What we do at LegBank

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Our Solution

Prosthetic care solutions.

Blue Print/Franchise for Orthopedic Care

LegBank is a social business that aims for effec6ve delivery and decentraliza6on of prosthe6c care. Via a blue print for orthopedic clinics, consis6ng of support systems, innova6ve technology and best business prac6ses, we provide a more equitable access to prosthe6c products and services for amputees in distant rural areas.

Our innova6on consists of a franchise model/blue print for the crea6on of orthopedic clinics that deliver prosthe6c care to rural areas. We provide a package to orthopedic clinicians to start their own orthopedic clinic in (semi) rural areas in order to increase their viability, growth, drive for pa6ent sa6sfac6on and get compliant to the law. Ingredients of this formula:

30 million people in upcoming economies have limited to no access to quality orthopedic are. Reason for this, is that worldwide, prosthe<c care is highly centralized and o>en only available in main ci<es. Therefore, there is a lack of prosthe<c clinics in rural areas, resul<ng in too much distance between the clinics that provide care in ci<es, and amputees in rural areas. It is <me, money and energy consuming or simply impossible for them to travel for hours or even days. How come? Orthopedic care is o>en not a high priority topic of governments; o>en there are other pressing issues, such as malaria, TBC, HIV and maternal health to take care of. Also, small orthopedic labs o>en struggle with many ‘non-care ac<vi<es’, management of their stock, contracts with insurance companies, (pa<ent) administra<on, protocols, ordering components, marke<ng ac<vi<es.

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Advise on product porQolio Design of care and produc<on facili<es Advise on inventory and stock Business plan support

Access to seed capital Access to innova<ve, affordable, context-fiVed technology (for instance D-rev knee, Majicast, etc.) • Access to suppliers • Support systems such as: • An app, that follows protocols on produc<on/pa<ent treatment. Our second prototype will be launched and tested by 4 clinics in Colombia in October this year. • So>ware that helps to do bookkeeping, stock keeping, pa<ent admin, payroll and financial forecas<ng (needs to be developed). Advantage for pa<ents: currently, rural pa<ents o>en have nowhere to go within their regions, which can result in device abandonment. Therefore nearby access to maintenance and repair services is important. This proximity also benefits the ini<al stages of fi]ng and adop<on.

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Context-Fitted Franchise Our blue print can be adjusted to the context where we operate, according to the exis<ng infrastructure, law, and distribu<on channels available in this country. Whether via a fully equipped stand-alone clinic, or an infrastructure consis<ng of rural branches connected to a main produc<on center; we aim to enabling last-mile distribu<on of prosthe<c care to rural areas.

Hydrostatic casting device Hydrostatic casting device

These points of care are provided with the tools, trained staff and different sorts of f context-fiVed, affordable and high-quality prosthe<c technology from all over the world, such as the Majicast

Innovative technology We have created The Majicast, an instrument that creates prosthe<c moulds in an automated, hands-off way in 5 minutes <me, by capturing the shape and volume of residual trans<bial limbs accurately. The socket is the only handcasted part of a prosthesis; if is not comfortable, a pa<ent walks with pain, leading to prosthesis abandonment. The Majicast can be sold in an upcoming economy for more or less €3000. In the West there is more budget available for medical devices, we aim for a larger sales price. The profit in the West can be used to compensate the liVle profit made on the Majicast in upcoming economies. (cross-subsidizing). Video: (hVps:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=B1r490s5bds). We currently have pa<ents in the UK, Colombia and the Netherlands. We are currently developing a LegBank Liner. A liner is a silicon sock that is placed around the stump, in order to deliver the most comfortable and secure suspension with the socket. Currently available for €500-€1500 worldwide, we can sell them for €50,-

Multidisciplinary team Our mul<disciplinary team is key to the success of LegBank. It consists of social business developers (ProPor<on Founda<on, Amsterdam), engineers (design agency Reggs, Amsterdam), researchers (Strathclyde University, Glasgow) and orthopaedic clinicians (de Hoogstraat, Utrecht). We

Awards Our objec<ve is to have impact on a societal problem,

also work with local teams of orthopedic clinicians, that helps with the introduc<on of our products in the market, and helps us to develop franchise formula to make orthopedic care accessible in rural areas.

whilst approaching it in a sustainable, entrepreneurial way. We won the Social AdVenture Award, World Price Award, met with Bill Gates, received funding from Google.org (USA) and counted with the support of the Dutch ministry. This helped us to develop the Majicast, the app and the franchise formula.

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