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Ecological, Edible Lanndscappes
gardens, rain gardens, and more. Think, backyard grocery store meets functional and beautiful landscape design.
Remember the VICTORY GARDEN?
Many of us call to mind the backyard garden plots of our grandparents, the Victory Gardens that helped them weather times of war and economic hardship. Many can remember the family apple or cherry tree, the grape arbor, or the backyard chicken flock. “Foodscaping” was a way of life - a culture of family and friends coming together to bring the grocery store to the backyard. They canned and stored their surplus, they gave away and bartered to the neighbors, they shared seeds and gardening wisdom. Love for healthy food, gardening, and good work ethic was passed from children to grandchildren.
BEAUTY and FOOD SECURITY! We don’t often think of edible plants and vegetable gardens as ornamental, the sort of plants that we want to grace our front yard to create curb appeal. But they can be. Most of the berry bushes, fruit trees, and medical flowers are as beautiful as they are productive. Peach trees, cherry trees, apples have gorgeous blossoms every Spring. Many native bushes have stunning fall foliage. Few plants are more beautiful and appealing than the rose. Apothecary roses, for example, produce abundant, fragrant, edible and medicinal flower petals and in the fall, rosehips, the fruit of the rose plant that is a major source of vitamin C.
Want MORE IDEAS? How about a privacy hedgerow of blueberry bushes, hazelnuts, or elderberries? Or tastefully placed fruit and nut trees in the backyard, and strawberries as ground cover under and around your bushes and fruit trees. You can add a native Paw Paw patch with their tropical fruit and curb appeal flanked by native flowers and berry bushes alongside the house. How about a border of rainbow swiss chard and chives? And pots of peppers on your front steps. Those scarlet chilis adding a visual pop to your entry way.
Are you ready to explore FOODSCAPING in your yard?! Richie Mitchell at Bear Creek Organics would love to help you get started. Visit bearcreekorganics.com and fill out the Contact Us section or call 570-582-0615. Cost of Initial Consultation is $400-$500 (depending on travel).