0712 courier

Page 1

Daphne pain management doctor arrested in health care fraud cases, PAGE 35

Did you hear the one about the reporter turned joke writer?

The Courier


JULY 12, 2017 | GulfCoastNewsToday.com |

Daphne City Clerk Rebecca Hayes retires Over the last two weeks, the City of Daphne has celebrated the 17-year career of City Clerk Rebecca Hayes. For more, see page 32.

Fairhope Rotary names 2017 Scoggins Scholar The Rotary Club of Fairhope has selected Carly Ann Huguley as the recipient of its Thomas S. Scoggins Memorial Scholarship for 2017 For more, see page 3.

Spanish Fort Town Center will continue to host its new Pavilion Music Series from 6:30 p.m. until 8 p.m. each Thursday evening through August 24. For more, see page 34.



Anthony Mike Bartl Dr. Betty Reid Bostic J C Burnett John Stephen King Robert L. Luster Charles Edward Sixbury Audrey L. Smith Danielle Lea Smith Joseph Luther Winston


City of Fairhope presented ACE signage for gateways The Alabama Communities of Excellence (ACE) recently presented the City of Fairhope with signage for its gateways. The signage will highlight Fairhope as an ACE Town and will be placed at entrances to the City. The City of Fairhope successfully completed the ACE approach to economic and community development for cities with populations between 2,000 and 18,000 in 2015. Thirty-

five (35) Alabama cities, including the City of Fairhope, have been designated ACE Towns. “We commend the leadership and many stakeholders of the City of Fairhope for their dedication to ensuring long-term economic success for their community through the ACE process,” said Lisa Miller, past president of ACE and a current member of the ACE Board of Directors. ACE Partner or-

Lisa Miller, a member of the ACE Board of Directors, presents Mayor Karin Wilson, City of Fairhope, with the City’s ACE signage. ganizations include: Alabama Department of Commerce, Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs, Alabama Historical Commission, Alabama League of

Municipalities, Alabama Mountain Lakes Tourist Association, AMEA, Alabama Power Company, Alabama Small Business DevelSEE SIGNAGE, PAGE


‘Were public funds used as a vendetta against these employees?’ Fairhope council president questions invoices, investigation into former city employees by mayor By CLIFF McCOLLUM cliff@gulfcoastmedia.com

Pavilion Music Series continues at Spanish Fort Town Center


Fairhope City Council President Jack Burrell clarified details and raised more questions about a set of

invoices submitted to the city by IT company Elias Technologies during a radio interview on WABF 1480 AM on July 6. Two invoices from Elias Technologies to

the City of Fairhope were recently given to The Courier and appear to show work equipment used by former city employees Sherry Sullivan and Jennifer Fidler was

sent to be examined and searched by Elias, a IT forensics company, at the request of Fairhope Mayor Karin Wilson. SEE INVOICES, PAGE


Daphne expands funding for school split study By CLIFF McCOLLUM cliff@gulfcoastmedia.com

The city of Daphne will move forward in its efforts to look at starting its own city school system, after the city council decided to move forward with funding a feasibility study after a divided vote on July 5. The council voted 5-2 to add $35,000 to the budget for the study, bringing the total up to $65,000 for the study

with the previous $30,000 the council had already budgeted. Councilmembers Tommie Conaway and Ron Scott were the nay votes for increasing the funding, and Conaway explained her vote later in the meeting. “About five years ago, I would have gone along with the feasibility study,” Conaway said. “Now, I see that they are doing a better job. We have a good school system that is

trying to work with us to make things even better. That’s my reason for voting nay.” Councilman Joe Davis, who admitted he was not originally a yes vote for the study, said he changed his mind because he wanted the people of Daphne to have the most information possible before a decision was made. “The reason I voted for the study is that the more information you have, the better deci-

sion you should be able to make,” Davis said. “The more information we can get, even though it costs some money, enables us to make the best decision short term and long term. We need all the facts we can get.” The city had received two bids to conduct the feasibility study and will now negotiate with those bidders and make the final decision at an upcoming council meeting.


Fairhope city treasurer submits resignation IT technician also resigns By CLIFF McCOLLUM cliff@gulfcoastmedia.com

On Friday, June 30, Fairhope City Treasurer Deborah Smith submitted a letter of resignation to Fairhope City Council President Jack Burrell. “Please accept this letter as notice of resignation from my position within the City of Fairhope,” Smith wrote. “As discussed, I am willing to provide the City of Fairhope ninety days’ notice to allow the City time to find a replacement for my position. My last date of work will be on September 29, 2017.” Smith goes on to write she was pleased to have worked for the city. “It has been a pleasure working for the City of Fairhope and I have appreciated the opportunity to be of service to the City,” Smith wrote. During a radio interview July 6 with WABF 1480 AM, Burrell said he was thankful for Smith’s service to the city. “She has done an incredible job for the city,” Burrell said. “She’s someone who takes great pride in work.” When asked for Smith’s reasons for resigning, Burrell said she did cite some reasons to him privately, but he declined to elaborate on what was said. During the interview, Councilman Robert Brown said SEE RESIGNATION, PAGE

Gulf Coast Media





HEALTH, 22-25

SPORTS, 13-15


LEGALS, 26-30



OPINION, 11-12


2• The Courier • July 12, 2017 • Gulf Coast Media


another city employee had resigned last week, a member of the city’s IT department that has since been identified as IT Technician Tanner Bonner. Burrell said the employee had not given a resignation letter to his knowledge and that Mayor Karin Wilson informed them the employee had left because a job opportunity at OWA in Foley had opened up. Burrell said there may have been an alternative reason for the employee’s departure. “Unofficially, we heard it had to do with the tracking software placed on people’s computers and some of the other things the IT department was being asked to do by the mayor,” Burrell said. The Courier was the first to report on the installation of the tracking software on June 2. Software that tracks employee computer usage and key strokes was placed on the computers of at least seven City of Fairhope employees, allegedly at the direction of Mayor Karin Wilson. Those employees were not informed of the actions at the time of the installations. Screenshots from a credible source taken from these employees’ computers confirm the presence of the software there. Those screenshots showed the software was placed on the computers of Human Resources Director Pandora Heathcoe, City Clerk Lisa Hanks, City Treasurer Deborah Smith, Purchasing Department Buyer Randy Weaver, Water and Sewer Superintendent Dan McCrory, Gas Superintendent

Robert Rohm and recently retired Electrical Superintendent Jimmy Cluster. According to confidential sources, the spyware was placed on the PCs by a member of Fairhope’s Information Technology Department at the instruction of Wilson and without notification to the seven employees. The spyware, SentryPC, allows a user to monitor and control what is done on computer upon which the software is installed. “Every activity your users perform on the computer and internet is recorded in real-time and in full detail for viewing - you will know exactly what they did and when they did it,” the Sentry PC website stated. The SentryPC program was installed on Smith, McCrory, Cluster and Rohm’s computers on March 31, Heathcoe’s on April 5, Weaver’s on April 12 and Hanks’ on April 25. During a city council meeting when questioned by the Courier, Wilson said the software was installed for the city’s protection. “This is not spyware,” Wilson said. “It is a monitoring system, and I did put it in and quoted the policy manual. Extra level of security was placed on those computers because they needed more protection for the city, and I explained that in so many words. But, this can be done at the mayor’s discretion. It was done out of the IT budget, which IT has a budget for that and I went on the recommendations based on information that was gathered that this needed to be done to protect the city.” Following the reporting of the tracking software being installed, however, it was removed from those employee’s computers.

The Courier 901 N. McKenzie St., Foley, AL 36535-3546 PHONE: (251) 928-2321 | FAX: (251) 943-3441 courier@gulfcoastmedia.com Cliff McCollum Managing Editor cliff@gulfcoastmedia.com

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Allison Marlow Senior Features Editor allisonm@gulfcoastmedia.com

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POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: The Courier, 901 N. McKenzie St., Foley, AL 36535-3546.


opment Center Network (Alabama SBDC Network), Auburn University Government and Economic Development Institute, Goodwyn, Mills


The invoices from the company both have the same invoice number, billing date and case title, but the details and amounts charged for the work differ between the two.

July 6 Radio Interview In the interview with WABF’s Lori DuBose, DuBose referenced The Courier article and asked Burrell and Councilman Robert Brown if they had any comments on the matter. Burrell said Elias Technologies was hired to help separate the IT department for the police department from the city’s IT department. “We hired that company to do work for the police department so it would not involve our IT department,” Burrell said. “We wanted to separate our IT department from the police, and this company would handle some of that information.” Burrell said Elias Technologies was not approved by the council to be used to investigate former Community Affairs Director Sherry Sullivan and former Public Works Director Jennifer Fidler. “I don’t believe they were hired to go into computers and cell phones from the employees that were fired by the mayor,” Burrell said. “If they’re hired to help the police department, why were they looking into the computers and cell phones of employees that had just been fired? It’s almost as if this sec-

& Cawood, PowerSouth Energy Cooperative, Regions Bank, Southeast Gas, The University of Alabama Center for Economic Development, United States Department of Agriculture-Rural Development (USDA), and the University of West

Alabama. About ACE: Created in 2002 as a 501 (c)3 nonprofit corporation organized for the purpose of utilizing the collective expertise of its partner organizations, ACE provides participants with a “one stop shopping” type

of experience — community development programs and tools needed to insure long-term success found through one organization. Learn more about ACE by visiting www.alabamacommunitiesofexcellence.org.

ond invoice was done to cover up what had been done.” Burrell said questions were raised by several Fairhope city employees when the original invoice was submitted. “This all came about when (Fairhope Police) Chief Petties saw some charges to his account that he was not certain of,” Burrell said. “He went to the city treasurer’s office and asked what these charges were, and the treasurer provided invoices to the chief. The chief then went to the city attorney with the invoices.” Burrell said he became aware of the invoices after they were shown to City Attorney Marion “Tut” Wynne and alluded to an investigation that may be being undertaken about them. “Because these invoices raised such a flag, this was being investigated by certain authorities I won’t name,” Burrell said. Burrell said he could not divulge who was conducting the investigation. “But, the council may want to convene their own investigation,” Burrell said. “We have the right to do so, and may choose to act on that.” Burrell said Wilson had accused him and other city officials of meeting about the claim filed with the city by Human Resources Manager Pandora Heathcoe about the alleged assault on her by Wilson, but Burrell said the original purpose of the meeting was to discuss the invoices. “We weren’t there to

have a meeting about her (Heathcoe),” Burrell said. “I don’t know where the investigation stands now. It may still be under investigation. If it’s not still being investigated, it needs to be investigated.” Burrell said he asked Chief Petties if either Sullivan or Fidler was under any type of investigation. “His answer was flatly no,” Burrell said. Burrell said he was unsure why Mayor Wilson felt the need to try to use police department funds to investigate Sullivan and Fidler if that was the case. “The mayor had previously stated these people were fired for a reason, so was she trying to go in after the fact and create a reason?” Burrell questioned. “That’s a question that needs to be asked.” Burrell said he believed the two sets of invoices raised a number of questions that needed to be answered. “The suspicious thing about the second invoice is that it removed all of the details,” Burrell said. “The question needs to be asked - were public funds used as a vendetta against these employees?” Brown said he hadn’t looked at the invoices in detail but added he had many questions. “What these show, in my opinion, are more bad decisions by the mayor,” Brown said. Burrell did shed some light on the revised invoice sent to the city that showed zeroed-out charges for most of the work done on the equipment that had previously

been used by Sullivan and Fidler, saying Elias Technologies had credited the city back the charges for that work. “The IT company came back and gave us a credit, which I have found out in the last few days,” Burrell said. “They didn’t want to be on bad terms with the City of Fairhope, but they still don’t deny that the work had been done. The invoice still shows the work was done, but they have removed the charges and some of the details from that.” Burrell told The Courier he had heard from sources inside the city that Wilson was searching for who may have given the invoice copies to The Courier and that Wilson could be seeking to start her own investigation into that. “I think the important thing to investigate in all of this are the invoices themselves,” Burrell said. “There are just so many questions here that need to be answered, and that information has not been forthcoming from the mayor’s office.”

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Public records request The Courier submitted a public records request to the city of Fairhope on July 5 asking for any and all email communications, invoice copies and meeting records involving the Elias Technologies company and contract, as well as a copy of the statement of work submitted to the city referenced in the invoices. The Courier has received a copy of the retainer Elias Technologies submitted to City Treasurer Deborah Smith on April 6 that included three “areas of specific concern identified by client,” which included: “1. Creation of an evidence network for the handling of Police Department information,” the document shows. “2. Assess telecommunications resources and internal communication workflow to reduce burden placed on Police Communications call management and storage. 3. Assess the security of the City’s email service.” Burrell said based on those parameters, it was difficult to see how investigating Sullivan and Fidler fit into those categories. “I don’t think the investigation of those two SEE INVOICES, PAGE


Gulf Coast Media • July 12, 2017 • The Courier • 3

Fairhope Rotary names 2017 Scoggins Scholar The Rotary Club of Fairhope has selected Carly Ann Huguley as the recipient of its Thomas S. Scoggins Memorial Scholarship for 2017. The scholarship, which is offered to graduating seniors who have been members of the Fairhope High School Interact Club, provides $2,500 a year for up to four years. Huguley hopes to become an engineer and to that end will be attending the University of Mississippi, where she plans to seek a bachelor’s degree in engineering. She has been accepted into the honors college at Ole Miss and hopes to be a part of the Center for Manufacturing Excellence (CME) program, an undergraduate program developed in partnership with Toyota to help engineering, accounting, and business students learn how to communicate effectively and work collaboratively to enhance manufacturing processes.

Huguley is a 2017 graduate of Fairhope High School, where she achieved a GPA of 4.37. In addition to Interact, which she served as president, she was a member of the National Honor Society and president of the Project Outreach. She belonged to the Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA), Mu Alpha Theta, Spanish Club, and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA). A member of Fairhope United Methodist Church, Huguley participated in numerous mission activities, including mission trips to Costa Rica, Uganda, and Greenville, South Carolina. She was also a nursery work at FUMC. Huguley is the daughter of Chuck and Michelle Huguley of Fairhope. More information on this scholarship and previous recipients may be found at http://fairhoperotary.org/ scholarships/.


Scoggins Scholar Carly Huguley (right) and Leslie Mulcahy, scholarship committee chairman of the Rotary Club of Fairhope, hold a plaque listing the recipients of the Thomas S. Scoggins Memorial Scholarship. The plaque is permanently displayed at Fairhope High School and had just been updated with Huguley’s name.

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4• The Courier • July 12, 2017 • Gulf Coast Media


former employees fits in with any of what is outlined there, so, again, this raises questions as to why this was investigation was being done by the mayor,” Burrell said.

Mayor Wilson’s response The Courier reached out to Mayor Wilson for her response July 6 via phone and email, but did not receive a response from Wilson’s office by the print deadline. In The Courier’s previous story filed June 30, when asked about the invoices, Wilson said she had gone over the details of one of them with City Treasurer Deborah Smith and that the company had been hired by her to meet with the police department and IT department to help with technology needs for the city. Wilson said she had limited involvement in dealing with the company and said she would need to speak with an attorney before discussing more. “This is something that needs to be discussed with an attorney, as I don’t know how sensitive the information is,” Wilson said. On top, the original invoice submitted by Elias Technologies to the City of Fairhope. Below, the revised invoice submitted after questions were raise by city staff.


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Allison Marlow, Senior Features Editor allisonm@gulfcoastmedia.com

JULY 12, 2017

Baldwin Living

Did you hear the one about the reporter turned joke writer? By ALLISON MARLOW Michael Strecker likes to tell jokes. So he sent 150 of his best zingers to a publishing house. Their response? Great stuff. We’ll publish it. In a two-book series. And, they would need 600 more jokes. Per book. No joke. “It was a little challenging but it was pure joy coming up with these things,” he said. Strecker, a former reporter for Gulf Coast Media, spends his days as the executive director of public relations for Tulane University. By night, he likes to make people laugh. “I enjoy writing them. It’s fun to think somebody is going to get a giggle out of that,” Strecker said. Strecker, who cov-


ered the typical news beats and daily stories that were anything but funny, took a stand-up comedy course in the mid-90s and began doing comedy routines. After he and his wife, a school teacher, married in 2007, she urged him to begin writing down his puns and one-liners. She knew her students would love them. It never quite occurred to Strecker that his jokes were a gift. “I assumed everybody could do this,” he said, explaining that he often hears a phrase and immediately wonders what that would look like if it was taken literally. Usually, it triggers a funny joke. “When I was in the throes of coming up with these my wife would laugh and say, ‘You can

turn this off, right?’ She didn’t want to spend the rest of her life finding out what happens when the banana robs a bank,” Strecker said. In case you were wondering, he got off on a peel. Now, with two books finished, Strecker does regular stand-up comedy shows and sometimes lets his funnier side pop into his day job. “I’m in a sweet spot. I love my job in public relations and I love doing comedy and sometimes they intersect,” Strecker said. His sons, ages 2 and 7, have been trying their hand at joke telling too, though they don’t always give dad the floor. “I was on the local news and he was very upset that we had to change the channel from his cartoon to dad,”

Strecker said. Now, Strecker is working on his third book of jokes, titled “Jokes for Crescent City Kids” all centered around New Orleans. He has one rule when writing, he only puts jokes in his books that he and his wife think are funny. There are no filler ha ha’s. And when he hears kids roaring and giggling over his pages, that is the best reward. “I think they’re funny but until I hear a kid say they’re funny, I don’t feel like I’ve done what I set out to do,” he said. “Hearing kids laugh at my jokes is the best reward.” Pick up a copy of Young Comics Guide to Telling Jokes, both volumes, at Barnes & Nobles stores nationwide and on Amazon.com.

1. The rule of three: Never tell more than three jokes in row on the same subject. After the third joke about the same thing, people get tired. Tired people don’t laugh much. 2. Know your audience. Not everyone will think every joke is funny. In fact, some people won’t think anything is funny. These people usually end up in management. 3. Timing is very important. Don’t tell your jokes too fast or too slowly. 4. To get your big break, give your audience a break. Don’t tell too many jokes in a row. In fact, don’t tell too many jokes anywhere. 5. If you know someone has a particular career or hobby, tailor the joke just for them. For instance, “How do you like being a tailor?” “It suits me.” 6. Act natural. Don’t read your jokes out loud from this (or any) book. Memorize a couple and try to bring them up in conversation. 7. Even better than memorizing these jokes— try writing your own! 8. Don’t read your jokes but do read, read, read. The more words you know the more jokes you’ll be able to understand and tell. 9. Often in comedy, what you don’t say is as important as what you do say. Let your audience think for themselves. When you tell a joke, don’t say the punch line too loudly or too obviously. Let the person you are telling the joke to figure it out. They will thank you with a big laugh. 10. Practice!

SAMPLE JOKES FROM “YOUNG COMIC’S GUIDE TO TELLING JOKES” BY MICHAEL STRECKER When will the little snake arrive? I don’t know, but he won’t be long.

Why did Dracula lie in the wrong coffin? He made a grave mistake

Why should you not let a bear operate the remote? He will keep pressing the paws button.

Why did the man get fired from his job at the coin factory? He stopped making cents.


You always know


fun things to do!


901 N. McKenzie Street • Foley, AL 36535 251-943-2151 www.GulfCoastNewsToday.com

PET OF THE WEEK A local pet in need of a new home Meet Brewski! Punk and full of spunk, I’m gonna be the next big thing before you know it! Only 4-months-old, and I’m ready to make a name for myself. No one knows just how big I’ll be, or how large my reputation, but I assure you, when I get where I’m going, I’ll be on top of the world! Won’t you join me on my journey to be the best by giving me a wonderful place to start? If you’re prepared to raise me from the ground up, and watch how great I’ll be, I’m ready for your help! All dogs adopted from The Haven are fixed, up-to-date on their vaccinations, micro-chipped, tested for heartworms, come with a free bag of Science Diet and 30days of pet health insurance, and receive their monthly heartworm and flea and tick preventative. Coupons from area pet stores and businesses are also included in our packages. Call 251-929-3980 or visit www.havenforanimals.org.

Where did the article on the famous owl’s research appear? In the “Who’s Who.”

Why didn’t the dental hygienist like her award? It was a plaque.

Meet Molly! Molly is a 3-year-old, medium-sized, lab mix up for adoption at the Baldwin County Humane Society in Fairhope. She does well with other dogs and children. Molly is spayed, current on her vaccinations, and micro-chipped. She is currently being treated for heartworm. Give us a call at 251928-4585 to learn more!

You always know

fun things to do!






901 N. McKenzie Street Foley, AL 36535



6 • Baldwin Living • July 12, 2017 • Gulf Coast Media

Alan White Book Signing at Bay Minette public library


Friends of the Bay Minette Public Library met last month at Teresa’s Country Barbecue for a book signing by local author, Alan White. White’s novel titled, “One Season” tells the story of a grandfather and a grandson bonding during a turkey season in Uriah, Alabama. Here, he signs a copy of his book for Mary Bartram. White is the publisher and owner of “Great Days Outdoors Magazine.” He is an accomplished writer, wildlife artist, musician, and publisher. In 2014, he was honored with a governor’s achievement award for conservation communicator of the year. He co-hosts a live radio show on WNSP Sports Radio at 105.5 FM in Mobile each Thursday from noon until 1 p.m. He is also an advocate for Alabama Hunger Relief. You can get a copy of his novel by checking out his site at www.oneseasonbook.com.

Sonora Masonic Lodge installs new Officers SUMMERDALE - Sonora Masonic Lodge No. 635 of Free & Accepted Masons (F&AM) in Summerdale recently held its annual installation of lodge officers. Grand Lodge District Lecturer Steve Williams of Lillian Lodge # 925 F&AM conducted the installation with the assistance of Mike Miller of Foley

Lodge #766 as installing marshal. New lodge officers for 2017-18 include, (l-r, front row): Bruce Falcon, junior warden; David P. Brown, worshipful master; Randy Smith, senior warden; (l-r center): Brian McDonald, senior deacon; Austin Monk, chaplain. (l-r back row): Dean Mott, secretary;

Ben Griffiths, treasurer and Dean Gray, senior steward. Not shown: Randy Borg, junior deacon; James Eddins, junior steward; Mac Magee, Marshal; Jeremy Sullivan, Tiler and C.P. Phillips, Historian. Masonic lodges across Alabama support local youth and community projects and humanitar-

ian efforts including, the child identification program and scholarships. Sonora Lodge meets on the second and fourth Tuesday at 7 p.m. at 202 E. Jackson Street in Summerdale. For more information visit our website: www. Sonora635.org or on Facebook.

Summer project helps veterans


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Stapleton Elementary School’s CCLC summer camp sold donuts and raised over $400 to purchase and donate personal supplies for veterans. The students went to their local Dollar General and bought the supplies. They then sorted the supplies and delivered them to the Veterans’ home in Bay Minette.

GulfCoastNewsToday.com From Baldwin County’s news innovator since 1890

Gulf Coast Media • July 12, 2017 • Baldwin Living • 7

Local kids meet local football heroes Downpours couldn’t dampen the excitement at the Daphne Youth Football Camp Saturday. The event, originally scheduled as a skills camp with University of Alabama players and alumni, Ryan Anderson, TJ Yeldon,

Michael Pierce and Torren McGaster, was moved inside after storms rolled and rumbled through the area. Young players and fans waited eagerly to meet and get autographs from the players and several other pro-

fessional players who joined them for the day: Jalson Fowler, Reggie Ragland, Ed Stinson, Tony Brown and Alphonse Taylor.


Operation Round Up honors scholarship recipients Baldwin EMC’s Charitable Foundation recently honored the program’s scholarship recipients for the 2017-2018 school year. Foundation board members held a luncheon at the co-op’s training center in Summerdale to recognize all of the students, both first-time recipients

and those whose scholarships were approved for renewal. The 2017 Operation Round Up scholarship recipients are: Jessica Marie Bahm, Meagan A. Cantebury, Morgan T. Clausell, Caroline A. Doggett, Justine H. Ebentheuer, Alysia A. Gauci,

Marissa Lee Harris, Kyle A. Jones, Chance R. Kruk, Brittany M. LeSerra, Reed A. Linam, Hannah N. Mikkelsen, Gabriel L. Murphy, Trodell L. Odom, Courtney B. Ryals, Moeshia N. Williams and Don A. Williams, III. The grants were awarded using funds col-

lected through Operation Round Up, a program in which participating Baldwin EMC members allow the co-op to round up their electric bills to the next highest dollar amount. The extra change is distributed for grants meeting the criteria of food, shelter, clothing,

Board members from Baldwin EMC’s Charitable Foundation recently hosted a luncheon honoring this year’s Foundation scholarship winners. Pictured are the attending 2017 recipients (l-r): Caroline Doggett, Brittany LeSerra, Reed Linam, Justine Ebentheuer and Trodell Odom.

health, environment and education. Anyone wishing to learn more about the Operation

Round Up Scholarship Program can call Baldwin EMC at 989-6247 or visit www.baldwinemc.com.


8 • CLASSIFIEDS • JULY 12, 2017 Baldwin County • Gulf Coast Media



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Pets Baldwin County Humane Society (BARC) 22886-C, US Hwy. 98, Fairhope, AL. 36532 Phone 251-928-4585 Fax 251-990-7171 is a no-kill adoption agency (rather than a shelter) established in 1979. For a complete list visit www.BaldwinHumane.org

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House Cleaner, 20+ yrs ex, Honest, reliable, hard-working. Free Estimates. Kat Ramsbell, 251-989-2360.

Shepherd Mix (Trina) Female - 3 years Terrier Mix (Patch) Female - 1 Year Bulldog Mix (Laverne) Female - 8 Years Shepherd Mix (Fly) Female - 3 Years Bulldog Mix (Sara) Female - 3 Years Lab Mix (Molly) Female - 2 Years Plott Hound/Retriever Mix (Fanta) Female - 1 Year Shepherd Mix (Ruthie) Female - 5 Years (Must be adopted with Lola!) Yorkie Mix (Lola) Female - 1 Year (Must be adopted with Ruthie!) CATS If you are looking for a kitten, we have just the one for you! We currently have lots of kittens in our program.We have adoptable cats and kittens located in our kennel. Come by and visit Monday Thursday 10:00AM til 4:00PM, Friday10:00AM til 1:00PM. BARC! has cats of various sizes and ages for adoption at the PetSense store in Foley across from Walmart. Stop in 7 days a week for adoption information.

Cleaning Services

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Tax Service DONATE YOUR CAR to charity. Receive maximum value of write off for your taxes. Running or not! All conditions accepted. Free pickup. Call for details. 1-844-810-1257.

ALSO visit our web site www.baldwin humane.org to view and/or apply for any of our cats and dogs.

MERCHANDISE Garage, Yard & Estate Sales Estate Sale by SaF!!! Surrey Loop, Foley, AL. Fri. & Sat, July 14 & 15, from 8-3. Howard Baldwin baby grand piano, antiques, collectibles, Fiestaware & more! www.safestatesales.com for details. Estate Sale - July 15th, 9 AM - 5 PM. Furniture, electronics, Noritake China service for 12, cookware, linens, small appliances, & more. 28475 Leiterman Rd, Elberta, call 986-3576. Large Garage Sale!!! Sat, July 15th, from 8 - 2! Includes Furniture! 5397 Bear Point Ave, Orange Beach. Giant Moving Sale! July 15, 7AM. Furniture, Collectables, Electronics, Household items, etc. 12408 John Arthur Drive, Foley. (1 blk. S of 98, 1.3 mi. W of 59.)

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For Sale or Trade

Help Wanted Full-Time

2011 Cavalier Mobile Home! Good Condition! 16x80 upgraded. $28,000. To be moved. Call 251-986-4035.

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For Sale!!! Mobile Home, 14'x70'. 2BR/2BA. Metal roof, storage shed. In Cedar Grove. Senior MHP in Foley. 251-981-5479. For Sale! 2 Pine Rest adjoining cemetery plots. Not sold separately. $1,750. Please call 251-654-9340.

EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted Full-Time Established company looking for crew members - construction experience or similar. Call A-Z Services at 251-970-2869 or come by the office at 2863 S Pine St, Foley, AL 36535. SOUTHERN HAULERS LLC. Immediate openings for Regional Tractor Trailor Drivers for Decatur, Brewton & Mobile Terminals. Home on weekends. Excellent wage & benefit package +401k, vacations & bonuses. Requirements: 23 years of age, 1-year tractor trailer driving experience. Good MVR and CSA points. If interested, call 1-866-537-4621 ask for Adam or www.southernhaulersllc.com. EOE. Experienced Concrete Finisher needed for local development company. Please call 251-947-4329.

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Long Term Rental Group

Woerner Turf in Foley, AL now hiring flatbed delivery Drivers! Minimum 1 yr. driving experience & Class A CDL required. Competitive pay & generous benefits! Contact Larry at 251-284-5811!

Furnished Apartments



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Woerner Turf in Foley, AL is in need of Owner Operators with flatbed trailers or we provide a flatbed trailer. Regional hauls from Foley, AL to locations in AL, MS, & LA. Contact Larry at 251-284-5811


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Unfurnished Apartments

Unfurnished Apartments


Woerner Turf in Foley, Alabama is seeking a Dispatcher/Administrat ive Assistant. Duties include assigning paperwork to drivers, answering phones, performing data entry into spread sheets and dispatch program, handling walk-in sod sales. Must be dependable and possess basic computer skills. Forward resume to kkichler@woernerturf.com.

VIVA HEALTH is hiring ambitious Territory Marketing Representatives in & around Birmingham, Florence, Mobile, & Montgomery! These individuals will cultivate new business & generate leads with the Medicare eligible community. Visit www.vivahealthcareers.com for more information and to apply.

Trucking Opportunities

Let us be the landlord.

IF YOU HAVE LOST OR FOUND A DOG OR CAT Promptly call the Baldwin County Humane Society at 251-928-4585 Ext. 101 or call The Baldwin County Animal Control at 251-972-6834 to report it. Your quick action can help save pets lives and reunite lost pets with their people!

Medical Help Wanted

ROBERTSDALE - Based on Income LOXLEY ARMS - Based on Income /2;/(< $506 3+$6( , %5 VWDUWLQJ DW %5 VWDUWLQJ DW LOXLEY PHASE II - 1 BR starting at $4 2 BR starting at $4 SUMMERDALE - 1 BR starting at $ 2 BR starting at $4 BAY WHISTLE/GULF SHORES %5 2QO\ 7RZQKRXVH Carpet & Tile, Central Heat & Air, Stove & Refrigerator, Energy Efficient, Water, Sewer & Garbage Funished

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Unfurnished Homes

REAL ESTATE Homes for Sale FSBO: Brick Home! 3BR/2B, 19,050 Sq. Ft. Huntington Woods sub. across from Fairhope High School on Hwy 98. Fireplace, sprinkler system, all appliances included. $245,000. 251-550-6151 or 251-979-3181. Call for details. Appointment only.

1,600 sq ft, 3BR/2BA classic brick home off Fort Morgan Rd, 1 mile out from Hwy 59! $1,400/mo, on golf course, lawn maintenance included, some furniture, short or long term, perfect for families. Pets considered. Contact 251-550-6360! Craft Farms, 3BR/2BA, $1,650/mo. Lawn care included! On golf course! Call 251-948-8863. Fairhope Section 8 or Rental Property. Single family 1-story spacious fenced in, newly carpeted 3 BR, newly remodeled 3F BR, Den, L/D room, 2 sitting rooms, laundry, kitchen, porch, & carport, $500. Contact: (334) 318-1582.

Commercial Rentals For Rent! 100 ft x 120 ft warehouse! 17588 US 98 W, Foley, AL. Call 251-952-2965.

Campers / RV's/ Motorhomes

Vans / Trucks / Buses

1999 Pace Arrow Vision Motorhome, Model 36B. Can be seen in Foley. Call 309-264-2774.

2008 Toyota Tundra Crewmax SR5 TRD. 53,900mi. New tires, loaded. $19,900. 251-597-0441.


1999 Chevy Silverado C1500, 5.3 V8, 3 door, toolbox, 250k miles, $3500. Text 256-493-8751.

Autos For Sale Mopeds / ATVs / Motorcycles

Home For Sale! Spacious, custom built 4BR/3BA, 3100 sq ft home on GS Golf Course, 743 Wedgewood Drive, Gulf Shores. $442,000. Call: 256-508-0820/Email: awrjrr@aol.com.

1982 Harley Davidson FXB Sturgis. Low Mileage. $9,850. Call 865-548-6176.

3BR/2BA House for Sale! * * Olive St., Elberta, AL. * * * * Call 251-978-4032! * *

2006 Yamaha 650CCVSTARCLASSIC! Loaded/Extras. 3,180 mi. $2,800 cash. Excellent Condition! Call 251-752-8400.


1980 CJ-5 Jeep, 4x4, V8, 3-Speed, Manual, Silver, 33in tires, Full Canvas Top, Excellent Condition. $10,900. Call 251-776-3008. For Sale to take over payments, 2016 Camaro SS. 6 speed transmission, 6,000 mi, excellent condition. Call 251-943-7086 or 251-923-7588.

Autos For Sale

Autos For Sale

1955 Thunderbird, Both Tops, 113,941 mi. Frame off restoration, invested between $55K & $60K in it. A/C. Best Offer. Call 947-7528 or 978-2412.

For Sale: 2004 VW Beetle Convertible. Cream w/ new black canvas top. Standard. A/C. Extremely clean! $5000 or BO. (508) 333-5295 / (508) 414-4845.

2008 Saturn VUE, 1 owner, good condition, loaded. 140K mi. $5400. 981-3749 or 213-1489.


1997 Buick Century Limited, 1 Owner, Low Mileage, Leather Interior, Excellent Condition. $3,995. Call 251-970-2671.

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2003 Chrysler Sebring, Convertible, Limited. Good condition. Leather. Power-everything, Cruise. 109k/mi. $5,000. Call Art, 251-968-6009.

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Campers / RV's/ Motorhomes


901 N. McKenzie Street Foley, AL 36535 251-943-2151 www.GulfCoastNewsToday.com

37ft 2014 5th Wheel Columbus, 3 Slides, 5 Place Island Bar, $30,000. Call 251-362-6106.

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901 N. McKenzie Street Foley, AL 36535 251-943-2151

10 • Fun & Games • July 12, 2017 • Gulf Coast Media


By Samantha Weaver • It was 20th-century American author and journalist Emily Kimbrough who made the following sage observation: “Remember, we all stumble, every one of us. That’s why it’s a comfort to go hand in hand.”

WEEKLY SUDOKU By Linda Thistle



• The very first drivethru fast-food restaurant opened in 1948, in Baldwin Park, California. The idea was obviously a success -- by 1990, In-N-Out burger had 60 locations, all in the Los Angeles metropolitan area. The private, family-owned chain now has 313 locations across six states. • You probably didn’t know that Little Miss Muffet was a real person. It’s true -- Dr. Thomas Muffet wrote the nursery rhyme for his daughter, Patience.


© 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.


• If you’re fortunate enough to be planning a trip to the Southeast Asian nation of Cambodia -- home to the 12th-century temple complex and UNESCO World Heritage Site Angkor Wat -- keep an eye out for some local comestibles. If you get hungry, you can try out a local delicacy such as deep-fried tarantula. If you’re feeling ill (and particularly daring), try out a medicinal liquor – there’s a popular one that is made by putting live spiders into rice wine.

“As a general truth, communities prosper and flourish, or droop and decline, in just the degree that they practice or neglect to practice the primary duties of justice and humanity.” -- William Henry Seward © 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.

© 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.





Thought for the Day:

There is no difference between making a contract on its merits and making a contract because your opponents don’t find the best defense. Many a contract is made because of a defensive error or misjudgment, and anything declarer can do to induce a misplay is a step in the right direction. Consider this case where West leads a diamond against four spades. South sees four losers -- a heart, two diamonds and a club -- and must try to avoid one of them. If the defenders could see South’s hand, they surely would stop the contract. But since declarer’s specific assets and liabilities are concealed from the prying eyes of the defense, he often can trade upon this advantage. South’s best method of play is to win the diamond in dummy and immediately return a low

heart. East follows low, and the jack loses to the ace. The defenders cash two diamonds and switch to a club. Declarer wins with the king, draws trumps ending in dummy and leads the queen of hearts. This traps East’s king, and sooner or later South disposes of his club loser on one of dummy’s heart honors. The only way East can foil declarer is by rising with the king when the three of hearts is led from dummy at trick two. However, going up with the king of hearts is a lot easier when you see all four hands than when you see only the East hand and dummy. The fact is that not many players would make this play, and, in any case, nothing is lost by putting East to the test. Note that declarer makes his move as soon as possible -- without drawing trumps and without giving the defense the slightest inkling of what he is up to.


• You might be surprised to learn that 7 percent of American adults -- that’s 17.3 million people -- believe that chocolate milk comes from brown cows. The same survey, conducted by the Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy in May of this year, found that 95 percent of Americans have at least one kind of cheese in the fridge.



• Those who study such things say that the most widely used word in the world is “okay” -- though the spelling varies widely.

Gulf Coast Media • July 12, 2017 • Opinion • 11


Get a Job!


am frequently asked about how to get a job. I am qualified to offer this advice because I have had a lot of jobs, and along the way, I learned how to get one. If you are honestly seeking work, I am going to give you four pointers on how to get hired for the job you want, not just need.

at a job interview The first is, have than one who is not a good attitude. working. It is the Being out of work desperation. may look like a In any negotiadisaster, but after the initial shock, it tion, and a job inis an opportunity. terview is a serious DAVID You have a chance negotiation, he, ATWOOD to start over, or she, who is the Points of the Compass maybe to change most desperate, careers, even go loses...always. Ask into business for yourself. poker players if you don’t It is time to not panic, but to believe this. You can have dream, and plan. It is time a royal flush, but if you are to get moving. the most desperate player The second point is that at the table, you are going to this is a time of reflection, a lose. The others can sense time to evaluate yourself. Is it, almost smell it, and they your resume up to date and will fold so you can’t play presentable? If not, there your hand. Employers are are websites and services the same way. that can help you write one. They are looking for Do you have the education someone who can conyou need, or the experience? tribute, has a good work If not, go get it. It may reethic, and is, if not skilled, teachable. A person not quire working at what you working and desperate for consider a menial job until you have what you need, but a job shows none of these attributes even if they have you are working, providing, them. The employer may be and moving toward a goal. the most compassionate perYou are not desperate. The next point, if you son in the world, but if he, don’t have a job, your new or she, has a choice between job is to find one. It takes you, desperately needing a discipline, but seeking job, and another person who employment should be full can contribute now without time work. Plan your day as problems, guess who will be if you are employed, get up chosen. early, organize, make phone The person who is workcalls, send, or drop off your ing is confident, knowing he resume, visit websites, call or she, is doing all they can some more to follow up on to provide for their family, yesterday’s effort. You do but are looking to better this for eight hours a day, themselves. The confidence just like you were working, radiates. They are the sunbecause you are. Keep a log shine to the desperate perand follow up on every conson’s cloud. I know it’s hard. I’ve been tact until they hire you or tell you to go away. If you do, there many times, but I’ve always come out better than you will lose that destrucI was before. If you apply tive desperation that we all these points, you will have feel when unemployed. You your job hunt over in no will feel better about yourtime, but the bottom line is self and your situation. this, do you want to work? If The final point, and the you do, it’s out there for you. most important one, is if you don’t have a job, get one. Go get it. That’s the AmeriI know you’re screaming, can way. “That’s what I’m trying to do,” but let me explain. It David Wilson Atwood is a is much easier to find a job local writer whose humanif you have one. I know it interest columns offer a sounds like an irony, but unique perspective. He may it is true. The job you have be contacted, and his other may not be the job you works viewed at: www. want, but a working person starchasers.us, or david@ makes a better impression starchasers.us.

You always know

Handicapping the U.S. Senate race


he race for our open U.S. Senate seat is evolving. Folks, we are in a brief 33-day sprint to the primary on August 15. The winner of the Republican Primary will be our next junior U.S. Senator. The December 12 General Election will be a coronation for the Republican. The eight Democratic candidates are irrelevant as are at least six of the Republican qualifiers. It is doubtful that either candidate can win the August GOP Primary without a runoff. Therefore, the two left standing will square off on September 26, after six more weeks of grueling and negative campaigning. All early indications pointed to a two-man race between Roy Moore and Luther Strange. However, both of these high profile veterans of state politics have high negatives. These high negatives surrounding Moore and Strange point to the high possibility of a third person winning this race. The possible outside horse has emerged. Tennessee Valley Congressman, Mo Brooks, is gaining momentum. He could be the surprise in the race. Brooks garnered an amazing amount of free publicity by being one of the Republican Congressmen targeted and shot at in the June shooting of Republican congressional baseball players. You cannot get any better introduction to Alabama voters than being given prime time news coverage as an Alabama Congressman who is so conservative that a left wing wacko, Bernie Sanders socialist gunman fires upon you while you are riding your bicycle to practice

baseball for the Republi- tween him and disgraced former governor, Robert can team. Bentley. It looks to the It is now a three-man average voter that Luhorserace heading into ther Strange and Robert the homestretch. Every Bentley were in collupoll has Moore leading sion in a backroom deal Strange and Brooks where Bentley, in his fighting for the runoff waning hours as spot with the governor, gave Ten CommandLuther Strange ments Judge. the appointment Polling indiin exchange for cates that the Luther, as Atmajority of GOP torney General, Primary voters STEVE not moving with in our state do FLOWERS prosecuting not want to vote Inside the Bentley and his for either Roy Statehouse advisor. Moore or Luther Millions of WashingStrange. Both have a large reservoir of detrac- ton money may be able tors. Middle of the road, to wash away the Bentley taint. That is what urbane Republicans are Luther is banking on turned off and embarhappening. You are seerassed by Roy Moore. ing the avalanche of TV They look upon him as and media buys for Big a demagoguing, backwoods, Primitive Baptist, Luther. His Washington handlers are scripting religious nut. They him to perfection. They cringe at how he might are keeping him hidembarrass the state if den out of sight. They he got to Washington. are avoiding all media The Beltway Republiand debates. They will can establishment fears slip him into an event Moore’s independence and get a photo of him and religious zealot antics and demonstrations. there then quickly whisk him away. They That is why you will see will not allow him to millions of Washington be interviewed by any Super PAC money flow into the Heart of Dixie to Alabama media. They do not want him to be elect Luther Strange. asked about the appointLuther’s negatives ment. He was pretty stem from the way he good about avoiding the garnered the interim senate seat vacancy. The media during his six years as Attorney Genperception is that he is currently in Washington eral. Therefore, his following the instructions because of a brazen, audacious, corrupt deal be- of the Potomac pros is

an easy script to follow. Two secondary officeholders could have probably bested Strange out of the runoff. John Merrill or Twinkle Cavanaugh would have been tough for Luther. The two best candidates from the Congressional delegation would have been Congressmen Bradley Byrne or Robert Aderholt. Either of these two thoroughbreds would have made the runoff with Moore. The Roy Moore versus Luther Strange battle illuminates a natural divide in the Republican Party. It is almost like two separate tribes. It pits the evangelical, Donald Trump, George Wallace Republicans against the mainstream pro-business establishment Republicans. As one North Alabamian told me, “We will see if Moses with his Ten Commandments comes down off Sand Mountain with the Hebrew children and slays the seven foot Philistine Mountain Brook giant.” See you next week. Steve Flowers is Alabama’s leading political columnist. His weekly column appears in over 60 Alabama newspapers. He served 16 years in the state legislature. Steve may be reached at www. steveflowers.us.

LETTER TO THE EDITOR Orange Beach resident’s advice for Fairhope After reading so many comments coming from the Fairhope area, I am convinced the City Council and Mayor should become very informed regarding Municipal Election Information as presented by the Alabama

fun things to do!

League of Municipalities and directed by the Code of Alabama 1975. There is no doubt that a mayor for a City of more than 12,000 people shall be the executive officer. However, said mayor doesn’t have the pleasure of creating governing laws; the laws that direct a municipality originates from the Code of Alabama and

the “local” laws begin with the City Council and then “enforced” by the Chief Executive Officer. I may be wrong, but my interpretation of the Code leads me to believe that more attention should be given to the above legal directives by all. Apparently, the local Newspaper is more than casually aware

of which direction the League of Municipalities directs elected officials for Cities in excess of 12,000 residents and Cities less than 12,000 residents. And if a municipality is less than that 2000 then said municipality is a town, not a city. Dave Johnson Orange Beach




901 N. McKenzie Street • Foley, AL 36535 251-943-2151 www.GulfCoastNewsToday.com

12 • Opinion • July 12, 2017 • Gulf Coast Media

Tank Tales Y

ou may be old enough to remember the opening scene of television series “Petticoat Junction” where three girls are obviously taking a dip in the water tank, with their clothes hanging over the side. I have searched for anyone who has actually been inside a water tank for fun, and still can’t find anyone who will admit to it, but I sure have heard some stories.

work helping him Water tanks build a structure hold a mysteriaround the tank ous air, for all of to serve as storus wish we could age and a laundry fly above them room. The results and see inside. Of are a charming course, nowadays, HARRIET tower reminiscent the covers are OUTLAW of the old world. secure but that Local Folklore Al tells that he was not always the case. Water tanks were remembers well working on the tower one day found on almost every that they were listening farm of any consequence, to the radio. The reguand most did not have lar program was intertops in order to catch rupted with urgent news. rainwater to supplement The D-Day Invasion had the supply. They were at begun. Cheers erupted every stop along the rail from the worksite and line spur for the steam the women came running engines to take on water. Most towns built one early from the house to join the rejoicing. in the twentieth century Al says that he and as indoor plumbing was his brother had the job becoming more common. of running the turbine The tank was (and still is) engine pump at least once usually located on one of a week. It usually took the highest places in the about two hours of pumparea to enhance the presing to fill the tank. They sure of the water coming knew it was full when from the tank. water started running Earliest ones were over the sides. made of wood and the One of my favorite water was pumped into tank tales is told by Mr. R. the tank by means of a Leslie Smith, Mr. History windmill. As gasoline engines were developed, tur- in Baldwin County. The north Baldwin County nabine pumps were cranked tive has authored several up to send water up into publications about the the tanks. Sometimes life he has lived, which rams were used to help is now approaching the with pumping the water. century mark. He clearly Later, electric engines remembers the tank at the made the process much State Teacher College in more efficient. Daphne, where he earned It is hard to believe his teaching credentials. that everyone did not die He says the water tank from contamination in there was wooden and was those days, for the water was used for drinking, too. known to attract squirrels. Of course, as the thirsty Before days of water pusquirrels stretched to get a rity testing, they cleaned drink, they usually fell in. out the tank whenever When the water finally bethe water got to tasting came too putrid to drink, “funny.” the tank was drained and The family home of cleaned. Al Guarisco is the site of I have to mention an unusual water tank. this reminds me of urban Al’s father, Agostino, was legends of a human body quite a man of many talfound in one tank, with ents. His work is admired the same investigative today in many buldings strategy. When the water in the area. He decided to developed a very distincenhance the 1930 water tive smell and taste, the tower on his family tank was drained and the place on Randall Road in body of a young woman Daphne. During World was found. Take notice, War II, he put his sons to

I don’t think this was in Baldwin County. Although my parents always talked about the goat that fell in the reservoir in Mobile and was never recovered. The 1940 water tank at Daphne High School, today Daphne Elementary School, was one of the finest, as was everything in that school when it was built. Mr. Smith was a teacher, principal, and superintendent of Baldwin County Public Schools. While in the position of Director of Buildings and Grounds, he supervised the demolition of the elementary school tank, and snapped three photographs. How I would have loved to have been there. A piece of it is on display in the school. The water tank in Bay Minette is on the Register of Historic Places, for it is one of only 2-3 concrete water tanks ever constructed, and as far as can be determined, the only one still standing. The contract to build the tank was awarded to a Birmingham firm in 1914 for $3000. It was built next to the old county jail, which was demolished in 1999 and replaced with the current corrections facility. The 130-foot-tall tank was used until a lightning strike during Hurricane Frederic disabled it. It has since been inspected regularly for safety and maintained by North Baldwin Utilities. However, the roof of the tank is no longer there. Rainwater flows through the tank onto ground level. Wouldn’t you like to see inside that tank? I hope someone will send a drone to take a photo and send it to me. I want to see if there are any squirrels in it. I wish I had a nickel

for every time someone comments that they would love to have lived in the good ol’ days. Next time you are tempted to say that, think about old water tanks and be thankful for modern water supply. I sure am. Harriet Outlaw is a local storyteller and folklorist, author of several publications. Harrietoutlaw@msn. com

Tony Whitehead, Sports Editor tony@gulfcoastmedia.com

JULY 12, 2017

Sports GulfCoastNewsToday.com




Special guest instructors included NFL players and former DHS Trojans, Crimson Tiders Tony WHITEHEAD GCM Sports


Rick Cauley

Cauley resigns Gulf Shores AD/head-coach position GCM SPORTS GULF SHORES — Hired in February to lead Gulf Shores High, Rick Cauley resigned as athletic director and head football coach. He is joining the staff at his high-school alma mater, Satsuma High in August. Cauley left the headcoaching job at Murphy for the GSHS spot made vacant after Jamie Williams was released after just two seasons. Gulf Shores competes in (Nine-team Class 6A, Region 1) one of the toughest leagues in the Alabama High School Athletic Association. That includes recent deep state-playoff contenders Blount, Daphne,

Spanish Fort and Saraland. Only the top four teams make the state postseason playoffs. The official start of 2017 fall practice for Alabama High School Athletic Association programs begins Aug. 7. The Dolphins are scheduled to open their 2017 season at Mountain Brook on Aug. 25. According to AHSAA.com, Gulf Shores then plays another road game at B.C. Rain before the first home game on Sept. 22 with LeFlore. Satsuma (Class 4A) went 6-5 a year ago and made the playoffs for the first time since 2006. The Gators open at Cottage Hill Christian Aug. 25.

Jacksonville Jaguars running back T.J. Yeldon being interviewed Saturday by Lance Crawford, WPMI Sports Director at Al Trione Park.

DAPHNE — Rain dampened and delayed, but did not discourage the turn out for football campers at Al Trione Park in Daphne Saturday. Former Daphne High and University of Alabama football players (now in the NFL) Ryan Anderson (Redskins), Torren McGaster (Bengals), Michael Pierce (Ravens) and T.J. Yeldon (Jaguars) hosted their 2017 youth football camp. Lightening and rain eventually shortened the

early field activities, but the camp moved indoors to Trojan Hall on the DHS campus. The camp is tentatively planned again for next summer, said DHS head coach Kenny King. “It was a great turnout, but we’re sorry the weather didn’t hold off for us longer,” said King who also played for the Crimson Tide and in the NFL with the Arizona Cardinals. “Our main concern was precautionary, first about safety with the lightning situation. “I appreciate the guys for wanting to host this

and give back to the community with an event like this. When you see them doing this and how the kids are excited, really makes it all worthwhile — even if it doesn’t always go like you plan.” At Trojan Hall, the pro players signed autographs and took photos with the campers who also received gift bags. Besides the former Daphne players, other former Tide stars joined the four Trojans in their autograph/selfie session including: Tony Brown, Jalston Fowler (Vigor), Reg-

gie Ragland and Alphonse Taylor. Coaches and varsity football players from Daphne High assisted the campers. Children grades K-8 (age 4-14) attended the free camp. Anderson, McGaster, Pierce and Yeldon were Daphne teammates in 2010 when the Trojans won the AHSAA Class 6A championship under head coach Glenn Vickery. To see more photos from the camp, see today’s GCM Baldwin Living section.


Welcome to camp. Daphne players welcomed the campers on to the field.

Baltimore Ravens defensive end Michael Pierce.

14 • Sports • July 12, 2017 • Gulf Coast Media


From left, coach Daniel Parker; players: bottom row, Adam Stewart, Reggie Hunter,Ty Gandy, Braxton Jordon, Ja’mere Brown; top row, John Wesley Cook, Jessi Dixon, Kade Hassler, Brant Lewis, Gus Spears.

Daphne opens with Davidson, Fairhope meets Murphy at historic Mobile venue this year GCM SPORTS The 2017 high school football schedule at Ladd-Peebles Stadium opens Aug. 24 with Daphne and Davidson kicking off their regular seasons against each other in a non-region match up at 7 p.m.. The Ladd-Peebles regularseason includes 15 games. The only other Baldwin County school visiting Ladd-Peebles in the 2017 season Fairhope at Murphy on Oct. 19 in a Class 7A Region 1 battle. There are eight Thursday games and seven Friday games, but no games are scheduled for Saturday this year.


Coaches Scott Norris (left), manager Pam Van Sickler (right); players from left: bottom row, CJ Lymon, Cameron Reed, Tyler Stewart, Iverson Armstrong; top row, Lionel Bass, Samuel Melton, Deimarkus Sewel, Deimir Sewel, Cade Brown, Gavin Norris.

Rip Tide Basketball riding winning waves this summer Pam VANSICKLER GULF SHORES — Rip Tide Basketball’s ninth grade teams worked hard this year training and participating in tournaments through out Alabama, Florida and Mississippi. Teams consist of three players from each Baldwin County High school.

You always know

The Gray and Purple teams accomplished several first-place and second-place awards. Thanks to Coaches Scott Norris and Daniel Parker for volunteering their time and sincere concern for each of their players while teaching the boys the sport of basketball. Looking for big things from these young men for next year.

fun things to do!

All games are scheduled for 7 p.m. kick off times: Aug. 24, Daphne at Davidson Aug. 25, LeFlore at Williamson Aug. 31, Alma Bryant at Murphy Sept. 1, McGill-Toolen at Davidson Sept. 7, B.C. Rain at LeFlore Sept. 14, MGM at Murphy Sept. 15, St. Paul’s at Williamson Sept. 21, Theodore at Davidson Oct. 6 , MGM at Davidson Oct. 12, Faith at Williamson Oct. 13, Blount at LeFlore Oct. 19, Fairhope at Murphy Oct. 20, Citronelle at Williamson Oct. 27, Murphy at Davidson Nov. 2, Mobile Christian at Williamson For updates or changes visit: LaddStadium. ticketoffices.com.




901 N. McKenzie Street • Foley, AL 36535 251-943-2151 www.GulfCoastNewsToday.com

Gulf Coast Media • July 12, 2017 • Sports • 15

An early look at SEC football away from winThis upcomning their 17th ing 2017 College National ChamFootball season pionship in their has potential for 35-31 loss to the a lot of teams Clemson Tigers. looking to break Now the Tide is out and make a MICHAEL not looking for playoff run. The HANICH revenge but more Southeastern Sports Analysis clarity as they Conference has look to redeem been one of the themselves from the most dominating in the championship loss. The nation even before the offense, no matter how playoffs. The Alabama spectacular it looked, Crimson Tide, Auburn had a significant amount Tigers, and LSU Tigers of internal problems. are the most recent Head Coach Nick teams to have some sucSaban (in his 11th cess in the postseason season with the Tide) for the SEC. But each of believes he found the these have serious quesanswers in new offentions to be addressed throughout the season in sive coordinator Brian Daboll, who brings in an order to make a playoff NFL spread offense that run. thrives off matchups and The Alabama Crimdefensive weaknesses. son Tide were one play

Last year’s 16th scoring offense (38.8 points per game) will be looking to get even better with quarterback Jalen Hurts having more experience. The first-ranked scoring defense (13 points allowed per game) has an experienced defensiveback unit led by safety Minkah Fitzpatrick and cornerback Anthony Averett that will be the heart and soul of the Tide secondary. One thing that has derailed the Auburn Tigers for the past couple of seasons is the lack of a steady defense. Throughout the past seven seasons, the Tigers have gone through five different permanent defensive coordinators. This year will be Kevin Steele’s

second year with the Tigers as the DC and despite being ranked seventh in the nation in points allowed per game (17.1), the Tigers defense was ranked 67th in passing yards allowed per game (229.2). This season, head coach Gus Malzahn (in his fifth season with Auburn) is hoping that experience and a long offseason will benefit everyone including new quarterback Jarrett Stidham. The former Baylor Bear has already gotten preseason consideration for the Heisman Trophy. Expectations have been high for quarterbacks at Auburn since Cam Newton and that has ultimately caused their downfall.

Stidham, though, has a high-power arm that can make defense collapse. The Tigers also return their top two rushers from last year in Kamryn Pettway and Kerryon Johnson. Expectations are high for the LSU Tigers and their fans as they should be. After the loss to Auburn last season, the LSU Tigers (2-2 at the time) decided it was time to move on from head coach Les Miles. Interim coach Ed Orgeron stepped in and helped the Tigers account for an 8-4 record and also beat Heisman trophy winning quarterback Lamar Jackson and the Louisville Cardinals 29-9 in the Citrus Bowl. This season, the same

hype is there in Baton Rouge for now permanent head coach Orgeron. The offense should be consistent with the aggressive running attack of running back Derrius Guice and the passing of quarterback Danny Etling. But the fifth best scoring defense (15.8 points allowed per game) will need to replace seven starters. The Tigers’ defense does have the star-playing ability of defensive end/outside linebacker Arden Key who is on the top five draft board by many analysts. Last season, Arden accounted for 56 tackles and 12 sacks.

Vote for Academy Athlete of the Month for June Voting online will continue until 5 p.m. (local time) Thursday, June 13 USSA.edu DAPHNE, Ala. – The United States Sports Academy has announced its Athlete of the Month ballot for June and public voting is in progress. Following the selection committee’s meeting, 12 candidates – six male and six female – from seven countries comprise the list. Each month, the public is invited to participate in the Academy’s worldwide Athlete of the Month program by nominating athletes and then voting online during the first week of every month. The online votes are used to guide the Academy selection committee in choosing the male and female monthly winners, who then become eligible for selection to the prestigious Athlete of the Year ballot. A worldwide public vote on the annual ballot is used to guide the committee in making the final selection. Everyone is encouraged to cast a vote on the Academy’s website at USSA.edu. www.ussa.edu and have friends do the same. The full ballot is listed along with bios of what each athlete accomplished during the month. Voting will continue until 5 p.m. Central time on

Thursday, July 13 2017. Male nominees are Sidney Crosby, hockey, Canada; Kevin Durant, basketball, United States; Brooks Koepka, golf, United States; Rafael Nadal, tennis, Spain; Wayde Van Niekerk, track and field, South Africa; and Edinson Volquez, baseball, Dominican Republic. Female nominees are Sam Kerr, soccer, Australia; Shay Knighten, softball, United States; Katie Ledecky, swimming, United States; Dalilah Muhammad, track and field, United States; Jelena Ostapenko, tennis, Latvia; and Diana Taurasi, basketball, United States. The Athlete of the Year Award is part of the United States Sports Academy’s Awards of Sport program, which each year serves as “A Tribute to the Artist and the Athlete.” The Academy presents the awards to pay tribute to those who have made significant contributions to sport, in categories as diverse as the artist and the athlete in several different arenas of sport. The awards honor exemplary achievement in coaching, all-around athletic performance, courage, humanitarian activity, fitness, and media, among others. The

Academy’s American Sport Art Museum and Archives (ASAMA) annually recognizes these men and women through its Sport Artist of the Year, Honorary Doctorates, Medallion Series, Distinguished Service Awards, Outstanding Athletes, and Alumni of the Year awards. This is the 33rd year of the Academy’s Awards of Sport program. The United States Sports Academy is an independent, non-profit, accredited, special mission sports university created to serve the nation and world with programs in instruction, research and service. The role of the Academy is to prepare men and women for careers in the profession of sports. Founded in 1984, ASAMA is dedicated to the preservation of sports art, history, and literature. The ASAMA collection is composed of more than 1,700 works of sport art across a variety of media, including paintings, sculptures, assemblages, prints and photographs. The museum is open free to the public from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays. For more information, go to ASAMA.org. The Academy is based in Daphne. For more information, call (251) 626-3303 or visit USSA.edu.

Send your team’s scores, stats and highlights to Tony@gulfcoastmedia.com You always know

fun things to do!




901 N. McKenzie Street • Foley, AL 36535 251-943-2151 www.GulfCoastNewsToday.com

16 • What’s On? • July 12, 2017 • Gulf Coast Media

Client will fill AL4-LV39293

Littlefinger plays the ‘Game of Thrones’ mainly for kicks, says Aidan Gillen By John Crook © Zap2it When last we saw Petyr Baelish (Aidan Gillen), the cunning character known to many as Littlefinger on “Game of Thrones,” he was planning to sow discord between the recently reunited Sansa Stark (Sophie Turner) and Jon Snow (Kit Harington). That scheme may be just one of several Baelish contrives in Season 7 of the epic fantasy, which premieres Sunday, July 16, on HBO. It’s all part of his determined quest to seize the Iron Throne of Westeros, but is this complicated character driven by a lust for power or a desire for revenge against those who have wronged him? Probably neither, says Baelish’s real-life alter ego. “I don’t think it’s anything really nihilistic,” Gillen says. “It isn’t a quest for power and ‘I want to own and rule everything.’ As much as anything, it’s about really enjoying playing around with people and having

Aidan Gillen and Sophie Turner star in “Game of Thrones,” premiering Sunday on HBO.

Wednesday Bets

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8 AM


9 AM


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10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 12 PM 12:30

Good Morning Rachael Ray The View CBS This Morning News Paid Prg. The Price Is Right FOX 10 News Studio 10 The Real (7:00) Today Today’s Take Today Creflo D. J. Hagee J. Osteen Prince Copeland Varied WXXV News Divorce Paternity Hot Hot The 700 Club Your Health Herman Varied Super 4 Varied Maury Jerry Springer Curious Tiger Tiger Splash Splash Sesame Varied Perf. Steve Harvey Wendy Williams The 700 Club TMZ Live Access H’wood Live Dog Dog Dog Varied Programs M*A*S*H Movie Varied Programs Payne Payne Browns Browns Browns Browns CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom At This Hour With Scrubs Scrubs ’70s ’70s ’70s ’70s Puppy Puppy Varied Jessie Jessie Stuck Varied Programs Wimbledon Champ. Varied Programs Varied Programs SportsCenter SportsCenter America’s Newsroom Happening Now Paid Prg. Pioneer Varied Programs Last Man 700 Club The 700 Club Gilmore Varied Varied Programs Varied Programs Movie Varied Programs Golden Golden Home & Family Varied Programs Varied Programs Mysteries Varied Mysteries Varied First 48 Varied (7:00) 2017 Tour de France Varied Programs Varied Programs PAW Mutt Rivets Bubble Bubble Blaze Dr. Phil Dr. Phil Dr. Phil Varied Programs Movie Varied Programs King King King King Cleve Cleve Movie Varied Movie Varied (:15) Movie Varied Programs Say Yes Say Yes Charmed Supernatural Supernatural Teen Teen Ben 10 Ben 10 Teen Teen Varied Programs Griffith Griffith Griffith Varied (9:51) Bonanza Varied Programs Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Walker, Tex. Ranger In the Heat of Night In the Heat of Night

News Extra Young & Restless The People’s Court Kelly and Ryan S. Furtick BlessLife Jdg Judy Varied Robison Today Steve Wilkos Show Sesame Super Divorce Divorce Justice Justice

The Chew News Bold Judge Mathis News Gulf Marriage Varied Judge Mathis Varied Bible Million. Paid Prg. Peg Dinosaur Judge Judge Hatchett Hatchett

Movie Varied Programs Prince Prince Prince Inside Politics Wolf Varied ’70s ’70s Andi Bizaard Austin Varied Programs Outnumbered Reba



Bernie ’70s Austin


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7 p.m. on # ABC The 25th ESPYS The sports awards mark a quarter-century with someone quite appropriate as host — two-time Super Bowl winner Peyton Manning, a multiple ESPY recipient himself — as the event originates from the Microsoft Theater in Los Angeles. As usual, the categories cover a wide range of athletic personalities and achievements.

1 PM


2 PM


General Hospital The Talk The Dr. Oz Show Days of our Lives Robison Varied Harry Rippy Quick Movie Ready Nature Justice Jdg Judy Rules Pawn

Harry Let’s Make a Deal The Doctors Steve Harvey The 700 Club The Dr. Oz Show Precepts Believer Varied Programs Nature Wild Paternity Paternity Court Court

Bernie Bernie CNN Newsroom ’70s ’70s K.C. K.C.

Varied Programs CNN Newsroom Archer Archer Liv-Mad. Liv-Mad.

NFL Live Varied Programs



Happening Now Pioneer Pioneer Varied Programs

America’s News HQ Shepard Smith Varied Programs Middle Middle Varied Programs


Mother Movie


his way with them, watching his plans unfold. He also likes the danger of it, I think. It’s about playing the game and loving it, being addicted to that, like a compulsion.” It’s also driven by a determination never to be humiliated again like he was as a teenager, when the older Brandon Stark gravely wounded Baelish in a duel over Catelyn Stark, Sansa’s late mother. “Brandon Stark sliced him in that duel, then wouldn’t even finish him off, which was the ultimate humiliation,” the actor explains. “So he’s coming from a place of being humiliated way back when he actually was a sweet boy. It’s not so much a revenge on the world he seeks, he just wants to make sure that never happens again.” Gillen also doesn’t think Baelish harbors romantic feelings for Sansa. “Honestly, I think a lot of people have made more of that than is actually the case,” he explains. “I think both Baelish

and Sansa are using each other and each is aware of what the other is doing, and they both enjoy it. As far as romance goes, it’s just not that clear cut. There are shades of that in there, and I don’t always want to explain everything. It’s whatever you make of it, but that relationship is a bit ‘something else.’ Of course, Baelish has enjoyed watching Sansa bloom under his tutelage into the player that she is. She’s quite a strong, clever, manipulative person herself.” The actor says he would consider reprising his role in a “Games” spinoff, but he thinks it more likely HBO is looking for a prequel. “Also, there are so many other very interesting characters that we haven’t seen much of,” he adds. “You could do a ‘Rosencrantz and Guildenstern (Are Dead)’ thing that would be a very interesting way of opening up this world via some lesser players. But it’s a rich world and we know that people love it and have a big appetite for it.”

8 p.m. on % CBS Salvation Time is running out for Earth, at least according to this new drama series that adopts the “Deep Impact” and “Armageddon” premise of an asteroid destined to collide with the planet in a matter of months. Various people — including a tech billionaire (Santiago Cabrera) and an MIT student (Charlie Rowe) — try to devise methods of saving the human race. Jennifer Finnigan (“Tyrant”) also stars as a Pentagon official alarmed by the situation.

Santiago Cabrera

3 PM


Ellen DeGeneres Big Bang Big Bang Dr. Phil Wendy Williams J. Hagee Varied The Doctors Christian Varied Paid Prg. Celebrity Wild Odd Hot Hot Robert Irvine

4 PM


News FamFeud FamFeud FOX 10 News Jdg Judy Jdg Judy Praise Varied Dr. Phil CBN J. Meyer Broke Broke Odd Arthur Crime Watch Daily Judge Judge Movie

5 PM

News News News News at John FamFeud VFN TV Mike Arthur Jdg Judy Friends


6 PM


ABC News Million. CBS News WKRG News Jeopardy Wheel News News at ET Varied Programs Potters FamFeud Big Bang Big Bang Country 700 Club Mike Mod Fam Mod Fam Martha PBS NewsHour Gulf Extra Inside Friends TMZ FamFeud

Varied Programs

Jake Tapper Situation Room Situation Room Archer (:45) Futurama Futurama Futurama Varied Andi Bizaard Stuck Bunk’d Jessie K.C.

E. B. OutFront Futurama South Pk K.C. Varied

Varied Question Around Pardon Intentional Talk Varied Programs Neil Cavuto The Fox News Spe

Varied Programs Varied Programs The Story

SportsCenter Around Pardon Special Report (:15) Movie

Mother Home & Family Fixer Upper

Varied Programs

First 48


The First 48

Grey’s Anatomy

Grey’s Anatomy

Grey’s Anatomy

Grey’s Anatomy NASCAR America

Grey’s Anatomy Varied Programs

Varied Programs Ninja Warrior

Blaze Dr. Phil


PAW Dr. Phil

Sponge. Sponge. Varied Programs


Alvinnn!!! Sponge.





Movie Friends

Varied Programs Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Movie Varied Programs Say Yes, Dress Varied Programs Bones Varied Bones Teen Ben 10 Ben 10 Gumball Bizarre Foods Varied Programs M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Varied Programs Blue Varied Programs


Mother Two Men Two Men Mike Varied Programs Movie


Mike Movie Varied Programs

Varied Programs Pregame MLB Baseball

American American American American Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Varied (:45) Movie Varied Programs Say Yes Say Yes Four Weddings Four Weddings Supernatural Supernatural Bones We Bare We Bare Teen Teen Clarence Clarence

Movie Varied Programs Friends Friends Friends Friends (:45) Movie Varied Programs Gypsy Wedding Gypsy Wedding Say Yes Bones Bones Bones Gumball Gumball Mighty Teen Ben 10

Gunsmoke Law & Order: SVU In the Heat of Night

Gunsmoke Law & Order: SVU Blue Varied

Gunsmoke Law & Order: SVU Blue Varied

Gunsmoke Law & Order: SVU Blue Varied


Griffith Griffith Law & Order: SVU Blue Varied


Say Yes Teen

Griffith Griffith Law & Order: SVU Blue Varied

Varied Programs Varied Programs




7 PM



9 PM


JULY 12, 2017

10 PM


The 25th ESPYS (N) ’ (Live) Å News News Big Brother (N) ’ Å Salvation “Pilot” ’ Å Criminal Minds “Spencer” News Late-Colbert MasterChef (N) ’ The F Word With Gordon FOX 10 News at 9PM (N) FOX News How I Met Little Big Shots: Forever Carmichael Carmichael This Is Us “Pilgrim Rick” News at Ten J. Fallon John Gray Turning Point Prince S. Furtick Living Proof Blessed Life John Gray Drive MasterChef (N) ’ The F Word With Gordon WXXV News 25 at 9pm (N) Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. A. Wommack ERLC.tv Revive The Blessed Always Good Studio 5 Awaken Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 3 News at 9 Inside Ed. Jerry Springer ’ Å Big Pacific “Passionate” Nature’s Great Race Å NOVA ’ Å Songs David Holt Harry ’ Å Two Men Two Men News SEC Last Man Last Man Arrow “Vigilante” ’ Å Blockbusters CW55 News ThisMinute The List (N) Tosh.0 Å Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage ››› “Tombstone” (1993, Western) Kurt Russell, Val Kilmer, Michael Biehn. Å ››› “Tombstone” Å ›› “All About the Benjamins” (2002, Action) Ice Cube, Mike Epps. (:25) Martin (9:56) Martin (:27) Martin Anderson Cooper 360 (N) Anderson Cooper 360 (N) CNN Tonight CNN Tonight South Park South Park Hood South Park South Park South Park Daily Show At Midnight Cinderella Andi Mack Liv-Mad. Liv-Mad. K.C. Under. K.C. Under. Bunk’d Å Jessie Å Alaskan Bush: Off Grid Alaskan Bush People ’ Homestead Rescue (N) ’ Alaskan Bush People ’ 2017 World Series of Poker Main Event. (N) (Live) Drone Racing SportsCenter (N) Å NBA Summer League Basketball TBA at TBA. (N) Å NBA Summer League Basketball TBA at TBA. (N) Å Tucker Carlson Tonight (N) The Five (N) Å Hannity (N) Å Tucker Carlson Tonight To Be Announced To Be Announced Cooks vs. Cons (N) Å Cooks vs. Cons Å (5:15) ››› “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire” ’ The Bold Type “Pilot” ’ The 700 Club ’ Å (5:00) MLB Baseball 2017 MLB All-Star Game American League vs National League. (Taped) BIG3 Basketball Three-on-three basketball featuring former NBA greats and players. World Poker (6:00) ››› “Dawn of the Planet of the Apes” (2014) Snowfall “Make Them Birds Fly” (N) ’ Snowfall ’ Last Man Last Man The Middle The Middle The Middle The Middle Golden Girls Golden Girls Property Brothers Å Property Brothers -- Buying Hunters Hunters Int’l Listed Sisters Å American Pickers ’ Å American Pickers: Bonus (:03) American Pickers ’ (:03) American Pickers ’ Little Women: LA (N) Å Little Women: LA (N) Å (:02) ›› “Tyler Perry’s Good Deeds” (2012) Å 2017 Tour de France Stage 11. From Eymet to Pau. Motocross Highlight Series Alaska State Troopers Alaska State Troopers Southern Justice (N) Å Alaska State Troopers ››› “Ice Age” (2002) ’ Å Full House Full House Full House Friends ’ Friends ’ Queen Sugar ’ Å Queen Sugar ’ Å Queen Sugar (N) ’ Queen Sugar ’ Å (6:00) ››› “Pitch Perfect” (2012) ’ Lip Sync Lip Sync One Night Only: Alec Baldwin ’ Å ›› “Fast & Furious” (2009, Action) Vin Diesel. Å Blood Drive (N) Å (9:59) “30 Days of Night” Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Full Frontal Conan (N) Å ›››› “Rebecca” (1940) Laurence Olivier, Joan Fontaine. Å ››› “Foreign Correspondent” Å I Am Jazz: More Jazz (N) I Am Jazz (N) ’ (:03) Hair Goddess (N) ’ (:06) I Am Jazz ’ Å ›› “Insurgent” (2015) Shailene Woodley. Å (DVS) Will Å Edge King of Hill Amer. Dad Cleveland Amer. Dad Burgers Burgers Family Guy Family Guy Expedition Unknown Å Expedition Unknown (N) Expedition Unknown Å Expedition Unknown Å M*A*S*H Raymond Raymond Raymond Younger (N) Raymond King King Law & Order: SVU Suits “Skin in the Game” Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å

Thursday Bets 7 p.m. on * FOX 9 FOX Beat Shazam

Friday Bets 8 p.m. on SYFY Dark Matter After being rescued from the fallout of a deadly chemical attack, Six (Roger Cross) returns to the relative safety of the Raza. As he slowly starts to recover from his ordeal, however, he begins to experience flashbacks from his life before the mind-wipe, teasing glimpses that, combined with what strikes him as odd be-



just might be enough to rattle contestants who are vying to win $1 million. Jamie Foxx is the host. 9 p.m. on USA Queen of the South Held in the clutches of El Santo (guest star Steven Bauer, “Ray Donovan”), the deadly narco-cult leader, Teresa (Alice Braga) embarks on a spiritual journey that may likely lead to some real-world consequences for good or ill. Veronica Falcon also stars in the new episode “El Camino de la Muerte.”


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JULY 13, 2017

10 PM


Boy Band “Live Live Live!” Battle of the Network Stars The Gong Show (N) Å News News Big Bang Life in Big Brother (N) Å Zoo “Ten Years Gone” (N) News Late-Colbert Beat Shazam (N) ’ Love Connection (N) ’ FOX 10 News at 9PM (N) FOX News How I Met America’s Got Talent (N) The Wall “Jeff and Jamie” The Night Shift “Control” News at Ten J. Fallon Praise Å Prince Hillsong TV Joel Osteen Christine Praise Å Beat Shazam (N) ’ Love Connection (N) ’ WXXV News 25 at 9pm (N) Bones ’ Å A. Wommack Jewish Real Life Revive Perry Stone Rescue Life Phil Driscoll Awaken Bones ’ Å Bones ’ Å 3 News at 9 Inside Ed. Jerry Springer ’ Å The This Old House Hour Antiques Roadshow Å Country House Revealed Muscle Shoals Harry ’ Å Two Men Two Men News SEC Last Man Last Man Penn & Teller: Fool Us ’ Hooten & the Lady ’ CW55 News ThisMinute The List (N) Tosh.0 Å The First 48 ’ Å The First 48 “See No Evil” Akil-Fugitive Akil-Fugitive (:03) The First 48 ’ Å ››› “Twister” (1996, Action) Helen Hunt, Bill Paxton. Å ››› “The Italian Job” (2003) Å ›› “The Wedding Ringer” (2015, Comedy) Kevin Hart, Josh Gad, Affion Crockett. “Kevin Hart: Let” Anderson Cooper 360 (N) Anderson Cooper 360 (N) CNN Tonight CNN Tonight South Park South Park Tosh.0 Å Tosh.0 Å Tosh.0 Å Tosh.0 Å Daily Show President Stuck/Middle Andi Mack Liv-Mad. Transylvania K.C. Under. K.C. Under. Bunk’d Å Jessie Å Naked and Afraid ’ Å Naked and Afraid ’ Å Naked and Afraid ’ Å Sharktacular ’ Å 30 for 30 (N) X Games From Minneapolis. (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) Å NBA Summer League Basketball TBA at TBA. (N) Å NBA Summer League Basketball TBA at TBA. (N) Å Tucker Carlson Tonight (N) The Five (N) Å Hannity (N) Å Tucker Carlson Tonight Chopped Å Chopped “Snap Pea to It!” Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Beat Bobby (5:15) ››› “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince” The Bold Type “Pilot” ’ The 700 Club ’ Å (5:00) MLB Baseball (N) 2017 MLB All-Star Game American League vs National League. (6:00) UFC Reloaded From Las Vegas, NV. ACC Access Predators World Poker ››› “Interstellar” (2014) Matthew McConaughey. Space explorers set out to find a new home for humanity. ’ Last Man Last Man The Middle The Middle The Middle The Middle Golden Girls Golden Girls Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Hunters Hunters Int’l Vintage Flip Hunters Mnt. Men Mountain Men (N) ’ (:03) Alone (N) ’ Å (:03) American Ripper ’ Married Married Married at First Sight “Intimacy, Part 2” Married at First Sight: Second Chances 2017 Tour de France Stage 12. From Pau to Peryagudes. Dew Tour (N) Life Below Zero Å Life Below Zero Å Life Below Zero (N) Å Life Below Zero Å ›› “Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs” (2009) ’ Å Nashville ’ Å (DVS) Friends ’ Friends ’ 20/20 on OWN ’ Å 20/20 on OWN ’ Å 20/20 on ID ’ Å 20/20 on OWN ’ Å (6:00) ›› “Fast Five” (2011) Vin Diesel. ’ Å The Mist “Pequod” (N) ’ The Shannara Chronicles ››› “Zombieland” (2009) Woody Harrelson. Å ›› “Ghost Rider” (2007, Action) Nicolas Cage. Å Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Conan (N) Å ›››› “Lost Horizon” (1937) Ronald Colman, Jane Wyatt. Å ››› “If I Were King” (1938) Å (6:00) My 600-Lb. Life ’ My 600-Lb. Life Sneaking food is Doug’s last vice. Å (:02) My 600-Lb. Life Å ›› “Insurgent” (2015) Shailene Woodley. Å (DVS) Will “The Play’s the Thing” Into Wood King of Hill Amer. Dad Cleveland Amer. Dad Burgers Burgers Family Guy Family Guy Mysteries at the Museum Mysteries at the Museum Outdoors Outdoors Mysteries at the Museum M*A*S*H Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond King King Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Queen of the South (N) Law & Order: SVU Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å


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havior from his crewmates, soon has him questioning his sanity in the new episode “Wish I Could Believe You.” 10 p.m. on J PBS Willie Nelson: The Library of Congress Gershwin Prize for Popular Song The country-music icon was on the road again, for good reason, in November 2015: He was awarded this honor in Washington, D.C., as seen in this special.

8 PM



It’s one thing to go up against a music machine in trying to guess the names of songs, but when you’re facing the actual superstar singer of such tunes ... well, that’s a much different story. Mariah Carey makes a guest appearance in this new episode, and her presence and powerhouse voice


8 PM

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Roger Cross 9:30

JULY 14, 2017

10 PM


Shark Tank Å (DVS) (:01) What Would You Do? 20/20 ’ Å News News MacGyver “Metal Saw” ’ Hawaii Five-0 ’ Å Blue Bloods “Lost Souls” News Late-Colbert MasterChef Å (DVS) Beat Shazam Å (DVS) FOX 10 News at 9PM (N) FOX News How I Met America’s Got Talent The auditions continue. ’ Å Dateline NBC (N) ’ Å News at Ten J. Fallon Praise Å Hal Lindsey End/ Age Perry Stone Watchman Praise Å MasterChef Å (DVS) Beat Shazam Å (DVS) WXXV News 25 at 9pm (N) American Ninja Warrior A. Wommack The Blessed The Good Life Luke 4:18 Drive Thru John Bevere Awaken American Ninja Warrior American Ninja Warrior ’ 3 News at 9 Inside Ed. Jerry Springer ’ Å Wash Charlie Rose Capitol Journal Great British Baking Show Willie Nelson: The Library Harry ’ Å Two Men Two Men News SEC Last Man Last Man Masters of Masters of Riverdale ’ Å CW55 News ThisMinute The List (N) Tosh.0 Å Live PD: Rewind (N) Å Live PD “Live PD -- 07.14.17” Riding along with law enforcement. (N) ’ (Live) Å Departed ›››› “GoodFellas” (1990, Crime Drama) Robert De Niro, Ray Liotta. Å Fear Walking Tales “Cold Hearted” › “Alex Cross” (2012) Tyler Perry. A serial killer pushes Cross to the edge. Å Anderson Cooper 360 (N) Anderson Cooper 360 (N) CNN Special Program Anderson Cooper 360 South Park South Park South Park South Park “Imaginationland: The Trilogy” Chris Rock: Kill K.C. Under. K.C. Under. Bizaardvark Andi Mack Stuck/Middle K.C. Under. K.C. Under. Bizaardvark Alaskan Bush People ’ Alaskan Bush Alaskan Bush People ’ Alaskan Bush People ’ (6:00) The 25th ESPYS ’ X Games From Minneapolis. (N) (Live) SportsCenter 2017 World Series of Poker Main Event. From Las Vegas. (N) (Live) Kickboxing Glory 43. Tucker Carlson Tonight (N) The Five (N) Å Hannity (N) Å Tucker Carlson Tonight Ginormous Ginormous Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive (5:50) “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2” ’ The Bold Type “Pilot” ’ The 700 Club ’ Å MLB Baseball Los Angeles Dodgers at Miami Marlins. Postgame Ins. Marlins CBR (6:30) MLB Baseball Arizona Diamondbacks at Atlanta Braves. (N) Braves Live! MLB Baseball ›› “White House Down” (2013) Channing Tatum. Paramilitary soldiers take over the White House. Snowfall ’ “Love You Like Christmas” (2016) Bonnie Somerville. The Middle The Middle Golden Girls Golden Girls Beach Beach Beach Beach Hunters Hunters Int’l Hunters Hunters Int’l Ancient Aliens ’ Å Ancient Aliens (N) Å (:15) Ancient Aliens Å (:13) Ancient Aliens Å ›› “How Do You Know” (2010) Reese Witherspoon, Owen Wilson. Premiere. Å (:02) Little Women: LA 2017 Tour de France Stage 13. From Saint Girons to Foix. Xtreme Off Engine The Real Bonnie and Clyde Nazi Megastructures (N) Great Escape: Secrets Hitler the Junkie Å The Thundermans Å › “Yogi Bear” (2010) ’ Å Full House Friends ’ Friends ’ 20/20: Homicide 48 Hours on ID ’ 48 Hours: Hard Evidence 20/20: Homicide Cops Å Cops Å Bellator MMA Live (N) ’ (Live) Å (:15) Cops Cops Å Killjoys (N) Å Dark Matter (N) Å Wynonna Earp (N) Å “Resident Evil: Afterlife” ›› “Man of Steel” (2013, Action) Henry Cavill, Amy Adams. Å (DVS) ››› “Fright Night” Å ›››› “Shadow of a Doubt” (1943) Teresa Wright. ››› “Lifeboat” (1944) Tallulah Bankhead. Å (6:00) 90 Day Fiancé Å 90 Day Fiancé Anfisa kicks Jorge out. ’ Å 90 Day Fiancé ’ Å ››› “The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Part 1” (2014) Å (DVS) (:31) Will Å (:38) Will King of Hill Cleveland Cleveland Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Burgers Family Guy Family Guy Expedition Unknown Å Destination Truth Destination Truth Destination Truth M*A*S*H Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond King King Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Playing Playing M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met


7 PM


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JULY 15, 2017

10 PM


20/20: In an Instant “Home Invasion Horror” ’ Å Still Star-Crossed (N) Å News Rizzoli Doubt “Faith” (N) ’ Å 48 Hours (N) ’ Å 48 Hours (N) ’ Å News Family Feud Boxing Premier Boxing Champions. (N) ’ (Live) Å News Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ Amer Grit Little Big Shots ’ Å Dateline NBC (N) ’ Å News at Ten SNL In Touch Hour Power: Schuller Jeffress Billy Graham “Uncommon” (2014) Å Boxing Premier Boxing Champions. (N) ’ (Live) Å Bones ’ Å American Grit ’ Turning Point With Doctor Rhema Prophecy Coast/Close Drive Thru Christian Adventures › “Original Sin” (2001) Antonio Banderas. Ring of Honor Wrestling Castle “Meme Is Murder” Classic Gospel ’ Å Keep-Appear As Time ... Doc Martin ’ Å Austin City Limits ’ Å ›› “Blood Work” (2002, Suspense) Clint Eastwood, Jeff Daniels. Family Guy Burgers Burgers Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Haven “Survivors” Å Rookie Blue “Skeletons” TMZ (N) ’ Å Live PD: Rewind (N) Å Live PD “Live PD -- 07.15.17” Riding along with law enforcement. (N) ’ Å “The Godfather, Part II” TURN: Washington’s Spies TURN: Washington’s Spies “The Godfather, Part II” ›› “The Taking of Pelham 123” (2009) Premiere. Tales “Cold Hearted” Tales “F... the Police” CNN Newsroom CNN Special Report Å The Nineties A wide range of television shows. Å “Fun With Dick & Jane” ›› “50 First Dates” (2004) Adam Sandler. Å “Fun With Dick & Jane” MECH-X4 Lab Rats K.C. Under. K.C. Under. Bizaardvark Bizaardvark K.C. Under. K.C. Under. Street Outlaws: NOLA Street Outlaws: NOLA Speed Is the New Black Street Outlaws ’ Å (6:00) X Games From Minneapolis. (N) (Live) SportsCenter Beach Voll. NBA Summer League Basketball Soccer Los Angeles Galaxy vs Manchester United FC. Watters’ World (N) Å Justice With Jeanine The Greg Gutfeld Show (N) Watters’ World Å Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives (6:25) ›››› “Toy Story 2” (1999) ’ ››› “Toy Story 3” (2010) Voices of Tom Hanks. ’ Å MLB Baseball Los Angeles Dodgers at Miami Marlins. Postgame Ins. Marlins World Poker MLB Baseball Arizona Diamondbacks at Atlanta Braves. Braves Live! Focused MLB Baseball ››› “Iron Man 3” (2013, Action) Robert Downey Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow. ’ Å Snowfall ’ Å (6:00) “A December Bride” “The Christmas Cure” (2017) Brooke Nevin. Premiere. Golden Girls Golden Girls Property Brothers Å Beachfront Renovation House Hunters Renovation Hunters Hunters Pawn Stars: Pumped Up “Summer Pawnin”’ Madonna’s 1988 day planner. (N) Å Pawn Stars Pawn Stars “From Straight A’s to XXX” (2017) Haley Pullos. Å (:02) “Kept Woman” (2015, Drama) Courtney Ford. Å 2017 Tour de France Stage 14. From Blagnac to Rodez. American Ninja Warrior Battle for the Pride Å Earth Live Exploring unique wildlife. Å Earth Live Å Nicky, Ricky School ››› “The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water” Friends ’ Friends ’ Better Worse Better Worse Better Worse Better Worse Better Worse Better Worse Better Worse Better Worse Cops (N) ’ Cops Å Jail: Texas Cops Å Cops Å ›› “I, Robot” (2004) Will Smith. ’ ›› “Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest” (2006) Johnny Depp. Å “Resident Evil” Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Full Frontal Wrecked ››› “Woman of the Year” (1942) Å (DVS) (:15) ››› “To Have and Have Not” (1944) Say Yes to the Dress Jodie has a passion for Harry Potter. (N) ’ Å (:03) Say Yes to the Dress ››› “The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Part 1” (2014) Å (DVS) (:31) ›› “Insurgent” (2015) Dragon Ball Samur. Jack Rick, Morty Rick, Morty Venture Family Guy Family Guy Dragon Ball Ghost Adventures Å Ghost Adventures (N) Ghost Adventures Å Ghost Adventures Å Golden Girls Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond King King (5:00) ›› “Shooter” ››› “Blood Father” (2016) Mel Gibson. Premiere. Law & Order: SVU Blue Bloods “New Rules” Blue Bloods Å Blue Bloods Å (DVS) Engagement Engagement


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10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 12 PM 12:30


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5 PM

JULY 15, 2017


6 PM


Hanna Ocean Rescue Wildlife RockOutback Kds RaceWk X Games From Minneapolis. (N) (Live) 2017 Wimbledon Championships Women’s Final. Å Insider ABC Channel 3 News (N) Lucky Dr. Chris Innova Inspec Hidden Open Rd Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Fishing PGA Tour Golf John Deere Classic, Third Round. (N) (Live) Å Paid Prg. News News Home. Animals On Spot LifeLock Copper Paid Prg. Dark Big Zoo Road Octagon 2017 U.S. Women’s Open Third Round. From Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, N.J. (N) Å Jeopardy Wheel Today (N) Heart Voyager Wild-Vet Journey Naturally Give European PGA Golf Golf American Century Championship, Second Round. (N) Å News at News Two Men Two Men RocKids Auto Gd J. Osteen Prince Veggie Hopkins Monster Goliath Ishine Inspir. Drive Creation Reveal News Turning Point Å “Love’s Everlasting Courage” Stage Precious Memories Space Planet LifeLock Copper Paid Prg. Dark Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Road Octagon 2017 U.S. Women’s Open Third Round. From Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, N.J. (N) Å Whacked Paid Prg. Dr. Won Superb’k Ignite Y Monu Christian Good Travel Creflo News Gospel Gospel Country Rescue Z. Levitt Homecoming Silverdome Olive Baptist Church Studio 5 Line of Pac-Man Scary Lar Panther Pac-Man Wild Am. Hatched ›› “Golden Gate” (1994) Matt Dillon. ›› “Shattered” (1991) Tom Berenger. Paid Prg. Celebrity Broke Broke Mike Mike Mod Fam Mod Fam Peg Dinosaur Odd Wild Biz Kid$ Scholars Nick Kitchen Project Cooking French Sewing Quilting R. Steves Garden Greener Woods. Wood Old Weekend Lawrence Welk Paid Prg. Fishin’ Space Dog Tale McCarver Outdoors ›› “Labor Day” (2013) Kate Winslet. Å Fam. Guy Whacked Whacked Last Man Last Man Two Men Two Men Ent. Tonight Extra (N) ’ Å Dog Whis Dog Whis Save Our Vacation Save-Win Animal Dog Challenge Law Order: CI ›› “Last Action Hero” (1993, Action) Access Hollywood Entertainers Rules Rules FamFeud FamFeud Flipping Vegas ’ Zombie Flip Zombie Flip Live PD: Rewind ’ Live PD: Rewind ’ Live PD Riding along with law enforcement. ’ Å Live PD Riding along with law enforcement. ’ Å Riflem’n ›››› “GoodFellas” (1990) Robert De Niro, Ray Liotta. Å ›››› “The Godfather” (1972, Drama) Marlon Brando, Al Pacino. Å ›››› “The Godfather, Part II” (1974) Al Pacino, Robert Duvall. Å Browns Payne Payne Payne Martin ’ Martin ’ Martin ’ Martin ’ Martin ’ Martin ’ To Be Announced › “Alex Cross” (2012) Tyler Perry, Matthew Fox. Å Smerconish (N) CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Smerconish (N) CNN Newsroom ’70s (:45) That ’70s Show ’70s ’70s ’70s ’70s ’70s ’70s ’70s ’70s ’70s “Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle” (:15) South Park (:15) South Park “Dick & Jane” Puppy Elena Pat Hotel Tangled: ZhuZhus ›› “Frenemies” (2012) K.C. K.C. Bizaard Bizaard Bizaard Bizaard Bizaard Bizaard Bizaard Bizaard Bizaard Walk the Walk the Dirty Jobs ’ Å Dirty Jobs ’ Å Dirty Jobs ’ Å Dirty Jobs ’ Å Homestead Rescue Homestead Rescue Homestead Rescue Street Outlaws ’ Street Outlaws ’ Street Outlaws Street Outlaws 2017 Wimbledon Championships Women’s Final. From the All-England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club in Wimbledon, England. (N) X Games From Minneapolis. (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) X Games (N) (Live) (7:00) SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å Drone Racing Beach Voll. 2017 World Series of Poker Main Event. NBA Summer League Basketball NBA Summer League Basketball FOX & Friends Bulls Business Forbes Cash In America’s News Headquarters (N) Å America’s News HQ Journal Editorial America’s News HQ America’s News HQ America’s News HQ Fox Report Å Contessa Pioneer Pioneer Trisha’s The Kitchen (N) Valerie’s Tiffani’s Texas Texas Dessert Games Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Ginor Incred Diners, Drive “A Cinderella Story: If the Shoe Fits” ’ (:15) ›› “Alvin and the Chipmunks” (2007) ’ Å (:20) ›› “The Sandlot” (1993) ’ (:25) “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” (:25) ›››› “Toy Story” (1995) ’ Å Toy 2 NHRA Drag Racing Route 66 Nationals. From Joliet, Ill. (Taped) Golf Life Spotlight CBR BIG3 Basketball World Poker Marlins Pregame MLB Baseball UFC Classics Shape Redfern Polaris ACC XTERRA Champ. CBR Polaris Predators BIG3 Basketball Spotlight Braves MLB Baseball Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men ››› “Flight” (2012, Drama) Denzel Washington. ’ Å ›› “Oblivion” (2013, Science Fiction) Tom Cruise. ’ Å ››› “Star Trek Into Darkness” (2013) Chris Pine. ’ Å “A Rose for Christmas” (2016) Å “On the Twelfth Day of Christmas” (2015) “A Christmas Detour” (2015) Å “Looks Like Christmas” (2016) Å “The Mistletoe Promise” (2016) Å “December” Buying and Selling Buying and Selling Buying and Selling Buying and Selling Buying and Selling Phoenix Flip or Flip or Flip or Flip or Flip or Flip or Flip or Flip or Flip or Flip or Flip or Mountain Men (N) Mountain Men Å Mountain Men Å American Ripper ’ Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. “The Wrong Woman” (2013) “His Double Life” (2016) Å “Manny Dearest” (2016) Å NWSL Soccer: Courage at Thorns “Open Marriage” (2017) Tilky Jones. Å (7:00) 2017 Tour de France Stage 14. From Blagnac to Rodez. (N) (Live) NASCAR Racing NASCAR Formula 1 Racing Count NASCAR Racing XFINITY Series: Overton’s 200. (N) IndyCar M. Dodge M. Dodge M. Dodge M. Dodge M. Dodge M. Dodge Underworld, Inc. Underworld, Inc. Underworld, Inc. Underworld, Inc. Underworld, Inc. Underworld, Inc. Underworld, Inc. Underworld, Inc. Sponge. Sponge. › “Yogi Bear” (2010) ’ Loud Ninja Loud Loud Loud Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Loud Loud Loud Loud Henry Henry Henry Home Home Worse Worse Worse Worse Worse Worse Worse Worse Worse Worse Iyanla, Fix My Life Iyanla, Fix My Life Iyanla, Fix My Life Iyanla, Fix My Life Worse Worse ›› “Bad Boys” (1995, Action) Martin Lawrence. ’ Å ›› “I, Robot” (2004) Will Smith. ’ Å Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ ›› “Arachnoquake” (2012) Tracey Gold. ››› “The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian” (2008) Å “Tremors 5: Bloodlines” (2015) Å › “Resident Evil: Afterlife” (2010) ›› “Pompeii” (2014) Kit Harington. Å Kicking ›› “The Heartbreak Kid” (2007) Å (:45) ››› “Twins” (1988) Arnold Schwarzenegger. Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Broke Broke Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang (7:30) “Escape Me Never” Å “Boston Blackie Booked” ››› “Angels in the Outfield” (1951) ››› “Road to Morocco” (:45) ››› “Topaz” (1969) Frédérick Stafford. Å ››› “Five Million Years to Earth” Å Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes The Spouse House Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Law & Order ’ Law & Order ’ Law & Order ’ › “The Bounty Hunter” (2010) Å (:15) ››› “The Hunger Games” (2012) Jennifer Lawrence. ››› “The Hunger Games: Catching Fire” (2013) Å (DVS) Teen Teen Teen Teen Teen Teen Mighty Mighty Gumball Gumball Gumball Gumball Gumball Gumball Mighty Gumball Gumball Gumball Gumball “Ben 10: Secret” Mysteries-Museum Mysteries-Museum Mysteries-Museum Delicious Delicious Delicious Delicious Food Paradise Food Paradise Food Paradise Food Paradise Ghost Adventures Ghost Adventures Rose. Rose. (:12) Roseanne ’ Rose. Rose. Rose. Rose. Rose. Rose. Rose. Rose. Rose. Rose. Golden Golden Golden Golden Golden Golden Golden Golden Queen of the South NCIS “Ignition” ’ NCIS Å (DVS) NCIS “Jet Lag” ’ NCIS “Masquerade” NCIS “Jack Knife” NCIS Å (DVS) NCIS Å (DVS) NCIS “Jurisdiction” ›› “Shooter” (2007) Mark Wahlberg. Person of Interest Person of Interest Person of Interest Person of Interest M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Blue Bloods Å Blue Bloods Å

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9 AM


or perhaps Venus Williams who has won five Wimbledon singles championships herself.

Saturday Bets

24250 Canal Road • Orange Beach, AL


1 PM

10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 12 PM 12:30

8 a.m. on ESPN; 2 p.m. on # ABC 2017 Wimbledon Championships Serena Williams defeated Angelique Kerber in the Women’s Final of the 2016 Wimbledon Championships for her second straight title there. That won’t happen this year as Williams is taking some time out due to her pregnancy leaving the door open for Kerber,

Sunday Bets 8 p.m. on HBO Game of Thrones This Emmy-winning adaptation of George R.R. Martin’s epic fantasy has kept its characters scattered across the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros for six seasons, but as Season 7 premieres, those characters and their urgent motivations are starting to converge. Peter

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7 p.m. on % CBS Doubt

Sadie (Katherine Heigl) has a personal matter to attend to, diverting her attention from getting ready for Billy’s (Steven Pasquale) trial, in the new episode “Faith.” She and Isaiah (Elliott Gould) go to prison to see her mother (Judith Light.) Dule Hill also stars.

Katherine Heigl

Dinklage, Emilia Clarke, Lena Headey and Kit Harington star. 9 p.m. on J PBS Remember Me Michael Palin makes a sharp turn into drama in this new threepart suspense tale. He plays a senior citizen who gets himself into an assisted-living program by faking a fall, but ends up in a very real mystery when he witnesses a social worker’s death. Others seem unconcerned, with the exception of a young healthcare assistant (Jodie Comer).

Emilia Clarke

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JULY 16, 2017


6 PM


This Week Attkisson Paid Prg. Believer Florida Beach Voll. X Games From Minneapolis. (N) (Live) 2017 Wimbledon Championships Men’s Final. Å News ABC Funny Home Videos CBS News Sunday Morning (N) Face the Nation (N) Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Passion/Pro. PGA Tour Golf John Deere Classic, Final Round. (N) (Live) Å News News 60 Minutes (N) ’ Fox News Sunday The Paid Prg. Potential Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Prerace Formula E 2017 U.S. Women’s Open Final Round. From Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, N.J. (N) ’ (Live) Å Burgers Burgers Meet the Press (N) Rejoice in the Lord Attkisson Heartland Wild-Vet European PGA Golf Golf American Century Championship, Final Round. (N) Å News at News Megyn Kelly Franklin Turning James Win Walk Prince Carpen Jesse In Touch Power Is Written Jeffress Super Kelinda John Hagee Å Marriage World Turning Potters Joyce Leading BlessLife Fox News Sunday Paid Prg. Gulf Home. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Prerace Formula E 2017 U.S. Women’s Open Final Round. From Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, N.J. (N) ’ (Live) Å Burgers Burgers Graham Gospel Study Luke 4:18 J. Meyer K. Moore Olive Baptist Church Love Discover Turning Point Power P. Stone Homecoming In Touch Travel Bevere Bible Awaken Robocop Sonic X Pac-Man Scary Lar Panther Pac-Man Raw Edition RightSide World ››› “Family Business” (1989) Å Paid Prg. Celebrity Broke Broke Mike Mike Mod Fam Mod Fam Peg Dinosaur Sid Caillou Clifford WordGirl Book Opinion Alabama Journey Capitol Journal Nature’s Great Race The Civil War The Battle of Gettysburg. ’ Å Answer ForEvery Paid Prg. McCollough Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Mass for Catholic Paid Prg. ›› “The Basketball Diaries” (1995) Å Ent. Tonight The Line The Line 1st Fam Box Offi Middle Middle Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Hiring Makeover Coolest MyDest. Outdoors Home. Paula Pawn Kickin It: Byron ›› “Eurotrip” (2004) Scott Mechlowicz. Scandal ’ Å Scandal ’ Å Law Order: CI Law Order: CI (7:00) “Edge of Darkness” ’ ›› “The Recruit” (2003) Al Pacino. ’ Å ›› “Armageddon” (1998) Bruce Willis, Billy Bob Thornton. ’ Å Akil Akil Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage “The Godfather” Breaking Bad Å (:05) Breaking Bad (:10) Breaking Bad (:15) Breaking Bad Å (:20) Breaking Bad (:25) Breaking Bad Breaking Bad Å (:35) Breaking Bad (:40) Breaking Bad Break Joyful Noise (N) Lift Voice (:32) ›› “The Taking of Pelham 123” (2009, Action) (:28) Being Mary Jane Being Mary Jane Being Mary Jane Being Mary Jane Being Mary Jane Being Mary Jane State/Union Fareed Zakaria GPS Reliable Sources (N) State/Union Fareed Zakaria GPS CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom ’70s (:45) That ’70s Show ’70s ’70s ’70s ’70s ’70s ’70s ’70s ’70s ’70s South Pk ›› “The Longest Yard” (2005) Adam Sandler. (:15) ›› “50 First Dates” (2004) Å Puppy Elena Pat Hotel Tangled: ZhuZhus ›› “16 Wishes” (2010) Bizaard Bizaard Jessie Jessie Jessie Jessie Jessie Jessie Jessie (:05) ›› “Cars 2” (2011) ’ ‘G’ Å MythBusters Å Sharktacular Å Harley Davidson: Birth of a Legend (N) ’ Harley Davidson: Birth of a Legend (N) ’ Harley Davidson: Birth of a Legend (N) ’ Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid 2017 Wimbledon Championships Men’s Final. From the All-England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club in Wimbledon, England. (N) X Games From Minneapolis. (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) Baseball Tonight E:60 (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) E:60 2017 World Series of Poker Main Event. From Las Vegas. (N) (Live) NBA Summer League Basketball FOX and Friends Maria Bartiromo MediaBuzz (N) America’s News HQ America’s News HQ Fox News Sunday Journal Editorial America’s News HQ Greg Gutfeld America’s News HQ Fox Report (N) Guy’s Valerie’s Tia In Italy Contessa Contessa Trisha’s Brunch at The Kitchen Å Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Food Network Star Guy’s Games (:05) ›› “The Sandlot” (1993) ’ (:10) › “The Smurfs” (2011) ’ Å (:15) “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” (:15) ›››› “Toy Story” (1995) ’ Å (:15) ›››› “Toy Story 2” (1999) ’ Å Toy 3 UFC Unleashed XTERRA Champ. Focused Polaris Marlins Pregame MLB Baseball Los Angeles Dodgers at Miami Marlins. (N) Å Post Inside the Marlins Marlins CBR World Poker Shape Polaris XTERRA Champ. Focused Polaris Driven Braves MLB Baseball Arizona Diamondbacks at Atlanta Braves. (N) Post XTERRA Champ. CBR World Poker Mother Mother Mother Mother ››› “Star Trek Into Darkness” (2013) Chris Pine. ’ Å ››› “Iron Man 3” (2013, Action) Robert Downey Jr. ’ Å ››› “Rise of the Planet of the Apes” “Dawn of Apes” “12 Gifts of Christmas” (2015) Å “Crown for Christmas” (2015) Å “A Royal Christmas” (2014) Å “A Wish for Christmas” (2016) Å “Christmas Cookies” (2016) Jill Wagner. “ChristmasWrap” Flea Mar Flea Mar Flea Mar Flea Mar Flea Mar Flea Mar Flea Mar Flea Mar Flea Mar Flea Mar Saving Galveston Fixer Upper Å Fixer Upper Å Fixer Upper Å Fixer Upper Å Fixer Upper Å Counting Cars Danny invests in a vintage dune buggy. (N) Å Sniper: Inside the Crosshairs ’ Å Sniper: Deadliest Missions ’ Å American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers J. Osteen Paid Prg. “The Pregnancy Pact” (2010, Drama) Å “Guilty at 17” (2014) Erin Sanders. Å “High School Lover” (2017, Drama) Å “Boyfriend Killer” (2017) Barbie Castro. “Deadly Lessons” (2017, Suspense) Å (6:30) 2017 Tour de France Stage 15. (N) (Live) NASCAR Racing NASCAR Sunday NASCAR NASCAR Racing Monster Energy Cup Series: New Hampshire 301. (N) NASCAR IndyCar Earth Live Exploring unique wildlife. Å The Truth Behind... Bigfoot: The New Bigfoot: The New Bigfoot: The New Mystery Bear, Arctic Whale, Exploded Whale-Ate Jaws Monsters Area 51 Loud Loud “SpongeBob SquarePants” Sponge. Henry Thunder Nicky Nicky Henry Danger Å Loud Loud Loud Loud Loud “SpongeBob Movie” Sponge. Super Soul Sunday Super Soul Sunday Super Soul Sunday Super Soul Sunday Super Soul Sunday Super Soul Sunday Book, J. Gray Book, J. Gray Book, J. Gray Book, J. Gray Book, J. Gray Xtreme Engine Truck Detroit Bar Rescue Å Bar Rescue Å Bar Rescue Å Bar Rescue Å Bar Rescue Å Bar Rescue Å Bar Rescue Å Bar Rescue Å Bar Rescue Å “American Horror House” (2012) Å ›› “Resident Evil: Apocalypse” (2004) ›› “Pompeii” (2014) Kit Harington. Å ›› “Reign of Fire” (2002) Å (:02) ›› “Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest” Friends Friends ›› “The Core” (2003, Action) Aaron Eckhart. Premiere. Å MLB Baseball New York Yankees at Boston Red Sox. (N) Å ›› “The Pacifier” (2005) Vin Diesel. ››› “Shrek” (2001) Å (DVS) “I Love You Again” ››› “Gun Crazy” (1950) Å ››› “Pat and Mike” (1952) Å (DVS) ›› “Beach Blanket Bingo” (1965) “The Bachelor and the Bobby-Soxer” ››› “A Little Romance” (1979) Å Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes I Am Jazz ’ Å I Am Jazz ’ Å I Am Jazz ’ Å I Am Jazz ’ Å The Spouse House 90 Day Fiancé: More to Love (N) ’ Law & Order ’ Law & Order ’ Law & Order ’ Law & Order ’ ››› “The Hunger Games: Catching Fire” (2013) Å (DVS) ›› “Insurgent” (2015) Shailene Woodley. “HG: Mckingjay” Ben 10 Gumball Gumball Gumball Gumball Gumball Steven Universe Teen Teen Teen Teen Teen Teen Mighty Teen Teen Power Teen Teen Teen Teen Mysteries-Museum Mysteries-Museum Wat Wat Wat Wat Delicious Delicious Delicious Delicious Food Paradise Food Paradise Food Paradise Food Paradise Food Paradise Golden Golden Golden Golden Golden Golden Golden Golden Golden Golden Golden Golden Golden Golden Reba ’ Reba ’ Reba ’ Reba ’ Reba ’ Reba ’ Reba ’ Reba ’ Playing Playing Suits Å (DVS) Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Person of Interest Person of Interest Person of Interest Person of Interest Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Blue Bloods ’ Blue Bloods ’

Gulf Coast Media • July 12, 2017 • What’s On? • 19 7:30


9 PM


JULY 16, 2017

10 PM


Celebrity Family Feud (N) Harvey’s FUNDERDOME The $100,000 Pyramid (N) News Full Measure Big Brother (N) ’ Å Candy Crush (N) ’ Å NCIS: Los Angeles ’ News Andy Griffith Simpsons Family Guy American Grit (N) ’ FOX 10 News at 9PM (N) Bensinger How I Met The Wall ’ Å American Ninja Warrior “Kansas City Qualifiers” ’ News at Ten Law Call Joel Osteen Kerry Shook K. Copeland Creflo Dollar Restoring God’s Jesus Å Simpsons Family Guy American Grit (N) ’ WXXV News 25 Sunday at TMZ ’ Å Awaken Supernatural Kelinda Prophecy Roy Fields Zion Hope All/World Awaken The X-Files “Requiem” ’ The X-Files “Roadrunners” Ring of Honor Wrestling Jerry Springer ’ Å My Mother and Other Grantchester Remember Me ’ Å Lark Rise to Candleford ’ CSI: Miami “L.A.” ’ Å Blue Bloods “Bad Blood” Leverage Å Outdoors T. McCarver Major Crimes Å Major Crimes Å Rookie Blue ’ Å Insurance ThisMinute Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage (6:45) Breaking Bad Å (7:50) Breaking Bad Å (8:55) Breaking Bad Å Talking With Hardwick Mary Jane (:16) Being Mary Jane (:19) Being Mary Jane (:22) Being Mary Jane TBA CNN Newsroom The Nineties (N) Å The History of Comedy The Nineties Å 50 Dates (:25) ›› “The Longest Yard” (2005, Comedy) Adam Sandler. Å Kevin Hart Legends Transylvania Tangled: The Bizaardvark K.C. Under. K.C. Under. Transylvania K.C. Under. Bizaardvark Naked and Afraid ’ Å Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid ’ Å MLB Baseball New York Yankees at Boston Red Sox. Game two of a doubleheader. SportsCenter (N) Å NBA Summer League Basketball 30 for 30 (Part 1 of 3) Watters’ World (N) Å Justice With Jeanine Fox News Sunday Watters’ World Å Guy’s Grocery Games Food Network Star (N) Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Beat Bobby (6:20) ››› “Toy Story 3” (2010) ’ Å (8:50) ›› “Hocus Pocus” (1993) Bette Midler. ’ World Poker UFC Main Event (N) World Poker World Poker World Poker UFC Main Event World Poker World Poker (6:00) ››› “Dawn of the Planet of the Apes” (2014) The Strain ’ Å The Strain ’ Å “Christmas Under Wraps” “Christmas List” (2016) Alicia Witt, Gabriel Hogan. Å Golden Girls Golden Girls Lakefront Lakefront Caribbean Caribbean Island Island Hunters Hunters Int’l American Pickers: Bonus Buys “Picking Texas” Mike flips for a Volkswagen bus. (N) ’ Å Movie Å (:02) “Mommy’s Prison Secret” (2017) Kelli Williams. IndyCar Racing Honda Indy Toronto. Track and Field IAAF Diamond League: Rabat. France The Story of God The Story of God The Story of God The Story of God Kids’ Choice Sports 2017 (N) ’ Å Dude Perfect Kids’ Choice Sports 2017 ’ Å Friends ’ The Book of John Gray ’ The Book of John Gray ’ The Book of John Gray ’ The Book of John Gray ’ Bar Rescue ’ Å Bar Rescue ’ Å Bar Rescue (N) ’ Å Bar Rescue ’ Å ›› “Need for Speed” (2014, Action) Aaron Paul, Dominic Cooper. Å (DVS) ›› “Reign of Fire” ››› “Shrek 2” (2004) Voices of Mike Myers. ›› “Shrek the Third” (2007, Children’s) Å (DVS) ›››› “Shane” (1953) Alan Ladd, Jean Arthur. Å (:15) ›› “The Silver Whip” (1953) Dale Robertson. 90 Day Fiancé Russ and Pao struggle to get on track. (:04) The Spouse House (N) (:08) 90 Day Fiancé ’ “HG: Mckingjay” Claws “No. 2” (N) (:01) Claws “No. 2” (:02) Will Å King of Hill King of Hill Burgers Amer. Dad Family Guy Rick, Morty Family Guy Mike Tyson Food Paradise (N) Å Waterparks Waterparks Waterparks Waterparks Waterparks Waterparks Reba Å Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond King King Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Mod Fam Mod Fam Blue Bloods Å (DVS) Blue Bloods Å (DVS) Blue Bloods Å (DVS) Bones ’ Å

Monday Bets 8 p.m. on TNT Will In a new episode called “Two Gentlemen,” Will (Laurie Davidson) has an artistic epiphany that could put him on the road to success, but he’s going to need some help from Alice Burbage (Olivia DeJonge) first. A charismatic fugitive (Max Bennett) from Will’s past resurfaces with an obligation that puts Will’s life at risk.

Tuesday Bets 7 p.m. on J PBS Weekend in Havana As the title of this new special indicates, Cuba beckons to host Geoffrey Baer as he experiences the tourism that now is open to Americans. With three young residents of the city pointing out landmarks, the culture of Havana makes for an important part of the trek, along with the local history and architecture.


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9 p.m. on AMC Loaded When their cellphone game “Cat Factory” is a hit, four young British tech entrepreneurs (Jim Howick, Jonny Sweet, Samuel Anderson, Nick Helm) soon draw interest from people who want to buy their company, Idyl Hands. Unfortunately, the guys are distracted by a lawsuit from an old associate, who claims he invented a key component of “Cat Factory,” in this new comedy-drama. 9 p.m. on USA Shooter Season 2 opens with “The Hunting Party,” which finds Bob Lee Swagger (Ryan Phillippe) in Frankfurt, Germany, with his former Marine unit for an awards ceremony. That event is interrupted by a terrorist attack. Bob Lee and wife Julie (Shantel VanSanten) narrowly escape. FBI Agent Nadine Memphis (Cynthia Addai-Robinson) takes a new job with Washington insider Patricia Gregson (Beverly D’Angelo).

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JULY 17, 2017

10 PM


The Bachelorette (N) ’ Å (:01) Still Star-Crossed ’ News News Kevin Can Man-Plan Mom Å Life in Scorpion “Ice Ca-Cabes” News Late-Colbert So You Think-Can Dance (:01) Superhuman (N) ’ FOX 10 News at 9PM (N) FOX News How I Met American Ninja Warrior “Denver Qualifiers” (N) ’ Spartan-Team Challenge News at Ten J. Fallon Praise Å Franklin J. Duplantis Graham GregLau Praise Å So You Think-Can Dance (:01) Superhuman (N) ’ WXXV News 25 at 9pm (N) Law & Order: SVU A. Wommack Love a Child R. Roberts Revive Coast/Close Answers in Genesis Awaken Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU 3 News at 9 Inside Ed. Jerry Springer ’ Å Antiques Roadshow (N) ’ Antiques Roadshow Å Prohibition Support for Prohibition diminishes. Harry ’ Å Two Men Two Men News Crimes Last Man Last Man Supergirl “Medusa” Å Whose Line Whose Line CW55 News ThisMinute The List (N) Tosh.0 Å The First 48 ’ Å O.J.: Made in America ’ (Part 4 of 5) Å Akil-Fugitive The First 48 (5:00) “Pulp Fiction” (1994) Preacher “Dallas” (N) Loaded “Lawsuit” Å Preacher “Dallas” Å (5:00) “Juwanna Mann” ›› “Life” (1999, Comedy-Drama) Eddie Murphy, Martin Lawrence. Anderson Cooper 360 (N) Anderson Cooper 360 (N) CNN Tonight CNN Tonight (6:30) South Park Å Tosh.0 Å Tosh.0 Å Tosh.0 Å Tosh.0 Å Daily Show At Midnight Stuck/Middle Andi Mack “Descendants” (2015) Dove Cameron. ’ ‘NR’ Å (:05) Bunk’d Jessie Å Street Street Outlaws: NOLA (:01) Vegas Rat Rods ’ Street Outlaws: NOLA (6:00) MLB Baseball Teams TBA. (N) (Live) Å NBA Summer League Basketball World/Poker E:60 Soccer Real Salt Lake vs Manchester United FC. (N) Tucker Carlson Tonight (N) The Five (N) Å Hannity (N) Å Tucker Carlson Tonight Dessert Games (N) Å TexasCake TexasCake Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Shadowhunters (N) Å (:01) Stitchers (N) ’ Å (:02) Shadowhunters Å The 700 Club ’ Å MLB Baseball Philadelphia Phillies at Miami Marlins. (N) Postgame Ins. Marlins World Poker (6:00) UFC Reloaded Road to the Octagon XTERRA World Champ. UFC Main Event ›› “Taken 3” (2014, Action) Liam Neeson, Forest Whitaker. ’ Å ›› “Taken 3” (2014) Liam Neeson. ’ “Christmas in Homestead” (2016) Michael Rady. Å The Middle The Middle Golden Girls Golden Girls Tiny House Tiny House Tiny Para. Tiny Para. Hunters Hunters Int’l Hunters Hunters Int’l American Pickers ’ American Pickers (N) ’ Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars “Nanny Nightmare” (2017) Jake Manley, Erin Cahill. Å (:02) “The Wrong Crush” (2017) Vivica A. Fox. Å 2017 Tour de France Stage 15. From Laissac-Severac ’Eglise to Le Puy-en-Velay. Motorcycle Race Elephant Queen Å Crocodile King Å The Kangaroo King Å The Jungle King Å Kids’ Choice Sports 2017 Full House Full House Full House Full House Friends ’ Friends ’ Dateline on OWN ’ Dateline on OWN ’ Å Dateline on OWN ’ Dateline on OWN ’ Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å ›› “Blade” (1998, Horror) Wesley Snipes, Stephen Dorff. Å ›› “Devil” (2010) Chris Messina. Å Family Guy Å (DVS) Family Guy Å (DVS) Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Conan Å ››› “Doctor Zhivago” (1965, Romance) Omar Sharif, Julie Christie. Å (DVS) 3 Musktrs 90 Day Fiancé: Extended Counting On (N) ’ Kate Plus 8 (N) ’ Å (:02) Counting On ’ “HG: Mckingjay” Will Will has an epiphany. (:01) Will Å (:02) Law & Order ’ King of Hill Amer. Dad Cleveland Amer. Dad Burgers Burgers Family Guy Family Guy Delicious Delicious Bizarre Foods/Zimmern Booze Traveler Å Delicious Delicious (:12) M*A*S*H Å Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond King King WWE Monday Night RAW (N) ’ (Live) Å (:05) ›› “Shooter” Funniest Home Videos Funniest Home Videos ›› “Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides”

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JULY 18, 2017

10 PM


The Middle Fresh-Boat blackish ’ blackish ’ Housewife The Middle News News NCIS ’ Å (DVS) Bull “Free Fall” ’ Å NCIS: New Orleans ’ News Late-Colbert Simpsons The Mick ’ Family Guy The Mick ’ FOX 10 News at 9PM (N) FOX News How I Met America’s Got Talent “Judge Cuts 1” (N) ’ Å World of Dance (N) Å News at Ten J. Fallon Praise Å Prince Revealing Joyce Meyer Why Israel Praise Å Simpsons The Mick ’ Family Guy The Mick ’ WXXV News 25 at 9pm (N) The X-Files “Within” Å A. Wommack Hillsong TV Monumental Revive In Touch Rescue Life Awaken The X-Files “Within” Å The X-Files “Without” 3 News at 9 Inside Ed. Jerry Springer ’ Å Weekend in Havana (N) ’ Rare -- Creatures Frontline “Life on Parole” Live Avalon Dugger Mt. Harry ’ Å Two Men Two Men News Crimes Last Man Last Man The Flash “Invasion!” ’ Hooten & the Lady ’ CW55 News ThisMinute The List (N) Tosh.0 Å Hoarders “Linda & Kerry” Hoarders ’ Å Born This Way ’ Å (:03) Hoarders ’ Å ››› “The Princess Bride” (1987) Cary Elwes. Å ››› “Ghostbusters” (1984) Bill Murray. Å Tales “A Story To Tell” (N) Tales “A Story To Tell” Being Mary Jane (N) Being Mary Jane Anderson Cooper 360 (N) Anderson Cooper 360 (N) CNN Tonight CNN Tonight South Park South Park Tosh.0 Å Tosh.0 Å Tosh.0 (N) Jim Jefferies Daily Show At Midnight Stuck/Middle Andi Mack “Descendants” (2015) Dove Cameron. ’ ‘NR’ Å (:05) Bunk’d Jessie Å Deadliest Catch: On Deck Deadliest Catch (N) Å (:01) Devil’s Canyon (N) ’ (:02) Deadliest Catch Å (6:00) MLB Baseball Teams TBA. (N) (Live) Å SportsCenter (N) Å SportsCenter (N) Å Drone Racing WNBA Basketball Chicago Sky at Seattle Storm. (N) Beach Voll. Tucker Carlson Tonight (N) The Five (N) Å Hannity (N) Å Tucker Carlson Tonight Chopped Å Chopped “Raw Deal” Chopped “Clam Clash” (N) Chopped Å The Fosters (N) ’ Å (:01) The Bold Type (N) ’ (:02) The Bold Type Å The 700 Club ’ Å MLB Baseball Philadelphia Phillies at Miami Marlins. (N) Postgame Ins. Marlins World Poker WNBA Basketball San Antonio Stars at Atlanta Dream. Spotlight Focused UFC Reloaded ››› “Selma” (2014) David Oyelowo, Tom Wilkinson. Premiere. ’ Å ››› “Selma” (2014) “Sleigh Bells Ring” (2016) Erin Cahill, David Alpay. Å The Middle The Middle Golden Girls Golden Girls Fixer Upper Å Fixer Upper Å Good Bones (N) Å Hunters Hunters Forged in Fire Forged in Fire (N) ’ Å (:03) American Ripper (N) To Be Announced ›› “The Holiday” (2006, Romance-Comedy) Cameron Diaz, Kate Winslet. Å (:02) Married at First Sight 2017 Tour de France Stage 16. From Le Puy-en-Velay to Romans sur Isere. Spartan Race (N) Life Below Zero Å Life Below Zero Å Life Below Zero Å Life Below Zero Å Thunder Nicky, Ricky Full House Full House Full House Full House Friends ’ Friends ’ The Haves, Nots The Haves, Nots Queen Sugar ’ The Haves, Nots Ink Master ’ Å Ink Master “War and Ink” Ink Master (N) ’ Å Ink Master Tattoo Night. Face Off Å Face Off “String Theory” ›› “Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters” (2013) Å Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Wrecked (N) Conan Å ›› “The Drowning Pool” (1975) Paul Newman. ›› “Ode to Billy Joe” (1976) Robby Benson. Outdaughtered Outdaughtered (N) ’ (:03) Rattled (N) ’ (:06) Outdaughtered ’ “Olympus Has Fallen” Animal Kingdom “Dig” (N) Animal Kingdom “Dig” Will Will has an epiphany. King of Hill Amer. Dad Cleveland Amer. Dad Burgers Burgers Family Guy Family Guy Delicious Delicious Delicious Delicious Delicious Destinations Delicious Delicious (:12) M*A*S*H Å Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond King King WWE SmackDown! (N) ’ (Live) Å Shooter Å Law & Order: SVU (6:00) “Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides” ›› “Blow” (2001) Johnny Depp. Å



7 PM

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Crossword Puzzle

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 11. 12. 13. 14. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 29. 30. 31. 34.

The identity of the featured celebrity is found within the answers in the puzzle. In order to take the TV Challenge, unscramble the letters noted with asterisks within the puzzle. 24. Starz competitor ACROSS 27. Woodwind instrument 1. “American __” 28. Suffix for auction or 8. Murray of “NCIS” command 9. “The Red Skelton __” 29. Wally or Courteney 10. Former anchor of NBC’s 32. Feline cry “Today” (2) 33. Actor on “Fresh Off the 14. Corddry, once of “Mom” Boat” (2) 15. Cobb and Burrell 36. “__ 222” (1969-74) 16. “Cat __ __ Hot Tin Roof” 37. Baseball’s Slaughter 17. “Make __ __ Break It” 38. Sullivan of “Blindspot” (2009-12) 18. Encyclopedia vol., perhaps DOWN 19. Paper Mate products 20. Estes and Lowe 1. Actress Patricia


Western movies and TV shows Prefix for form or cycle “__ the Boss?” Debtor’s note Outbreak of anger Moran and Burnett Emulate Michelle Kwan Film alien Famed pitcher __ Young “The __ in the Hat”; 2003 movie “__ / Tuck” (2003-10) Actor on “Everybody Loves Raymond” Actress Merle __ Manuals and novels Stitch “I’m with __” (2003-04) Yogi and Boo Boo “To be __ __ to be...” “Daddy Day __”; 2007 film for Cuba Gooding Jr. “__’ Man River” Sarah Michelle Gellar’s age __ __ double take; look twice “__ Sematary”; 1989 Fred Gwynne movie

20 • Obituaries • July 12, 2017 • Gulf Coast Media

Obituaries Anthony Mike Bartl, age 93, resident of Elberta, Alabama, passed away July 5, 2017. Anthony was a World War II veteran, and also a graduate of Toccoa Falls College. Mr. Bartl is survived by his wife of 67 years, Martha of Elberta, Alabama; three daughters, Carlene (John) Hanrahan of Elberta, Alabama, Jeanie (Randy) Martin of McDavid, Florida, Naomi (Steve) VanAmburg of Deland, Florida; five sons, Tony (Johanna) Bartl of Leesville, South Carolina, Tim (Susie) Bartl of Lillian, Alabama, Calvin (Sharon) Bartl of Elberta, Alabama, Greg (Michele) Bartl of Elberta, Alabama, Daniel (Carol) Bartl of Freeland, Washington; 21 grandchildren; 26 greatgrandchildren; many other relatives and friends. A visitation was held at Wolfe-Bayview Funeral Homes, Foley, on Monday, July 10, 2017 from 6-8 p.m. Funeral services were held at Eternal Life Church in Lillian, Alabama on Tuesday July 11, 2017 at 10 a.m. Interment followed in Elberta Public Cemetery. Arrangements by WolfeBayview Funeral Homes

& Crematory Inc., 2551 S. McKenzie St., Foley, AL 36535, 251-943-2391, www. wolfefuneralhomes.com.

BOSTIC Dr. Betty Reid Bostic, originally of Bay Minette, Alabama, died on Thursday, June 29, 2017. She was 85 years old. Betty was born on Nov. 21, 1931 in Bay Minette, Alabama to the late Maxwell Davis Reid and Cecil Slocomb Reid. Betty was a 1950 graduate of Baldwin County High School. From there she attended Troy University where she met her husband, Joel, and interrupted her schooling to start her family. Only much later, when her oldest son left for college, did Betty resume her college education. She graduated from Troy in 1974 with a bachelor’s degree and developed a passion for education and social justice. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her siblings, Bob Reid and Jimmy Reid. She was also preceded in death by her husband of 65 years, Joel Edward Bostic. She is survived by her

sons, Stephen Reid Bostic and Joel David Bostic; her sister, Jean Reid Helton; her two granddaughters, Rachel Bostic O’Connor and Leigh Margaret Bostic; and numerous nieces and nephews. Memorial services were held on Monday, July 3, 2017 at Westminster Village. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to Westminster Village Foundation, 500 Spanish Fort Blvd., Spanish Fort, AL 36527. Expressions of condolence may be offered at www.hughesfh.com. Arrangements are by Hughes Funeral Home and Crematory of Daphne, Alabama.

BURNETT J C Burnett, age 84, a former resident of Daphne and a resident of Summerdale, passed away, Monday, July 3, 2017. He was a retired Merchant Seaman and an avid Alabama Fan. J C is survived by 2 sons, Robert Lynn Burnett and Darren Wayne Burnett, both of Elberta; one daughter, Jaccqueline Diane Turner of Summerdale; one sister, Rita Higbee of Fairhope; seven grandchildren; six great-grand-

Pray for our Country Dap phne Chap pel 27409 U.S. Hwy wy.98 Daphne, AL L 36526 (251) 625-2900

Elberta Chap pel 25102 State Street Elberta, AL L 36530 (251) 986-3071

Jubilee Memorial Gardens 27896 State Highway 181 Daphne, A AL L 36526 (251) 625-2900

children; a host of other relatives and friends. Funeral services were held Friday, July 7, 2017 at 10 a.m. at the chapel of Wolfe-Bayview Funeral Home in Daphne. The family received friends from 9 a.m. until time of service. Interment followed at Daphne Baptist Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Furrever Homes, 3258 Bellingrath Dr., Foley, Alabama 36535. Arrangements by WolfeBayview Funeral Homes & Crematory Inc., 27409 U.S. Hwy. 98, Daphne, AL 36526, 251-625-2900, www.wolfefuneralhomes.com.

Fairho ope Chap pel 19698 Greeno Rd. Fairhop pe, AL L 36532 (251)) 990-7775

KING John Stephen King, resident of Atmore, Alabama, died Wednesday, July 5, 2017. He was 76 years old. Mr. King was born in 1941 and grew up in Grant’s Quarry, near Sylacauga, Alabama where the family owned business, The Alabama Marble Company, quarried and finished the world’s finest quality white marble. He was a graduate of St. Bernard College in Cullman, Alabama where he met lifelong friends and benefited from the guidance of the monks and priests who taught him. His career was in medical equipment sales, based in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, during a time when surgically implanted orthopedic and cardiac devices began to be more available. His outgoing personality suited

Foleyy Chap pel 2551 S. McKenzie St. Foley, AL L 36535 (251) 943-2391

Memoryy Gardens of Fairhop pe 19412 Greeno Rd. Fairhope, AL L 36532 (251) 990-7775

him for his profession. He never met a stranger, and you could always hear him say, “Hello, I’m John King!” He later worked in the groundbreaking bioremediation industry, educating customers, and marketing this new technology in Alabama, Florida and Mississippi. John King prided himself on staying healthy and physically fit and was an avid exercise enthusiast. He was preceded in death by his parents, Henry Mitchell King and Marjorie Van Winkle King; his brother, Henry Mitchell Jr.; and his sister, Marjorie “Jerre” King Cleveland. John is survived by his wife, Gaye Davis King of Atmore; daughters, Antonia “Toni” King Baria and Marjorie King Jones of Spanish Fort; stepsons, Jonathon (January) Taylor and Justin Taylor; his grandchildren, Shellee, Lee, Rhian, Crew, John, Noah, Stephen and Aaron; great-grandchildren, Liam, Jonathan Jr., Selby-Marie, Henry and William; sisterin-law, Patricia Tanna King of Fairhope; brother-in-law, H. B. Cleveland of Magnolia Springs; his nieces, Florence King (Rick) Rose, Harriet King (Fritz) Ingraham and Catherine King; and many other family members and friends. John was blessed with many friends with whom he kept in touch throughout his life. He will be sorely missed. A memorial service will be held at a future time to be announced at Memorial Cemetery in Sylacauga, Alabama. Officiating will be Rev. Siobhan Singareddy,

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LUSTER Robert L. Luster, 77, of Foley, passed away July 5, 2017. Funeral services were Saturday, July 8, 2017 from Fishermen Baptist Church in Bon Secour. Burial was in the adjoining cemetery. Arrangements by Cason Funeral Service, Foley.

SIXBURY Charles Edward Sixbury, age 76, a resident of Fairhope, Alabama, passed away Tuesday, July 4, 2017. He is preceded in death by his daughter, Julie Sixbury Parden. He is survived by his wife of 57 years, Sharon Sixbury of Fairhope; son, Dwayne Sixbury (Sharon) of Semmes; daughters, Yvonne Singleton (Anton) and Kristine Sixbury, both of Fairhope; grandchildren, Dalton Singleton, Tyler Elliott, Hannah Singleton and Demi Sixbury; many other loving relatives and friends. Funeral services were held Friday, July 7, 2017 at 3 p.m. at Fairhope United Methodist Church. The family received friends one hour prior to service time. Interment followed in Memory Gardens of Fairhope. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to BARC, 22886 U.S. Hwy. 98, Fairhope, or The Haven, 559 S. Section St., Fairhope, AL 36532. Arrangements by WolfeBayview Funeral Homes & Crematory Inc., 19698 SEE OBITUARIES, PAGE


Remembering your loved one

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pastor of St. Jude Catholic Church in Sylacauga. In lieu of flowers, the family requests memorial donations, in Mr. King’s memory, be made to: St. Bernard Preparatory School in Cullman, Alabama. Expressions of condolence may be offered at www.hughesfh.com. Arrangements are by Hughes Funeral Home & Crematory, 7951 American Way, Daphne, AL.

SPECIAL ICONS FOR OBITUARIES CHARGES FOR OBITUARIES: 30 cents per word • $10 for a black and white photo $25 for a color photo • $5 for each symbol selected AL1-LV39584


Gulf Coast Media • July 12, 2017 • Obituaries • 21


Summit celebrates Alabama Gulf Seafood

Greeno Road, Fairhope, AL 36532, 251-990-7775, www.wolfefuneralhomes. com.

SMITH Audrey L. Smith left this world on June 28, 2017. She died as she lived, with courage and a smile. She leaves to find their way her daughter and dear friend, Audrey Smith Hoffman; and her much-loved daughter, Barbara Kimber Smith; son-in-law, Al Rogers; granddaughter, Alison Whitman; and greatgranddaughter, Katie; all in her fond memories and heart. Audrey’s late husband, Douglas K. Smith, was her greatest gift and deepest loss. Theirs was a true marriage of love, respect, adventure and always planning the next step together. She survived his early loss with dignity and the greatest effort, filling her life with interests too many to list, friends, work and family. She was nothing if not independent, yet thoroughly enjoyed the company of others, and was admired by many. Though her time has ended, her presence will continue to guide those who cared for her.

SMITH Danielle Lea Smith, 32, formerly of Daphne and a resident of Mobile, passed away June 29, 2017. A celebration of Danielle’s life was held Thursday, July 6, 2017 at The Venue in Fairhope. Arrangements by Hughes Funeral Home & Crematory, Daphne.

WINSTON Joseph Luther Winston, age 49, a resident of Daphne, Alabama, passed away Tuesday, July 4, 2017. He is survived by his sons, Justin Brook Winston, Christopher Tyler Winston and Jason Winston; daughter, Emily Winston; mother, Shirley Quaites; brother, Charles Winston Jr. (Pamela); sister, Elizabeth Winston Jones (James); a host of other loving relatives and friends. Funeral services were held Saturday, July 8, 2017 at 11 a.m. at the Shrine of the Holy Cross. The family received friends at 10 a.m. until time of service. Interment followed in Montrose Cemetery. Arrangements by Wolfe-Bayview Funeral Home & Crematory Inc., 19698 Greeno Road, Fairhope, AL 36532, 251990-7775, www.wolfefuneralhomes.com.

By DAVID RAINER Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources

It seems like eons ago when Alabama and the rest of the states on the Gulf of Mexico were collectively staring at a potential apocalypse that might eternally alter the way of life along the Gulf Coast. The wellhead at the Macondo Prospect was uncontrollably spewing barrel after barrel of crude oil into the Gulf after the Deepwater Horizon offshore drilling rig was destroyed, and our economy and culture were hanging by the thinnest of threads in the summer of 2010. Residents along the coast didn’t know if they would enjoy Gulf shrimp or sautéed red snapper filets ever again. Fast forward to the summer of 2017: Wild Gulf shrimp are plentiful, and the waters off the Alabama coast are teeming with red snapper. As Jim Smith, the executive chef of the State of Alabama who makes sure Gov. Kay Ivey gets plenty of Alabama seafood, put it: “The BP oil spill is so far behind us in the rearview mirror that it doesn’t even come up anymore,” said Smith last week at the Alabama Gulf Seafood Summit in Orange Beach, where he also served as one of the judges in the Alabama Seafood Cook-Off. After the oil spill, the Alabama Seafood Marketing Commission (ASMC) was formed in March 2011 to help guide consumers and the seafood industry through the uncertain recovery process. “A big portion of what we did after the oil spill was to ensure our seafood was safe,” said Chris Blankenship, who was Ala-

bama Marine Resources Division (MRD) Director during most of the recovery period and now serves as Acting Commissioner of the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (ADCNR). “I will say that during the spill and after the spill we never had a seafood sample that was unsafe.” Blankenship said the Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries, Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH) and MRD combined forces to the test the seafood, which included finfish, oysters, shrimp and blue crabs. “We started this (ASMC) from scratch,” Blankenship said. “I think with the website (www.eatalabamaseafood.com) and the impact that the program has had, it has been good for the industry. The thing that shows me that we have value as a seafood marketing commission is that people do want to put our logo on their doors, their businesses and their menus. To me, that is the biggest compliment for the work that has been done by the commission. We have built a value with people identifying with Alabama seafood. “When I go to a restaurant and see our logo on there, I feel like we’ve had an impact on the industry. It has been a very productive five years, but we have more work to do.” Blankenship did say that funding for the seafood commission is far from what it once was, and he has no idea what the future holds. “I will say we’re operating on a shoestring budget compared to what it once was,” he said. “We had initial funding from BP that lasted for three years. We were able to obtain some additional funding

from the Governor’s office that we stretched for two years. We also received a grant from the Deepwater Horizon Settlement Fund that really helped keep us going. Last year, out of the blue, I got a surprise letter from the Deepwater Settlement Fund. The letter said the work the commission had done was impressive and that we followed the grant agreement and all the reporting required was done on time. The letter said they had a little money left over and asked if we could use $100,000. I could not reply fast enough that, yes, we could use it. We currently have no funding to continue the valuable work of the ASMC after 2017. “We hope that we will gain some long-term funding through the RESTORE Act. The language in the act specifically mentions seafood marketing. It’s just taking a little longer than we would like to get the funding.” Now that the BP oil spill is behind us, the effects of Alabama’s weather on seafood production can control the availability of seafood, especially oysters. Byron Webb of the ADPH’s shellfish office said recent rains from Tropical Storm Cindy have caused the harvestable oyster reefs to be shut down as a precaution. Several benchmarks are used to determine if an area will be closed. “Right now, we’re under several closures,” Webb said. “If we get five inches of local rain, that closes an area until we get to test the water again. We got 5 inches of rain one night and another 5 inches the next day. We’re also closed because of river levels. When the Mobile River at Barry Steam Plant gets above 8 feet, we close it.

“When anything like that happens, it’s a 21day closure. That gives it enough time for the components that would cause health issues to be flushed out. After that, we test again until we get a clean sample and can reopen the reefs.” Blankenship said the closures are to ensure that the products the public gets are safe. “It is an inconvenience for the oystermen and oyster growers, but it’s really a protection for those businesses and consumers to make sure that no products enter the marketplace that are not safe,” he said. Blankenship said the demand for oysters produced through aquaculture operations on the Alabama coast is through the roof. “We are able to sell a lot more oysters than we can produce,” he said. “One thing we’re trying to do is create an opportunity for people who want to get into the oyster aquaculture business. We’re putting together a one-stop-shop website so that investors big and small can use the tools. If a husband and wife want to start an oyster farm, they can go to the website to see what permitting is required and what capital is required to grow a million oysters. A company that might want to grow 10 million oysters can use the site, too. “This year, we are on schedule to produce about five million oysters, but I think we have a demand for about 25 million oysters. There is real growth potential for the oyster aquaculture industry.” On an oyster-related note, the Oyster Shell Recycling Program, which cranked up last year, has been an overwhelming success. The program collects oyster shells from

Alabama Gulf Coast restaurants and takes the shells to the Alabama Marine Resources Division property in Gulf Shores. After six months of seasoning, the shells are used for oyster gardening programs and to refurbish public oyster reefs. The program set a goal of two million shells collected in its first two years but has already reached that goal in just six months. Blankenship said the blue crab industry is on the rebound but not where it should be. Proposed regulations on trap components allow small crabs to escape, and there is a nine-month closure on the harvest of egg-bearing female crabs. As part of the seafood summit, the third annual Alabama Seafood CookOff was held at The Wharf, and the third time was the charm for Chef Brody Olive’s team. Although Chef Olive was out of town because of a death in the family, Chef Brad Gilstrap led the team to the championship with three Alabama seafood components. Chef Jason Ramirez of Villaggio Grille, located at The Wharf, was named runner-up. Chef Gilstrap created Chef Olive’s “Fruitti di Alabama” recipe that featured an underutilized fish species in its dish of Pan Roasted Gulf Jolt Head Porgy that included Summer Squash Jumbo Lump Crab Caponata with a Crispy Rock Shrimp Piccatta topping. Chef Olive and Chef Gilstrap are now set to represent Alabama at the upcoming Great American Seafood Cook-Off in New Orleans on Aug. 6 as well as the World Food Championships at The Wharf Nov. 8-14.

focus on


JULY 12, 2017

Thomas Hospital Foundation Golf Classic Held In the past 21 years, the Thomas Hospital Foundation Golf Classic has raised more than $2.4 million in support for Thomas Hospital. Each year, the winners of the tournament are awarded the Dr. L.E. Rockwell Trophy. Dr. Rockwell was a local physician loved by the community and hospital staff alike. “L.E was bigger than life,

always upbeat and energetic. I never met anyone who didn’t like L.E.,â€? said Dr. Michael McBrearty. “ He did it all - busy outpatient practice, OB, Surgery, pediatrics. He practiced solo most of his career. He loved  Alabama football and I don’t think ever missed a game . When he came to town the hospital was a one wing Hill-Burton Hospital with six other doctors on staff and probably

no more than eight doctors on the Eastern Shore. “He lived, worked and played hard. He was well loved by his patients and respected by his peers. His loss was felt not only by the medical community but by the entire county ,� he said. The Thomas Hospital Foundation is proud to honor his legacy by awarding his namesake trophy year after year. Thank you to the Title

Sponsors of the 2017 Thomas Hospital Foundation Golf Classic: State Farm Insurance, Lad Drago-Spanish Fort, Jim Goleman-Daphne, Rick Phyfer-Fairhope, and Tim Simmonds-Fairhope. Thank you also to our major sponsors: Airgas South, Alabama Coastal Radiology, P.C., BancorpSouth, Brinson Interiors, Inc., Joe Bullard Cadillac, Cowles, Murphy, Glover &

Associates, LLP, Crothall Healthcare, Inc, C-Sharpe Company, C Spire, Ethos Group, Evan Terry Associates, First Community Bank, Fulcrum Construction, Gulf Coast Office Products, Hancock Bank, Helmsing Leach Herlong Newman & Rouse, P.C., HOAR Construction, Holloway Credit Solutions, LLC, Iberia Bank, Jade Consulting, North Baldwin Utilities, Thomas and Gin-

nie Pilcher , Pruitt Communications, Inc., Rob’t. J. Baggett, Inc., Russell, Thompson, Butler, & Houston, LLP, Terry Thompson Chevrolet, Thomas Hospital Medical Staff, Thomas Roofing/Thomas Construction, Thompson Engineering, Tri-State Maritime Services, Inc., TruBridge, The Wash House and Wells Fargo Bank.

C. Douglas Harrell, D.M.D., honored with a Silver Certificate

C. Douglas Harrell, D.M.D., was honored with a Silver Certificate during the Alabama Dental Association’s awards presentation in June. This presentation was one of the highlights of the Alabama Dental Association’s 148th Annual Session and Gulf

Coast Dental Conference held at Perdido Beach Resort in Orange Beach. A Silver Certificate is awarded to those who have been members of the Alabama Dental Association for 25 years and made significant contributions to dentistry.

Dr. Harrell is a graduate of the University of Alabama School of Dentistry and practices general dentistry in Fairhope. Founded in 1869, the Alabama Dental Association is a nonprofit membership organization of Alabama

dentists and part of a tripartite system with the American Dental Association and nine component District Dental Societies. ALDA represents over 1,700 Alabama dentists and their efforts to provide quality dental care to the citizens of our state.

 � � ��

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The Better Breathers Club is a format for individuals and caregivers of individuals with chronic lung diseases such as COPD, pulmonary fibrosis, and lung cancer to learn coping mechanisms and obtain support for their condition.

Freedom From Smoking — Session No. 1 August 14 • 5-7 p.m.

Learn the most effective ways to overcome your tobacco addiction for good during this free 8-session group therapy. Led by an expert facilitator, individuals are able to work through the quitting process together. North Baldwin Infirmary 2nd Floor Conference Room 1815 Hand Avenue Bay Minette, AL 36507

To register or get more information on either program, please contact us at (251) 937-5521 (ext. 2504 or 1856).




Gulf Coast Media • July 12, 2017 • Health • 23

Your voice matters--new Alabama mothers encouraged to complete PRAMS survey Why are some babies born healthy while others are not? The Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS) surveys new mothers about their pregnancy, delivery and their infant to find answers. PRAMS is a joint research project between the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Alabama Department of Public Health. Mothers who receive surveys are randomly selected from reported Alabama births. Alabama is currently one of 47 states participating in PRAMS. “If you receive a survey booklet, please complete it,” Alabama PRAMS Data Manager Victoria Brady said. “The information collected is used in developing health care programs and policies, and the results help doctors and nurses improve health care while making better use of health resources.”

The types of questions asked are as follows: ·A ttitudes and feelings about the most recent pregnancy ·C ontent and source of prenatal care · Mother’s alcohol and tobacco use ·A ny physical abuse before and during pregnancy · Infant health care · Contraceptive use · Health care coverage ·M other’s socioeconomic situation · Postpartum depression · Knowledge of pregnancy-related health issues such as nutrition, the benefits of folic acid, infant safe sleep practices, oral health during pregnancy, and the risks of STDs and HIV Answers will be used for research purposes only and grouped with those of other women. Surveys take about 20 minutes to complete, are available in English

and Spanish, and can be mailed back postagefree or completed over the telephone. Mothers may not want to answer a particular question, and that is okay. There is no penalty for not answering all questions. Mothers who complete a survey may choose from three complimentary items— disposable diapers, an insulated cooler, or a manicure set—that are mailed to them in appreciation for their participation. “Every pregnancy is different, as is every birth,” Brady said. “Your experience may have a profound effect in bringing about a successful pregnancy and delivery for another mom or even for yourself with a subsequent pregnancy. You can play an active role in improving the health and well-being of Alabama women and babies.”

Baldwin County Health Department Announces School Vaccination Clinic Need school vaccinations? Come to the Baldwin County Health Department. Date: July 24 - 28 Time: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., walk-ins only Where: 2 3280 Gilbert Drive, Robertsdale. What to bring: Any documentation of the child’s vaccination history as well as insurance information, Medicaid or BCBS. Cost: Minimum of $15, total cost depends on vaccinations needed

Immunizations required for school entry in Alabama: • Children entering school in the fall are required by Alabama Law to present a Certificate of Immunization formerly known as a “Blue Card.” If a child was born in Alabama, has received all of their immunizations in Alabama, and the records have been put into the state database by the doctor, the school will be able to pull this information

up online and print a Certificate of Immunization. This is only valid if the child is current on their vaccinations. Please contact your local school if you are up to date on immunizations and need a Certificate of Immunization. • Children entering kindergarten need boosters of DTaP, Polio, MMR and Varicella. These shots complete the childhood series for Diptheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Polio, Measles, Mumps and Rubella. • Children age 11 and entering the sixth grade need a Tdap vaccination. If you are unsure whether your child needs shots, check with your pediatric provider or the local County Health Department. Certificates of Immunization must be turned in to the school prior to the first day in order for a student to attend. For more information contact the Baldwin county Health Department at 947-1910

GulfCoastNewsToday.com From Baldwin County’s news innovator since 1890

THERE’S A NEW BIRTH CENTER ON THE EASTERN SHORE. Just arrived: the all-new Birth Center at Thomas Hospital. Spaciously re-envisioned with family-sized suites and a family-centered experience. From extensive childbirth education to post-natal fitness programs, the tradition is made new again, right here where it belongs.



24 • Out & About • July 12, 2017 • Gulf Coast Media

Out & About in Baldwin County Splish, splash take a mud bath Children slid, jumped, hopped and plopped into puddles of mud at Graham Creek Nature Center in celebration of International Mud Day. The staff turned a small muddy hill near the play area into a muddy mess and kids from across the county came to enjoy. They left with muddy hair, muddy toes, muddy clothes and as one tot exclaimed, “There is mud everywhere!”

Dr. Adam Huddleston & Dr. William Hixson, Gulf Coast Cancer Centers

As seen on





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Gulf Coast Media • July 12, 2017 • Health • 25

AUDIOLOGISTS HEARING LOSS SPECIALISTS Ear Lab - Hearing Improvement Center Dick Kaiser BC-HIS 23937 Hwy 98 (Montrose Plaza) Montrose, AL 36559.........251-929-0604

CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIANS Chiropractic Care, Inc. Dr. Lyle Cooper 3325 Gulf Shores Pkwy Gulf Shores, AL ................251-968-2000


Orange Beach Family Dentistry Lauren H. Lee, DMD 25299 Canal Road - Suite A5 Orange Beach, AL 36561 (251) 321-7575 Gentle Comprehensive Dentistry Preventative, Restorative & Cosmetic Care Great Patient Amenities & Advanced Dental Technology Patients of Every Age Welcome Most Major Insurances Accepted


Frank K. Hixon, M.D. 188 Hospital Drive, Suite 101 Fairhope, AL ............................928-0300 William B. Norris, M.D. 188 Hospital Drive, Suite 101 Fairhope, AL ............................928-0300





South Baldwin Neurology George Graves, M.D. 1851 North McKenzie Street, Ste. 205 Foley, AL 36535 ...............251-971-1600

Island Orthodontics R. A. Dyken, D.M.D., M.S. Dr. Jason Bailey 18110 Hwy. 104 Robertsdale, AL and 241 Clubhouse Drive Gulf Shores, AL .......................968-1310

Magnolia Springs Pharmacy & Gifts Sabrina Crutchfield – PharmD 12547 Co. Rd. 49N Magnolia Springs, AL ......251-965-6273 PHYSICAL THERAPY


Bayside Orthopaedic & Rehabilitation Center Michael Zoghby, PT, LAT, CHT Sarah E. Beaver, DPT 341 N. Greeno Road, Fairhope ...................................928-2401 Michael Clark, PT, CPed 1622 N. McKenzie St, Foley ........................................970-2007


Diegmann & Henderson OBGYN, P.C. Fred F. Diegmann, M.D., FACOG Bret T. Henderson, M.D., FACOG 150 South Ingleside St. Suite 2 Fairhope, AL 36532................990-6550 Marla J. Gleason, M.D., FACOG 2001 Medical Park Drive Bay Minette, AL ......................937-7016 Medical Park OB-GYN P.C. Dr. Mary D. Wells, M.D. Dr. Dylan R. Wells, M.D. Dr. Leslie L. Evans, M.D. Dr. Richard A Roh, M.D., FACOG Dr. Gary W. Nelson, M.D., FACOG 150 S. Ingleside Suite 6 Fairhope, AL ............................928-1222


Southern Eye Group of Alabama Amy Mize (Prewett) Christmas, M.D. Peter Zloty, M.D. Angela Cherniak, O.D. James Daniel Wilder, III, O.D. 411 N. Section St., Fairhope, AL ...........................990-3937 1624 North McKenzie Street (across from South Baldwin Hospital) Foley, AL ................................943-3937

Newman’s Home Medical Delivery 7 days a week - 24 hours • Wheelchairs • Scooters • Beds • Oxygen • Walkers • Bath Safety & More Foley, AL .................................970-5533 Mobile, AL...............................476-5555 Spanish Fort, AL......................626-7792

Baldwin Bone & Joint E. Rhett Hubley, M.D John L. Todd, M.D. Drew Corbett, M.D. Paul Canale, M.D. Andy Harcourt, M.D. Matthew W. Goldman, M.D. 1505 Daphne Ave. Daphne, AL..............................625-2663 2305 Hand Avenue, Bay Minette..............................937-6120 4223 Orange Beach Blvd., Orange Beach...........................981-2663 Bayside Orthopaedic, Sports Medicine & Rehabilitation Center Joey Carter, MD Gregg Terral, MD William Roberts, MD Jay Savage, MD Jason R. Determann, MD 341 N. Greeno Road, Fairhope ...................................928-2401 1622 N. McKenzie St, Foley ........................................970-2007

OTOLARYNGOLOGY Christopher Surrek, D.O. 106 West Rosetta Avenue Foley, AL .................................943-6456


Diversicare of Foley 1701 N. Alston, Foley, AL ......................................................... (251) 943-2151

Fairhope Physical Therapy Patrick L. Garofano, P.T. Emily Flynn, P.T. 243 South Greeno Road Fairhope, AL ............................928-3909 Robertsdale HealthCare Center Mary Kay Polys PT, OT, ST, RT and Skilled Nursing 18700 U.S. Highway 90 Robertsdale, AL ............. (251) 947-1911


SLEEP MEDICINE Baldwin County Pulmonary & Sleep Physicians Michael P. Houston, M.D. 1430 N. McKenzie St. Foley, AL .................................... 971-3555 Thomas Hospital Office Center/Suite 300 Fairhope, AL ............................... 990-9954 Springhill Medical Center Eastern Shore Michael Ledet, M.D. 28260 U.S. Highway 98 Daphne, AL 36526 .................445-1850

UROLOGY Fairhope Urology, PC Christopher D. Petrus, MD, FACS 188 Hospital Drive, Suite 301 Fairhope, AL 36532 ..........251-990-2241

WELLNESS & PREVENTIVE CARE Springhill Medical Center Eastern Shore Michael Ledet, M.D. 28260 U.S. Highway 98 Daphne, AL 36526 .................445-1850

WOUND CARE The Wound Care Center at SBRMC 1613 N.McKenzie St. Foley, AL ..........................251-949-3920

Baldwin County Pulmonary & Sleep Physicians Michael P. Houston, M.D. 1430 N. McKenzie St. Foley, AL .................................... 971-3555 Thomas Hospital Office Center/Suite 300 Fairhope, AL ............................... 990-9954








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901 N. McKenzie Street • Foley, AL 36535 251-943-2151 www.GulfCoastNewsToday.com

26 • LEGAL NOTICES • JULY 12, 2017 Baldwin County • Gulf Coast Media


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successful bidder must tender a non-refundable deposit of Five Thousand Dollars and no/100 ($5,000.00) in certified or cash funds at the time and place of the sale. The balance of the purchase price must be paid in certified funds by close of business on the next business day thereafter at the Law Office of Shapiro and Ingle, LLP at the address indicated below. Shapiro and Ingle, LLP reserves the right to award the bid to the next highest bidder, or to reschedule the sale, should the highest bidder fail to timely tender the total amount due.

The Planning Commission of the City of Gulf Shores, Alabama, will conduct a Public Hearing in the Council Chambers of Gulf Shores City Hall, 1905 West 1st Street, at 4:00 p.m., Tuesday, July 25, 2017 to consider the application of GCOF Bon Secour LLC. The applicant proposes to rezone 7.31 acres from R-4 multifamily high density to PUD, amend the existing Bon Secour Village PUD to add 7.31 acres and gain preliminary plat approval for 21 single family lots. The property is located on Waterway West Boulevard and is currently vacant. Interested parties may present written or oral comments at this hearing. Sherri Smith Secretary, Planning Commission July 12, 2017 MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by that certain mortgage executed on July 9, 2003 by Christopher R. McCann and Carol McCann, husband and wife as joint tenants WROS, originally in favor of Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for AmeriGroup Mortgage Corporation, a Division of Mortgage Investors Corporation, and recorded in Instrument No at 747658 on August 5, 2003, in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Baldwin County, Alabama, and secured indebtedness having been transferred or assigned to Wells Fargo Bank, NA as reflected by instrument recorded in Instrument No, 1331936 of the same Office. Shapiro and Ingle, L.L.P., as counsel for Mortgagee or Transferee and under and by virtue of power of sale contained in the said mortgage will, on July 26, 2017, sell at public outcry to the highest bidder in front of the main entrance of the Baldwin County, Alabama, Courthouse in the City of Bay Minette, during the legal hours of sale, the following real estate situated in Baldwin County, Alabama, to wit: LOCATED IN BALDWIN COUNTY, ALABAMA, TO-WIT: BEGINNING AT A POINT 1153 FEET EAST AND 935 FEET SOUTH OF AN IRON STAKE IN THE CORNER OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 3 EAST; THENCE RUNNING EAST 183 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 150 FEET; THENCE WEST 183 FEET; THENCE NORTH 150 FEET TO POINT OF BEGINNING, SITUATED IN BLOCK 11 IN MAHLER'S PARK ADDITION TO THE TOWN OF LOXLEY, ALABAMA. For informational purposes only, the property address is: 1074 North Pine St, Loxley, AL 36551. Any property address provided is not part of the legal description of the property sold herein and in the event of any discrepancy, the legal description referenced herein shall control. This sale is made for the purpose of paying the indebtedness secured by said mortgage, as well as the expenses of foreclosure. Furthermore, the property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance AS IS, WHERE IS. Neither the mortgagee, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of the mortgagee make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property offered for sale. Any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition, including those suggested by Code of Ala. (1975) § 35-4-271, expressly are disclaimed. This sale is subject to all prior liens and encumbrances and unpaid taxes and assessments including any transfer tax associated with the foreclosure. The

Alabama law gives some persons who have an interest in property the right to redeem the property under certain circumstances. Programs may also exist that help persons avoid or delay the foreclosure process. An attorney should be consulted to help you understand these rights and programs as a part of the foreclosure process. Wells Fargo Bank, NA, and its successors and assigns Mortgagee or Transferee SHAPIRO AND INGLE, LLP 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400 Charlotte, NC 28216 704-333-8107/ 17-013301 Attorneys for Mortgagee or Transferee July 5-12-19, 2017 Notice of Bid: Cunningham DeLaney Construction is soliciting proposals from DBE contractors for the H.L Sonny Callahan Airport East Terminal Area Phase IV project in Fairhope, AL. Bids are due on or before July 7, 2017 at 11:00 am CST and should be either emailed to richard@cunninghamdelaney.com or faxed to 251-988-1235. Plans are available by contacting Cunningham Delaney Construction at 251-988-1230 or by sending a request to richard @cunninghamdelaney.com. July 7-12-14-19, 2017 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Planning Commission of the City of Gulf Shores, Alabama, will conduct a Public Hearing in the Council Chambers of Gulf Shores City Hall, 1905 West 1st Street, at 4:00 p.m., Tuesday, July 25, 2017 to consider the application of GCOF Bon Secour LLC. The applicant proposes to gain preliminary plat approval for a 199 single family lot subdivision. The property is located south of County Road 6 west and is currently vacant. Interested parties may present written or oral comments at this hearing. Sherri Smith Secretary, Planning Commission July 12, 2017 NOTICE OF ADOPTION HEARING PROBATE COURT OF BALDWIN COUNTY CASE NO. 3834 & CASE NO. 3835 TO: JOHN BGM5005 DOE XYTEX SPERM BANK PENSACOLA, FL Please take notice that a petition for adoption has been filed in said Court by the Petitioner named below and that a hearing on said petition has been set for the 28th day of September, 2017, at 10:00 A.M. IN THE FAIRHOPE SATELLITE COURTHOUSE. Please be advised that if you intend to contest this adoption you must file a written response with the attorney for the petitioner named below and with the Clerk of the Probate Court, P. O. Box 459, Bay Minette, Alabama, 36507 as soon as possible but no later than thirty (30) days from the last day this notice is published. Attorney for the Petitioner: RICHARD E. DAVIS POST OFFICE BOX 2925 DAPHNE, AL 36526 July 5-12-19-26, 2017

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Legal Notice IES 2004-11 Holder of said Mortgage

FORECLOSURE NOTICE Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness described in and secured by that certain mortgage executed by Annette Byrd, A single woman, as Mortgagor(s) to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., acting solely as nominee for AmeriTrust Mortgage Company, as Mortgagee, dated the 25th day of August, 2004, and recorded in Instrument # 839436, et seq. of the records in the Office of the Judge of Probate Court of Baldwin County, Alabama; said mortgage being lastly assigned to THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON FKA THE BANK OF NEW YORK AS TRUSTEE FOR THE CERTIFICATEHOLDERS OF CWABS INC., ASSET-BACKED CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2004-11 by instrument recorded in said Probate Court records; said default continuing, notice is hereby given that the undersigned will, under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage sell at public outcry for cash to the highest bidder during legal hours of sale, on the 25th day of July, 2017, in the city of Bay Minette, at the Front Door of the Court House of Baldwin County, Alabama, the following described real property situated in the County of Baldwin, State of Alabama, to-wit: Lot "D" from the Southeast corner of Section 3, Township 6 South, Range 3 East, in the Town of Silverhill, Baldwin County, Alabama; run thence West along the South boundary of said Section 3, and being the centerline of Silverhill Avenue and Highway No. 104, 1333 feet to a bronze marker on the West line of Ninth Street, continue West along the South boundary of said Section 3 for a distance of 516.6 feet to a point; run thence North 40 feet to the North line of said Highway 104 to an iron pipe and the point of beginning; run thence North 120 feet to an iron pipe on the South line of Ard Avenue; run thence East along the South line of said Ard Avenue 129 feet to an iron pipe; run thence South 120 feet to an iron pipe on the North line of said Highway No. 104; run thence West 129 feet to the point of beginning, and being Lot "D" of Ard Acres and lying in the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 3, Township 6 South, Range 3 East. This property will be sold on an "as is, where is" basis, subject to any easements, encumbrances, reservations and exceptions reflected in the mortgage and/or those contained in the records of the office of the Judge of Probate of the county where the above-described property is situated. This property will be sold without warranty or recourse, expressed or implied as to title, use and/or enjoyment and will be sold subject to the right of redemption of all parties entitled thereto. Alabama law gives some persons who have an interest in property the right to redeem the property under certain circumstances. Programs may also exist that help persons avoid or delay the foreclosure process. An attorney should be consulted to help you understand these rights and programs as a part of the foreclosure process. Said sale will be made for the purpose of paying said indebtedness and the expenses incident to this sale, including a reasonable attorney's fee, and the other purposes set out in said mortgage. The sale will be conducted subject to confirmation that the sale is not prohibited under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code and also to final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan with the Mortgagee. THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON FKA THE BANK OF NEW YORK AS TRUSTEE FOR THE CERTIFICATEHOLDERS OF CWABS INC., ASSETBACKED CERTIFICATES, SER-

Goodman G. Ledyard PIERCE LEDYARD, P.C. Attorneys for Mortgagee Post Office Box 161389 Mobile, Alabama 36616 (251) 338-1300 June 28; July 5-12, 2017 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF BALDWIN COUNTY, ALABAMA Case No.: CV-2017-900623 A. Henry Brookins and Jamie Brookins, Plaintiffs, vs. The North 25 feet of Lot 40 in Riverside Farm Estate, Unit 1, according to the plat thereof recorded in Map Book 5, Page 168 of the records in the Office of the Judge of Probate, Baldwin County, Alabama, being the same property excepted in the legal description of Instrument Number 1459967, Probate Records, Baldwin County, Alabama, SMALL FARMS, INC., a dissolved Alabama Corporation, and any and all unknown parties including any persons claiming any present interest therein and including any persons claiming any future, contingent, reversionary, remainder or other interest therein or who may claim any interest in the above described property. NOTICE OF CIVIL ACTION SMALL FARMS, INC., a dissolved Alabama Corporation, or an agent of this entity, and any and all unknown parties including any persons claiming any present interest therein and including any persons claiming any future, contingent, reversionary, remainder or other interest therein or who may claim any interest in the property described as follows: The North 25 feet of Lot 40 in Riverside Farm Estate, Unit 1, according to the plat thereof recorded in Map Book 5, Page 168 of the records in the Office of the Judge of Probate, Baldwin County, Alabama, being the same property excepted in the legal description of Instrument Number 1459967, Probate Records, Baldwin County, Alabama; must answer A. Henry and Kimberly Brookins's Complaint and other relief by September 11, 2017 or thereafter a judgment of default may be rendered against it in Case Number CV-2017-900623, Circuit Court of Baldwin County, Alabama. Done this 22nd day of June, 2017. Jody Wise Campbell Baldwin County Circuit Clerk July 12-19-26; August 2, 2017 In the Circuit Court of Baldwin County, Alabama Case No. CS-2017-900046.00 In Re: The Matter of Smith Mary, Plaintiff V. Rolin Skylar, Defendant Notice Defendant, Skylar Rolin, whose whereabouts are unknown, must answer plaintiff's Mary Smith, Petition for Support and other relief by August 18, 2017 or, thereafter, a judgment by default may be rendered against him or her in the above styled case, Case No. CS-2017-900046.00, Circuit Court of Baldwin County. Done this 12th day of June, 2017. Jody W. Campbell Clerk of the Circuit Court of Baldwin County, Alabama Jason Hadley Attorney for Plaintiff Post Office Box 1347 Bay Minette, AL 36507 June 28; July 5-12-19, 2017 In the Circuit Court of Baldwin County, Alabama Case No.: CV-2017-2017-900575 Stephen Weeks, John Weeks, Geraldine Flynt, Michael Weeks (deceased), Angelo Weeks, Jackie Simons, Plaintiffs, v. Parcel Number: 55-08-43-0-000-004.000 Begin at a point 1,913.3 feet North of the Southwest corner of Section

Legal Notice 34, Township 7 South, Range 3 East for a point of beginning, run North 84° 19' East 148.8 feet, thence North 32° 30' East 184 feet, run North 57° 30' West 328.3 feet, more or less, thence run South 0° 06' West 320 feet, more or less to the point of Beginning. Subject to right-of-way for County Road 49. and Fictitious Defendants, A, B, C, D, E and F, whose addresses are unknown and any and all unknown parties including any persons claiming any present interest therein and including any persons claiming any future, contingent, reversionary, remainder or other interest therein, who may claim any interest in the above described property, Defendants. Notice of Publication The Defendants in the above styled action, who are unknown, must answer Plaintiffs complaint to quiet title by 3rd day of August, 2017, or, thereafter, a judgment by default may be entered against them in Case Number CV-17-900575, Circuit Court of Baldwin County, Alabama. Done this the 23rd day of May, 2017. Jody Wise Campbell Clerk July 5-12-19-26, 2017 PUBLIC NOTICE The City of Foley Planning Commission will hold a Public Hearing on proposed amendments to the City of Foley Zoning Ordinance. Amendments are available for review at City Hall, Library and Community Development Department. Anyone having interest in the approval of the changes may be heard at a public hearing scheduled for July 19, 2017 in the Council Chambers of City Hall (407 E. Laurel Ave.) at 5:30 p.m. or may respond in writing to 200 N. Alston St., Foley, AL 36535 Roderick Burkle Planning Commission Chairman July 12-19, 2017 ALABAMA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT BALDWIN COUNTY NOTICE OF REQUEST FOR A REVIEW OF A COASTAL CONSISTENCY CERTIFICATION FOR AN ACTIVITY REQUIRING A FEDERAL LICENSE OR PERMIT PUBLIC NOTICE - 591 In accordance with 15CFR930.61 and ADEM Administrative Code r. 335-8-1-.14, the Alabama Department of Environmental Management (ADEM) hereby gives notice that the City of Gulf Shores, Alabama has applied to the Mobile District United States Army Corps of Engineers (Mobile District) for a permit. Pursuant to 15CFR930 Subpart D, the proposed activity for which the permit is sought is subject to review by the ADEM for consistency under the enforceable policies of the Alabama Coastal Area Management Program. The City of Gulf Shores, Alabama proposes to construct a public access pier extending into Little Lagoon, Gulf Shores, Baldwin County, Alabama. The new structure would include a 250-foot long by 8-foot wide sidewalk, a 290-foot long by 9-foot wide boardwalk and access pier, and a 40-foot wide by 16-foot long open-decked terminal pier. Approximately 90 linear feet of the access pier will cross over tidal wetlands at a height ranging from approximately 2 to 4 feet above the mudline. The portion of the pier over Little Lagoon will be constructed approximately 3.5 feet above Mean High Water. All boardwalk and pier structures will be pile supported, and the structure will extend no greater than 216 feet waterward into Little Lagoon. Pursuant to 33CFR325.2, the Mobile District is considering authorizing the activity by Letter o f P e r m i s s i o n

Legal Notice (SAM-2017-00202-SBC). Any person wishing to make comments or provide additional information relative to the proposed project's consistency with the Coastal Area Management Program rules must submit such comments or information in writing to ADEM at the address below within fifteen (15) calendar days following the publication date of this notice. Only those comments, which address issues within the Department's scope of authority, can be considered. All correspondence regarding this proposal should reference application number 2017-151. Alabama Department of Environmental Management 3664 Dauphin Street, Suite B Mobile, Alabama 36608-1211 Copies of all information submitted are available for public inspection, by appointment, at the ADEM office located at the above address Monday Friday (except legal holidays), 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. Arrangements for copying should be made in advance. The ADEM division 335-8 rules and this Public Notice are available on the internet at http://adem.alabama.gov/newsE vents/PublicNotices.cnt After consideration of all written comments and consideration of the requirements of the Alabama Coastal Area Management Act and ADEM Coastal Program rules, the Department will make a final determination. The Department's determination, associated documents and all comments received during the public comment period will be available for inspection at the ADEM office located at the above address during normal working hours. Notice of the final permit decision will be sent to any person who requests such notice, in writing, during this comment period. Notice is hereby given this 12th day of July, 2017, by authorization of the Alabama Department of Environmental Management. Lance R. LeFleur Director Nondiscrimination Statement: The Department does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age or disability in the administration of its programs July 12, 2017 MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by that certain mortgage executed by David L. Smith, a single man, originally in favor of Wells Fargo Financial Alabama, Inc., on the 11th day of January, 2007, said mortgage recorded in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Baldwin County, Alabama, in Instrument Number 1026221; the undersigned U.S. Bank Trust, N.A., as Trustee for LSF9 Master Participation Trust, as Mortgagee/Transferee, under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, in front of the main entrance of the Courthouse at Bay Minette, Baldwin County, Alabama, on August 4, 2017, during the legal hours of sale, all of its right, title, and interest in and to the following described real estate, situated in Baldwin County, Alabama, to-wit: Lot 23, Branchwood Subdivision, as per plat thereof, recorded on Slide 1526A, of the Records in the Office of the Judge of Probate Court of Baldwin County, Alabama Property street address for informational purposes: 11626 Branchwood Dr , Fairhope, AL 36532 THIS PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD ON AN "AS IS, WHERE IS" BASIS, SUBJECT TO ANY EASEMENTS, ENCUMBRANCES, AND EXCEPTIONS REFLECTED IN THE MORTGAGE AND THOSE CONTAINED IN THE RECORDS OF THE OF-

Gulf Coast Media • Baldwin County • JULY 12, 2017 • LEGAL NOTICES • 27


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THE COURIER • THE ONLOOKER • THE ISLANDER • THE BALDWIN TIMES Legal Notice FICE OF THE JUDGE OF PROBATE OF THE COUNTY WHERE THE ABOVEDESCRIBED PROPERTY IS SITUATED. THIS PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD WITHOUT WARRANTY OR RECOURSE, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED AS TO TITLE, USE AND/OR ENJOYMENT AND WILL BE SOLD SUBJECT TO THE RIGHT OF REDEMPTION OF ALL PARTIES ENTITLED THERETO. Alabama law gives some persons who have an interest in property the right to redeem the property under certain circumstances. Programs may also exist that help persons avoid or delay the foreclosure process. An attorney should be consulted to help you understand these rights and programs as a part of the foreclosure process. This sale is made for the purpose of paying the indebtedness secured by said mortgage, as well as the expenses of foreclosure. The successful bidder must tender a non-refundable deposit of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) in certified funds made payable to Sirote & Permutt, P.C. at the time and place of the sale. The balance of the purchase price must be paid in certified funds by noon the next business day at the Law Office of Sirote & Permutt, P.C. at the address indicated below. Sirote & Permutt, P.C. reserves the right to award the bid to the next highest bidder should the highest bidder fail to timely tender the total amount due. The Mortgagee/Transferee reserves the right to bid for and purchase the real estate and to credit its purchase price against the expenses of sale and the indebtedness secured by the real estate. This sale is subject to postponement or cancellation. U.S. Bank Trust, N.A., as Trustee for LSF9 Master Participation Trust, Mortgagee/Transferee Elizabeth Loefgren SIROTE & PERMUTT, P.C. P. O. Box 55727 Birmingham, AL 35255-5727 Attorney for Mortgagee/Transferee www.sirote.com/foreclosures 393729 July 12-19-26, 2017 PUBLIC NOTICE Eastern Shore Metropolitan Planning Organization POLICY BOARD WORK SESSION AND REGULAR MEETING, TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE (TAC) MEETING, CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE (CAC) MEETING, AND BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE (BPAC) MEETING The Eastern Shore Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Policy Board will meet for a Work Session on Wednesday, July 19, 2017 at 10:00 AM in the Commission Conference Room at the Baldwin County Satellite Courthouse at 1100 Fairhope Ave, Fairhope, AL 36532. The Eastern Shore Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Policy Board will meet for its regularly scheduled meeting on Wednesday, July 26, 2017 at 10:00 AM in the Multi-Purpose Room at the Spanish Fort Community Center at 7361 Spanish Fort Blvd, Spanish Fort, AL 36527. The Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee will meet on Tuesday, July 18, 2017 at 9:00 AM in the Conference Room at the Spanish Fort Community Center at 7361 Spanish Fort Blvd, Spanish Fort, AL 36527. The Citizens Advisory Committee will meet on Tuesday, Tuesday, July 18, 2017 at 1:00 PM in the Conference Room at the Spanish Fort Community Center at 7361 Spanish Fort Blvd, Spanish Fort, AL 36527. The Technical Advisory Committee will meet on Tuesday, Tuesday, July 18, 2017 at 3:00 PM in the Conference Room at the Spanish Fort Community Center at 7361 Spanish Fort Blvd, Spanish Fort,

Legal Notice AL 36527. The proposed combined agenda for each meeting may be viewed on the Eastern Shore MPO website: (http://www.easternshorempo.org/) fourteen days prior to the meeting. For more information regarding the meetings listed above, please contact the Eastern Shore MPO at 251-990-4643. Public participation is solicited without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, disability or family status. Persons who require special accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act or those requiring language translation services should contact the Eastern Shore MPO at 251-990-4643. Asistencia de idiomas está disponible poniéndose en contacto con personal de la MPO en coordinator@easternshorempo.org July 5-7-12-14, 2017 MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by that certain mortgage executed on October 3, 2012 by Enrico Esposito, an unmarried person, originally in favor of Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for Freedom Mortgage Corporation, and recorded in Instrument # at 1363783 on October 15, 2012, in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Baldwin County, Alabama, and secured indebtedness having been transferred or assigned to Nationstar Mortgage LLC as reflected by instrument recorded in Instrument #, 1447202 of the same Office. Shapiro and Ingle, L.L.P., as counsel for Mortgagee or Transferee and under and by virtue of power of sale contained in the said mortgage will, on July 18, 2017, sell at public outcry to the highest bidder in front of the main entrance of the Baldwin County, Alabama, Courthouse in the City of Bay Minette, during the legal hours of sale, the following real estate situated in Baldwin County, Alabama, to wit: LOT 22, YANCEY BRANCH WOODS, UNIT 1, AS RECORDED ON SLIDE FILE 2059-C IN THE OFFICE OF THE JUDGE OF PROBATE, BALDWIN COUNTY, ALABAMA. For informational purposes only, the property address is: 27260 Charles Wesley Ln, Daphne, AL 36526. Any property address provided is not part of the legal description of the property sold herein and in the event of any discrepancy, the legal description referenced herein shall control. This sale is made for the purpose of paying the indebtedness secured by said mortgage, as well as the expenses of foreclosure. Furthermore, the property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance AS IS, WHERE IS. Neither the mortgagee, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of the mortgagee make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property offered for sale. Any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition, including those suggested by Code of Ala. (1975) § 35-4-271, expressly are disclaimed. This sale is subject to all prior liens and encumbrances and unpaid taxes and assessments including any transfer tax associated with the foreclosure. The successful bidder must tender a non-refundable deposit of Five Thousand Dollars and no/100 ($5,000.00) in certified or cash funds at the time and place of the sale. The balance of the purchase price must be paid in certified funds by close of business on the next business day thereafter at the Law Office of Shapiro and Ingle,

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LLP at the address indicated below. Shapiro and Ingle, LLP reserves the right to award the bid to the next highest bidder, or to reschedule the sale, should the highest bidder fail to timely tender the total amount due.

award the bid to the next highest bidder should the highest bidder fail to timely tender the total amount due. The Mortgagee/Transferee reserves the right to bid for and purchase the real estate and to credit its purchase price against the expenses of sale and the indebtedness secured by the real estate. This sale is subject to postponement or cancellation. Ditech Financial LLC f/k/a Green Tree Servicing, LLC, Mortgagee/Transferee

DISTANCE OF 45.00 FEET TO AN IRON PIN; THENCE RUN NORTH 00 DEGREES 00 MINUTES 00 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 57.00 FEET TO AN IRON PIN; THENCE RUN NORTH 90 DEGREES 00 MINUTES 00 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 69.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID LAND CONTAINING 1.09 ACRES, MORE OR LESS AND BEING IN SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 7 SOUTH, RANGE 5 EAST , BALDWIN COUNTY, ALABAMA.; AND A NON EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS AND EGRESS EASEMENT OVER AND ACROSS THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: COMMENCE AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 7 SOUTH, RANGE 5 EAST; RUN THENCE WEST FOR 262.00 FEET TO THE CAPPED REBAR SET (#CA00137LS) FOR THE POINT OF BEGINNING; RUN THENCE NORTH FOR 1300.00 FEET; RUN THENCE EAST FOR 937.00 FEET; RUN THENCE NORTH 20.0 FEET; RUN THENCE WEST FOR 957.00 FEET; RUN THENCE SOUTH FOR 1320.00 FEET; RUN THENCE EAST FOR 20.00 FEET; TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID LAND BEING IN SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 7 SOUTH, RANGE 5 EAST, BALDWIN COUNTY, ALABAMA. AND A NON-EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS AND EGRESS OVER AND ACROSS THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: COMMENCE AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 7 SOUTH, RANGE 5 EAST; RUN THENCE WEST 40 FEET TO A POINT; RUN THENCE NORTH 1092 FEET A POINT OF BEGINNING; RUN THENCE WEST 436 FEET A POINT; RUN THENCE NORTH 208 FEET TO A POINT; RUN THENCE WEST 1227 FEET TO A POINT; RUN THENCE NORTH 20 FEET TO A POINT; RUN THENCE EAST 1227 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE SOUTH 208 FEET TO A POINT; RUN THENCE EAST 416 FEET TO A POINT; RUN THENCE SOUTH 20 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. TOGETHER WITH A DEER VALLEY 32 X 90 DOUBLEWIDE MANUFACTURED HOME, MODEL NUMBER DV9001, SERIAL NUMBERS DVAL 10903474A AND DVAL10903474B HAS BEEN PERMANENTLY AFFIXED TO THE AFORESAID REAL PROPERTY. Said property is commonly known as 24588 Lazy Lane, Elberta, AL 36530. The indebtedness has been and is hereby declared due and payable because of default under the terms of said Mortgage and Note, including but not limited to the nonpayment of the indebtedness as and when due. The indebtedness remaining in default, this sale will be made for the purpose of paying the same, all expenses of the sale, including attorney's fees and all other payments provided for under the terms of the Mortgage and Note. In accordance with Ala. Code §6-5-248(h) notice is given that Alabama law gives some persons who have an interest in property the right to redeem the property under certain circumstances. Programs may also exist that help persons avoid or delay the foreclosure process. An attorney should be consulted to help you understand these rights and programs as part of the foreclosure process. Said property will be sold subject to the following items which may affect the title to said property: all zoning ordinances; matters which would be disclosed by an accurate survey or by an inspection of the property; any outstanding taxes, including but not limited to ad valorem taxes, which constitute liens upon said property; special assessments; all outstanding bills for public utilities which constitute liens upon said property; all restrictive covenants, easements, rights-of-way; the statutory right of redemption pursuant to Alabama law; and any other

matters of record superior to said Mortgage. To the best of the knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the party in possession of the property is Jed Alvin Hagaman and Kelley Jo Ann Hagaman or tenant(s). RCO Legal, P.C. 2970 Clairmont Road NE Suite 280 Atlanta, GA 30329 (770) 234-9181 (770) 234-9192 8852.20477 TS#: 8852.20477 FEI # 2013.05255 July 5-12-19, 2017

Alabama law gives some persons who have an interest in property the right to redeem the property under certain circumstances. Programs may also exist that help persons avoid or delay the foreclosure process. An attorney should be consulted to help you understand these rights and programs as a part of the foreclosure process. Nationstar Mortgage LLC, and its successors and assigns Mortgagee or Transferee SHAPIRO AND INGLE, LLP 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400 Charlotte, NC 28216 704-333-8107/ 16-009665 Attorneys for Mortgagee or Transferee June 28; July 5-12, 2017 MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by that certain mortgage executed by Helen C. Brace, and Stephen J. Brace, wife and husband, having been assumed by Catherine C. Mangum, originally in favor of Countrywide Home Loans, Inc., on the 3rd day of September, 2003, said mortgage recorded in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Baldwin County, Alabama, in Instrument Number 757657; the undersigned Ditech Financial LLC f/k/a Green Tree Servicing, LLC, as Mortgagee/Transferee, under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, in front of the main entrance of the Courthouse at Bay Minette, Baldwin County, Alabama, on August 4, 2017, during the legal hours of sale, all of its right, title, and interest in and to the following described real estate, situated in Baldwin County, Alabama, to-wit: Lot 146, Resubdivision of lots in Whispering Pines, according to the Plat thereof recorded in Map Book 7, Page 84, and Slide No. 629-A of the records in the Office of the Judge of Probate, Baldwin County, Alabama. Property street address for informational purposes: 918 Caroline, Daphne, AL 36526 THIS PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD ON AN "AS IS, WHERE IS" BASIS, SUBJECT TO ANY EASEMENTS, ENCUMBRANCES, AND EXCEPTIONS REFLECTED IN THE MORTGAGE AND THOSE CONTAINED IN THE RECORDS OF THE OFFICE OF THE JUDGE OF PROBATE OF THE COUNTY WHERE THE ABOVEDESCRIBED PROPERTY IS SITUATED. THIS PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD WITHOUT WARRANTY OR RECOURSE, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED AS TO TITLE, USE AND/OR ENJOYMENT AND WILL BE SOLD SUBJECT TO THE RIGHT OF REDEMPTION OF ALL PARTIES ENTITLED THERETO. Alabama law gives some persons who have an interest in property the right to redeem the property under certain circumstances. Programs may also exist that help persons avoid or delay the foreclosure process. An attorney should be consulted to help you understand these rights and programs as a part of the foreclosure process. This sale is made for the purpose of paying the indebtedness secured by said mortgage, as well as the expenses of foreclosure. The successful bidder must tender a non-refundable deposit of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) in certified funds made payable to Sirote & Permutt, P.C. at the time and place of the sale. The balance of the purchase price must be paid in certified funds by noon the next business day at the Law Office of Sirote & Permutt, P.C. at the address indicated below. Sirote & Permutt, P.C. reserves the right to

Rebecca Redmond SIROTE & PERMUTT, P.C. P. O. Box 55727 Birmingham, AL 35255-5727 Attorney for Mortgagee/Transferee www.sirote.com/foreclosures 414806 July 5-12-19, 2017 NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE Alabama, Baldwin County Default having been made pursuant to the terms of that certain mortgage executed by Jed Alvin Hagaman and Kelley Jo Hagaman, husband and wife to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for R. H. Lending, Inc. its succesors and assigns, dated 08/28/12, said mortgage being recorded in Instrument 1360457, in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Baldwin County, AL said Mortgage was last sold, assigned and transferred to Freedom Mortgage Corporation. Freedom Mortgage Corporation, under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash or certified/bank check only. The certified/bank check should be made payable to or endorsed to RCO Legal, P.C. The sale will take place during the legal hours of sale, on 07/27/17 before the courthouse door of Baldwin County the following real estate, situated in Baldwin County, AL, to-wit: ALL THAT CERTAIN PROPERTY SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF BALDWIN, AND STATE OF ALABAMA, BEING DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCE AT THE PURPORTED SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 7, SOUTH, RANGE 5 EAST , BALDWIN COUNT Y, ALABAMA, THENCE RUN NORTH 90 DEGREES 00 MINUTES 00 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 1683.00 FEET TO A POINT ; THENCE RUN NORTH 00 DEGREES 00 MINUTES 00 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 743.00 FEET TO A POINT ; THENCE RUN NORTH 90 DEGREES 00 MINUTES 00 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 234.00 FEET TO AN IRON PIN; THENCE RUN NORTH 89 DEGREE 58 MINUTES 41 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 10.00 FEET TO AN IRON PIN;THENCE RUN NORTH 00 DEGREES 01 MINUTES 19 SECONDS EAST A DISTANCE OF 119.77 FEET TO FOUND REBAR; THENCE RUN NORTH 89 DEGREES 59 MINUTES 53 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 224.10 TO A FOUND REBARS; THENCE RUN NORTH 00 DEGREES 00 MINUTES 00 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 260.16 FEET TO AN IRON PIN; ALSO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. THENCE CONTINUE NORTH 00 DEGREES 00 MINUTES 00 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 177.00 FEET TO FOUND REBAR ON THE SOUTH RIGHT OF-WAY OF LAZY LANE ( 20' R.O.W.); THENCE RUN SOUTH 89 DEGREES 57 MINUTES 20 SECONDS EAST A DISTANCE OF 207.00 FEET TO AN IRON PIN; THENCE RUN SOUTH 00 DEGREES 00 MINUTES 00 SECONDS EAST A DISTANCE OF 263.84 FEET TO AN IRON PIN; THENCE RUN NORTH 90 DEGREES 00 MINUTES 00 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 93.00 FEET TO AN IRON PIN; THENCE RUN NORTH 00 DEGREES 00 MINUTES 00 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 30.00 FEET TO AN IRON PIN; THENCE RUN NORTH 90 DEGREEES 00 MINUTES 00 SECONDS WEST A

MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by that certain mortgage executed by Jerry Dale Powell, Jr. and Tanya Powell, husband and wife, originally in favor of Navy Federal Credit Union, on the 15th day of August, 2014, said mortgage recorded in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Baldwin County, Alabama, in Instrument Number 1473839; the undersigned Navy Federal Credit Union, as Mortgagee/Transferee, under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, in front of the main entrance of the Courthouse at Bay Minette, Baldwin County, Alabama, on June 2, 2017, during the legal hours of sale, all of its right, title, and interest in and to the following described real estate, situated in Baldwin County, Alabama, to-wit: Lot 106, Tanager-Highland Place (replat of Tanager recorded in Slide 2370-F), according to plat thereof recorded in Slide 2426-F of the records in the Office of the Judge of Probate, Baldwin County, Alabama. Property street address for informational purposes: 9610 Kingfisher Ct, Spanish Fort, AL 36527 THIS PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD ON AN "AS IS, WHERE IS" BASIS, SUBJECT TO ANY EASEMENTS, ENCUMBRANCES, AND EXCEPTIONS REFLECTED IN THE MORTGAGE AND THOSE CONTAINED IN THE RECORDS OF THE OFFICE OF THE JUDGE OF PROBATE OF THE COUNTY WHERE THE ABOVEDESCRIBED PROPERTY IS SITUATED. THIS PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD WITHOUT WARRANTY OR RECOURSE, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED AS TO TITLE, USE AND/OR ENJOYMENT AND WILL BE SOLD SUBJECT TO THE RIGHT OF REDEMPTION OF ALL PARTIES ENTITLED THERETO. Alabama law gives some persons who have an interest in property the right to redeem the property under certain circumstances. Programs may also exist that help persons avoid or delay the foreclosure process. An attorney should be consulted to help you understand these rights and programs as a part of the foreclosure process. This sale is made for the purpose of paying the indebtedness secured by said mortgage, as well as the expenses of foreclosure. The successful bidder must tender a non-refundable deposit of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) in certified funds made payable to Sirote & Permutt, P.C. at the time and place of the sale. The balance of the purchase price must be paid in certified funds by noon the next business day at the Law Office of Sirote & Permutt, P.C. at the address indicated below. Sirote & Permutt, P.C. reserves the right to award the bid to the next highest bidder should the highest bidder fail to timely tender the total amount due. The Mortgagee/Transferee reserves the right to bid for and purchase the real estate and to credit its purchase price against the expenses of sale and the indebtedness secured by the real estate. This sale is subject to postponement or cancellation. Navy Federal Credit Union, Mortgagee/Transferee Andy Saag

28 • LEGAL NOTICES • JULY 12, 2017 Baldwin County • Gulf Coast Media


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THE COURIER • THE ONLOOKER • THE ISLANDER • THE BALDWIN TIMES Legal Notice SIROTE & PERMUTT, P.C. P. O. Box 55727 Birmingham, AL 35255-5727 Attorney for Mortgagee/Transferee www.sirote.com/foreclosures 411472 May 3-10-17, 2017 The above mortgage foreclosure sale has been postponed until 07/21/2017 during the legal hours of sale in front of the main entrance of the courthouse in the City of Bay Minette, Baldwin County, Alabama. July 12, 2017 MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by that certain mortgage executed by John M. Barkett, a single man, originally in favor of Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for Homecomings Financial Network, Inc., on the 8th day of August, 2006, said mortgage recorded in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Baldwin County, Alabama, in Instrument Number 994424; the undersigned Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas, as Trustee for Residential Accredit Loans, Inc., Mortgage Asset-Backed PassThrough Certificates, Series 2006-QA8, as Mortgagee/Transferee, under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, in front of the main entrance of the Courthouse at Bay Minette, Baldwin County, Alabama, on August 4, 2017, during the legal hours of sale, all of its right, title, and interest in and to the following described real estate, situated in Baldwin County, Alabama, to-wit: Lots 56 and 57, Unit 16, Lake Forest, as recorded in Map Book 7, Page 119, in the Office of the Judge of Probate, Baldwin County, Alabama. Property street address for informational purposes: 118 Leigh Circle, Daphne, AL 36526 THIS PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD ON AN "AS IS, WHERE IS" BASIS, SUBJECT TO ANY EASEMENTS, ENCUMBRANCES, AND EXCEPTIONS REFLECTED IN THE MORTGAGE AND THOSE CONTAINED IN THE RECORDS OF THE OFFICE OF THE JUDGE OF PROBATE OF THE COUNTY WHERE THE ABOVEDESCRIBED PROPERTY IS SITUATED. THIS PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD WITHOUT WARRANTY OR RECOURSE, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED AS TO TITLE, USE AND/OR ENJOYMENT AND WILL BE SOLD SUBJECT TO THE RIGHT OF REDEMPTION OF ALL PARTIES ENTITLED THERETO. Alabama law gives some persons who have an interest in property the right to redeem the property under certain circumstances. Programs may also exist that help persons avoid or delay the foreclosure process. An attorney should be consulted to help you understand these rights and programs as a part of the foreclosure process. This sale is made for the purpose of paying the indebtedness secured by said mortgage, as well as the expenses of foreclosure. The successful bidder must tender a non-refundable deposit of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) in certified funds made payable to Sirote & Permutt, P.C. at the time and place of the sale. The balance of the purchase price must be paid in certified funds by noon the next business day at the Law Office of Sirote & Permutt, P.C. at the address indicated below. Sirote & Permutt, P.C. reserves the right to award the bid to the next highest bidder should the highest bidder fail to timely tender the total amount due. The Mortgagee/Transferee reserves the right to bid for and purchase the real estate and to credit its purchase price against the expenses of sale and the indebtedness secured by the real estate. This sale is subject to postponement or cancellation. Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas, as Trustee for Residen-

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tial Accredit Loans, Inc., Mortgage Asset-Backed Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2006-QA8, Mortgagee/Transferee Pam King SIROTE & PERMUTT, P.C. P. O. Box 55727 Birmingham, AL 35255-5727 Attorney for Mortgagee/Transferee www.sirote.com/foreclosures 260229 July 5-12-19, 2017 NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE Alabama, Baldwin County Default having been made pursuant to the terms of that certain mortgage executed by Joy H. Mateikat, a married woman and spouse James Mateikat to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for SunTrust Mortgage, Inc., its successors and assigns, dated 03/26/08, said mortgage being recorded in Instrument 1109550, in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Baldwin County, AL said Mortgage was last sold, assigned and transferred to Wilmington Savings Fund Society, FSB, d/b/a Christiana Trust, not individually but as trustee for Carlsbad Funding Mortgage Trust. Wilmington Savings Fund Society, FSB, d/b/a Christiana Trust, not individually but as trustee for Carlsbad Funding Mortgage Trust, under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash or certified/bank check only. The certified/bank check should be made payable to or endorsed to RCO Legal, P.C. The sale will take place during the legal hours of sale, on 07/20/17 before the courthouse door of Baldwin County the following real estate, situated in Baldwin County, AL, to-wit: LOT 28, AUTUMN WOODS SUBDIVISION AS SHOWN BY MAP OR PLAT THEREOF RECORDED AT SLIDE FILE 2025-C, PROBATE RECORDS, BALDWIN COUNTY, ALABAMA Said property is commonly known as 27795 Autumn Woods Circle, Loxley, AL 36551. The indebtedness has been and is hereby declared due and payable because of default under the terms of said Mortgage and Note, including but not limited to the nonpayment of the indebtedness as and when due. The indebtedness remaining in default, this sale will be made for the purpose of paying the same, all expenses of the sale, including attorney's fees and all other payments provided for under the terms of the Mortgage and Note. In accordance with Ala. Code §6-5-248(h) notice is given that Alabama law gives some persons who have an interest in property the right to redeem the property under certain circumstances. Programs may also exist that help persons avoid or delay the foreclosure process. An attorney should be consulted to help you understand these rights and programs as part of the foreclosure process. Said property will be sold subject to the following items which may affect the title to said property: all zoning ordinances; matters which would be disclosed by an accurate survey or by an inspection of the property; any outstanding taxes, including but not limited to ad valorem taxes, which constitute liens upon said property; special assessments; all outstanding bills for public utilities which constitute liens upon said property; all restrictive covenants, easements, rights-of-way; the statutory right of redemption pursuant to Alabama law; and any other matters of record superior to said Mortgage. To the best of the knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the party in possession of the property is James Mateikat and Joy Mateikat a/k/a Joy H. Mateikat or tenant(s). RCO Legal, P.C. 2970 Clairmont Road NE Suite 780 Atlanta, GA 30329 (770) 234-9181 (770) 234-9192 8132.21437 TS#: 8132.21437 FEI # 2013.04654 June 28; July 5-12, 2017

MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by that certain mortgage executed by Neil P. Kellerman and Amy C. Kellerman, originally in favor of MBNA America (Delaware), N.A. the United States National Association, on the 22nd day of November, 2003, said mortgage recorded in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Baldwin County, Alabama, in Instrument Number 777720; the undersigned The Bank of New York Mellon FKA The Bank of New York as Successor Indenture Trustee To JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., as Indenture Trustee for the CWABS Revolving Home Equity Loan Trust, Series 2004-F, as Mortgagee/Transferee, under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, in front of the main entrance of the Courthouse at Bay Minette, Baldwin County, Alabama, on August 4, 2017, during the legal hours of sale, all of its right, title, and interest in and to the following described real estate, situated in Baldwin County, Alabama, to-wit: All that Real Property in the County of Baldwin, State of Alabama, described as follows: Lot 2, Unit 4 of the Heritage, as recorded in Map Book 7, Page 6, Baldwin County, Alabama Probate Records. Property street address for informational purposes: 5910 Heritage Dr, Bon Secour, AL 36511 THIS PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD ON AN "AS IS, WHERE IS" BASIS, SUBJECT TO ANY EASEMENTS, ENCUMBRANCES, AND EXCEPTIONS REFLECTED IN THE MORTGAGE AND THOSE CONTAINED IN THE RECORDS OF THE OFFICE OF THE JUDGE OF PROBATE OF THE COUNTY WHERE THE ABOVEDESCRIBED PROPERTY IS SITUATED. THIS PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD WITHOUT WARRANTY OR RECOURSE, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED AS TO TITLE, USE AND/OR ENJOYMENT AND WILL BE SOLD SUBJECT TO THE RIGHT OF REDEMPTION OF ALL PARTIES ENTITLED THERETO. Alabama law gives some persons who have an interest in property the right to redeem the property under certain circumstances. Programs may also exist that help persons avoid or delay the foreclosure process. An attorney should be consulted to help you understand these rights and programs as a part of the foreclosure process. This sale is made for the purpose of paying the indebtedness secured by said mortgage, as well as the expenses of foreclosure. The successful bidder must tender a non-refundable deposit of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) in certified funds made payable to Sirote & Permutt, P.C. at the time and place of the sale. The balance of the purchase price must be paid in certified funds by noon the next business day at the Law Office of Sirote & Permutt, P.C. at the address indicated below. Sirote & Permutt, P.C. reserves the right to award the bid to the next highest bidder should the highest bidder fail to timely tender the total amount due. The Mortgagee/Transferee reserves the right to bid for and purchase the real estate and to credit its purchase price against the expenses of sale and the indebtedness secured by the real estate. This sale is subject to postponement or cancellation. The Bank of New York Mellon FKA The Bank of New York as Successor Indenture Trustee To JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., as Indenture Trustee for the CWABS Revolving Home Equity Loan Trust, Series 2004-F, Mortga-

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are stored follows:

Pam King SIROTE & PERMUTT, P.C. P. O. Box 55727 Birmingham, AL 35255-5727 Attorney for Mortgagee/Transferee www.sirote.com/foreclosures 394580 July 12-19-26, 2017

Hadden, Ashley 18447 Greeno Rd Fairhope Al, AL 36532

JOINT PUBLIC NOTICE ALABAMA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND BALDWIN COUNTY COASTAL AREA PROGAM (BCCAP) CASE NUMBER: BCCAP: 16-007 Peter Calandruccio has applied to the BCCAP for permission to permit a Single Family Dwelling with a dune walkover on East 1/2 half of Lot 23, St. Stephens Meridian, Tax map & parcel number 69-07-25-0-000-073.000, 555 Our Road, Fort Morgan, Gulf Shores, Alabama. The proposed construction is completely landward of the Coastal Construction Control Line (CCL). Such construction requires a review to determine compliance with the Alabama Coastal Area Management Program (ACAMP). A public comment period which begins June 30, 2017 and ends July 28, 2017 has been established to give interested individuals an opportunity to provide additional information relative to the compliance of this project with applicable regulations. If BCCAP determines that there are significant comments, a public hearing may be scheduled. Written comments relative to this project should be addressed to the Baldwin County Coastal Area Program, 201 East Section Avenue, Foley, AL 36535. All comments must be received no later than 4:30 p.m., on July 25, 2017. Refer comments to Case Number BCCAP 16-007. BCCAP is limited in the scope of their analysis to environmental impacts. Any comments relative to zoning or economic and social impacts should be addressed to local planning and zoning authorizes who have responsibility for these issued. Copies of information and plans on this project are available for public inspection at the Baldwin County Coastal Area Program office, 201 East Section Avenue, Foley, AL, Monday through Friday, during normal business hours. After consideration of all written comments and the requirements and policies of the applicable environmental laws and regulations, a final determination will be made. June 28; July 5-12-19-26, 2017 NOTICE OF COMPLETION Project: Perdido Pass Phase II In accordance with Chapter 1, Title 39, Code of Alabama, 1975, notice is hereby given that Blade Construction, LLC, CONTRACTOR, has completed the Contract for Perdido Pass Phase II for the City of Orange Beach, Alabama, OWNER, and has made request for final settlement of said Contract. Any claims for labor, materials or otherwise in connection with this project should be itemized, notarized, and presented to: OWNER: The City of Orange Beach P.O. Box 458 Orange Beach, AL 36561 On or before (30 days) or same will be barred. Contractor: Blade Construction, LLC PO Box 359 Bon Secour, AL 36511 June 21-28; July 5-12, 2017 Legal Notice Notice of Public Sale, Pursuant to Alabama State Self-Storage Act, Section 8-15-31/ 8-33-34/ 8-8-33-34 Seq. A Storage of Daphne 7165 US Hwy 90 East Daphne, Alabama 36526 will conduct an online auction of the contents of storage units for which rent is due to recover rent and handling expenses. Items to be sold include: furniture, clothing, house wares, and miscellaneous items. The last known address of the occupants renting space in which these goods

DAY, DAVID (Wade) 23825 COUNTY ROAD 85 ROBERTSDALE, AL 36567-2822 BROWN, TERIKKA 1707 McMillan Ave Lot 6 Bay Minette, AL 36507 Abel, Gavin 17095 Phillips Place Fairhope, AL 36532 DUKE, MICHAEL 106 Valley Circle Daphne, AL 36526 Clark, Peyton W 8248 Barrie Dr Theodore, AL 36582 An Online Auction will be held on Thursday, July 20, 2017 at 2:00pm at www.storagetreasures.com. Location of the contents is: A Storage of Daphne, 7165 US HWY 90 East, Daphne, Alabama, 36526. Terms of Sale will be by bid for the entire contents of each unit. Payment of the bids will be cash. A $50 refundable deposit is required from each buyer per unit purchased. The winning bidder will have 48 hours to remove the contents. Items can only be removed during business hours. July 12-19, 2017 STATE OF ALABAMA) COUNTY OF BALDWIN) NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by that certain security interest retained in the Wraparound Vendor's Lien Deed executed on January 12, 2016, by TAMKEA W. JOHNSON to RICHARD POINTKOWSKI and BRENDA F. POINTKOWSKI, and recorded on January 13, 2016, in Instrument No. 1551449, in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Baldwin County, Alabama, and the undersigned under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in said Mortgage will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash in front of the Courthouse (main entrance) of the Baldwin County Courthouse, Bay Minette, Alabama on July 17, 2017, during the legal hours of sale, the following described real estate situated in Baldwin County, Alabama to-wit: Lot 37, Lake Forest, Unit No. 24, according to the plat thereof recorded in Map Book 8, Page 85, in the records in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Baldwin County, Alabama. This sale is made for the purpose of paying the indebtedness secured by said Assignment of Interest of Note and Mortgage, as well as the charges as provided therein and expenses of foreclosure, including a reasonable attorney's fee. This Instrument Prepared By: Brantley T. Richerson Kopesky & Britt, LLC Attorney for Mortgagee P.O. Box 1138 Fairhope, AL 36533 251-928-9900 June 28; July 5-12, 2017 CONTINUATION OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by that certain mortgage executed to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for National Bank of Commerce on June 14, 2013, by Robert J. Aguilar and Blanca M. Aguilar, husband and wife, and recorded and secured indebtedness having been transferred Provident Funding Associates, L.P.. Shapiro and Ingle, LLP, as counsel for the Mortgagee or Transferee, under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in the said mortgage will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash in front of the main entrance of the Baldwin County,

Legal Notice Alabama, Courthouse in the City of Bay Minette, Baldwin County, Alabama, on the July 6, 2017, during the legal hours of sale the following real estate situated in Baldwin County, Alabama, to wit: The West one-half of Lot 35, Terry Cove Subdivision, Third Unit, according to plat thereof recorded in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Baldwin County, Alabama, in Map Book 8, page 101 and Slide 1472A. Notice of this foreclosure sale may also be provided to the following parties if applicable, who may have some interest in said property, in order that they might avail themselves of the opportunity to bid at said foreclosure sale: Internal Revenue Service. For informational purposes only, the property address is: 26239 Carondelette Dr, Orange Beach, AL 36561. This sale is made for the purpose of paying the indebtedness secured by said mortgage, as well as the expenses of foreclosure. Five Thousand Dollars and no/100 ($5,000.00) must be tendered in certified funds at the time and place of the sale by the purchaser as a non-refundable deposit. The balance of the purchase price must be paid in certified funds within 24 HOURS thereafter at the law offices of Shapiro and Ingle, LLP, 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400, Charlotte, NC 28216, 704-333-8107. Shapiro and Ingle, LLP reserves the right to award the bid to the next highest bidder, or to reschedule the sale, should the highest bidder fail to timely tender the total amount due. Provident Funding Associates, L.P., and its successors and assigns Mortgagee or Transferee SHAPIRO AND INGLE, LLP 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400 Charlotte, NC 28216 704-333-8107/17-013088 Attorneys for Mortgagee or Transferee June 14-21-28, 2017 The public sale provided for hereinabove was postponed on July 6, 2017, by public announcement being made at the main entrance of the Baldwin County Courthouse, Bay Minette, Alabama, during the legal hours of sale. The foreclosure sale described hereinabove shall be held on the July 27, 2017, at the main entrance of the Baldwin County Courthouse, Bay Minette, Alabama, during the legal hours of sale. July 12, 2017 MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by that certain mortgage executed on May 3, 2005 by Ronald W. Prewitt, a married man, originally in favor of Fairway Independent Mortgage Corp., and recorded in Instrument # at 894287 on May 26, 2005, in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Baldwin County, Alabama, and secured indebtedness having been transferred or assigned to The Bank of New York Mellon, f/k/a The Bank of New York, as Trustee for Bear Stearns Asset Backed Securities Trust 2006-SD4 as reflected by instrument recorded in Instrument #, 1069611 and Instrument #, 1432021 of the same Office. Shapiro and Ingle, L.L.P., as counsel for Mortgagee or Transferee and under and by virtue of power of sale contained in the said mortgage will, on July 20, 2017, sell at public outcry to the highest bidder in front of the main entrance of the Baldwin County, Alabama, Courthouse in the City of Bay Minette, during the legal hours of sale, the following real estate situated in Baldwin County, Alabama, to wit: UNIT B OF LOTSA DUNES CONDOMINIUM, A CONDOMINIUM, GULF SHORES, ALABAMA, ACCORDING TO THAT CERTAIN DECLARATION OF CONDOMINIUM AND EXHIBITS ATTACHED THERETO, DATED MAY 9, 2000 AND RECORDED ON MAY 11, 2000 AT INSTRUMENT 545226, AS AMENDED AND RESTATED BY INSTRUMENT 588312, AS SUCH UNIT IS FURTHER DESCRIBED

Gulf Coast Media • Baldwin County • JULY 12, 2017 • LEGAL NOTICES • 29 Legal Notice AND DEFINED BY DRAWINGS OF LOTSA DUNES CONDOMINIUM RECORDED MARCH 23, 2001 IN APARTMENT BOOK 21, PAGES 92-109; ALL RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE JUDGE OF PROBATE, BALDWIN COUNTY, ALABAMA; TOGETHER WITH THE UNDIVIDED INTEREST IN THE COMMON ELEMENTS DECLARED TO BE APPURTENANCE THERETO IN SAID DECLARATION AS AMENDED. For informational purposes only, the property address is: 4992-B State Hwy 180, Gulf Shores, AL 36542. Any property address provided is not part of the legal description of the property sold herein and in the event of any discrepancy, the legal description referenced herein shall control. This sale is made for the purpose of paying the indebtedness secured by said mortgage, as well as the expenses of foreclosure. Furthermore, the property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance AS IS, WHERE IS. Neither the mortgagee, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of the mortgagee make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property offered for sale. Any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition, including those suggested by Code of Ala. (1975) § 35-4-271, expressly are disclaimed. This sale is subject to all prior liens and encumbrances and unpaid taxes and assessments including any transfer tax associated with the foreclosure. The successful bidder must tender a non-refundable deposit of Five Thousand Dollars and no/100 ($5,000.00) in certified or cash funds at the time and place of the sale. The balance of the purchase price must be paid in certified funds by close of business on the next business day thereafter at the Law Office of Shapiro and Ingle, LLP at the address indicated below. Shapiro and Ingle, LLP reserves the right to award the bid to the next highest bidder, or to reschedule the sale, should the highest bidder fail to timely tender the total amount due. Alabama law gives some persons who have an interest in property the right to redeem the property under certain circumstances. Programs may also exist that help persons avoid or delay the foreclosure process. An attorney should be consulted to help you understand these rights and programs as a part of the foreclosure process. The Bank of New York Mellon, f/k/a The Bank of New York, as Trustee for Bear Stearns Asset Backed Securities Trust 2006-SD4, and its successors and assigns Mortgagee or Transferee SHAPIRO AND INGLE, LLP 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400 Charlotte, NC 28216 704-333-8107/ 17-013271 Attorneys for Mortgagee or Transferee June 28; July 5-12, 2017 NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE CIRCUIT COURT CV-15-900232 STATE OF ALABAMA Baldwin County By virtue of an Execution issued out of the Circuit Court, of Baldwin, County, Alabama, on a Judgment rendered therein against Jason D. Halley and in favor The Security Title Guarantee Corporation, (by and through its assignee, Bank of America, N.A.) on the 16th day of April, 2015, at the April Term of the Circuit Court, I Huey Hoss Mack, as Sheriff of Baldwin County, Alabama, will sell to the highest bidder, for cash, in front of the Courthouse door of said County and State, on the 14th day of August, 2017, within the legal hours of sale 12:00 P.M., the following described property, towit: LOT 48, LAKE FOREST, UNIT 16, ACCORDING TO PLAT THERE OF RECORDED IN MAP BOOK 7, PAGE 119 OF THE RECORDS IN THE OFFICE OF THE JUDGE OF PROBATE OF BALDWIN COUNTY, ALABAMA. Property location is 105 Seville Circle, Daphne, AL 36526 THE PROPERTY OF JASON D. HALLEY.

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Legal Notice

Legal Notice


Inc., as nominee for SWBC Mortgage Corporation, on the 4th day of December, 2012, said mortgage recorded in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Baldwin County, Alabama, in Instrument Number 1371930; the undersigned SWBC Mortgage Corporation, as Mortgagee/Transferee, under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, in front of the main entrance of the Courthouse at Bay Minette, Baldwin County, Alabama, on September 1, 2017, during the legal hours of sale, all of its right, title, and interest in and to the following described real estate, situated in Baldwin County, Alabama, to-wit: Lot 2, Block 6 of Hand Land Company's Addition to the Town of Bay Minette, as recorded in Deed Book 4, Page 159 in the Office of the Judge of Probate, Baldwin County, Alabama. Property street address for informational purposes: 504 Hand Avenue, Bay Minette, AL 36507 THIS PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD ON AN "AS IS, WHERE IS" BASIS, SUBJECT TO ANY EASEMENTS, ENCUMBRANCES, AND EXCEPTIONS REFLECTED IN THE MORTGAGE AND THOSE CONTAINED IN THE RECORDS OF THE OFFICE OF THE JUDGE OF PROBATE OF THE COUNTY WHERE THE ABOVEDESCRIBED PROPERTY IS SITUATED. THIS PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD WITHOUT WARRANTY OR RECOURSE, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED AS TO TITLE, USE AND/OR ENJOYMENT AND WILL BE SOLD SUBJECT TO THE RIGHT OF REDEMPTION OF ALL PARTIES ENTITLED THERETO. Alabama law gives some persons who have an interest in property the right to redeem the property under certain circumstances. Programs may also exist that help persons avoid or delay the foreclosure process. An attorney should be consulted to help you understand these rights and programs as a part of the foreclosure process. This sale is made for the purpose of paying the indebtedness secured by said mortgage, as well as the expenses of foreclosure. The successful bidder must tender a non-refundable deposit of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) in certified funds made payable to Sirote & Permutt, P.C. at the time and place of the sale. The balance of the purchase price must be paid in certified funds by noon the next business day at the Law Office of Sirote & Permutt, P.C. at the address indicated below. Sirote & Permutt, P.C. reserves the right to award the bid to the next highest bidder should the highest bidder fail to timely tender the total amount due. The Mortgagee/Transferee reserves the right to bid for and purchase the real estate and to credit its purchase price against the expenses of sale and the indebtedness secured by the real estate. This sale is subject to postponement or cancellation. SWBC Mortgage Corporation, Mortgagee/Transferee

THIS PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD ON AN "AS IS, WHERE IS" BASIS, SUBJECT TO ANY EASEMENTS, ENCUMBRANCES, AND EXCEPTIONS REFLECTED IN THE MORTGAGE AND THOSE CONTAINED IN THE RECORDS OF THE OFFICE OF THE JUDGE OF PROBATE OF THE COUNTY WHERE THE ABOVEDESCRIBED PROPERTY IS SITUATED. THIS PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD WITHOUT WARRANTY OR RECOURSE, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED AS TO TITLE, USE AND/OR ENJOYMENT AND WILL BE SOLD SUBJECT TO THE RIGHT OF REDEMPTION OF ALL PARTIES ENTITLED THERETO. Alabama law gives some persons who have an interest in property the right to redeem the property under certain circumstances. Programs may also exist that help persons avoid or delay the foreclosure process. An attorney should be consulted to help you understand these rights and programs as a part of the foreclosure process. This sale is made for the purpose of paying the indebtedness secured by said mortgage, as well as the expenses of foreclosure. The successful bidder must tender a non-refundable deposit of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) in certified funds made payable to Sirote & Permutt, P.C. at the time and place of the sale. The balance of the purchase price must be paid in certified funds by noon the next business day at the Law Office of Sirote & Permutt, P.C. at the address indicated below. Sirote & Permutt, P.C. reserves the right to award the bid to the next highest bidder should the highest bidder fail to timely tender the total amount due. The Mortgagee/Transferee reserves the right to bid for and purchase the real estate and to credit its purchase price against the expenses of sale and the indebtedness secured by the real estate. This sale is subject to postponement or cancellation. Embrace Home Loans, Inc., Mortgagee/Transferee

South, Range 2 East St. Stephens Meridian and run thence North 89 degrees 42 minutes 40 seconds East 845.75 feet for a point of beginning: thence continue North 89 degrees 42 minutes 40 seconds East, 357.88 feet to a point; thence run North 00 degrees 16 minutes 55 seconds East, 662.40 feet to an iron pin marker; thence run South 89 degrees 41minutes 10 seconds West, 140.15 feet to an iron pin marker; thence run South 17 degrees 54 minutes 50 seconds West, 697.25 feet to the point of beginning. Tract contains 3.79 acres, more or less, and is subject to a right of way easement over and across the North 30 feet thereof for ingress and egress and a right of way easement over and across the South boundary thereof in use as part of Gayfer Road Extension and lies with the Southwest Quarter of Section 11, Township 6 South, Range 2 East, Baldwin County, Alabama.

Huey Hoss Mack As Sheriff of Baldwin County, Alabama July 12-19-26, 2017 Notice of Completion John G. Walton Construction Co., Inc. hereby gives notice of completion of contract with the State of Alabama for construction of Project No. STPAA-0003(599) in Baldwin County. This notice will appear for four consecutive weeks beginning on 6/28/17 and ending on 7/19/17. All claims should be filed at P.O. Box 81222, Mobile, AL 36689 during this period. John G. Walton Construction Co., Inc. June 28; July 5-12-19, 2017 STATE OF ALABAMA COUNTY OF BALDWIN NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE OF MORTGAGE Default having been made in the payment of the debt secured by that certain Mortgage dated October 1,2007, executed by Thomas E. Robinson and RUBY P. ROBINSON in favor of Citizens' Bank, recorded at Instrument Number 1079016, in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Baldwin County, Alabama; NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned owners of said Mortgage will, pursuant to the power of sale contained in said Mortgage, sell at public outcry for cash, on the 4th day of August, 2017, at 12:00 o'clock P.M. at the front (South) door of the Courthouse of Baldwin County, Alabama, in Bay Minette, Alabama, the following described real property, together with any and all buildings and improvements now erected thereon, including, but not limited to the fixtures, attachments, appliances, equipment, machinery, and other articles attached to said buildings and improvements, situated in Baldwin County, Alabama, viz: THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER AND THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER, ALL IN SECTION 3, TOWNSHIP 6 SOUTH, RANGE 4 EAST, BALDWIN COUNTY, ALABAMA Said sale shall be for cash and the proceeds of said sale shall be applied first to the payment of the costs of said sale and conveyance, including reasonable attorney's fees, second, to the payment of the principal balance of said indebtedness then remaining unpaid, whether due or not, with the unpaid interest thereon to the date of sale, and any amount that may be due the Grantor by virtue of any of the special liens herein declared; and third, the balance, if any to be paid over to the said Grantee. This property will be sold on an "AS IS, WHERE IS" basis subject to all easements, encumbrances, and exceptions contained in the Mortgage and those contained in the records of the Office of the Judge of Probate of Baldwin County. This property will be sold without warranty or recourse, expressed or implied as to title, use and/or enjoyment and will be sold subject to the right of redemption of all parties entitled thereto. The Mortgagee reserves the right to bid for and purchase this property and to credit its purchase price against the expenses of sale and the indebtedness secured by the mortgage, as provided by the terms of the Mortgage. CITIZENS' BANK As Owner of Said Mortgage MICHAEL J. HOYT Attorney for Mortgagee OF COUNSEL: HARBISON & HOYT, LLC Attorneys and Counselors at Law Post Office Box 519 Silverhill, Alabama 36576 Telephone: (251) 945-5300 Facsimile: (251) 945-5310 June 28; July 5-12, 2017 MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by that certain mortgage executed by Tony G. Burt and Jessica Burt, husband and wife, originally in favor of Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems,

Rebecca Redmond SIROTE & PERMUTT, P.C. P. O. Box 55727 Birmingham, AL 35255-5727 Attorney for Mortgagee/Transferee www.sirote.com/foreclosures 416462 July 12-19-26, 2017 MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by that certain mortgage executed by William A. Dunn, a married male, originally in favor of Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for Embrace Home Loans, Inc., on the 6th day of May, 2015, said mortgage recorded in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Baldwin County, Alabama, in Instrument Number 1512133; the undersigned Embrace Home Loans, Inc., as Mortgagee/Transferee, under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, in front of the main entrance of the Courthouse at Bay Minette, Baldwin County, Alabama, on September 15, 2017, during the legal hours of sale, all of its right, title, and interest in and to the following described real estate, situated in Baldwin County, Alabama, to-wit: Lot 17, Laurel Hill Subdivision, according to map or plat thereof as recorded on Slide 2249-A in the Office of the Judge of Probate, Baldwin County, Alabama. Property street address for informational purposes: 22023 Garland Loop, Silverhill, AL 36576

Rebecca Redmond SIROTE & PERMUTT, P.C. P. O. Box 55727 Birmingham, AL 35255-5727 Attorney for Mortgagee/Transferee www.sirote.com/foreclosures 411452 June 28; July 5-12, 2017 MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by that certain mortgage executed by William T. Gardner and Danielle Gardner, husband and wife, originally in favor of Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for Countrywide Bank, FSB, on the 23rd day of December, 2008, said mortgage recorded in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Baldwin County, Alabama, in Instrument Number 1156163; the undersigned Bank of America, N.A., as Mortgagee/Transferee, under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, in front of the main entrance of the Courthouse at Bay Minette, Baldwin County, Alabama, on August 4, 2017, during the legal hours of sale, all of its right, title, and interest in and to the following described real estate, situated in Baldwin County, Alabama, to-wit: Commence at the Southwest corner of Section 11, Township 6 South, Range 2 East, St. Stephens Meridian, and run thence North 89 degrees 42 minutes 40 seconds East, 791.40 feet for a point of beginning; thence continue North 89 degrees 42 minutes 40 seconds East, 54.35 feet to a point; thence run North 17 degrees 54 minutes 50 seconds East, 697.25 feet to an iron pin marker; thence run South 89 degrees 41 minutes 10 seconds West, 105.90 feet to an iron pin marker; thence run South 13 degrees 48 minutes 10 seconds West, 682.85 feet to the point of beginning. Tract contains 1.24 acres, more or less and is subject to a right of way easement over and across the South boundary thereof in use as part of Gayfer Road Extension and lies within the Southwest Quarter of Section 11, Township 6 South, Range 2 East, Baldwin County, Alabama. The above described parcel is further known as Lot 1 of Watkins Acres, an unrecorded subdivision, located in Baldwin County, Alabama. And Commence at the Southwest Corner of Section 11, Township 6

The above described parcel is further known as Lot 2 of Watkins Acres, an unrecorded subdivision, located in Baldwin County, Alabama. Property street address for informational purposes: 10221 Gayfer Road Ext, Fairhope, AL 36532 THIS PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD ON AN "AS IS, WHERE IS" BASIS, SUBJECT TO ANY EASEMENTS, ENCUMBRANCES, AND EXCEPTIONS REFLECTED IN THE MORTGAGE AND THOSE CONTAINED IN THE RECORDS OF THE OFFICE OF THE JUDGE OF PROBATE OF THE COUNTY WHERE THE ABOVEDESCRIBED PROPERTY IS SITUATED. THIS PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD WITHOUT WARRANTY OR RECOURSE, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED AS TO TITLE, USE AND/OR ENJOYMENT AND WILL BE SOLD SUBJECT TO THE RIGHT OF REDEMPTION OF ALL PARTIES ENTITLED THERETO. Alabama law gives some persons who have an interest in property the right to redeem the property under certain circumstances. Programs may also exist that help persons avoid or delay the foreclosure process. An attorney should be consulted to help you understand these rights and programs as a part of the foreclosure process. This sale is made for the purpose of paying the indebtedness secured by said mortgage, as well as the expenses of foreclosure. The successful bidder must tender a non-refundable deposit of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) in certified funds made payable to Sirote & Permutt, P.C. at the time and place of the sale. The balance of the purchase price must be paid in certified funds by noon the next business day at the Law Office of Sirote & Permutt, P.C. at the address indicated below. Sirote & Permutt, P.C. reserves the right to award the bid to the next highest bidder should the highest bidder fail to timely tender the total amount due. The Mortgagee/Transferee reserves the right to bid for and purchase the real estate and to credit its purchase price against the expenses of sale and the indebtedness secured by the real estate. This sale is subject to postponement or cancellation. Bank of America, N.A., Mortgagee/Transferee Pam King SIROTE & PERMUTT, P.C. P. O. Box 55727 Birmingham, AL 35255-5727 Attorney for Mortgagee/Transferee www.sirote.com/foreclosures 394873 July 12-19-26, 2017 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by that certain mortgage dated December 21, 2009, executed by Willis Knight, married aka Willis R. Knight, joined herein by his wife Jessica C. Knight, to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. solely as nominee for GTC Mortgage Company, Inc., which mortgage was recorded on December 23, 2009, in Instrument No. 1212987 and modified by that certain Loan Modification Agreement recorded October 23, 2015, in Instrument No. 1540514, of the mortgage records in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Baldwin County, Alabama, which mortgage was, duly transferred and assigned to JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association, notice is hereby given that pursuant to law and the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the undersigned will sell at public outcry, to the highest bidder for cash, in front of the Main entrance to the Baldwin County Courthouse at Bay Minette, Alabama, during

Legal Notice the legal hours of sale on August 8, 2017, the following described real estate, situated in Baldwin County, Alabama, to-wit: Lot 2, Hart Acres, being part of the West 1/2 of the Southwest Quarter of Section 22, Township 8 South, Range 3 East, as shown on plat hereof recorded on Slide 1567B as recorded in the Office of the Judge of Probate, Baldwin County, Alabama. This sale is made for the purpose of paying the indebtedness secured by said mortgage as well as expenses of foreclosure. This property will be sold on an "as is, where is" basis, subject to any easements, encumbrances, and exceptions reflected in the mortgage and those contained in the records of the office of the Judge of Probate of the County where the above-described property is situated. This property will be sold without warranty or recourse, expressed or implied as to condition, title, use and/or enjoyment and will be sold subject to the right of redemption of all parties entitled thereto. Alabama law gives some persons who have an interest in property the right to redeem the property under certain circumstances. Programs may also exist that help persons avoid or delay the foreclosure process. An attorney should be consulted to help you understand these rights and programs as a part of the foreclosure process. JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association Transferee Robert J. Wermuth/mgw Stephens Millirons, P.C. P.O. Box 307 Huntsville, Alabama 35804 Attorney for Mortgagee July 5-12-19, 2017

Liquor License LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PENDING APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF ISSUANCE OF ALCOHOLIC LICENSE Notice is hereby given that Robin Gregorius has requested that the Baldwin County Commission approve the issuance of a 160- Special Retail More than 30 days Liquor License by the Alabama Alcoholic Beverage Control Board and that the 1st day of August, 2017 at 9:00 o'clock AM has been set for the public hearing thereof in the Baldwin County Commission Chambers, Baldwin County Administration Building, as located at 322 Courthouse Square, Bay Minette, Alabama 36507. The name and exact location of the business being Bella Sera Gardens, LLC d/b/a Bella Sera Gardens 25049-A County Road 49, Loxley, Alabama 36551. At the public hearing, any interested person may appear at said time and place to be heard either in support of or in opposition to the granting by the Baldwin County Commission of such approval. July 12-19-26, 2017

Abandon Vehicle / Boat Notice of Sale Abandoned: 2000 Pont Firebird VIN: 2G2FV22G5Y2174632 Sale date: August 17, 2017 By: Angel's Automotor LLC 18620 County Road 26 Foley, Alabama 36535 Last owner's name: Gibson Corey L; Tyndall Federal Credit Union July 12-19 2017 Notice of Sale Abandoned: 2006 Nissan Titan 2wd VIN: 1N6BA07A76N561079 Sale date: August 17, 2017 By: Angel's Automotor LLC 18620 County Road 26 Foley, Alabama 36535 Last owner's name: Cunha Fernando Carlos; Vanvoris Luciana; NMAC July 12-19 2017 Notice of Sale Abandoned: 1997 GEO Prizm VIN: 1Y1SK5261VZ452085 Sale date: August 17, 2017 By: Angel's Automotor LLC 18620 County Road 26 Foley, Alabama 36535 Last owner's name: Gomez Jose Luis; Gonzalez Gilder Mazariegos; Brannan S Automotive, Inc. July 12-19 2017

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Toddler park mprovement

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Check out photos rom 181 Market’s ixth-annual event n Fairhope

Spring Flea Market and Swap Shop



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County Economic Development Alliance gathered at Jack Edwards Airport to announce the new initiative. “Together we launched the BusiPHELPS ness Where You Beach campaign,” Gulf Shores Di-

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Fairhope’s beautiful parks and floral attractions are well known across the area and the state, but the city is currently competing with other similar sized towns from across the nation in the annual America in Bloom competition.


Having a bite to eat

Find out the results



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Hurricane awareness storms into Gulf Coast

lead a campaign to have visitors “Business Where You Beach,” Gulf Shores is looking to focus that effort on the city’s Business and Aviation Park. On May 23 officials from Gulf Shores, Orange Beach, Gulf Shores and Orange Beach Tourism, the Coastal Alabama Business Chamber and the Baldwin







City wants to improve infrastructure, access at aviation park


STAFF REPORT Hurricane season starts today and to promote preparedness an Air Force Reserve Hurricane Hunter aircrew with their WC-130J Super Hercules and a team of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration hurricane experts visited five Gulf Coast cities as part of this year’s Hurricane Awareness Tour, including mobile. The Hurricane Awareness Tour, or HAT is a joint effort between NOAA’s National Weather Service and National Hurricane Center to promote awareness about the destructive forces of hurricanes and how people can prepare. All of the officials present encouraged people to prepare now. “The least we can all do is get our friends, our family, our businesses,

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2nd Class Matthew Tuten is finalist for 2016 Service Member of the Year

Gulf Shores looks to upgrade Business

Students from Silverhill Elementary got to tour the WC-130J aircraft used by the Air Force and National Hurricane Center to help track and study hurricanes.

“Another area we look at is community involvement,” Pittenger said. “We like to see how your community members get involved in the community by planting pride and making it a better place to live.” Because Fairhope has won several special awards from the organization over the last few years, the city is now eligible to compete in the “Circle of Champions” competition. “That group is kind of the elite

The America in Bloom judges enjoyed a stop at Fairhope Intermeditate School to see what horticultural projects the students were up to this year.

2nd Class Matthew Tuten is finalist for 2016 Service Member of the Year



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The Courier


JUNE 1, 2016 | GulfCoastNewsToday.com |


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JUNE 1, 2016 | GulfCoastNewsToday.com |

Bridge scores

America in Bloom judges Leslie Pittenger and Jack Clausen were in the area a few weeks ago, kicking off this year’s competition with their time in Fairhope. “Fairhope has always done very well,” Clausen said. “We’re so thrilled to have the city back in the competition this year.” The judges have six criteria when judging a town for the competition, which includes floral displays, landscape, urban forestry, historic preservation, environmental efforts and overall impression.

Start a new career

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Bama Bayou W death throes? hi te w

Officials say it’s time buildings come down

page 4


Tips you can use to help keep our beaches clean


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The Islander

County commission set to discuss cuss Point Clear zoning


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JUNE 1, 2016 | GulfCoastNewsToday.com |






‘Circle of Champions’

sought by the Spottswoods, but after that request was withdrawn, the Spottswoods returned asking for a newly created

operate a grocery and retail store on the property. Planning Director Vince Jackson said the Planning Commission had origiCo nally to recommend ly voted vo denial d al off the B-2 zoning

tion of their property erty y at the corner of Scenic ce enic Highway 98 and Old ld d Marlow Marl Ma Marllow Road from a residential resi resi resid res side i ntti t l tial single family amily ly y zoning zoni zo zon zoni ning to oa limited ed commercial co mercia me errc ercia e rcia ci use cia u that att would woul w d allow allow ow them the h m to


and dispute amongst local residents and will be back before the Baldwin County Commission in June. The Spottswoods are seeking to rezone a por-



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Gulf Shores looks to upgrade Business Park

City wants to improve infrastructure, access at aviation park


sought by the Spottswoods, but after that request was withdrawn, the Spottswoods returned asking for a newly created

The Islander


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rector of Economic Development B g w ntr A tio us a i n fo that Blake Phelps said. “What i t iss is r le r M nes na Co a new target marketing s m nd aypaign h r Hcampaign . of ed it ig one) similar to what Herb (Malone) is is w gi Ow th S ion a iafevacation co from n e B and his group do f n ul , C bo ned M CC fu this standpoint.a But rom anth b on BY JOHN MULLEN i lly tra isl sfrom n y ea, Sand, Stars ct testandpoint. t n d a economic development johnm@gulfcoastmedia.com in rvi y, m Ty h P d in licenpeople |G 5 an g cwho ummer Program “We’reagtargeting St d su seople co e H are ulf e a e By r m V d High-A r GULF SHORES — As leaders coming here4 to vacation. tion. edation. Starting on Monday Co joh JO . , bo pan C around the county launch and n@ H as ndT, PAG he Sea Sand and Stars y SEE E AIRPOR AIRPORT PAGE 2 gu N U tN Ed ed , lfc N cience and Nature ew id it oa D stm ER th en or’s sT enter located behind W t ed M e M ifi n od ia.c OO range Beach Elemengr ed ay ed ote D ay o m m et ia a 25 in : P .co ary School will start an hi ay th s e m ha e er Ph dit ar llip s summer program. | ve ro ill ion tic R here will be a rotatca r a ip R of le t obi n n u h G se d ob u at ett ng schedule of guided d. an in lf r e a w s y ours and IMAX movHe S SI co on. Coa n in as nf W st lic ilve LV l a s in the planetarium. p us e o e rh ER ds n T Lox ing io reall 251-981-5690 or oo as so a f J chi ill H n ou F enl le dw w bin it | to spe uly ef sh ILL isit seasandandstars. t ar C) Ro ed n in F un ey y r w ci , o by ou — n s H OH ee en io fo un Ru To esi om om for scheduling cu Th h al ffic th ld T ea y ( L p at pa r y Da n a ugh de y.c m s G e f all. wor ial e en hav he rs n by o c nformation and to reet r in ti ou y r nd 5 nt k s s d e a To ve mpa ed OHC on lo da e K e n O o se ai o a w e al w Pa n d t F erve a time. A $2 per ith n tw ss d f f J ne n JOHN HN N MULLEN Co un 67. ck sT ge t. g ca ises am and BY JOH C io ol un w of . fo 19 Sto M and o c nc $ il erson minimum donaew OH n lo e po johnm@gulfcoastmedia.com johnm m@g @gulfcoastmedia.com 29 ile in e . ay P an nd anu M w ,f er 10K y OF tN a 0 h ob , Y s h on is appreciated. l m or i d t 9 ay in ir S a M r d co 19 cia Ti llip ida TE 23 g st OR ORANGE BEACH BE ACH — C Cit Ci City ity officia officials ls are in a an Co er om W un m R te UR at ll l W n , m st ulf CO W ob s, M owners w wo working with the o wn wne wner wners of the h longp ay ci m cu se ivi illa on ing s G o ils in a g se hen ne l m to e C M ati pp an | Bama Bayou thatt has been st stalled B ama Bayo ayou a ay you site site tha si sit r c in on et rss s G em fo v r 6 ea th c er hi rle on an te, vacant sitting v acant ntt an and a d dormant d do since i it was g r li al W ion dur ue be ar er e M op d s O ost at 01 in oo so ils . d in nl rs e k t N k 2 w n d h n f foreclosed April foreclose e d on n in i n A pril of 2009. 9 B i c t g oh B th A s l ga g a Ne to s t he r. n ea m on 3, de u th a er t clean ‘It’s ’ss tim ttime me to t c clea n the site g do ill be in to d a p t ve ci ot p l Br et w , Gr e nd t J M lm r o i u NE m on uc ts an bo e u Ri the sdin ; an Orange up,” p,” ,” Or Oran Ora rang ge Beach Mayor es ck th en on Sh one d uc y , lu y w S u e JU r o b m sa e d c r m en o ca lo da irl s, Kennon Tony yK Kenn on said. in st AM pr rod ca en ev in ed be t a n M n h y ey g, u DH .com p rs t t a did an E w S T ow er lin y Just few Ju ust a fe us w short years in ind . or te Th OO ia Ja ha y at d S H mb ec all st ed nd ine SIV H is ce k a Pleasure ago, ago Plea sure Island was W tmed e 1 U h re t m 7. e K te p r L ad M ti y d tic e la los A ty la the wi ave d ex ma ur Jo ev ph ON oas r as h l c ry n XC n abuzz with the prospects e p t t th lle p r E S L e c t I W ige phy e d yl tin ne in en G th a f er gr ou r to a ES ow ty? es dr and mil dust bee 1811 ly LL gulf ev r an of a “Gulf World” type on s et es g s C the on nd s l u h A o s n IM n ’ p @ w in In m i w Opening night a u w n d e r ca n s s e o T an . C a in o sh d k un seri le, ea ite s sin bird entertainment entertain n ment center and By ison at m et th te ter eet ere sa n i ha nc ea IN ou s be , do l u d u p m o dw any ra en s t B i n t s c o l W t all l Summertide presKENNON KENN KE NON ON M ce d w M n Sn ib m 17 e i rvi vi ing un e 1 ar across the Incommunity m c D e o a yo n C -par y, pe ron- s A tha ve s ow d. mu- e ha do all y A ik o B ike es one ab qu w nte ew ewe . 99 e W AL fo oo arj r w rea ra me L C is o e i nts “Mr. Sandman” i i r e in a e n B v tracoastal tracoasta co coa coas l Waterway from i r L l i v r l a on t le es th rv s M d s D dw fou ust env nit t lie a as ish com hav om e r t f nte , 9a, st hite The cr r a k P ori ith d t y OH ; w @ ISO to un w h a er, tio th ie a e South Baldwin Wharf.. Wh Wharf gu N h an e 65 fr avt the l a nd d u a g, ies ude reon ndart Ro hhe W an aft ll a ub e Y ev his o EL d at lfc — eac oth s ns e c w w y 2 par v th I- lly s hCommunity d s, ge lic ou en din ert e ck Th te sl oa WO esi ne ar Ba his is the i on an comm nty th te 65. The current he city is now in talks the th c cu urrent Theatre h fG B b e e i nf a fr an it 3 w ate m pr s. nd n t st Or un op raw entaasald- dd flyinow Donership to work on dem gh o tic ing reg om d h e ly Pa a obb ulf ER m PD T ut ati he ou sta or es E Lib ce s th er e u d demolition. wn emoli liti tion. - at, 7 p.m. The s fo l pr id B re , un y w TA eEd H . Dal de B ei ve o re f t nj r e ownership ou rth as th in Friday C ter n e M e e g b A t r r th or he n i i g s a W ia it B . h n s a n s t e2 ia a ec t o o dr w e e esh e working owners “We’re wo rking with the th ow o wners over in In w“ ta oy ary D ur iqu nd nds — BC .co ioMn te ,thw lt SE nnual ils tes ock im he r n m uc tha t e hit . Th no mbUniversity ofce ent g. an ph e mt in f A es n ed , fe am ti ES e 9 dw of W n i , e r o f b s in h l o s a i the 60 days to come e next com me up p with w a plan to in to il d i i on el n y bu a eey h n r o coe e’ lp e e b se n el n lar t g presentam a h S sid ur Alabama ti g 0s s IL on t an di M to r h snix the s so ave s. ird dsite,” s re ct d - b “ eas y. I an sin s tauul gan itseig upe nt un od V ni an 180 the y. ally an in ati gs f B or t clean Kennon said. Kenno on sa sai aid. “Essentially o d r n o d a E , e w d ve o d n s m reruninthrough fa e t p a gr phes inbuildings th rwill RH ch e ed str re r ion ’s inard bring th g y oa cu hls’ ree Yea . is a he nesCs rne sarse tins nd , isP toMt sa down, dow d wn, n, if possible, and Ch c nd r fo ivhelthe h y du re e uly at b ro nd un d fa 1. a n g e t a e e 2 o s i g d r I s o r r r d The show is h e f a r a r LL w n h or h in ta nts ol foau ai rw rsagain, 0 proba d di wo ir s e a ably B ar A at he d e e e 26 w 5. y have ha to go before st in he oth ited se, at l ope e , PA M E lle n ch as ed Ge ag ahni us nP isto ri ot dA la fno he , n oorpite will05probably n 6 on Ca arba les th uc an , a cway o Ghit th t to “T ry im nuroff-Broadway judge that me hat we’ve worked GE ca sio y S nty alw po rm o, I Sh te d upboa aasusl pe Schu lobsi fr vsea bthee eaoe bo H ar te kt i- e PA LLU .com ndwually tth PA ro ra E. H ve inoidpsome to il ory t of ise u t t st e l musical h ”M t i o n au i e le ta c , r th l P Le o co e idby Roger al s 2 y hat happen.” 5, GO ia ay int an us t Pae tth n ra 4 A e make that so ist ha th to ers Sto ea 11, at ve erd,m s nty caorsae p op meond tod. e ste dtogether nt sa and du m of l th sa ci se un ou s, le’s ma nake ar o lt CC E e d u ap b g b s er sh ed se r m fu to es tick p I-6 the t h w ks ity nt 0s, ar 18 dy ed s s city or e tacode ke na M m1 u pe k o C so nd Bean. al e,” Celebrate bu s, o E e ri ou thec n p igwe e uyin otfo ion ogIn 2011 e lain inspectors had probp e o sa re r N rd IFF oast 8 a s wor in C win s, ber Mo luc is ar os f I 80 ing In ne ish d SE r th ent Ho e a Je a ith 958 yi an rt- to f nte C inel eirat. uat s ongo idnsg hceis lems id wh around the ” with and h an a nd debris etrash i in ther a se wk th ’s s e qe rs un CL ulfc g a w ld sp ri h o e 1 m le. en bl an he Springfield High ng d h C m r w t on ev gh has n a G it t n i b d O u h e i rewere a g i d l n w to h e prd u in inghoeir nens e dua tosite c ort th oo bi l, K sta er i i c e b e b URit a close e clos clo ose up chool prom with the qu I in y Byer ff@ wand , PA to declaring w an B Ba , B ion ore nth a ig thsh w a s h oste il d lm e TE r i d o p y n In a b Mo il s e mb the ea n D u t li n -da r H ur to w e G l r a n a . i w o i m c oe Ieo nT and hea d aar public sin removed l g ty a l e S a h R Debris was nuisance. isanc nce. a Wonderettes, four p m a Ti e r il / LOVELY tr geLIZARD ROGER REETZ Ae. Jo ree s fo d ce no h e t d . n le erey as g w a h es d of Y OF Fo tin baolluiso pAlLL duc M s fe s g onb lo“f PHOTOGRAPHY in ro RE thl ainNaturalist rs ane ye dkehid un bYoo rodborthmoved w alin sa ll, w on. wer he it nd so ed d out ut o sight and a fence i about mtaken s r pwas r irls with hopes and BOof W This picture of an eagle feeding a month ago. th nd , an an icn@ EISwas ee a agchick r u h r a OO StatefuPark e in s o pt;ey Kelly ou do up p Oor h be nin n ea ige HIT v rst mi kt g f t e w e a al in EE rding to city directives. M andnkare living m t on Tare o o d it og etthhe doerp gerected id g the e ofgulf fledging according ed acco a Scor fu sm ch er. Reetz now reports both chicks andighavei left the nest N N Wto m lly on EW mu g m . P ver trees fi aw toc llin s o tim pin ats wn reams as big as their hi aht now ts na re a he teepa in . fl e n u B ti r a ngl to .city IN pl s esFtr eafrd bercoacsed Ome res ter e la years e yea ars rs later the site is drawing a a inca idfli euos m o . Five around the nest. ta ti s S S mi ay is of Bo ro th t rinoline skirts. Tickok The GS Fo y TI ex o o ir t O a d s bu o s to D ul nd snau ehs b shaew , th go fo ra 12 th , A nd on en in w nst th e s. e g rG N st oun amredd DbHe t l attention ntion no once again. of Mu OF is Bley em ha d wa d, m t SEE al- anre a m ov seT eyac esst im attent es ur W GE ts are $20 for adults, AeMa ulf A C sa ai ng anc ee uc f ia o r d o in s, ts G e e r n m ” r k o r n A i o l D e in ph UL u c Co O h oa nd oa h P ow Sapno penb ou .cosms m uri nd s tr rod ch Om nedy., snt r fo th equ t h g re $1 ta BA 20 ys FW 15 for 12 and under. W pt Se . a as VIN d w r i d bu es p ci co 0 re ly VE c Wi io r r o le tM G in lrots e iwng h SEE BAYOU ai e b rs e b fo o ge Y o , hPAGE k ca n it 2 09 ha IND e’ ab r faS,n th hwae ned t For more information tiz g K a pr ied ed TO . ve S th hTo omw . re s th ea th e ow f Gu ew is Bo boo og ut m Ju MI w P y b t e ia v r m e o c A y d in N n e e n t o v r c r a n lf i en ni f a Gr be ni o nio NE O all 251-968-6721 or bo furiunek oo d o 11 e o s ti lf st D y o his an ted ed win gs ha pr e e ing wa E 3teg .” ca OT rs ze re r T u i Jsm Men e r t s zes s a o t H a t e 0 a v s d s G o ia o p d b n d P in s r ’ rv r ra e ks isit SummerTide.org. vd e im w an of so tha Wo TE C au a in C ed do hy, Dan y Pa d o s, , a Csoer oof v s t it it’s em a we se g fo st su rd the BY ELOISE THOMLEY CM Ma T m e t n — t m n i 2 h w l t is t p G s i b m 1 h M nd mor h h et t b o y oy in u i oa o co ve n ula er / its on e l ua e c e o $10 en’s Th t f - r g F y roim n an j o o r b on lp Gulf Coast Arts Alliance D dale ba GE S we mp rele a w y M l n o r o b O u a n n o g u ,6 d o e h j e . c o e . e p f ow m t a a h o O ts o ( e l f te n e C o c a d PA bi h n • IS s als ddin any as hite urTh nt lub ise ies nd- m sta 00 a lu He th4 siLdA heye wtoiu thtoa . “I ink ng m d t ws RW ber ,m g f e 6 c, nd dre E PAGE 18 e d r b u i 2 o r i c n a B r T 8 GULF SHORES — Local and regional artD o fa e ib y 1 cia2 rv e s or a. “X) ede ltrn idon th k e pe D n d n m se f g ius s a hil • l ice mo , fu UN e R again on June 4 in Waterway an ll p clu ut ear on rv -ye ity ing d re av ME Nuse ists willNgather Th enBg laicauch samut tIin hin oth ho ay c m oc to Tips youOLUcan s help n keep ALIO H f th d la b ion an e ice ar d e tem ol m c- e ca or rial eris l iff st oreEx, b en e tue nd he aN JO for Village Charles E. Holt V /ETCTLIS fr Th ch nt sp s d y t or ba uri em liv d i cho sio sp t o an art market, hosted by the Gulf is d o th rd p o bts a w id t J HE ON our clean N om os ili sa ons at t pr hro ga nq ng a M ais rte n,gin siath in on Alliance, in partnership with ns eCoastfrArts 1 Sbeaches oy ne l s o c- the Barbara Leonard ON W terc erc rc col olor, olor olo or acrylic, acr acryli rylic, oil . E eed th e r coo le, or he ese ug niz uet nj io a oallo re o t t 0 bo aw - such as 1paintings veeinsnsiwatercolor, L OO le d City E ct loc L reclpo updopttery b n h a . e e k C s vary en ood, Carol Parker Nunnery Dnot s inof Gulf Shores. ery ry, y hand hand blown blo blow wn Glass of any kindOOis m l say and pastel,vscarved id HA allowed on Clo m s P cl ce -o hr an an ts ou lly e to dThe . 1 h la kwood, ooacr apottery, K K au ed 13 i r e a i C n e art market will be from 9 a.m. 3 p.m. t a i ncgand ER M r u v ff s a q h t p Mn ld o ric id- metal art. s e d glass, original0 jewelry, nd ar art rt. t lter ci h t tm n ue e ta ley fe GE ss ic n atf et, nta om b w in . su welry,duofabric t f i s t o s ov t e e s a ang r s at 225 E. 24th Ave. in Gulf Shores. as nu t. m wo n e he PA N ett ish $2 ry , $ e g d o f d a . P ab o s m ke Ju SEE m EE MA MARKET A sel T, PAGE PAG AGE pa al S e artp Ja e, t h WE 2n L Visitors can enjoy browsing ce ort e P Ro 50; Sc 100 re t on uc . en zeoriginal er in e et n ne U. h s rt lle h ub u CA ho ; B he ati sT e be gni e e, t h i k’s Hf fEiAc os - l y, hi clu ecntnl Gle le fic sc H nc Ba lic nd R ol ay Sp on a o f th ic hic or OPO eLTm cia na ar Of st ho JW e i ldw Li -up E H Clo M ec s Y st INth Ho io 6and gh scKdesLubkceros - ad o erv w 2 Ch ost a2.m n br , $ o th in ia LEo y IO ss , 1 t u C l w i H a E , Li Re n D e d n S g e PG l Na n0a P G ig en rs als Ed C ar 25 us es ett l geTh . an ven hool oys’ se to PA lic er f o vic OO m in n N TVey aAbL ed , 6e h ts hi o uc o y, 0; e, e , a b i f W o l t a S u p m Sc f s p a l $1 B $2 R P o ar LISob iz, 2 th -7 e d s w tea U1 rn Pu m s o e C ER dia.c r om r T n t2h ho ro to res tio itio ,0 ay 50 toht 7 p i m 1, a KE s D o u e F k p n p 0 e m g C n l u IN c n lo h o ol n 0 M ; g e .m l s U m UN stm is co Gwi 28 TU hn 6 S ki aph g . R Ba ra nte , $6 fo ; a iat ish utrig rn .ge ru . T 13 en a ow r e ft ap 01 re on S, 1 SEE ec ld du d ,80 r E nd HN co CL De e B . C es ameoer Jr.n b he , U1 t a D 2 am D sn no es wi p4ti ei wi at tw 0. x JO gulf C e y’s gr the et ga 5 nd c 17 14 SE vi n in o er at th e s a SP ASS Joy es . De ye G nstosn w m an By hn@ Th rar Pro at 2EB ng C g th e s h ir ee e n ,1 ei or h tay m t the jo b g e6 . PU ORT IFIE Jam ce E n Fa Joh is h AN n s d th oun by zz 10 os in un ter “N n ht s fro of s.” e QU ty TS PE ZZL S, 1 D, 2 Joy hlyn hn n g s n t r L d E Bu i E J en 12 e C o 0 e 1 ET OP ES d L -2 As l J To acr me ra f ni ier tio oun in C GE FA A n ev , , 8 13 1 au L r e o r A P n r u D T l o D E s AG u P P S ,5 S s ir rn se ald fu E co mp ted T a ec a lta er e FA 2 R h to me and Co co oin E it or De r i v d a IN r B e p M w t se of nt pu st W O il R h sa es l i p i E Lea t t Lig LD m d og h W e n rg c p er D e tn BA — -T la , e ip of al e th in l e n d .S. s i s s y S n V e d i g EE O sit C nis r b LA er ob co U is oa D y G 1 S LUM M e e M niv CR st o EC E C ul e e s th e ,U w TIO 1 08 OS M oas f d, ps Th th a in y th lta. N • IS illi ed t SE •3 is elt b e Ph , PA ia 2 P SUE ug d nly r D GE AG 20 Do o i ve 2 ES Dr. R e:

e ev


oun o l c d the GULF COAST MEDIA NSIDE

2nd Class Matthew Tuten is finalist for 2016 Service Member of the Year



Having a bite to eat




ts u


ed at ic ed e td os en th g um on rin M GE 4 be all PA em ve m ga Re hat 15 t GE

County commission set to discuss Point Clear zoning Art r market market returnss too Waterway W er Village Villa

Students from Silverhill Elementary got to tour the WC-130J aircraft used by the Air Force and National Hurricane Center to help track and study hurricanes.

ea, Sand, Stars ummer Program


operate a grocery and retail store on the property. Planning Director Vince Jackson said the Planning Commission had originally voted to recommend denial of the B-2 zoning



tion of their property at the corner of Scenic Highway 98 and Old Marlow Road from a residential single family zoning to a limited commercial use that would allow them to



and dispute amongst local residents and will be back before the Baldwin County Commission in June. The Spottswoods are seeking to rezone a por-


A Point Clear property belonging to George and Amy Spottswood has been the subject of discussion



e ev


ty un Co

Charles E. Holt Barbara Leonard Carol Parker Nunnery


¢ 75



5 I-6

page 30


Find out the results


The America in Bloom judges enjoyed a stop at Fairhope Intermeditate School to see what horticultural projects the students were up to this year.


Bridge scores


16 20 3,

Fairhope’s beautiful parks and floral attractions are well known across the area and the state, but the city is currently competing with other similar sized towns from across the nation in the annual America in Bloom competition.

5 co r w in in Sta gn rector of Economic Development County Economic lead a campaign to have visitors B g w r A itio s n fo uthat si aiss isir Blake Phelps said. “What Development Al“Business Where You Beach,” n C le rcampaign M e na o a new target marketing liance gathered at Gulf Shores is looking to focus JU h r H ay ss o me nd it similar to what Herb Jack Edwards Airthat effort on the city’s Business ig . O f NE is is w(Malone) t d S io gi a and his group cdo port to announce and Aviation Park. nb wn he BC n1, o from fu ifae, vacation fu nthis o ed Mo C ll from 20 C an t is standpoint. But the new initiative. On May 23 officials from Gulf BY JOHN MULLEN a lly rac se in tha by nt 1 n economic development “Together we Shores, Orange Beach, Gulf 6 johnm@gulfcoastmedia.com d lic tin rstandpoint. v dy, m Ty h Pa targeting i |G 5 arean e g icewho “We’re launched the BusiShores and Orange Beach TourPHELPS ge nsur npeople s co H Sta d ulf By V r GULF SHORES — As leaders coming here ness Where You ism, the Coastal Alabama Busied ed, mHigh4 to vacation. Co joh JO bo pan AC . around the county launch and Beach campaign,” Gulf Shores Diness Chamber and the Baldwin n@ H as nd ,yPAGE SEE AIRPORT 2 gu N U tN E ed , lfc N e i di o D d t a w stm ER th en or’s sT ed WO M e M tifi n od ia.c O g ed a ed ote ay om D m ret ia a y 25 in : P .co ay th s e an hi m ha e er Ph dit ar llip | ve ro ill ion tic R ca r a ip R of le t obi us nd o G ha ne ed a bi ul t tte . ny ns f C ra w o n S H S c I on n. W oa in as li ilv LV a elp fu e st o ce erh ER si re T Lox ing on a f J chi ill H ou F enl le it to spe uly ef sh ILL t F un ey y r w ci , o by ou — n fo un Ru To esi cu Th h al ffic th ld T p r y Da n ug de m s e al wo ia e e ha he a n r et Gr fin l. t o y an h k ls s nd ve a To se ai o w ee al w Pa ient ung rais d Fa 5K a t BY JOHN MULLEN ith n tw ss d f f J ne n . ca es m n ge io ol un w of M and o c nc $ il d johnm@gulfcoastmedia.com n lo e po 29 ay P an M w ,f er 10K y or hi d ay in ir co Ti llip ida ORANGE BEACH — City officials are 23 g st te W u m a R n t working with the owners of the longW ob s, M p ay ci ils in a se hen ne l m stalled Bama Bayou site that has been on et rss s G em r sitting vacant and dormant since it was an te, a W ion du ue be d N lso ils . rin nlo rs foreclosed on in April of 2009. g n ea m on th h a Ber ‘It’s time to clean the site c ot l B et , G e M nd t Jo li m pr ro wi ru up,” Orange Beach Mayor t on Sh ne em ese ck h c en i l Tony Kennon said. d s o r a be nt a n M an oh y ley , d a Just a few short years r t w i n s or Ste T Ja tha ay dat d S H ago, Pleasure Island was k ha he M re t m 17. e K te A d u w ave d p abuzz with the prospects pig rp th lle Ly eet Jon evi he G ith a er gr eo hy of a “Gulf World” type le in es n ns ns s’ b su et s loc fun s a g. w in In m i w entertainment center and sin ird al su nd Co as at m et th te ter eet ere KENNON B ce s a li m community across the InM un S M m to 1 e rv vi in u b e i 7 i n g n all y A 1 ik ab qu w nte ew ewe . 99 re W fo oo arj r w rea ra m iso LL tracoastal Waterway from e le 9, hit es ith rv s M d s n@ IS cr r a k P ori ith d t ry er st e The Wharf. to tio th ie a e gu ON an aft ll a ub e Y ev his ar R o EL at lfc ns e c w w y 2 par te oc The city is now in talks the current d s, ge lic ou en te oa WO h fG B d k fr an it 3 w ate m pr s. nd st O fly D L n ts h o P a ob u ER m l d D ownership to work on demolition. e o ly o f m b a r i B in re ese En ibr ce ed H ei ve M un y wi TA ge g “We’re W dat ro e si , th ia.c AM . nt jo a working with the owners over wh s. T D ur iqu and nd — SE ils es ck m e at y ry 29 om h ES theitnext re an ph e b h s b W on fie on ila io e es 60 days to come up with a plan to e n l I ea ny y a us as ega hit L an ldi M r to s cleanbirthe Kennon said. “Essentially VE ov ds dsite,” b “Y se . It i nd ine tur n a ew d ng ay to es RH th s a he ss ne s in bring thein buildings down, if possible, and h re e e a . C Pa tr e 20 are IL w r h for d in a gs w air d G rs B har again, it will have to go before L, u ai 05 probably hi u P t as ed e a g a PA Ca arb les to A la s n th , a cway te sb a o tu a judge in some that we’ve worked a p r o GE u f P n r a l d s u ol ara E. H w oi ma , I d AG t ri ai e ov and la 2 Pa llythat ay nt n us Pa Le olt ca se op en d. se dtogether and make a p happen.” e , E s er sh ed rk on 18 th n pig bu d o og In 2011 city codeulainspectors u had probbu s, o er ar s re s, in ei pu eo yin f h yi an r t- to Nu d id wh around the ” with trash and adebris th a r w t th ns g er lems ng d th ite CO nn to e p bu in ei ins qu s to site and were close to declaring e b b UR it a qu I er d pi th ige sh. g an r he tea ail lpublic B y us rremoved ee TES G nuisance. Debris was a h g LIZARD e PHOTO i ROGER aREETZ / LOVELY PHOTOGRAPHY T d in a o t d Y all y A d l r OF r i is LL ai eon lof n a he hi d u . Yo ndoremoved out of sight and a efence ss of p was n ro This picture of an eaglee feeding fee ng a ochick ch Kelly n@ ISwas taken about a month ago. StatethPark s t; y Ke n d d n u e nNaturalist re ig WHIT ou do up p O erected according to city directives. gu ffledging o d og e t de id ing inothe all eo E v tree trees Reetz now reports both chicks no ow and have left the nest and are living thcksTharee now lfc N W ea . P er u c it fl flu he r ts na re y t n. city W B oa O Five years later the site is drawing thee nest. around o th pl e F e f oo Th ING ta ti s to au an an ies sh m st O Fo y TI ex o ir d m D ko eM SO nd on en attention once again. rG N SE Da la m o us ba es ed H is ley st o ff ur F G v e ck ulf A C ED n ia.c AM in s, ts n S p in p U n e er C O n o o O g o r ta BA 20 hys LFW w por en m W as VIN VE y. W tio for SEE BAYOU 209 h IN ci eco $10 tM G in ts ing o ge Y o ,hPAGE it S, ha ne tiz g K ed TO . ave DS th To w o f G ew o ut Ju M PA t d ia N e u ee a wn ulf in en ni GE b gn mo ni IN bo ri k a ted ed win gs 30 its ers ized re or ET s zes ok sm en p nd b an d a of s th Wo TE s, C d o it d hy, Da y P d o s, BY ELOISE E THOMLEY THOMLE THOM THOML tio Th nn th om an me — an om f c ov is nn au pe e ’s u $ e e t t d Gulf Coast Arts Alliance Alliian ance anc n i a t n e c eo 1 n T w om re a w y M la rFo y o im no co s c ra lad l e om ut 0,6 ’s C he e a ed pa le h u ( it w r L le f t t T nt lub ise ies nd m sta 00 lu He s ls, din ny ase e 4. AX y B ou o c GULF SHORES — Local Local and a regional an al artartt-fa he rib y d m se -of un nd an b g ricia ervic me gs, for ) B ea rna ont an ll p clu ut ear on rv -ye ity ing d re av l o es mo fu ists will gather again on n June June une e 4 in i Waterway Waterwa way y Th la ch m inu A cc o ria ne d la b ion an e ice ar d m c- e st E en e is Vi Village for an art market, hosted osted ted d by b the Gulf G Gul ulf as r s l r/ T LLIS fr Th ch nt sp s d y t or ba uri em th xp ts w is io pe HE ON Co Coast oast Arts Alliance, in partnership partnersh rsh rs rship sh hip with with the wit t N om os ili sa ons at t pr hro ga nq ng is rin a pain ns e , in ith lor, acrylic, such as acry acryli rylic ic c, oil o ON W 1paintings w ss watercolor, . E eed th e r coo le, or he ese ug niz uet cl a 0 Shores. City y off Gulf G L OO e l C s n L v O pastel, blown and paste aste ste te l, car carv carve arved d blo b Glass of any kind e s,.carved OKisDHnot allowed on Cl em s P e c ece k-o hr an ba ts hou a- . a upottery, d vary, hand kwood, The art m ma m. to to 3 p.m. p. p p.m ..m .m. m market will be from 9 a.m. en cfabric C os e r lu iv ff is a nq th t 10 jewelry, ER AM r in an glass, original glass ss, s,, o orriginal ginal jje ewe we welry, welr wel elry, a i- metall art. art a rt. t Alabama beaches. tm n ue e d oss g tand n atf et, nta om b w in . su Ave. at 225 E. 24th th A Ave in Gulf Shores. on e he as nu t. m N ett is $2 ry , $ e g d h s M T , PAGE PA 2 Ju SSEE MARKET m original Visitors can enjoy enjo oy browsing b orig rigin ginall art art pa al eET ce ort e P Ro 50; Sc 100 re t ona er in le ne rt HE lle h ub u CA ho ; B he ti y, h cl ct l sc H nc Ba lic nd R ol ay Sp on OP ALT a igh ud ac st ho JW e i ldw Li -up E H Clo M ec s a.mnd sc es b ros LE INIO H, 1 H ud lar C a n E in bra , $2 ou th ine ial m ev h o s 0 e i e e g TV GAL N, Th . an en ool ys’ to h nts shi lso duc Co ry, 50; se, s tte Sc f ps p a al $1 B $2 LIS S, 2 6-7 e d ts w tea U1 urn ho ro to res tio itio ,0 ay 50 to 7 p i m 1, a TIN 2u .m ll o m g e n n 00 M ; s U m r l GS 28 . 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“Another area we look at is community involvement,” Pittenger said. “We like to see how your community members get involved in the community by planting pride and making it a better place to live.” Because Fairhope has won several special awards from the organization over the last few years, the city is now eligible to compete in the “Circle of Champions” competition. “That group is kind of the elite

es im y n T ustr wi d ind ald y an e B Econom Th

page 4

America in Bloom judges Leslie Pittenger and Jack Clausen were in the area a few weeks ago, kicking off this year’s competition with their time in Fairhope. “Fairhope has always done very well,” Clausen said. “We’re so thrilled to have the city back in the competition this year.” The judges have six criteria when judging a town for the competition, which includes floral displays, landscape, urban forestry, historic preservation, environmental efforts and overall impression.

STAFF REPORT Hurricane season starts today and to promote preparedness an Air Force Reserve Hurricane Hunter aircrew with their WC-130J Super Hercules and a team of National heri ric Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration hurricane rica cane experts visited five e Gulf Gu Coast cities as par art rt of this part year’s Hurrican ane e AwareHurricane ness Tour, including incl nclu luding mobile. Hur urri ricane AwareThe Hurricane Tour, ness Tou our, r, or HAT is between a joint nt effort ef NOA AA A’s National Weather NOAA’s Service Ser ervi vice and National Hurricane ri rica icane Center to promote te e aw awareness de de about the destructive forces of hurrihurri hur urriicanes and how people peop peo eople eopl eo le can ca prepare. All of th the he officia offici off offi offic fficia ficials presofficials ent en enc encou enco ncou cou ourra raged raged rage rag aged people to o encouraged prep prepa prepare repare repar epar are re e no n ow. now. “T least we can alll “Th “T “The d o is get our friends, our o do family, our businesses, s


Judges arrive in Fairhope SEE HURRICANES, PAGE

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page 4

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Kiwanis Club, Eastern Shore add Expression Swing

Hurricane awareness storms into Gulf Coast lo

Toddler park mprovement

page 30

‘Circle of Champions’



Fairhope to compete in NE

Start a new career



page 29

Starting on Monday he Sea Sand and Stars cience and Nature enter located behind range Beach Elemenary School will start s summer program. here will be a rotatng schedule of guided ours and IMAX movs in the planetarium. ds n oo as so all 251-981-5690 or dw w bin | ar C) Ro ed n in isit seasandandstars. s H (OH ee en io om t a L om for scheduling se ny y op ca y.c er a b C lo p d nformation and to reda Ov om de . OH ton To C un 67 ck erve a time. A $2 per C ws . fo 19 Sto OH erson minimum donaile in e . Ne OF ob st th 90 SY on is appreciated. M r, d 19 oa TE in a an UR lfC ll l W n , CO se ivi lla on ing s Gu to e C Mi ati pp an ea th Mc er shi rle ton p O s t ar r e te ke o nd w o a th Af s li gan g a Ne to B s th he r. t ill be in to d a p t ve m on uc ts an bo e u Ri the sS rod uc by m saw er, du AM p rod ca en ev in ed DH .com p E T ow er lin y . IV b c l OO ia H e al st ed is e W ed US tim y d tic e la los N stm CL ty ac e n tr ras th ll c try n pl th t EX SO oa LI ulfc ou r to a d nd mi us ee 811 ES ow y? C he on nd AL @g TIM in ot sh d a kn nt ies , a saw ind ad b ce 1 early Opening night By ison INN u ou ser ple n h n dw ny a en W all Summertide presal a cr yo n C -part , peo ron- s A that ve si ow n d. muLD B ike es one BA l av t Do wi ur stry vi itie lie ali s n she om ave m nts “Mr. Sandman” un w h a er, ha ani e c 65 h fro atv the ld a fo ndu d en un at eS South Baldwin — ac th v th I- lly h Ba s is e i an mm y th 65. be o is Community Commun Com munity nity Theatre Friday ay at a 7 p.m p.m. m. The nnual University Univ rsity y of o Alabama presentapresen sentaa ion will run throug through ough uly 1. The show is n off-Broadway hit musical by Roger Bean. Celebrate the 958 Springfield High prom chool ool ol pro pr om with the Wonderettes, Wonder derett der erett r es, es, four f irls with h hopes pes and a their reams as big ig ga as tth he heir hei he rinoline skirts. Ti TickTic Tick Tickts are $20 for adults, s 15 for 12 and under. For Fo more information all 251-968-6721 all 25 or isit SummerTide.org. Su Summ ummerTide.org.

Check out photos rom 181 Market’s ixth-annual event n Fairhope


Earn an Elemetary Education degree at University of Alabama Baldwin County

Fairhope to compete in

Spring Flea Market and Swap Shop

Charles E. Holt Barbara Leonard Carol Parker Nunnery


JUNE 1, 2016 | GulfCoastNewsToday.com |

A Point Clear property belonging to George and Amy Spottswood has been the subject of discussion


Charles E. Holt Barbara Leonard Carol Parker Nunnery

The Courier 2nd Class Matthew Tuten is finalist for 2016 Service Member of the Year

ng ri ve Co

an d er te et ca I V di ar t de e W n os ld e th g or um in l W on 4 r e l M GE b a PA em ve m ga Re hat 15 t GE

Keeping You Posted 2


901 N. McKenzie Street Foley, AL 36535 251.943.2151 www.GulfCoastNewsToday.com

Gulf Coast Media • July 12, 2017 • The Islander • 31

GulfCoastNewsToday.com From Baldwin County’s news innovator since 1890


Open to the public

The Planning Commission of the City of Robertsdale, Alabama will conduct a public hearing to consider a subdivision request made by Southern Images LLC. The proposed subdivision, Co Rd 54, containing 3 lots, is located at 16080 Co Rd 54, Silverhill AL 36576.


Property Description: Lot 1, Highway 54 Subdivision, according to Map or Plat thereof recorded on Slide 2404 D in the Office of the Judge of Probate, Baldwin County Alabama. Commencing at the Northwest corner of the Southwest Quarter of Section 35, Township 5 South, Range 3 East, run South, a distance of 40 feet to a point; thence run South 89 degrees 32 minutes 05 seconds East, a distance of 418.97 feet to an iron pin lying on the South right of way line Baldwin County Highway No. 54 for the point of beginning; thence continue South 89 degrees 32 minutes 05 seconds East, along said South right of way line, a distance of 689.70 feet to an iron pin; thence run South 00 degrees 00 minutes 35 seconds West, a distance of 612.15 feet to an iron pin; thence run North 89 degrees 20 minutes 40 seconds West, a distance of 688.60 feet to an iron pin; thence run North 00 degrees 01 minutes 36 seconds East, a distance of 262.83 feet to an iron pin; thence run North 89 degrees 59 minutes 00 seconds West, a distance of 380.15 feet to an iron pin lying on the East right of way line of Baldwin County Highway No. 55; thence run North 00 degrees 01 minutes 30 seconds East, along said East right of way line, a distance of 102.13 feet to an iron pin; thence run South 89 degrees 33 minutes 10 seconds East, a distance of 378.97 feet to an iron pin; thence run North 00 degrees 00 minutes 08 seconds West, a distance of 247.76 feet to the point of beginning.

Saturday, July 22 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. The public is invited to attend Baldwin EMC’s silent auction for retired office equipment and furniture at the company’s headquarters in Summerdale on July 22. The cooperative will also accept sealed bids by mail or in person for the following vehicles and equipment (sold as is): • • • • •

1997 Ford Ranger Ext. Cab 4x4 (138,254 miles) 1999 Ford F-150 4x4 (231,513 miles) 2003 Chevrolet S-10 4x2 (54,026 miles) 2005 Chevrolet Silverado 4x2 (186,699 miles) 2005 Chevrolet Silverado 4x2 (148,705 miles)

• • • •

2006 Ford Ranger Ext. Cab 4x2 (247,840 miles) 2010 Ford Ranger Ext. Cab 4x4 (156,331 miles) 1995 Ford F-750 Flatbed (89,633 miles) 2006 Ford F-550 4x4 Chip Dump (86,450 miles)

Photos of the vehicles and equipment can be viewed at www.baldwinemc.com. Vehicles and equipment can be viewed in person during the auction on July 22. Sealed bids for vehicles and equipment, with contact information for the bidder, must be returned to the attention of Chris Morris at P.O. Box 220, Summerdale, AL 36580 by noon on Wednesday, July 26, 2017.

The hearing has been scheduled for Monday, July 24, 2017, at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall. Interested persons and adjoining property owners will be given as opportunity to ask questions and make comments at this time. Written comments should be addressed to Shannon J. Burkett, City Clerk, P.O. Box 429, Robertsdale, AL 36567.

19600 Highway 59 Summerdale, AL 36580 (251) 989-6247


Baldwin EMC reserves the right to reject any and all bids.

Aaron White, Chairman, Robertsdale Planning Commission AL2-LV39948



The City Council of the City of Robertsdale will conduct a public hearing on Monday, July 17, 2017, at 8:00 a.m. at Robertsdale City Hall, to consider the following amendment to the Zoning Ordinance and map of the City of Robertsdale: An Ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 02-10 adopted by the City Council of the City of Robertsdale, Alabama, September 23, 2002. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Robertsdale, Alabama as follows: That the Zoning Ordinance and official Zoning Map, as amended, be further amended to rezone the following described property: FROM R-1 & B-2 to RMH: Being a portion of tax parcel ID No. 41-09-32-3-000-035.00 lying in Section 32, Township 5 South, Range 4 East, Baldwin County, Alabama, and being more described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 32, Township 5 South, Range 4 East, Baldwin County, Alabama; Thence N 89° 28’58” E 447.58 feet to an iron pin; thence S 00° 39’28” W, 590.68 feet to the right-of-way of US Highway No. 90 (80’ R/W); thence along said rightof-way of US Highway No. 90, S 89° 46’11” W, 443.23 feet to an iron pin; thence N 00° 14’17” E, 588.56 feet to an iron pin being the Point of Beginning.

The City Council of the City of Robertsdale will conduct a public hearing on Monday, July 17, 2017, at 8:00 a.m. at Robertsdale City Hall, to consider the following amendment to the Zoning Ordinance and map of the City of Robertsdale: An Ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 02-10 adopted by the City Council of the City of Robertsdale, Alabama, September 23, 2002. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Robertsdale, Alabama as follows: That the Zoning Ordinance and official Zoning Map, as amended, be further amended to rezone the following described property: FROM B-1 to B-2: From the Northeast corner of the Southeast quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 6, Township 6 South, Range 4 East, run West 37.5 feet to a point on the West boundary of Alabama Highway No. 59 for a point of Beginning; thence run North 65 feet; thence run South 89 degrees 28 minutes West 349 feet; thence run South 301.8 feet; thence run North 89 degrees 28 minutes East 349 feet to a point on the West boundary of said Highway 59; thence run North 236.8 feet along said Highway West boundary to the Point of Beginning, lying in the East half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 6, Township 6 South, Range 4 East, Baldwin County, Alabama.

Be it further ordained that the official Zoning Map, as amended, be further amended to reflect this change.

Be it further ordained that the official Zoning Map, as amended, be further amended to reflect this change.

The purpose of the hearing is to gain information prior to making a final decision concerning this rezoning. The request for rezoning is from Hazel Carlee for her property located at 19191 US Highway 90, Robertsdale, Alabama:

The purpose of the hearing is to gain information prior to making a final decision concerning this rezoning. The request for rezoning is from Greer Real Estate Partners for the property located at 22245 State Highway 59, Robertsdale, Alabama:

During the hearing interested persons will be given an opportunity to make comments concerning the proposed rezoning. Written comments should be addressed to: Shannon J. Burkett, City Clerk, P O Box 429, Robertsdale AL 36567.

During the hearing interested persons will be given an opportunity to make comments concerning the proposed rezoning. Written comments should be addressed to: Shannon J. Burkett, City Clerk, P O Box 429, Robertsdale AL 36567.




32• The Courier • July 12, 2017 • Gulf Coast Media

Daphne City Clerk Rebecca Hayes retires Over the last two weeks, the City of Daphne has celebrated the 17-year career of City Clerk Rebecca Hayes, complete with a retirement party, presentation of gifts and a proclamation from the city at

a recent council meeting. Many local residents came out to help pay tribute to Hayes and thank her for her years of dedicated work in service to the people of Daphne.

Explore the mystery of prehistoric life at the Mobile Convention Center August 5 and 6



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Discover the Dinosaurs UNLEASHED exhibit roars into Mobile

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MOBILE – Learn, discover and have fun in this unique hands-on exhibit when Discover the Dinosaurs UNLEASHED roars into the Mobile Convention Center Saturday, August 5 and Sunday, August 6. Tickets are on sale now. Venture back to a time when the dinosaurs roamed the earth at Discover the Dinosaurs UNLEASHED! Experience up-close encounters with a lifelike Stegosaurus, Velociraptor and the king T-Rex in this thrilling walk-through exhibit. Kids can also meet a baby dinosaur, take a spin in the Jurassic Jeeps on the Dino Raceway and visit the Kids Adventure Zone filled with themed bouncy houses, crafts, face painting and more. Parents and kids can test their skills playing an all-new Mesozoic Mini Golf course, become junior paleontologists while completing the scavenger hunt, and dig for fossils in the Valley of the Bones. It’s family fun of prehistoric proportions! Child general admission tickets include the Dinosaur Exhibit and access to attractions (Valley of the Bones, Ride the Dinosaurs, Cretaceous Crafts, Dino Raceway, Mesozoic Mini

Golf, Kids Adventure Zone and Scavenger Hunt). T-Rex Tickets are available for children ages 2-12 and include access to all the general admission attractions PLUS one Face Painting, one Souvenir Green Screen Photo, one Souvenir DTDU Backpack, and one Fossil Panning Experience. T-Rex Ticket purchasers also receive an EXCLUSIVE SpeedySaurus fast pass that allows one opportunity to jump to the front of the line at the attraction of their choice. For general admission tickets, additional fees apply for face painting, Green Screen Photo Print, and Fossil Panning Experience. These can be purchased individually at the Souvenir Shop inside the exhibit. SpeedySaurus fast passes cannot be purchased separately. Other restrictions and additional fees may apply. Tickets are $15 adults, $15 children, $12 seniors. Children under two are free with a paid adult. T-Rex Tickets (available for ages 2-12) are available for $39. For tickets and more information, please visit www.DiscoverTheDinosaurs.com.

FOR TICKETS AND MORE INFO. WHAT: Discover the Dinosaurs UNLEASHED in Mobile! WHEN: S aturday, August 5 9:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. Sunday, August 6 9:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. WHERE: Mobile Convention Center 1 S. Water St. Mobile, AL 36602 TICKETS: $15 adults, $15 children, $12 seniors. Children under two are free with a paid adult. T-Rex Tickets (available for ages 2-12) are available for $39.


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Gulf Coast Media • July 12, 2017 • The Courier • 33

Holy Spirit Thrift Shop awards $11,000 grant to Beckwith Camp and Conference Center

Baldwin EMC Youth Tour Winners Visit Washington, D.C.

Pictured at the presentation of a $11,000 grant to Camp Beckwith are (L-R) Holy Spirit Thrift Shop Manager Alicia Gattanio, Beckwith Executive Director Eleanor Reeves, Thrift Shop Board Chair Millie Ericson and volunteer Bob Swartz.

Baldwin EMC Youth Tour winners (from left) Carter Jernigan, Ashlyn Bankston, Rizpah Sarcar and William Randall pause for a photo during their tour of Washington, D.C. in June.


SUBMITTED Holy Spirit Thrift Shop recently presented a $11,000 grant to Beckwith Camp and Conference Center. Beckwith Camp and Conference Center is located on the shore of Week’s Bay off Highway 98 in Fairhope. Owned and operated by the Episcopal Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast. the camp and conference center offers summer camps for youth, retreat and meeting facilities for churches of all denominations and companies as well as accommodations for weddings and family reunions. The campus includes a beautiful chapel, meeting and restaurant facilities as well as housing for guests. In making the presentation to Beckwith Executive Director, Eleanor Reeves, Thrift Shop Chair Millie Erickson said, “The Thrift Shop is delighted to present this grant to Beckwith as we continue to part-

ner with them in making this beautiful facility welcoming and available to the people of the Diocese and beyond. Such grants are made possible by the work of our volunteers, the generosity of our donors and the loyalty of our shoppers.” The Holy Spirit is an outreach ministry of Holy Spirit Episcopal Church in Gulf Shores, Al.. Located at 6786 Highway 59 in Gulf Shores, the Thrift Shop is open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday through Friday and 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. on Saturdays. Proceeds from the sale of donated clothing, furniture, books and small household goods benefit local nonprofit organizations. For additional information or to volunteer call Alicia at the Holy Spirit Thrift Shop at 251-968-2797 For additional information about Beckwith Camp and Conference Center go to www.beckwithal.com

SUMMERDALE – Baldwin EMC is happy to announce its selection of four local students representing the cooperative as part of this year’s National Rural Electric Cooperative Youth Tour. They are Ashlyn Bankston from Fairhope High School, Carter Jernigan and William Randall from Daphne High School

and Rizpah Sarcar from Foley High School. In March, these four joined students from throughout the state for a trip to Montgomery, Ala. Their experience included tours of the Civil Rights Memorial, the Capitol and the State House Judicial Building, as well as question and answer sessions with elected officials.

In June, Bankston, Jernigan, Randall and Sarcar embarked upon a week-long adventure with 1,500 students from across the nation in Washington, D.C. Their trip included visits to the U.S. Capitol, the Korean and Vietnam memorials, Arlington National Cemetery and the Lincoln Memorial. Participants also had the

opportunity to meet with their U.S. senators and representatives. The National Rural Electric Cooperative Youth Tour was created to give students an up-close look at statewide and national governments and develop a better understanding of the important role cooperatives play in their communities.

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34• The Courier • July 12, 2017 • Gulf Coast Media

Pavilion Music Series continues at Spanish Fort Town Center

Deadline approaching in Alabama for SBA Working Capital Loans due to drought ATLANTA - The U.S. Small Business Administration is reminding small businesses, small agricultural cooperatives, small businesses engaged in aquaculture and most private nonprofit organizations that Aug. 8 is the filing deadline for federal economic injury disaster loans in Alabama as a result of the drought that began on Nov. 29, 2016. This disaster declaration includes the following counties: Baldwin, Butler, Clarke, Conecuh, Covington, Escambia, Mobile, Monroe and Washington in Alabama. Under this declaration, the SBA’s Economic Injury Disaster Loan program is available to eligible farm-related and nonfarm-related entities that suffered financial losses as a direct result of this disaster. With the exception of aquaculture enterprises, SBA cannot provide disaster loans to agricultural producers, farmers, or ranchers. Nurseries are eligible to apply for economic injury disaster loans for losses caused by drought conditions.

SPANISH FORT – Spanish Fort Town Center will continue to host its new Pavilion Music Series from 6:30 p.m. until 8 p.m. each Thursday evening through August 24. The series of casual musical performances are conducted in the Pavilion at Town Center Park, located at 29000 Bass Pro Drive within Spanish Fort Town Center.

The upcoming lineup of artists includes: July 13 – Chris Powell, guitar and vocals July 20 – Dar La Wan, Motown/R&B duo July 27 – Mitch Rencher, steel drum, guitar and vocals The August lineup will be released in midJuly. “The Pavilion Music Series has been such a great addition to the slate of events conducted at Town Center Park,” stated Amy Collins, property manager. “Spanish Fort Town Center guests have enjoyed the musical stylings of Thom Oglesby, J.R. Owen, Delta Reign and Tony Bowers during the past few weeks and we are excited about the performers who will make their Pavilion debut throughout the balance of the summer.” Guests attending the Pavilion Music Series are encouraged to bring a picnic dinner to the performances. Spanish Fort Town Center recommends taking out sushi rolls from the shopping center’s newest restaurant, Oishi Japanese Sushi Bar & Grill. On Thursday evenings, in conjunction with the Pavilion Music Series, Oishi is offering $1 off Oishi rolls and $2 off special Oishi rolls. Spanish Fort Town Center is a 448,748-square-foot, mixed-use retail property that encompasses 230 acres and is currently anchored by Bass Pro Shops, Kohl’s, JCPenney, Fairways Indoor Golf Club, Sylvan Learning Center, Oishi Japanese Sushi Bar and Grill, Kangarooz Family Fun Center, Direct Furniture, plus the offices of TQL, with additional space for in-line shops and restaurant pads. Spanish Fort Town Center also features a 3.5-acre community park.

The loans are for working capital and can be up to $2 million with interest rates of 3.125 percent for eligible small businesses and 2.5 percent for nonprofit organizations, and terms up to 30 years. Applicants may apply online using the Electronic Loan Application (ELA) via SBA’s secure website at https://disasterloan.sba.gov/ela. Disaster loan information and application forms may also be obtained by calling the SBA’s Customer Service Center at 800-659-2955 (800-877-8339 for the deaf and hard-of-hearing) or by sending an email to disastercustomerservice@sba. gov. Loan applications can be downloaded from the SBA’s website at www. sba.gov/disaster. Completed applications should be mailed to: U.S. Small Business Administration, Processing and Disbursement Center, 14925 Kingsport Road, Fort Worth, TX 76155. Completed loan applications must be returned to SBA no later than Aug. 8, 2017.

Blakeley spotlights birds and boats on Delta-Docks Boat Tour July 15 Historic Blakeley State Park conducts a boat tour of the Mobile-Tensaw River Delta and the maritime activities of Mobile’s port Saturday, July 15 aboard its 50-passenger Delta Explorer. Visitors cooling in the breezes of the covered pontoon boat can expect an air show of osprey leading fledglings out of their nests, bald eagles, and other wildlife before turning downstream past newly built U.S. Navy ships moored in the Mobile River. The three-hour narrated tour leaves the Blakeley Park dock on the Tensaw

River at 9:30 a.m. Tickets are $35 for adults, $17 for children 6-12. They can be purchased on site prior to the tour start or reserved in advance by calling 251-626-5581 and using major credit cards. The U.S. Coast Guard inspected Delta Explorer is also available for charter. Blakeley State Park is located on State Hwy. 225 about five miles north of its intersection with U.S. 31 at Spanish Fort. For more information go to www.blakeleypark.com.

My father is a pastor. He was walking through the church one warm day, and he slipped off his suit coat as he strolled along. A little girl observed this as she stood with her family and exclaimed loudly to her mother with shocked surprise, “He has arms!” Dad didn’t know whether she thought his hands simply floated near the cuffs of sleeves, but he certainly understood that she did not think he was like everyone else. A little girl at a church where I once ministered referred to me only as “The Man in the Box.” Her parents were never able to ascertain exactly why she thought of me that way, but, again, it was clear that I belonged in a unique category. Such is the existence of the pastor. We are a little strange, both by nature and nurture. This strangeness isn’t all bad. It allows us to have a connection with and significance in the lives of others that is incredibly fulfilling and meaningful. But those connections are often constricted and colored with histories and expectations that make having completely authentic relationships very difficult and, all too often, dysfunctional. The burnout rate for pastors is alarming: 1500 pastors a month hang it up. The vast majority cites loneliness as a major factor: the feeling that no one really wants to know them or to be really known by them. Do you know your pastor? All

too often, the criticism of pastors is that they don’t know their members. Well, flip that script. How much of an effort have you made to know them? Pastors are also criticized for not caring for their church members. Again, how well have you cared for them? Churches certainly reflect the quality of their pastoral leadership, but pastors also reflect the level of care from their flock. The writer of Hebrews puts it like this as he speaks of those who care for your soul: “Let them do this with joy and not with groaning, for that would be of no advantage to you.” Even if your pastor is a little strange, encourage him this week. You may find it to be an advantage to your own spiritual life as well.

Dr. Eric Hankins, Senior Pastor

First Baptist Fairhope (251) 928-8685 ehankins@fbcfairhope.org www.fbcfairhope.org


AL3-LV3 39978

Encourage your Pastor

Gulf Coast Media • July 12, 2017 • The Courier • 35

Daphne pain management doctor arrested in health care fraud cases STAFF REPORT Acting United States Attorney Steve Butler of the Southern District of Alabama and Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall announced today that Dr. Rassan M. Tarabein, 58, a neurologist residing in Fairhope, was arrested by law enforcement officials on federal and state criminal charges relating to health care fraud. On June 16, a state grand jury in Montgomery County, Alabama returned a 2–count indictment against Dr. Tarabein, charging him with Medicaid fraud and theft of property in the first degree. On June 28, a federal grand jury for the Southern District of Alabama returned a 22–count superseding indictment against Dr. Tarabein, charging him with health care fraud, making false statements relating to health care matters, lying to a federal agent, unlawfully distributing schedule II controlled substances, and

money laundering. Later today, Dr. Tarabein is scheduled for an initial appearance on the federal charges before United States Magistrate Judge P. Bradley Murray in Mobile, Alabama. Dr. Tarabein operated the Eastern Shore Neurology and Pain Center, a private clinic in Daphne, Alabama where he provided services relating to neurology and pain management, such as spinal injections. Acting United States Attorney Steve Butler stated, “As alleged, this neurologist operated a fraudulent medical practice that for years stole millions of dollars from health care programs and endangered the safety of his patients. Federal and state investigators have worked diligently to expose the fraud. Now this physician must face the consequences of his actions.” Attorney General Marshall stated, “I am pleased to partner with our federal law enforcement colleagues to protect precious state Medicaid resources.

I hope that this case will serve as a warning to others who might be tempted to steal taxpayer money allocated to protect our most vulnerable citizens.” Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Special Agent in Charge Robert E. Lasky stated, “Health care fraud cases continue to be a priority for the FBI. We will continue to work closely with our law enforcement partners to bring these types of investigations to a swift and justifiable end.” “It is disappointing when trusted professionals like Dr. Rassan Tarabein are engaged in corrupt practices, to include the diversion of controlled substances,” said Stephen G. Azzam, Special Agent in Charge of DEA’s New Orleans Field Division. “Doctors have an obligation to ensure that prescription medications are getting into the hands of legitimate patients. Thanks to the cooperative success of this investigation with our federal law enforcement partners and state investi-

gators, this crooked doctor will be brought to justice.” “Dr. Tarabein’s alleged activities blatantly abused federal health care programs and treated patients as his personal money machines,” said Special Agent in Charge Derrick L. Jackson, of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General (HHS-OIG). “This arrest should warn providers, who line their pockets at the expense of taxpayers, that they will face severe consequences.” The facts in an indictment constitute allegations only. The defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. The FBI, DEA, HHSOIG, and Alabama Medicaid Fraud Division are investigating the federal case. Assistant United States Attorneys Sinan Kalayoglu and Gregory A. Bordenkircher are prosecuting the federal case in coordination with the Office of the Alabama Attorney General, Medicaid


Eastern Shore Neurology and Pain Center in Daphne is closed until further notice after the arrest of Dr. Rassan M. Tarabein on criminal charges related to health care fraud. Fraud Control Unit. Assistant Attorney Generals Bruce M. Lieberman and

Jon R. Moody are prosecuting the state case.

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36 • July 12, 2017 • Gulf Coast Media

Prices Effective: Monday, July 10th Through Sunday, July 16th • Our Cost and 10%




$ 33



$ 97



Sirloin Tip Roast

Fam. Pk. USDA Select Boneless

Ribeye Steaks

3 $ 98 1 2/$4 $ 85 2 $ 65 1 $ 94 2 $ 98 2

Baby Back Ribs ...... Boneless Pork Country Style

$ 27 lb.

Ribs ......................... 10.8 oz. pkg. Oscar Mayer Fun Pack

Lunchables ........ 12 oz. pkg. Zeigler


Dinner Franks ......... 9 oz. pkg. Oscar Mayer


Deli Shaved Meats ...


32 oz. pkg. El Monteray Burritos or

Chimichangas ........


11.5 oz. pkg. Mrs. Freshley's




Pork Chops

Sanderson Farms Fam. Pk. Boneless

$ 27


28-32 oz. pkg. Gourmet Dining

Oriental Dinners ..... 24 oz. box 18 ct. Tenessee Pride

Patty Sausage ......... 2 lb. bag Nature's Best

Catfish Nuggets ..... 1 lb. pkg. Seabest



$ 98




Sand Mountain

Red Tomatoes






44.5 oz. pkg. 90 ct. Totino's

Pizza Rolls


$ 94



Washington State Ex-Fancy

Red Apples


$ 75






24-40 ct. box North Star

Ice Cream Bars


$ 93

Potato Chips



$ 00




$ 75


Wesson Oil


$ 96


7.25 oz. box Kraft

Macaroni & Cheese


$ 00


All Varietals


750 ml


750 ml

$ 99


$ 65


Belle Glos Pinot Noir


All Varietals 1.5 L

750 ml





$ 99


$ 50



All Varietals


1.5 L

27.5 oz. pkg. Valu Time Breaded Chicken Strips or

Chicken Nuggets




All Varietals

Fresh Bing


Moment de Plaisir



$ 96


Gallon jug


Kiwi Fruit



$ 25


Shredded Cheeses

30 oz. btl. Piknik

gly g i w piggly


$ 98

3 $ 27 4 $ 94 4 $ 94 1

Sunny D Chillers

Vidalia Onions

Whole Sirloin Tip

$ 98

8 oz. pkg. Piggly Wiggly

56 oz. ctn. Asst. Flavors

2 lb. bag

CAB Choice Boneless

Fryer Breast

ea. Hushpuppies ..........

Sliced Bacon .......... 12 oz. Zeigler Bologna or


Fam. Pk. Center Cut Boneless

$ 98

CAB Choice Boneless

Haint Blue IPA




6 pk.

$ 99





Bestt off B B Belgium l i 16 oz. btl. Piggly Wiggly

Bohemia B h i

Salad Dressing


6 pk.

$ 89

2/ 3 $


Stella Artois, Hoegaarden, Leffe Blonde 12 pk.




12-15 oz. box Select Var. Malt-O-Meal

Box Cereal


Keystone Ice

$ 67

15 pk.


$ 80



Bud ud Light 20 pk. 16 oz.




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We reserve the right to correct typographical or pictorial errors. None sold to dealers. QUANTITY RIGHTS RESERVED.



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