APRIL / MAY 2016
Upcoming Events
By Glen Davis, President, Legend Seeds
I hope you and your family had an enjoyable Easter! It is important to enjoy time with our loved ones and to celebrate the great gift God has given us. When I think of planting season it is another one of the miracles of the spring season. If you need some last minute seed, we are here. You have run your budgets, selected varieties for each field, done most of the planning for this season and maybe even started some marketing. Planting is the most important factor each year in determining your success for the entire 2016 growing season.
WI Tech Days July 19-21, 2016 Walworth County, WI
MN Farmfest August 2-4, 2016 Redwood County, MN Dakotafest August 16-18, 2016 Mitchell, SD
I hope you utilized our cloud-based Farmacology™ program Legend Edge as you selected your varieties for each field. This program can also help with grid sampling results and determining a customized variable rate fertility prescription for this spring in each field. As we move toward managing each acre for maximum production, the Legend Edge can be extremely helpful. This tool can help streamline all of your management operations. Our staff is well-trained in helping growers begin using the technology, contact us to help you get started. As you begin planting, I encourage you to keep our Legend Advantage Yield Club in mind. This club recognizes an elite group of producers who not only select the best seed for their land, but manage for the highest performance. Last year we recognized over 96 fields that met the requirements. This spring, consider selecting one or two fields to specially manage for the highest possible yields. After harvest season, we will invite you to submit hybrid and yield information with the opportunity of becoming a member of the Legend Advantage Yield Club for 2016. Finally, the pace of planting season is often hectic. One day, none of the fields are ready and by the end of the next there are more than enough acres ready to be planted. It can be extremely stressful for the whole family. We have to remember not to get in a hurry, not to try and take shortcuts. Most of all, we want you to be safe during this busy time. We have just one chance to plant the crops each year, let’s do the best job we can. I wish you the very best planting season with high-yielding Legend Seeds. I hope everyone enjoys cooperative weather and no breakdowns! ADVANTAGE
What’s Inside: PG 2: Winter Kill & Making the Decision to Rotate Out of Alfalfa PG 3: Back to the Basics - Making the Most of Your Investment PG 4: Legend Seeds Partners with Farm Nutrients in Iowa