement and pen2015. sion plans for government employees to save The Board of Supervisors sets county poli- the county money in the long run. cies, adopts ordinances, appropriates funds, sets To help meet its goals, the board re-estaban annual budget and tax rate, approves land lished the Economic Development Committee, rezonings and special exceptions to the Zoning which had been disbanded by the previous Ordinance, and carries out other responsibili- board in 2009 for the preference of dealing ties set forth by the Virginia State Code. It also with those issues as a full board. That commitappoints a County Administrator, who man- tee joins the Finance, Government Services/ ages county operations; the Planning Commis- Operations Committee, the Transportation/ sion, which serves in an advisory capacity on Land Use Committee and the Joint School land use issues; and various other boards and Board/Board of Supervisors Committee. The commissions. previous board established the joint committee The November 2011 election marked the to improve communication between the two first time in the county’s history that repre- governing bodies—a priority that remains with sentatives of one political party made up the sitting supervisors. entire Board of Supervisors. The election saw While looking for savings and cuts elsethe selection of seven new supervisors and where, supervisors have voted to increase the upset of three incumbents. Four previous spending in the Department of Economic supervisors chose not to seek re-election. Development and have taken an active role in With the election of an all-Republican business recruitment. In addition, the board board, Loudoun once again found itself in has made a commitment to better involve and the middle of a political pendulum swing. utilize existing businesses and resources in the The previous board had been a Democrat-led county to draw in new prospects. board that focused on controlled growth. Only Many of the supervisors campaigned on County Chairman Scott K. York (R-At Large) the idea that there was a better way to run and Supervisor Eugene Delgaudio (R-Sterling) Loudoun government than simply following were returned to the dais. York, who had spent the way it “had always been done.” To that end, years campaigning and governing as an Inde- supervisors created the Government Reform pendent, returned to the local Republican Party Commission, a body charged with examinin April 2011 and beat back a primary challenge ing the organization of government, including from a former supervisor. Delgaudio was re- whether functions could be consolidated, and elected after a three-way race in the Sterling best practices from other jurisdictions that District. York is now serving his fifth term on could be applied to Loudoun. Before it was the board, fourth as chairman. Delgaudio is disbanded this summer after its work was comserving his fourth term. plete, the commission had recommended that Even with a single-party board there have the Assessor’s Office be brought back under been plenty of diverging opinions and person- the Commissioner of the Revenue’s Office, alities among supervisors. Most recently, the which was accepted, and the formation of board voted to censure Delgaudio and remove an Economic Development Authority, which control of his office budget after a months-long has not gained traction with supervisors. A grand jury investigation into whether he had large number of recommended changes to the used his staff aides to conduct personal and county’s fire-rescue system currently are under political business on taxpayer time. review by county staff members and should be The board’s first year-and-a-half in office brought back for public debate later this year. has been defined by the its goal of expanding This board has been helped in its bid to We solve your muddy yard, Loudoun’s commercial tax base and ensuring lower taxes by Loudoun’s improving—albeit wet basement, or foundation the county’s reputation as “business friendly.” slowly—economy. Residential assessments with the least By far, the largest decision made by this board have,problems on average, held flat or seen a slight expensive option first. has been the 5-4 split decision to support the uptick. Construction has begun again in the extension of Metro’s new Silver Line from Our county, with the overall economy as teamhelping of licensed professionals Reston to its terminus in Ashburn, and create well. But consulting after several years of required budget whether or installing special tax districts around each Metro station cuts, of the meat isfor off the bone on the willmost find the best solution to pay for it. The rail line is expected to open county government side. Supervisors continue your problems. in Loudoun in 2018. In addition, the board We solvehas your muddy yard, Continued on Page 6
got mud?
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Board of Supervisors Continued from Page 4
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to push the School Board to find savings on its side of the budget. Loudoun County Public Schools makes up a majority of the overall budget, and has seen continued growth and the opening of schools throughout the economic downturn. In Virginia, the Board of Supervisors can only allocate a dollar amount to the schools. It has no line-item authority. The Board of Supervisors meets for business meetings the first and third Wednesdays of the month at 4 p.m. Each meeting has the opportunity for general public input at 6 p.m. The board holds its monthly public hearing the second Wednesday of the month at 6 p.m. Residents may sign up to address the board at any of the sessions by calling the clerk of the Board of Supervisors at 703-777-0200. Advanced sign ups will be taken until noon the day of the meeting. In-person sign up also is available for each meeting, except the first business meeting of the month. The meetings are televised on Comcast Government Channel 23, OpenBand Channel 40 and Verizon FIOS Channel 40. The broadcasts are also available through streaming video at and are archived for later on-demand viewing. In general, board meetings, public hearings, board committee meetings and workshops are open to the public. However, the Board of Supervisors sometimes schedules executive sessions to discuss issues relating to personnel, legal matters or land acquisition. These meetings are closed to the public, but the topics that will be discussed are disclosed as required by law before the executive session begins. Comments may also be sent to the board by e-mail at, or by calling the Citizen Comment Line 703-777-0115. The board, or individual supervisors, can be reached by mail at: Loudoun County Board of Supervisors, 1 Harrison Street, SE Fifth Floor, Mailstop #01, P.O. Box 7000, Leesburg, VA 20177-7000. The main number for the Board of Supervisors office is 703-777-0204. The board meets in the Board of Supervisors meeting room, on the ground floor of the county government center, which is located at 1 Harrison Street, SE, in Leesburg.
Scott K. York At-Large County Chairman (R)
Office Phone: 703-771-5988 Fax: 703-777-0421 Email: Aides: Robin Bartok, Amanda Logan Scott K. York was elected to a fourth term as chairman of the Board of Supervisors in November 2011. Before he was elected as chairman in November 1999, he served one term on the board as the Sterling District representative, and prior to that, he served on the Loudoun Planning Commission from 1992 through 1995.
He serves on the Board of Supervisors’ Finance, Government Services and Operations Committee, the Transportation and Land Use Committee and the Economic Development Committee. He also represents the Board of Supervisors on the Loudoun County Economic Development Commission. York represents Loudoun on the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments’ Board of Directors, as chairman of the National Capital Region Transportation Board, the Northern Virginia Regional Commission, the Route 28 Transportation Improvement District Commission and the Northern Virginia TransportaScott York tion Commission. He also serves as the board’s representative on the Community Policy and Management Team. York represents Loudoun on the Board of Directors for the Virginia Association of Counties and on the Northern Virginia Transportation Authority. He has served as Chairman of the Virginia High-Growth Coalition, which he founded, and currently serves on the executive committee. He has also served on the Northern Virginia Regional Commission as chairman and treasurer. York and his wife, JoAnn, live in Sterling and have four children, two daughters-in-law, one son-in-law and five grandchildren.
Shawn Williams Broad Run District, Vice Chairman (R)
Office Phone: 703-771-5088 Fax: 703-777-0421 Email: Aides: Caleb Weitz, Piper Kuesters Shawn Williams was elected to his first term on the Board of Supervisors in the reconfigured Broad Run District in November 2011, and he currently serves as vice chairman of the board. He serves on the board’s Economic Development Committee and the Finance, Government Services and Operations Committee. He represents Loudoun on the Dulles Area Transportation Association, the Route 28 Transportation Improvement District Commission and the Northern Virginia Tr ans p or t at i on Commission. He also is the board’s representative on the Loudoun County Family Services Board. Williams was born and raised on Maryland’s EastShawn Williams ern Shore. He has Continued on Page 8
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Board of Supervisors Continued from Page 6
a bachelor’s degree in science, a master’s in business administration and a law degree. He began his career as an active duty U.S. Marine. Currently, he is the federal counsel for Sprint. Previously, he has held legal positions for Raytheon and ASC. Williams is a member of the Virginia State Bar Association, the National Contract Management Association and the Association for Corporate Counsel. Williams resides in Broadlands with his wife Joy and their three children. They attend Our Savior’s Way Lutheran Church.
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Suzanne Volpe Algonkian District (R)
Office Phone: 703-771-5033 Fax: 703-777-0421 Email: Aides: Ben Fornwalt, Josh Fornwalt Suzanne Volpe was elected to her first term in the new Algonkian District in November 2011. She serves as chairman of the board’s Transportation/Land Use Committee. She represents the board on the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments’ Chesapeake Bay and Water Resources Policy Committee and COG’s Human Services and Public Safety Committee. She also is the board’s representative on the county Disability Services Board and the Affordable Dwelling Unit Advisory Board. Volpe serves as vice president for the Sterling Graduate Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. She previously served on the Library Board of Trustees, the county Planning Commission and the county Commission on Aging. Suzanne Volpe She also served as secretary of the Our Lady of Hope Catholic School PTO, president of the Cascades Community Association and a member of the Loudoun Arts Council Board of Directors. Volpe is a former chairman of the Loudoun County Republican Committee. A native of Northern Virginia, Volpe earned a bachelor’s degree in communications studies from Virginia Tech. She works for the Potomac Corporation of Virginia, Inc., a Loudoun-based business. Volpe and her husband, Glenn Jones, reside in Cascades with their daughter, Faith.
Ralph Buona Ashburn District (R)
Office Phone: 703-777-0205 Fax: 703-777-0421 Email:
Aides: Dorri O’Brien, Cathy Dorman Ralph Buona was elected to his first term on the Board of Supervisors in the new Ashburn District in November 2011. He serves as chairman of the board’s Finance, Government Services and Operations Committee, as cochair of the Joint Board of Supervisors/School Board Committee and is a member of the Economic Development Committee. He represents Loudoun on the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments’ Climate, Energy and Environment Policy Committee and the board on the county Fiscal Impact Committee. Buona is senior vice president of corporate business development at Ashburn’s Telos Corporation. Prior, he was the vice president and general manager of Telos Managed Solutions where he managed the $120 million Managed Solutions Division of Telos, and Ralph Buona has served as vice president of product development cultivating new offerings. He has served on the Board of Directors of the Loudoun County Chamber of Commerce since 2005, serving as chairman in 2010. He also was appointed to the Loudoun County Economic Development Commission in 2010, has been a member of the Loudoun County CEO Cabinet and served on the Route 7 Task Force. Buona began his career as an Air Force Officer. He earned a bachelor’s degree in management from the U.S. Air Force Academy and a master’s in systems management from the University of Southern California. Buona and his wife live in northern Ashburn.
Janet Clarke Blue Ridge District (R)
Office Phone: 703-771-0210 Fax: 703-777-0421 Email: Aides: Shevaun Conner, Sarah Adler Janet Clarke was elected to her first term in November 2011. She served as vice chairman of the board in 2012. She is a member of the Economic Development Committee and the Transportation/Land Use Committee. She represents the Board of Supervisors on the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments’ Board of Directors and COG’s Air Quality Committee, the Northern Virginia Regional Commission and the Coalition of Loudoun Towns. She holds a bachelor’s degree in community interrelations from George Mason University and a master’s in educational leadership and administration from George Washington University. She is also licensed to teach Business & Marketing in secondary schools. Previously, she spent 15 years in the technology
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Continued on next page
Lansdowne Office Park t 19415 Deerfield Ave, Suite 213 t Lansdowne, VA
Dr. Preetika Sidhu. M.D., FACOG & Dr. Ramandeep Dulai, M.D., FACOG
Office Phone: 703-771-5069 Fax: 703-777-0421 Email: Aide: Tom Parker, Jessica Echard Matthew Letourneau was elected to represent the Dulles District in November 2011. He serves as chairman of the board’s Economic Development Committee and is a member of the Finance, Government Services and Operations Committee. He also serves as corporate officer of the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments and is serving as a vice president in 2013. He serves as one of the board’s representatives on the COG
Dr. Preetika Sidhu. M.D., FACOG & Dr. Ramandeep Dulai, M.D., FACOG
Dr. PreetikaConveniently Sidhu. M.D., FACOG & Dr. Ramandeep Dulai, M.D., FACOG located behind Loudoun Hospital Lansdowne Office Park t 19415 Deerfield Ave, Suite 213 t Lansdowne, VA 20176
Matt Letourneau Dulles District (R)
LLansdowne OB/GYN ansdowne OB/GYN Complete Care for Women by Women
Office Phone: 703-771-5028 Fax: 703-777-0421 Email: Aides: Stacy Carey, Chelsea Kneen, Katie Donnelly Geary M. Higgins was elected to represent the Catoctin District for the first time in November 2011. He serves on the board’s Transportation/Land Use and the Joint Board of Supervisors/School Board committees. He represents Loudoun on the Potomac Watershed Roundtable and is the board’s representative on the county’s Agricultural District Advisory Committee and the Annexation Area Development Policy Committee. Higgins’ goals as a supervisor include developing policies that foster rural economic development and provide more and better access to high-speed Internet in the western part of the county.
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Geary Higgins Catoctin District (R)
Higgins served on the county School Board from 2000 to 2004. He was chairman of the Personnel Services Committee and served on the Discipline and the Legislative and Geary Higgins Policy committees. He has been a board member for the Loudoun Museum since 1998. He received a business administration degree, with a double major in management and marketing from Clarion University in Pennsylvania. He attended college on an athletic scholarship for wrestling. Higgins is the Vice President of Labor Relations for NECA, Inc. in Bethesda. He is also an arbitrator for the Industrial Relations Council. A native of the Washington, DC, area, Higgins and his wife Gail moved to Loudoun in 1977 and live near Waterford. They have three daughters and two grandsons and are members of the Hamilton Baptist Church.
field, including as a business development director for a large government contractor. In 2005, Clarke established a Teen Center in Purcellville, and wrote a Youth Teen Activities Directory for Janet Clarke western Loudoun. She served for two years on Purcellville Town Council, as well as on the Loudoun County Community Services Board. Clarke has also been a member of numerous organizations and has decades of volunteer work experience. She was recently awarded “Rotarian of the Year” 2011 by the Rotary Club of Purcellville. Clarke and her husband Tom have three children.
Board of Supervisors Continued from Page 9
Board of Directors and the Route 28 Transportation Improvement District Commission. Letourneau is Director of Communications and Media for the Institute for 21st Century Energy at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Previously, he was the Republican Communications Director for the U.S. Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Early in his career, he served as press secretary for U.S. Senator Pete Domenici of New Mexico, as an aide to U.S. Senator Jon Kyl of Arizona and as a White House intern. In Loudoun, Letourneau previously was presiMatt Letourneau dent of a large condominium unit owners association in the Brambleton area and served as Dulles District chairman of the Loudoun County Republican Committee. Originally from central Massachusetts, he was a cum laude graduate of The Catholic University of America in Washington, DC. Letourneau and his wife Margaret live in Loudoun Valley Estates with their four children, the most recent of whom was born in May. They attend St. Theresa Catholic Church in Ashburn.
Ken Reid Leesburg District (R)
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Office Phone: 703-777-0203 Fax: 703-777-0421 Email: Aides: Chris Colsey, Kerri Mohr Kenneth Reid was elected to represent the expanded Leesburg District in November 2011. He serves on the Joint Board of Supervisors/ School Board Committee, having served as chairman in 2012. He also is a member of the Finance, Government Services and Operations Committee and the Transportation and Land Use Committee. He represents Loudoun on the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments’ Region Forward Coalition, the Northern Virginia Manpower Consortium Workforce Investment Board and the Northern Virginia Transportation Commission. He also serves on the Loudoun County Annexation Area Development Policy Committee. Previously, Reid was elected to two terms on Loudoun Town Council, in 2006 and 2010. He resigned from council when he was elected to the county board. While on the Town Council, Reid was the town’s liaison to the Northern Virginia Regional Commission, Dulles Area Transportation Association and the Virginia Municipal League Transportation Policy Committee. Before being elected to council, Reid served on the Leesburg Environmental Advi-
sory Commission and county Transportation Safety Commission. Reid earned a bachelor’s degree in political science from Rutgers University and a master’s degree in journalism from the Ken Reid University of Missouri. Reid is editor, publisher and owner of Washington Information Source Co., a newsletter publishing and book distribution business. His wife, Lynn Reid, is director of the Loudoun County Area Agency on Aging. They live in Tavistock Farms in Leesburg with their twins. The family attends Congregation Sha’are Shalom.
Eugene Delgaudio
Sterling District (R) Office Phone: 703-771-5819 Fax: 703-777-0421 Email: Eugene Delgaudio was first elected as the Sterling District supervisor in November 1999 and re-elected in 2003, 2007 and 2011. He represents Loudoun on the Dulles Area Transportation Association and also serves on the Other Post-employment Benefits Investment Committee. Delgaudio previously served as chairman of the board’s Finance and Government Services Committee and on the Transportation/ Land Use Committee, and represented Loudoun County on the Virginia Regional Transportation Association, Northern Virginia Transportation Commission and Potomac Watershed Roundtable. He also formerly represented the Board of Supervisors on the Loudoun County Transportation Safety Committee, Joint Committee of the County of Loudoun and Town of Leesburg, and Eugene Delgaudio Loudoun County Board of Supervisors/ School Board Joint Committee. Since 1981, Delgaudio has been the executive director and is now president of Public Advocate, a conservative nonprofit organization. For 10 years, he served on the board of directors of the national nonprofit organization Young Americans for Freedom. Delgaudio received a bachelor’s degree in political science from York College in New York in 1976. He is a member of Rotary International. Delgaudio and his wife Sheila have six children.
Pillows for Horse Lovers call: Anne Martin (703) 448-0033 visit: TeaLadyPillows at or email:
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A Trove Of Research Centers Library and its extensive collections. Researchers can find information on the county through oral histories, newspapers, diaries, private papers, military records, club records Loudoun and minutes as well as books, maps, deeds and wills, old photographs and post cards. Contact: 703-737-7195; www.; balchlib@ At Balch, you read about the past. At the Loudoun Museum on West Loudoun Street in Leesburg, you see it. You see what early education then included for a girl—the importance attached to needlework, for example—by viewing “samplers,” those patterns that were considered an essential component of any girl’s education. Children brought up on walk-in closets can see how their ancestors stored their clothes in a chest-of-drawers or hung them from pegs on the wall; how children not brought up on television or Internet games used different ways to have fun. Researchers can find information on the museum’s 8,000 items through a laptop set up in the lobby. Contact: 703-777-7427 or For more information, go to: The Sporting Library and Museum in Middleburg is another important resource for anyone interested in the art and culture of the horse and field sports. With more than 24,000 books and works of art—some dating back to the late 16th century—it is a researcher’s dream. Founded in 1954, the library brings scholars from all over the world to study the collections through the John H. Daniels Fellowships program. The NSLM hosts numerous art exhibits during the year. Contact: 540-6876542;;
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Margaret Morton Want to find out when your great-great-greatgrandmother came to Loudoun County? When she was married? Where was the house in which she lived and where was she buried? Or have the excitement of hearing your grandfather’s actual voice, recorded in oral black history collections? When it comes to finding out about the county’s history, there are a number of valuable resources. One of the rarest intact collections of county records nationwide is contained in the Loudoun County Circuit Court Clerk’s Office Archives, housed in the courts complex on North King Street in Leesburg. It’s rare because of the foresight of Loudoun justices who in 1862 ordered Clerk of the Court George K. Fox Jr. to remove the county’s records to safety before the Civil War could endanger them. After the war, the records were brought home to Loudoun. “We have them all, dating back to 1757 when the county was founded,” according to Historic Archives Manager John Fishback. Researchers can view official county records, wills, deeds, marriage records, court minutes, land tax books, documents listing free Negroes and militia books. As in 1862, the records have been “sent to safety” again by microfilming the originals and placing copies at the Library of Virginia. Contact: 703-737-9775; and link to archives; The Thomas Balch Library, designed by famous Washington, DC, architect Waddy B. Wood, was dedicated in 1922. “The Balch” entered the county library system in 1974, but 20 years later, the county government decided to close it after completing construction of the larger Rust Library. The Town of Leesburg stepped up and took over ownership of Balch
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11 11 11
LT Loudoun Schools Undergo
A Year Of Big Changes
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This year will certainly be one for the history books in Loudoun County Public Schools, with the reins of the district’s administration changing hands, the possibility of the county’s first charter school under consideration and the opening of two new elementary schools to keep up with record breaking enrollment numbers. After leading the school district for 22 years, Superintendent Edgar B. Hatrick in June announced his plans to retire in July of 2014. In his annual State of Education address, he set the tone for the school year, and his final months as superintendent. “I assure you that the last year of my 47-year career in Loudoun County Public Schools will also be our best,” Hatrick said. “The students deserve our best efforts throughout this year and a seamless, smooth handoff to the next superintendent so we don’t miss a beat in the transition.” As the Loudoun County School Board begins its search for the next head of the school district this fall, it will also be asked to consider an application to convert Middleburg Elementary School into a charter school and to redraw the attendance boundaries in the Dulles area to prepare for the opening of Cardinal Ridge Elementary School. School attendance zone boundary changes have become annual necessities in Loudoun, as new schools come online every year to keep up with the county’s growth. The district welcomed a record 70,855 students to class on the first day of school Sept. 3, close to 2,500 over last year’s enrollment and enough to move the Loudoun from the fourth largest to the third largest school district in Virginia. Two new schools opened this month— Discovery Elementary in Ashburn and Moorefield Elementary in Dulles—to bring ad copy Leesburg_Layout 1 9/17/13 10:14 AM
the total countywide to 84 public schools. If construction goes as planned, three new schools will open next fall: Rock Ridge High School in Loudoun Valley Estates, Trailside Middle School in Ashburn and Cardinal Ridge Elementary Dulles. The FY14 budget of $843.67 million is 2.5 percent increase over FY13, while enrollment grew by 3.8 percent. A nine-member elected board governs the school system. The board hires the superintendent and approves staff-hiring decisions and establishes all school division policies. It adopts an annual budget, but does not have independent taxing authority. Funding to operate the school district comes from the state government and local tax revenues as appropriated by the county Board of Supervisors. The School Board’s regular meetings are held at 6:30 p.m. the second and fourth Tuesday of the month at the school system administration office, 21000 Education Court in Broadlands. For more information about Loudoun County Public Schools, go to www.
Did you know?
Page 1
The first public high school in Loudoun opened in 1908 in Lincoln.
Loudoun’s School Board Eric Hornberger, Chairman
District: Ashburn Residence: Ashburn Farm Phone: 571-291-5685 Email: Eric Hornberger is serving in his first term on the School Board. He was elected to serve as its chairman by the board at his first meeting in 2012, and was re-elected to the post in January. He serves on the Board of Supervisors/School Board’s Joint Committee, the Health Safety, Wellness and Transportation Eric Hornberger Committee and as a School Board liaison on the Economic Development Commission. Hornberger joined the board with a variety of local and international experience. He served as the president of the Ashburn Farm Association Board of Trustees and as a leader in the citizens advocacy group Ashburn Farm Parents United. He also served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in West Africa, prior to working at the Office of Private Sector Relations at Peace Corps’ headquarters in Washington, DC. Hornberger works as the executive director of The Mustard Seed Foundation, a private family foundation based in Falls Church. In that role he oversees a variety of international giving programs and was responsible for establishing field offices for the foundation in Singapore, Jakarta, Manila, Mumbai, Hong Kong and Cairo. He and his wife Paula have lived in Ashburn since 2004. She works as a reading specialist at Cedar Lane Elementary School, and the
couple has three children enrolled in Loudoun County Public Schools; their two oldest children attend Stone Bridge High School and their youngest attends Sanders Corner Elementary School.
Jill Turgeon, Vice Chairman
District: Blue Ridge Residence: Purcellville Phone: 571-420-3818 Email: Jill Turgeon taught second grade at Cool Spring Elementary School before she was elected to the School Board in 2011. She continues to serve as a youth teacher and teacher at her church and is active in a variety of civic and community organizations. In January, Turgeon was elected vice chairman by the board for the second year. Turgeon is chairman of the School Board’s Curriculum and Instruction Committee and serves on the Personnel Services Committee and the Communications Ad hoc Committee. She is also the School Board liaison on the Economic Development Commission’s Education Workforce Committee and the Jill Turgeon Special Education Advisory Committee. Turgeon’s family has spent a lot of time in Loudoun County Public Schools. Her husband Bill teaches in the school system, their oldest daughter graduated from Loudoun Valley High School in 2010, another daughter graduated from Woodgrove High School in June, and their son is a junior at Woodgrove. Continued on Page 14
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13 13 13
School Board
Monroe Tech Blooms Danielle Nadler
Continued from Page 12
Thomas Reed
tion, known for the gourmet meals and hors d’oeuvres its students turn out for school fundraisers. One of their major showcases is the School Board’s Loudoun annual ceremony honoring employees who have devoted 25, 30, 35, 40 and 45 years of service to the school district. During the event each may, hundreds line up to sample everything from hand-rolled meatballs to delicate fruit pastries. The program has also turned out many professional chefs, including Jason Reaves, a 2002 graduate and pastry chef for Market Salamander. Reaves was the winner of a nationally televised cake-making contest on the “Food Network Challenge”.
At-Large Member Residence: Leesburg Phone: 571-233-9928 Email: Thomas Reed is serving his fourth term on the board, having been re-elected in 2011. He also serves as chairman of the Washington Area Boards of Education. He works as an associate with Booz-Allen-Hamilton. Reed is the chairman of the School Board’s Discipline Hearing Committee and serves on its Legislative and Policy Committee, the Communications Ad hoc Committee and is the School Board liaison to the Minority Student Achievement Advisory Committee. Thomas Reed He and his wife Valarie live in Leesburg and have four children—two daughters who graduated from Loudoun County High School, a son who graduated from Heritage High School in 2011 and a daughter who graduated from Tuscarora High School in June.
When you think of C.S. Monroe Technology Center, do you think of their too-good-to-pass up plant sales? Don’t feel bad if you do. You’re most likely not alone. Students in the school’s Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources program sell plants three times a year to raise money for student scholarships. But the public high school does a good deal more than put on one of the best-attended garden sales this side of the Shenandoah. The school, most commonly referred to as Monroe Tech, is Loudoun’s home for career and technical education. Monroe Tech’s career and technical programs have grown from 16 when it opened in Leesburg in 1977 to 42 today. The school’s students attend their programs at the school in Leesburg part-time, while continuing their core classes at their home high schools. The school’s offerings include an array of studies, such as health and medical sciences, masonry, HVAC, computer systems technology, digital animation, cosmetology and, yes, environmental plant sciences. The school’s culiLeesburg Today File Photo nary arts program is A C.S. Monroe Technology Center student organizes plants at its another offering that Fall Plant Sale. The public high school offers 42 different career and is gaining recogni- technical programs.
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Jennifer Keller Bergel
District: Catoctin Residence: Lovettsville Phone: 571-233-9724 Email: Jennifer Bergel was elected to the board for her first term in 2007 and is serving her second term. A native of Loudoun, Bergel is a Loudoun Valley High School alumna and also taught in the school system. She holds a bachelor’s degree
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from James Madison University and a master’s degree from George Mason University. A former adjunct English teacher at Northern Virginia Community College, she currently teaches for the FairJennifer Bergel fax County Public Schools system. Her community activities include coaching soccer, serving as a judge for the Old Dominion Swim League, volunteering in her children’s schools, community and church. She and her husband Noah have four children and live in the same house in which Bergel was raised. She is a member of the Finance and Facilities Committee and the Curriculum and Instruction Committee, and is a liaison to the School Business Partnership Executive Council.
Brenda Sheridan
District: Sterling Residence: Sterling Phone: 571-233-0307 Email: Brenda Sheridan is a 15-year resident of Sterling and is in her first full term as a School Board member. She served a partial term in June 2011 when she was appointed to represent the Sterling District following the death of longtime School Board member J. Warren Geurin. She has two children in Loudoun County Public Schools and serves as the president of the Virginia Parent Teacher Association. Previously, she served as the Forest Grove Elementary School’s Parent Teacher Association vice president for three years and president for two years; she also worked as a substitute teacher in Loudoun before she was appointed to the board. Sheridan is chairman of the School Continued on Page 16
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15 15 15
School Board Continued from Page 14
Board’s Legislative and Policy Committee and serves on the Health, Safety, Wellness and Transportation Committee and the Personnel Services Committee. She is also the School Board liaison on Brenda Sheridan the Gifted Advisory Committee and the Head Start Policy Council, and is a Virginia School Boards Association delegate.
Kevin Kuesters
District: Broad Run Residence: Ashburn Phone: 571-420-1818 Email: Kevin Kuesters is in his first term on the
School Board. He came to the board with experience as an auditor, tax preparer and licensed Certified Public Accountant. He works as a senior accountant with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and owns a private tax practice. Kuesters is the School Board’s chairman of the Finance and Facilities Committee and serves on its Legislative and Policy Committee, the Communications Ad hoc Committee, the Joint Board of Supervisors/School Board Committee and the Technology Steering Committee. He has volunteered as a coach for area soccer and basketball leagues and as a tax preparer for the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program through the county’s Department of Family Services. He and his family have lived in Ashburn since 1991. Kevin Kuesters
Bill Fox
District: Leesburg Residence: Leesburg Phone: 571-420-0721 Email: Bill Fox, a 10-year resident of Leesburg, is serving in his first term. He joined the board as a former teacher and attorney. He is the chairman of the School Board’s Personnel Services Committee and serves on the Discipline Hearing Committee and Curriculum and Instruction Committee. He is also the School Board liaison on the Career and Technical Education Foundation. Fox and his wife Suzanne own and operate several small businesses, including two wedding businesses and Fox Installs, which installs home entertainment theBill Fox
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ater systems. They have three daughters; two are students at Loudoun County High School and one graduated from Loudoun County in 2009.
Debbie Rose
District: Algonkian Residence: Potomac Falls Phone: 571-291-5983 Email: Debbie Rose is serving her first term on the School Board. She works as an intellectual property fellow for the Association for Competitive Technology. She also worked at the Entertainment Software Association and as a counsel on the U.S. House Judiciary Committee and Subcommittee on Courts, the Internet and Intellectual Property. She served on the Lowes Island Elementary School PTO and as a District Chair of the Loudoun County Republic Committee. Rose is the chairman of the School Board’s Health, Safety, Wellness and Tr ansp or t at i on Committee, and serves on the Legislative and Policy Committee and the Discipline Hearing Committee. She is Debbie Rose also the Virginia School Boards Association alternate. She grew up in Southern California and moved to Potomac Falls six years ago. She and her husband Randy have three children, all of whom attend Lowes Island Elementary School.
Jeff Morse
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District: Dulles Residence: South Riding Phone: 571-420-2243 Email: Jeff Morse is an 11-year resident of South Riding and is in his first term on the School Board. He served on active duty in the U.S. Navy for 20 years, retiring as a commander in 2006. He is a lead associate for Booz Allen Hamilton, managing and procuring Jeff Morse technology and services for the federal government. He is co-chairman of the Board of Supervisors/School Board Joint Committee and serves on the Finance and Facilities Committee and the Legislative and Policy Committee. He is also the School Board liaison on the Loudoun Education Foundation. His wife Karen is a kindergarten assistant at Hutchison Farm Elementary. The Morses have three children attending Loudoun’s public schools.
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expanding the program Fitness Classes | Personal Training | Acupuncture for us.” She credits an army ofRun more date than 100 vol5.96CO x 5IN Thursday, July 4, 2013 Ad size unteers for helping the organization keep its AS, art and set LLLCZ Prod meth Booking overhead costs and class fees as low as possible.Artisan Outdoor Living LLLC Catchline Content Loudoun Of course, donations also gocode a long way. LCZ Class Zone LLC is always accepting donations new andOMR used books, as well as Sales ofteam monetary donations that help cover operating costs andAd provide Color Note:scholarships Colors infor thelow-income PDF proof approximate how they will appear in print. Color can appear different between monitors depending o adults and families. The fee for the seven-week calibrated. Additionally, the color on printed proofs will vary from their appearance on monitors, and reproduction on newsprint will vary from session with weekly classes is $50, and the fee 21785 Filigree Court, Ashburn | 703.554.1130 white stock. forcommon the seven-week session with twice-weekly classes is $65. Remaining ads run on [7/4/13] To learn more about Loudoun Literacy Council, go to Proof created
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The Loudoun Literacy Council was founded in 1980 to teach English to recently arrived refugees, and Leslie Mazeska, the council’s executive director, says, “Still, people tell me all the time, ‘I had no idea that you were here.’” Those who are familiar with the nonprofit organization most likely know about the lowcost English language classes it provides to adults. But LLC has several other programs designed to teach English and improve literacy for all ages. Fifteen years ago it launched its Family Literacy Program, which partners with Loudoun County Head Start to provide literacy support to children in the county’s public schools. Seven years ago, it started Sweet Dreams as a weekly reading program for families in two homeless shelters, and in 2008, Baby Book Bundles was added to its repertoire to supply books and literacy tips to low-income families with babies. Last year, the organization had a record number of students enroll in its classes. Almost 500 students took part in the adult courses and 926 children, plus their parents, participated in the Family Literacy Program. Part of the effort to spread the word about the organization has been focused on providing more classes in more locations. This year, LLC is offering 17 different classes—“the highest number we’ve ever offered”—and providing English language classes in Purcellville for the first time. The adult English classes are held in public libraries, schools and churches throughout the county. “We’ve expanded our partnership with local schools, so we can offer evening classes at the school. We’ve seen that family members are more comfortable going to a location that’s familiar to them like their neighborhood school,” Mazeska said. “We’ve been very fortunate that the community has really been open to
17 17 17
Loudoun’s Planning Commission
The Loudoun County Planning Commission is a nine-member advisory body appointed by the Board of Supervisors. The panel provides recommendations on issues concerning land development ordinances, comprehensive planning, future land use policies and the Capital Improvements Program for the county. The county’s Department of Planning provides professional and support services to the commission. The Planning Commission holds a monthly public hearing at 6 p.m. on the third Tuesday of each month in the boardroom of the county government center, at 1 Harrison Street SE in Leesburg. The hearing is broadcast on Comcast Government Channel 23, Verizon FiOS Channel 40 and OpenBand Channel 18, and is available for live viewing via streaming video at The Planning Commission’s regular monthly work session is held on the first Tuesday of the month at 6 p.m. in the Purcellville Room of the Loudoun County Government Center. Any additional meetings will be posted on the county government’s master calendar at Comments to the Planning Commission may sent by email to, or to a member’s individual email address.
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Robert Klancher, Chairman, Ashburn District A resident of Ashburn since 1993, Robert J. Klancher is serving his third term representing his community on the Planning Commission, but this term he is in the Ashburn District thanks to the county’s redistricting, after spending two terms serving the Broad Run District. He served as chairman in 2007, 2010 and 2013 and as vice chairman in 2006, 2009 and 2012. He chaired the Route 28 Subcommittee and has been involved in revising the county Comprehensive Plan and Countywide Transportation Plan. He received his planning commissioner
certification from the Citizens Planning Education Association of Virginia in 2010. Klancher is a registered architect and principal of Interplan Incorporated, a full-service architecture and interior design firm in Washington, DC. He is a member of The American Institute of Architects, serving as a director with the Washington chapter. He also served on the National Architectural Accrediting Board for two years. Klancher received his architecture degree from the University of Cincinnati in 1984. He and his wife Janet have four children and attend St. Theresa Catholic Church. Helena S. Syska, Vice Chairman, Sterling District Helena Syska was appointed to the Planning Commission for the third time in 2012 and is one of three commissioners remaining from the previous Board of Supervisors. Syska is a teacher for the Catholic Diocese of Arlington and has held various positions in the field of education. She has served as the school administrator for Classical Preparatory Schools of Loudoun, the executive director for the Loudoun Education Foundation, and as the vice president of academic affairs/dean of affairs for Stratford College in Falls Church. Syska graduated from George Mason University in 1982, majoring in English. She has served on a number of county advisory panels in addition to her work on the Planning Commission. She and her husband have five children. Syska resides in Sterling Park. Kevin Ruedisueli, At Large This term marks Kevin Ruedisueli’s third time serving on the Planning Commission. He was appointed to serve his first full term by County Chairman Scott K. York (R-At Large). While not appointed after the 2007 election, he was nominated to replace an outgoing com-
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missioner in 2009. Ruedisueli also replaced that same commissioner during the 2003-2007 term, when she resigned in 2005. Ruedisueli has lived and worked in Loudoun since 1979. He received a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in architecture from MIT. He is licensed as an architect in Virginia and is a member of the American Institute of Architects. During his first years in Loudoun he worked as both a carpenter and a design/builder before completing his internship as an architect and opening his own office, which he now runs near Waterford. He has had a long interest in sustainable design, and the preservation and adaptive reuse of old and historic buildings. He served two terms on the County Historic District Review Committee before his appointment to the Planning Commission in 2005. He returned to that committee before his reappointment as a commissioner in 2009.
Tom Dunn, Leesburg District Tom Dunn is serving the county in two fashions this term—as a Leesburg Town Councilman and in his first appointment to the county Planning Commission by Supervisor Ken Reid (R-Leesburg), his former colleague on council. Dunn is a former U.S. Army officer serving with the Combat Engineers, and started VCR, Inc., a small title settlements company in 2008. He previously was president of Avid Mortgage Corporation in Leesburg, and is a former partnership specialist for the U.S. Department of Commerce. Dunn served as a Leesburg Planning Commissioner for two years, and is a Virginia certified public planner. He also served on the Leesburg Economic Development Commission for seven years, and the economic development and education committees of the Virginia Municipal League. He is a member of the National Association of Counties and the National Association of Planning Commissioners. He received his bachelor’s degree in social science from Mary Washington College.
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Charles Douglas, Blue Ridge District Serving his first term as a county planning commissioner, Douglas spent more than 40 years in the private sector, primarily in the power, chemical and telecommunications industry, where he held positions that spanned all facets of the business, including Board of Directors, Chief Executive Officer, Chief Administrative Officer and Chief Operation Officer. Douglas is a Certified Planning Commissioner through Virginia Tech’s CPEA program, where he graduated in June 2012. He also has his certification through the University of Virginia program. A U.S. Navy veteran, Douglas is a graduate of West Virginia University Institute of Technology in engineering and holds a design patent from E.I. DuPont. Douglas served for many years on the county’s Cable and Open Video Systems Commission (now the Cable Commission). He also serves as an election official for Loudoun. Douglas and his wife have two children and three grandchildren. They live in Purcellville. Jack Ryan, Broad Run District Serving his first term on the Planning Commission, Jack Ryan has been a resident of Northern Virginia for more than 40 years. He has more than 20 years of experience in human resources, actuarial analysis, public policy and accounting work for various corporations. He serves as director of compensation and HRIS for Software AG. He has served on the Ashburn Village homeowners association Board of Directors, the Ashburn Elementary PTO Board and the Dulles Little League Board. He previously served on the county’s Financial Performance Audit Committee and the Waxpool Road Traffic Taskforce. Ryan completed Virginia’s Certified Planning Commissioners’ Program in June 2012. He holds a master’s of public administration from George Mason University and a bachelor’s degree in mathematics from Assumption College. Ryan lives in Ashburn Village with his wife Heidi and their three children. They attend St. Theresa’s Catholic Church in Ashburn.
Jeff Salmon, Dulles District In his first term representing the Dulles District on the Planning Commission, Jeff Salmon brings years of experience in dealing with issues facing local residents and communities. Since 2003 he has served on the South Riding Proprietary Board of Directors, and he was president beginning in 2009. He also served on the Rt. 50 Task Force, specifically focused on transportation issues, and as a board member of the Dulles South Alliance, which works on behalf of the citizens and businesses of the Dulles South area. He has more than 20 years of experience in the Software Development industry, working on enterprise-class systems for Healthcare IT industry, most recently working for Secure Exchange Solutions in Rockville, MD. He is a Certified Netware Administrator and Microsoft Certified Professional. He grew up in Northern Virginia, attending West Springfield High School and George Mason University.
Kathy Blackburn, Algonkian District Mary Kathleen Blackburn has lived in Loudoun’s Sugarland Run community since 1987 and has worked in a variety of government agencies, including Loudoun County Public Schools, Loudoun County Mental Health and the Loudoun County Sheriff ’s Office. She served as assistant program manager for special operations for the sheriff’s office. She also has worked as a facilitator of youth and children’s services for Loudoun Citizens for Social Justice/ LAWS and as director of extended day programs for Our Lady of Hope and St. Theresa Catholic schools. She received her bachelor’s degree in microbiology from the University of Wyoming and her master’s psychological services/counseling from Marymount University. Blackburn and her husband are parents to six grown children and have 12 grandchildren.
Eugene Scheel, Catoctin District While serving his first term on the county’s Planning Commission, Eugene Scheel is well known around Loudoun. Scheel is a historian and cartographer, known for his handdrawn maps. He is the author of nine books on Virginia History, including a five-volume series Loudoun Discovered—Communities, Corners & Crossroads. He created more than 50 historical maps covering Virginia, other states and foreign nations. He holds a degree in geography from Clark University and two graduate degrees—in urban planning from the University of Virginia School of Architecture and in American Literature from Georgetown University. For many years, Scheel has written a column on history for the Washington Post. His work has been featured in numerous journals, magazines and newspapers. Born in the Bronx, NY, he has lived in the Piedmont area of Virginia 1965. He lives in Waterford.
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‘Good Farmers Are The Best Assets A State Can Have’ Margaret Morton No doubt Loudoun’s present-day farmers would say that statement by the Virginia Commissioner of Agriculture in 1907 is as true today as it was more than a century ago. Loudoun County’s 21st century farms continue to be responsible for an increasing role in the county’s economy and tourism promotion, boasting among the highest numbers of horse farms and wineries in Virginia. They are the inheritors of a rich heritage that dates back to the Native Americans and the early settlers. After Indian settlers moved westward after 1722, white farmers began moving in in force. Long before the county was formed from western Fairfax in 1757, pioneering families had been tilling the productive land, crisscrossed as it was by numerous creeks and streams, along which they placed their mills. Today, most of the mills are gone— destroyed or converted to residences, with only Aldie’s mill still conducting milling demonstrations. Many of the early families were from Bucks County, PA, who came south looking for good agricultural land, and found it in places like Waterford, Lovettsville, Taylorstown and Hillsboro. In 1804, John Alexander Binns, a Waterford farmer and scientist, published the second edition of his famous “Treatise on Practical Farming,” a method of conserving and rejuvenating agricultural land by crop rotation and fertilization, that reportedly influenced Thomas Jefferson at his farm at Monticello. Western Loudoun featured a jig-saw puzzle of small farms, while eastern Loudoun boasted larger plantations settled by Tidewater Virginia planters—that eventually became home to a
flourishing dairy industry—the state’s fourth largest at the end of WWII. While the dairy industry is now down to one farm, it has been replaced by a more diverse agriculture, in which fruits and berries, wine, spirits and beer production, specialty crops, salad greens and herbs, berries, cattle, pigs and sheep, alpacas and llama, grapes and hay production predominate. Through the growing season, visitors flock to the wineries and area farms, many of which are open at stated times, including the Northern Virginia Regional Park Authority’s Temple Hall Farm, a working farm north of Leesburg which hosts public days and groups tours; Ticonderoga Farm southeast of Leesburg; and Great Country Farms near Bluemont which is open February through November. The Department of Economic Development sponsors two self-guided tours each year: the Spring Farm Tour and the Farm Color Tour. For more information on farms, go to; for wineries, www. touring guide/visitloudountouringguide.html; and for events,
Did you know?
Some 500 residents in Loudoun and Fairfax counties had to vacate their homes in 1958 to make way for Dulles Airport, which opened in 1962.
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Discover the sensational flavors of an innovative, seasonal, organic menu as Chef Tarver uses our farm as the pantry and has a strong commitment to support local growers and artisan producers. Hours of dining Thursday - Saturday 5:30 - 9:00 Saturday and Sunday 11:00 - 2:00
Weddings, Corporate Events, Holiday Parties, Birthdays, Anniversaries, Reunions
In The Cloud: Loudoun’s Online Presence Norman K. Styer
Riding The Silver Line
The Engine
Before the Internet, before the coming of rocket scientist and biologists, before the immigration of federal contractors, Loudoun’s key economic engine was Dulles Airport. Despite the county’s diversification, the 50-year-old international travel and cargo hub continues to drive commercial growth. It opened in 1962 and was the first airport in America specially designed to serve jet aircraft. Three years after opening, the airport was handling fewer than 90 flight operations
per day and many questioned the wisdom of the investment. Today, more than 1,000 flights come in and out of Dulles daily. United Airlines is the airport’s most active carrier with the company’s hub operation servLoudoun ing about 9 million passengers annually. Total passenger traffic in 2012 was 22.6 million, down from a pre-recession peak of 27 million in 2005. The airport covers almost 12,000 acres in Loudoun and Fairfax counties. A 2010 economic impact study reported the airport provides 18,000 on-site jobs, with a $57.1 million payroll to Virginia residents.
Village at Leesburg everything you need From shopping and dining to spa treatments and hanging out with friends, Village at Leesburg is your shopping and entertainment destination. Come see what Village at Leesburg has in store for you with more than 45 shops, restaurants and entertainment venues in a beautiful open-air setting.
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Pushing Scientific Boundaries
Where do the nation’s top rocket scientists and biomedical researchers report to work each day? Many come to their offices in Loudoun County. Orbital Science Corporation was a pioneer in building low earth orbit satellites when it established its headquarters in a long-vacant office building along Rt. 28 in the early 1990s. Today, the company is one of two in the nation under contract to build space vehicles to resup-
u for more information. Located along Route 7 (behind Wegmans) at the Crosstrail Blvd./ River Creek Pkwy. exit. 1602 Village Market Blvd. SE, Leesburg, VA 20175
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Loudouners have heard about it for decades but starting early in 2014, they could be taking rides on the Silver Line extension of the region’s Metrorail system. It will be another four years until they can board a train at one of the three planned stations in Loudoun—at Ashburn’s Moorefield Station or the two near Dulles Airport. Although it wasn’t until the summer of 2012 that Loudoun supervisors formally signed off on the $2.7 billion Phase II part of the project, county leaders have spent almost two decades planning for its arrival. Since the early 1990s—even before construction began on the Dulles Greenway—county planners have been laying the groundwork to permit high-density urban centers to grow along anticipated rail routes. Along the toll road, the new communities of Moorefield, Loudoun Station and Dulles World are among those approved to grow higher, and more dense as the rail line begins operation. The Silver Line operations between East Falls Church and Wiehle Avenue in Reston are expected to begin early in 2014.
by Robert and Vinton Pickens. Vinton Pickens was the founding chairwoman of the Loudoun County Planning Commission. The research’s center architecture—much of the facility is built at ground level along the Potomac River—is attributable in part to an easement she placed on the property requiring an unobstructed view of Sugarloaf Mountain from her former home.
During the early stages of the Internet’s growth, Loudoun residents hearing America Online’s once-ubiquitous “You’ve got mail” message could be fairly confident the alert was being relayed from a bank of computers just down the road in Ashburn. Today, virtually every aspect of online commerce—from credit card transactions and Amazon purchases to viewing Netflix movies and uploading videos to Facebook—involves the massive collection of data centers that has been constructed in Loudoun over the past two decades. According to the Loudoun County Department of Economic Development, more than 4.5 million square feet of data center space in 40 buildings has been developed in the county—and that total is expected to grow to 8 million square feet when projects already under development are complete. In short, if you wonder where the cloud is on which your phone, computer and business stores their data, you can see it as you drive down the Dulles Greenway, Loudoun County Parkway or Waxpool Road. Up to 70 percent of the world’s Internet traffic flows through Loudoun County data centers every day. Added to that high-powered resource is a Loudoun workforce that has been recognized as having the highest collection of technology employees of any place in the United States and a report that finds Loudoun has the largest number of Internet, satellite and defense companies. While data centers themselves don’t have a large number of employees that require wider roads, more houses and new schools, highly specialized infrastructure is required to keep the servers up and running. Those include an extensive power supply network that has been developed by Dominion Power in conjunction with industry leaders over the years and an innovative pipe network through which the county’s utility authority can provide low-cost water to cool the plants.
ply the International Space Station. The company’s activities have spurred the development of the Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport, Virginia’s rocket launch center located at Wallop’s Island. Since its inception in 1982, the company has built more than 550 launch vehicles and 175 satellites. At the Howard Hughes Medical Institute’s Janelia Farm Research Campus chemists, physicists, computational scientists and engineers collaborate with biologists to tackle problems in neuroscience and imaging. Experts are mapping the structure of neural circuits, with research providing new insights in neurobiology and developing technologies for optical imaging, including new types of microscopy. HHMI, the nation’s largest privately funded biological and medical research organization, expanded to Loudoun in 1996. The campus is built on the property formerly owned
21 21 21
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When Loudouners voted to repeal prohibition in 1933, there could have been little inkling that someday one of the fastest growing economic sectors would be alcohol-fueled. Perhaps, even stranger is that the western Loudoun town of Purcellville would position itself as a welcoming center for such activities. A century ago, Virginia was out ahead of the nation in its push for temperance, enacting statewide prohibition in 1916. Two years later, Virginia was the second state (four days after Mississippi) to ratify the 18th Amendment to the Constitution that prohibited the production, transport and sale of alcohol throughout the United States, effective Jan. 17, 1920. On Oct. 3, 1933, Virginia voters took up the issue, with two referenda questions on the ballot: one to overturn “state dry laws” and one to support the repeal of the 18th Amendment. In light voting, Loudouners voted 2-1 in favor of the repeals, joining the statewide majority. The Loudoun Times-Mirror reported the results as 1,242 for repeal of the 18th Amendment and 698 against. Lincoln and Hamilton were the hotbeds of opposition to the repeal. In the Lincoln precinct, only 7 of 79 voters supported repeal and the tally in the Hamilton precinct was 38-65. Those results
were attributed by the newspaper to the work of Mrs. Howard M. Hoge in Lincoln, Loudoun a “militant dry leader,” who was president of Virginia’s Woman’s Christian Temperance Union, and to Mrs. Henry J. Hoge, who led the campaign in Hamilton, “another arid community.” Voters in Middleburg, Leesburg, Sterling, Waxpool, Arcola, Round Hill and Bluemont strongly backed the repeal effort. In Purcellville, which was considered a dry-leaning community, voters where divided at the polls, posting a 74-72 vote. Today, Loudoun boasts more than 30 active wineries and tasting rooms, seven breweries and one legal distillery— all attracting visitors by the tens of thousands to the rolling countryside. In that once dry community of Purcellville, town leaders are working to build a new brand as the capital of Loudoun’s wine country. It also is home to Catoctin Creek Distillery and soon to be home to Corcoran Brewing Company. All signs point to continued strong growth in Loudoun’s alcohol-related industries, but we can assume that Mrs. Howard M. Hoge would not join in celebrating that success.
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23 23 23
Leesburg: Virginia’s Largest Town Loudoun’s county seat traces its history back to 1758 when the Virginia General Assembly designated the area as the County Court House one year after Loudoun County was established. The land was originally part of the sixth Lord Fairfax’s estate. Nicholas Minor, who owned 60 acres surrounding the courthouse site, had the land surveyed and laid out in streets that today make downtown Leesburg. Originally a settlement called George Town in honor of the king of Great Britain, Leesburg was renamed for the Lee family of Virginia. Because the new town’s location was near the geographical center of the county and was at the intersection of the main roads in the area, the north-south Carolina Road and the east-west Leesburg Turnpike, it quickly became the county’s commercial and political center. An appointed Board of Trustees governed Leesburg in its early history and elected its first mayor in 1813. During the War of 1812, Leesburg served as a temporary capital of the U.S. and home to the Federal Archives, including the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. Leesburg was also the site of the Battle of Ball’s Bluff, the largest Civil War engagement to take place in Loudoun County. The Northern Virginia Regional Park Authority has preserved a portion of the battlefield as a public park—Ball’s Bluff Battlefield Regional Park—and the town owns another portion it plans to develop into a town park. The commonwealth’s largest town with more than 46,000 residents, Leesburg continues to grow and now spans 7,700 acres. The Town Council is considering a boundary line adjustment to bring the 990-acre Morven Park property—once home to Virginia Gov. Westmore-
land David—into the town limits. Also, there have been periodic talks with county leaders to annex as much as additional 2,400 acres into the town. Most of this land is located south and east of Leesburg. Future town population estimates range up to 80,000 at build-out, depending on whether additional land is annexed and how currently vacant land is developed. According to the latest U.S. Census figures, the town’s population has the following characteristics: Racial and Ethnic Distribution White: 71.1% Black: 9.5% Hispanic: 17.4% Asian: 7.1% Other: 0.5% Two or more: 4.3% Age Distribution 19 and under: 32.8% 20-44: 32.9% 45-64: 23.4% 65 and over: 10.9% Median age: 33.3 Educational Attainment (age 25 and older) High school graduate or higher: 89.4% Bachelor’s degree or higher: 46.4% Graduate or professional degree: 17%
Leesburg Government
Leesburg operates under the councilmanager form of government, which divides responsibilities between an elected mayor and Town Council and an appointed town manager. The council determines town policy, adopts all
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DRAFTHOUSE.COM 571.293.6808
ordinances and resolutions, sets the annual tax rates and adopts an annual budget based on a staff-prepared draft. The town manager is responsible for the day-to-day management of town affairs, implementing the Town Council’s policies and hiring a staff to assist in that work.
Town Council:
There are six Town Council members. Terms are for four years and are staggered with three seats filled each even-numbered year in town-wide elections. The mayor serves a twoyear term. The next town election will be held in November, 2014. Annual Compensation: As part of the FY14 town budget, council members in April voted to increase the compensation paid to the council and mayor. Starting July 1, the mayor’s salary was raised to $16,200 per year and compensation for the six members of council was increased to $15,600. Since the last council raises in 1992, members were paid $8,000 per year, with the mayor getting $8,500.
Kristen Umstattd, Mayor
Kevin Wright
Kevin Wright
also served as liaison to the Parks and Recreation Commission and the Planning Commission. He is a member of the Virginia Municipal League’s Finance Committee, the Leesburg Form-Based Code Task Force and the Joint Loudoun/Leesburg Annexation Area Development Policy Committee. The former youth soccer referee and his wife, Dena, and daughter, Katelyn, live in the northwest quadrant.
Fernando “Marty” Martinez
Marty Martinez, a resident of the Exeter community in the northeast quadrant, was elected to his first term on Town Council in May 2002 and served as vice mayor from July 2004 to June 2006. He serves as the town representative to VML’s Environmental Policy Committee as well as the council liaison to the Parks and Recreation Commission, the Standing Residential Traffic Committee and the Board of Architectural Review. ProMarty Martinez fessionally, Martinez is employed by Booz Allen Hamilton. He is also the co-founder of La Voz and the Boys and Girls Club of Loudoun County. Martinez and his wife, Doris, have lived in Leesburg for 18 years. They have five children and five grandchildren.
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703.777.8161 Loudoun County’s original winery 38906 Mt. Gilead Road, Leesburg, VA celebrating 25 years of award winning wines, 703.777.8161 friendly, knowledgeable staff, and picnic areas with breathtaking views.
Katie Hammler
Continued on page 26
Loudoun fr
Loudoun County’s original winery celebrating 25 years of award winning wines, friendly, knowledgeable staff, County’s orginial wi Loudoun OPEN YEAR ROUND and picnic areas with- breathtaking views. friendly, knowledgeable Fall/Winter: Friday Sunday 11-5:30
Katie Sheldon Hammler
Katie Hammler was elected to her third council term last November. She served as vice mayor from 2008 to 2010. She is the appointed member from the Leesburg Town Council to the Loudoun County Economic Development Commission and the Joint L oudoun/L e esburg Annexation Area Development Policy Committee. She serves as the councilmanic representative to the Technology and Communication
38906 Mt. Gilead Road, Leesburg, VA
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u w w w.l ee s burgt oda y. co m • Thur sda y, S e pt em be r 2 6, 20 1 3
Kevin Wright, a project manager for Cisco Systems, has served on Town Council since 2006 and was vice mayor from 2010 to 2012. Prior to his council election in 2006, the lifelong Loudoun County resident served as chairman of the town’s Planning Commission. Now, in his council liaison role, he serves on the Public Art Commission and the Airport Commission. He has
The first twins born in the U.S. conceived by frozen embryo process were delivered at Loudoun Memorial Hospital in Leesburg.
Kristen Umstattd was first elected to the Leesburg Town Council in 1992, making her the longest-serving member of the council. She was named vice mayor in 2000 and was first elected mayor in 2002. She’s lived in Leesburg for more than 20 years and, outside of her mayoral duties, maintains a private Kristen Umstattd law practice with her husband Charles Moss. She is the council’s liaison to the Leesburg Planning Commission. She is also a member of the Loudoun County Health Council, representing the Coalition of Loudoun Towns, chair of the Towns Association of Northern Virginia, and serves on the Dulles Area Transportation Association, Northern Virginia Transportation Coordinating Council and Northern Virginia Transportation Authority.
Did you know?
25 25 25
Continued from Page 25
and the Thomas Balch Library commissions. She was unanimously selected Town Section Chair by towns throughout the commonwealth, and serves on the Executive Committee of the Virginia Municipal League. She also serves on the Community and Economic Development Committee. She is the council’s representative to the National League of Cities. She and her husband Rich live in the Exeter community and have two children. She is president and CEO of KSH Technology Solutions.
David Butler, Vice Mayor
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David Butler is a native of Oswego, NY, and moved to Leesburg in 2002 with his wife, Pamela, and has been active in the community and government since. He was elected to his second term in November and was selected to serve as vice mayor in January. Prior to joining the council, he was a member of the Leesburg Planning Commission, Utility Rate Advisory Committee and Standing Residential Traffic Committee. He is the liaison to the Environmental Advisory Commission, Tree Commission, David Butler Leesburg Economic Development Commission and the VML’s Environmental Quality Committee. He is the chief security officer for National Electronics Warranty in Sterling.
Thomas S. Dunn II
Thomas S. Dunn II was elected to his second council term in November. Midway through his first term he unsuccessfully challenged Umstattd for the mayor’s seat in 2010. Dunn, has 17 years experience in mortgage
banking. He serves on the VML’s Human Development and Education Committee and was appointed by Supervisor Ken Reid to represent the Leesburg District on the LoudTom Dunn oun County Planning Commission. He is a former Leesburg planning commissioner and economic development commissioner, and previously served as the council liaison to the Board of Architectural Review and Thomas Balch Library Commission.
Kelly Burk
Kelly Burk was most recently elected to the Leesburg Town Council in the April 2012 Special Election. Burk previously served on Town Council from 2004 to 2007. In November 2007, Burk was elected to represent the Leesburg District on the Loudoun Board of Supervisors. She served on the county board from 2008 through 2011. A Leesburg resident Kelly Burk since 1979, Burk is a special education teacher at Blue Ridge Middle School.
Town Administrative Staff Town Manager: John Wells Deputy Town Manager: Kaj Dentler Assistant Town Manager: Scott Parker Town Attorney: Jeanette Irby Chief of Police: Joseph Price Clerk of Council: Lee Ann Green Airport Manager: Scott Coffman
Director of Capital Projects: Renée LaFollette Economic Development Direct: Marantha Edwards Director of Finance/CFO: Norman Butts Human Resources Manager: Karen Dilley Information Technology Manager: Annie Carlson Parks and Recreation Department Director: Rich Williams Plan Review Department Director: Bill Ackman Planning and Zoning Department Director: Susan Berry-Hill Public Works Department Director: Tom Mason Thomas Balch Library Manager: Alexandra Gressitt Utilities Department Director: Amy Wyks Zoning Administrator: Chris Murphy Town Hall Number: 703-777-2420
The Leesburg government budget is organized into three funds that are segregated to allow separate accounting for different activities and projects: • The General Fund is the town’s primary operating fund into which all standard revenues are deposited and from which all standard expenditures are disbursed. The airport is now incorporated into the General Fund. FY14: $49.4million. • The Utilities Fund accounts for the town’s self-supporting water and sewer system, collects developers’ hook-up fees and all system user fees. FY14: $20.3 million. • The Capital Fund is divided into several sub-funds established by the town’s Capital Improvements Program, a five-year plan for major acquisitions and construction projects that is revised annually by the town council. FY14: $19.2 million.
Town property owners pay real estate and personal property taxes to both Leesburg and Loudoun County. Leesburg’s real estate tax rate for FY2014 is $19.2 cents per $100 of assessed value. Real estate property taxes are collected semiannually, on June 5 and Dec. 5. The town’s personal property tax rate, applied to cars and other vehicles, is $1 per $100 of accessed value. Personal property taxes are collected annually and are due Oct. 5; pro-rated personal property taxes on vehicles acquired after June 15 are due on March 15.
Water and Sewer Service
The Town of Leesburg provides public water and sewer service for its residents and some areas outside the town’s corporate limits. The town’s water treatment plant draws from the Potomac River under a permit with Virginia and has a capacity of up to 12.5 million gallons per day and will eventually expand to 15 million gpd. The sewer plant has a capacity of 7.5 million gpd. Water rates are $4.02 per 1,000 gallons and sewer rates are $5.37 per 1,000 gallons for in-town residential users. Out-of-town users currently pay $5.67 for 1,000 gallons of water and $8.16 for 1,000 gallons of discharge.
Boards and Commissions:
Leesburg has 14 formal commissions, most of which are comprised of seven voting members appointed by the Town Council as a whole. The panels are the: Airport Commission, Annexation Area Development Policies Committee, Board of Architectural Review, Board of Zoning Appeals, Economic Development Commission, Environmental Advisory Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission, Planning Commission, Public Art Commission, Standing Residential Traffic Committee, Technology and Communications Commission, Thomas Balch Library Advisory Commission, Tree Commission, and Utility Rate Advisory Committee.
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Dr. Phillip Chang
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By The Numbers: Voted One of Northern Virginia’s
Youth Sports in Loudoun As Loudoun’s population continues to boom—expected to reach almost 340,000 this year—so does the number of its youngest residents. And those children are flocking to athletic fields of varying types in record numbers. This year, Loudoun boasts 49 youth sports leagues dedicated to everything from football and basketball to in-line hockey and rugby. Around 50,000 children are served by these leagues, according to the county parks and rec department, and another 15,000 children play on independent teams or in tournament play in Loudoun. • 5: Number of football leagues, with cheerleading squads • 850 on 47 teams: Number of children involved in Central Loudoun Youth Football League • 8: Number of basketball leagues • 1,200 on 131 teams: Number of children served by Western Loudoun Basketball League. • 5: Number of soccer leagues • 1: Number of in-line hockey leagues • 4: Number of wrestling leagues • 6: Number of baseball leagues • 70: Number of players on Dulles Little League’s Challenger Program for children with disabilities. • 1,300 on 110 teams: Number of children involved in Loudoun South Little League. • 5: Number of softball leagues • 440 on 38 teams: Number of children served by the Ashburn Girls’ Softball League this spring. • 4: Number of lacrosse leagues • 1: Number of field hockey leagues • 5: Number of track and field leagues New Patients Cleaning Special • 2: Number of rugby leagues
Voted One of Northern Virginia’s
Voted One of Northern Virginia’s
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many game slots.” Carver said the thing that sets the demand It is no secret that athleticNew fieldsOrtho are Patients for cricket apart from demand for any other • CCosmetic osmetiC Dentistry forand aTeens Dults • inVisalign Invisalign for Adults Dentistry -including Veneers Complimentary Cosmetic needed in Loudoun for every sport from Orthodontic boys sports Complete Treatment in recent years—like lacrosse and field Children’s Dentistry Restorative Dentistry (Including lacrosseOR to girls softball, travel soccer and Retainers) hockey—is that it has not “bubbled up” from inCluDing & teens VeneersCare Teeth Whitening Hygiene & Preventative tournament play, and that there are a plethora the youth leagues. Orthodontic Consultation Enjoy aDentures unique and relaxing dental experience in the soothing of youth sports leagues to service the wants of “This group does not have an organized Flexible Payment Options • atmosphere restoratiVe entistry • CHilDren ’s Dwith entistry of aDbeach or mountain retreat, complete bird aviaries. almost every sports-minded child in Loudoun (Traditional Orthodontic youthTreatment league, but it has an extremely active Soft-Tissue Laser Treatments Implants County. & Invisalign Starting at $3200) adult program, ” he said. “Some of these guys Bridges Evening Saturday Hours • HygieneCrowns & P&reVentatiVe • teetH w&Hitening Couponrecreation Must Be Presented for Special Offers But Loudoun’s fastest growing play on multiple teams in the area…they are Invsalign forWelcome Adults & Teens Cosmetic DentistryVeneers Orthodontics for Adultsincluding and Children Emergencies passion comes from a surprising place—the diehards for their sport.” Care Restorative Dentistry • soft-tChildren’s issue laser Dentistry cricket pitch. Cricket has been played in Eng- Spurred by the growing demand, the 44110 Ashburn Village Shopping Plaza | Suite 166 | Ashburn, VA 20147 land since the early 16th century, eventually county department constructed one cricket Teeth Whitening Hygiene & Preventative Care • Dentures Dentures treatments becoming the national sport. The sport was pitch at Mickie Gordon Memorial Park in Flexible Payment Options brought to countries throughout the British Middleburg, helped with the requirements and Soft-Tissue Treatments Empire, including Australia, New Zealand, specs for the sport by the Washington Area • imPlants Implants • eVening & sLaser aturDay Hours Evening & Saturday Hours Crowns & Bridges South Africa, India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. Cricket League. The requirements make it As the demographic picture of Loudoun impossible to simply play the sport on an exist• COrthodontics rowns & for BriDges • flexiBle PaymentWelcome oPtions Emergencies Adults & Children grows to include more families from these ing baseball or softball field. countries, the interest in cricket matches has “The specs aren’t even close,” Carver said. • ortHoDontiCs for • finanCing aVailaBle only increased. “It is played on circular field and there is a hard New Patients Cleaning Special For the fall season, Loudoun has 35 regis- pitch down the middle…the only similarities is Examination & aIncludes: DultsRoutine & CCleaning, HilDren • emergenCies welCome tered cricket teams, each with between 15 and there is a ball and bat.” 4 Bitewing X-rays. If necessary, full set of 20 people, according David Carver, the divi- In addition, the county has created three X-rays only $70 additional. (Take-Home Trays Included) sion manager for sports and youth programs temporary cricket pitches to go over baseball for the county Department of Parks, Recre- fields at Brambleton Park—they can be folded Reg. $600 New PatientsReg. $250 ation and Community Services. That number up at the end of play. And a full cricket pitch Now Special $95 Now $450 Cleaning is a large jump from the six teams that were is planned for the new Hal & Berni Hanson registered when cricket began in the county Regional Park, for which plans are underway. Coupon Must BeRoutine Presented for Special Offers Coupon Must Be Presented for Special Offers Includes: Cleaning, four years ago. (Take-Home Examination & 4 Bitewing X-rays. “It won’t replace [the temporary fields] because “There is a wait list for teams,” Carver the need is so big,” Carver said. If necessary, full set of X-rays Trays Included) New Ortho Patients said. “We’re pretty much maxed out because only $70 additional. Complete Orthodontic Treatment SAVE $150 Reg. $600 SAVE $170 Reg. $295 (Incluidng Retainers) Coupon Must Be Presented for Special Offers
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In a county of approximately 330,000 people and rapid suburban development, the acreage of Loudoun wildlife habitats that is open to the public is a surprise and delight to residents and visitors alike. The interest in the natural environment of the county—and the push to protect and conserve its dwindling flora and fauna—is in large part due to the determination of naturalist Joe Coleman and Diane Gilliam and Leslie Metzger in founding the Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy in 1995. Since then, the nonprofit has grown to a strong volunteer force that has held countless educational seminars and lectures, conducted stream monitoring programs, held programs in Loudoun schools and worked with similar organizations to become an effective advocate for the environment. From migratory bird and butterfly counts, expanding bluebird nesting box trails, conducting field trips to promotion of native plants in the environLoudoun ment and habitat and stream restoration, Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy has been active around the county, particularly at Banshee Reeks Nature Preserve, the Blue Ridge Center for Environmental Stewardship and Morven Park. A five-year project to create a Loudoun County Bird Atlas wraps up this year. Contact: The county’s purchase and use of the 725-acre Banshee Reeks Preserve as a passive
park in the late 1990s was actively promoted by LWC. Located on The Woods Road southeast of Leesburg, the preserve is a quiet haven for a diversity of wildlife, including beaver, deer, foxes, hawks, bluebirds, tree swallows, butterflies and bats. Its habitats include wetlands and ponds, along with hardwood forests of oak and hickory and meadows laden with milkweed, goldenrod and thistle. Visitors can hike the 20 miles of trails any weekend from 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Maps are available at the visitor center, exterior kiosk and on the Internet. Contact: 703-669-0316, aspx?NID=1277 In the western part of the county, the 900-acre Blue Ridge Center for Environmental Stewardship in Neersville is a working farm, purchased in 1999 and owned by the Robert and Dee Legget Foundation. Seven trails interwine along the wooded ridge, providing mountain hikes as well as lower walks through farmland overlooking a wildlife pond, valley views and pastures as well as old farmsteads and Piney Run. Turtles, woodpecker, deer and cranes are seen on the trails. It’s a great place for young kids and families as well as active grandparents. The center also has its share of colorful butterflies. Contact; Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy’s most recent and important partnership is with Morven Park, where LWC is taking over responsibility for building and maintaining trails on 350 acres of wooded ridge, to ensure the protection of native plans and wildlife, restore habitats and improve access to the area, which includes migratory birds, vernal pools, wood frogs, eastern box turtles, coyotes and deer. It also is the only place in Loudoun where the “White M” butterfly has been documented.
u w w w.l ee s burgt oda y. co m • Thur sda y, S e pt em be r 2 6, 20 1 3
29 29 29
Public Health Resources
There are three major public health resources in the county: Loudoun County Health Department; Loudoun Free Clinic; and HealthWorks for Northern Virginia.
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Loudoun Free Clinic
Executive Director: Debra Townsend Clinic Director: Brenda Beamer, LPN The clinic is located at Inova Loudoun Hospital’s Cornwall Campus in Leesburg. Medical care is provided by a cadre of local physicians, nurses and other volunteers who donate their time and skills to serving those who cannot afford health care. The clinic acts as a primary care office for low-income, uninsured adult Loudoun residents, aged 18 through 64, through appointments and a variety of clinics: diabetic, complete endocrinological, orthaepedic, nephrology, chiropractic, PT, nutritional counseling and well-womens; providing prescriptions and medications, referrals to specialists, medical education and translation services. Contact: 703-779-5416.
HealthWorks for Northern Virginia
Director: Debra Dever The center, formerly known as the Loudoun Community Health Center, is located at 163 Fort Evans Road NE in Leesburg and 46440 Benedict Drive, Suite 208, in Sterling. The federally qualified health center also has recently opened a new site in Herndon to meet the medical needs of the underserved in Fairfax County. The community health center serves both insured and uninsured patients of all ages, and offers primary health care services to all residents based on a sliding fee scale. Contact: 703-443-2000; 571-434-0022;
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Director: David Goodfriend, MD The department has two divisions: Community Health Services and Environmental Health. The administrative office and environmental health office are located on the second floor of the County Government Center in Leesburg. Community Health Services is located on the first floor of the Shenandoah Building at 102 Heritage Way, NE, in Leesburg. Follow the health department at www. • Community Health Services, Manager: Barbara Lake. Services include immunizations for vaccine-preventable diseases such as influenza and pneumonia, tuberculosis testing and sexually-transmitted diseases. Information is also provided on topics including illness prevention, Lyme disease, chronic and communicable diseases. Contact:;; 703-777-0236. • Environmental Health, Manager: currently vacant. The primary focus of the division is to protect against environmentally transmitted diseases through a range of regulatory and educational services, offered through the rural environmental health and urban environmental health divisions. The rural health sector manages health and environmental problems associated with sewage disposal and potable water protection. Onsite water and sewage information may be found online at The urban environmental health focus is on managing diseases associated with increased
population density, insect control, communicable disease surveillance, food protection, pool safety and nuisance problems. Contact: health@; 703-777-0234.
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31 31 31
Law Enforcement Agencies Serving Loudoun As Loudoun has grown, so has the need for law enforcement. Loudoun’s main law enforcement agency is the Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office, led by the elected sheriff. [Story, Page 34] The towns of Leesburg, Purcellville and Middleburg have their own police departments, which are responsible for responding to incidents in their jurisdictions with support from the sheriff’s office when needed. Virginia State Police also has a presence in Loudoun and troopers have arresting authority throughout the state. In addition, the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority police officers are often seen in the county as Dulles International Airport spans the line between Loudoun and Fairfax counties.
Leesburg Police Department
The Leesburg Police Department provides service to Virginia’s largest town, a total of 12 square miles. The Leesburg Police Department, founded in 1758, is a full-service law enforcement agency emphasizing community policing. The police department is headquartered at the Public Safety Center, located at 65 Plaza Street NE. The center is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. In 2012, officers responded to 49,208 calls for service. The Leesburg Police Department’s nonemergency phone number is 703-771-4500. For emergencies, dial 911. More information about the department can be found at www. Chief Joe Price, who was hired in 2000, leads the department, which consists of 85 sworn officers and 16 civilian employees. Prior to coming to Leesburg, Price served 25 years in Montgomery County, MD, where he retired as a bureau chief. The Leesburg Police Department provides law enforcement and crime prevention services, including Internet safety training and tips, to
the town as well as community policing. The police department utilizes social media sites, such as Facebook, as well as list serves and other devices to inform residents of crimes, events and pertinent information. The department includes patrol/community policing officers, canine officers, crime prevention officers, bicycle officers, detectives, ID technicians, motorcycle traffic officers, school resource officers, a Special Operations Team, Civil Defense Unit, crisis negotiators and its own Emergency Communications Center. The department has two divisions: Field Operations, which is supervised by Capt. Jeff VanGilder, and Administration and Support Services, which is supervised by Capt. Clagett H. Moxley Jr. The Operations Division operates under two community commanders—Lt. Brian Rourke for District 1 and Lt. Vanessa Grigsby for District 2—and a special operations commander, Lt. Carl Maupin. The division has six sergeants, 40 police officers and two K-9 officers. The town’s two districts are broken down to patrol beats for officers. The patrol beats are divided further into Community Policing Sectors and officers are assigned to a sector and are responsible for handling any issues within that area. The Administration and Support Division consists of Community Services and Criminal Investigations and Administrative Services sections. The Administrative Services Commander is Lt. Wesley Thompson, the Operational Support Commander is Lt. Jeff Dubé and the Criminal Investigations Commander is Lt. Thomas Kinnally. The department has nine general assignment detectives, two street crimes detectives and one gang detective assigned to the Northern Virginia Gang Task Force. The Leesburg Police Department offers
several alert systems for residents to be aware of incidents and crime in their areas. Alert Loudoun/Leesburg is a free emergency broadcast system that provides need-to-know information from Leesburg Police and Loudoun County to individuals who sign up to receive alerts on things like wanted and missing persons, traffic accidents, weather emergencies and other topics. The Reverse 911 system is a notification tool to enhance emergency preparedness and notify citizens and businesses of emergency situations that may require timesensitive actions. It sends a recorded message to Leesburg homes and businesses on local phone lines, providing pertinent safety information or instructions. The Leesburg Police Department also provides access to CrimeReports. com, which allows residents to view incidents and crimes based on their address. The alert and information systems can be found at www.
Purcellville Police Department
The Purcellville Police Department, led by Chief Darryl C. Smith, is a full-service law enforcement agency, providing 24-hour, sevendays-a-week patrol coverage in the Town of Purcellville. The department currently employs 13 sworn officers and two civilians. The department is supplemented with two support arms, the Purcellville Citizen’s Support Team and the Purcellville Explorer Post #1908. These units are made up of men, women and teenagers who assist the police department at town and community events. The department is responsible for patrol, traffic enforcement and criminal investigations within the town, covering about three square miles. The Purcellville Police Department also provides access to, which allows residents to view incidents and crimes based on their address.
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The department headquarters is at 125 E. Hirst Road, Unit 7A, in Purcellville. The main number for administration is 540-3387422. The number to report non-emergency problems 24 hours a day is 540-338-7700. The administrative offices are open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Middleburg Police Department
The Middleburg Police Department is the smallest law enforcement agency in the county. Chief Anthony “AJ” Panebianco is the head of the department, which consists of one lieutenant, four officers and one administrative assistant. Panebianco was hired in 2012 to replace former Chief William Klugh who retired. Previously, Panebianco served as chief of police for the Town of Louisa and has spent his 22-year career serving in small Virginia towns. Middleburg Police Department provides law enforcement services within the corporate limits of the town for most hours of the day and night. If there is not a Middleburg officer on duty, the Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office responds to emergency calls in Middleburg. The police department’s headquarters are located at 14 South Madison Street. Its mailing address is P.O. Box 187 Middleburg, VA 20118. Contact the department at 540-687-6633 or go to
Virginia State Police
Loudoun is part of the Virginia State Police’s Division 7, which includes Fairfax, Prince William and Arlington counties and the cities of Alexandria and Falls Church. The Loudoun office, Area Office 10, is located off Sycolin Road south of Leesburg. The local office has an authorized strength of 29 troopers. In addition to regular patrol duties, troopers enforce traffic laws on the Dulles Greenway toll road under a contract with its owner. Also, troopers perform truck safety checkpoints and respond to vehicle wrecks and airplane crashes throughout the county. The Virginia State Police operates the state’s sex offender registry. The Loudoun office’s mailing address is 41904 Loudoun Center Place, Leesburg, VA 20175. The 24-hour emergency number is 1-800-572-4510 or 703-803-0026. Residents who require specific help from Virginia State Police, especially while driving, dial #77. In areas where the locality is unable to do so, the Virginia State Police also handles wireless 911 calls and transfers them to the appropriate agency.
MWAA Police
The Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority Police is led by Chief Stephen L. Holl. It is a full-service law enforcement department, with more than 223 sworn officers, including patrol operations, crime prevention, special response team, criminal investigation, K-9 unit, motorcycle unit and bicycle patrol and 60 civilians. It has 34 traffic control officers, 51 Emergency Communications Technicians and 11 staff technicians. The department’s Explosive Dog Detection unit, which has been in operation since 1997, consists of 12 dogs and their handlers. The department also is responsible for trafficking interdiction, airport theft deterrence, motorcycle operations, criminal intelligence and VIP dignitary escorts and protection. Its enforcement capabilities are the same as any county or municipal law enforcement agency and it primarily is responsible for public safety on the property of Dulles International Airport, which includes the Dulles Airport Access Highway and Reagan National Airport. In 2009, MWAA assumed operational control over the Dulles Toll Road, and the MWAA Police Department is now the primary law enforcement along the corridor.
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Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office: Under New Leadership
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The Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office is led by Sheriff Michael L. Chapman, who is serving his first four-year term. Chapman was elected in November 2011, defeating four-term incumbent Stephen O. Simpson, and becoming Loudoun’s first new sheriff in almost two decades. Prior to being elected, Chapman served as a consultant for Booz Allen Hamilton on global security and law enforcement. Previously, Chapman served the Drug Enforcement Administration as a special agent for 23 years, ending his tenure as Assistant Special Agent in Charge of the San Francisco Field Division where he Sheriff Michael L. Chapman directed enforcement operations throughout the Northern District of California. Chapman also served as the Acting Director of Regional Operations, Far East, where he directed all operations throughout 13 countries in East Asia—ranging from China to the Philippines to Australia—from Bangkok. From 2000 to 2002, Chapman served as chief of DEA’s Public Affairs Section. For the two years previous, Chapman served as the country attaché of the Seoul country office. Chapman also served as a supervisor for the DEA in Texas and in field assignments in Miami and Tampa, Florida, and Karachi, Pakistan. He started his career with the Howard County, MD, police department. He received his bachelor’s in business
management from the University of Maryland and a master’s in public administration from Troy State University.
Sheriff’s Office Organization
The sheriff ’s office headquarters is in Leesburg, at 803 Sycolin Road SE, having moved from its previous home on Harrison Street this summer. The headquarters is open from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. The agency may be contacted in a variety of ways. For emergencies, dial 911. • Sheriff’s Office Administration: 703-777-0407 • Non-Emergency Line: 703-777-1021 • Crime Prevention: 703-777-0607 • Community Relations: 703-737-8648 • Traffic Hotline: 703-771-5798 • Narcotics Tip Line: 703-779-0552 • Loudoun Crime Solvers (anonymous tip line): 703-777-1919 • Recruitment: 703-771-5276. Information about the sheriff ’s office, crime statistics, incident reports and online reporting of nonviolent crimes can be found at The Loudoun County Sheriff ’s Office employs around 550 sworn deputies and around 110 civilian personnel. Established in 1757, the sheriff’s office is the largest law enforcement agency in the county and is the largest full-service sheriff’s office in Virginia. The sheriff’s office is split into six divisions: Field Operations, Criminal Investigations, Administration/Technical Services, Corrections/Courts Services, Media Relations/Communications and Operational Support. The sheriff’s office uses these divisions to provide law enforcement and crime prevention services to citizens of Loudoun County on a 24-hour basis. Following his election, Chapman brought
in several new faces to the leadership team of the sheriff ’s office. Lt. Col. Christopher Harmison was brought in as a chief deputy; Major Richard Fiano was tapped to head the Criminal Investigations Division; and Major John Fraga was hired to lead the Operational Support Division. Chapman also created a full-fledged Media Relations and Communications Division that deals with the public and media relations. That division is headed by Liz Mills. From inside the sheriff’s office, Chapman first tapped Major Robert Buckman to continue to head the Field Operations Division. Buckman was recently promoted to Chief Deputy, and Bev Tate was promoted to Major to oversee the field operations division. Tate previously headed the Western Loudoun Sheriff’s Substation. Major Ricky Frye was put in charge of Corrections and Court Security and Major Eric Noble was promoted to head the Administrative Division. The Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office conducts around-the-clock patrols, enforces laws, responds to emergency calls, investigates crimes and operates the Adult Detention Center, and work-release programs. The sheriff’s office also works with Immigration and Customs Enforcement to address illegal immigrants who commit crimes in the county.
Adult Detention Center
The county’s Adult Detention Center, which opened in 2007, is located off Sycolin Road in Leesburg. The Phase 2 expansion began early in Chapman’s term—the new sheriff had made it a priority during his campaign. The ADC uses both the direct and podular remote methods of inmate supervision. The Loudoun Adult Detention Center houses maximum-, medium- and minimum-security level
inmates. Local inmates receiving 12 months or less from a judge will serve their sentence at the Loudoun Adult Detention Center. The property also houses the Work Release Facility, which can accommodate up to 47 nonviolent, minimum-security inmates that are soon to be released back into the community. The inmates at the facility pay $12 per day for their stay. Inmates in the work release program are released each day to go to and from their jobs, with stringent rules and regulations. The money they make helps pay their fines, courts costs, make restitution to victims and support their families. Also housed at the Work Release Facility is the inmate work force, a group of nonviolent minimum-security inmates who work in the community under an armed guard and perform landscaping, trash pickup along roadways, parks and waterways, minor construction, painting and other tasks. They work on state, county and town property as well as that of charitable organizations. The group has performed snow removal from county facilities, mowed areas that used to be under commercial
contract, and has received a grant to buy a commercial power washer to aid in the removal of graffiti. The inmates are credited $5 per hour that goes directly to paying fines and court costs. The equipment used by the work force, like mowers and weed eaters, is purchased from the inmate canteen fund. This fund receives no tax money and is supported by the inmates’ purchases and telephone dividends.
Did you know?
Loudoun has the largest full-serve sheriff’s office in the commonwealth.
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The sheriff’s office has been working to decentralize its program, with the Dulles South Public Safety Center opening in 2007 and the Eastern Loudoun Sheriff’s Substation in Sterling Park opening in 2010. The Dulles South facility is located at 25216 Loudoun County Pkwy in South Riding and can be reached by calling 571-258-3200. It is headed by Capt. Eric Prugh. The Eastern Loudoun Sheriff’s Station is located at 46620 East Frederick Drive and can be reached by calling 571-258-3356. It is headed by Capt. Allen Gabrielli. In 2010, the previous Board of Supervisors approved plans to construct the Western Loudoun Sheriff’s Station outside the Town of Round Hill. The current board reduced the scope of that plan to 10,000 square feet. Capt. Brian Courneya is the head of the western Loudoun sector. The station can be reached at 540-338-5555. Plans also are in the works for an Ashburn area station, with the Board of Supervisors recently approving a site in the One Loudoun community near the intersection of Loudoun County Parkway and Rt. 7. The Ashburn area sector now operates out of leased space in University Center. It can be reached at 571-2583000. Capt. Gary Gaither heads that station
the dedication of additional resources. More can be learned about that program at www. The agency also runs a School Resource Officer program at all of the county’s middle and high schools. The SRO program deals with criminal issues within the school, as well as assisting in gang prevention activities. The sheriff’s office continues to run its crime reports website that helps residents keep track of any incidents worked by the agency in their neighborhood, as well as a site for real-time information on any traffic incidents in the county. Both sites can be accessed at sheriff, under the Reports & Resources tab.
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In recent years, the sheriff’s office saw a large increase in interest regarding the Neighborhood Watch program, and continued work on its online information for residents. The sheriff’s office has utilized Facebook, Twitter and other online resources to keep residents informed. The agency also remains committed to community policing, with deputies assigned to Ashburn Farm, Ashburn Village, CountrySide, two parts of Sterling Park, Sugarland Run, the Town of Lovettsville and the Town of Round Hill. The Town of Hamilton receives non-assigned assistance. The sheriff’s office also has implemented an online crime report, where residents can report incidents like alcohol violations, civil disputes, destruction of property, fraud/false pretenses, harassment, theft, lost property, narcotics activity or suspicious events, among others. All cases filed using the Citizen’s Online Crime Reporting System will be reviewed by law enforcement and if further investigation is warranted, the reporter may be contacted. All residents are reminded that filing a false police report is a crime. Chapman has also put an emphasis on unsolved crimes, creating a “cold case” initiative early in his term. Fiano, Chapman and members of CID reviewed unsolved cases to identify those they believe can be solved and warrant
35 35 35
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Fire and rescue services in Loudoun County are provided through a combination system that includes almost 550 career personnel, uniformed and civilian, and 800 active operational volunteers for fire and rescue and is led by Chief W. Keith Brower. The Department of Fire, Rescue and Emergency Management coordinates Fire and Emergency Medical Services, including emergency response, the administration and delivery of fire, EMS and related training, fire prevention and investigation, hazardous materials, wild land firefighting and swift water rescue. It operates from 19 stations, providing emergency response to Loudoun County and the seven incorporated towns, as well as neighboring jurisdictions through mutual aid agreements. During 2012, the department responded to more than 25,760 incidents. The department also provides administration of the E-911 emergency communications center, public education, and the coordination and mitigation of large-scale emergencies and disasters utilizing an “all hazards” approach. It is the mission of the combined Fire and Emergency Medical Services system to provide residents and visitors with efficient and cost-effective fire protection, rescue and emergency medical services. The system also responds to and mitigates hazardous materials and related life safety and property threatening incidents, utilizing state-of-the art equipment and a staff of highly trained volunteer and career personnel located in strategically placed facilities throughout the county. It is a 24-hour-a-day, seven-days-a-week system. This year, the Board of Supervisors initiated a review of the combined system to look at ways the volunteer-career structure might be improved. The recommendations from that review are expected to come before the board this fall. The Fire Marshal’s Office seeks to provide a safe working and living environment for residents, workers and travelers within Loudoun County. It investigates the origin and cause of fire- and explosive-related incidents as well as offenses related to threats to burn and/or bomb, the release of hazardous materials, juvenile fire-setter intervention, proactive public fire and life safety education programs, rapid and professional emergency response and reduction of fire risk through abatement of common fire prevention code violations. The office is organized in three primary sections: Fire and Life Safety Education, Fire Prevention Code Enforcement and Investigations. There are several special operational programs, including the Bomb Squad and the Canine Program. The fire-rescue system also has a variety of educational outreach programs and resources for residents, including on fire prevention, children’s programs, smoking safety tips and smoke alarms. The department has implemented the “Put A Finger On It!” campaign, designed to educate residents about the importance of smoke alarms in their homes. Fire-rescue personnel system will visit residents’ homes to offer a free smoke detector check, as well as provide additional fire safety information, and will replace batteries and provide or replace smoke alarms if needed. More information can be found on the department’s website. The county has a storied volunteer firefighter and rescue history. Records show that in the 1800s, Leesburg created the first pre-fire company with a bucket brigade known as the “Star Company.” In 1863, the group organized itself and changed its name to the Leesburg Fire Company. Today, the county’s fire-rescue system is a combination of volunteer and career personnel run out of 19 stations across the county and uses hundreds of fire and rescue apparatus.
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Courts Of FREE ONE WEEK TRIAL Justice For K-Enrichment And 3 Year Old Classes Loudoun County Circuit Court
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Loudoun County is part of the 20th Judicial Circuit, which includes Fauquier and Rappahannock counties. In the circuit there are four judges, who are appointed by the General Assembly to eight-year terms. The Circuit Court has jurisdiction over criminal cases, civil claims for more than $15,000, divorce cases and disputes over wills and property. The Circuit Court has concurrent jurisdiction with the General District Court for civil suits involving amounts of money between $4,500 and $15,000. The Circuit Court also has jurisdiction over appeals from General District Court and Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court. Grand juries are convened the second Monday of each month. Court opens at 9 a.m. Recordation of deeds is between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. and financial transactions are accepted between the same times. All visitors to the courts complex in Leesburg are subject to security screening by sheriff ’s deputies upon entering the facility. Cell phones with cameras are not permitted in the courtrooms, and no still cameras or video cameras are permitted in the courts complex at any time. Free storage lockers are available for personal belongings, including cell phones and small cameras, in the area before the security area. A recent renovation to the lobby of the courts complex provides more lockers and an expanded security area. There is also an information desk at Security for help where courtroom visitors should go to and where aspects of the court system are located within the building.
Chief Judge Burke F. McCahill
Judge McCahill first was appointed to the bench by the General Assembly in 2000. Before becoming a judge, beginning in 1980, McCahill practiced law at a Leesburg firm. He earned his law degree from the University of Richmond.
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Judge Thomas D. Horne
Judge Horne has served the longest of any of the Circuit Court judge in Virginia. He was Loudoun’s Commonwealth’s Attorney from 1980 to 1982, before he became a judge in 1982. Horne received his bachelor’s degree in 1965 from Muhlenberg College in Allentown, PA, and in 1969 he earned his law degree from the College of William and Mary’s MarshallWythe School of Law. Horne is a leader in the annual Law Camp, held for students in the 20th Judicial Circuit. He guides the campers through moot court trials and speeches and also brings in special guests to talk to the students. Horne will retire from the bench in December.
Judge Stephen E. Sincavage
The district’s newest judge, Sincavage was appointed by Gov. Bob McDonnell in July, and must be confirmed by the General Assembly in January to be appointed to a full term. Sincavage served as a prosecutor in the Commonwealth’s Attorneys Office for 16 years, the past five as Deputy Commonwealth’s Attorney. He previously served as a law clerk to Horne and recently retired Loudoun Circuit Court judge James H. Chamblin.
He grew up in Sterling Park and graduated from Park View High School.
Judge Jeffrey W. Parker
Judge Parker primarily hears cases on the dockets in Fauquier and Rappahannock counties. Parker was appointed to his judgeship in 2001. Parker began practicing law in 1980, after receiving his law degree from Washington and Lee University in 1977. Prior to taking the bench, Parker was an attorney and practiced as a managing partner with Niles, Dulaney, Parker and Lauer, since 1986. Parker received his bachelor’s degree in business administration from the University of Michigan in 1974. That same year he married his wife, Lawrie. The couple has four grown children.
Circuit Court Clerk Gary M. Clemens
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Clemens was first elected as Clerk of the Circuit in 2000 to an eight-year term. He was re-elected in November 2007. Clemens was also a court clerk in Fairfax, where he managed the records section. He also was an investigator for the Loudoun Commonwealth’s Attorney’s Office prior to being elected Circuit Court Clerk. The Clerk of the Circuit Court is the custodian of the county’s court records, land records, marriage licenses, judgments, estate records and other legal documents. Most of the records are available for public inspection in the Clerk’s Office in the courts complex in Leesburg. The Archives Division maintains all historic records for the clerk’s office dating back to 1757. The Clerk of the Circuit Court issues marriage licenses, accepts applications for trade names and processes applications to become a notary public. The Clerk of the Circuit Court accepts deeds and other legal land documents for recordation. The office also accepts the filing of lawsuits consistent with the Code of Virginia. The clerk’s Probate Department has the authority to probate wills, appoint and qualify executors and/or administrators for a decedent’s estate and the authority to qualify conservators and guardians. The Clerk’s Office also is responsible for Circuit Court juries and judicial support. The Clerk of the Circuit Court processes all Circuit Court suits and appeals from the lower courts, selects and impanels juries, assists with genealogical inquiries, records court papers, legal pleadings, deeds and land records.
General District Court
Continued on next page
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Clerk: Tammy Hummer Dinterman Public Information: 703-777-0312 Fax: 703-771-5284 Address: 18 E. Market Street, Leesburg, VA, 20176 Hours: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. The General District is the court with which the most Loudoun residents will come into contact, as it handles most traffic violations and misdemeanor criminal cases and conducts preliminary hearings for felony criminal cases. The General District Court also hears civil cases with claims of $4,500 or less and shares authority with the Circuit Court to hear cases with claims between $4,500 and $15,000. Examples of civil cases are landlord and tenant disputes, contract disputes and personal injury actions. General District Court judges are elected by the General Assembly for six-year terms. There are four judges assigned to Loudoun’s General District Court. Judge Deborah C. Welsh is the court’s newest judge, appointed in 2012. Judge Dean S. Worcester and Judge J. Frank Buttery, Jr. both were appointed in 2006. Worcester currently serves as the District Court Chief Judge. Judge J. Gregory Ashwell chiefly handles cases in the Fauquier and Rappahannock courts that are included in the 20th District. The General District Court does
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Continued from Page 39
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not conduct jury trials. All cases in this court are heard by one of the court’s four judges. The Code of Virginia defines criminal offenses heard by the District Court and sets penalties. For many offenses the penalty prescribed is a fine. The amount of court costs is set by the state legislature, and the court cannot suspend or waive costs. Judges, clerks and magistrates are salaried with public funds and they collect no individual fees. The court is not operated to produce revenue. Loudoun’s District Court courtrooms are located on the lower level of the county courts complex in the main courthouse in downtown Leesburg. The District Court Clerk’s area on the first floor of the courts complex in Leesburg recently went through a renovation. The area, which is where traffic tickets and other fines may be paid, is located ahead of visitors as they exit Security.
District Court Cases:
Civil Cases: The General District Court decides civil lawsuits involving amounts of money up to $15,000. Unlawful detainer/eviction suits that include a request for rent can be heard by the court if the amount of rent requested is more than $15,000. A lawsuit is begun by filing a civil warrant or complaint with the Clerk of the Court and paying a fee. Criminal Cases: The General District Court decides cases involving a misdemeanor—any charge that carries a penalty of no more than one year in jail or a fine of up to $2,500, or both. Preliminary hearings in felony cases are held to determine whether there is enough evidence to justify holding the defendant for a grand jury hearing. The grand jury determines whether the accused will be indicted and held for trial by the Circuit Court. Traffic Cases: The General District Court
hears cases in which a person is charged with a traffic offense, which are generally infractions that carry fines of not more of $250. Cases involving awards to individuals for damage in connection with traffic violations are civil in nature. Traffic court is held for the Loudoun County Sheriff ’s Office, the Dulles Airport police, the Virginia State Police, the Leesburg Police Department, the Middleburg Police Department and the Purcellville Police Department in District Court. The traffic court schedule is as follows: • Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office: Monday and Tuesday, 8:30 a.m., 10 a.m. and 1:30 p.m., courtroom 1D; Thursday, 8:30 a.m., 10 a.m. and 1 p.m., courtroom 2F; Wednesday and Thursday, 1:30 p.m., courtroom 1D; Friday, 1:30 p.m., courtroom 1D. • Leesburg Police Department: Monday, 8:30 a.m., 10 a.m. and 1:30 p.m., courtroom 1C. • Virginia State Police: Wednesday and Thursday, 8:30 a.m. and 10 a.m., courtroom 1D; Friday, 8:30 a.m. courtroom 1D. • Middleburg/Purcellville Police Departments: Friday, 10 a.m., courtroom 1D. • Dulles Airport police: Friday, 1:30 p.m. courtroom 1C. • Dulles Greenway Toll Violations: first and third Friday, 1:30 p.m. courtroom 1D.
Did you know?
During Prohibition, in 1917, a man called James Brent was caught smuggling whiskey into Leesburg as he left the train, bearing a suitcase filled with 24 pints.
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41 41 41
Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court Situated on more than three beautiful acres in the Lowes Island Community of Eastern Loudoun County, Village Green offers:
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Clerk: Evamari Bates E-mail: Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Phone 703-777-0300 Fax: 703-771-5039 Address: 18 E. Market Street, Leesburg, VA 20176 Judges: Chief Judge Avelina S. Jacob, Judge Pamela L. Brooks and Judge Jonathan S. Lynn In Virginia, a juvenile is any person under 18 years of age. The Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court hears all matters involving juveniles such as criminal or traffic matters. Juvenile delinquency cases are those involving a minor under the age of 18 who
has been accused of committing an offense that would be considered criminal if it were committed by an adult. Other juvenile offenses may be referred to as status offenses—those acts that are unlawful only because they are committed by a minor, such possession of tobacco or a curfew violation. In addition, the Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court handles other matters involving families, such as custody, child support and visitation. The court also hears family abuse cases, where adults have been accused of child abuse or neglect, as well as criminal cases where the defendant and alleged victim are family or household members. If the matter is between two adults and a trial is sought, domestic criminal cases are concluded in the Circuit Court. The Commonwealth can petition to have a minor charged with a serious criminal matter tried as an adult. Preliminary hearings before that decision is rendered will be heard in the juvenile court. The judges of the juvenile and domestic relations district court are elected by the General Assembly for six-year terms.
Juvenile Records and Trials
A juvenile or adult charged with committing a criminal act or traffic infraction has the right to a public trial. This right may be given up if the person so chooses. If a juvenile is accused of committing an act that would be a misdemeanor if committed by an adult, the hearing is closed to the public. If a juvenile over 14 is accused of committing an act that would be a felony if committed by an adult, the hearing is open, unless the judge makes the decision to close the hearing. Court reports and records in juvenile cases are generally open only to those specifically permitted by law to have such access. Court officials or others who violate this confidentiality requirement are subject to criminal penalties. The court records of a juvenile over 14 who has been adjudicated delinquent for an act, which would be a felony if committed by an adult, are not confidential.
Court Service Unit
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The Court Services Unit works with the Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court. Sometimes called the Juvenile Probation Department, the court service unit’s functions include: • Intake: Reviews all complaints and determines whether there are enough facts to involve the court. If so, the intake officer may either proceed informally to make practical adjustments without filing a petition or may authorize the filing of a petition to bring the matter before the judge. Intake does not handle those criminal charges against adults, which are started by obtaining a warrant from a magistrate. • Investigation: Conducts all background studies required by the judge and regulations promulgated by the Virginia Board of Juvenile Justice, such as examination of a juvenile’s familial, social and educational history. Such studies may be used by the court as a factor in determining disposition and by the probation staff in the formulation of a services and supervision plan. • Probation: Supervises delinquent juveniles and children in need of services released into home probation, and supervises adults released on probation in support and other cases involving family members and individuals to whom he or she is required to support. • Parole: Supervises and provides communitybased case management services to juveniles in direct state care and those recently released from state institutional care. • Domestic Care: Supervises juveniles being held in detention, shelter care and post-dispositional probation facilities.
Loudoun County’s Seasonal & Ongoing Events There is no shortage of community events to get you and your family out of the house and exploring Loudoun County. Some annual festivals have been happening for decades and others are new to the scene—all are worth a visit.
January 21st Hunt Country Winter Antiques Show, Hill School, Middleburg Cooking Class Weekend, Briar Patch Bed & Breakfast, Aldie New Year’s Day Rotary Resolution 10K Race and Fun Run, Morven Park Equestrian Center, Leesburg Route 9 Barrel Tasting, Participating Wineries Along Route 9, Hillsboro
February Heart Healthy Wine Dinner and Discussion, Willowcroft Farm Vineyards, Leesburg Loudoun Grown Expo, downtown Purcellville Trout Unlimited Fishing Show, Middleburg Community Center YMCA Chocolates Galore! West Belmont Place at the National Conference Center, east of Leesburg
Taste of Greece, Doukénie Winery, Purcellville
June Cajun Festival & Crawfish Boil, Breaux Vineyards, Hillsboro Eyewitness to War Reenactment, Mt. Zion Baptist Church, Rt. M15, east of Aldie Loudoun Benefit Horse Shows I & II, Morven Park Equestrian Center Loudoun Hunt Pony Club Summer Camp, Morven Park Equestrian Center Northern Virginia Brewfest, Morven Park, Leesburg Tri-State Riding Club Summer Camp, Morven Park Equestrian Center Upperville Colt and Horse Show, Upperville Show Grounds off Rt. 50 VADA/NOVA Breed Show, Morven Park Equestrian Center VADA/NOVA Recognized Dressage Show,
Morven Park Equestrian Center Western Loudoun Artists Studio Tour, Western Loudoun County
July Bluemont BBQ Bash & Blackberry Bonanza, Great Country Farms, Bluemont Bluemont Concert Series, South Madison Street, Middleburg and downtown Leesburg Bobby Mitchell Hall of Fame Golf Classic, Lansdowne Resort east of Leesburg Four Seasons of Oatlands Art Show & Sale, Oatlands Historic House & Gardens Independence Day Celebration, Franklin Park, Purcellville Independence Day Celebration, Parade & Fireworks, Ida Lee Park, Leesburg July 4th Celebration, Middleburg Community Center
Now Offering
Continued on Page 44
alis Vineyards, Middleburg Hunt Country Stable Tour, MiddleburgUpperville area Loudoun Public Schools Arts Festival, Dulles Town Center, Sterling Loudoun Sketch Club Show, Leesburg Loudoun Spring Farm Tour, western Loudoun Middleburg Library Annual Book Sale, Middleburg Mother’s Day Teas, Oatlands Historic House & Gardens PVDA Dressage Show, Morven Park Equestrian Center Town of Leesburg Memorial Day Observance, Courthouse Square, Leesburg Virginia Foxhound Club Hound Show, Morven Park Equestrian Center Virginia Gold Cup, Great Meadows, The Plains Strawberry Jubilee U-Pick Fest, Great Country Farms, Bluemont
Annual Easter Egg Hunt & Marshmallow Harvest, Great Country Farms, Bluemont Daffodil Dressage Show, Morven Park Equestrian Center Hometown Arts & Crafts Show, Ida Lee Recreation Center, Leesburg National Capital Equitation League Competition, Morven Park Equestrian Center Piedmont Point-to-Point, Salem Race Course, Upperville Samedi Gras, Breaux Vineyards, Hillsboro
May CDCTA Dressage, Morven Park Equestrian Center Foxcroft Annual Charity Horse Show, Foxcroft School, Middleburg Hottest, Coolest Smooth Jazz Festival, Chrys-
Skin Care Center DAVID E. BERMAN, MD, FRCSC BOARD CERTIFIED PLASTIC SURGEON 14 Pidgeon Hill Drive, Suite 100 Sterling, VA 20165
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Annual Loudoun Arbor Day Celebration, Oatlands Historic House & Gardens Antiques Heyday Market, 4-H Fairgrounds, Dry Mill Road, west of Leesburg Fairfax Hunt Point-to-Point Races, Morven Park Equestrian Center Garden Club of Virginia Daffodil Show, Carradoc Hall, Leesburg Garden Club of Virginia’s Historic Garden Week, Upperville and Leesburg Leesburg Flower & Garden Festival, downtown Leesburg Loudoun Hunt Point-to-Point, Oatlands Historic House & Gardens Loudoun Hunt Pony Club Trials, Morven Park Equestrian Center Middleburg Hunt Point-to-Point, Glenwood Park, north of Middleburg Middleburg Spring Races, Glenwood Park, north of Middleburg Oatlands Open for Season, Oatlands Historic House & Gardens Orange County Hunt Point-To-Point, Locust Hill Farm, Middleburg Oatlands Spring Gala, Oatlands Historic House & Gardens Spring Horse Trials, Morven Park Equestrian Center Spring Teas, Oatlands Historic House & Gardens Upperville Garden Club Daffodil Show, Buchanan Hall, Upperville VADA/NOVA Spring Dressage Show, Morven Park Equestrian Center
43 43 43
Seasonal/Ongoing Events Continued from Page 43
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Some discounts, coverages, payment plans and features are not available in all states or all GEICO companies. Homeowners, boat, PWC and flood coverages are written through non-affiliated insurance companies and are secured through the GEICO Insurance Agency, Inc. Motorcycle and ATVTrading coverages are underwritten by GEICO Indemnity Company. The GEICO Personal 6446 Square, Haymarket Umbrella Policy is provided by Government Employees Insurance Company and is available to qualified Government Employees Insurance Company and GEICO General Insurance Company policyholders and other eligible persons, except in MA. GEICO is a registered service mark of Government Employees Insurance Company, Washington, D.C. 20076; a Berkshire Hathaway Inc. subsidiary. Geckopayment image ©plans 1999-2013. © 2013areGEICO. Some discounts,GEICO coverages, and features not available in all states or all GEICO companies. Homeowners, boat, PWC and flood coverages are written through non-affiliated
July 4th Parade, Pride of Purcellville, Purcellville Key West Fest, Breaux Vineyards, Hillsboro Loudoun County Fair, Loudoun County Fairgrounds, Dry Mill Road, west of Leesburg Lovettsville Independence Day Celebrations, Lovettsville Ol’ Time 4th of July Celebration, Claude Moore Park, Sterling Purcellville Food and Wine Festival, downtown Purcellville Summer Dressage Classic, Morven Park Equestrian Center Tea with Artists, Oatlands Historic House * Gardens USDF Region 1 Dressage Junior Team Championship, Morven Park Equestrian Center
August Dog Days Sunflower & Peach Festival, Great Country Farms, Bluemont Lucketts Fair, Lucketts Community Center Middleburg Summer Sidewalk Sale, Middleburg Summer Fling Dressage, Morven Park Equestrian Center Summer Thunder Cruise-In, Franklin Park, Purcellville YMCA Leesburg 10K/20K Race, Leesburg
September Aldie Mill Art Show and Sale, Aldie Mill Antiques Heyday Market, 4-H Fairgrounds, Dry Mill Road, west of Leesburg Autumn Arts & Crafts Festival, Claude Moore Park, Sterling Bluemont Fair, Bluemont Car Show, Flea Market and Car Corral, Lucketts Cider Festival, Great Country Farms, Bluemont Corn MAiZE, Temple Hall Regional Park and Farm, off Rt. 15 north of Leesburg Dulles Day Plane Pull, Washington/Dulles International Airport Leesburg Fine Art Festival, downtown Leesburg Loudoun Hunt Pony Club Trials, Oatlands Historic House & Gardens Middleburg Classic Horse Show, Morven Park Equestrian Center, Leesburg Middleburg Horse Trials, Glenwood Park Oktoberfest and Volksmarch, Lovettsville Pancake Breakfast & Potato Harvest, Great Country Farms, Bluemont Polo Hall of Fame Challenge Cup, Great Meadows, The Plains Sept. 11 Remembrance, Freedom Park, Leesburg Taste of Italy, Doukénie Winery, Purcellville VADA/NOVA Dressage Show, Morven Park Equestrian Center
October Air & Scare, Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center, Rt. 28 Aldie Harvest Festival, Aldie Ashburn Fall Festival Tour, Ashburn Autumn Apple Festival, Loudoun Heritage Farm Museum, Sterling Autumn Teas, Oatlands Historic House & Gardens Blessing of the Animals, Emmanuel Episcopal Church, Middleburg Casino Night, Middleburg Community Center Civil War Weekend Conference, Middleburg Community Center Fall Craft Fair, Douglass Community Center, Leesburg Fall Festival by Joshua’s Hands, Guthrie’s Farm, Waterford Fall Pumpkin Festival, Great Country Farms, Bluemont Fine Vine Festival, Tarara Winery, Lucketts Firemen’s Open House and Homecoming Parade, Firehouse and Loudoun Valley High School
Hot Dog It’s Halloween, Middleburg Community Center Inova Loudoun Hospital Ladies Board Rummage Sale, Morven Park Equestrian Center, Leesburg International Gold Cup, Great Meadow, The Plains Loudoun Fall Farm Color Tour, western Loudoun Leesburg Hauntings Tours, Loudoun Museum Leesburg Kiwanis Halloween Parade, downtown Leesburg Middleburg Kennel Club All Breed Dog Show, Oatlands Historic House & Gardens Morven Park CCI* & Advanced Horse Trials, Morven Park Equestrian Center Norton Wine & Bluegrass Festival, Chrysalis Vineyards, Middleburg Oatlands Annual Harvest Festival, Oatlands Historic House & Gardens Pumpkin Glow Night & Harvest, Great Country Farms, Bluemont Pumpkin Patch, Temple Hall Regional Park and Farm Pumpkinville, Leesburg Animal Park, Rt. 15, south of Leesburg SterlingFest, Sterling Town-Wide Tag Sale, throughout Purcellville Virginia Fall Races, Glenwood Park, Middleburg Waterford Homes Tour and Crafts Exhibit, Waterford
November Annual Christmas Shop, Middleburg Chili Extravaganza, Middleburg Community Center Christmas at Oatlands, Oatlands Historic House & Gardens; includes holiday teas, Saturday evening Candlelight Tours (through Dec.) Fall Teas, Oatlands Historic House & Gardens Freeze Your Gizzard 5K Race, Ida Lee Park Loudoun Sketch Club Show, Leesburg Purcellville Heritage Antiques Show, Bush Tabernacle/Skating Rink, Purcellville VADA/NOVA Dressage Schooling Show, Competition, Morven Park Equestrian Center
December Champagne, Sparkling Wine & Hors d’oeuvres, Willowcroft Farm Vineyard, south of Leesburg Christmas at Oatlands; candlelight and daytime tours, teas, Oatlands Historic House & Gardens Christmas Craft Show, Hillsboro Christmas Homes Tour, Purcellville Christmas In Middleburg; Middleburg Hunt Parade & Christmas Parade, Middleburg Christmas on 21st Street, Purcellville December Hunter Classic, Morven Park Equestrian Center Holiday Arts & Crafts Show, Ida Lee Park Holidays in Leesburg, Parade and tree lighting, downtown Leesburg Last Minute Gift Mart, Douglass Community Center, Leesburg Lovettsville Christkindlmarkt, Lovettsville Game Protective Association Middleburg Christmas Arts & Crafts Show, Middleburg Community Center Middleburg Garden Club Greens Show, Emmanuel Church, Middleburg Sterling Christmas Bazaar, Sterling
Did you know?
Loudoun has the oldest juried craft fair in the commonwealth—the Waterford Homes Tour & Crafts Exhibit.
Loudoun County’s Ample Talent, Cultural Base Samantha Bartram Judging by the number of concerts, exhibits and performances offered throughout the year in Loudoun County, the area is spoiled for choice when it comes to talent. Hundreds of fine artists, musicians and dancers call our county home, and, fortunately for the ordinary among us, most are more than willing to share their skills.
Music Around here, almost any public place
east, a number of posh galleries display original work created by notable, local fine artists. Browsers can view and purchase art from P. Buckley Moss, Antonia Walker, René Dickerson, Catherine Hillis and even retired-Washington Redskins tight end Chris Cooley at many spots in the county. These same artists often attend occasional gallery receptions, meeting with admirers and discussing their work. During the most recent Western Loudoun Artist Studio Tour, almost 70 artists opened their studio spaces to not only talk about what they do, but also demonstrate their craft live and in the moment. Here again, Loudoun’s unique atmosphere facilitates upclose, personal encounters with exceptional artists who clearly appreciate the attention. You’ll find no velvet ropes or uptight guards shooing you away from the art in these casual settings—Franklin Park Arts Center, ArtSquare Gallery, Medlin Art Gallery, Arts
ting on plays and musicals across the county— Loudoun boasts several community theater groups and dance troupes that work hard to bring quality entertainment to area residents. Loudoun Ballet Company, Loudoun School of Ballet and its auxiliary Jazz & Co Dance are renowned for their meticulous productions of classic ballets and contemporary dance. LBC’s yearly staging of “The Nutcracker” has become a holiday tradition for many area families, as has its occasional renditions of “Swan Lake.” Loudoun’s wealth of hidden talent is showcased by the hundreds of parents, teachers, business professionals and teens who take time out of their personal lives to join rehearsals with any of more than a dozen theater groups. Some tackle musicals, others dabble in murder/ mystery dinner theater and Not Just Shakespeare makes a habit of bringing The Bard’s work and other classics to life for modern audiences. Loudoun even has its own resident improv troupe—Last Ham Standing puts on a regular “Whose Line Is It Anyway”-style show, inviting audience members to become part of the act with their witty suggestions.
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u w w w.l ee s burgt oda y. co m • Thur sda y, S e pt em be r 2 6, 20 1 3
Arts From Middleburg to Leesburg and points
Dance/Theater It’s not just high school drama clubs put-
can be transformed into a musical venue at a moment’s notice. That’s a good thing for the glut of acoustic singer/songwriters, classical musicians and bands kicking around the county—they want and need places to play. Particularly through the summer months most wineries host live music, as do town centers like Brambleton and Village at Leesburg. Still other, larger, venues like the countyowned Franklin Park Arts Center, the newly renovated Tally Ho Theatre and Ashburn’s Virginia Academy/Community Church welcome the county’s most recognized professional groups. The Loudoun musical Loudoun Symphony Orchestra, Loudoun Lyric Opera, Loudoun Symphonic Winds, Franklin Park Big Band and Master Singers of Virginia regularly ply their trade at such spots. Loudoun residents also enjoy a number of annual concert series featuring some of the finest talent in the area. Acoustic on the Green, Bluemont Concert Series, Tarara’s Toast to the Tunes and Village at Leesburg’s Summer Music Series rise to the top as some of the best and most affordable places to catch live music throughout the summer. And who are the men and women whose names and genre specialties grace the performance rosters of all these sites? Try big local names like Todd Wright, Danny Knicely or Gary Smallwood; regional musicians like Janet Emma Garbe, Luke Brindley, Ted Garber and Grammy Award nominee Michael Sheppard; or nationally renowned names like Jon Carroll, Mary Ann Redmond and the Marks family musicians. The intimate nature of many of the venues these folks play means fans enjoy unusually easy access to their favorite musicians, adding to the pleasure quotient of each event.
in the Village and several other spots welcome curious art lovers to inspect exhibits and ask questions of informed curators, not to mention take a piece or two home to enjoy for years to come.
45 45 45
Loudoun’s Do Not Miss Events It seems nary a weekend passes in Loudoun without a festival, self-guided tour, horse race or other exciting event taking place. Our county’s rolling countryside and rural beauty makes for a lovely backdrop—when the weather cooperates, it’s tough to resist the pull of events such as the ones you’ll see highlighted here.
Leesburg’s Flower & Garden Show This springtime tradition is doubtless anticipated by practically everyone in Loudoun, and many others living in points beyond. Whether you’re obsessed with gardening or just enjoy a stroll through downtown Leesburg, this event ticks all the boxes. From the incredible garden displays erected by landscaping companies to unusual lawn ornaments to food and local wine, Leesburg’s Flower & Garden festival is not to be missed.
Loudoun Hunt Point-to-Point Races Oatlands’ signature horse racing event often marks the first time of year Loudouners are able
emerge from their winter dens to enjoy a bit of bright spring sunshine, tailgating and hoof-pounding action. Hundreds look forward to the experience of meeting up with old friends for a cocktail or two, then settling in on the grassy lawns to watch the colorful horses and riders streak by. Even if you don’t typically gravitate to the ponies, the Point-to-Points are a fantastic excuse to while away an afternoon, comfortably ensconced in Loudoun’s gorgeous countryside.
Spring Farm /Fall Color Tours Loudoun’s rich agricultural heritage is easy to see any time of year, but these two self-guided
tours promise an up-close look at many of the farms and businesses involved in the trade. During the Spring Farm Tour, visitors will see lots of baby animals and enjoy some of the first produce of the year. Participants of the fall installment enjoy stunning views of the changing leaves, freshly pressed cider and oodles of fat orange pumpkins aching to be carved.
Western Loudoun Artist Studio Tour Next year will mark the ninth installment of this popular self-guided tour, which promises
intimate glimpses into the working space of many of Loudoun’s talented fine artists. Not only do you get to visit artists’ creative inner sanctums, many spots feature artists at work, discussing their methodology and demonstrating their craft. There’s lots of art for sale, too, and visitors are certainly encouraged to take home a memento of their tour. It’s a bit like a magician letting you in on a cool trick that can be appreciated, but never duplicated.
Hospital Ladies Board Rummage Sale This is truly the mother of all rummage sales. Shoppers at Morven Park’s Equestrian Center
will find every barn packed to the rafters with clothing, books, holiday dÊcor, toys, furniture, dishes and practically everything in between. Ladies Board members spend weeks ahead of the sale gathering and sorting donated goods for the event, and every penny generated benefits the group’s community projects.
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Continued on Page 48
As the nation continues to reflect on the impacts of the American Civil War during ongoing events marking the sesquicentennial of the conflict, Loudouners can visit numerous places of interest right in their own backyard. While the Ball’s Bluff Battlefield near Leesburg is well-known and increasing attention is being focused on the largely unchanged landscape that was the site of three days of fighting near Aldie, Middleburg and Upperville, the Civil War Trails program can lead interested visitors to many lesser-known sites of significance. More than two dozen Civil War Trails signs have been erected in Loudoun. You can read more details about them and view maps online at • Loudoun Museum: 16 Loudoun St., Leesburg. Exhibits cover the history of the county, including information about Ball’s Bluff and the county’s role in the noman’s-land of the war. • Morven Park: 17263 Southern Planter Lane, Leesburg. Trails sign located at the mansion. Confederate troops used the land surrounding the manLoudoun sion Swan’s Castle as a training ground from the summer of 1861 to March 1862. The soldiers guarded the many Potomac River fords in the area. They built log structures there that winter. More than 50 of those sites have been located on the property. • Ball’s Bluff Battlefield Park: west of the Rt. 15 bypass, north of Leesburg. A National Cemetery and a 223-acre park represent this small but significant battle fought Oct. 21, 1861. Federal troops tried to cross the Potomac River here but were overwhelmed. Trails sign locates a possible concealed Confederate battery that controlled the approach to Leesburg from Edwards Ferry. The sign is located about 3/4 miles from the bypass on Edwards Ferry Road. • Town of Leesburg: interpretation at the visitor center. Trails sign offers a chronology of Leesburg-area events including stories about the Antietam campaign and the adventures of Mosby’s Rangers and their pursuers. • Lee Comes to Leesburg: Trails sign at 205 N. King St., Leesburg. Confederate commander Robert E. Lee arrived here Sept. 4, 1862, five days after his victory at Second Manassas. Lee met here Sept. 5 with Stonewall Jackson, J.E.B. Stuart and others, planning the advance into Maryland. • Edwards Ferry: Trails sign at 43944 Riverpoint Dr., Leesburg. Over three days in late June 1863, 80,000 Union infantrymen, 12,000 cavalrymen, 370 artillery pieces and 3,000 supply wagons moved through here to pontoon bridges over the Potomac River. The column, estimated at 80 miles long, was headed north, following Robert E. Lee’s army in a prelude to Gettysburg. • Mile Hill: Trails sign at Tutt Lane, off Rt. 15, north of Leesburg. A surprise attack led by Confederate Col. Thomas Munford Sept. 2, 1862, routed Federal forces • Oatlands: Trails sign and mansion located at 20850 Oatlands Plantation Lane, Leesburg. Confederate troops preparing for another Union attack after the Battle of Ball’s Bluff in October 1861 concentrated on the grounds. Gen. Nathan “Shanks” Evans made the house his headquarters.
47 47 47
Civil War
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Continued from Page 47
• Ambush at Heaton’s Crossroads: Trails sign at Loudoun Valley High School, 340 N. Maple Ave., Purcellville. Union cavalry attacked a column of Confederates under Gen. Jubal Early here July 16, 1864. The attack captured or destroyed dozens of Confederate wagons. • The Loudoun Rangers: Trails sign at intersection of Rt. 287 and Rt. 673 at Lovettsville Town Square. The Rangers were the only organized body of Union troops raised in present-day Virginia. An estimated 40 Rangers died in Union service. • Loudoun County Court Square: Trails sign at 18 E. Market St., Leesburg. This Leesburg gathering place saw slave auctions, militia recruiting and a skirmish during its Civil War history. The square also served as prison for more than 500 Union soldiers following the Oct. 21, 1861, Battle of Ball’s Bluff fought nearby. • Lovettsville: Trail sign at 24 E. Broad Way, Lovettsville. Located just south of a Potomac River, the town saw lots of blue-clad soldiers during the war. The army passed through here following the battles of Antietam and Gettysburg in pursuit of Robert E. Lee’s army. Union Gen. Ambrose Burnside spent the night in a local hotel. • Purcellville: Trails sign at 36888 Breaux Vineyards Lane, Hillsboro. Confederate partisan John W. Mobberly raided Federal outposts and conducted ambushes in the area between 18631865. He was said to have killed more “Yankees” than any man in Lee’s army. Mobberly was ambushed and killed April 5, 1865, and buried just south of here at Salem Church. • Mount Zion Church: Just east of Rt. 15 on Rt. 50. Built in 1851, this building and its grounds served as hospital and battlefield during the war. Confederate partisan rangers under John S. Mosby routed Federal pursuers here July 4, 1864. • Aldie Mill: 39401 John Mosby Highway, Aldie. Cavalry fought in the area June 17, 1863,
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screening the armies as they moved toward the battle at Gettysburg. The mill also was the site of fighting involving Mosby’s men on two occasions in 1861. • Battle of Aldie—Haystacks: Trails sign located at 39060 John Mosby Hwy., Middleburg. Union and Confederate cavalry clashed here June 17, 1863, fighting for the control of the junction of the Ashby Gap and Snickersville turnpikes. • Middleburg: Trails sign one block north of Rt. 50 on Madison Street. Fighting raged through here during the “Prelude to Gettysburg” cavalry fighting June 19, 1863. The town also was a Mosby base. • Battle of Unison: Three Civil War Trails sites describe the action Nov. 1-3, 1862, following the Battle of Antietam. Union cavalry under Gen. Alfred Pleasonton screened the advance of the army, attempting to clear the way to Upperville. Confederate cavalry under Gen. J.E.B. Stuart opposed Pleasanton, fighting at the Unison United Methodist Church Nov. 2. The next day, Stuart confronted almost 4,000 Union infantry and cavalry at Upperville. The action during the Battle of Unison delayed the Union advance long enough for Confederate infantry to reach Culpeper County and block a thrust toward Richmond. • “In the Wake of Antietam,” Philomont General Store: 36550 Jeb Stuart Road, Philomont. • “A Frightful Place,” Unison United Methodist Church: 21148 Unison Road, Middleburg. • “Foiling the Trap”:Trails sign at Vineyard Hill. • Rector’s Crossroads: Trails sign south of Rt. 50 at Atoka Road. Confederates under J.E.B. Stuart fought a delaying allowing the main body cavalry to concentrate at the west side of Goose Creek Bridge. In a stone house seen from the intersection, John S. Mosby first wrote orders for his famous Rangers. • Goose Creek Bridge: Historic interpretation north of Rt. 50, just west of Atoka. The circa1810 bridge is now bypassed by Rt. 50. J.E.B. Stuart’s Confederate cavalry held off Union cavalry and infantry here for a while during the fighting of June 21, 1863.
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Continued on next page
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VITAL STATISTICS Incorporated: 1875
D D aily Dog Walks
HAMILTON The forerunner of today’s town was known as Harmony, settled in the mid-18th century along the colonial highway west of Leesburg. The community changed its name to Hamilton’s Store in 1826, in honor of the town’s first postmaster, Charles Bennett Hamilton, the grandson of a prominent landowner and justice. In 1835, the name was simplified to Hamilton. Forty years later, Hamilton, then ranking as one of western Loudoun’s larger settlements, incorporated as a town. In 1868, Hamilton became the first stop on the railway line west of Leesburg, and a thriving summer resort business sprang up. Visitors from Washington, DC, and Baltimore, MD, came each year to the Blue Ridge countryside, drawn by the pure water and cooler, fresher air of the Loudoun Valley in contrast to the stifling heat of the cities. In 1926, a fire destroyed the town’s wooden boardwalk and much of its central business district. The summer business eventually declined and Hamilton returned to the quiet of pre-railroad days. Today, the town and surrounding area is a popular locale for families with young children, drawn to its friendly small-town appeal. The Hamilton Town Park offers a quiet and intimate space for area families to enjoy. The town continues to work on upgrades to its water and well system. The installation of a computerized SCADA system to automatically control the storage and distribution of the town’s water recently has been completed. This fall, the ground storage water tank on South Rogers Street will be repainted. The town also continues to work on completing a water main loop at the east end of town to improve water pressure. The Planning Commission and the Town Council are finalizing revisions to the Zoning Ordinance to better maintain the character of the town.
Leesburg, VA
Sustainable Agriculture
historic district and Round Hill has a historic district that is listed on the state and national registers. Lovettsville’s application to be listed on the state and national historic registers for its historic district was approved last year. Municipal elections are held in May of even numbered years for all towns with the exception of Hillsboro and Leesburg, which hold elections in November. Mayoral terms are for two years, apart from Hamilton where it is four years; and council members’ terms are for four years. Below is a history, status of current and future projects and listing of the vital statistics for the six incorporated western Loudoun towns.
Six of the county’s seven incorporated towns are located in western Loudoun, while Leesburg acts as the divider between eastern and western Loudoun. The six western Loudoun towns represent some of the county’s earliest settlements: Hamilton, Hillsboro, Lovettsville, Middleburg, Purcellville and Round Hill. The towns serve as hubs for smaller, historic communities, including Lincoln, Aldie, Lucketts, Paeonian Springs, Philomont, Airmont, Unison, Taylorstown, Waterford and Bluemont. They are unincorporated and come under the jurisdiction of the county board of supervisors. Three towns located on today’s Rt. 7, the old colonial road connecting Alexandria and Winchester, benefited from the coming of the railroad after the Civil War as it moved west from Leesburg. Hamilton and Round Hill became popular spa towns while Purcellville became the commercial hub and the largest town of western Loudoun, with a population today of close to 8,000. Lovettsville, formerly known as The German Settlement, is Loudoun’s northernmost town. It was one of the first settlements, comprised of farmers of German stock who came south from Pennsylvania in 1732. Hillsboro, in the northwest quadrant of the county, is one of the smallest towns in the state, and one of Loudoun’s earliest Quaker settlements. Middleburg, southwest of Leesburg, was settled in the late 18th century and quickly grew to be an important stop on the trading route west from Alexandria to Winchester. That role continues today as the town is recognized for the charm of its architecture and its upscale shopping. Town tax revenues are used to operate and maintain utility systems, develop parks, arrange for trash disposal and cover administrative costs. Purcellville maintains its own streets, while VDOT maintains streets in the other five towns. Purcellville, Hamilton, Lovettsville, Hillsboro and Middleburg have a meals tax. Middleburg, Purcellville, Hillsboro and Hamilton also have a transient occupancy, or lodging tax. The towns have a town manager or town administrator, with the exception of Hamilton and Hillsboro where the mayors also act in the capacity of town executive. Middleburg and Purcellville have their own police force and other towns are supported by the Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office, which has a substation in Round Hill. Five towns have some form of protection for areas with historic architecture. Middleburg has a historic district review committee for its local, state and national register historic district. Purcellville has an architectural review board overseeing its commercial architectural control district. The entire town of Hillsboro is listed as a state and national
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Western Towns Continued from Page 47
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Area: 120 acres 2010 Population: 506 Households: 225 Median Age: 41 Main Access Roads: Rt. 7, Rt. 704 Mayor: Greg Wilmoth Salary: $15,000 per annum Town Council: Vice Mayor Kenneth Wine, Brent Campbell, Dimitri Kesari, David Simpson, Michael Snyder and John Unger Salary: $1,200 per annum Council Meeting Dates: Second Monday of each month (excepting October and November of 2013 when they will be held on the first Monday of the month.) Zoning Administrator: David Beniamino Treasurer: Lori Jones Town Attorney: Maureen Gilmore Address: 53 E. Colonial Highway, P.O. Box 130, Hamilton, VA 20159 Tel: 540-338-2811 Fax: 540-338-9263 Website: E-mail: Real Estate Tax: 28 cents per $100 of assessed value Personal Property Tax: $1.10 per $100 assessed value Meals Tax: 4 percent Transient Occupancy Tax: 2 percent In-Town Water Rates: Bi-monthly billing of $4.75 per 1,000 gallons up to 8,000 gallons; $11.50 per 1,000 gallons over 8,000 gallons. Out-of-Town Water Rates: Bi-monthly billing of $6.50 per 1,000 gallons up to 8,000 gallons;
$11.50 per $1,000 gallons over 8,000 gallons. A $19 surcharge applies to all water customers. In-Town Sewer Rates: Bi-monthly billing of $7 per 1,000 gallons up to 8,000 gallons; $17.50 per 1,000 gallons over 8,000 gallons. Out-of-Town Sewer Rates: Bi-monthly billing of $9 per 1,000 gallons up to 8,000 gallons; $20.50 per 1,000 gallons over 8,000 gallons. A $13 surcharge applies to all sewer customers not within the Hamilton Sewer Tax District. Trash/recycling pickup: Wednesday
HILLSBORO Originally named The Gap, the town
was first settled by Quakers in the early 18th century. Its location between two hills dictated its future history, both its early prosperity and today’s commuter traffic congestion. Charles Town Pike, or Rt. 9, is located along the path of a trail through The Gap originally used by American Indians as a major trade route, a function that continued long after their departure west of the Blue Ridge Mountains. When white settlers began moving into the area in the late 1720s the town became an important stop on the western trade route between Alexandria and the Shenandoah Valley, becoming one of the area’s most prosperous commercial centers. But the town began to decline after the Civil War, first from the deprivations and damage caused during the conflict, and, more importantly, from the construction of the railroad to the south along the Colonial Highway/ Rt. 7 corridor. Trade developed along that route, bypassing Hillsboro and leaving the once thriving town economically isolated. However, the town’s relative isolation con-
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Hillsboro is little changed from its streetscape a century ago, but growth as made Rt. 9 through the town core a major commuter corridor. Plans call for the construction of two roundabouts to slow traffic.
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toric District. Hillsboro is not included in the county’s historic and cultural zoning districts, but the town’s Zoning Ordinance contains some protective components. VITAL STATISTICS Incorporated: 1880 Area: 56.7 acres (0.1 sq. miles) 2010 population: 100 Households: 39 Median Age: 41 Main Access Roads: Rt. 9, Rt. 690, Rt. 719 Mayor: Roger Vance Salary: None Town Council: Vice Mayor Belle Ware, John Dean, Joe Gertig, Amy Marasco and Don Hawkins Council Meeting Dates: Third Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. Town Manager: None Town Attorney: Elizabeth Whiting Address: 36966 Charles Town Pike, Hillsboro, VA 20132 Tel: 540-668-6966 Website: Email: Real Estate Tax: $0.06 per $100 of assessed value Personal Property Tax Rate: None Water Rates: $5 per 1,000 gallons (up to 10,000 gallons, then graduated increases) Sewer Rates: None Trash/recycling pickup: Wednesday
LOVETTSVILLE The 1732 town is the county’s northern-
most community, it was one of the first areas to be reached by German farmers coming south from Pennsylvania who found its combination of good soil and abundant streams ideal. That heritage is celebrated in the town’s popular Oktoberfest event, held annually on the last weekend in September. The Town Council focuses on managing growth in a manner that is consistent with
Continued on next page
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tributed to its high level of preservation, leaving its appearance today little changed since the late 19th century. The town provides a snapshot of the evolution of American architecture, featuring simple log structures and elaborate stone houses as well as Colonial and Victorianstyle homes. Hillsboro is one of Virginia’s smallest incorporated towns. Traffic, water resources and a wish to preserve its historic character are high on the town’s list of objectives. Town government has a Zoning Ordinance that gives the town some measure of protection without being too restrictive on homeowners. Currently the town’s approximately 100 residents receive water from one well and the Hill Tom Spring, which the state has been pressing the town to eliminate. Several years ago, the town undertook a comprehensive hydrogeological study to find the best locations for new water resources in the vicinity. After drilling an exploratory test wel1 in 2011, the town recently began the engineering phase of a $1 million project to bring the new source on line and complete upgrades to the antiquated water system. The heavily traveled commuter route to and from West Virginia raises continuous safety concerns for residents. Using a $2.4 million federal grant, VDOT last year completed a comprehensive traffic calming and pedestrian safety design for the town. The project, which is now shovel-ready, includes roundabouts at the east and western end of town and other measures to slow traffic as it passes through. The estimated construction cost of the project is between $12 million and $15 million and town leaders are optimistic that funds will be allocated for the project within the next two years. The entire town was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in the 1970s in recognition of its pristine 18th and 19th century architecture. The Department of Historic Resources has updated the town’s historic assets and expanded the Hillsboro His-
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51 51 51
town was listed on the National Register of events and memorial services: The Veteran’s available. Historic Places and the Virginia Landmarks The Heritage Highlands independent Memorial, located on the south side of the Continued from Page 47 living retirement center for ages 55 and older Register last summer. square was completed in the fall of 2011. Eventual construction of commercial on the west side of Rt. 287 has 33 of 80 planned Town leaders continue to promote conLovettsville’s rural setting and encourages the development on two sides will include offices, units already occupied. struction of a schools complex location in or development of public open spaces within the shops and restaurants. The development also The town has completed its design of the around the town. suburban framework. includes the Town Green, a three-acre park that East Broad Way Streetscape improvements and VITAL STATISTICS With good access to Maryland and the has become popular for special events and the received final VDOT approval. Construction Incorporated: 1876 MARC commuter train just across the Potomac town’s free summer movies series. The Walker of sidewalk, curb, gutter and underground Area: Approximately 525 acres River to the north, Lovettsville has become an Pavilion, the centerpiece of the park, was dedi- storm drainage should begin next year, once 2010 Population: 1,613 increasingly popular place to live and the town cated in July. The town is constructing a new all the needed easements and rights-of-way are Households: 690 has seen significant residential growth over park near the New Town Meadow develop- acquired. Median Age: 33.5 the past decade. Two major development projment, scheduled to open later this fall, which The town’s new We’re In – Lovettsville Main Access Roads: Rt. 287, Rt. 672, Rt. 681 ects are ongoing—the mixed use Lovettsville SPECIALIZES IN THE MARKETING AND SALE OF UNIQUE will include walking and nature trails, fitness tourism and economic development organizaand Rt. 673 Town Center and the Heritage Highlands active stations and grass lawns. The town has formed tion is working to promote and boost the local Mayor: Bob Zoldos II SERVING NORTHERN VIRGINIA SINCE 1989 senior community. a Parks Committee to prioritize and coordinate business community. The committee organizes Salary: $8,000 per annum While Elm Street Development’s Town its efforts for all town parks. a number of events including Light up Lovetts- Town Council: Vice Mayor Mike Senate, KimCenter project has seen brisk construction Engineering and design work is ongoing at ville, Beserkle on the Squirkle, and business berly Allar, Jack Burden, Tiffaney Carder, and residential sales recently, the commercial the 92-acre northern Loudoun regional park on mixers and informational seminars. Rodney Gray and Jim McIntyre. component abutting Town Square remains on the town’s eastern boundary, which mostly lies Ongoing town projects include the Berlin Salary: $2,000 per annum hold until the economy improves. The area is in the county. The first phase envisions passive Pike Path, a long-planned bike path stretching Council Meeting Dates: Second and fourth designed to be the heart of the new commercial recreational uses including trails, picnic shelters from north to south along Rt. 287. The project Thursday of each month, at 7:30 p.m. center for the town, linking to its traditional and gardens in the town portionIN of the park, MARKETING is managed by VDT AND and is currently in the Commission Meeting Date: First and SPECIALIZES THE SALE OF Planning UNIQUE PROPERTIES business area on East Broad Way. The Town and athletic fields in the larger county por- engineering phase. The first phase is scheduled third Wednesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. Square, bordered by Rt. 287, has become one IN THE MARKETING AND SALE OF PROPERTIES tion in aSPECIALIZES second phase when funding becomes to seek construction bidsVIRGINIA next January. TheUNIQUE Town Manager: Keith Markel SERVING NORTHERN SINCE 1989 of the town’s main focal points for community Salary: $85,000 per annum SERVING NORTHERN VIRGINIA SINCE 1989 Town Project Manager: Karin Fellers Town Zoning Administrator: Melissa Hynes Town Clerk: Harriet West Town Treasurer: Lawrence Gladstone Town Attorney: Elizabeth Whiting SPECIALIZES IN THE MARKETING AND SALE OF UNIQUE PROPERTIES Address: 6 E. Pennsylvania Avenue, PO Box 209, Lovettsville, VA 20180 SERVING NORTHERN VIRGINIA SINCE 1989 Tel. & Fax: 540-822-5788 SPECIALIZES IN THE MARKETING AND SALE OF UNIQUE PROPERTIES Website: E-mail: Serving Northern Virginia Since 1989 1989 SERVING NORTHERN VIRGINIA SINCE Real Estate Tax Rate: 21 cents per $100 of SPECIALIZES IN THE MARKETING AND SALE OF UNIQUE PROPERTIES assessed value SPECIALIZES IN THESERVING MARKETING ANDVIRGINIA SALE SINCE OF UNIQUE PROPERTIES NORTHERN 1989 Meals Tax: 3 percent gross receipts Cigarette Tax: $0.40 per pack SERVING NORTHERN VIRGINIA SINCE 1989 Personal Property Tax Rate: None Northern Virginia Water/Sewer Rates: $6.50 per 1,000 gallons; $10.04 per 1,000 gallons; minimum quarterly bill: $99.28 for usage up to 6,000 gallons Trash Pickup/Recycling: Wednesday
Western Towns
And Sale of Unique Properties
MIDDLEBURG Middleburg began life as a small cross-
roads settlement, named after local landowner Joseph Chinn, first cousin to George Washington. Chinn sold 50 acres to Virginia statesman Lt. Col. Levin Powell, who laid out the town in 1787 in a grid of 79 half-acre lots. Powell Eastern West Virginia renamed his settlement Middleburg, to emphasize its position as the halfway stop on the trading route between Alexandria and Winchester, today’s Rt. 50. The town soon became the flourishing agricultural and commercial hub of southwestern Loudoun, an area that prior to l Highest Market Exposure per $$$$ AND SALE OF UNIQUE PROPERTIES the Civil War boasted more than 18 grain and lumber mills within a 10-mile radius. VIRGINIA SINCE 1989 l Most net $$$$ realized on sale The Civil War ruined that prosperity and the Middleburg area suffered a severe economic l Shortest time on market decline that did not reverse for half a century, helped in large part by the arrival of wealthy Northern Neck of Virginia New Yorkers looking for land on which to hunt as the Long Island, NY, area became more built up. They provided an infusion of money to the struggling local economy as they bought large properties, drawn by the beauty of the l Highest Market Exposure per $$$$ countryside and foxhunting and horse racing opportunities. Today, the area is renowned l Most net $$$$ realized on sale for its equestrian and breeding centers, with Middleburg maintaining a reputation as the l Shortest time on market “Nation’s Horse and Hunt Capital.” The town continues the links to its historic commercial history having built a reputation as an upscale shopping, dining, arts and accomResidential Commercial Investment Land modations destination in a rural setting that is a lure to visitors from metropolitan Washington, DC, and beyond. Today, the town is a hub of l Highest Market Exposure per $$$$ l Highest Market Exposure per $$$$ activity for residents of both Loudoun and Fauquier counties. Special events celebrating l Most net $$$$ realized on sale l Most net $$$$ realized on sale the best of what the town has to offer in shopping, dining and entertainment opportunities l Shortest time on market are held throughout the year. Christmas in l Shortest time on market Middleburg is the oldest and largest of these events, but other popular draws include the l Highest Market Exposure per $$$$ annual Sidewalk Sale in August, the Celebrate the Harvest festival in September and periodic l Most net $$$$ on sale “Art in the Burg” events. 52
Eastern West Virginia Northern Virginia SERVING NORTHERN VIRGINIA SINCE 1989
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Meals Tax: 4 percent Transient Occupancy Tax: 5 percent Cigarette Tax: $0.55 per 20-cigarette pack Water Rates (bi-monthly): $29.93 base charge, $15.84 user fee per 1,000 gallons over 2,000; out-of-town rate $40.41 base, $23.69 per $1,000 gallons over 2,000 Sewer Rates: $27.96 base charge, $13.70 user fee per thousand gallons; out-of-town rate $37 base charge; $20.33 per 1,000 gallons over 2,000 Trash/recycling pickup: Wednesday
PURCELLVILLE Purcellville has long been the hub of com-
mercial activity in western Loudoun. When the railroad reached Purcellville in 1874, growth took off and increased steadily throughout the early 20th century. Two major fires in 1914 destroyed the town’s commercial core on 21st Street and the downtown area slowly declined in importance over the following 50 years. The railroad closed and the 1883 train station was slated for demolition. It was eventually rescued and restored by the Purcellville Preservation Association. It is now owned by the town and is
a popular meeting space for town government and public use. The economic decline has reversed and Purcellville today is a bustling commercial center. North 21st Street is once more thriving with new specialty stores and dining venues as the town continues to boost its historic commercial area with new current streetscape and lighting plans. Purcellville’s population has grown dramatically over the past decade, from 3,644 to 7,727. There also has been dramatic commercial growth as the town seeks to build its business tax base. Purcellville’s service area has an effective population of 62,000 within a 15-minute drive. The town has two high schools—Loudoun Valley, which opened in 1962, and Woodgrove, which opened in 2010. Blue Ridge Middle School and Emerick and Mountain View elementary schools complete the public education available in town. In late 2011, the town government completed the conversion of the former Baptist Church on Nursery Avenue to serve as a new
Town Hall. At the same time, the town completed renovations and expansion of the parking lot at Bush Tabernacle/Fireman’s Field. Upgrades to the storage facilities are slated to be completed in the near future. The town also has committed to carrying out a comprehensive program of tree preservation and maintenance, removal of dead and diseased trees and new plantings at Fireman’s Field. A notable addition to Fireman’s Field is the First Responders’ Monument, formally dedicated Sept. 11, 2011, to all the first responders who serve the town and the community at large. The monument contains the portion of an I-beam section from Tower II at the World Trade Center. Much of the town’s success over the past five years or so is attributable to its strong business community. The transformation of the Loudoun Valley Shopping Center—the oldest shopping center in town, built in the 1960s—to the newly renovated Shoppes at Main and Maple and the opening of the Purcellville Gateway at the former Cole Farm property have created entry features for the town and provided much
Continued on next page
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The National Sporting Library & Museum—with its more than 24,000 books and world-class art devoted to equestrian, angling and field sports—attracts visitors and researchers from all over the world. The library will be one of several venues for the inaugural Middleburg Film Festival to be held Oct. 24-27, that will include film screenings, sessions with world-renowned filmmakers and actors, and food and wine events showcasing the area’s local farms and wineries in the newly recognized Middleburg Viticultural Area. The town has a strong focus on preserving the architectural integrity of the community and providing a safe, walkable environment to be enjoyed by both residents and visitors. Multiple streetscape projects will provide pedestrian crosswalks and new sidewalks near the town’s Pink Box visitor center and along the town’s main street. Middleburg has received a number of citations for its green energy programs and environmental stewardship and for its success in preserving the old while creatively establishing new spaces, including recognition as a Preserve America Community in 2008 and a Great Streets award from the American Planning Association in 2010 for the town’s main thoroughfare, Washington Street. The town’s newest attraction is the Salamander Resort and Spa, a 168-room luxury resort that opened in August. Located on 345 acres within the town, the resort offers dining and spa facilities open to the public, as well as meeting and ballroom facilities to support corporate retreats, weddings and other special events as well as full equestrian facilities. Future plans for the project include singlefamily homes and a mixed-use village area that will include office space, workforce housing and civic space integrated with the existing street network of the town. The majority of the Salamander tract will remain in open space through a conservation easement held jointly by the town and the Potomac Conservancy. VITAL STATISTICS Incorporated: 1787 Area: 1.3 square miles 2010 Population: 673 Households: 350 Median Age: 47.2 Main Access Roads: Rt. 50, Rt. 626, Rt. 776 Mayor: Betsy Allen Davis Salary: $1,000 per annum Town Council: Vice Mayor Darlene Kirk, Kevin Hazard, Bundles Murdock, Kathy jo Shea, Mark Snyder, David Stewart and Trowbridge Littleton. Salary: $20 per meeting Council Meeting Dates: Second Thursday of each month at 6 p.m. Morning work sessions are held on the Monday preceding regular council meetings at 8 a.m. Regular work sessions are on the fourth Thursday of each month at 6 p.m. All meetings are held at the Middleburg Town Office. Town Administrator: Martha Mason Semmes Salary: $93,000 per annum Town Planner and Zoning Administrator: David Beniamino Town Treasurer: Debbie Wheeler Town Clerk: Rhonda North Economic Development Coordinator: Cindy Pearson Town Attorney: Angela K. Plowman Police Chief: A.J. Panebianco Maintenance Supervisor: Marvin Simms Utilities: Loudoun Water (After Hours: 571-291-7878) Address: 10 W. Marshall St., P.O. Box 187, Middleburg, VA 20118 Tel: 540-687-5152 Fax: 540-687-3804 E-Mail: www.townadmin@townofmiddleburg. org Website: Real Estate Tax Rate: $0.20 per $100 of assessed value Personal Property Tax Rate: $1 per $100 of assessed value on business furniture and fixtures; no tax on non-commercial vehicles
53 53 53
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needed and upgraded retail and commercial space in town. Many other major renovations are in hand throughout town, including the expansion and continued success of the historic downtown area. On the northeast corner of Rt. 287 and Rt. 7 is another approved shopping center, Catoctin Corner, on which work has not yet begun. The construction of the final segment of the Southern Collector Road was completed and opened in June. Improved traffic patterns have been installed on North 21st Street, making it one-way. Traffic lights, low speed zones, landscaping, new crosswalks and upgrades to existing sidewalks have been added as part of the Downtown Streetscape Plan. More than two miles of new sidewalks have been installed over the past few years. Along with the ongoing construction, town leaders are determined to retain the smalltown character of Purcellville, which they seek to ensure through a number of advisory commissions, boards and committees to protect and further enhance its historic architecture as well as promoting the town’s street tree canopy and other environmental features. The town’s efforts were honored by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and Siemens in 2012, winning a national Sustainable Community award that led to 115 new trees being planted along the A Street corridor as the result of the $20,000 prize. Over the past two years, the Town Council has instituted a number of programs to help promote the business community and the town—including Purcellville Jobs, the Townwide Tag Sale, the Loudoun Grown Expo, the Wine and Food Festival, Shop Purcellville and other economic development programs. The town has partnered with Visit Loudoun and the local wine industry to further support and capitalize on the popularity of its rural agricul-
VITAL STATISTICS Incorporated: 1908 Area: 3.2 square miles 2010 Population: 7,727 Households: 2,525 Median Age: 34.7 Main Access Roads: Rt. 7, Rt. 287, Rt. 690, Rt. 722, Rt. 611, SCR Mayor: Robert W. Lazaro Jr. Salary: $5,525 per annum Town Council: Vice Mayor J. Keith Melton Jr., Joan Lehr, Patrick McConville II, John Nave, Tom Priscilla and James Wiley Salary: $4,250 per annum Council Meeting Dates: Regular meeting 7 p.m., second Tuesday of each month; worksession 7 p.m., fourth Tuesday of each month Town Manager: Robert W. Lohr Jr. Salary: $125,000 Police Chief: Darryl C. Smith Sr. Assistant Town Manager: Patrick Childs EA to Town Manager/Director of Admin: Hooper McCann Town Clerk: Jennifer Helbert Director of Public Works: Alex Vanegas Director of Finance: Elizabeth Krens Town Attorney: Sally Hankins Address: 221 S. Nursery Ave., Purcellville, VA 20132 Website: Email: Tel: 540-338-7421 Fax: 540-338-6205 Real Estate Tax Rate: $0.225 per $100 of assessed value Fireman’s Field Service Tax District: $.035 per $100 of assessed value Personal Property Tax Rate: $1.05 per $100 of assessed value for vehicles; $0.55 for machinery and tools, computers and business personal property Meals Tax: 5 percent
Continued from Page 47
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Leesburg Today File Photo
Scouts salute during the flag-raising ceremony that is part of the annual Round Hill Hometown Festival, held the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend. The daylong event includes a parade, games, music, a downhill derby and a community dinner.
ROUND HILL As with Hamilton and Purcellville, Round
VITAL STATISTICS Incorporated: 1900 Area: 236 acres 2010 Population: 539 Households: 202 Median Age: 39 Main Access Roads: Rt. 7, Rt. 719 Mayor: Scott T. Ramsey Salary: None Town Council: Vice Mayor Mary Anne Graham, Daniel Botsch, Janet Heston, Clarkson Kipple, Christopher Prack and Frederick Lyne Council Meeting Dates: Third Thursday of each month at 7:30 p.m. Town Administrator: Buster Nicholson Salary: $80,000 Town Planner & Zoning Administrator: Mickey Rhoades Town Treasurer: Betty Wolford Utility Billing Administrator: Kim McGaha Town Attorney: Maureen Gilmore Address: 23 Main Street, PO Box 36, Round Hill, VA 20142 Tel: 540-338-7878 Fax: 540-338-1680 E-mail: Website: Real Estate Tax Rate: $0.2034 cents per $100 of assessed value Personal Property Tax Rate: $1.15 of $100 of assessed value Water Rates: $0.00760/gallon in town; $0.01140/ gallon out of town Sewer Rates: $0.01138/gallon in town; $0.01707 out of town Trash/recycling pickup: Wednesday [Statistics provided by the towns, Loudoun Department of Economic Development and the 2010 U.S. Census.]
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Hill’s historical commercial fortunes were linked to the railroad when it extended west of Leesburg after the Civil War, bringing droves of visitors to the cooler climate of western Loudoun. From 1875 to 1896, Round Hill was the terminus of the W&OD Railroad until the line was extended to Bluemont. At the turn of the 20th century, the town had a thriving summer resort business with many of its late Victorian houses turned into boarding houses and hotels for the urban clientele fleeing the heat of cities. After reaching a peak in about 1939, the large number of commercial establishments slowly declined after the closing of the railroad in the mid-20th century. Significant development occurred around the town’s boundaries over the past two decades, the largest of which is the 1,100-unit Villages of Round Hill bordering the town on the north, east and south. To the southwest, are the Stoneleigh and Fallswood neighborhoods, while Greenwood Commons is adjacent to the town’s northern boundary. All of these neighborhoods are within the town’s water and sewer service area and some may be considered for future inclusion into the town. A Loudoun County Sheriff’s substation is planned on land just west of town. The town and county have been in recent discussions on relocating the Round Hill Volunteer Fire Department in town to share the site. The town government continues to take an active role in shaping development of new neighborhoods in an effort to better integrate them into town as well as preserve and protect the area’s environmental and historic features. To accommodate growth within a cohesive framework and better meet its planning goals and objectives, the town continues to upgrade its municipal water and wastewater infrastructure, implement the Round Hill Streetscape and Stormwater Master plans and is in the midst of a complete review of its Comprehensive Plan. The town recently completed an extension of town utilities to Hayman Lane homes and work is underway to extend utility service to the planned Lake Ridge residential neighborhood and the West Lake section of the Villages of Round Hill south of town.
The town has obtained grant funding and continues to work with VDOT to complete its Main Street Improvement project—which will replace sidewalks and improve stormwater drainage in the center of town. This project will tie in to the long-awaited county project to connect the town to Franklin Park, with trail improvements outside town and sidewalk enhancements along East Loudoun Street. The town has begun engineering for Sleeter Lake Park, which will provide public access to the lake and a picnic area on its eastern shore. The town’s manor event, the annual Round Hill Hometown Festival, features a Memorial Day parade followed by typical small-town activities and entertainment.
Cigarette Tax: $0.65 Water/Sewer Rates: See website,, for rate details in different categories Trash/recycling pickup: Wednesday
55 55 55
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Abbey Design Center ....................Page 13 Advanced Network Solutions ...........Page 2 Aesthetica ....................................Page 27 AH & T Insurance ............................Page 6 Alamo Draft House Cinema ...........Page 24 All the Best Real Estate ...................Page 52 Allusions & More...........................Page 39 Artisan Outdoor Living...................Page 17 Ashburn Volunteer Fire Dept. ..........Page 51 BackFlow Technology, LLC..............Page 48 Ben Franklin..................................Page 36 Berman Cosmetic Surgery & Skin Care .Page 43 Beth Chaverim Reform Congregation...Page 50 Blue Ridge Speech & Hearing ........Page 50 Carrington Homes.........................Page 54 Catoctin Veterinary Clinic ..............Page 34 China King’s Restaurant ...................Page 6 Chrysalis Plastic Surgery ................Page 42 Coldwell Banker/Sandy Fletcher ......Page 9 Curiosity Zone ..............................Page 24 Destiny School of the Arts ..............Page 38 Drainage & Erosion.........................Page 4 Drapery House .............................Page 49 Dulles Golf....................................Page 32 Eagles Berth Holding Co................Page 32 Elite Performance Golf Academy ....Page 10
Epling Landscaping & Lawn Service ..Page 35 Eyetopia .......................................Page 37 Fantastic Sams, Ashburn ................Page 17 Fields of Athenry Farm...................Page 54 Franklin Park Performing Arts ...........Page 8 Friberg Financial Group.................Page 30 Friends of Homeless Animals..........Page 11 Geico...........................................Page 44 Grafton Integrated Health Network ...Page 23 Greensun Landscapes....................Page 48 The Guest Room............................Page 46 Holloway Company ......................Page 58 Integrative Medicine Center ...........Page 30 J&L Interiors...................................Page 26 Jasmine Restaurant ..........................Page 6 K. Hovnanian Homes ......................Page 5 Keller Williams Realty/Lisa Cameron .Page 55 Kit & Kaboodle ...............................Page 6 Lans, Ike DDS................................Page 28 Lansdowne OBGYN .......................Page 9 Learn the Gun ...............................Page 28 Leesburg Animal Park ....................Page 18 Leesburg Veterinary Hospital ............Page 8 Little Apple Pastry Shop .................Page 25 Long & Foster/Marlene Baugh .......Page 53 Loudoun County Commuter Services..Page 19
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index of advertisers Loudoun Co. Economic Development...Page 3 Loudoun Country Day School ...........Page 8 Loudoun Credit Union....................Page 14 Loudoun Test Prep..........................Page 11 Loudoun Valley Roofing .................Page 18 M.E. Flow Inc..................................Page 3 Mattressland .................................Page 44 Morningside House of Leesburg .....Page 12 Morven Park .................................Page 49 Neurology Associates, P.C. ............Page 22 NOVA Medical Group ..................Page 17 NOVA Med Spa ...........................Page 40 Oatlands ......................................Page 10 Old Mill Boarding Kennel ..............Page 29 Open Arms – Leesburg ..................Page 20 Other Kind of Jewelry ....................Page 46 Physicians Weight Loss Centers ......Page 16 Providence Academy.....................Page 45 Radiance Salon & Medi-Spa ..........Page 27 Radiology Imaging Associates..........Page 9 Remax Realty Group .....................Page 36 Remax Sherry Wilson Team ...........Page 55 Restaurant at Patowmack Farm.......Page 20 Reston Limousine ...........................Page 33 Ridgetop Dental ............................Page 50 Rivers Edge Landscapes.................Page 29
Roach Energy ...............................Page 47 Savior Faire ..................................Page 46 Shelf Genie...................................Page 47 St. Johns Catholic Prep ..................Page 38 Stanley Martin Homes ...................Page 60 Stone Ridge Development .............Page 22 Swim Kids Swim School ................Page 25 Tally Ho Theatre ............................Page 45 Tea Lady Pillows ............................Page 10 The Catoctin School of Music .........Page 34 Travel Cruise & Tour ......................Page 48 Travinia Italian Kitchen.............. Front Cover Tuskies Group ..............................Page 15 Van Metre Homes ...........................Page 7 Veterans Moving Forward..............Page 51 Village at Leesburg ........................Page 21 Village Green Day School .............Page 44 Vino 9 Market...............................Page 14 Vintage 50 ..................................Page 31 Virginia Obstetrics & Gynecology ..Page 41 Whole Pet Central ...........................Page 4 Willowcraft Farm Vineyards ...........Page 25 Wolf Furniture ...............................Page 59 Your Va Pets R My Pets...................Page 49
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