Amplifying a Cultural Community: Leeways Impact

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IMPACT ON LOCAL PARTNERS AND NATIONAL PHILANTHROPY AND THE FIELD OF ART AND SOCIAL CHANGE In the impact assessment process, we looked at how Leeway’s local and national partners would describe their learning from Leeway, and if Leeway had helped to shape the field of art and social justice philanthropy. “The funny thing about Leeway is they’re a regional actor, as are most foundations, but they’ve always felt very present in the national dialogue.” (national partner)

How do others learn from Leeway? All the categories of people we interviewed or who contributed to the ripple effect exercise said that they had learned something from Leeway: artists, cultural producers, teachers, activists, local nonprofit leaders, and local and national partners working in philanthropy. They learned from Leeway by: •• Taking part in the grantmaking panels •• Attending events that Leeway put on — particularly the 25th anniversary exhibition, Making Space: Leeway @ 25 •• Reading the products Leeway has produced — particularly “TransForming Inclusion: An Organizational Guide” •• Working directly with staff members on both grantmaking and programming •• Learning directly from the executive director — particularly local nonprofit leaders and local and national partners working in philanthropy Leeway has had an impact nationally on the field of art and social change whereby the executive director has built community with, and influenced, peers who are working to change philanthropic practice. Leeway has also had a bottom-up effect, as artists and cultural producers learn from Leeway as a result of being grantees, panelists and partners and take that learning to organize change in their own spaces, philanthropic and otherwise. “[Leeway has made me] reassess what equity looks like when it exists from top to bottom. … [It has] transform[ed] the way I approach curation and deliberation processes when I work with other organizations, having more language to talk about why certain processes are crucial to complete a project that is focused around community and engagement.” (former intern) “As a maker and reviewer, [Leeway has made me] rethink which aesthetic values are ingrained through institutions that are built on supremacy and colonization. How do we engage in conversation about art without submitting to those dominant ideas of Amplifying a cultural community: Leeway’s impact | Leeway’s impact 42

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