Volunteer News May 2013

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April 2013

VolunteerNews Welcome to Volunteers News for spring 2013. After a very cold winter with some fantastic snow scenes around the park we hope lots of you have some amazing photos that you can send in for the photography competition this year. Also remember that the Volunteer of the Year competition is now open and if you have a colleague who you think deserves nomination for their volunteering please consider putting a nomination in. I hope you are all enjoying Park life that is getting sent out to those of you with email addresses and the feedback we have on this so far is excellent.

2012 photography competition entry by Paul Lister.

Volunteers Team

Lee Valley Regional Park Authority, Freepost PO Box 88, NW4169, Enfield, Middlesex EN2 9BR volunteers@leevalleypark.org.uk l 08456 770 602 www.leevalleypark.org.uk/volunteers

Electro fishing Twice a year in the spring and autumn the Fisheries team carry out an electro fishing survey with the help of the Fisheries Task Force volunteers. This involves the use of a 240 volt generator in the boat connected to a control box, used to convert the mains voltage into a fish safe electrical field through positive and negative electrodes placed into the water. The field generated causes a muscle response in the fish that attracts them towards the boat and netsmen. In simple terms the fish are temporarily stunned before being netted and placed into a holding tank on the boat where they quickly recover. Although the technology is based on researched science the implementation is very much an art based on the experience of the team as a whole, especially the settings on the control box by the Fisheries Officer/Manager who have to be trained and licensed. The volunteers are provided with a safety briefing and are responsible for the main electrode and netting. The process is part of the Bittern project and our aim is to survey the fish in and around the lake margins and reedbeds, identifying the potential food sources for the Bittern before and after their over wintering period. The surveys are carried out on Seventy Acres Lake, North Met Pit, Abbotts Lake, Rye Meads and Amwell nature reserves, the last two being in conjunction with the Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust. Incidentally we had full view of two Bitterns at the last two sites during the recent February survey. Once the boat is launched and the equipment installed we circle the whole lake and reed beds netting the stunned fish as we see them. While it appears simple just driving the boat around the lake, the reality is that the netsmen are key

to identifying the gravel bars and underwater hazards such as sunken trees. If they get it wrong they pay the price by either missing fish or a collision with an unsighted snag, although so far this has never happened. The person with the electrode has a fail safe switch on the handle so that in the event of a problem he only has to release his grip for the electricity to be turned off. When the tank has enough fish in it we return to the bank and record the species, body length, length including the tail and weight of each fish, after which it is returned to the water. Some fish can be uniquely identified and are captured from the same area of the lake year after year even though they may be returned 600 metres from where they are captured. Eels are always good fun as we regularly catch them over 5lb and nearly 1 metre long. They wrap themselves around your arm, cover you in slime and are very difficult to grip which is great if you are the one watching. Having been involved with electro fishing for over 10 years it is apparent from our records that the availability of fish of all sizes and species has reduced significantly. This means the potential food sources for Grebe, Bittern and Heron has declined, but more importantly there are very few fish of breeding size available to ensure a viable population in the future. Colin Short

2013 Volunteers Party Colin Short with his catch of a 26lb 4oz Common Carp

This year the Volunteers Party will be in the gardens at Myddelton House on Thursday 12 September. We look forward to seeing you there.

The one that didn’t get away There were lots of bird sightings reported on Saturday 20 April with sightings of nightingales, whitethroats, blackcaps and someone had heard a cuckoo during the week. Jo Gildersleve, Bittern Information Point Volunteer also took this picture of a Great Crested Grebe catching a fish. Can you identify the fish?

Great Crested Grebe with it’s catch of the day, by Jo Gildersleve.

Details update Each year we need to review our database to ensure the information we hold for you is correct and that you are still volunteering with us and want your details to be held. This is in line with our Investing in Volunteers Award and the Data Protection Act. The last two pages of this newsletter are the annual update form. Please complete all the information, sign the form and return in the freepost envelope provided. The reverse of the form is for you to complete, if you wish to be considered for any future training sessions tick the relevant boxes or list any other courses you would like us to consider. Fisheries volunteers need only return the form if you have an interest in the training.

Carry on camping On Wednesday 1 May the Countryside Management volunteers were looking for more volunteering projects for them to do as an extra session to the normal scheduled tasks run by rangers. Lee Valley Campsite, Sewardstone and Lee Valley Caravan Park, Dobbs Weir managers came forward to give them just what they were looking for.

Volunteers working at Lee Valley Campsite, Sewardstone.

After the wonderful job the volunteers did sprucing up the Cocoons earlier in the month, Mark asked if they could return to do the same job to the Pods, at 10.30 they were all hard at work. Andrew got the volunteers active in a flurry of chopping, burning and building. If you would like to get involved with these alternate activities around the park get in touch with the volunteers team

In the next county volunteers working at Lee Valley Caravan Park, Dobbs Weir.

Training We are always keen to know what training you would like as volunteers. Recent courses have included first aid and fire safety management (for the conservation volunteers) when having controlled bonfires in the park. For the conservation volunteers we have recently purchased a brush cutter and this is a piece of equipment that needs specialist training. If anyone would like to undertake training to use this piece of equipment or have any other training needs or requests please let the Volunteers Team know using the Update Form.

Investors in Volunteers

The recent first aid course.

Tools and container

Our Investors in Volunteers accreditation is due to run out in February 2014 and we will need to be reassessed some time at the end of the year.

Conservation and fisheries volunteers will be pleased to know that the Volunteers Team have now purchased and installed a container and stocked it with tools for use on conservation tasks and other activities which might require particular tools.

In the past as part of the assessment some volunteers have been interviewed individually and other through group interviews. Most are done face to face but some have been done over the phone. We will keep you updated, so watch this space.

All tools need to be booked and signed in and out and there are books in the container to do this. We currently have two of the conservation volunteers managing the container and we will ensure that all the tools are kept in good condition and broken ones replaced.

Volunteer of the Year It is time to submit your nominations for the 2013 Lee Valley Regional Park Authority Volunteer of the Year Awards. At present we have around 200 active volunteers who give a tremendous amount of their time and enthusiasm to help make Lee Valley Regional Park a wonderful venue for nature, sport and discovery activities. They are a fantastic asset to the park and we are keen to acknowledge the valuable work that they do. If you are working alongside a particular volunteer who you think deserves recognition and a nomination for this prestigious award you can find details of the categories and how to nominate on the website.

Jo Gildersleve receiving the Volunteer of the Year Award 2012.

Extra countryside management tasks We have an extra Wednesday tasks both at Lee Valley Caravan Park, Dobbs Weir. Please turn up on the day if you would like to get involved. Wednesday 15 May - Burning and Clearing Lee Valley Caravan Park, Dobbs Weir Come and help complete the tidying by burning the remaining cuttings that have come from the clearing of the dog walk that all the volunteers were involved with. Also behind the shower and toilet block is an area that requires clearing so we may make a start on that.

Photography competition Due to popular demand we are running our photography competition this year. If you have a photo that you would like to submit please check out the details on the volunteers section of the website .

The winning picture from 2012 by Brenda Chanter.

New Volunteers Apprentice We have been successful in bidding for funding for an apprentice to join the Volunteers team, the post has been advertised and is currently in the process of recruitment.

Corporate induction You will have had an induction at your site or for the function you currently volunteer with. However, do you know what London 2012 Legacy Venues the Authority will own and manage? Do you know when they open? Do you know what the park looked like in 1966? To find out the answers to these and other questions come along to one of the corporate induction sessions. These sessions are not compulsory but we do encourage volunteers to come along. We hold four a year and vary them from the south to the north of the park. The dates and locations for the remainder of this year are: • 16 May – WaterWorks Centre • 16 August – Lee Valley Athletic Centre • 14 November – Lee Valley White Water Centre Please contact us if you wish to book a place.

In the first year the role will be to support the Volunteers team and the administration of the programme. In the second year the role will develop into more specific volunteer management and he or she will learn and train in all of the skills needed to run a successful volunteer programme.

We have had some excellent feedback from the recent initiative of sending out the Monday email. However, no sooner had we started to do that and the name changed! Park life is the new Monday Email and we hope you enjoy receiving this each week. Please look out for Park life and if you are interested in submitting an article please feel free to do so

Some more requests for help – Schools Festival and Ignite Schools Festival

Help us make ‘Ignite’ a success!

This year’s Schools Festival at Lee Valley White Water will take place on Monday 8 and Tuesday 9 July and will be run again by the Sports Development Team.

On Tuesday 6 August the Youth and Schools Service is organising an orienteering competition for scouts from across the world attending the Ignite event at Gillwell Park. Approximately 600 international scouts (aged 10-25 years old) and approximately 250 scout leaders will be participating. We are looking for volunteers to help make this event a success. Anyone who has previously helped out on our annual regional orienteering competition in July will be familiar with the set up with the difference being an increase in number of participants and languages! While the event will still use the River Lee Country Park orienteering course, the orienteering base will be Lee Valley White Water Centre. Assistance will be needed in a range of roles including marshalling the course, timing in the competitors, staffing Lee Valley White Water Centre’s gate and generally providing support and encouragement to the competitors.

A number of volunteers helped out last year and it would be great to have as much support as possible for the Schools Festival again. Those of you who have helped out before know the day is quite busy and we have a lot to get through in a short time period. If you are able to help save those dates in your diaries and let the Volunteers team know you are available. The current requirement is for about eight volunteer roles. These would be: • Parking support – 2 • Signage/directional – 2 • Gate – 2 • Logistics/school management on site – 2

Schools Festival at Lee Valley White Water Centre

We are looking for volunteers from 12.3018:00 (meeting at Lee Valley White Water Centre). If you have commitments that restrict your availability please let us know and we will accommodate this. As Lee Valley White Water Centre will be closed to the public on the day we also need to know names of all volunteers attending prior to the event. Due to the size of the group we need to know the number of volunteers available as soon as possible. Thanks in advance for your help in making this event a success and helping showcase River Lee Country Park.

Name: ................................................................. Tel: ...................................................................... Email: ................................................................. 

I can help (please tick)

 Mon 9 July - Schools Festival  Tues 10 July - Schools Festival  Tues 6 Aug - Ignite

The Scout event in 2005.

Volunteer Information Form Please complete, sign and return to Volunteers Team in the Freepost envelope provided by 31 May 2013. If you need any help filling in this form, please do not hesitate to contact us. * Delete as required Mr / Mrs / Miss / Ms* 1 Name


Home address Home


Telephone numbers

Work Mobile


Email address


Do you have any medical conditions we should know about?


Date of birth


Volunteer signature

This will be used to send newsletters and event communication. Please do not supply if you do not wish to be contacted in this manner

Please provide as this will help us provide accurate information to accommodate activities for all age ranges

Parent/guardian signature (if under 18)

Emergency contact details 8


Relationship Home


Telephone numbers

Work Mobile


Please list the roles you have taken part in Do you have any qualifications that are commutable that you would be happy to use in your volunteering role if applicable. Please povide copies of certificates (for example first aid, L2 coaching, hygiene certificate)




Share my details with ď ą In order for committee members to communicate with volunteers they require your contact phone number/email address, if you DO NOT want this information my committee member given please tick here

Please turn over

Medical conditions

Qualifications Copy of certificated enclosed

 Yes  No Copy of certificated enclosed

 Yes  No Copy of certificated enclosed

 Yes  No Copy of certificated enclosed

 Yes  No Copy of certificated enclosed

 Yes  No Training courses At times we run both internal and external training courses to help facilitate you in your volunteering roles. If you are interested in progressing yor role and responsibilities and would like to be considered for these please tick the relevant box(es) next to the training course below.

 First Aid at Work  Manual Handling Other

 

H&S Competent Person Lone Working

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