The baffle against the slavers contlnuesl You and your fallow adventurers have defeated the slavers of Hlghpori, but you h< learned of the exlstence of another slaver stronghold, and you have declded to contlnue the affack. But bewarel Only the m fearless of adventurers could challenge the slavers on their own ground, and live to tell of It1 This module wasorlglnallyusedfortheofflclal ADVANCED DUNGEONS 8 DRAGONS" Tournamentat Gen ConeXIll Convent and Is the second of four in a series of related tournament modules from TSR Hobbles, lnc. Thls module contains a challenglng scenario, the tournament scorlng system plus nlne pre-rolled, playtested tournement char
ters. Also Includedare large scale referea's maps, notes, and background Informailon. A2 Is a complete adventure In Itseli, bull also a companlon to A i (Slave Pits of the Undarclty). A3 (Assault on the Aerle o i the Slave Lords) and A4 (In the Dungeona of Slave Lords). Be sure to look for other excltlng adventure modules from the Game Wizards of TSR. The designation "TM" is used to refer to trademarks owned by TSR Hobbies, InGen Cona is a registered sewice mark of TSR Hobbies, Inc. 1981, TSR Hobbies, Inc. All Righ served 1N
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