2017 IS HERE...
HAPPY NEW YEAR! By Glen Davis, President, Legend Seeds
We find the New Year is a time to reflect on what has happened in the past year. What have we lost? …maybe family, friends and others we knew. What have we gained? …children, grandchildren and all the growing and accomplishments of those we know and love! It is also a time of personal and business reflection. I won’t go into the personal details, but my own list is long … mostly vast improvements that my dear wife, Janet, has been very helpful in compiling! But, I will spend a minute reflecting on business. At Legend (as at any business) we strive to set ourselves apart from the competition. We strive to carry products that perform for our customers consistently under their conditions and management. This is sometimes hard to measure, but I feel these things put us ahead of the competition:
• L.E.A.P. research program
• Legend Edge program
• 100s and 100s of in the field observations from our agronomy and research team
• Valued customer and dealer feedback
We recognize that mother nature can change the outcome of any product’s performance. However, we still try to have a product lineup that gets better and better each year at meeting the specific needs of our customers for their area. We know this is the most important part of your success with Legend Seeds. Our resolution this year is to remain committed to keeping the Legend Seeds product lineup the very best possible for our dealers and customers. We aim to help you get the most profit opportunity per acre. Next time, I’ll continue to share other ways we strive to set ourselves apart from the competition! ADVANTAGE
Upcoming Events Symposium ‘17 January 24-25, 2017 Wisconsin Dells, WI
MN Ag Expo January 25-26, 2017 Mankato, MN Sioux Falls Farm Show January 25-27, 2017 Sioux Falls, SD KMOT Ag Expo January 25-27, 2017 Minot, ND Iowa Power Show Jan. 31 - Feb. 2, 2017 Des Moines, IA West Otter Tail County Crop & Forage Show February 1, 2017 Fergus Falls, MN ND Soybean Expo February 7, 2017 Fargo, ND ND CornVention February 8, 2017 Fargo, ND Watertown Farm Show February 7-11, 2017 Watertown, SD A complete list of our events can be found on our website at www.legendseeds.net
By Matt Raml, Director of Product and Portfolio Development
1. What about the herbicide? Is it approved yet?
addition, use a minimum carrier volume of 10 GPA or higher when treating dense vegetation. Do not exceed 15 miles per hour ground speed. A slower speed generally results in better spray coverage and deposition on the target area. Finally, the spray boom heights should not exceed 24” above the target pest or crop canopy. Set the boom to the lowest effective height over the target pest or crop canopy based on equipment manufacturer’s directions. Triple rinse the tanks immediately after spraying. No ammonium sulfate and ammonium-based additives are allowed in applications that include Xtendimax™ with VaporGrip™ Technology.
Yes, XtendiMax™ (Straight Dicamba) with VaporGrip™ Technology was approved by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on November 9, 2016. At this point we can now take advantage of the entire Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® platform if the final approval has been granted at the state level. To see if your state has been approved please visit: http://www.roundupreadyxtend.com/stewardship/ApprovalsMap/Pages/Approvals-Map.aspx As of December 20, 2016, the following states in the Legend Seeds footprint were approved: Iowa, Nebraska, North Dakota, Wisconsin and Michigan.
4. What nozzle do we have to use on the sprayers? Utilize the TTI11004 nozzle with a maximum operating pressure of 63 PSI when applying XtendiMax™ with VaporGrip™ Technology. That’s a coarse to ultra-coarse nozzle. We are aiming for very large, heavy droplets with no driftable fines. For more information and updated nozzle types visit: http://www.xtendimaxapplicationrequirements.com
2. What about the buffer? Previously, the EPA had stated that Xtendimax™ with VaporGrip™ buffer was going to have be around the entire field. On November 9, 2016 the EPA came out with updated regulations that are exactly what they should be in terms of agronomy and stewardship. The new recommendation is for a buffer of 110 feet at a 22-ounce application rate and must be maintained when the Xtend field is downwind to susceptible crops. No buffer is needed if the downwind location is not a susceptible crop, trees, etc.
5. What about tank mixes? As of December 2016, there are no tank mixes approved. However, the EPA has approved a process for getting tank mixes approved which we feel is very positive. It is the hope to have a Roundup + Dicamba mix and a Volunteer Corn Product + Dicamba approved by spring, at the very least. For more information and updated information on tank mixes visit: http://www.xtendimaxapplicationrequirements.com 6. Pricing? The price will be in the $10.80/A range for XtendiMax™ with VaporGrip™ Technology. 7. Do I need to mark my field? Consider using the black and white checkered flags to identify your fields to indicate the technology planted to avoid misapplications. Talk with your Legend Seeds representative about these flags. Secondly, check www.fieldwatch.com to look for sensitive crop registries. Finally, talk with your neighbors and confirm what is planted near your fields. 8. Anything else we should know? We are very excited about the yield results that we have seen this year. We are going to be able to help a lot of farmers next summer improve their yields and control their weeds. The other thing that is exciting is the powerful control of broadleaves that XtendiMax will have. On top of that XtendiMax contains up to 14 days of residual in dry conditions which can help get growers to canopy. ADVANTAGE
3. What about spraying? There’s a large window of time for application, so the flexibility is going to be beneficial for use from pre-emergence to seven days pre-harvest. To maintain good stewardship, be sure to talk with your neighbors, use the correct application rate with each application, and do not spray if the wind speed is less than 3 MPH or greater than 15 MPH. Do not spray aerially. In
Xtend your yields with Legend Seeds and receive a
Get higher yields with Legend Seeds and Xtend soybeans! When you purchase 240 units of Xtend soybeans and 24 units of corn, we’ll send you a special edition Legend Seeds / Roundup Ready 2 Xtend branded YETI® Tundra 45 cooler (a $350 value)!
PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS » Purchase 240 units of Roundup Ready 2 Xtend Soybeans and 24 units of corn. » Corn must be new growth units/acres and Genuity® (GENSSRIB, VT2PRIB, VT3PRIB or RR). Minimum of two technology products recommended. » Program ends February 28, 2017. » Coolers will be delivered in July 2017. » Soybean only growers can qualify by purchasing 400 units of Xtend soybeans (multiple varieties suggested; must be new growth acres above and beyond last year’s total soybean sales).
As of this printing no dicamba herbicide product has been approved for commercial in-crop use with Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® soybeans. DO NOT APPLY DICAMBA HERBICIDE IN-CROP TO Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® Soybeans IN 2016 unless you use a dicamba herbicide product that is specifically labeled for that use in the location where you intend to make the application. While no in-crop use of dicamba is currently approved, some dicamba products may be labeled for weed control prior to planting a crop and subject to minimum plant back restrictions. IT IS A VIOLATION OF FEDERAL AND STATE LAW TO MAKE AN IN-CROP APPLICATION OF ANY DICAMBA HERBICIDE PRODUCT ON Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® Soybeans, OR ANY OTHER PESTICIDE APPLICATION, UNLESS THE PRODUCT LABELING SPECIFICALLY AUTHORIZES THE USE. Contact the U.S. EPA and your state pesticide regulatory agency with any questions about the approval status of dicamba herbicide products for in-crop use with Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® Soybeans and follow all pesticide product labeling.Monsanto Company is a member of Excellence Through Stewardship® (ETS). Monsanto products are commercialized in accordance with ETS Product Launch Stewardship Guidance, and in compliance with Monsanto’s Policy for Commercialization of Biotechnology-Derived Plant Products in Commodity Crops. This product has been approved for import into key export markets with functioning regulatory systems. Any crop or material produced from this product can only be exported to, or used, processed or sold in countries where all necessary regulatory approvals have been granted. It is a violation of national and international law to move material containing biotech traits across boundaries into nations where import is not permitted. Growers should talk to their grain handler or product purchaser to confirm their buying position for this product. Excellence Through Stewardship® is a registered trademark of Biotechnology Industry Organization. ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW PESTICIDE LABEL DIRECTIONS. Roundup Ready® crops contain genes that confer tolerance to glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup® brand agricultural herbicides. Roundup® brand agricultural herbicides will kill crops that are not tolerant to glyphosate. ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW PESTICIDE LABEL DIRECTIONS. Roundup Ready 2 Xtend Soybeans contains genes that confer tolerance to glyphosate and dicamba. Glyphosate herbicides will kill crops that are not tolerant to glyphosate. Dicamba will kill crops that are not tolerant to dicamba. Contact your Monsanto dealer or refer to Monsanto’s Technology Use Guide for recommended Roundup Ready® Xtend Crop System weed control programs.
Cooler quantiti es are limited! Secure your yiel ds and YETI cooler by orderin g today. Call us at 800.67 8.3346 or visit legendseeds.net to find a Legend Seeds sales rep near you.
LEGEND SEEDS PLACEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS By Matt Raml, Director of Product and Portfolio Development
LS 17X765N - Follows LS 17R500N footprint within Legend Seeds but brings an impressive agronomic package for PRR, IDC and SCN. Moves west to east very well especially into MN, WI and parts of MI.
Legend Seeds has been testing varieties for our region in the new Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® platform for three years. We’re moving forward with a very high yielding and agronomically sound lineup for 2017. Here’s a quick rundown on the placement recommendations for these varieties and an introduction to their agronomic characteristics:
LS 20X746N – Brings a complete agronomic package with yield. Complete with Rps 3a, SDS, IDC and SCN and will yield like the old LS 20R20N. Make sure you have this one on your farm if you need a solid performer.
LS 007X756N - Very strong variety for IDC. Excellent field tolerance for PRR and handles tough growing environments in the extreme northern parts of Northern MN and ND. Impressive in 15-inch row spacing with tremendous yield expression of such an early line. LS 04X765N – Impressive agronomics in this line which is highlighted by Rps 3a, SCN and IDC. Excellent companion to many of the Roundup Ready 2 Yield® (RR2Y) lines in this maturity group. Similar plant stature to LS 03R22 and LS 04R560. Wide lateral branches, this will close the canopy. LS 07X656N - Comparable IDC of the old benchmark IDC soybean variety LS 06R21 and the LS 06R665N. Similar agronomics with a SCN component for 2017. LS 09X760N - Rps 3a and SCN allowing placement across a wide variety of acres in the Legend Seeds foot print. Moves west to east extremely well with great yield expression and consistency.
LS 21X705N - WOW! Flat out yield in this variety. Has already been making a name for itself in the Legend Seeds portfolio. Excellent companion line to all early group 2 RRs and Xtend lines. Complete agronomics for SDS, IDC and BSR. If you need a group 2 line this is a winner!
LS 09X606N – Moves into drought stress acres very well. A combination line that brings the yield expression of LS 09R23N when facing stress and the rock-solid agronomics of the former LS 08R22 line.
LS 23X632N - Rps 1c, Full Resistance to BSR, very strong SWM tolerance - strong in southern MN, IA, WI and MI. This is a “can go anywhere” soybean.
LS 10X756N – Performs best across northern SD, southern ND border into MN and east. A soybean that is built for variable soils across the acres that will hold its stature and performance.
LS 26X742N - SCN, SDS, BSR and STS = Complete agronomics. If you need a stress soybean line here it is. Brought into the Legend Seeds portfolio for NE and western IA.
LS 12X665N – Built for wider row spacing due to bushy plant stature. A very agronomically sound soybean line that will be tough to beat when defensive characteristics are needed. Loam soil types or heavier is where this variety calls “home”.
LS 28X665N – Needs to be kept south in zone and well adapted for NE southern IA and IL. Will handle irrigation acres well and moves across all soil types well.
LS 13X765N – Brings stacked PRR, Rps 3a+1c, to the Xtend class. Making this line very attractive to parts of MN and WI. Also, expresses a very good IDC tolerance with a comparable historic yield performance like LS 14R22N. Moves south out of zone very well to compete with later group 1 soybean lines.
For additional placement recommendations, plot performance results and additional assistance with this exciting lineup, contact your local Legend Seeds Dealer, Legend Seeds Account Manager, or Legend Seeds Sales Agronomist. ADVANTAGE ADVANTAGE
EXPANDING OFFERINGS WITH LEGEND SEEDS seed business, the Fluegel’s offer a wide variety of additional farm, garden and pet services with two retail locations in Rosemount and Hastings.
Fluegel’s Farm, Garden & Pet started as a grain elevator founded by Leo J. Fluegel in 1927. Back then, the elevator was located in the gently rolling hillside of rural Minnesota. Almost 100 years later the Fluegel family is still in the grain business, but they aren’t located in a rural area anymore. Minneapolis has grown up around the family business, they are now located in what’s become the southwestern metro area of a major Midwestern city. Leo’s son, Jerry, helped expand the family business and today Jerry’s three children: David, Greg and Kim manage the day to day operations.
Legend Seeds is proud that the Fluegels have joined their family of independent seed dealers and will represent the company in Goodhue, Dakota and Rice counties. To service their seed customers, Fluegel Elevator will rely on the skills and knowledge of Mark Flom. Mark has been with the Fluegels in the livestock sector for 17 years. He’s also not new to Legend Seeds, Mark recently retired from a position with Legend Seeds and is now working exclusively with seed sales at Fluegel’s Elevator. As a Legend dealer, they will offer firstrate customer service and dedication to doing what’s best for their customer. Legend’s rigorous testing over several years and varied environments ensures growers have access to the best products in the industry. ADVANTAGE
Leo would be proud of his grandchildren; they’ve expanded the family business into a number of retail services to meet the needs of the metropolitan area they now find themselves doing business in. At the same time, they stayed true to the original vision for the family elevator and today, they’re expanding their ability to service their farming customers with Legend Seeds products. In addition to the grain and
Since August of 2016, Legend Seeds has added 30+ new dealers across their seven-state territory. This growth is good for all of us: spreading awareness about Legend Seeds and our products. We couldn’t be more proud of these new dealers:
• Soil & Crop Services LLC of Spring Grove • Steve Viland of Pipestone • Thomas Kladar of Eagan • Travis Sandberg of Ortonville
• Austin McMinemee of Denison • Andy Anthofer of Jefferson • BRT Ag and Turf of Ladora • DeRycke’s Crop Depot of Victor • Decker Seeds of Hull • Kaestner Seeds, LLC of Luzerne • Jeremy & Leah Sweely of Clinton • Midwestern BioAg of Monticello • Pinnacle Group of Iowa Falls • Ron Prestholt of Manly • Richard Wubben of Buffalo Center • Schwartz Farms of Bryant
• Austin Ingalls of Bryant • CHS Northern Plains of Gettysburg • Hanten Farms of Watertown • Hartley Farms of Henry • Lesterville Feed & Grain of Tripp • Toews Ag Supply LLC of De Smet • Wilbur-Ellis Company LLC of Blunt
• Johnston Elevator of Clare
• Braaflat Seeds of Plaza • Eyford Ridge Seed Co., LLC of Mountain
• Dale Stenzel of Wells • Farmer’s Coop Oil Co. of Echo • Fluegal Elevator Inc. of Rosemount • Hammer Ag Sales, LLC of Slayton • Kenny Koch of Glenville • Max Seed Solutions of Lake Lillian
• K & K Agronomy of Sheldon • Mike Metzler of Viroqua • Pitzke Farms, Inc of Stetsonville • Rio Creek Feed Mill Inc. of Algoma • Ridge Top View Ag Service of Richland Center
Legend Seeds’ proven and consistent performance shone with seven of eleven total entries earning top three finishes in their respective category. Legend Seeds products earned first place in two categories and Legend was one of only three brands represented in the “100+ Bushel Club.” Visit sdsoybean.org to view full contest entries and results.
LEGEND SEEDS WINNING PRODUCTS AND YIELD Category: Group 0 or 1 Irrigated 2nd Place
84.04 bpa
Category: Group 1 Non-Irrigated 2nd Place
90.61 bpa
Category: Group 1 No-Till 1st Place
80.8 bpa
2nd Place
80.62 bpa
Category: Group 2 Non-Irrigated 3rd Place
93.23 bpa
Category: Group 2 No-Till 1st Place
104.83 bpa
2nd Place
89.41 bpa
PO Box 241 De Smet, SD 57231
South Dakota soybean farmers were recently recognized for outstanding yields at the SD Soybean Association annual banquet, and Legend Seeds products earned top honors in the association’s Yield Contest.