FEB. 2016
Upcoming Events
By Glen Davis, President, Legend Seeds
Central MN Farm Show February 23-25 • St. Cloud, MN
WITH LEGEND SEEDS As you plan for 2016 planting season there are many things to consider. We encourage you to focus on your 2016 yield goals to provide the best results and profitability in each field. When we plan with end yields in mind, those goals can guide our input plans and other important management decisions. Consider setting a yield goal field by field and then evaluate each field’s historic potential. Next, you can begin reviewing what you can add or subtract in the plan to create the most profit per acre.
Eau Claire Farm Show March 8-9 • Eau Claire, WI Hawkeye Farm Show March 1-3 • UNI-Dome North American Farm & Power Show March 17-19 • Owatonna, MN
We recognize that no growing season is the same and this is a different market climate today than we were in four years ago. Your 2016 yield goals may differ from what they were in 2012 – and then again, they may not. Developing a successful plan is no easy task. Many factors come into play, which is the reason Legend Seeds provides Farmacology™ to our growers at no cost. This total cropping system encompasses the Legend Edge program which is the database that holds all your field information. By evaluating your field data and based on your yield goals, Farmacology will provide guidance on all input decisions – even providing prescriptive recommendations for all inputs including; seed placement, fertility and multihybrid placement. If Farmacology™ sounds like a resource you’d like to try, contact your local Legend Seeds representative and they will help you get started. We all know that proactive plans excel over reactive ones. The Legend Seeds’ team is focused on helping our growers develop a clear plan for 2016 to prevent knee-jerk reactions to environmental changes. Thank you for making Legend Seeds a partner in your plan for success in the 2016 growing season.
Glen, far right, and Tim Bratland, far left, walk a field with a Legend Seeds Grower.
What’s Inside: PG 2: Results From the Field PG 4 : Farmacology™ Delivers For Farmers of All Sizes PG 5: Results in Our Fields2015 L.E.A.P. & Knowledge Plot™ Review