VISIT LEGEND AT ONE OF THIS SUMMER’S FARM SHOWS! and Maisey Fees-Spellman, Research Intern, were out at the plot in Blunt, SD staking that plot. They are currently working on taking their L.E.A.P. notes on agronomic qualities such as emergence and early season vigor, plus population counts. Notes will continue to be taken throughout the summer at various stages of growth, meaning at least one more round of travels to all the locations! On the road again…
For more information on the Legend Seeds L.E.A.P. plots and our locally proven products visit: www.legendseeds. net/locally-proven On a beautiful spring day, Maisey carefully staked one of this year’s 11 L.E.A.P. plot locations.
▢ Grand Forks, North Dakota: 73 - 90 day RM
▢ Minot, North Dakota: 73 - 90 day RM
▢ Bloomer, Wisconsin: 82 - 101 day RM
▢ Colfax, North Dakota: 82 - 101 day RM
▢ Lake Preston, South Dakota: 90 - 106 day RM
▢ Fairfax, Minnesota: 90 - 106 day RM
▢ Blunt, South Dakota: 90 - 106 day RM
▢ Geneva, Minnesota: 94 - 108 day RM
▢ Galesville, Wisconsin: 94 - 108 day RM
▢ Rembrandt (Early), Iowa: 100 - 117 day RM
▢ Hartington, Nebraska: 100 - 117 day RM
JULY 2018
Glen Davis, President, Legend Seeds
By participating in our social media campaign, Legend Seeds reserves the right to use any photos taken in future social media uses including website and other Legend digital platforms.
July 10-12, 2018 • Marshfield, WI
Every year in June, there comes a time when the wellknown “Serenity Prayer” comes to my mind as I look at the fields around my home and in my travels:
RM = Relative Maturity
“God grant me the serenity,
August 7-9, 2018 • Morgan, MN
To accept the things I cannot change;
August 21-23, 2018 • Mitchell, SD
And wisdom to know the difference .”
Aug. 30 - Sept 3, 2018 • Huron, SD
Courage to change the things I can;
Who learns to live out this prayer better than a farmer? With summer here, we can usually look around and see that the crop is in the ground and off to a decent start – yes, there were some acres that needed to be replanted. However, for the majority this year in our footprint, it was a slow start, and then planting finally picked up to its usual pace.
September 11-13, 2018 • West Fargo, ND
I was recently traveling with several of our Legend Account Managers and dealers, and I realized that there came a time when we wound up complaining about the things we cannot control. Isn’t it easier to complain about things we cannot control than to focus on the things that are still within our control? In the summer months we face things we can and cannot control – hail, heat, flooding – just to name a few. Now is the time to start planning for next year’s crop. It starts with evaluating the hybrids and varieties that were planted this year. Our Knowledge Plots serve as resource for you in evaluating and learning about our products as you develop your cropping plan for next year. This summer, Legend Seeds has nine Knowledge Plots spanning across South Dakota, North Dakota, Nebraska, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. These plots are educational and designed to showcase our products, new technologies, seed treatments, and agronomic practices, and are available for you to view. If you are interested in a private tour of a Knowledge Plot near you, contact your local Legend Seeds dealer or Account Manager.
1,000 Reasons to Purchase HarvXtra® Alfalfa
As you consider those things for next year, I want to invite you to continue growing with Legend Seeds. Our goal is to be the #1 choice for your acre. Yes, it’s an ambitious goal, but we wanted it to be that way. Earning and keeping your business is something that we don’t take lightly. That’s because we know that your farm is your livelihood and legacy – and there’s few things more important than that!
Receive $1,000 off every purchase of 12 bags of HarvXtra® Alfalfa with Roundup Ready® Technology if purchased and planted by December 31, 2018.
Contact your local Legend Seeds representative for more information! HarvXtra® is a registered trademark of Forage Genetics International, LLC. Roundup Ready® is a registered trademark of Monsanto Technology LLC, used under license by Forage Genetics International, LLC. HarvXtra® Alfalfa with Roundup Ready® Technology and Roundup Ready® Alfalfa are subject to planting and use restrictions. Visit for the full legal, stewardship and trademark statements for these products.
PO Box 241 De Smet, SD 57231
Staking the L.E.A.P. plots is an important part in the research process. This allows our team to navigate the field and keep track of the different hybrids and varieties planted in each plot.
To your success,
Glen 1
Caption correction from the April Advantage Newsletter: Glen Davis, Legend Seeds President, and Tim Bratland, Legend Seeds General Manager, present dealers and growers, Jason Huber and Kent Huber, with their Yield Advantage Club plaques.
WHAT’S INSIDE: PG 2-3: Legend Seeds Research Team Completes a Successful Planting Season PG 4-5: Grower Spotlight - Cody Miller
LEGEND SEEDS RESEARCH TEAM COMPLETES SUCCESSFUL PLANTING SEASON Here at Legend Seeds, we’re committed to local testing. Our in-house research program is called the Legend Elite Advancement Project (L.E.A.P.). Since 2014, we’ve conducted more than 78,000 replicated corn trials across our footprint. This unique program allows us to select the best performing products and position them on the right acre in each of your fields.
egend Seeds Presents . . . Grower SPOTLIGHT
opportunities and possibilities it carries. It’s a fun and exciting time of year, but before we can take our notes, we have to stake our plots. The stakes allow us to know where we are within the plot at all times. In late May, April Borders, Research and Agronomy Development Manager, (Continued on Page. 3)
Just as our dealers and growers were challenged this spring by Mother Nature, our research team faced many of the same obstacles with weather and a late spring. With that said, we would like to share with you the highlights and stats from this year’s planting season. This year’s 11 in-house L.E.A.P. plots fell into six different states. Our team traveled 5,509 miles to get planted in just 16 days! With countless hotel stays and convenience store lunches, it certainly made for a memorable couple of weeks. The planting season began on May 2 in Pierre, South Dakota and finished up on May 17 in Geneva, Minnesota. More than 300 unique germplasm lines and seven new corn seed treatment options are being tested across the 11 plot locations. A tremendous amount of valuable information will be able to be collected throughout the summer to help Legend Seeds and our growers continuously improve. Our Legend Seeds research team also has added 12 third party corn and soybean L.E.A.P. plots to broaden our research footprint. 2018 is Legend Seeds’ first year incorporating third party research, and we are excited about the new
Legend Seeds grower and dealer, Cody Miller, has been farming all his life. His passion for the industry was evident from day one. Growing up a third-generation farmer in Wahpeton, North Dakota, he has been striving every day for new and innovative ways to better the family farm.
who is still actively farming alongside him. “It’s every farmer’s dream to have your own son take over the farm…but that will be their decision when the time comes.” In addition to farming full time, Miller also serves Legend Seeds as a dealer in North Dakota. He was asked just a week after graduation from college to become a seed dealer. At the time, getting established as a young farmer seemed job enough, and he passed on the offer. Fast forward to 2016, and Miller was offered the opportunity again, this time with Legend Seeds, and he jumped at the chance.
“They always say farming’s not really a job, it’s a way of life,” said Miller. “It’s in your blood, it just can’t be explained any other way.” That passion for agriculture kick-started his life as a farmer before he was even old enough to drive. When Miller was just 12, he bought shares in the Minn Dak Farmers Cooperative in Wahpeton, beginning his journey in the sugar beet industry. Since that day, he has continued to be invested in sugar beets, as well as corn, soybeans, and spring wheat.
With only a few short years under his belt, Miller would be considered a novice by many. However, in his three years with Legend Seeds, he has grown his business exponentially and is constantly looking for new ways to improve his business and better serve his customers.
The farm is a family affair with Miller. He and his wife have two young sons who, he would gladly welcome to join the family farm as they get older, just as Cody joined his father, Larry,
Maisey sits on top of our four-row planter to make sure all the seeds are planted in the correct order and location in the field.
“Cody has bought into the Legend Seeds company 100 percent. He believes in the product he is selling and
Osakis Bloomer Baldwin
Legend Seeds wants to shine a spotlight on you and your operation this summer! Why do you farm, raise livestock, or why you do what you do in your everyday life? Farming, ranching, landscaping, or even accounting…why do you love what you do? We want to know!
Fairfax Sleepy Eye Lake Preston
Reese New Lothrop
Geneva Estherville
Spencer Rembrandt
Platteville Clarion Reinbeck
Wausa Norfolk
Above all, the enthusiasm Miller has about the future of his farm and dealership is contagious, and it all stems back to the reason behind his passion.
We want to hear about your #LegendaryFarms
“I’m very comfortable introducing a new grower to our product. It speaks for itself with the quality and production,” said Miller. “I want other people to have Legend products on their farm, so they can experience the same success as I have with it.”
Grand Forks
Dimock Canton
When you have a product that you believe in, the drive to succeed follows, and it shows. Cody Miller Seeds, LLC, has transitioned large-scale farms from other companies to 100 percent Legend loyalty. While servicing approximately 30 clients, he doesn’t hesitate to introduce growers to the Legend products.
Cody Miller, Legend Seeds grower and dealer, and Dan Schmit, Legend Account Manager, exhibit a strong working relationship that contributes to Miller’s success as a dealer.
De Smet
everything that goes with it,” said Dan Schmit, Legend Account Manager for Miller. “From the products to the service offered and every Legend support staff that he utilizes, it all contributes to his success as a Legend grower and dealer.”
“There’s just something about getting out and working ground for the first time every spring. The feel, the smell, it’s an experience, a memory if you will – There’s just nothing like it.”
Research Intern, Maisey Fees-Spellman, had many fun adventures during planting, including their stop in Motley, Minnesota to snap this fun photo!
This Legend Seeds territory map displays all of the 2018 L.E.A.P. plots, both in-house and third-party.
Submit your photos with a caption of your “why” for a chance to win a Legend Brand Store certificate valued at $100!
Cedar Rapids
Photos can be submitted to or through Facebook Messenger @LegendSeeds Visit our website for all the details at
VISIT LEGEND AT ONE OF THIS SUMMER’S FARM SHOWS! and Maisey Fees-Spellman, Research Intern, were out at the plot in Blunt, SD staking that plot. They are currently working on taking their L.E.A.P. notes on agronomic qualities such as emergence and early season vigor, plus population counts. Notes will continue to be taken throughout the summer at various stages of growth, meaning at least one more round of travels to all the locations! On the road again…
For more information on the Legend Seeds L.E.A.P. plots and our locally proven products visit: www.legendseeds. net/locally-proven On a beautiful spring day, Maisey carefully staked one of this year’s 11 L.E.A.P. plot locations.
▢ Grand Forks, North Dakota: 73 - 90 day RM
▢ Minot, North Dakota: 73 - 90 day RM
▢ Bloomer, Wisconsin: 82 - 101 day RM
▢ Colfax, North Dakota: 82 - 101 day RM
▢ Lake Preston, South Dakota: 90 - 106 day RM
▢ Fairfax, Minnesota: 90 - 106 day RM
▢ Blunt, South Dakota: 90 - 106 day RM
▢ Geneva, Minnesota: 94 - 108 day RM
▢ Galesville, Wisconsin: 94 - 108 day RM
▢ Rembrandt (Early), Iowa: 100 - 117 day RM
▢ Hartington, Nebraska: 100 - 117 day RM
JULY 2018
Glen Davis, President, Legend Seeds
By participating in our social media campaign, Legend Seeds reserves the right to use any photos taken in future social media uses including website and other Legend digital platforms.
July 10-12, 2018 • Marshfield, WI
Every year in June, there comes a time when the wellknown “Serenity Prayer” comes to my mind as I look at the fields around my home and in my travels:
RM = Relative Maturity
“God grant me the serenity,
August 7-9, 2018 • Morgan, MN
To accept the things I cannot change;
August 21-23, 2018 • Mitchell, SD
And wisdom to know the difference .”
Aug. 30 - Sept 3, 2018 • Huron, SD
Courage to change the things I can;
Who learns to live out this prayer better than a farmer? With summer here, we can usually look around and see that the crop is in the ground and off to a decent start – yes, there were some acres that needed to be replanted. However, for the majority this year in our footprint, it was a slow start, and then planting finally picked up to its usual pace.
September 11-13, 2018 • West Fargo, ND
I was recently traveling with several of our Legend Account Managers and dealers, and I realized that there came a time when we wound up complaining about the things we cannot control. Isn’t it easier to complain about things we cannot control than to focus on the things that are still within our control? In the summer months we face things we can and cannot control – hail, heat, flooding – just to name a few. Now is the time to start planning for next year’s crop. It starts with evaluating the hybrids and varieties that were planted this year. Our Knowledge Plots serve as resource for you in evaluating and learning about our products as you develop your cropping plan for next year. This summer, Legend Seeds has nine Knowledge Plots spanning across South Dakota, North Dakota, Nebraska, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. These plots are educational and designed to showcase our products, new technologies, seed treatments, and agronomic practices, and are available for you to view. If you are interested in a private tour of a Knowledge Plot near you, contact your local Legend Seeds dealer or Account Manager.
1,000 Reasons to Purchase HarvXtra® Alfalfa
As you consider those things for next year, I want to invite you to continue growing with Legend Seeds. Our goal is to be the #1 choice for your acre. Yes, it’s an ambitious goal, but we wanted it to be that way. Earning and keeping your business is something that we don’t take lightly. That’s because we know that your farm is your livelihood and legacy – and there’s few things more important than that!
Receive $1,000 off every purchase of 12 bags of HarvXtra® Alfalfa with Roundup Ready® Technology if purchased and planted by December 31, 2018.
Contact your local Legend Seeds representative for more information! HarvXtra® is a registered trademark of Forage Genetics International, LLC. Roundup Ready® is a registered trademark of Monsanto Technology LLC, used under license by Forage Genetics International, LLC. HarvXtra® Alfalfa with Roundup Ready® Technology and Roundup Ready® Alfalfa are subject to planting and use restrictions. Visit for the full legal, stewardship and trademark statements for these products.
PO Box 241 De Smet, SD 57231
Staking the L.E.A.P. plots is an important part in the research process. This allows our team to navigate the field and keep track of the different hybrids and varieties planted in each plot.
To your success,
Glen 1
Caption correction from the April Advantage Newsletter: Glen Davis, Legend Seeds President, and Tim Bratland, Legend Seeds General Manager, present dealers and growers, Jason Huber and Kent Huber, with their Yield Advantage Club plaques.
WHAT’S INSIDE: PG 2-3: Legend Seeds Research Team Completes a Successful Planting Season PG 4-5: Grower Spotlight - Cody Miller
LEGEND SEEDS RESEARCH TEAM COMPLETES SUCCESSFUL PLANTING SEASON Here at Legend Seeds, we’re committed to local testing. Our in-house research program is called the Legend Elite Advancement Project (L.E.A.P.). Since 2014, we’ve conducted more than 78,000 replicated corn trials across our footprint. This unique program allows us to select the best performing products and position them on the right acre in each of your fields.
egend Seeds Presents . . . Grower SPOTLIGHT
opportunities and possibilities it carries. It’s a fun and exciting time of year, but before we can take our notes, we have to stake our plots. The stakes allow us to know where we are within the plot at all times. In late May, April Borders, Research and Agronomy Development Manager, (Continued on Page. 3)
Just as our dealers and growers were challenged this spring by Mother Nature, our research team faced many of the same obstacles with weather and a late spring. With that said, we would like to share with you the highlights and stats from this year’s planting season. This year’s 11 in-house L.E.A.P. plots fell into six different states. Our team traveled 5,509 miles to get planted in just 16 days! With countless hotel stays and convenience store lunches, it certainly made for a memorable couple of weeks. The planting season began on May 2 in Pierre, South Dakota and finished up on May 17 in Geneva, Minnesota. More than 300 unique germplasm lines and seven new corn seed treatment options are being tested across the 11 plot locations. A tremendous amount of valuable information will be able to be collected throughout the summer to help Legend Seeds and our growers continuously improve. Our Legend Seeds research team also has added 12 third party corn and soybean L.E.A.P. plots to broaden our research footprint. 2018 is Legend Seeds’ first year incorporating third party research, and we are excited about the new
Legend Seeds grower and dealer, Cody Miller, has been farming all his life. His passion for the industry was evident from day one. Growing up a third-generation farmer in Wahpeton, North Dakota, he has been striving every day for new and innovative ways to better the family farm.
who is still actively farming alongside him. “It’s every farmer’s dream to have your own son take over the farm…but that will be their decision when the time comes.” In addition to farming full time, Miller also serves Legend Seeds as a dealer in North Dakota. He was asked just a week after graduation from college to become a seed dealer. At the time, getting established as a young farmer seemed job enough, and he passed on the offer. Fast forward to 2016, and Miller was offered the opportunity again, this time with Legend Seeds, and he jumped at the chance.
“They always say farming’s not really a job, it’s a way of life,” said Miller. “It’s in your blood, it just can’t be explained any other way.” That passion for agriculture kick-started his life as a farmer before he was even old enough to drive. When Miller was just 12, he bought shares in the Minn Dak Farmers Cooperative in Wahpeton, beginning his journey in the sugar beet industry. Since that day, he has continued to be invested in sugar beets, as well as corn, soybeans, and spring wheat.
With only a few short years under his belt, Miller would be considered a novice by many. However, in his three years with Legend Seeds, he has grown his business exponentially and is constantly looking for new ways to improve his business and better serve his customers.
The farm is a family affair with Miller. He and his wife have two young sons who, he would gladly welcome to join the family farm as they get older, just as Cody joined his father, Larry,
Maisey sits on top of our four-row planter to make sure all the seeds are planted in the correct order and location in the field.
“Cody has bought into the Legend Seeds company 100 percent. He believes in the product he is selling and
Osakis Bloomer Baldwin
Legend Seeds wants to shine a spotlight on you and your operation this summer! Why do you farm, raise livestock, or why you do what you do in your everyday life? Farming, ranching, landscaping, or even accounting…why do you love what you do? We want to know!
Fairfax Sleepy Eye Lake Preston
Reese New Lothrop
Geneva Estherville
Spencer Rembrandt
Platteville Clarion Reinbeck
Wausa Norfolk
Above all, the enthusiasm Miller has about the future of his farm and dealership is contagious, and it all stems back to the reason behind his passion.
We want to hear about your #LegendaryFarms
“I’m very comfortable introducing a new grower to our product. It speaks for itself with the quality and production,” said Miller. “I want other people to have Legend products on their farm, so they can experience the same success as I have with it.”
Grand Forks
Dimock Canton
When you have a product that you believe in, the drive to succeed follows, and it shows. Cody Miller Seeds, LLC, has transitioned large-scale farms from other companies to 100 percent Legend loyalty. While servicing approximately 30 clients, he doesn’t hesitate to introduce growers to the Legend products.
Cody Miller, Legend Seeds grower and dealer, and Dan Schmit, Legend Account Manager, exhibit a strong working relationship that contributes to Miller’s success as a dealer.
De Smet
everything that goes with it,” said Dan Schmit, Legend Account Manager for Miller. “From the products to the service offered and every Legend support staff that he utilizes, it all contributes to his success as a Legend grower and dealer.”
“There’s just something about getting out and working ground for the first time every spring. The feel, the smell, it’s an experience, a memory if you will – There’s just nothing like it.”
Research Intern, Maisey Fees-Spellman, had many fun adventures during planting, including their stop in Motley, Minnesota to snap this fun photo!
This Legend Seeds territory map displays all of the 2018 L.E.A.P. plots, both in-house and third-party.
Submit your photos with a caption of your “why” for a chance to win a Legend Brand Store certificate valued at $100!
Cedar Rapids
Photos can be submitted to or through Facebook Messenger @LegendSeeds Visit our website for all the details at
LEGEND SEEDS RESEARCH TEAM COMPLETES SUCCESSFUL PLANTING SEASON Here at Legend Seeds, we’re committed to local testing. Our in-house research program is called the Legend Elite Advancement Project (L.E.A.P.). Since 2014, we’ve conducted more than 78,000 replicated corn trials across our footprint. This unique program allows us to select the best performing products and position them on the right acre in each of your fields.
egend Seeds Presents . . . Grower SPOTLIGHT
opportunities and possibilities it carries. It’s a fun and exciting time of year, but before we can take our notes, we have to stake our plots. The stakes allow us to know where we are within the plot at all times. In late May, April Borders, Research and Agronomy Development Manager, (Continued on Page. 3)
Just as our dealers and growers were challenged this spring by Mother Nature, our research team faced many of the same obstacles with weather and a late spring. With that said, we would like to share with you the highlights and stats from this year’s planting season. This year’s 11 in-house L.E.A.P. plots fell into six different states. Our team traveled 5,509 miles to get planted in just 16 days! With countless hotel stays and convenience store lunches, it certainly made for a memorable couple of weeks. The planting season began on May 2 in Pierre, South Dakota and finished up on May 17 in Geneva, Minnesota. More than 300 unique germplasm lines and seven new corn seed treatment options are being tested across the 11 plot locations. A tremendous amount of valuable information will be able to be collected throughout the summer to help Legend Seeds and our growers continuously improve. Our Legend Seeds research team also has added 12 third party corn and soybean L.E.A.P. plots to broaden our research footprint. 2018 is Legend Seeds’ first year incorporating third party research, and we are excited about the new
Legend Seeds grower and dealer, Cody Miller, has been farming all his life. His passion for the industry was evident from day one. Growing up a third-generation farmer in Wahpeton, North Dakota, he has been striving every day for new and innovative ways to better the family farm.
who is still actively farming alongside him. “It’s every farmer’s dream to have your own son take over the farm…but that will be their decision when the time comes.” In addition to farming full time, Miller also serves Legend Seeds as a dealer in North Dakota. He was asked just a week after graduation from college to become a seed dealer. At the time, getting established as a young farmer seemed job enough, and he passed on the offer. Fast forward to 2016, and Miller was offered the opportunity again, this time with Legend Seeds, and he jumped at the chance.
“They always say farming’s not really a job, it’s a way of life,” said Miller. “It’s in your blood, it just can’t be explained any other way.” That passion for agriculture kick-started his life as a farmer before he was even old enough to drive. When Miller was just 12, he bought shares in the Minn Dak Farmers Cooperative in Wahpeton, beginning his journey in the sugar beet industry. Since that day, he has continued to be invested in sugar beets, as well as corn, soybeans, and spring wheat.
With only a few short years under his belt, Miller would be considered a novice by many. However, in his three years with Legend Seeds, he has grown his business exponentially and is constantly looking for new ways to improve his business and better serve his customers.
The farm is a family affair with Miller. He and his wife have two young sons who, he would gladly welcome to join the family farm as they get older, just as Cody joined his father, Larry,
Maisey sits on top of our four-row planter to make sure all the seeds are planted in the correct order and location in the field.
“Cody has bought into the Legend Seeds company 100 percent. He believes in the product he is selling and
Osakis Bloomer Baldwin
Legend Seeds wants to shine a spotlight on you and your operation this summer! Why do you farm, raise livestock, or why you do what you do in your everyday life? Farming, ranching, landscaping, or even accounting…why do you love what you do? We want to know!
Fairfax Sleepy Eye Lake Preston
Reese New Lothrop
Geneva Estherville
Spencer Rembrandt
Platteville Clarion Reinbeck
Wausa Norfolk
Above all, the enthusiasm Miller has about the future of his farm and dealership is contagious, and it all stems back to the reason behind his passion.
We want to hear about your #LegendaryFarms
“I’m very comfortable introducing a new grower to our product. It speaks for itself with the quality and production,” said Miller. “I want other people to have Legend products on their farm, so they can experience the same success as I have with it.”
Grand Forks
Dimock Canton
When you have a product that you believe in, the drive to succeed follows, and it shows. Cody Miller Seeds, LLC, has transitioned large-scale farms from other companies to 100 percent Legend loyalty. While servicing approximately 30 clients, he doesn’t hesitate to introduce growers to the Legend products.
Cody Miller, Legend Seeds grower and dealer, and Dan Schmit, Legend Account Manager, exhibit a strong working relationship that contributes to Miller’s success as a dealer.
De Smet
everything that goes with it,” said Dan Schmit, Legend Account Manager for Miller. “From the products to the service offered and every Legend support staff that he utilizes, it all contributes to his success as a Legend grower and dealer.”
“There’s just something about getting out and working ground for the first time every spring. The feel, the smell, it’s an experience, a memory if you will – There’s just nothing like it.”
Research Intern, Maisey Fees-Spellman, had many fun adventures during planting, including their stop in Motley, Minnesota to snap this fun photo!
This Legend Seeds territory map displays all of the 2018 L.E.A.P. plots, both in-house and third-party.
Submit your photos with a caption of your “why” for a chance to win a Legend Brand Store certificate valued at $100!
Cedar Rapids
Photos can be submitted to or through Facebook Messenger @LegendSeeds Visit our website for all the details at
VISIT LEGEND AT ONE OF THIS SUMMER’S FARM SHOWS! and Maisey Fees-Spellman, Research Intern, were out at the plot in Blunt, SD staking that plot. They are currently working on taking their L.E.A.P. notes on agronomic qualities such as emergence and early season vigor, plus population counts. Notes will continue to be taken throughout the summer at various stages of growth, meaning at least one more round of travels to all the locations! On the road again…
For more information on the Legend Seeds L.E.A.P. plots and our locally proven products visit: www.legendseeds. net/locally-proven On a beautiful spring day, Maisey carefully staked one of this year’s 11 L.E.A.P. plot locations.
▢ Grand Forks, North Dakota: 73 - 90 day RM
▢ Minot, North Dakota: 73 - 90 day RM
▢ Bloomer, Wisconsin: 82 - 101 day RM
▢ Colfax, North Dakota: 82 - 101 day RM
▢ Lake Preston, South Dakota: 90 - 106 day RM
▢ Fairfax, Minnesota: 90 - 106 day RM
▢ Blunt, South Dakota: 90 - 106 day RM
▢ Geneva, Minnesota: 94 - 108 day RM
▢ Galesville, Wisconsin: 94 - 108 day RM
▢ Rembrandt (Early), Iowa: 100 - 117 day RM
▢ Hartington, Nebraska: 100 - 117 day RM
JULY 2018
Glen Davis, President, Legend Seeds
By participating in our social media campaign, Legend Seeds reserves the right to use any photos taken in future social media uses including website and other Legend digital platforms.
July 10-12, 2018 • Marshfield, WI
Every year in June, there comes a time when the wellknown “Serenity Prayer” comes to my mind as I look at the fields around my home and in my travels:
RM = Relative Maturity
“God grant me the serenity,
August 7-9, 2018 • Morgan, MN
To accept the things I cannot change;
August 21-23, 2018 • Mitchell, SD
And wisdom to know the difference .”
Aug. 30 - Sept 3, 2018 • Huron, SD
Courage to change the things I can;
Who learns to live out this prayer better than a farmer? With summer here, we can usually look around and see that the crop is in the ground and off to a decent start – yes, there were some acres that needed to be replanted. However, for the majority this year in our footprint, it was a slow start, and then planting finally picked up to its usual pace.
September 11-13, 2018 • West Fargo, ND
I was recently traveling with several of our Legend Account Managers and dealers, and I realized that there came a time when we wound up complaining about the things we cannot control. Isn’t it easier to complain about things we cannot control than to focus on the things that are still within our control? In the summer months we face things we can and cannot control – hail, heat, flooding – just to name a few. Now is the time to start planning for next year’s crop. It starts with evaluating the hybrids and varieties that were planted this year. Our Knowledge Plots serve as resource for you in evaluating and learning about our products as you develop your cropping plan for next year. This summer, Legend Seeds has nine Knowledge Plots spanning across South Dakota, North Dakota, Nebraska, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. These plots are educational and designed to showcase our products, new technologies, seed treatments, and agronomic practices, and are available for you to view. If you are interested in a private tour of a Knowledge Plot near you, contact your local Legend Seeds dealer or Account Manager.
1,000 Reasons to Purchase HarvXtra® Alfalfa
As you consider those things for next year, I want to invite you to continue growing with Legend Seeds. Our goal is to be the #1 choice for your acre. Yes, it’s an ambitious goal, but we wanted it to be that way. Earning and keeping your business is something that we don’t take lightly. That’s because we know that your farm is your livelihood and legacy – and there’s few things more important than that!
Receive $1,000 off every purchase of 12 bags of HarvXtra® Alfalfa with Roundup Ready® Technology if purchased and planted by December 31, 2018.
Contact your local Legend Seeds representative for more information! HarvXtra® is a registered trademark of Forage Genetics International, LLC. Roundup Ready® is a registered trademark of Monsanto Technology LLC, used under license by Forage Genetics International, LLC. HarvXtra® Alfalfa with Roundup Ready® Technology and Roundup Ready® Alfalfa are subject to planting and use restrictions. Visit for the full legal, stewardship and trademark statements for these products.
PO Box 241 De Smet, SD 57231
Staking the L.E.A.P. plots is an important part in the research process. This allows our team to navigate the field and keep track of the different hybrids and varieties planted in each plot.
To your success,
Glen 1
Caption correction from the April Advantage Newsletter: Glen Davis, Legend Seeds President, and Tim Bratland, Legend Seeds General Manager, present dealers and growers, Jason Huber and Kent Huber, with their Yield Advantage Club plaques.
WHAT’S INSIDE: PG 2-3: Legend Seeds Research Team Completes a Successful Planting Season PG 4-5: Grower Spotlight - Cody Miller