June/July 2016 Advantage Newsletter

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JUNE / JULY 2016

Upcoming Events

By Glen Davis, President, Legend Seeds

Planting is nearly done and just like every year, you’ve been presented with challenges and opportunities this season. As we move through the growing season, we cannot let our defenses down. We need to keep looking at how we can improve our operations - not only for harvest 2016, but for the future. Knowledge is Power Here at Legend Seeds we are excited about the future of agriculture and will do everything in our ability to make sure our company has the products, people and service in place to help you achieve a successful future on your farm.

WI Tech Days July 19-21, 2016 Walworth County, WI

MN Farmfest August 2-4, 2016 Redwood County, MN Dakotafest August 16-18, 2016 Mitchell, SD

Legend’s Knowledge Plot™ program plays a large role in helping us accomplish our mission. The program was launched a number of years ago when it became clear that as a company we do more for our growers than provide them with seed. Legend Seeds is focused on providing you with the knowledge you need to ensure that the investment you make in our seed results in profits. When you attend a Knowledge Plot™ Academy you can expect to learn about the latest advancements in not only seed traits and technologies, but also localized, research-based field management practices you can implement in your fields to maximize yields and profits. We like to say that when you attend a Knowledge Plot™ Academy, you “Step Into the Know.” Everything you know impacts how you run your operation moving forward. We look forward to connecting with our growers and helping you find answers to your agronomic questions. Remember, when you have questions, you can always call your local Legend Sales Agronomist – or stop by and visit with one of our agronomists during the next Farm Show. Please stop by the Legend Seeds booth and visit with us!


Attendees learn about pre & post-emergence spraying during early season Knowledge Plot Academy at our Geneva, MN location.

What’s Inside: PG 2: Step into the Know PG 3: Agronomy Outlook PG 4: Meet the 2016 Intern Team

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