Discover our free training and development opportunities
In 2017/2018 we supported University of Leicester students by delivering a multitude of free skills development workshops. The sessions are designed to help boost employability, maintain a positive wellbeing and empower our students to fulfil their potential. Furthermore, we provide role-specific training for those students that have undertaken student leader roles such as Course Reps and Equality and Diversity Champions.
NUS Delegates
Course Reps
Committee Members
Peer Mentors
of students who attended our workshops said they would recommend to a friend.
On average our sessions received
4.48/5 across the year.
Over 470 students completed 370 online accredited training courses including: ●●Equality and Diversity ●●Introduction to Leadership ●●First Aid Essentials ●●Mental Wellbeing in Children and Young People ●●Safeguarding Young People ●●Food Hygiene and Safety ●●An Introduction to Effective Teamwork
There are many more courses available to students all free of charge. These courses are accredited and a fantastic way to gain further qualifications in addition to your University studies. Please email for further info
Developing your Opportunities
Liberation Workshop Session objectives
What our students said:
●● Recognise that privilege can take many forms, and affect all areas of life
100% felt their personal objectives had been met.
●● Identify education barriers that may exist for students ●● Identify and commit to actions that can be taken to break down education barriers
“Great, interactive and educational workshop. Delivery was excellent and activities were fab.”
Being Atticus:
Comparisons to Black Lives Matter Session objectives
What our students said:
●● Identify and explain the connection between To Kill a Mockingbird and contemporary society
100% would recommend this session to a friend.
●● Establish the connection between the Black Lives Matter movement and Harper Lee’s intentions during the 1960s
“Found it to be really informative and really got me thinking.”
●● Evaluate the character of Atticus Finch and how his actions resonate today ●● Explore the impact we can have on current race relations
How to be an Ally Session objectives
What our students said:
●● Acknowledging your own privilege
The workshop was was given an average rating of 4.5/5 for information provided.
●● Understanding how different people have different limits of stress and how this relates to being an ally ●● Identify and develop awareness of implicit and explicit ally ship
Women in Leadership Session objectives ●● To understand the role of women in leadership to promote an intersectional empowering movement ●● To consider methods to deal with microaggressions in the work place ●● To feel motivated to reach your leadership goals
What our students said: 100% felt the session would benefit their future employability. “Overall a good reminder of things we usually overlook as women and how we should always try our best and never apologise for who we are.”
Working with Children Session objectives
What our students said:
●● Discuss behaviour management techniques
Overall rated 5 out of 5
●● To explore the different careers that are available working with children
“Interesting to get to know about the different job opportunities available.”
Working with Young People Session objectives
What our students said:
●● Identify important factors and needs of young people
100% would recommend to a friend.
●● Explore the challenges of working with young people (different careers) ●● Evaluate needs of young people through a case study
“It made me want to inspire more young people to do their best and never give up.”
Event Planning Session objectives
What our students said:
●● Identify advice for planning, promoting and running student group events
95% felt their personal objectives had been met.
●● Develop ideas for making events more successful ●● Construct a detailed event plan
“Very welcoming, informative and informal.”
Giving you Support when you need it
Art Therapy Workshop Session objectives
What our students said:
●● To define art therapy as a mental health process
100% felt this session would benefit their wellbeing and would recommend to a friend.
●● To recognise three different kinds of art therapy ●● To demonstrate the effects of creative therapy on the mind
“I really enjoyed the session and learnt a lot of techniques to manage stress.”
Mindfulness Workshop Session objectives
What our students said:
●● Introduce the key ideas of mindfulness
Overall given 4.5 out of 5.
●● Appreciate what mindfulness can do for you ●● Apply mindful techniques for yourself each day
“It was enjoyable and I learnt something new that I’ll hopefully be able to apply to my everyday life.”
Bystander Intervention Workshop Session objectives
What our students said:
●● To feel motivated in knowing how to intervene in a safe and secure way
100% would recommend to a friend.
●● To understand the impact of lad culture, victim blaming and negative behaviour on society ●● To demonstrate a knowledge of the impact of sexual harassment and violence through discussions and role play
“Informative, practical advice, interactive.”
Keep Yourself Safe Workshop Session objectives ●● To be able to safely use disengagement techniques ●● Understanding when to use disengagement techniques ●● Assessing, why, how and the effectiveness of using practical learning
What our students said: You rated our trainer 5 out of 5. “The instructor was very experienced, answered all my questions, and demonstrated useful self defence and prevention moves.”
Strengthening your Voice
Student Leader Masterclass Workshop Session objectives ●● Identify features of effective communication, and barriers to this ●● Employ principles of effective communication and chairing within a meeting situation ●● Identify causes of conflict and establish effective ways to resolve and avoid conflict within group settings
What our students said: “Fun, inspiring, motivating.” 98% would recommend to a friend.
Confidence Skills Workshop Session objectives
What our students said:
●● Understand your own perception of confidence and why this is the case
100% of students felt the session improved their wellbeing.
●● Recognise methods to increase confidence through body language ●● Practice developing confidence in a group task
“It really changed my perspective and way of perceiving both confidence and myself.”
Public Speaking Workshop Session objectives
What our students said:
●● To build confidence when speaking in public
100% believed this session will help their wellbeing.
●● To build knowledge of breathing techniques to help nerves ●● To understand and practice speech techniques
…we also hosted a specific session for international students, which received a 5 out of 5 rating. “Lots of tips and advice in a friendly manner.”
All statistics taken as an average of feedback provided by students in the 2017/2018 academic year. Find out more at: