Postal Customer
Volume 33 Issue 7 January 2013 www.middleburglife.net
Dr. Alexis Theiss: living her dream
January 2013
Middleburg Life
Middleburg real estate
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Heritage FarM - Fantastic
oPPortunity - rarEly availaBlE legacy FarM now available! - 450 acrEs in orangE county hunts most 296 acrEs. ZonEd ra. potEntial EasEmEnt crEdit. main priZEd tErritory. Build your drEam EstatE amidst rolling, park-likE fiElds and stonE walls, a laZy littlE crEEk (cromwElls run) and framEd By unmatchEd mountain viEws. stucco homE plus 3 tEnant housEs. largE pond. this is 3 sEparatE parcEls, thE propErty is in a consErvation EasEmEnt and also a fox-hunting EasEmEnt. thErE arE 6071-09-6237, 6071-28-8393, 6072-00-7650. two massivE Building EnvElopEs for thE BuyEr to construct up to 6500 sQ foot. largE parcEl.
scott buzzelli 540-454-1399
Peter PejacsevicH scott buzzelli 540-270-3835 540-454-1399
dresden FarM
now available. - this
BEautifully maintainEd 125 acrE 1785 5 BEdroom main housE, a 12 stall BElmont Barn with 8 paddocks, hEatEd watErErs, a nEw gEnErator and a sEparatE tack room. thErE arE 4 additional dwEllings (including nEwly rEnovatEd managEr’s housE and guEst housE), ExtEnsivE grEEnhousEs, gardEns, a pool, and a 5 acrE pond. propErty with potEntial EasEmEnt rEstrictions. horsE farm includEs a circa
Peter PejacsevicH scott buzzelli 540-270-3835 540-454-1399
Peter PejacsevicH 540-270-3835
Keyser rd, HuMe - ExpErt rEnovation w/high-End finishEs & craftsman- snaKe Hill rd - Middleburg - 1850 gEorgian EstatE. 121 acrEs. tradition- wynHurst ct, Middleburg - rEady for occupancy van mEtrE prEston
pool w/poolhousE, 5ac lakE, stonE hardscapE, gourmEt kitch, grEat flow. al virginian hunt country manor. spacious & privatE 8-BEdroom homE. gracious winding homE 4 BEdrooms and 4.5 Bath homE on +/- 3.8 acrEs, wrap porch and stonE and cEmEnt 2Br 2Ba guEsthousE, cEntrE aislE 8 stall staBlE, riding ring, grEat ridEout. 128.8 stairway & rEstorEd hardwood floors throughout. long, trEE-linEd drivEway, lakE, 3 Barns, siding morning room ExtEnsion, finishEd BasEmEnt rEc room & full Bath, upgradE gourmEt 7 & 24-stall. swimming pool and EQuinE hEatEd ExErcisE pool, outdoor arEna. 4-Board fEnc- kitchEn w/ cooktop douBlE wall ovEn. $5,000 closing cost assistancE if thE BuyEr usEs intErac in 3 parcEls; thE 50.3 ac parcEl may BE purchasEd sEparatEly. fQ7881148. ing, 2 tEnant hsEs. 5 minutEs to middlEBug. 1 hr dc. consErvation EasEmEnt. coastal mortgagE for loan and walkEr titlE for sEttlEmEnt. george roll 703-606-6358 $3,930,000 scott buzzelli $2,600,000 $749,900 Peter PejacsevicH scott buzzelli Peter PejacsevicH ship.
540-270-3835 540-454-1399
LAND aldie:
uniQuE opportunity villagE of aldiE $120,000
to Build on almost an acrE in thE
oatlands road: 13 acrE woodEd sitE on a QuiEt country road minutEs to middlEBurg with wEll
oatlands road:
28+ acrE ElEvatEd Building sitE with wEll. incrEdiBlE viEws $522,500
beaverdaM bridge rd - Purcellville - outstanding 20 acrE
oatlands road:
gEm with ElEvatEd, unoBstructEd viEws of thE BluE ridgE, Bull run
with wEll
and coBBlEr mountains, and surroundEd By opEn land.
scott buzzelli 540-454-1399
acrE lovEly mostly woodEd Building sitE
Marqui siMMons 703-774-6109
Peter PejacsevicH 540-270-3835
saM Fred rd, Middleburg
- Bank ownEd sold as is. middlEBurg small animal hospital now for salE just East of middlEBurg. all EQuipmEnt convEys minus thE x-ray procEssing machinE. solar panEls on thE roof. ExcEllEnt location with routE 50 signagE. yEar Built is unknown.
scott buzzelli 540-454-1399
Peter PejacsevicH 540-270-3835
airMont road - blueMont - classic fiEldstonE farmhousE on 5 opEn acrEs weston lane - Middleburg - lovEly Brick homE on 1.1 acrEs just Middleburg - main with
stall Barn,full siZE drEssagE arEna, viEws and adjacEnt to much opEn spacE for
ridE out.
BEautifully landscapEd gardEns pristinEly maintainEd. housE is authEntic and original with 4 stunning, fplacEs., tin roof, complEtEly rEnovatEd ovEr thE past 10 yEars, watEr and ElEctric to Barn w/ Box stalls, fEncing. piEdmont hunt.
scott buzzelli 540-454-1399
middlEBurg - siZaBlE front and Back yard - two car dEtachEd garagE - flagstonE patio - maturE trEEs and stonE wall - largE rEc room in BasEmEnt. must sEE. outsidE
Peter PejacsevicH scott buzzelli 540-270-3835 540-454-1399
115 N. 21st Street Purcellville, Virginia 20132
(Next to Nichol’s Hardware)
strEEt officE Building with 20 on sitE -6 sEparatE officEs ranging from $400. to $700/month. high spEEd intErnEt.
parking spacEs
Peter PejacsevicH scott buzzelli 540-270-3835 540-454-1399
Peter PejacsevicH 540-270-3835 ®
Middleburg Life 3
January 2013
Middleburg Life’s Parent Company Expands Happy New Year. Middleburg Life has a new pair of corporate cousins in Northern Virginia. Our parent company, Northern Virginia Media Services, recently made two key acquisitions with the purchase of InsideNoVa.com and its Facebook page. In addition to Middleburg Life, our parent company also publishes Leesburg Today, Ashburn Today, Loudoun Magazine, Loudoun Business and the Sun Gazette newspapers covering Arlington, Great Falls, McLean, Oakton and Vennia, will also launch a new weekly newspaper, Prince William Today, with the first edition coming off the presses on Jan. 10. “Owning InsideNoVa.com is a major piece of our strategy,” Bruce Potter, regional vice president of Northern Virginia Media Services, said. “Our newspapers will reach almost 200,000 homes a week in Northern Virginia and our websites should draw hundreds of thousands of unique visitors a month.” InsideNoVa was purchased from World Media Enterprises, part of Warren Buffet’s Berkshire Hathaway enterprise, which operates 62 newspapers and other titles located in Virginia,
North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama and Florida. World Media also published the five-day-a-week News & Messenger, based in Manassas, but closed that paper, which had a 143-year history, on Dec. 30. Potter will oversee the start-up. He was publisher of the News & Messenger and InsideNoVa.com from 2007 to 2011. Kari Pugh has been named editor of Prince William Today and InsideNoVa. com. She was the editor of InsideNoVa. com under the previous owners. “Prince William and Manassas residents deserve to have a local newspaper and independent website reporting on community news and events,” Potter said. “We’re delighted to be able to fill that need and look forward to becoming a part of the community and providing the kind of quality local journalism that its citizens deserve.” Middleburg Life has a readership of 42,500, with distribution of 17,000 in southwestern Loudoun and northern Fauquier counties. The affiliated websites of middleburglife.net, leesburgtoday.com, sungazette.net and novajobs. net attract more than 100,000 unique visitors every month.
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114 W. Washington St. P.O. Box 1770 Middleburg, VA 20118 www.middleburglife.net Contact Us: Vicky Moon (540) 687-6059 Contributing writers: Lauren R. Giannini, Leonard Shapiro Columnists: Marcia Woolman Photography: Middleburg Photo Copyright 2012 Northern Virginia Media Services
All editorial matter is fully protected and may not be reproduced in any manner without the written permission of the publisher. All unsolicited manuscripts and photos must be accompanied by return postage; the publisher assumes no responsibility. Middleburg Life reserves the right to reject any advertising. Distributed in Middleburg, Upperville, Aldie, Millwood, The Plains, Rectortown, Delaplane, Paris, Boyce, Leesburg, Marshall and Warrenton.
Don’t miss out on our February issue Space reservations due by: TUESDAY, JANUARY 29 Copy due on: THURSDAY, JANUARY 31 Pub date is: MONDAY, FEBRUARY 4
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We double down on insurance service
January 2013
Middleburg Life
Brush Strokes By Leonard Shapiro For Middleburg Life
As a child growing up in Brooklyn Heights, NY, Christina “Tia” Maggio, suffered from asthma. Instead of running around outside with her friends, rest and relaxation were highly recommended, the better to breathe far more easily. “So I’d go to my room and just draw, draw, draw,” Maggio said the other day, sitting in the Duvall Design Gallery in Millwood, one of many area venues that have displayed her eye-catching work in recent years. “It was very therapeutic, and a natural outlet for me.” For the child of two artists and now the mom of two adult children, not much has changed these days, save for the empty nest in her Millwood cottage. Lately, Maggio has been preparing a number of new pieces for a major show of her work Feb. 2-28 at the Blandy Station arboretum, where she often runs
and walks for exercise and more than occasional inspiration for her nature-centric pastels, her preferred medium. Maggio studied graphic design and advertising art at New York’s prestigious Pratt Institute before transferring to the University of Massachusetts in Amherst, where she focused on art history and majored in painting. For most of the last 25 years, working in pastels has been her passion, along with her other so-called day-job, as a librarian at the Middleburg Library since 1994. “I like the immediacy” of pastels, Maggio said. “For someone like me, who’s just a little bit impatient, I don’t like to have to wait until the paint dries. I do most of my work with my fingers, working with the colors. I like to be right in it. I also like the intensity of color. My use of color has always been my strong point. “Color tone and value can really evoke emotions. It’s the other major
force behind my work. It’s less about depicting a realistic tree or a bowl. I want my work to evoke a memory, like driving home from a vacation, or dusk, a favorite time of day, an orange sky. It leaves a lot for the viewer to interpret. I just give them the first line of the story.” Much of her work is nature based because, she said, “it’s the only thing that makes sense to me. As chaotic as it might seem at times, it’s a subject that never gets old. A lot of my work is skies, trees, brambles, branches. Nature is really my focus, and it’s my religion. For someone who doesn’t go to church, I also love drawing churches.” Asked specifically to describe her style, she laughed and said someone had recently told her she was “a tonalist. I said ‘I am?’ Really, I’d just describe it as expressive paintings based on nature. I cut up life into glances and emotionally charged interjections, rather than formal views.”
Maggio’s art also carries over to the library, where she has developed and taught a number of educational and hands-on programs for both children and adults. She has developed a series of art classes under the banner of “Picturing America,” focusing on artists like Georgia O’Keeffe and Jasper Johns. In the spring she’ll have another class on John Jay Audubon, including a lecture on the artist and sessions with participants working in the same style. “I wear two very different hats between my art and my work at the library,” she said. “The library is one of the best jobs I could have. It provides a great balance. When you’re working at the library, you’re with people, helping people. When you’re working on your art, you’re alone. It’s nice to retreat to your art. But I’m also a social person, so I have the outlet of the library, too. It’s a perfect combination.” For a pastel picture-perfect artist, as well.
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Middleburg Life 5
January 2013
Berryville Farm Supply’s Miss Ruth By Leonard Shapiro For Middleburg Life The sign outside the Berryville Farm Supply reads “If You Have A Need, We Have The Feed.” Inside the 100-plus-year-old building, if you have a question on just about anything in the store, you also need to see Ruth Loughborough, known to several generations of friends and loyal customers simply as “Miss Ruth.” This past November, Miss Ruth, now 74, celebrated her 55th year working in what once was a lumber facility many years before she arrived, Nov. 16, 1957, as a recent graduate of Clarke County High School looking for her first full-time job. She had been doing some seasonal work counting apples for the Byrd Corporation when she heard that a young woman working at the Farm Supply was leaving to get married. She applied for the job and was hired, initially to work as a secretary and occasionally to handle the front counter. In 1961, she married the late Richard Loughborough, who ran the place until he left to train race horses at Charles Town in 1981, when Miss Ruth took over the duties as store manager. These days, she has a part-ownership stake in the corporation and is still very much in charge of a five-person staff that simply adores
her, according to Lauryl Magnotti, who has been there almost five years. Lauryl has a degree in nursing but still works at the store “because I like it so much. I didn’t grow up on a farm, but everything I’ve learned I’ve learned from Miss Ruth. She’s the expert on everything.” Miss Ruth is equally effusive about the people who work with her every day. “No matter how good a manager you are, you need someone good behind you,” she said. “These people are wonderful. They do the heavy lifting. Occasionally I do a little heavy lifting. Occasionally. I used to help unload the trucks. Not anymore.” Long-time customer Evie Kibler, who manages a nearby farm, said “Miss Ruth’s been here forever, that’s all I know. I’ve seen her climb up and pull down those feed sacks herself. She’s a pretty amazing woman. I‘ve worked around here for 26 years and I used to come in here when I was a little kid. She was here then and she’s still here. She’s just a legend, everyone loves her. “It’s a cool store. Nothing has really changed much. And the smell in this place has always been the same. I don’t know if it’s the feed or whatever, but it’s really something special.” Obviously, so is Miss Ruth. Her employees say she knows exactly where everything in the building is located, all the way down to the hedgehog food she keeps on hand just in case. She handles all the books, all the billing, all the buying, all without the aid of a computer, though she does have a fax machine. “We have a ledger book, with a page for each customer who charges,” she said. “All our tickets are made out by hand. I don’t
PAM DICKSON and the staff at
Continued On Page 20
At left, Ruth Loughborough; below, Berryville Farm Supply.
Treasure Chest
Middleburg, Virginia Photos by Janet Hitchens
(540) 687-6990
January 2013
Middleburg Life
In & Out: The Hot List For 2013 It’s January, time for new beginnings, fresh resolutions and one of Middleburg Life’s old standards—a revival of our annual In and Out list. Over a recent lunch, an esteemed group of in-the-know locals (who shall remain nameless) put their collective heads together. We reviewed some suggestions—“Jack Russells are out, Great Pyrenees are in”—to which one member of our group replied: “Are you kidding? They eat too much.” These little Jacks are here to stay and will remain “in” forever. If you deny such perseverance, then… you don’t know Jack.
Bugs Bunny / Stink bugs Holy Cross Abbey fruitcake / Twinkies Small weddings / Destination weddings FWD Sedans / SUVs Walking / Running A.J. Panebianco / David H. Petraeus Bluegrass music / Country music Filtered tap water / Designer water Yellow ties / Purple ties Malcolm Matheson / Tim Finchem Shopping in Middleburg / Shopping online Twitter / Facebook Dr. Oz / Dr. Phil Just Do It / Kick Can Down Road Virginia wines / California wines Almond butter / Peanut butter Cleveland Bays / Cleveland Browns Farmers market / Costco Little Red Riding Hood / 50 Shades of Grey Spanks for men / Binders of women Kate’s Baby Bump / Kardashian Baby Bump Charley Matheson / I.M. Pei Aiken / Wellington Cottages / McMansions Sam Huff / Huffington Post Livestock Exchange / Stock Exchange Julien / Nicolas Sarkozy
Trevor Potter / Harry Potter Cowboy boots / Toms Steak Tartare / Pigs in a blanket Serving community / Serving time Middleburg Library / Amazon Sporting Library / Sporting News E-books / Tree books Middleburg Christmas parade / Macy’s Thanksgiving parade Downton Abbey / Sopranos 2/14/13 / 12/21/12 Hard cider / Hard liquor Rescues / Pedigrees Pinterest / Scrapbooking Hunt Night/Warrenton / Friday Night Lights Gossip / Gossip Arrests / Home break-ins Middleburg Elementary / University of Phoenix Doug Cummings / Jack Reacher Betsy Davis / Michael Bloomberg Horse trainers / Horse whisperers Mark Thompson / Lance Armstrong Speedy Smithwick / Speedy Gonzalez Tailgates / Stirrup Cups RGIII / Tony Romo Seven Loaves / Hoarding Community Center / Communes Middleburg Training Track / Oklahoma
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Joanne M. Swift 3 East Washington St. • Middleburg. VA 20117
Middleburg Life 7
January 2013
Super Sips By Leonard Shapiro For Middleburg Life Rick Wasmund once went to a Scotch-tasting event with a friend and liked what he was sipping that day. He also fancies himself as a decent cook around a barbecue pit, and wondered to himself how Scotch might taste with the same sort of fruitwood smoke he often used to flavor his ribs. And so he went in search of a Scotch that used fruitwoods instead of the traditional peat chips to age the product. When he was unable to find such a beverage, it occurred to him that he might try to produce it himself. “Once you have an idea like that,” he said recently, “how could you rest without making it happen?” And so he did. The former manager of Pelham Farm on Welbourne Road put together a group of investors for the seed money to open Copper Fox Distillery located in Sperryville. After opening the business in 2005, Wasmund now has a half dozen employees and produces two products—
Wasmund’s Single Malt Whisky and Copper Fox Rye Whisky. For the single malt, he uses applewood and cherrywood to help flavor the whisky aging in white oak bourbon barrels. Applewood is also used to age the rye, a combination of smoked malted barley and rye. In 2011, the Beverage Testing Institute in Chicago gave the single malt an extremely high grade of 94 out of 100 and also honored Copper Fox for producing the top-ranked domestic rye of the year. The distillery sells about 2,000 cases of each Scotch every year, primarily in the Washington, DC, and Mid-Atlantic regions, and it’s available in 20 states, with about 15 percent going to England. Wasmund is the master distiller, first learning his trade during a six-week internship at the Bowmore Distillery on the isle of Islay, Scotland. “I sort of knew how to do it from there and then I started putting it all together,” Wasmund said. “People seem to like what we do. I had an idea, and it worked.”
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January 2013 October 2012 Middleburg Life
Middleburg Life
Huntland for the
Photos by Middleburg Photo
Middleburg Hunt
Once again, Huntland was aglow as Betsee Parker greeted guests for a holiday gathering for The Middleburg Hunt.
Ann Sittmann and Scott Payne
Joe Fargis with hostess Betsee Parker Randi and Rick Perkins
Autumn McCullogh, Jeff Blue and Mary Taylor Miller
Barbara and Richard McWade
David and Joan Stallman and Scott Kasprowicz
Rachel Harshman and Robert Mihlbaugh
Middleburg Life 39
Middleburg January 2013 JanuaryLife 2013
Al Quanbeck and Mary Kay Garwood
Joan and David Stallman Marguerite Bottorff and JJ Kern
Misia Broadhead and Anthony Barham
Moe Darwish, Erin Smith with Peggy and Bill Hudson
Maggie and Rob Johnston
Sandra and Joe Markus
Geogg and Eve Lyon
Middleburg Life
Best Dressed Men There’s no denying a certain British influence in the attire of the men of Middleburg. It’s classic and timeless. Yes, we live in the country, but our residents have traveled the world and are aware of fine natural fibers, good construction and proper garb based upon those adventures. The
lifestyle here often requires several changes throughout the day and into the evening…suit and tie, equestrian, tennis, job-specific uniform, free style and black tie. The result is a discerning, refined approach. Rather than name a No. 1, Middleburg Life’s secret fashion police have recently compiled a list of welldressed men. At least one dashing gentleman made his fashion statement as early as high school when his yearbook photo reflected him with club tie, oxford shirt, jacket and a pocket square. The book reported: “As F. Turner Reuter, Jr. steps out of a Brooks Brothers catalogue each morning, he gives Landon a view of the ultimate in the latest fashions from Georgetown.” Other names that come to mind are Guy Dove, always impeccably dressed, even as we watch from our office window as he fetches his mail. And then
there’s the very fetching Walter Wo o d s o n , whose prep school fashion discrimination is evident while selling real estate or even in the gym. Collector car broker and real estate agent Dave Olimpi knows his clothes. He puts thought in how he dresses and has his own look, going back to his early years shopping at the traditional Ivy League emporiums on Philadelphia’s Mainline. Thirty-something tech advisor Philip Miller dons a tie just about every day. He considers every detail and understands and relishes the look of elegance. Prem Devadas, president of Salamander Hotels & Resorts, puts thought and time into what he wears with a suit and tie on a daily basis. Chef John Gustin Birkett of The French Hound has been noted as one of Middleburg’s fashion “rock stars.” Sure his chef jacket and pants are a uniform, but so is the suit and tie to a businessman. Let’s not leave out Phil Thomas, who has always worn a pocket square even before it became fashionable. And then there’s George Beavers,
January 2013
who defines that casual country gentleman look with great sweaters. Trevor Potter is smashing no matter when he steps out…from astride his horse out in the hunt field to a business meeting in a Washington boardroom and on to a late night television appearance with Stephen Colbert. (It should also be noted this year he is the only man to appear on this list as well as being IN on our other annual list!) Warrenton-based interior designer Barry Dixon combines his love of fashion, knowledge of all the famous designers and the physique to carry them off elegantly. David Hartley, Jimmy Hatcher, George Grayson, Jim Herbert, Peter Pejacsevich, Jonathan Catherwood and Carter Eskew always look as neat as a bandbox. And then there’s Jack Cheatham, who once topped this list and will forever remain among the well-dressed men of Middleburg.
WHERE THE BEST DRESSED GET THE VERY BEST. Where to find the highest quality men’s and women’s apparel. 16 South Madison Street, Middleburg, VA 20117 www.highcliffeclothiers.com (540)-687-5633
Middleburg Life 11
January 2013
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January 2013
Middleburg Life
Lifestyle Interiors Inc. By Lauren R. Giannini For Middleburg Life
her clients’ lifestyles harks back to a very creative Maryland childhood. “I always knew I wanted to be an interior designer,” she said. “I loved to rearrange the house, and the first piece of furniture I designed was a wonderful Hollywood-style makeup mirror with cabinets that went on top of my dressing table. My high school graduation present from my father was a drafting table.” Datlow’s father triggered her appreciation for beauty and art by taking her
After 17 years of business in the Piedmont, Shoshana Datlow has opened a studio in Middleburg to showcase her Lifestyle Interiors. “I wanted to be more accessible to my clientele as many live in and around Middleburg,” said the awardwinning designer whose projects range from newly built custom homes to historical renovations. Several of her designs have been featured in national shelter magazines. “I’m really excited about my new studio, because it allows me to offer a full library of high-end furnishing samples and goods—area rugs, carpeting, fabric, reclaimed stone flooring, wall coverings, furniture, lighting, accessories and art,” Datlow said. “I have built up a repertoire of skilled local artisans for furniture, furnishings, faux finishes, ironwork and woodwork. I turned my front room into a gallery to display rare items of decor.” Datlow’s passion for designing cus- A10-foot long, custom-designed buffet. tomized environments that resonate with
Shoshana Datlow to museums and galleries. “He started when I was 5 and continues today,” Datlow said. “The Phillips Collection in [Washington, DC], is one of my favorites. It’s a private collection with a little bit of everything.” Her grandfather showed her how to be self-employed and determined. “He was a kind man who believed in himself and could keep going, keep trying,” she recalled. “He wasn’t afraid of anything.” Formal education in design began in high school when Datlow did an internship with a designer in Bethesda, MD. She earned a Bachelor of Science degree in interior design from the University of Maryland in a very select program, which accepted only 18 design students each semester. Her first job with Ethan Allen lasted seven years. “That’s where I got my start,” recalled Datlow. “They had sales people and designers. I was in the top 1 percent in the country for both sales and design. It was an essential education
in the business side of design and customer service, which is all about the people. I left because my creativity was limited there. I love to design furniture and mix in antiques. I’m trained in interior architecture. I don’t just decorate. I do the total design: I renovate, add onto a house, and take down walls. I change the space to suit my client.” Datlow engages in intensive research before she’s ready to design. Initially she spends at least 20 hours with clients, getting to know their interests and needs. “I have to have that input in order to do my best for them,” Datlow said. “I’m very perceptive. It’s as if I’m in character, that I “become” the client when I make selections and design their home. I see everything with their preferences and taste.” Datlow’s love of nature and country living gives her an affinity for using natural materials and handmade custom decor. She often salvages pieces of old houses, such as doors, window frames and panels. “I am dedicated to my designs being timeless and classic,” she said. “I try to do things historically correct and I stay away from anything contrived.” The mission statement of Lifestyle Interiors reflects Datlow’s personal credo about home environments. She wants every design project to be singular and distinctive, and her goal is for each client to feel at home and comfortable. Most design projects begin with one room—often she ends up doing the entire house. One thing for certain: people don’t hire Datlow to put “her look” on their homes; they hire her to create their own special customized look. “It’s a creative journey to figure out exactly what the client likes,” emphasized Datlow. “Success is when the client says: ‘this is exactly me—this is what I wanted!’ It’s about designing the perfect fit.”
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Middleburg Life 13
January 2013
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Janeen Marconi 703-401-6465 janeen.marconi@huntcountrysir.com
Chestnut Hill - Leesburg
Janeen Marconi 703-401-6465 janeen.marconi@huntcountrysir.com Stonecrest - Bluemont
Beautiful views, towering trees and vintage boxwoods welcome you to this rarely offered one hundred eighty acre farm steeped in history. Built circa 1784 as a Quaker inn, this home has been carefully restored, preserving the original stone walls and floors, beamed ceilings and much of the architectural detail. The home boasts five large bedrooms, three full baths and two half baths, formal living and dining rooms, family room and a wine cellar.
$1,300,000 Circa 1766 Chestnut Hill Farm is an 18th century Federal stone mansion. Rich in history, this home is sited on twenty rolling acres of the Catoctin foothills with sweeping views of the surrounding countryside and Sugar Loaf Mountain. With five bedrooms, five and one half baths, eleven fireplaces and manor sized formal rooms the possibilities for this grand home are endless.
Barbara Taylor 703-431-0360 barbara.taylor@huntcountrysir.com
Only an hour from DC but a world away! Nestled on the mountain top with spectacular views of the Shenandoah Valley, this is truly a one of a kind property. Moved to its present site in the mid 1970s, this pre Revolutionary log home is a beautiful juxtaposition of old and new. Whether you are snuggled up by one of the five fireplaces or lounging in the pool, playing tennis or enjoying the view from the decks or patios, this is the perfect retreat!
January 2013
Middleburg Life
In our 24th year provIdIng full servIce excavatIon ponds, sprIng developments, equestrIan facIlItIes, fIne gradIng, roads We Introduce
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An efficient, environmentally friendly approach to clearing your land: • Gain more access to your forested property • Eliminate the need to burn or haul off large piles of brush • Eliminate brush and bramble that harbor deer ticks and chiggers • Recreational Clearing for Pastures or Riding Trails • Create better pond and creek visibility • Turn a tree into mulch in seconds • Help prevent erosion and runoff pollution by not disturbing the root structure of larger trees 540-364-0441
MonoMoy7@aol.coM • MonoMoyinc.coM EstablishEd 1988
Middleburg Life 15
January 2013
Bolinvar Exudes the Best of Hunt Country
Equestrian Estate Melds Classic Georgian Manor, Glorious Grounds
Encompassing more than 100 gorgeous acres of towering trees, lush woodlands and verdant pastures, our featured property this month – Bolinvar – is a quintessential Hunt Country estate, renowned by many as among the finest in all the area. The 22-room stone Georgian manor home provides spectacular living spaces, and has been updated with extraordinary quality while retaining its historic pedigree. Superb detailing and beautiful appointments abound. The property currently is on the market, listed at $12 million by Mary Ann McGowan of Thomas and Talbot Real Estate. Ideally located just north of Middleburg, the property is bordered by Goose Creek and surrounded by other significant estates that are perpetually protected by conservation easements. Fine restaurants, boutique shops and excellent schools are all nearby, and Washington Dulles International Airport is only 35 minutes away. Stone walls and brilliant gardens enhance the storybook setting, and the Bull Run Mountains serve as a breathtaking backdrop to the estate. Through an imposing gated entrance, a long winding drive bordered by hundredyear-old maples, we are led to the stunning main residence, with its four finished levels of elegant rooms of unparalleled sophistication. Bolinvar is aptly described as a master-
piece of architectural detail. It has been meticulously restored and updated with careful attention to preserving its historical integrity, while providing all the modern amenities for a luxurious lifestyle. Fieldstone terraces surround a fabulous free-form pool, and mature gardens of lilies, roses and wisteria frame the idyllic picture. Most of the living quarters off the rear facade – including the sun rooms, enclosed porches, decks and terraces – overlook the ponds and gently rolling countryside. The elegant Entrance Hall showcases a graceful curved staircase that leads to the upper level and is illuminated by a huge Palladian window. It provides a lovely introduction to the classic beauty and detail of the museum-quality millwork found throughout the residence. The formal living room and dining room overlook the manicured grounds through
wonderful bay windows, which offer spectacular mountain views. The rooms are richly paneled, and an elegant marble fireplace with hand-carved mantel adds wonderful warmth and charm. The kitchen is both aesthetically appealing and fully equipped to meet the needs of a master chef, while also providing the perfect backdrop for gatherings of friends and family. Bedrooms are large and accommodating, none more so than the master retreat, a study in sumptuous living. Nine fireplaces, fieldstone terraces surrounding a fabulous pool and brilliant perennial gardens add to the aura of this stunning property. An 11-stall stone stable, with two staff apartments and a riding ring, create a haven for equestrians. This splendid country estate, in a story-
book setting, offers the utmost in a luxurious and gracious lifestyle. And should you desire, also available is an additional 227 acres, including a courtyard stable, a beautiful three-bedroom guest house, tenant house, paddocks and ponds, all bordering Goose Creek. Articles are prepared by Middleburg Life’s real estate advertising department on behalf of clients. For information on the home, contact the listing agent. For information on having a house reviewed, contact the Middleburg Life real estate advertising department at (571) 333-6273.
Facts for buyers Address: Middleburg. Listed at: $10,000,000 by Mary Ann McGowan, Thomas and Talbot Real Estate (540) 687-5523.
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January 2013
John Coless
Comprised of 4 farms this magnificent 2426 acre horse property consist of 3 Main homes, 11 tenant houses, 8 horse barns with 174 stalls including a 32 stall foaling barn, 72 gently rolling fields & paddocks with miles of white board fencing, interior private roads, 11 Run-in Sheds, beautiful lake and bold stream. The largest contiguous acreage on the market in Northern Virginia. $25,000,000
( 5 4 0 ) 27 0 - 0 0 9 4 ArCoT hALL
Exquisite details throughout this incredible 12 bedroom Georgian Revival manor home built in 1936. Situated on over 191 acres. This lovely home boasts a Reception Hall and a white Carrara marble Flying Staircase accessing 3 levels. Over 1/2 mile of Rappahannock River frontage, spectacular views, springs, ponds and rolling pasture
199 acres in the heart of the Orange County Hunt Territory s 5 Bedroom Georgian Manor sFormal living and dining rooms s Solarium s Pools c.1801 Patent house, 2 tenant houses Horse facilities include an indoor arena with 13 stalls, paddocks and fields with run-ins. & apartment and pond. In a VOF Conservation Easement. $5,500,000
Extrordinary estate on over 180 acres sIdeal for horses s 7 Bedrooms sNew Gourmet State of the Art Kitchen & Baths s gorgeous full wall windows, overlooking 10 acre lake s10 stall stable sPaddocks with run-in sheds sPool and poolhouse with fireplace, spa and new tennis courts. $3,900,000
Montaire is a complete turn-key equestrian estate on 27+ level acres. 5 Bedrooms, easily maintained and expertly designed. 6 stall barn with office & apartment a USDF regulation covered dressage arena, manicured cross-country trails and jumps. Convenient access to Middleburg, Orange, and Piedmont Hunts. 10 Mins north of Middleburg. $2,695,000
Located on the prestigious Atoka Road and surrounded by large estates, this 43-acre estate, sits high with spectacular views of the Blue Ridge Mountains and Bull Run Mountains. The manor home, renovated in 2001, offers 7 bedrooms including a first floor master suite, 7+ baths, 4 finished levels, 3-car garage and 9-stall barn with 8 paddocks, each with automatic waterers and a run-in shed barn. $2,500,000
This Virginia Country Estate with historic manor home on over 80 acres with more land available. Parts of the home date back to 1725. 7 Bedrooms offer great charm & character. Guest cottage, farm manager’s residence, stable and paddocks with run-in sheds for over 20 horses, 3 miles west of the Town of Warrenton. $2,995,000
Middleburg Life 17
January 2013
Upperville/Middleburg-Unique Italianate-Palladian inspired villa sNestled on a ridge above Goose Creek s4,600+ sq ft stucco home s4 bedrooms, 4.5 baths, 2 master suites, terra cotta tile floors, fireplace, and gourmet kitchen sExtensive landscaping sFormal gardens s Courtyard sPool with pergola sGuest housesBuilt by architect/owner. $2,750,000
Handsome 5 bedroom Manor home with heated pool on 48 acres on Atoka Road. 1 bedroom Guest Cottage complete with kitchen, 2 Barns: Hunter barn with 4 stalls & tack room, Broodmare Barn with 5 stalls and tack room. 225’x137’ Show Ring with sand footing. Board fenced fields and paddocks, 3 ponds. In VOF easement. $3,200,000
Historic circa 1845 home on 32 acres in Orange County Hunt s1st floor Master sDen sDramatic Grand Salon sEnglish Kitchen slarge Dining Rooms Billiard Room sSmall 2nd Kitchen/Bar leads to Patio, Pool & charming Guest Cottage s7 Stall barn adjoins 3bedroom, 2 bath Managers house. $1,895,000
uNISoN SChooL houSE
An English country estate. Main house, c1790 with later additions, is stucco over log and frame, has heart of pine floors, beamed ceilings, guest bedroom on the first floor, 5 fpls, 6 brs 5 full ba, and 2 half bas. Old boxwood and perennial gardens. Cozy stone guest cottage, c 1770, is 3 floors with 1 br, 1fba overlooks pond. Pool House has flagstone floors, pickled walls, great for entertaining,2 fpls. 2-car garage, barns, sheds on 12.5 acres. $1, 550,000
164 acres in an ideal location. Beautiful Open and wooded land near Bluemont in the heart of Piedmont Hunt Territory with spectacular mountain views and scenic vistas and great home sites. Open Space Easement and Fox Hunting Easement. Property is in 2 parcels and may or may not be combined. $2,459,850
Beautifully renovated Historic Unison Schoolhouse, circa 1870. s Pine flooring, high ceilings, mouldings and perennial gardens s The horse facilities include a recently built 4 stall barn w/excellent tack room & feed storage, open to 4 paddocks with automatic waterers. Great rideout in prime Piedmont Hunt $675,000
THE PLAINS - 82.99 acres with access to either The Plains Road or Hopewell Road, nice elevation with several options for House site. $1,350,000
BLUEMONT LAND - 4 parcels in Piedmont Hunt Territory ~ Mostly open, rolling and fully fenced land and accessed from 3 roads. 1 home of clapboard enhance this beautiful property. Options for purchase include: 20+ acres for $440,000 50+ acres for $588,000 71+ acres for $995,000 (with a clapboard 3 BR home 2 parcels)
MIDDLEBURG - 26.12 acres convenient to Middleburg, additional parcels available. $410,000 48+ acres
Beautiful rolling farm land with pastoral and mountain views, stone walls, and riding trails. This 54 acres is ideal for your horse farm. Property includes 3 bedroom farm house, 1-bedroom tenant house, 8-stall barn, and 6-stall barn. Near The Plains with easy access to I-66, 1 hour to Washington, 45 minutes to Dulles. $950,000
MERSEY/DOVER ROADS - 5 parcels, 3+ acres each, just on the outskirts of Middleburg ranging in price. $257,250 - $350,000
www.JohnColesrE.com Offers subject to errors, omissions, change of price or withdrawal without notice. Information contained herein is deemed reliable, but is not so warranted nor is it otherwise guaranteed.
The 26 acre estate sits in magnificent horse country approx. one mile west of Middleburg just off the much desired Zulla Road, this estate includes the 1½ story white brick manor home w/2 car attached garage, 4 car detached garage, heated pool, 3 stall barn with run-in shed, 2 large paddocks and offers tremendous ride out potential. $2,450,000
Sought after Springs Road location. Spectacular, verdant 182 acres with Rappahannock River frontage and pond. Beautifully protected views of the mountains, charming 3 bedroom, 1 bath cottage with living room, library/study, kitchen and breakfast room. Access road to be shared. $3,640,000
51+ acre farm with a beautiful 5 BR home with gourmet kitchen, wine cellar, great views, pool, flagstone terrace and carriage house - extensive horse facilities - 9 stall barn, covered arena, outdoor arena, 7 paddocks, 4 stall shed row barn, machine shed. $2,350,000
Nestled behind a line of trees, this charming and beautifully remodeled 3 bedroom home sits on over 3 acres.The efficient design of this property also includes a 1 bedroom guest cottage, 3 bay garage with attached 4 stall barn, run-in shed, potential paddock and lovely lawn with perennial gardens. $775,000
Rappahannock County~Beautiful 3 Bedroom Brick Colonial home on 25 acres with tremendous views s Very private s 10'ceilings on 1st floor, 9'ceilings on 2nd s Great Kitchen with Island s Six-foot Windows s Elegant Floor Plan s Mud Room sBasement s Two Bay Garage s Easy to maintain sNice Elevations Very well built $845,000
Charming 1740 brick and stone home sited on .5 ac. adjacent and including the 3 acre parcel containing the original Mill on Pantherskin Creek. Pool within the ruins of the Mill. Beautiful, year round pavilion is connected to the summer kitchen by a bougainvillea covered pergola. $595,000
30+ acres
ThoMAs AnD TAlBoT ReAl esTATe A STAUNCH ADVOCATE OF LAND EASEMENTS LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS SINCE 1967 (540) 687-6500 Middleburg, Virginia 20118
January 2013
Middleburg Life
JSC Construction, Inc. Jerry S. Coxsey General Contractor
In House: Stone Masons Carpentry Custom Homes & Renovations No Job Too Small, or Too Large
540-341-7560 540-229-2285
Fax: 540-341-2829 Class A License & Insured
P.O. Box 1969 Middleburg, VA 20118
YELLOWSTONE NAT’L PARK – BEAT THE HEAT COME WEST FOR A WEEK SEE wolves & Grizzly bears in June/July Giant Cutthroat trout in September
Woolman Cabin — ½ mile from NE entrance to YNP- Silver Gate/Cook City, MT. Available June through September 2013 - Most of July & August Filled for 2013. For pictures of house (inside & out) & calendar go to www.VRBO.com and type in #201318 Rents by the week for $1400 from Sunday noon to Saturday noon. Extra night $200, if available.
Call Hank and Marcia Woolman @ 540-253-5545
Local Author’s New Book Gets Inside Of Moby Dick Jonathan A. Cook, who has taught English literature and writing at Middleburg Academy for the past 12 years, has authored a new book that should delight scholars, students, and enthusiasts of Herman Melville’s iconic whaling novel, “Moby Dick.” Dr. Cook’s newest book, Inscrutable Malice, is a long-anticipated and carefully researched study that illuminates Melville’s abiding preoccupation with the problem of evil and the dominant role of the Bible in shaping his best-known work. Published by Northern Illinois University Press, the book is being internationally marketed to colleges and universities by the University of Chicago Press. It also is available to the general public through Amazon. Steven Olsen-Smith, general editor of Melville’s Marginalia Online, recently wrote that “Cook’s analysis of scripturally influenced subject matter in Melville’s narrative is unprecedented in scope and detail.” Drawing on recent research in the fields of biblical studies, the history of religion, and comparative mythology, Cook’s interpretation of Moby Dick places Melville’s creative adaptation of the Bible at the center of the novel. He identifies two ongoing concerns in the narrative in rela-
tion to their key biblical sources: the attempt to reconcile the goodness of God with the existence of evil and the discourse of the Christian endtimes involving the final destruction of evil. Dr. Cook, who has a doctorate from Columbia University and is chairman of the English Department at Middleburg Academy, spent more than a decade researching and writing the 384-page book. He is a nationally recognized scholar of the writings of Melville, Hawthorne, and Poe, with many publications on these and other authors. He has served on a number of panels at literary conferences and as a consultant for various publications. Previously, he authored Satirical Apocalypse: An Anatomy of Melville’s The Confidence Man. Middleburg Academy prizes the strength of its teaching staff, with 77 percent of its faculty holding advanced degrees, including master’s degrees and doctorates from such highly regarded institutions as Harvard University, MIT, the University of Virginia, George Mason University, The George Washington University, Virginia Tech, and Morehouse College. About 60 percent, including Dr. Cook, are certified to teach college-level courses on the high school campus, either as Advanced Placement course instructors or as teachers of Dual Enrollment courses through the Virginia College and University System. In addition to being highly credentialed, Dr. Cook is known by his students to be an exceptional instructor who is relentless about vocabulary acquisition, grammatical correctness, and expressive concision. When asked which subject she felt most prepared to tackle in college, 2011 graduate Carol Yacoub, now a sophomore at Virginia, responded, “Amazing senior year English! ... If you’ve had Dr. Cook you can handle anything. He’s incredible … and has taught me so much about writing.”
Middleburg Life 19
Our Long & Foster Middleburg and Purcellville sales associates would like to thank our clients and our customers who helped make 2012 such a successful year! We look forward to an even better year ahead!
Haymarket LP $698,500
Falls Church LP $669,000 LD
Purcellville LP $699,000
Delaplane LP $686,000
Aldie LP $1,199,000 OL D
Middleburg LP $700,000
Purcellville LP $799,000
The Plains LP $1,200,000
Millwood LP $1,300,000
Greenwood LP $6,950,000
January 2013
Michele Stevens, Managing Broker Kim Hurst Betty Roth Belinda Hyde Andy Stevens Francesca Jewett Janelle Stewart Bobby Kirk Marci Welsh Michelle Magtoto Shellie Womelsdorf
Purcellville LP $624,900 OL D
Amy Adams Cathy Bowman Kathy Chovnick Danny Clarke Joyce Gates
Purcellville LP $649,900
Yolanda Brittle, Branch Administrator
Middleburg LP $509,000
Warrenton LP $499,995
Marshall LP $499,000
Purcellville LP $525,000 SO
Purcellville LP $525,000 *S
The Plains LP $549,000
Purcellville LP $599,000 SO
Round Hill LP $599,000
* In these transactions Long & Foster represented the Buyer.
Paris LP $600,000
Purcellville LP $449,900
20 Middleburg Life ad Jan 2013_Layout 1 Middleburg Life
1/4/13 12:11 PM Page 1
Condé Nast Johansens: 2013 Most Excellent Inn No. America Finalist TripAdvisor: 2012 Certificate of Excellence Wine Enthusiast Magazine: 100 Best Wine Restaurants 2012 OpenTable: 100 Best Restaurants in the USA 2012
January 2013
Ms. Ruth
Continued From Page 5
know anything about computers. But I do know how to straighten things out with a paper and pen.” She also remembers back in the day when as many as 600 bags of feed came to the store by train, parked on tracks less than 50 yards away from the storeroom. It took two days and plenty of back-breaking work just to unload the monthly delivery, which now arrives on trucks that pull right up to the store, with the feed bags already piled high on pallets for far easier transport. “Our clientele has shrunk some because there are not as many farmers as there used to be,” Miss Ruth said. “We’ve got a lot of urban people moving out this way, and they’re more interested in buying seed and garden supplies. But we still sell a lot of feed, tons and tons of it. When I first started, it usually sold for $2 to $3 a bag. Now the cheapest feed is $10, and the most expensive is $50 a bag.” Some things have not changed. Miss Ruth’s work ethic, for one. The Feed Supply is open six days a week, and she’s on the premises
six days a week, often taking work home with her nights and weekends and coming to the store even when it’s closed. She can’t exactly remember the last time she took a vacation, though on Sundays, she’s a regular at the Marvin Chapel United Methodist Church, where her mother took her as a child. Asked if she’s thought about retirement, she smiled and admitted the notion has entered her mind. “I was going to retire when I was here fifty years,” she said. “They had a party for me (an open house at the store, where else?). I’ve told them when I really do retire, they’ve already had the party, so there’s no need for another one.” There also was reason to celebrate this past August, when the Berryville Feed Supply welcomed its one millionth customer. In an almost unfathomable coincidence, that just happened to be Caroline Sowers, the very same woman who left her job at the store to get married back in 1957, providing the opening for Miss Ruth to land her first and only real full-time job. Some things you just can’t make up, Miss Ruth included.
Goodstone. The Good Life. Enjoy a romantic getaway to our elegant country inn on a breathtaking 265-acre estate. Stop by The Bar at Goodstone for a specialty cocktail with friends. Enjoy the finest of French cuisine at our award-winning Restaurant. Corporate Retreats, Elegant Weddings and Special Events
Specializing in custom design and home furnishings. 108 West Washington Street, Middleburg, Virginia
hawkshill@verizon.net For appointment call 540-687-5433
Middleburg Life 21
January 2013
Trough Hill Farm
Longview Lane
Reliance Road
Middleburg, Virginia • $3,900,000
Delaplane, Virginia • $3,750,000
Middletown, Virginia • $2,875,000
Near Foxcroft School • Understated elegance prevails • Grand stone pavilion and 5 BR c. 1830 Virginia farmhouse. • Built of native field stone & antique Honduran mahogany floors • Extensive millwork • Extraordinary structure serves as a banquet room, pool house, greenhouse & guest quarters • Large spring fed pond • Beautiful setting • 103 acres Ann MacMahon (540) 687-5588 Paul MacMahon (703) 609-1905
Circa 1789 masterpiece • Stunning site is unmatched in the region • 15 acres amidst 400 protected acres • Main house has 3 BR, amazing kitchen, limestone floors, mahogany doors, 4 FP • 3 BR guest cottage • 2 BR carriage house • Charming guest quarters • Great location, stunning views, exquisite detail • Rare find, fantastic value Ann MacMahon (540) 687-5588
French Provencal • 158.84 acres • 5-6 Bedrooms • 5 1/2 Baths • 3 Fireplaces • Gourmet Kitchen • Exotic hardwood floors • Terraced gardens • Koi pond • Frontage on Crooked Run • Also available on 42.42 acres for $1,750,000 Paul MacMahon (703) 609-1905
Marley Grange
Hidden Brook Farm
Millwood, Virginia • $2,600,000
Marshall, Virginia • $2,295,000
Unison, Virginia • $1,490,000
Understated elegance • Finely appointed 5600+ sq. ft. home built in 1997 on 75 acres in a private and secluded setting • 4 BR, 3 BA, 2 half BA • 10 stall barn • 224 ft. x 128 ft. blue stone ring • Excellent horse facility and ride-out Tom Cammack (540) 247-5408
Prime Fauquier County location in the heart of Piedmont Hunt • 39.94 acres • Brick home completely updated • 3 BR with master suite on main level • 2 full & 2 half BA • 2 FP • 2 car garage • Flagstone terrace • 8 stall center aisle barn • Board fencing • Mountain views Paul MacMahon (703) 609-1905
25 acres • Bright open floor plan • 1st floor bedroom • Pool • Income producing horse farm • 16 stall stable with apartment • Lighted stone dust arena • Great ride out Helen MacMahon (540) 454-1930
Pagebrook East
Fox Hollow
Marshall, Virginia • $1,300,000
Boyce, Virginia • $995,000
Delaplane, Virginia • $875,000
Excellent location • Brick home completely updated • 5 BR with master suite on first floor • 3 1/2 BA • 2 FP • Mountain views • Pool • 10 useable acres • 150 x 220 riding arena • 3 barns totaling 8-9 stalls • Run-in shed • Stone walls Helen MacMahon (540) 454-1930
Gorgeous tract of land in middle of Blue Ridge Hunt territory • Small cottage, additional building site with approved 4 BR septic • 97.8 acres of open pasture land • Fenced for horses & cattle • Pond • Barn & run-in sheds Helen MacMahon (540) 454-1930
Prime Fauquier County location • Main house circa 1790, addition in 1985 • 5 BR, 3 1/2 BA, 4 FP • Spring fed pond • Guest/tenant house • Workshop • Property suitable for horses • Miles of trails • 12.97 acres Paul MacMahon (703) 609-1905
Sherburne Farm Lane
Meadowbrook Court
Maple Street
Marshall, Virginia • $790,000
Middleburg, Virginia • $439,000
Middleburg, Virginia • $295,000
Exceptionally well built house • 10 open acres • Geothermal heat system with 5 zones & radiant floor heat • Open floor plan offers excellent views • Master suite on main floor • 2-3 BR on lower level • Exercise room with access to patio Ann MacMahon (540) 687-5588 Helen MacMahon (540) 454-1930
Immaculate end unit town home feels like a private cottage • Completely renovated • New kitchen & baths • New roof • Elegant living room with wood burning FP • Built in book shelves • Private terrace & landscaped garden • Perfectly turn key • No maintenance Helen MacMahon (540) 454-1930
Charming classic stucco cottage • 3 bedrooms and 1 1/2 baths • Parquet floors on the main level • Hardwood floors upstairs • Large back yard • Garden shed • Large brick patio Helen MacMahon (540) 454-1930
110 East Washington Street • P.O. Box 1380 Middleburg, Virginia 20118 (540) 687-5588
www.sheridanmacmahon.com info@sheridanmacmahon.com
January 2013
Middleburg Life
Middleburg-based show-jumping equestrian and coach Joe Fargis, a leading figure in the sport of jumping for more than 40 years, has been awarded the 2012 United States Equestrian Foundation’s Lifetime Achievement Award. Known as the Jimmy A. Williams Lifetime Achievement Trophy, it will be presented at the Pegasus Awards gala Saturday, Jan.19, at the elegant Henry Clay center in Louisville, KY. Fargis has been a part of the showjumping world as a competitor, trainer, administrator and leader and is being honored for his undying support and incredible legacy. His long list of accomplishments includes the ultimate highlight at the 1984 Olympic Games in Los Angeles, when he won team and individual gold medals with Touch of Class. The pair’s epic performance set an Olympic record as they faulted only once throughout the competition—
they jumped clear over 90 out of 91 obstacles. Fargis made his first of more than 30 FEI Nations Cup appearances in 1970 in Lucerne, Switzerland. In 1975, he helped the U.S. secure team gold at the Pan American Games in Mexico City. Fargis furthered his legacy, winning team silver in Seoul in 1988 and representing the U.S. at the FEI World Equestrian Games in Stockholm in 1990. Fargis’ legacy is more than just as a world-class competitor. He works out of Sandron Farm based in Middleburg and Wellington, FL, renowned training facilities that have helped shape the careers of many of the best horses and riders in the country. Fargis has also had a lasting effect on the administration of horse sports in the U.S. as a valued committee member of the American Horse Show Association—the predecessor to the USEF—United States Hunter Jumper Association and United States Equestrian Team. In the “What I did on my Christmas break” category, Merrill Andrews, a senior at Virginia Episcopal School in Lynchburg, just might win the prize. She traveled with her glee club and choir group to Italy to sing at a mass service New Year’s Day at the Vatican. Their songs are all in Latin except for a Christmas song at the end and all a capella. The group also toured Rome and Pompeii. And, says her ever-affable mother, Jennifer Andrews, “I had to volunteer as chaperone!”
A lovely gingerbread house
Things were really cooking in Upperville at Buchanan Hall for an afternoon of gingerbread making led by Market Salamander Pastry Chef Jason Reaves. Among the attendees, young Morgan Crossen learned the finer points, while others crafted some of their favorite Middleburg locations. And speaking of Upperville…The Churches of Upperville Outreach Program is currently providing baskets of food to 21 families who need help in Upperville and the surrounding community at Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentine’s Day and Easter. Pictured are some of the food baskets—overflowing banana boxes with turkeys in the foreground—ready for distribu-
tion the Saturday before Christmas. In addition to food, each family received a poinsettia, beautifully wrapped gifts from the local garden clubs and gift certificates to the Trinity Thrift shop for clothing. Send donations to Churches of Upperville, 1378 Crenshaw Road, Upperville, VA 20184. The Middleburg Business and Professional Association recently presented its annual awards. Among those honored: Peter Wood, Middleburg Arts Council for Marketing and Events Promotion/Marketing Campaign of the Year; Vince Perricone, Middleburg Printers for Customer Service/Outstanding Customer Service by a Professional/Service Business; Eric Bowers,
Joe Fargis
From left, Tyler Gore, Vince Perricone, Mary Kay Garwood, Eric Bowers, Bundles Murdock, Officer Heather Fadley, Fern Bratten, Peter Wood, Christina Naramore, Dwayne Ellis.
Middleburg Life 25
January 2013 The French Hound for Outstanding Customer Service by a Hospitality Business; Fern Bratten, Salamander Touch, for Outstanding Customer Service by a Retail Business. Duane and Cyndi Ellis of our favorite coffee spot, Common Grounds, were named as Entrepreneurs of the Year. Others named were: Christina Naramore, Union First Bank, for MBPA Facebook campaign; the event of the year was National Night Out; Chief A.J. Paniabianco and Middleburg Police Department; and Bundles Murdock. The lovely Mary Kay Garwood was honored with the Levin Powell Founders Award, which goes to the individual or organization that best represents the town’s traditions and values and who has had a big impact on the community. And the Lifetime Achievement Award went to Christmas in Middleburg— Tyler Gore, Punkin Lee, DeeDee Hubbard and Jim Herbert. From the world of horse racing, Middleburg Life has news that a majority interest in the breeding rights of champion Animal Kingdom, winner of the 2011 Kentucky Derby, has been acquired by John Messara’s Australiabased Arrowfield Stud. Of course we mention this because Animal Kingdom is trained by Graham Motion, whose family lives in Middleburg. The horse will begin his stud career in Australia in September and will likely shuttle to the Northern Hemisphere beginning in 2014. According to statistics, Animal Kingdom will be the first Kentucky Derby winner to start his stud career in Australia. And, of course, the deal is subject to Animal Kingdom passing importation protocols, which involve blood work that should be finalized in the next few days.
LEASE/SALE: 2 bdrm/1ba. stone house 1 mile from M’burg. $1850/mo Contact 703-785-2410
Animal Kingdom, whose earnings as of this writing are $2,327,500, is slated to contest the Feb. 9 Gulfstream Park Turf Handicap (gr. I) as a prep for the $10 million Dubai World Cup (UAE-I) March 31. Stay tuned here for updates. And more news from the Goodstone Inn and Restaurant in Middleburg, named one of the winners of the 2012 Open Table Diners’ Choice Awards for the Top Best Overall Restaurant in the U.S. Winners of this prestigious award were selected from more than five million reviews by OpenTable diners from more than 15,000 restaurants in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Highland School has instituted the Piedmont Scholarship Program, a new merit-based scholarship award up to $10,000 that will be available to qualified new students entering grades 9-12 at Highland School. The scholarship, initiated by generous donors, seeks to enroll students who possess the ability to make meaningful and significant contribu-
tions to the quality of school life. Christine Mulligan, the Arts Department chair at Wakefield School, recently sang at a celebration of the European Union winning the 2012 Nobel Peace Prize. The event, hosted at Ambassador of Belgium Jan Matthysen’s residence in Washington, DC, in early December, was held on the same day the prize was presented to the presidents of the European Council, the European Commission and the European Parliament during an official ceremony in Oslo, Norway. Mulligan, a chorister with the Washington Cathedral Choral Society, sang with the chorus a composition based on the final movement of Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9 Ode to Joy. The piece is recognized as the anthem of the European Union and the Council of Europe. Middleburg Academy senior Adam Caplinger will play lacrosse for Mars Hill College, a fine Division II program in Mars Hill, NC. Adam is the son of Laura and Eric Caplinger of Paeonian Springs. Be sure to mark your calendars for 7 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 7, when the
Loudoun Master Gardeners will meet at the Rust Library in Leesburg. This topic is “Monarch Butterflies—Featherweight Fliers” and will be presented by awardwinning nature photojournalist Marie Majarov. Majarov, a clinical psychologist, is a nature and outdoor enthusiast and a Virginia Master Naturalist, writer and photographer. She worked on the Chincoteague Monarch Monitoring Project, and she and her husband, Milan, have created an official Monarch Waystation and butterfly garden on their property near Winchester. They also are in the process of writing two children’s books, which they hope will be the foundation for a series of children’s nature books. PUBLISHER’S NOTICE
We are pledged to the letter and spirit of Virginia’s policy for achieving equal housing opportunity throughout the Commonwealth. We encourage and support advertising and marketing programs in which there are no barriers to obtaining housing because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, elderliness, familial status or handicap. All real estate advertised herein is subject to Virginia’s fair housing law which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation, or discrimination because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, elderliness, familial status or handicap or intention to make any such preference, limitation, or discrimination.” This newspaper will not knowingly accept advertising for real estate that violates the fair housing law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. For more information or to file a housing complaint call the Virginia Fair Housing Office at (804) 367-9753. Email: fairhousing@dpor.virginia.gov. Web site: www.fairhousing.vipnet.org
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January 2013
Middleburg Life
Foxhunting: Mosby Heritage Area Association’s Nod To The Area’s Most Beloved Sport On Jan. 30, 1865, Mosby’s Rangers safely returned to Fauquier County after a raid in the Shenandoah Valley against Sheridan’s army. Then Feb. 8, amid the dullness of winter duty, it was decided the Rangers needed a thrill and so couriers set off into the countryside, gathering Confederate sympathizers for a little fox hunt. About 100 men from the Middleburg and Upperville areas turned up for the fun, all bringing horse and hound. Foxes were becoming an overbearing nuisance in the war-ravaged area and foxhunting would help the local farmers. Foxhunting would also bring to mind the better times in Mosby’s Confederacy. Marshall Crawford wrote in 1867, of the foxhunt, “The reverberations of their barking through the mountains, combined with the sight of a hundred men engaged in the chase, was a thing long to be remembered by the people of Fauquier.”
Five foxes were apprehended that day; no doubt a tribute to the horsemanship of Loudoun and Fauquier’s men and to Mosby’s Rangers, especially considering a foot-and-a-half of snow covered the ground. Unparalleled horsemanship long was attributed to Mosby’s Confederacy, and is still celebrated and recognized today where traditions continue. Today, should Mosby’s Rangers return to their 1865 foxhunt, they would find little has changed here. Not only are foxes still dashing over stone fences and the rolling hills characteristic to Middleburg, but the citizens still claim horses and hounds as their favorite pastimes. It is the cornerstone of the history of Middleburg, and continues to this day. So mark your calendars for Feb. 10 when the Mosby Heritage Area Association is gathering three legends in the foxhunting field for a discussion at the
National Sporting Library and Museum. Robert Ashcom, Tommy Lee Jones, and Albert Poe, as a panel, will examine the history of the beloved equine sports in the Piedmont, and their future as well. There will be time for discussion afterwards, giving the audience a chance to ask questions and engage with these experts. Other key members of the foxhunting community have also been invited to speak and their confirmation is pending. Ashcom, originally from Charlottesville and the Farmington Hunt, is the former joint Master and Huntsman of the Tryon Hounds. He has authored two books on foxhunting, a novel about growing up in rural Virginia in the 1940s, Winter Run, and Lost Hound which examines foxhunting with beautiful images by sporting artist Jane Gaston. Winter Run was the recipient of the 2002 New Writing Award from
the Fellowship of Southern Writers. Ashcom and his wife also founded a Hunt in Massachusetts. Ashcom is a retired associate professor of English at Lord Fairfax Community College and lives in Warrenton. One of our all-time favorites, Jones has served as Huntsman of the Casanova Hunt since 1970. Jones started foxhunting as a child, with the Bull Run Hunt. Jones manages the Upperville Colt and Horse Show, the Warrenton Pony Show, and the Warrenton Horse Show. He is a member of the Virginia Point-to-Point Council, the Virginia Horse Shows Association Management Committee, and serves on the Board of the Virginia Thoroughbred Association. Jones, along with his mother, runs and manages New Hope Farm in Warrenton, which prepares horses for sale, racing, and hunting. He has written articles for In & Around Horse Continued On Page 28
5 Middleburg Life 27
Middleburg January 2013 JanuaryLife 2013
breeders classic west virginia
Carol Holden & Sam Huff Jo-Elle & Tos Chesson
Jerry Olsen & Prince Havely
Prince Havely
Ted & Stacey Vactor, Carol Holden
Eileen Caldwell, Jo-Elle Jefferson & Tos Chesson
Roger & Carol Hudson Stacey & Ted Vactor
Jo-Elle Jefferson Chesson Hall of Famers Sam Huff & Bobby Mitchell
Becky & Chris Lincoln
Pat & Theresa Bitner
January 2013
Middleburg Life
Time (And Effort) To Save Our Streams By Marcia Woolman For Middleburg Life Most landowners have heard about the importance of riparian buffers along streams and wetlands in protecting our own waterways as well as the Chesapeake Bay. In December, Gov. Bob McDonnell announced an increase of up to 100 percent for fencing that would keep livestock out of our streams. We know this is very important because otherwise precious government funding would not be available. But often no one takes the time to explain what happens when cattle and horses are not excluded from streams and wetlands. If you are not a livestock owner, or have already fenced your stream, read on so that you might have the information to encourage a friend or neighbor to make this great conservation effort. When livestock tramples banks or makes paths into the water, it loosens the soil and destroys the protective covering of grass and bushes. When the next heavy rain comes all that loose soil
is washed into the stream, covers the rocks and gravel where fish spawn and where aquatic insects live. These insects are food for fish, frogs, and each other. Most of our local streams are suffering from this suffocation, and it is the primary source of pollution in the Virginia Piedmont. The other issue with livestock is defecation into the streams. This is the primary cause of e-coli (bacterial) pollution. Most are familiar with e-coli from hearing about salmonella outbreaks in our food. The source tracks back to animal pollution. Even our local streams can be considered not fishable or swimmable when this pollution exists. There have been known cases of volunteers doing stream monitoring with the Virginia Save Our Streams program who have suffered infections and illness from working in badly polluted watersheds. Now all volunteers can protect themselves by washing hands immediately after leaving the stream. Clean water protects you and your family. In Fauquier County and parts of northern Loudoun, the Goose Creek
Association’s stream monitoring program has 20 sites throughout the watershed which are checked several times a year for aquatic vitality by doing an assessment of the insects in the stream. Chemical monitoring teams check quarterly for e-coli and other water quality factors that predict stream health. Many of the other streams in Loudoun County are monitored by Loudoun Water Watch, a similar group to the Goose Creek Association. If you want detailed information, on the location and results of this monitoring go to www.goosecreekassn.org and click on stream monitoring. GCA is always looking for volunteers to train and certify to keep the program viable. If you are a landowner, with or without livestock, and wish to have more information on fencing, tree planting, riparian buffers, etc. contact the GCA. [Marcia Woolman is a member of the Goose Creek Board and Chemical Team Leader. For more information you may contact her at mwoolman@crosslink.net.]
Continued From Page 26 Country and Loudoun Magazine, among others. The much admired Poe was born in Hume in 1931, one of 10 children, one of whom is a fellow legend in the foxhunting word, Melvin. At age 23, Poe became the youngest professional Huntsman in the whole country, when he was hired by Paul Mellon and Mrs. A.C. Randolph of the Piedmont Hunt in 1954. He has also served as Huntsman for the Fairfax and Middleburg Hunts, and as Whipper-In to the Old Dominion Hounds. Poe is widely considered the preeminent breeder of American Foxhounds of the 20th century. He has trained race horses in Charles Town, WV, and has been celebrated as a steeplechase rider and trainer. Poe’s hounds have been absorbed into many other packs, including the Bath County Hounds. It’s fitting to have three foxhunting legends brought together in Middleburg, where our patron equestrian, John Singleton Mosby, was king during the Civil War. While that was 150 years ago, we can be proud that the impact of war left our horse heritage intact, and maybe even stronger.
middleburg academy Ever thought about being a Dragon for a day? We have 35 Student Ambassadors who can’t wait to show you how. Come find out why “friendly,” “welcoming,” and “accepting” are the words most often used by our students to describe their school. Upcoming Visit Dates January 10 | January 31
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Middleburg Life 29
January 2013
Skyland Farm Photo by ESI
Photo by Teresa Ramsay
Middleburg, VA
2012 Highlights
Belle Grey Farm’s “Chacca Blue” and Chiara Parlagreco winner Twighlight Jumpers at Great Meadow
Slyland Farm’s “Placido” and Sam Schaefer, winner of the Paul and Eve Fout Handy Hunter Upperville
Photo by Shawn McMillen
Photo by Teresa Ramsay
Photo by Callie Broaddus
Chiara Parlagreco on Ainsley Treptow’s “The Impressionist” winner of the $250,000 Diamond Mills Hunter Classic
Ainsley Treptow and Mary Lea Treptow’s “Brighton” winner Adult Hunter Champion and Best Adult Rider at Upperville
Alex Tippett and “El Cano” winner USHJA Zone 3 Childrens Jumper Champion
Also Congrats and Best of Luck in 2013 to Colleen Hahn and “H.J. Vasco”, Elizabeth Wiley and “Marvalust”, Alex Wolf and “Fantastic Mr. Fox”, Abby Taylor and “Here it Tiz”, Paula Nevins and “Quinn”, and all who are part of the Skyland Team. Special thanks to Tricia Booker for Skylandfarmva.com web design.
Visit skylandfarmva.com for 2013 Show Schedule and Services. Photo by Tricia Booker
Roy and Denice Perry would like to acknowledge and thank our local contractors for their part in developing our state of the art Hunter and Jumper Facility.
Monomoy Services • Valley Drilling • M&M Irrigation • Malack Electric • Point to Point Fencing
January 2013
Middleburg Life
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Bowers Named Jr. Field Hockey National Coach Of The Year Sydney Bowers, the athletic director of the Hill School in Middleburg, was recently named the Junior Field Hockey National Coach of the Year by the National Field Hockey Coaches Association. Bowers, who began her career at Hill in 1976, has long been recognized as an outstanding coach in the Washington, DC, area. Many of her players have gone on to lead their high school teams, and several have competed at the collegiate level. One of them, Emma Wallace, is the women’s varsity lacrosse coach at American University. “As a Hill alumna and former player of Mrs. Bowers, I could not have been prouder of her when I heard the news that she was the recipient of the 2012 NFHCA Junior Field Hockey award,” Wallace, a lacrosse standout at Johns Hopkins University, said in a statement. “I am so happy that the spotlight that she always shines on her current and former athletes is now on her. I have known Mrs. Bowers for 22 years and can say that her dedication
and unwavering passion for athletics have been a constant source of inspiration for my career. I can only hope to be half the coach she is.” Bowers and her husband Jack, co-chair of the math department, have two grown children, John and Lizzie. “Sydney’s emphasis on encouraging all
Sydney Bowers, left, with two of her athletes.
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of the students to do their ‘personal best’ is central to our philosophy,” Treavor Lord, Hill’s Head of School, stated. “She continues to be successful in providing the conditions for our children to become confident and hard-working students and athletes. The school is fortunate to have Sydney leading the athletic program.”
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Middleburg Life 31
January 2013
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January 2013
ProPerties in Hunt Country PANTHER SkIN FARM
e ric P ed uc d Re
Rare opportunity to own 120 acres of beautiful farmland in the midst of Virginia hunt country. The mostly open property boasts spectacular mountain and valley views, rolling hay fields and Goose Creek frontage. A classic two story farmhouse and two barns await renovation. Numerous desirable building sites are available. Conservation tax opportunities available. Orange County $3,450,000 Hunt.
Beautifully sited on a slope above Pantherskin Creek, with Mountain views to the west, this charming 3 bedroom, 3 bath home provides peace and 44+ acres of privacy on the outskirts of the village of Upperville. Light-filled rooms, high quality craftmanship. Main level Master Bedroom & Bath. Lower level Sitting Room. Lovely pool and mature landscaping. Excellent potential as a horse $1,375,000 property.
! LD O S
Charming 1932 stone school house converted into a residence in mid1950’s and remodeled in 2009. Park like setting on 1.2 acres, majestic white oaks and surrounded by large farms. 4100+ sq. ft. with maple and oak flooring, exposed stone fireplace and lovely stone foyer. Spacious floor plan, 2 stairwells, stone patio, mature landscaping.
Mary Anne McGowan (540) 687-5523
Anne Marstiller (540) 270-6224
LAND BLUE RIDGE MOUNTAIN RD. - 105.4 acres on the East side of Blue Ridge Mountain Road near the village of Paris. Possibly up to 4 parcels: 3 in Clarke, 1 in Loudoun. Land is in Appalachian Trail Conservancy easement. Nice elevation and great potential. Forestry management Plan in hand. $948,600
Cricket Bedford (540) 229-3201
Charming 4 bedroom colonial on 3.2 acres with 3 finished levels and just 5 minutes to Middleburg. Spacious sunfilled rooms with multiple French doors on each level, beautiful decor, pristine condition. Two fireplaces, Hardwood floors, screened porch, wonderful kitchen/center island, terrace with wisteria covered pergola overlooking a gorgeous pool.Two stall stable & paddocks in a private and idyllic setting. $789,500
Charming rambler on over 1 acre in the heart of the village of Upperville. Freshly painted, new windows, new carpets & brand new kitchen appliances. House sits back from road. Sweeping lawns in front and back. Parcel backs up to a large farm bordered by stone walls. Great starter home or weekend Hunt Box. Walk to Hunter’s Head Tavern, churches & Post Office.Priced below assessed value. $329,000
Susie Ashcom (540) 729-1478
Cary Embury (540) 533-0106
Emily Ristau (540) 687-7710 SOMERSET
Turn-key horse farm.Dressage, show jumping & cross country can be taught here on 18 acres. Currently leasing additional 15 acres for grazing for $1/year. Dressage arena,220x100, Riding arena, 100x250 and indoor 50x76. Brick Colonial (completely updated & modernized) sits majestically on a knoll in a curve of the Shenandoah River. Only minutes from the I-81 & I-66 merge. $875,000
Desire a Middleburg address? Then build your dream house on a rare 3 acre parcel located just minutes to Middleburg along the Northern end of prestigious Zulla Road. One of only three parcels available for sale in this small subdivision. This is the LAST PARCEL available. Great commuter location to either Rte.s 50 or I-66. County approved 4 bedroom septic field. Don't miss this $350,000 opportunity!
Cricket Bedford (540) 229-3201 107 FEDERAL STREET
PARIS MOUNTAIN- 45 acres of mature trees with a refreshing natural spring create a serene setting. Old Mountain Road, no longer in use, provides one boundary offering a wonderful hiking trail and potential drive for a homesite. This is raw land, currently in “Managed Forestry Land Use”, seller is not responsible for roll back taxes should purchaser choose not to continue with Land Use. $350,000 COON TREE ROAD -Located in Halfway, just minutes to Middleburg or The Plains. Almost 3 mostly cleared acres dotted with mature trees. Elevated building site with views. Ideal for hunt box or main house. Approved 4 bedroom perc. Orange County Hunt. $275,000
Wonderful office condo available in established business complex located in the center of Middleburg. Convenient to banks, post office, restaurants and shopping. Features include spacious reception area, 3 offices or 2 offices and conference room, 1/2 Bath, Kitchenette, storage space, & built-ins. On site parking with 2 assigned spaces included. $235,000
Cathy Bernache (540) 424-7066
Offers subject to errors, omissions, change of price or withdrawal without notice. Information contained herein is deemed reliable, but is not so warranted nor is it otherwise guaranteed.
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