Legends Magazine January/February 2021 Issue

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Jan./Feb. 2021



What is love? Can it even be defined in one sentence or one magazine issue? That is the question yet the answer deems to be more complex or simple depending on who you ask. Before I posed the question to the featured couples in this issue who are engaged or already married, I felt it was important and necessary to ask myself the same question. What is love? Love is an understanding between two individuals who have agreed to go on a journey of emotions and reflection. Love comes in many forms, shapes, and sizes but love is never unsure. Love is true. It’s intentional and purposeful. Love is God. Society has placed traditional expectations on love but it cannot be traditional. It’s silence. It’s loudness. It’s colorful. It’s full. It’s empty. It’s beautiful. It’s ugly. It’s fire. It’s water. It’s desire. It’s passionate. It’s bold. It’s open. It’s closed. It’s everything. It’s nothing at all. When it come to love, I believe I am an expert at giving love but I haven’t quite found someone whose willing to give the same weight of love in return which unfortunately has made it impossible to learn how to receive and maintain love. I have loved. I have lost. And despite it all I hope to love again. But until then I will live vicariously through these beautiful, lovely couples who found each other and in return found love. On behalf of the LEGENDS Team, we hope you learn from them and grow with them. It’s their love and connection between one another that makes them legendary. Here’s to extraordinary, legendary love. Lena Hardy Editor in Chief

LEGENDS TEAM Brittney Bonner, Creative Director Zoe Ruddock, Beauty Editor LaQuoya Robinson, Lead Graphic Designer

CON THE BEAUTY REPORT [(DAY)TE | NIGHT MAKEUP LOOKS] Makeup looks appropriate for day or night activities. Learn how to transition from the sight of the sun to the glow of the moon. Beauty Editor Zoe Ruddock’s tips will get you ready and out the door on time, looking divine. THE SELF LOVE CHECKLIST It’s a known fact that it is impossible to love someone else before you fully learn to love yourself which is why self love is extremely important. Self love can only help with your health and confidence.

THE FASHION BOARD BBXBRAND is giving looks of passion and desire, perfect for the month of lovers. Whether you’re going to a romantic dinner with your love or a celebration with your girls, don’t hold back and pull out that freakum dress. Also, the streets are watching so don’t shy away from that monochromatic look or blend of colors for Valentine’s Day.

MOVIE HIGHLIGHT LOVE JONES (1999) Say baby, can I be your slave? Love Jones ranks the top spot when it comes to Black romantic movies. With the perfect mixture of poetry, music, and style, you can’t help but fall in love with Darius and Nina. Remember, when that love jones come down, it’ll be a mother…

MOVIE HIGHLIGHT SYVIE’S LOVE (2021) Set in the 1960s, classic Black cinema is reintroduced to a new generation and it was done with purpose. Also, get into the fashion of it all, all of Sylvie’s looks were unmatched to go along with the unproblematic love story. We love to see it.



LET’S PLAY Get to know each other by playing one of the highlighted card games that are inexpensive and a great conversation starter for a first date or a new friendship.

ENGAGED Ariel + Jordan Derrick + Sydney MARRIED Erin + Brandon Alex + Teia Alex + Ricky Crystal + Justin Elle and Dréa

Illustrated & Written by Beauty Editor, Zoe Ruddock

(DAY)TE Feathered Use a clear brow gel to keep brow hairs in place and going in upwards direction. Fill in sparce areas lightly with a brow pencil or powder for the effortless feathered brow look.

Wisp Lash Focus mascara on outer lashes ONLY. This creates a wispy lash look perfect for a day time date.

Those Cheeks Take a peach-colored cream blush and apply to apple of cheeks for a youthful blushing glow.

Nude N Wet Apply your favorite nude lipstick and top it off with a high shine clear gloss to draw and keep attention on your lips.

NIGHT Bold Tail Use a brow pencil or pomade to fill-in the end or “tail” of the brow for a more defined brow. Just Strip Apply extra mascara or apply strip lashes to create volume that accentuates the eyes.

Chocolate Wings Instead of black use a dark brown liner for a fresh take on the classic cat eye.

Warming Up Apply bronzer focusing on the outer & upper cheek bone to add warmth to skin for a balanced and sculpted look. Seeing Red Dust off that red lipstick you’ve been saving, don’t forget to use a complimenting red lip liner to prevent the color from bleeding.

(Pro Tip: Blot lip with tissue after application to avoid getting lipstick on teeth!)

Brush through/ detangle Wash & hydrate Put in protective style Wrap in soft fabric (i.e. silk, satin, microfiber, etc.)

OR Make that hair appointment!

Double cleanse face Gently exfoliate Use face mask (gel, clay, or sheet mask) Apply hydrating toner/essence Apply favorite moisturizer Do a quick lip scrub Apply ultra-hydrating lip balm

Exfoliate Shave (only if you want) Epsom Salt Bath Soak (don’t forget to light some candles)

Moisturize head to toe Self-massage hands & feet

Wash & exfoliate hands File & buff Apply nail strengthener Apply 2 coats of nail lacquer/polish Apply shiny top coat OR Make that nail appointment!

@bbxbrand www.bbxbrand.com

The 6th Love Language: Style

Created by: Zoe Ruddock

Brother to the Night (A Blues for Nina) Darius Lovehall Say baby, can I be your slave? I've got to admit girl, your the shit girl And I am digging you like a grave Now do they call you daughter to the Spinning Pulsar Or maybe Queen of 10,000 Moons, Sister to the distant yet Rising star Is your name Yemaya? Oh hell nah, it's got to be Oshun Ooh is that a smile me put on your face child? Wide as a field of jasmine and clover Talk that talk honey, walk that walk money High on legs that'll spite Jehovah But they call me brother to the night And right now I am the blues in your left thigh Trying to become the funk in your right Who am I? I'll be whoever you say But right now I'm the sight raped hunter Blindly pursuing you as my prey And I just want to give you injections of Sublime erections and get you to dance to my rhythm Make you dream archtypes Of black angels in flight Upon wings of distorted, contorted metaphoric jizm Come on slim, fuck your man, I ain't worried about him It's you who I want to step to my scene Cause rather than deal with the fallacy Of this dry ass reality I'd rather dance and romance your sweet ass in a wet dream Who am I, well they all call me Brother to the night and right now I am The blues in your left thigh, trying to be the funk in your right Illustration by Cydney Rhines @byceemaria | intocreationstudios.com

Robert: [after inviting Sylvie to hear him play] So what’s the verdict? Am I any good? Sylvie: Well, you’re right, you’re no Bill Haley. But I do think you’re about as good as any tenor player I’ve ever heard. With the exception of John William Coltrane, but I’d say you’re gaining on him. Robert: I don’t think I’ll ever catch the Trane, but thank you. Sylvie: Well, thank you for being good. I’d be awful embarrassed if you weren’t. Sylvie: Is that your girlfriend?
 Robert: Who, Connie? No. We just work together. Kind of like we do, only she’s not engaged. Sylvie: Well, I do think I ought to be going home.
 Robert: Before you do, may I have the pleasure of this dance, Miss Johnson?
 Sylvie: I really shouldn’t.
 Robert: Come on. You mean to tell me you’re going to turn down a dance with the next John Coltrane? [The slow dance is interrupted by the owner of the club when she kicks them out] Robert: [as Robert walks Sylvie home] I never met a girl who knew as much about music as you do. I bet the only thing you know about more than music is television. Sylvie: Oh, don’t get me started. I’ve seen just about every episode of everything. Well, I never met anyone who could play music the way you do. What’s the one thing you love about it the most? Robert: The way it makes me feel. Sylvie: Oh, that’s me. Robert: Yeah. Never found anything to make me feel like that. Robert: You know, where I’m from, when a fellow walks a gal home from a date, there’s usually a good night kiss involved. But I guess this wasn’t really a date, huh? Sylvie: No. Well, not officially. But you asked me and I came, so I suppose it is rather date-like. [Robert quickly jumps the steps to come to her] Sylvie: Been practicing that? [she kisses him quickly] Sylvie: Good night. [she turns to leave, but then turns back and kisses him again]

Illustration by Cydney Rhines @byceemaria | intocreationstudios.com

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Let’s Play. Break the ice and open up with these card games that stir up thought-provoking conversations for you and your partner (or that special someone you’re getting to know).

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ARIEL + JORDAN “Love is an opportunity to show admiration and appreciation to someone outside of yourself.�

Photography by Heri Mumma @mummasmarvels

How did you meet? Ariel: So, what’s interesting is that we actually had never officially “met”, but we did know of one another through mutual friends, who once dated. Even though no one really gets on Facebook anymore lol, Jordan decided to slide in my Facebook DMs and it was history from there. Describe your first date? Jordan: Our first date was a bit impromptu, especially because I found out last minute that I’d be traveling to Atlanta for work. So, I informed Ariel that I’d be making a trip to ATL and that we should get together for the first time. I remember anticipating what it’d be like once we first met, and somehow it ended up being everything I imagined. We ended up going to Two Urban Licks, which I thought was so cool because it’s on Atlanta’s Beltline. Who said "I love you" first? Jordan: I was the first to say those 3 words. It was in New Orleans when we met up for Essence Festival weekend. Honestly, I didn’t know what I’d get in return, but it was obviously worth the risk. Follow Ariel Anderson @arielashleyy and Jordan Sullen @abrahamthinkin

How would you define love? Ariel: There’s so many things I can say to breakdown what love means to me. But I would definitely have to say when it comes to a relationship, when you’re able to be selfless is huge and when you can accept someone flaws and all. No one is perfect and we all have things we may not like about the other person but if you’re able to put up with those things and still admire them... that’s LOVE! Jordan: I’d define love as a mutual decision between two human beings to give each other grace, support and compassion on an unconditional basis. Love is an opportunity to show admiration and appreciation to someone outside of yourself. What does the future hold for your relationship? We see a future filled with love, support and gratitude. We have certain things pending as we speak to plant the right seeds for our future. God-willing, we will continue to get to THAT BAG together! And last but not least, marriage. We’ll officially be the Sullen’s in May 2021! Did the pandemic bring you closer to each other? The pandemic allowed us to explore one another more than pre-pandemic gave us time and opportunity to do. With so much down time and less going on, we had to become creative as to how we’d keep our fire burning. One thing that we did have the honor of connecting more on is fitness…in the heart of our living room. There’s been times when it’s felt like cabin fever, but the good thing is that if you can handle your partner during a pandemic, there’s nothing you can’t get through together. Just ready for it to be over tbh.


Photography Credit to Skyewater Photo & FilmÂ

How did you meet? At the University of Alabama during our Residential Advisor summer training and prep before the school year started. It was my sophomore and Sydney’s junior year. We were able to spend a lot of time together because we worked in the same dorm. How long did you date before making your relationship official? We dated for about 3 months before making it official. Then it was another 7 years of dating before we were engaged. Would you say you are more alike or different as far as personality? Derrick: I would say overall we are very different. I believe Sydney’s personality is always seen by people around her and never really changing. Whether we are with friends and family or alone at home, she is very sweet, caring, loving, sensitive, and all the other descriptions you would use for a Disney princess. I, on the other hand, have all of those same qualities in my personality that Sydney and others see, but those closest to me will also tell you there is a harder side not everyone gets to see. There are times when those sweeter qualities can be overtaken by someone who is mean and harsh. Sometimes accidentally hurting feelings by just being in one of those moods where you don’t think about how someone else may take what you say. Sensitivity to me feels like a weakness I refuse to show. We joke about how we probably would not have been friends if we went to the same high school. Continued…

Sydney: We are definitely more different than we are alike. I am more predictable and consistent, no matter the situation. I can have small talk with most people, where I think Derrick has to find a more concrete connection with someone to enjoy their company. I am also way more sensitive and need more attention than he does! My sensitivity and his lack thereof has definitely been the most difficult clash in personalities that we have had to work through. When did you know you were in love? Derrick: That is always such a tough question to answer. To me, love can never be defined by a moment. I think falling in love happens in pieces. Slowly over time you begin to find things you love in a person. I can’t give an order, but I can say after time spent together going door to door in those Alabama dorms I slowly found myself falling in love with her laugh and smile, and falling in love with her personality, etc. Falling in love also includes being unbothered and forgiving about certain traits you may have once found unbearable by others. After that I think it becomes clear that THAT is love in my opinion. It may take someone a long or short time for it to hit them, but I think that’s the point of love. Because we were able to spend so much time together I think it came sooner rather than later. Maybe a few months into the school year.

Sydney: I agree that the super long days together at the beginning of our relationship really made things move faster for us. I think for me when I saw that he was thinking about me when he wasn’t with me and was surprising me with things he knew I loved (Capri Suns and candy bars) I knew it was going to be more than just a fling. I honestly can’t remember when I realized it was love, but when I moved home to Colorado and Derrick had to stay in Alabama to finish school, I certainly knew I wouldn’t do that long distance for a couple years for someone unless I knew he was the one. Derrick, you’re a music lover. What song reminds you of Sydney? I think I have to go with “Adore” – Prince. I can remember singing this song to her on our trips to visit her aunt in Tallahassee. And who doesn’t love a good Prince love song. How did you overcome obstacles being in an interracial relationship? Derrick: This is the question I was waiting on when first asked to do the interview. In today’s world it’s a pretty important question and one I love to answer. All over social media you can find comments like “Black Love>>>”. You can find people talking down on anyone in an interracial relationship. Almost being seen as a traitor, sometimes jokingly and not so jokingly. I actually find it funny because of the way I view love. But, before truly answering I think it will be beneficial to talk about our backgrounds as far as dealing with race. - For Sydney I believe it’s a very simple background. She is from Colorado where the black population is what I believe is ridiculously low…

Going to school with a graduating class in the 100s and only a handful being black and not knowing any of them personally. For me growing up in the South in New Orleans I was surrounded by black folks everywhere. I even went to an African centered school all through middle school where we learned the countries in Africa rather that the states in America. We had our own pledge to the Red, Black, and Green flag. This didn’t cause any animosity to whites growing up but I will say the love for my black brothers and sisters was at a higher level compared to other children at that age. At an older age when dating started to come into play I verbally said to many friends, “I would never date a white girl”. It wasn’t out of hate, it was out of the love and attraction I had towards my people. So, the question becomes, how did I find myself engaged to a white woman? It was because of love. I talked earlier about how falling in love worked for me. Slowly I began to fall in love with these bits and pieces of Sydney as we spent time together. I will admit that if we met in a classroom or something like that we probably would have never ended up together. But, this RA job we had focused a lot on team building, and I spent a lot of time around her and the love grew so fast. I still find black women more attractive than any other race. That’s just a natural feeling that can’t be and won’t be turned off. But, love is more than that. Sydney grabbed my attention and never let go and that’s how I’m here.

Derrick: I can’t really point out any specific obstacles having to go through together. For me the only thing that was a question mark would be how Sydney’s family would take our relationship. I knew my family would be loving. But, even though Sydney is from Colorado, I knew her family was from the South and as a Black male I had to be careful of what I may be getting into. The first family member of Sydney’s I was able to really meet was her Aunt. And this was the first time the biggest and most important question was asked. Questions like “Does your family know I am black?” and “Are they cool with it?”. This may seem like a crazy question towards Sydney, coming from a place where she may have not seen any racism, but I knew these were questions that HAD to be asked. It’s sad that the question has to be, but that’s just the world we live in. Now I can say wholeheartedly that her family are some of the most loving people I know. Sydney: We haven’t had any major obstacles, luckily. I remember when he had posted a picture on Instagram of us, someone had messaged him saying “beware of the white skins.” Derrick hadn’t spoken to this person in years before that so it wasn’t a big deal. Like Derrick said, I grew up in a very white community, so I was pretty oblivious to any racism going on around me. It didn’t even occur to me that he would need to ask me if my family would be okay with me dating a black man because I knew they wouldn’t care – race wasn’t something talked about in my home. It definitely opened my eyes when he asked me that because I learned that that was a valid concern for him.

Can you recall one of your favorite moments together? Derrick: One moment/memory that will always be a favorite moment is the time we were driving to visit her Aunt and we decided to lip sync the song “Love is an Open Door”. It’s memorable because of all the time that was spent learning the song, practicing, starting over, and making fun of each other for messing up. Then when we had it right we posted it for friends and family to see and enjoy us being silly together and witnessing just how much people loved seeing us be together. Also, funny how a few people thought it was a proposal announcement. Sydney: I have to agree that that is one of my favorite moments too – we are silly and have a lot of fun together doing the simplest things. One of my other favorite moments was being alone in our new house we bought after moving everything in. We had never lived a place without roommates before that, so it was our first night in our own place which was very special. Of course I can’t forget about the proposal and the week-long vacation in the Bahamas that preceded it! Follow Derrick Molina @mr__molina and Sydney Smiley @sbsmiley

BRANDON + ERIN’S LOVE When did you know you were in love? I knew I was in love when Erin and I would finish each other sentences. Still to this day, six years later, we share the same thoughts about almost everything. I knew then that was something I wouldn't find anywhere else. It meant more than that to me though. It meant that I had finally found the woman that completes me. What's your partner's best quality? Erin's best quality is her heart. I've witnessed her drop everything for me, friends, and family. She will literally do anything to make sure everyone is comfortable and I admire that. A close second would be critical thinking. She will think her way out of any situation. I try to finesse and figure out ways around things but somehow she puts things back together so that we can do it the right way lol. Can you recall one of your favorite moments with your partner? That's a great question, but I have so many. Honestly one of my personal favorite moments is waking up to her each day. Knowing that I have someone who will be there for me tomorrow and the next day. Despite my flaws, despite if I were to lose it all. I've seen so many marriages fail and friendships end, because they weren't ready for the hard times. But I have someone that has fought through those hard times with me. Explain your partner's love in three words. Forever and always. How has marriage changed your relationship? We joke all the time about how marriage hasn't really changed anything but her last name. But that's honestly how we feel. It's nothing anyone can say or not say, to make me love her any more than I already do. I do feel like marriage made us level up more. We're investing now, improved our credit, working on residual income ideas. So I would say marriage made us think about more long term plans, instead of doing the bare minimum. Maybe down the road we'll notice a change. But for now, it's still the same love I had when we met in 2012. Follow Erin Thomas @just_erin @justerinblog Brandon Thomas @b_thomas

How did you meet? We met at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa, Alabama which is where I went to college and where Brandon is from. We had practically become dance partners at every house party and we had a few mutual friends. One day he commented under an Instagram post of mine and gave me his number and we've been talking ever since. We were just friends at first though. At one point, he actually rejected me when I expressed my feelings to him but somehow we ended up getting together in spite of. LOL! When did you know you were in love? I knew well before we actually started dating BUT I refused to say it first. But it was the summer of 2013, in which I went through a very tough time battling depression and recovering from a really bad break up. He randomly reached out to me and asked how I was doing and why he hadn't heard from me in a while. I told him what was going on with me and he literally helped me get through that tough time with no strings attached. He was so gentle with me and gave me words of affirmation and he even checked on me everyday. That's when I knew I was in love and when I knew he'd be my husband. What's your partner's best quality? This is a really hard one because I love everything about him (minus 1 or two things LOL!) But honestly, I feel like God created him just for me. If I had to pick just one quality though, I would say his ability to love me for me. I've had to unpack so much baggage throughout our entire relationship and I've made plenty of mistakes but he's never left my side. He's the most loyal person I know and he lets me be who I am no matter what. He's never tried to change me but only helped me become a better woman and I am forever grateful for that. How did the pandemic change your wedding plans? What changes did you make to adapt? The pandemic completely altered our wedding plans. We were supposed to get married in June 2020 but we wanted to make sure that all of our friends and family could attend to celebrate our union safely so we decided to push the physical wedding date to July 2021. However, we still wanted to be married this year regardless since we had already had such a long engagement. We went to the courthouse on our 6 year dating anniversary which is July 20 and got married with both of our parents by our side and our entire wedding party attended virtually via Zoom.

How would you define love? Can it be defined? Our definition of love was said best by Will Smith when he described it as a commitment to helping somebody with their life. It’s a deep desire for each other’s growth and well-being.

How did you find each other? We met each other through mutual friends in our freshman year of college. Alex befriended and hung out with a few of Ricky’s good friends from high school. Ricky took a weekend trip to visit them, and the rest is history.

Describe your first date. After a few weeks of messaging back and forth on Facebook, our very first date turned ended up being a night in New Orleans clubbing and enjoying each other’s company. It wasn’t the typical first date, but it was very memorable for us.

ALEX + RICKY Who declared their love verbally first? Alex: We both had significant life events happen around the same time that helped us realize we could be in this forever. However, it was me that first verbally declared my love when Ricky accompanied and stood by my side at my grandfather’s funeral. At the time, we were not out to our families, so it meant something for him to be there with me.

What qualities did you see in each other that made you want to pursue a relationship? Ricky: The main quality that was noted early on from the beginning was the communication. For me, talking to Alex felt easy, and I could immediately relax and be myself around him whenever we would have conversations.

As a couple, what's the perfect day? A perfect day for us nowadays looks like staying in, ordering or cooking food, and watching movies. We can almost never decide what to watch at first because it seems like we’ve watched everything. We’re always looking for the next new movie or series to binge.

Follow @ourboystory to keep up with Alex and Ricky.

“Love is a deep affection and acceptance of someone else. It is an overwhelming desire to be connected as one.�

ALEX How did you meet? We first met through a mutual friend outside of the University of Alabama Rec Center. My friend, Isiah, and I were going to workout and saw Teia walking out of the rec center. I made a comment about how attractive she looked, and as we got closer he realized that he actually knew her. I got a chance to introduce myself as they said hello, and to tell her that I thought she was very pretty, and then we went on our way. Describe your first date? Our first date was at Hokkaido, a hibachi restaurant, at ~1:30PM. I love hibachi dates, food and entertainment right in front of you. There are other people around too so it almost feels like a group thing, but you still have the closeness of being there right next to each other. There were a few other people at our table, but no one directly next to us, so we could still be in our own little world. We were already smitten with each other, giggling about inside jokes and people watching throughout the meal. We clapped and laughed and played along with the chef as he did all of the hibachi tricks. It was light, fun, delicious, and perfect.

When did you know you were in love? Six days after we started talking, we were together one night and it just hit me. We were just sitting there talking and laughing and it washed over me like nothing I had ever felt before. It was so weird, and intoxicating. I stood up and started walking around and shaking my hands and legs. It felt like when you hear a song that starts in your ear and travels down your spine, electrifying your whole nervous system. It was like that times a thousand. I did not know what this was, but I knew it was something special, and I knew I had to keep whatever made me feel this way around. I realized in a few seconds that it was love. The funny thing is it probably wasn't even anything specific that Teia said, but just being in her presence that ignited that in me. I still feel that way with her. Describe your wife in three words. Beautiful, compassionate, inspirational. As a new father, can you explain the love you have for your son? How is the love different for your child than your wife? It is a protective and nurturing love that develops as I get to know him and see him grow. There is this loving bond we have and all I want is the best for him. It is very similar to the love I have for my wife in that I want what is best for her too and I am protective and nurturing for her. There is a romantic love, obviously, that is there for Teia that is not there for AJ. Outside of that though, I do not think the loves are that much different. I feel incredibly strong for both of them and want to be as supportive and loving as possible for them both.

TEIA As a new mother, can you explain the love you have for your son? How is the love different for your child than your husband? The love I have for our son is insurmountable! Every day he exists my life gets better. He is the happiest baby because he is constantly surrounded by deep and true love. My love for Alex is passionate and deeply romantic which creates this desire to fulfill each other in every way, every day. My love for our son is unconditional. I want to give him everything in the world because he has made my life complete. I hope we are blessed enough for our family to continue to grow so that they can share in this love as well. How would you define love? Love is a deep affection and acceptance of someone else. It is an overwhelming desire to be connected as one.

Follow Alex Raus @alexraus and Teia Raus @teiaraus onemooreraus.com

When did you know you were in love? I knew I was in love with Alex when I first introduced him to my parents. My parent's high school always had an Alumni Christmas Ball and I decided to bring him as my date. He engaged in meaningful conversations with them and then he asked my mom to dance. I love my mom so much and she's rarely ever liked anyone I've dated, but he had her laughing and smiling. Family means everything to me and in that moment I knew Alex was meant to be in mine. What's your partner's best quality and why? Alex's best quality is the way he communicates. He loves to find commonalities with others and is truly thoughtful of what you have to say. He always makes me feel heard and understood even when we may not agree. Describe your experience being pregnant and giving birth during a pandemic? Being pregnant during the pandemic was disappointing and frustrating. My family couldn't come to the hospital and at one point we weren't even sure that Alex could be with me. I had to be Covid tested before I could get my epidural and I wasn't allowed to walk around the hospital after my surgery like I normally would which caused my healing process to be more painful. The worst part was I was released from the hospital when I had preeclampsia and when I had to return to the hospital three days later we couldn't bring our baby. However, we were blessed with a beautiful and healthy baby boy and honestly, nothing else matters.

How it started… How it’s going…

How did you meet? Justin and I met in a small church in Forsyth, Georgia when we were about 15 and 16 years old. We spent a lot of time together in our youth ministry and worship ministry and it eventually developed into a friendship. About a year later we


started dating and 6 years later we were married! When did you know you were in love? We both feel that it wasn’t a certain date or

What's the foundation of your relationship? The foundation of our relationship and of our family is God’s love. We believe that the more

moment that we fell in love. It was after going

we love on God, He will teach us how to love

through many seasons of our relationship that we

on each other. We’re so blessed that our

knew we were made for each other. When things

families raised us both similarly in this regard.

were going good for us, we celebrated and

supported each other. But whenever we were

Explain the love you both have for your

going through hard times, we never gave up, even when most people would. We stood by and

daughter? The love we have for our daughter is just like

prayed for each other and knew that God had

all parents who strive to work hard to take care

purposely placed us together as life-long

of their children. To make sure that she has the


best of the best. The best in love, education, and wisdom to prepare her for life as she

What was one of your favorite moments from

grows older. We love our daughter despite the

your wedding? Crystal: My favorite moment is when Justin

times we’re tired and all she wants to do is

decided to sing his wedding vows. He sang one of

sacrifice time that we could spend alone with

my FAVORITE wedding songs of all time-

each other to make sure all of her wants and

“Wedding Vows” by Jamie Foxx. I had no idea that

needs are taken care of. Our love for her is

he was going to sing. As he was singing, his voice


play. We love our daughter so much that we

started shaking and he started crying but he pulled through the song beautifully. It was such a

Justin, how does it feel to love a Black

sweet surprise and I cried my makeup off!


Justin: My favorite moment of our wedding was

To love my black woman feels like the best

during a portion of our ceremony. Crystal and I

feeling in the world. Although she goes

decided to remember Jesus’ last supper and

through a lot as a woman, wife, and mother, I

shared Communion. We ate bread to remember

feel honored to be by her side. It’s a privileged

Jesus’ body that was broken and drank wine to

to be able to provide and care for my beautiful

remember the blood He shed for us. As we began


having Communion, our church choir began singing “Total Praise”- by Richard Smallwood. We started worshipping God and so did all our guests. The worship was so good that I think we all forgot we were at a wedding! It was a great moment.


Photography by ZOA @z0a @zoaphoto zoaphoto.com

What is love? Elle: Love is when you find someone who makes you feel safe and feel like home even if you’re not home. Love is when you unconditionally do things and take care of someone. Love is putting someone else equal to or above yourself. Dréa: Love to me is unconditionally caring for someone no matter what they’ve done to you or you’ve done to them. It’s constantly wanting to prove your love and dedication to another person. Love is a very selfless act and love is not easy. It’s easy to say the words “I love you” but in order to truly understand what love is, you have to be willing to share all of you with another person. There’s a lot of personal growth in the process and it’s about partnering with someone that you’re willing to get better for over and over and over again. Elle and Dréa: Every day. How did you meet? Elle: We met at a photo/video shoot. Drea was styling and I was modeling. When I saw her, I was like “That’s my wife!” I even texted my best friend and said “OMG, I bet my wife is working here.” Then I messaged Dréa on Instagram after the video came out and they tagged everybody involved. She thought I was a catfish so she initially turned me down and wouldn’t go on a date with me. Dréa: She was too beautiful and “out of my league” I thought lol. She was modeling then and all her photos were super professional, so I couldn’t believe she had asked me out. Over several days, she kept asking how I was doing but I was skeptical about meeting new people or dating, especially through social media. However, the one thing we both loved talking about (outside of food) was fashion, and at some point, she started sending me boomerangs of her OOTD and I was hooked.

When did you know you were in love? Elle: On our very first date, we went to a concert then after the concert, Dréa and I sat in the car for four or five hours and just talked about everything because I’ve been through some sh*t and I was laying it all on the table from day one. At the end of the conversation, Dréa said “I love you.” Can you recall one of you favorite moments with your wife? Elle: I’d have to say when we went to Costa Rica. It was our first time out of the country together. I surprised Dréa for Valentine’s Day and got us the trip for our one-year anniversary which was in September. The whole trip was dope especially staying in a five star resort and obviously, the proposal. What’s the foundation of your relationship? God. Our careers. Dedication. Loyalty. Honesty. These were all things we never had to worry about, they were foundations that were just there and we never had to work on. But mainly, God. What’s your favorite thing to do together? Travel and eat.

Follow Dréa Will @_dreawill @_iconish and Elle Will @mrs.fierce__


Available on Apple Music Titled: Legends Love Curated by: Brittney Bonner


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