Fall 2009 Issue

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Family Lehigh Valley


take onEe!

Fall Issue 2009

Your Style: What’s In This Fall Season The Swine Flu at School: 8 Simple Steps to Protect Your Kids

3 Fixes for Back to School Anxiety Room Makeover: Choosing a Color Scheme


Family Lehigh Valley

A Thrive, LLC Publication P.O. Box 414 • Macungie 18062 610-762-9011 editor@lehighvalleyfamily.com


FALL 2009 OUR TEAM Publisher Jeff Tintle, II


Laura Putt editor@lehighvalleyfamily.com

Copy Editor Vicki Bezems


Copyright© 2009 by Thrive, LLC. All rights reserved. The contents of this publication may not be copied or reproduced in any manner without the express written permission of the publisher. Thrive, LLC assumes no responsibility for damages arising from errors or omissions. Thrive Media, PO Box 414, Macungie 18062, www. lehighvalleyfamily.com. Lehigh Valley Family’s monthly issues are available online at www.lehighvalleyfamily.com. Print issues are published quarterly (fall, winter, spring and summer issues) and are available at libraries, churches, health clubs, medical facilities, child care centers, preschools, educational centers and other locations where publications are generally found. Print subscriptions are available for $10 (4 issues).

Art Villafane Zeni Jackson

Cover Photo by Eric Michaud

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contact 484-824-5101 or sales@lehighvalleyfamily.com

From the Editor Happy Birthday! This issue marks the one year anniversary of Lehigh Valley Family! Thank you to all of our readers and advertisers who have supported us and provided a great deal of positive feedback. We appreciate you picking up our magazine, visiting our website, and telling your family and friends about us. Our success has truly been a team effort, with each of you as It’s our birthday, celebrate! an important member.

As a mother, wife, friend, employee and more, I understand the many hats that parents wear. I strive to provide information that meets the needs and interests of you and your family, whichever hat you may be wearing. To do so, I ask that you please continue to email or call me with ideas you have or topics you’d like to see addressed in our magazine. Let us know about the events happening in your neighborhood so that we can list it on our website calendar for all the families in the area to see. Tell our advertisers you saw them in our magazine. We live in a community comprised of many great people and organizations. Thank you for making our first year such a success, we look forward to growing and changing along with you and your family! PREP for SUCCESS can be reached at 610-967-2670.

FALL 2009 • www.LehighValleyFamily.com

FEATURES Your Style: Whats In This Fall Season

The Swine Flu at School: Protect Your Family

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Room Makeover: Choosing a Color Scheme

3 Simple Fixes for Back-toSchool Anxiety



FALL 2009

Fun Facts The Reading Corner Seasonal Changes for Fall Safety Pack a Lunch They’ll Eat Control Your Will Power Everyday Indulgences Swine Flu: 8 Ways to Protect Your Family Your Style; What’s In This Fall Season Find the Perfect Fit of Jeans 3 Simple Fixes for Tween Back to School Anxiety Laugh Break! How’s Your Mommy Mojo? Room Makeover: How to Choose a Color Scheme Calendar of Events and Fun Stuff


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Lehigh Valley


Lehigh Valley Family offers a monthly online magazine with fresh content, articles, listings, calendar of events, videos, links and more! Its all free and available online. Also sign-up on the web site for a free email subscription to Lehigh Valley Family’s news and updates. www.LehighValleyFamily.com

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Tips for Guessing on a Multiple Choice Test Provided by PREP for Success

Lets face it, sometimes our kids don’t prepare for tests as well as they should, and sometimes they just get stumped on a question no matter how well they’ve prepared. Below are some tips for guessing on a multiple choice test: 1. Look for absolute terms (always, never, all, none); 80% of the time these answers are not correct. 2. If two answers say the same thing than neither one can be correct, eliminate both of them. 3. If two answers are slightly different, one of them is correct. The other is a distractor. Find the difference

between them and choose the one that best answers the question. 4. Be suspicious of direct quotes from the passage. Don’t say, “Oh, I saw that in the passage so it must be the right answer.” 5. Look for qualifiers. These are words which are often found in the right answers. (few, many, much, some, often, perhaps, may, generally) 6. When guessing, don’t choose extremes. Example: If the answers are A. 1 B. 5 C. 7 D. 9; choose answer B or C.

FUN FACTS The original game of “Monopoly” was circular. It costs more to buy a new car today in the United States than it cost Christopher Columbus to equip and undertake three voyages to and from the New World. One-fourth of the world’s population lives on less than $200 a year. Ninety million people survive on less than $75 a year. The sentence “the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog” uses every letter in the English language. The word racecar and kayak are the same whether they are read left to right or right to left. A snail can sleep for 3 years. The average human eats 8 spiders in their lifetime at night. The continent’s names all end with the same letter with which they start. According to tests made at the Institute for the Study of Animal Problems in Washington, D.C., dogs and cats, like people, are either right-handed or left-handed --- that is, they favor either their right or left paws. A giraffe can go without water longer than a camel can. Blue whales weigh as much as 30 elephants and are as long as 3 school buses. Birds do not sleep in their nests. They may occasionally nap in them, but they actually sleep in other places. Most elephants weigh less than the tongue of the blue whale. The average ear of corn has eight hundred kernels arranged in sixteen rows. Charlie Brown’s father was a barber. The word “set” has more definitions than any other word in the English language. The state with the longest coastline in the US is Alaska. A donkey will sink in quicksand but a mule won’t. The average chocolate bar has 8 insects’ legs in it. The giant squid has the largest eyes in the world. Maine is the only state whose name is just one syllable. The youngest pope was 11 years old. Leonardo Da Vinci invented the scissors. In the last 4,000 years, no new animals have been domesticated. Babies are born without knee caps. They don’t appear until the child reaches 2-6 years of age. Rubber bands last longer when refrigerated. Peanuts are one of the ingredients of dynamite.


• Lehigh Valley Family

Pack a Lunch They’ll Eat By Denise Sanger When your child takes lunch to school, you can be sure that he or she is getting the right kind of nutrition. The healthy choices you make will help keep their energy levels up, and keep them alert, even in the afternoon. A great lunch begins with healthy choices-but the items you select need to be appealing as well. A nutritious lunch will do your child no good if it is traded or thrown away. The elements of the “perfect lunch” include protein and fiber packed foods for energy, a good quality drink to keep your child hydrated, and some kind of sweet, but healthy snack, so your child doesn’t feel deprived. Put these items in an appealing package, and add some fun surprises, and your child will look forward to lunchtime every day. Follow the tips below to get the most out of your packed lunch: Choose an appealing package. Select a lunchbox or bag that your child will like. You can find lunchboxes with a wide array of fun characters for little kids, or in designer colors and styles for older children. Make sure that the box or bag your choose is durable and easy to clean. It should also be able to hold all of your food choices. Once you have your lunchbox, start with the main course. If you plan ahead you can make enough dinner to pack leftovers for lunch the next morning. Choose a main course with fiber and protein, to head off an after lunch energy crash. Consider whole grain pastas and spaghetti, soups, macaroni and cheese (when made with whole grain pasta, this packs protein, fiber, and calcium), or other “hot” foods. If your child prefers a sandwich, try an old fashioned PB& J (with natural peanut butter, and made on whole wheat), tuna, or turkey. Always keep your hot items hot, and your cool items cool when packing lunch to go. Once you have selected the main course, select a side item to go with it. If you have packed a hot lunch, try whole grain bread or roll as an accompaniment. If you have packed a sandwich as the main course, add some pretzels or whole grain cheese crackers as a side. Don’t overlook the drink, many schools now offer soft

drinks and sugary “fruit” beverages alongside the milk. You can bypass the sugary stuff altogether by including a drink of your own with lunch. Bottled water (look for the special “kids” sizes), a juice box (use only the 100% juice, and avoid added sugar or high fructose corn syrup), or a shelf stable milk box (you can find organic milk boxes at the health food store) all make great lunchbox drinks. Include something sweet with lunch. Consider a piece of fruit like a banana or apple, or a bowl of sliced melon. Mini muffins made with zucchini, blueberries, or pumpkin are sweet and healthy as well. You can also add yogurt or dried fruits to add a touch of sweetness to finish off the meal. Round out your lunch by occasionally including a note or small surprise like a sticker or small toy. If you do this once a week or so, you child will be excited to open their lunchbox every day. You can also pick up some seasonal or holiday napkins, and include them at the appropriate time. By planning ahead and knowing what nutrients your child needs most, you can be sure that they take-and eat-a healthy lunch each day. Denise Sanger is the owner of NewCoolToysOnline.com which features a fantastic selection of water toys and pool toys for kids of all ages. The company is located in sunny Florida and may be reached at 877-950-7665.

FALL 2009 • www.LehighValleyFamily.com

Fun, Healthy Lunch Ideas The ideal portions for a grade schooler are: • 2-3 ounces of meat or cheese • 1 or 2 slices of bread OR other grains (whole grain crackers, tortillas, etc.) • At least 2 different fruits or vegetables • 1 cup milk or 4 ounces dairy product

Make the Ordinary Extraordinary. Pack dips for the veggie sticks (ranch made with yogurt or homemade hummus), cut sandwiches into shapes with cookie cutters. The Best Things Come in Small Packages. Kids love small foods, so pack little things, such as sandwiches cut into 4 small pieces, small tortillas, baby carrots, etc.

Skip the Mush, Please. Don’t pack anything that gets mushy by lunchtime. Common lunchtime mush culprits are egg salad sandwiches and tuna sandwiches. Another downfall is that these items tend to be odorous. Do your child a favor and save these sandwiches for lunch at home.

Make Your Own Snack Mixes. It is not only much less expensive than buying them, but you can tailor it to your family. Here is a recipe for your family to snack on. Add other dried fruits or nuts to suit their tastes: 2 cans of peanuts, one unsalted, one lightly salted 1 can of whole almonds 1 bag of M&M’s or chocolate chips 8 oz of raisins 8 oz of dried cranberries Add each ingredient into a large plastic container with a tight fitting lid. Shake until well mixed. Refill the cans of nuts with the mixed snack and send it for lunch. www.LehighValleyFamily.com

• Lehigh Valley Family

3 Simple Fixes for Tween Back-to-School


By Beverly Frank If your tween is suffering from school anxiety, there are a few things you can do to help alleviate the stress and fix the problem: First, discuss fears. Discussing the things that are causing them to feel anxious about school can be a great way to alleviate the problem. Your child may not appreciate you calling them “fears” as this may make them feel weak, or childish, but that is indeed what they are. Instead of calling them fears, ask them what is “bothering them.” Or why they do not want to go to school. It might be their classes, it might be insecurities they have with their clothes, appearance, or the opposite gender; it might be a shift in popularity from what their social crowd was in elementary school. Whatever it is that is causing them school anxiety can be fixed, but not if you do not discuss it and help them find solutions you can both live with. Encourage open discussions, and make it easy for your tween to talk to you. If they are refusing to talk about it, then they should be taken to school anyway until they are willing to own up to the school anxiety. Second, teach problem solving skills. If you want your child to get over the tween school anxiety they face, you have to teach them some problem solving skills, so that they can handle the things causing them anxiety on their own. You can teach them ways to let go of the stress in their life. Help them find things that they enjoy to help relieve stress. You can teach them how to identify and name their fears and problems. You can teach them how to open up and discuss the problems that are causing them school

anxiety so that they can rid themselves of those problems. There are many skills and tactics people use for problem solving; help your tween learn a few of the basics, and help them to learn when to employ them for the best results. Sometimes children simply lack the skill to handle the stress of a tougher academic schedule, the social pressures they face, and so on. • Help your child get organized. • Help them have self confidence so that they will not fear social situations. • Help them to find something to look forward to. Third, get them excited for school. One of the best ways to alleviate tween school anxiety is to get them more excited about school than afraid of it. They may fear their tougher course load and difficult classes, but they may look forward to wearing their new clothes, or playing on a school team. So, do what it takes to get them excited about school. For example, take them back to school shopping for clothes and supplies. Help them design a routine that will allow them to get school work done and have fun. Let them join school teams and clubs, and buy them the gear and equipment that they will need to play. There are plenty of ways to get your child excited about school; find one that works for your child so that some of their fears can be abated. For more parenting tips, visit http://www.surfnetparents.com.

FALL 2009 • www.LehighValleyFamily.com

The Reading Corner

Tips to Make This School Year a Success for Your Struggling Reader by Patricia J. Lear, M.Ed. Learning Specialist/Diagnostician, Lear Educational Center www.leareducationalcenter.com

Welcome to The Reading Corner. Summer vacation is over for most of our children and families. To remain current for the new school year you may want to take a look at previous issues of “The Reading Corner” in Lehigh Valley Family at www.lehighvalleyfamily.com. “Aaaaah. September! The new school year is here. What am I going to do about Seth’s and Kelly’s reading problems? They hate school. What can I do?” You want your children to feel special about the new year and to feel independent. This should be an exciting time of the year. This is the time to see old friends, make new friends and learn new things. Be prepared to give your children support and begin working with the school early to discuss their needs. Here are some things you should think about in the new school year. • Beginning with the first day, ask your children something they did special for someone during the day or something they did special for themselves. Too often our children come home forgetting all the good events in their lives because the disappointments in reading take over. • Break homework down into smaller parts and give frequent breaks. • Take turns reading assignments with your child. In this way you can observe and determine how much your child is progressing or struggling. • Talk to the school about modifications in reading assignments if your child is not reading on grade level. Make a list of your child’s needs and improvements you have observed over the summer, and conference with the new teachers early. • Join the Library of the Blind and Learning Disabled to receive texts on CDs at www.rfbd.org. Don’t let the title scare

you. This is a wonderful resource which brings to you texts and chapter books on CD. • Check out www.amazon.com for Franklin Speaking Dictionaries. Children can hear the words they are trying to read. One of the most important rules for sending your child back to school is to make it fun and keep it organized. Let’s look at the list of things we can do to make going back to school and reading class great: • Keep a large family calendar in the kitchen for reading practice every day. Make sure the children are part of marking the calendar. • Make a printed list of responsibilities that you can post in your child’s room, and keep a copy in the kitchen. Re-read it frequently with your children. • Begin a reward center and poster board in the kitchen. Give points when school reports, homework, and home responsibilities are complete. Make up an earning system at home. Don’t slide into old parenting ways of taking things away. Start with a clean slate and have children earn their privileges. Be consistent. This system represents real life. • Get to bed early and get up earlier. Take the time to sit down for breakfast without the TV and check if homework is complete; discuss worries your child may have to help reduce their stress. Let them know you will continue to work to get reading help for them. Your child’s responsibility is to try to do their best. Your children are not failures if the school has not yet found the right reading program. Ninety-five percent of all children can learn to read. Not all children can learn to read with the same program. • Have a family meeting once a day. Try to have a family dinner to talk about the day. Discuss the positive events of the day. Try not to spend too much time on the negative events. Focus on the positive. If you talk about reading and school problems in a negative tone all the time, your children will be negative about school.

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• Lehigh Valley Family

(Continued from page 9) • Review reading rules, phonics, sight words, and skills for studying and for taking tests. Read to your children and ask questions to check comprehension. Give your child choices in everything. This way they need to process language all the time. Don’t allow your children to say they don’t know or they don’t care. The more the child processes to make decisions, the easier it will be when they have to make real important decisions. Teach independence, guide decisions, and offer good choices, which you will accept. • Do not allow the use of pronouns like me, him, her, their, they, it, she etc. Ask your child to use their words and make complete sentences and use nouns. Give time for them to find the right words to communicate to you. • Look for progress every week. It doesn’t take a marking period to make progress in reading. New skills are taught every week and should be mastered in a week or two. If skills are not being mastered on a regular basis, your child has the wrong reading program and needs changes. • Teachers are very busy individuals and work very hard to educate your children. Often your child’s teacher is not allowed to change the curriculum to help your child with problems. Your special education administration is made up of caring and highly educated teachers, but they must also follow certain guidelines in line with the school’s financing. This means it is often suggested that you wait to see if your child’s reading doesn’t come along in another couple of months. Communicate with the teachers, principal or special education department and let them know that waiting is not the right answer. Tell them again that your child is not making average progress and ask what they can do to change the child’s program. • One clue that your child’s program may not be right is if your child is good at everything else but very poor in reading. Often we see math in the PSSA exams to be above basic and reading below basic. This is an indication that for some reason the child needs another reading program. • Make sure medication is up to date for ADHD or any other type of processingdisorder to get the most of the school experience. If your child has grown and gained weight, the current medication dose may not reach a therapeutic level. Always check with your physician before considering any changes. • Allow medication during homework time to help reduce frustration and promote accomplishing homework tasks easily after school. Work with your physician to design the medication schedule that is best for your child. Reading is the most important subject in school. All


other subjects are dependent on reading; even a math grade can be largely dependent on reading ability. All other subjects can be learned after the child learns to read. Protect your child from stress and low self esteem. If you are not sure how to approach the school you should consult a private learning specialist for guidance. The learning specialist will help you work with the school to make sure your child receives every resource possible early in their school experience. The earlier reading problems can be addressed, the more successful your child will be. If you have additional questions about the content of this month’s The Reading Corner please contact me at leareducationalcenter@juno.com or call me at the Lear Educational Center at 610-252-0965. We will make every attempt to answer all questions submitted. Look for more information about reading and related subjects in the next issue of The Reading Corner or visit online for information and links about reading issues at www.leareducationalcenter.com. Thank you so much for your interest in your child’s reading development. Reading is the primary means to learning and education. Let’s all help to see all children reach their full potential while supporting learning and education through the advancement in reading.

FALL 2009 • www.LehighValleyFamily.com

Swine Flu at School: 8 Simple Ways to Protect Your Kids By Laura Putt, Lehigh Valley Family Every parent dreads flu season. It seems to go hand in hand with back to school. This year, concerns are heightened to a new level as fear of the swine flu epidemic looms over our nation. Here are a few ways to protect yourself, and your kids. 1. Hand washing: This simple task is the best way to cut down on illnesses. Use warm water and soap, and have them scrub long enough to sing Happy Birthday. Don’t forget to provide a clean towel; drying hands on dirty shirts or pants will defeat the purpose of washing hands to begin with! Pack alcohol based hand sanitizer in your purse and their bookbags to use when hand washing isn’t an option. 2. Don’t Share Too Much: Tell the kids, sharing is great, but no sharing anything that touches the mouth! No cups, snacks, straws, etc. The motto is keep your germs to yourself! 3. Get a full night’s sleep: While each person is different and needs a different amount of sleep, it is important to know what your body and your kids’ bodies need. Somewhere between 6-10 hours of sleep each night is normal, with young children sleeping even more than that. Sleep balances stress levels, which affects our weight, clarity www.LehighValleyFamily.com

of thinking, strengthens our immune system, and allows for an overall healthy lifestyle. How much easier could getting healthy be? 4. Drink plenty of water: We all know that our bodies need plenty of water to run at its best. As a rule, to calculate what your body needs each day divide your body weight in half, and drink that number of ounce per day. 5. Sick or Have a Fever? Stay Home! If you or your child is feverish, stay out of school or work. Life will go on, and as much as an inconvenience as it is to take a few days off for a fever, you’d want other parents and coworkers to display the same courtesy. Don’t risk it, keep those germs to yourself. 6. A New Addition to Bedtime Routine: Gargle and Saline. Gargling will eliminate the bacteria and viruses lurking in the throat, helping to lower the risk of respiratory infections. Saline nasal sprays rinse out the nasal cavity, preventing germs from hanging out too long, which allows them to spread. Sound a bit gross? That will just make the kids a little more keen on the idea! 7. Eat Your Fruits and Veggies: A healthful diet will assure that your body has the proper amount of vitamins and minerals it needs to keep the immune system healthy and strong. 8. Avoid Over Scheduling: This works about the same way as a full night’s sleep does. A manageable schedule equals less stress which equals a stronger immune system. Don’t drop out of the activity scene altogether, social interaction and play time boosts our emotional wellness, which also helps keep our body healthy. Remember these basics, and stress the importance of a healthy lifestyle to your kids. Lets all have a healthy and happy school year!

• Lehigh Valley Family


Control Your Will Power

By Gina Bonesese, Primerica In this time of economic upheaval, many families choose either to ignore the financial turmoil altogether or they try to make changes at every single turn of fluctuation. Either path is a sure fire way to add unneeded stress in your life, and to keep Maalox in business. While having a written financial plan and relying on a consistent budget are two methods of weathering recessions and downturns, one key document that needs to be addressed in good times and bad is a will or living trust. A will specifies who the beneficiaries of your assets are; any direct gifts, and what should be done with the rest; a guardian for your minor children; and a nomination of an executor. You can achieve a basic will in many ways. Certainly, there are forms that you can get on-line. An attorney is necessary, however, as your property and holdings become more complex. The value of your estate, simply defined, includes all your assets and is the fair market of your property less any debt you have accrued. In 2009, the first $3.5 million of an estate – $7 million for couples – is exempt from estate taxes. There is also a gift tax that has a $1 million lifetime exemption. Here ignorance is not bliss. Because if you fail to update beneficiary designations in documents such as individual retirement accounts, 401(k) plans, life insurance policies and annuities, individuals may receive


monies that you did not intend. This is a common occurrence when folks begin new careers and forget to update policies as family situations change. In the case of life insurance, you may have designated a first-born child as beneficiary when you first owned a policy, then failed to include new additions to the family. Another common mistake is presuming that an asset account is yours when it is held jointly with a spouse. At death, money in a jointly held account goes to the survivor no matter what a will says if the account has rights of survivorship. A living trust, authored while you are alive, lets you control how your estate is to be distributed and helps your heirs avoid probate court and its fees. You transfer ownership of your property into the trust. You can serve as trustee or select a person or institution to do so. If you are the trustee, you must name a successor. Living trusts do not remove the need for a will unless all assets are transferred to the trust. The Federal Trade Commission recommends that you seek the advice of an estate planning attorney or a financial advisor about your need for a living trust, noting that state law often requires that an attorney draft the actual trust. If transfers aren’t handled properly, the trust could be deemed invalid. So no matter what your financial condition is, you have the power to control your will and what your legacy will be.

FALL 2009 • www.LehighValleyFamily.com

Safety for the Season

September brings the unofficial end to summer. The beaches close, it’s back to school, and the thought of vacation is another year away. Children are busy in school activities, school buses are once again part of our everyday commute, and the weather is gradually beginning to change as the days grow shorter. September also brings a special time of year for the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) – National Child Passenger Safety Week, September 12 - 19, 2009 – a time when special emphasis is placed on raising awareness of the importance of child safety seats, booster seats, and young motor vehicle occupants. Although it’s important all year around for parents, grandparents, guardians, and school transportation officials to be practicing child passenger safety, it doesn’t always happen. We here at Lehigh Valley Health Network, the region’s busiest, most experienced Level I Trauma Center and only Level II Pediatric Trauma unit, provide the region’s highest level of trauma care for children. We see the unfortunate outcome of a motor vehicle crash all too often where a child was improperly secured or not restrained at all. In 2008, 25 percent of our pediatric trauma patients between birth and age four were not restrained in a child safety seat. 88% of the pediatric trauma patients from age four to age eight were not in a booster seat. Our bi-monthly child safety seat inspection station, in partnership with the Safe Kids Allentown-Bethlehem Coalition, showed that approximately 99 percent of the child safety seats coming to be inspected were installed incorrectly or had some type of fault. Under Pennsylvania’s child passenger safety law, all drivers are responsible for securing children in the appropriate child restraint system. All children from birth up to age four must be secured in an approved child safety seat anywhere in the vehicle. Violators of this primary law are subject to a fine of up to $100 plus costs and fees.

By William D. McQuilken, Trauma Prevention Coordinator, Lehigh Valley Health Network, Safe Kids Allentown-Bethlehem


Putting aside Pennsylvania’s law that mandates the use of either a child safety seat, booster seat, or seat belt, dependant upon age, children’s bodies are just not ready to be placed in a seat belt system alone because of variances in age, weight, height, physical development, or behavior needs. For newborns, the head is the heaviest part of the body. They need to be reclined to keep their airway open when traveling. They are also in the beginning stages of development, so it takes months until they can start to hold their head up on their own. Toddlers’ bodies are too small for just a seat belt alone. They too are fragile, like infants. Their pelvic area has not fused together, and they won’t develop the iliac crest in the pelvis until they are in their teenage years. Also important to keep in mind is that automobile manufacturers develop vehicle seats for adult comfort without children in mind. They are contoured, and in many cases, slope about 15 degrees, which could suffocate a newborn if the child safety seat angel is not adjusted. The seats, along with the position of the buckle stalks and seat belts, also create a problem for older children by positioning the seat belt across the abdomen and facial area. So what can we do? By following these simple guidelines from the Pennsylvania Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics, Traffic Injury Prevention Project (TIPP), you can help keep your child safe all year round: • Read both the car seat and vehicle owner’s manuals before attempting to install a car seat. There is no short cut to achieving a safe installation. • Infants always ride rear-facing in the back seat at no greater than a 45 degree recline. This enables the infant to maintain an open airway.

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• Lehigh Valley Family


(Continued from page 13) • Infants must ride rear-facing until one year of age AND manufacturer. Check for tightness of the LATCH attachments. at least 20 pounds. It is recommended that children be kept Attach tether strap (if applicable) to anchor and tighten. rear-facing to the highest weight or height allowed by the car • When in doubt, don’t guess – call for technical assistance: seat manufacturer. - TIPP 1-800-CAR-BELT • Never place a rear-facing car seat in the front seat of vehicle - NHTSA 1-888-dash2dot. with an active airbag. A rear-facing seat may be used only if One important word of advice not mentioned in these the airbag has an on/off switch and the switch is in the OFF safety tips has to do with the cooler fall weather. Parents position. To determine if airbags are present in the vehicle, tend to dress their children in heavier, bulky clothing. Child check the sun visor, dashboard, or owner’s manual. safety seat manufacturers do not recommend this because • Older toddlers and children up to 80 pounds can ride in it introduces additional slack in the harnesses, allowing front of an airbag only if properly protected. Always: for movement of the child within the seat during a crash. - Push the vehicle seat back as Manufacturers want parents to dress far as possible children in their everyday clothing, - Use the harness according to then cover them from above with the manufacturer’s instructions a blanket; or place the child’s coat - Use the shoulder belt properly. on backwards. By doing that, the • Children up to 40 pounds child safety seat harness straps are should be secured in a car seat positioned on the child’s body. with a harness. To make child passenger safety • Place the seat harness through easier for parents, Lehigh Valley the slots at or below the shoulders Health Network in conjunction with for a rear-facing infant, at or Safe Kids Allentown-Bethlehem above the shoulders for a forwardCoalition holds a child safety seat facing child. check twice a month. For more • The car seat harness should information on child passenger not allow any slack. A snug safety or to schedule an appointment Kids are excited to head back to school and see harness lies in a relatively straight to have your child safety seat their friends, but remind them of the safety basics. line without sagging. It should not, inspected, call 610-402-CARE. however, be so tight as to press into Child passenger safety also carries a child’s body. over to school transportation since fall brings children back to • All children who have outgrown their car seat should be school. Do you know that if a school district transports your properly restrained in a booster seat until they are at least eight child in a van to school, they must adhere to Pennsylvania’s child years old, or until they are 4 feet 9 inches tall. passenger safety law? Your child must be placed in a booster seat • Children age 12 and under should ride properly restrained in in the school van if they are under eight years of age. the back seat. Another type of school classification under Pennsylvania’s • Place the vehicle seat belt around or through the car seat transportation guidelines is any type of daycare provider. exactly where the car seat manufacturer directs. Oftentimes, pre-schools like to take their students on field trips. • Tighten and lock the vehicle seat belt according to directions One of the more popular fall field trips is to the local pumpkin found in the vehicle owner’s manual. Check for tightness at the patch. seat belt path. Allow no more than one inch of side-to-side or Day care providers many times will rent a large school bus forward movement of the car seat. (type C or type D) to transport the children on a trip. These • Obtain and use any additional equipment necessary to secure buses weren’t designed for pre-school children. In February 1999, the seat belt properly, such as locking clips, auxiliary buckles, NHTSA issued the “Guideline for the Safe Transportation of and tethers. Use as directed by the vehicle and/or car seat Pre-school Age Children in School Buses” which stated, “when manufacturer. pre-school age children are transported in a school bus, NHTSA • If using LATCH, attach the LATCH hooks to the lower recommends these guidelines be followed: anchor bar in the vehicle seat following instructions in the vehicle owner’s manual. If using the flexible LATCH attachments, 1. Each child should be transported in a Child Safety Restraint route the webbing through the path directed by the car seat System (suitable for the child’s weight and age) that meets


FALL 2009 • www.LehighValleyFamily.com

applicable Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSSs). 2. Each child should be properly secured in the Child Safety Restraint System. 3. The Child Safety Restraint System should be properly secured to the school bus seat, using anchorages that meet FMVSSs.” For clarification to point number one, a child restraint system means some type of child safety seat, integrated child safety seat in the bus seat, or vest type system; not just a seat belt alone!!! Although these pre-school guidelines were just recommendations, they have been nationally accepted by school districts and others across the country and would likely be upheld in a court of law. Enough said about children on the school bus; let’s talk about children off the school bus. Do you know that school buses are the safest form of transportation? They are nearly eight times safer than passenger vehicles. However, unfortunate incidents do happen each year in or around the school bus. On average, seven children die each year on the school bus, while 19 are killed while boarding or exiting the bus. Most killed are children ages

five to seven years old who are hit in the “Danger Zone” around the bus by either a vehicle passing the school bus illegally or by the bus itself. It is illegal for a vehicle to pass a school bus in Pennsylvania while the red lights are flashing. That includes if the bus is on the other side of the road at a four way stop and the motorist proceeds to make a right turn. In order to keep children safe this school year parents should teach children the following rules: 1. Stay out of the danger zone. A school bus driver cannot see the 10 to 15 foot area around the school bus. A child should stay in the bus driver’s sight at all times. 2. No horseplay at the bus stop. Child should be lined up to board the bus in a single file. 3. Make sure your child has no loose drawstrings on their clothing or backpacks that could get caught up on the handrail or bus door. 4. When exiting the bus, make sure traffic is not passing the bus illegally on the right side of the bus. 5. Look the bus driver in the eye to make sure it’s clear before stepping into the road. Look left, right, left again, and make sure traffic is clear before crossing the road.

6. If your child drops something in the road, instruct them to leave it in the road, no matter what, and walk back to tell the bus driver. He or she will wait with the bus for the child to retrieve the item. If the child would bend over to pick it up without telling the bus driver, the driver might thinks it’s clear and proceed to drive off with the child in front of the bus. 7. No horseplay on the bus. Many school districts today use in bus cameras to record incidents. Horseplay could lead to the child’s bus privileges being terminated for the year, and you or somebody else ending up driving the child to and from school. By following some of these safety tips, your family will have a safe and enjoyable fall.

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• Lehigh Valley Family


How’s Your Mommy Mojo? by Daniela Rosa Bycoffe, CEO/ Stilleto Wearing Soccer Mom So what is Mommy Mojo? Mommy Mojo in a nutshell is how mommies like you and I define, develop, and enrich who we were pre-baby. So many of us mommies lose track of who we are, post-baby. We get so consumed with this little bundle of joy that we put aside our dreams, aspirations, bodily goals, and social life. We as mothers are natural nurturers, intuitive beings of society that put others before ourselves. What I like to say is happy mother happy home. The better we tend to ourselves, the better mothers we will be to our children. Let’s take the air mask scenario on an airplane. The flight attendant mentions that if the plane should crash, “parents should reach for the air mask first to get enough air in-take to then be able to properly tend to their children”. Life is no different. In fact, daily we should be tending to ourselves as mothers regarding our careers, exercise, marriage, social agendas, and hobbies. This will not only create a more harmonious atmosphere at home, but our children will emulate our ways. We are the example as mothers, and like the good ol’ saying holds true, “monkey see, monkey do”. If our kids see us putting ourselves first, they will be likely to do the same. I like to think of releasing your Mommy Mojo in the following ways: 1. Career- Create a 9-5 or around the clock structure free environment where your business can be run on minimal hours. Thus giving you the time and freedom to be with your children and at the same time fulfilling that part of you that yearns to be creative and productive in business. Whether you are an entrepreneur or an intraprenuer, try to find a way to work remotely from home, and less than 8 hours a day. I refer to the 4 Hour Work Week by Timothy Ferriss when I say that the goal is not to work harder, but to work smarter. Figure out a way to work less, and still be effective, freeing up your time to have fun with your children and participate in activities with them. 2. Exercise- This is a BIG one for me and other Mojo Mommies. It’s important for me to start my day with an exercise routine, however every mommy is different. Exercise in a nutshell could mean meditating, yoga, hiking, breathing exercises, walking, hitting the gym, etc. It simply means alone time for 30-45 minutes in the beginning of the day. This is a “time out” for mommy before the storm of the day starts to wind up. I NEED this time every morning


because I am able to clear my head of any junk, throw away unwanted thoughts, and create my (short) mental to-do list for the coming day. When I say short list, I mean short. Mojo Mommies know how to keep the to-do lists to a minimum so they can focus on 2-3 monumental tasks throughout the day, freeing up their time to be more present and focused mommies. Keeping tasks to a minimum also frees up our time to take that pottery class we’ve been longing for over the last few months. 3. Marriage & Relationships- Post baby tends to make us feel as though we can only have a relationship with our little bundles of joy. There was a study done regarding how new fathers felt after their child was born. 87% of new fathers felt an immediate jealousy towards their new offspring simply because Mommy wasn’t paying them any attention. We get so consumed with this child from God that we neglect all things

Schedule a regular girl’s night out to have a little kid-free fun, you deserve it! and people around us. It sounds like a symptom of tunnel vision if you ask me. Mojo Mommies learn how to graciously balance everything, including their love from one intimate relationship to the next. Our partners need us as much as our children do. It’s a group effort. What I like to do is delegate to make your partner feel needed and wanted. This simple effort of including your partner and existing siblings will then create a harmonious family unit. This act will be the glue that holds your family together in the years to come. You see, we as Mojo Mommies are the matriarchs of the family. It is up to us to graciously delegate and explain how our families are to be run.

FALL 2009 • www.LehighValleyFamily.com

4. Social Agendas-Most of the mommies I know rarely go out without a child on their hip. I can speak for the majority of them, because I used to be that mommy. I was stricken with guilt every time it was a girlfriend’s birthday party or my partner insisted we have a romantic dinner out. I felt as though I was depriving my child of their mother. Frankly, my daughter had no idea because she was so young at the time, and even now she practically shoves me out the front door. It is essential for my mental stability to go out at least once a week with adults and socialize. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that and I condone it. Whether it is coffee, a cocktail, or a social event. Go! In fact, one of my closet Mojo Mommies makes it a point to go out every Friday to dance salsa at her favorite nightclub. Why should this pre-baby behavior have to stop once we have children? Fill your life everyday with little fun filled activities. Our lives don’t stop once we become mothers, it is only enhanced. Our children enhance them. My daughter shows me everyday how to be adventurous, free, and an individual. 5. Hobbies-What is your hobby of choice? Have you taken the time to think about this in the last month? 3 months? 6

months? Clearly it is important to make time for your desires. Whether it is taking that salsa class, or signing up for that book writing seminar you’ve been thinking of. I encourage hobbies. My daughter at 2 ½ enjoys swimming, and dance class. This summer she will take an acting class. We as mothers are always trying to enrich our children’s lives with extracurricular activities that will (hopefully) make them more well rounded. We should be doing the same thing for ourselves. Time is usually the objective here. Mothers always say that they do not have enough of it. That’s a cop out. If you are busy, then you are lazy. Busy people don’t know how to delegate their workload to other family members i.e. husband or hired help. Learn how to prioritize your desires, and hobbies. Once you make the mental space for it, the physical space will also manifest. Now that you have read how to develop and maintain your Mommy Mojo hopefully you will start putting these techniques to good use. Take the time every day, preferably in the beginning of the day, to clearly see how you can keep your battery happily charged. Here’s to a Happy Mother, and a Happy Home!

2009-2010 Season

They Might Be Giants

Children’s Series

Saturday, October 17 at 4:00 p.m.

TMBG has expanded their career into children’s music with “Here Come the ABC’s,” “No!,” and the Grammy-winning album, “Here Come the 123s!”

Soul Street Dance Company

Sunday, November 22 at 2:00 p.m.

Catch the excitement of street dance as these lively artists exhibit its unique features, varied styles, and origins.


Junie B. Jones Sunday, March 21 at 2:00 p.m.

Follow the escapades of Junie B. Jones in this rollicking, one-of-a-kind musical adventure based on Barbara Parks wildly popular books.

www.KutztownPresents.org 610-683-4511

School Matinees

Soul Street Dance Company

STREB Extreme Action

Actors from the London Stage Romeo and Juliet

Thank you, Gregory!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Monday, March 1, 2010 Thursday, April 8, 2010

Wednesday, February 11, 2010

Teachers call now! 610-683-1523


• Lehigh Valley Family


Take a Laugh Break for the hard-to-find person.”

Funny Classified Ads This ads are, fortunately for us, unfortunately worded for the advertiser!

“Wanted: Hair-cutter. Excellent growth potential.” “Wanted: Preparer of food. Must be dependable, like the food business, and be willing to get hands dirty.”

“Man wanted to work in dynamite factory. Must be willing to travel.”

“Mother’s helper -- peasant working conditions.”

“Great Dames for sale.”

“Buy your new bedroom suite from us, and we will stand behind it for six months.”

“1 man, 7 woman hot tub -- $850/ offer” “Amana washer $100. Owned by clean bachelor who seldom washed.” “2 wire mesh butchering gloves: 1 5finger, 1 3-finger, pair: $15” “Shakespeare’s Pizza - Free Chopsticks” “Hummels - largest selection ever. ‘If it’s in stock, we have it!’” “Georgia peaches, California grown - 89 cents lb.”

“Get rid of aunts: Zap does the job in 24 hours.” “Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - Free Sample!” “Toaster: A gift that every member of the family appreciates. Automatically burns toast.” “Christmas tag sale. Handmade gifts


“Tired of cleaning yourself? Let me do it.” “Dog for sale: eats anything and is fond of children.”

“A superb and inexpensive restaurant. Fine food expertly served by waitresses in appetizing forms.”

“Sheer stockings. Designed for fancy dress, but so serviceable that lots of women wear nothing else.”

“Dinner Special -- Turkey $2.35; Chicken or Beef $2.25; Children $2.00.”

“Stock up and save. Limit: one.” “Used Cars: Why go elsewhere to be cheated? Come here first!”

“Government employer looking for candidates. Criminal background required.”

“Wanted. Man to take care of cow that does not smoke or drink.”

“His and hers bicycles, $25 each or both for $55.”

“Vacation Special: have your home exterminated.”

“Tattoos done while you wait.”

“For sale: an antique desk suitable for lady with thick legs and large drawers.” “Now is your chance to have your ears pierced and get an extra pair to take home, too.” “We’ll move you worldwide throughout the country.” “We do not tear your clothing with machinery. We do it carefully by hand.”

FALL 2009 • www.LehighValleyFamily.com

“Our experienced Mom will care of your child. Fenced yard, meals, and smacks included.” “Our bikinis are exciting. They are simply the tops.” “Auto Repair Service. Free pick-up and delivery. Try us once, you’ll never go anywhere again.” “Illiterate? Write today for free help.” “Girl wanted to assist magician in cutting-off-head illusion. Blue Cross and salary.”

“Mixing bowl set designed to please a cook with round bottom for efficient beating.” “

“We will oil your sewing machine and adjust tension in your home for $1.00.” “Free one can of pork and beans with purchase of three bedroom, two bath home. “American flag, 60 stars. Pole included, $100.” “Free puppies. Part German Shepherd, part dog.” “Whirlpool built-in oven—frost-free.” “Full-sized mattress. 20-year warranty. Like new. Slight urine smell.” “Wanted: Used paint.” “Tickle Me Elmo. New in box. Hardly tickled, $700.” “1988 Toyota Hunchback, $2,000.” “Lose all your weight, only $49.” “Nordic track, $300. Hardly used. Call Chubby.” “Exercise equipment: queen size mattress and box springs, $175.”


“Free Yorkshire terrier. Eight years old. Hateful little dog.” “For sale by owner. Complete set of Encyclopedia Britannica. 45 volumes. Excellent condition. $1,000 or best offer. No longer needed. Got married last weekend. Wife knows everything.” “Found—dirty white dog. Looks like a rat. Been out awhile. Better be reward.” “Bill’s septic cleaning. We haul American-made products.” “Open house. Body shapers toning salon. Free coffee and donuts.” “Free puppies. Half cocker spaniel, half sneaky neighbor’s dog.” “Nice parachute—never opened. Used once.” “Man, honest. Will take anything.” “Wanted, somebody to go back in time with. This is not a joke. You’ll get paid after we get back. Must bring your own weapons. Safety not guaranteed. I have only done this once before.”

• Lehigh Valley Family


Your Style

What’s In this Fall Season By Laura Putt, Lehigh Valley Family

Maybe it is the back to school ads we were bombarded with as kids, picturing new clothing and haircuts to prepare for our reentry into the school school scene that causes grown women to have an incurable desire to change something about their appearance each fall. Soon there will be a crispness in the air and with it comes the simple joy of putting those perfect fitting jeans back on (no more shaving those legs everyday!), slipping into that comfy sweater and just changing things up a bit. Below is a guide to style this season. Pick a few trends that work for you, the key to great style is being yourself and wearing what makes you feel good. Remember, the hottest thing that outshines even the best and worst trends: Confidence! No matter what you wear, your confidence (or lack of ) shines through. • Show your curves, respectfully. Think a belt over your cardigan to accentuate the thinnest point of your waist. Also, pencil skirts, and tailored jackets and shirts are in. While you want to accentuate your feminine curves, too much skin is a definite no-no. • Asymmetrical lines. Bare a single shoulder or don a diagonally buttoned cardigan. • Big, bold accessories. Throw caution to the wind and 20

pile ‘em on, it will pull your whole look together. Other accessories like poufy flowers, ribbons and bows are also big this season. • Plaid: Used sparingly, plaid is very desirable. Use in headbands, shoes handbags, and other small touches in your wardrobe. Just say NO to schoolgirl skirts and lumberjack shirts. • Velvet: Think tailored jackets in deep luscious colors; eggplant, chocolate, and ruby. Jewel toned anything screams Fall! • Continue: Layering. Long cardigans over cute camis can easily be worn for work or play, and as a bonus are very comfortable!

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Educating children and adolescents of average and above average intelligence with learning difficulties.

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FALL 2009 • www.LehighValleyFamily.com

Find the Perfect Jeans for Your Body By Andy Deshong Before you leave the house in your favorite pair of jeans, stop and take a long look in the mirror. Is your backside sagging like a day-old diaper? Are your jeans so acid-washed they look like they should be in an 80’s hair band video? If the answer is yes, it’s time for some new jeans. You might be hanging on to the “old reliable” jeans because finding a new pair can be a pain. Besides, by now, they’re probably very comfortable. For some people shopping for jeans is an impossible task. The thought of going into multiple stores, trying on 20 pair of jeans, and coming home with something that isn’t quite right, is more than most people want to endure. That leads to another weekend of the “old faithful” jeans. Who cares if your look is a bit dated ? You’re comfortable. Keep reading and we will give you some ammunition to help find a great pair of jeans. The first challenge for the jean shopper is finding the style of jeans that will look good on your body. This is where most people get stuck. They see a style that looks good on a friend and ask where they bought them, or they go try on the latest trendy jean because that is all there is in the stores. In both cases, when the jeans seeker tries them on, they are often discouraged with the results because not every style works for every body type. They have no idea what will look good on them and so they waste time and energy trying on pair after pair of bad fitting jeans. Then the jeans end up hanging at the back of the closet, not getting worn. In 2005, Americans spent more than $1.5 billion on jeans according to NPD Group, a retail research company. Sales of jeans costing $100 or more per pair increased 51% for men and 53% for women. Jeans for a lot of people are no longer just a casual clothing purchase. Education is the key to finding out what works best for your body, and the information below will help you determine the jeans style that will work best with your body type. www.LehighValleyFamily.com

Body Types: Tall: Depending on your figure, you have several jean styles to choose from. You could start with an extra low rise style to show off your flat tummy and slim hips. If you are looking to accentuate your long legs, then wear a high-waist jean. A wide-leg or a tapered-leg jean will look great and give you the lean line you desire. More and more companies are making jeans with a 36” inseam for the taller person. If you find a jean that you like and they are a little too short, don’t be afraid to let the hem out. Be sure that the hem falls to the back of the heal to avoid high-waters. Short: Are you vertically challenged? If you have shorter legs, a low-waist, wide-leg jean will elongate your legs. Finding jeans (especially for women) that don’t drag on the floor can be a big problem. If you find jeans you like and they are too long, don’t be afraid to buy them and have them hemmed. As long as the jeans are a straight leg, and not a boot cut, the can be shortened and re-hemmed with the same stitching without changing the shape of the jean. Some experienced tailors can handle the boot cut, but this is a “proceed with caution” area. Unless, you trust your tailor, stay away. In addition, if you are shorter than 5’4’’, you should avoid a boot cut altogether. A boot cut may make your thighs look heavier by hugging the knees too tightly before flaring at the bottom making your legs look shorter. Finally, stay away from cuffs. Tummy Troubles: Are you battling a bigger than desired belly and are trying to hide it? Stick with a classic dark wash for a slimming effect and go for a little stretch. Select a midrise jean so that the waistband lands in the middle of your tummy not above or below. Avoid distressed washes as they often draw attention to the unwanted areas. Never ever buy any jeans with pleats. Choose a five pocket style or jeans with slash pockets on the diagonal. The width of the jean leg can also create a more balanced body image, so a boot cut jean will help achieve the balance. Most people with a thicker middle typically have thinner legs; the thicker your legs, the worse a boot cut will look on you. Big Butt: Do you have a bigger than normal bottom? The challenge in buying jeans to fit a bigger backside is finding

• Lehigh Valley Family


the proper rise. Some jeans are now made with a lower rise in the front and higher in the back, which can help fit a larger backend and hide the dreaded plumber’s crack. Avoid skin tight styles and if you want to play down your backside, and stay away from any kind of flap on the pocket, or pockets with lots of embroidery as these will only call attention to the rear. Also avoid the popular vintage treatments that make the butt area look worn. Instead look for no pockets or angled pockets to help camouflage and flatten your backside. Styles with a slight flare or will balance out your larger figure. Large hips : Are you curvy? Look for jeans with a little stretch. If the jeans are distressed, make sure they aren’t highlighting an area you want to hide. Stick with a mid rise jean that is slightly on the lower side in order to fit around the widest part without creating love handles. Go for a wider waistband and avoid a tapered leg, as this could exaggerate your curves. Go for a straight or trouser leg. These typically fall down from the hips to create a longer-looking leg line. If you go with a tapered leg, it will just exaggerate your curves. Larger hips typically mean thicker legs, and straight leg jeans help give the leg a uniform width. Stay away from the boot cut jean as these will only highlight the thickness of the thigh in relation to the knee. A helpful hint for those under 5’4”, stay away from a flared leg. Heavy thighs : Are your thighs your problem? Pick a style that skims (but doesn’t hug) your leg. Flares and boot cuts elongate the leg and makes the ankle area appear bigger giving a better balanced leg. Avoid a peg leg jean and stretch jeans that fit skin tight. Avoid baggy jeans as these often have no shape and only make you look larger. Finally, avoid the whiskering sometimes done on jeans as it will only call attention to your thighs. No butt : Do you want to add a little something to your backside? Look for jeans that have flap pockets that are closer together. Also, look for pockets with heavy embroidery or designs. This will accentuate your backside and give people

A detailed flap pocket such as this will help add some oomph to a flat rearview.


something to look at. Jeans that have a slightly higher back pockets will also make the butt appear to be lifted. Heavy up top: You are the lucky ones. Almost any jean will be a fit, but choose a jean that has a lighter wash, some bleaching on the leg or distressed markings. Distressed denim gives volume to the lower half without actually adding any bulk, and helps balance the overall body line. After researching styles, body types, cuts, washes etc, we believe that custom jeans are a great option for the consume in addition to being a good value. If you want your jeans to fit perfectly, you value your time and you typically spend over $100 on jeans, then custom jeans are for you. Why? For everybody! We love Once you determine your OldNavy’s new Dreamer body style and what jeans jean. It has a contoured will look good on you, waistband to eliminate then why drive to the mall a gap between the (or anywhere), try on 10 waistband and your back, different pair looking for a front-lined front that the right fit? With custom slims and trims. Think a jeans the length will be pair of pants couldn’t do perfect, the rise will be more? It also comes in perfect and you can be assured that your waist, 4 different washes, and bottom, hips and thighs different leg cuts. This jean will be covered exactly how can easily flatter just about you want them. You will get any body! to select the denim color, fabric (stretch or not), styling, washing, stitching and pockets. You can also even have your own label. With custom jeans, the fit guess work is eliminated. Once we have your measurements, a new pair is just a few clicks away. That is value! You are now set to go shopping. A lot of the information we have provided is to ensure that if you do buy off the rack, you will know what to look for. While we believe custom is the best solution, a well informed customer is always our goal. Visit us for more style information at www.theexecutivescloset.com.

FALL 2009 • www.LehighValleyFamily.com

Establish Your Room’s Color Scheme By Steve Riedy, Steve’s Painting Service

Picking a color scheme for a room can be one of the hardest decisions when it comes to the color to paint a room. You can begin the process by taking two steps. Determine the mood of the room, then decide if you want the walls to grab attention or just serve as a backdrop for the rest of the room. Choose a Mood: Colors generate emotion. People are said to be “green with envy”, “red with rage” or they feel “blue” after suffering a disappointment. Colors have a psychological impact, so one of your first choices should be to choose colors that help establish the mood you want to create for the room. • Red – is bold and energetic, perfect for a room designed for activity, like a busy rec room or kids game room. The color red draws the eye towards it, and makes an excellent accent. • Blue and green are passive and restful, quiet and receding, formal and fresh. They are easy on the eyes, especially in

lighter tints, making them good choices for bedrooms. They are cool colors, peaceful and relaxing. They also recede, making rooms look larger. • Yellow and orange are warm and cheerful. They bring the feeling of sunshine to the space, especially if it is small or has limited windows. However intense yellows can cause anxiety. Most major painting manufacturers provide great online tools to help you in making color selections. You can view videos that will provide you simple tips on how to make a color selection that is perfect for your space. Sherwin Williams - www.sherwin-williams.com/do_it_yourself/ paint_colors/index.jsp has a wonderful site with numerous videos to view. Benjamin Moore allows you to upload your own digital photo of the space you want to paint, and then add most any color to the walls of your very own room, before you buy the paint!

RSVP by September 11! Contact Shann Reeder at shannreeder@ comcast.net to register or ask questions. Golfers and volunteers are needed.

Everyday Indulgences Easy (and affordable) Ways to Unwind

By Family Features Women across the country are meeting the demands of busy schedules and tightened wallets by setting aside life’s simple pleasures and putting themselves at the bottom Photo courtesy of Getty Images of the to-do list. In fact, a new survey commissioned by the makers of Edwards frozen desserts finds more than nine in 10 American women have cut back on indulgences during the past year. Fifty-nine percent of survey respondents are cutting back on events out with friends and more than one-third (35 percent) are cutting back on even the smallest treats, such as manicures and desserts. The survey also found that: —Nearly all (94 percent) American women in the study admit that they don’t indulge or treat themselves as often as they’d like because other people or commitments come first. —Fifty-six percent of women say they don’t treat themselves as often as they’d like because they can’t afford to. —Nearly a third (32 percent) of women say they now have less free time for themselves than they did a year ago. Small rewards offer sweet peace of mind Heather Reider and Mary Goulet, founders of MomsTown. com and hosts of MomsTown Radio, know a thing or two about the challenges of juggling a family and career while making the time to treat themselves. “Self-pampering may seem like the last thing on your mind these days, but treating yourself to something special is so critical to relieving the stress of every day life,” says Reider.

“A personal treat does not have to break the bank and can be as simple as an at-home facial or sneaking a dessert in at the end of the day,” adds Goulet. Reider and Goulet share these tips and strategies for effortless and affordable ways to celebrate everyday indulgences. The silent treatment In today’s age of technology, the silent treatment is imperative to maintain sanity. Home phones, cell phones, email, instant messaging, pagers, not to mention the multiple ways you get pinged when you turn on the computer, can all be overwhelming. Get serious about your silent treatment and power off the technology. Turn off the ringer on all phones, shut down the computer, and turn off the television and the radio. Now it’s time for a 15 to 30 minute scheduled time out because you deserve a little peace and quiet. Bring nature indoors A great way to nurture yourself is to bring nature indoors. You can do this simply by cultivating a container garden. This could be a window box, urn, basket or round fish bowl. For a fabulous display of nature indoors use a Bonsai plant, an orchid, a robust green plant, herbs or layer two different kinds of tulips. This is especially good for chilly winter months as floral aromas and popping colors can brighten a dark day.

Photo courtesy of Edwards frozen desserts


FALL 2009 • www.LehighValleyFamily.com

The flip side Pamper yourself by flipping to the right side of your brain. Engaging in art and creative pursuits fires-up the right side of your brain, which is the side of the brain that savors freedom. The left side of your brain is good when you need to pay the bills or figure out your kids’ 5th grade math problem. Spend a little time painting, drawing, making jewelry or knitting. You deserve to play on the flip side. Back to basics It’s hard to do but it is important to put yourself at the top of the to-do list every once in a while. Simple indulgences, like an Edwards Singles Á La Modes dessert, are a quick and easy way to treat yourself to something sweet, as well as fill your kitchen with a delicious homebaked aroma. Essential essence Treat yourself to the power of fragrance. Aromatherapy sachets placed in drawers are a sensational way to feel good without having to do or spend much at all. If you’re looking for an energizing scent try citrus, peppermint or bergamot. To take the stress down a few notches choose lavender, chamomile, sandalwood or ylang-ylang. You deserve to tickle your nose. Budding beauty Invest in four to six bud vases or use any vase that’s lying around your house. Go to your local farmer’s market or grocery store and buy a bouquet of flowers. When you get home, break the flower bunch apart into single stems and place the flowers in the bud vases. Distribute these vases around the house in the rooms you visit most frequently. Place one by the kitchen sink, the vanity in your bathroom, on your nightstand, in the powder room and in your kids’ bedrooms. You’ll be amazed at how your kids will appreciate the gesture. Then when you walk around your home you’ll be greeted with flowers wherever you go. And you did it with just one bouquet. Hit your funny bone When it comes to our emotions it’s really hard to multitask. It’s nearly impossible to be sad and exuberant in the same exact moment. You deserve to laugh so choose more moments to get a giggle in your day. Read something funny or rent a funny movie. While life is full of stressful moments, the benefits of taking time to rejuvenate and unwind really can make a difference. For more information on Edwards Singles Á La Modes desserts, visit EdwardsBaking.com.


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• Lehigh Valley Family



A Reason To Celebrate Monthly Observances: Apple Month; Baby Safety Month; Fall Hat Month; Library Card Sign-up Month; Self-Improvement Month; Chicken Month; Low-Fat Pizza Month; Backpack Safety Month; Children’s Good Manners Month; National Coupon Month Weekly Observances: 6-12: National Waffle Week; Play Days. 14-19: Line Dance Week. 20-26: Keep Kids Creative Week; Build a Better Image Week; Child Passenger Safety Week. 21-27: Pollution Prevention Week; Remember to Register to Vote Week.

September’s Tasty Treat: Candy Apple Salad Ingredients: • 8 oz. chopped peanuts • 1 large container Cool Whip • 8 cups peeled, chopped apples • 1 can crushed pineapple • 1/3 cup brown sugar • 2 tbsp. vinegar

Special “Holidays”: 4- Oatmeal Day 5- Be Late for Something Day 6- Salami Day 10- Swap Ideas Day 11- Patriot Day 12- Popcorn Day 13- Grandparents Day; International Chocolate Day 18- Respect Day 19- Talk Like a Pirate Day; Eat an Apple Day 21- International Day of Peace 22- Elephant Appreciation Day 25- Love Note Day 26- Family Health and Fitness Day 28- Eat Dinner with Your Kids Day

Directions: In saucepan combine brown sugar, vinegar, and juice from can of crushed pineapple. Heat and thicken with flour. Combine all ingredients. If you’d like, tint the salad with red food coloring. Chill and Enjoy! Recipe compliments of Strawberry Acres, see ad on page 3


FALL 2009 • www.LehighValleyFamily.com

Top Things To Do For September

• Support our troops. Walk or run at the 5k Race For Freedom on Saturday the 5th at Lehigh Parkway. The race starts at 9 with registration beginning at 7:30. Look for us there! www.5kraceforfreedom.org.

• Have a fun day out at the Great Allentown Fair from the 1-7. • Parents Date Day! Ride the Warren County Winery Train, leaving from Phillipsburg. You’ll enjoy a relaxing train ride along the Delaware River. Then you’re off on a tour of 2 local wineries. Learn about wine making, taste their wines and tour the vineyards. • Live Raptor Event at the Wildlands Conservancy in Emmaus. Sept 8th from 7-8 pm. Join us for an up close and personal look at amazing birds of prey. A must see experience for kids of ALL ages! This LVAS program is free and open to the public. • Head to the Banana Factory on the 12th for KidTunes at the Banana Factory. This fall, families are invited to enjoy a variety of Super Saturday Sounds with KidTunes. Giggles, grins and loads of family fun are the order of the day as your kids experience some of the most dynamic children’s performers around 10 am.

• Enjoy the end of the warm weather, see The Allentown Band at West Park in Allentown. Free Concert, 3:00 on the 13th.

• Room to Grow Harvest Sale at 3rd and New Streets in Bethlehem. 10-3 on the 19th. Start your fall season by purchasing mums, pumpkins, corn stalks, hay bails, gourds and more at the Harvest Sale. Kids activities will be occurring throughout the day. • Have a Girls Night Out! On the 24th at the Promenade Shops is hosting Martinis & Makeovers. Get pampered, styled and enjoy one-night-only shopping, dining & $5 full-sized Martini specials in select locations throughout the shops. Happy Hour specials from 5pm to 7pm ~ Makeovers & Pampering from 6pm to 8pm, Shopping Discounts from 5pm to 9pm. • Support the Humane Society and join in the Doggie Dip! Hosted at Allentown’s Jordan Pool, Saturday the 5th from 11-4 or Cedar Pool, Ott & Hamilton St., Tuesday the 8th from 3-7. • Camp out! September usually means the end of warm weather so pitch a tent in the back yard, and have a fun night of scary stories and s’mores!

Be Crafty: Make Colorful Autumn Trees Celebrate the arrival of Fall with this colorful Autumn tree craft! To make your own colorful Autumn tree you will need: • Construction paper in Fall colors • A sheet of cardstock (for the background) • Glue • Scissors How to make it: For younger children, pre-cut the tree trunk and leaves for them. Older kids can do this by themselves. Glue the tree trunk to the cardstock background, and put down lots of glue where the leaves will go. Let your child arrange the leaves on the tree! Frugal Family FunBlog is updated daily with money saving tips, and inexpensive craft and activity ideas. For more information visit www.frugalfamilyfunblog.com. www.LehighValleyFamily.com

• Lehigh Valley Family



A Reason To Celebrate Monthly Observances: Apple Month; Children’s Magazine Month; Eat-Better, Eat-Together Month; Emotional Wellness Month; Go Hog Wild, Eat Ham Month; Halloween Safety Month; National Bake and Decorate Month; National Caramel Month; National Chili Month; Positive Attitude Month Weekly Observances: 1-7: No Salt Week; National Carry a Tune Week; Fire Prevention Week; Kid’s Goal Setting Week; Spinning and Weaving Week. 11-17: National Chestnut Week; National School Lunch Week; National Food Bank Week; World Rainforest Week. 19-25: Character Counts Week; Freedom of Speech Week; Food Bank Week. 25-31: Peace, Friendship, and Good Will Week; International Magic Week; Give Wildlife a Break Week.

October’s Tasty Treat: Candy Corn Bark

Ingredients: • 16 chocolate sandwich cookies, chopped (try to buy the Halloween ones with orange icing) • 1 1/2 cups broken small pretzels • 1/3 cup raisins • 1 1/2 pounds white chocolate, broken into squares • 2 cups candy corn • Orange and brown sprinkles Directions: 1. Spread the cookies, pretzels and raisins evenly onto a lightly greased small baking sheet. Melt chocolate in a bowl set over a pan of simmering water, or in the microwave, stirring frequently until melted. Remove from the heat while there are still a few chunks, and stir until smooth. White chocolate burns easily. 2. Drizzle chocolate with a spoon over the goodies in the pan, spreading the top flat to coat evenly. Top with candy corn and sprinkles. Let cool until firm. Break into pieces and store in an airtight container.


Special “Holidays”: 1: Fire Pup Day 2: World Vegetarian Day; Guardian Angel’s Day; Denim Day 5: Child Health Day; Change Your Office Day 13: Face Your Fears Day 14: Be Bald and Be Free Day 15: Get Smart about Credit Day; National Grouch Day 24: Make a Difference Day 25: Mother in Law Day 28: National Chocolates Day 30: National Candy Corn Day; International Bandana Day

FALL 2009 • www.LehighValleyFamily.com

Top Things To Do For October • It’s October, so celebrate the 2nd Annual West End Oktoberfest from Noon-10 on the 3rd! Enjoy live music and performances, great food and fun activities for families and children. Located on 19th Street between Tilghman and Liberty in Allentown. • Spend the evening at Strawberry Acres. There is so much to do at a farm! Bonfire, pumpkin picking, hayrides, marshmallow roasting and more! www.strawberryacres.com • Make a scarecrow! • Check out downtown historic Bethlehem’s Harvest Festival. 11-9 on the 3rd. The festival celebrates both the past and the present of Historic Downtown Bethlehem. Sample wine and beer from around the world. Children’s activities and lots of live music. • When was the last time your family did a puzzle together? Pick on out and work as a team to put it together. • Celebrate the German heritage on the 3rd or 10th by taking a canal boat cruise at Hugh Moore park. The cruise

will include German music and a menu of baked apple cider glazed chicken, bratwurst with seasoned sauerkraut, German style potato salad, apple and walnut cole slaw, crusty pumpernickel rolls, ginger snap cookies, lemonade and iced tea. • Enjoy the outdoors at the Lehigh River’s Fall Foliage Paddle. 10-3 on the 17th. 610-965-4397 • Take photos of your carved pumpkins and send it to editor@lehighvalleyfamily.com. We’ll post your pictures for to see your handiwork! • The dog days of…autumn? Bring your pooch to historic Main Street in Bethlehem from noon to 3 on the 24th. , Your family will enjoy a “dog friendly” marketplace, doggie contests and demonstrations, outdoor dining at some of Bethlehem’s best restaurants, pet photos, and perhaps the most exciting event of the day... the Doggie Halloween Parade! • On the 17th head to the America on Wheels Museum to see the Halloween Puppet Show for all Ages. 10-11:30.

Be Crafty: Make Spider Hand Prints Just in time for Halloween, make some spooky spider hand prints! To make your own spider hand prints, you will need: • Light Colored or White Construction Paper (for the background) • Black Poster Paint • Black Crayon • Wiggly Eyes How to make it: 1. Invite your child to draw a spider’s web on the paper using a black crayon. Paint the palm and fingers (not thumb) of your child’s hand. 2. Make a hand print on the paper. Repeat with the other hand, and overlap the palm with the previous print to make Frugal Family FunBlog is updated daily with money saving tips, and inexa spider. Allow paint to dry, and have your pensive craft and activity ideas. For more information visit www.frugalfamilyfunblog.com. child glue wiggly eyes for their spider! www.LehighValleyFamily.com

• Lehigh Valley Family



A Reason To Celebrate Monthly Observances: Family Stories Month; Inspirational Role Models Month; Peanut Butter Lovers Month; Novel Writing Month Weekly Observances: 1-7: Animal Shelter Appreciation Month; World Communication Week 8-14: National Pursuit of Happiness Week; Young Reader’s Week; World Kindness Week 22-28: Family Week; Game and Puzzle Week; Better Conversation Week

November’s Tasty Treat: Turkey Enchiladas

Special “Holidays”: 1: Zero Tasking Day 2: Cookie Monster Day 3: Cliché Day; Sandwich Day 7: Tongue Twister Day 8: Cook Something Bold and Pungent Day 10: Reading Day 14: Teddy Bear Day; Loosen Up and Lighten Up Day 17: Homemade Bread Day 19: Use Less Stuff Day 21: Family Volunteer Day

Ingredients: • 1 (4 ounce) can chopped green chile peppers, drained • 4 ounces cream cheese, softened • 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin • 2 cups chopped cooked turkey • 8 (8 inch) flour tortillas • 1 (16 ounce) jar salsa • 1 (16 ounce) can chili beans, undrained • 1 cup shredded Monterey Jack cheese Directions: 1. In a medium bowl, mix chile peppers, cream cheese, and cumin. Stir in chopped turkey. 3. Spread about 2 heaping tablespoons of the chile pepper mixture on each tortilla, and roll up. Place the rolled tortillas, seam-side down, in single layer in a lightly greased 13x9 pan. 4. In a medium bowl, combine the salsa and beans. Spoon the mixture over the enchiladas. Sprinkle the top with cheese. 5. Bake at 350 for 20 minutes or until bubbly and lightly browned.


FALL 2009 • www.LehighValleyFamily.com

Be Crafty: Make Napkin Rings This craft is sure to brighten up your holiday table!

To make your own napkin rings, you will need: • A paper towel roll • Scissors • Tape • Ribbon • Markers How to make it: Mark your paper towel roll where you want to cut to make each napkin ring (about 1 1/2” wide). Cut the roll with scissors using the lines as your guide. Invite your child over to decorate the napkin rings with markers. Add a bit of ribbon to each napkin ring and secure with a piece of tape.

Frugal Family FunBlog is updated daily with money saving tips, and inexpensive craft and activity ideas. For more information visit www.frugalfamilyfunblog.com.

Top Things To Do For November • Visit a corn maze. • Make leaf rubbings.

• Throw on some sweatshirts and have a campfire/ marshmallow roast in the backyard.

• Bake pumpkin bread and deliver it to an elderly relative or neighbor.

• Gather the kids up and rake the leaves of a relative who has a hard time doing it themselves.

• Make a wreath for the door to display on Thanksgiving.

• Get a game of touch football going. Wear the kids out running around outside before they are cooped up for the winter.

• Hit the local greenhouse and pick out bulbs that you can plant now to bloom in the spring. • Head to Allentown’s Symphony Hall to see the Musical Treasure Chest - Featuring David Moulton on Cello on the 19th at 9:30 am. • Volunteer together. Afterward, talk about how thankful you are for the good things in your life. List what all those good things are. www.LehighValleyFamily.com

• Start a big craft project that you can work on throughout the winter months. Ideas include a family scrapbook or other intricate and creative projects. • Cheer on your high school football team on a Friday night. Don’t worry if you don’t know any of the players, just root for the home team and enjoy being with other members of your community. • Lehigh Valley Family


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