Free Will De-Complicated

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*Listed by scope.

The Free Will Debate De-Complicated

One Metaphysically Viable Option

One + Metaphysically Viable Options

8/10/10 FREE WILL KEY Incompatible

Necessary Determinism: Unsure/Both? Every event is uniquely necessitated by the past plus Compatible the laws of nature. Macro Determinism: All macro-level events, such as human action, are uniquely necessitated. External Determinism: Forces external to our reasons and decisions uniquely determine our actions. Biological Determinism: Every human action is uniquely determined by our biological make up plus external factors. Neural Determinism: Every human action is uniquely determined by the neural workings of our brains. Internal Determinism: Every human action is uniquely determined by human reason, desires, decisions, etc. P E R M I T S A U T H O R S H I P

Internal Determinism: Every human action is uniquely caused by human reason, desires, decisions, etc. Universal Determinism or Not-Necessary Det. Indeterminism: Every event is uniquely caused but not necessitated. Probabilistic Determinism : Every event is uniquely caused through narrowing probabilities. Virtual-Macro Level Determinism: All macro-level events are virtually uniquely caused. Virtual Neural Determinism: All neural events are virtually uniquely caused. Humean Determinism: The mind has a tendency to associate cause-type events with effect-type events. TDW-Indeterminism: (Mark Balaguer) Some of our torn decisions are wholly undetermined at the moment of choice, where to say that a torn decision is wholly undetermined at the moment of choice is to say that the moment-of-choice probabilities of the various reasons-based tied-for-best options being chosen match the reasons-based probabilities, so that these moment-of-choice probabilities are all roughly even, given the complete state of the world and the laws of nature, and the choice occurs without any further causal input, that is, without anything else being significantly causally relevant to which option is chosen. Irrelevant Indeterminism: Some events, not participating in human action are not uniquely caused. Chance Indeterminism: All events are randomly caused.

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