103116 lake forester

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Residential Customer Daphne, AL 36526


The Lake Forester • November 2016 • 1

The Lake Forester

Your Community...Experience it!

November 2016

Volume 26, No. 11

Presidents Comments

y r a e W e th r fo t s No Re

Submitted by: Steve Sasser LFPOA President

“So much time and so little to do. Wait a minute. Strike that. Reverse it. Thank you.” That’s one of Gene Wilder’s infamous lines in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate factory. I can relate. It seems there’s never a dull moment in our efforts to whip this neighborhood into shape. With the Montclair pool landscape site renovation underway, masterplanning for new community center, masterplanning for marina reconfiguration, masterplanning for Ridgewood Pool renovation, website development, directional sign replacements, budget planning, and changing G e ne r al Ma nag e r s , it does not seem like we could possibly keep up with anything else. But, we have to. About a month ago we found out that Lake Forest

Steve Sasser owned 14 navigational aids in the Blakeley River, just South of the Yacht Club. They were installed in the late 80’s, registered with the US Coast Guard, and they have been our responsibility to maintain ever since. The USCG notified us that they were not maintained properly and that we had a window of time to bring them into compliance. This being brand new news to our entire BOD, our harbormaster, and our management, you could say we were a little surprised. We started a dialog with the USCG,

accessed the navigational aids, and sought direction about how to proceed. We’ve got a plan to remove the navigational aids and submit the necessary paperwork to the USCG. Right now, we’re soliciting bids for their removal. Our interim COO, David Dyson, and our harbormaster, Billy Harrell have put in a great deal of time communicating with the USCG, touring and accessing the existing navigational aids, and submitting paperwork. The great news is that we’ve established a good relationship with the USCG, we’ve gained an immense amount of knowledge about our harbor and channels, and we’re well on our way to being compliant with USCG regulations. In other news, we’re struggling at the office and 19th hole with our internet connection. Many hours of productivity are lost on a weekly basis due to

our staff not being able to access our cloud server. We’re soliciting bids to upgrade our connection and possibly bringing fiber to the building. We have a dedicated and assiduous staff that for far too long has had no other option than to just make do with what they’ve got. Most of us have no idea, but believe me, the wheels would fall off our train if it were not for the commitment of Debbie Gee, Ruth Partain, Stephanie Cochran, and Missy Hoover. Ladies, thank you! One thing each resident could do to help reduce the work load in the office is sign up for automatic bank draft for your monthly dues. We have over 1000 residents who walk in with a check or credit card every month to pay their dues. Another lady I’d like to thank is our Vice President, Victoria Phelps. She has invested hundreds of hours of her life sitting in council and committee meetings at City Hall. As our city liaison, she keeps this board informed and engaged with our city leaders. We’ll be replacing all of our directional signage throughout

the neighborhood and our entrance signs. Victoria has personally taken on this task as our grounds committee chair. In addition, she’s coordinating with public works to reduce clutter and improve existing road signs throughout the neighborhood. She’s been a busy bee and she’s doing a terrific job of improving the image of our neighborhood. The fact is, we’re all busy. Our Treasurer, Mary Ann Hampton is continuously working to improve our financial position by improving our reporting and accountability. She’s also working diligently on proposing covenant amendments. David Dueitt, our Secretary and chair of our recreation committee, is meeting with the department heads of all of our amenities. He’s making lists and checking them twice to make sure the board is aware of their needs and wants so we deliver the best amenity experience we possibly can to our residents. Our Sergeant at Arms, Dave Sumner is our golf committee chair and is trying to help

organize and educate our residents interested in the Neighborhood Watch. Ed Kirby, our facilities maintenance committee chair and ARC chair, spends a great deal of time on our many repairs and reviewing covenant compliance for architectural items. We’re getting there. We’ve got a great group of folks that are giving all they can to make this neighborhood the best it can be. New challenges pop up every day, but we’re taking them head on and dealing with them the best we can. There’s no “Golden Ticket” waiting for us to unwrap out of a chocolate bar. We’re going to make Lake Forest the best it’s ever been the old fashioned way. We’re rolling up our sleeves and we’re going to work. I hope we all get out to the poles on November 8th. Cast your votes with optimism and a prayer. Our nation is in need of both. “Be the change you want to see in this world.” - Mohandas Gandhi. I hope you have a happy and safe Thanksgiving.


We are super excited to announce that we recently launched our new Facebook page. It is live and ready to go! We want to encourage our residents and members, young and old alike, to check out our Facebook page, give it a “like,” share it with friends/family, get notifications and share their ideas and provide suggestions.

http://www.facebook.com/LakeForestDaphne As it officially appears on Facebook: Lake Forest – Daphne, Alabama PRESRT STD ECRWSS U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 5 Foley, ALA 36535

Inside Lake Forester Management Progress and Plan, Page 2

Veterans Day, Page 5

City Planning and Grounds, Pages 9

Yacht Club and Marina, Page 10

Tennis News, Page 12

2 • The Lake Forester • November 2016

Management Progress and Plan Report by Dr. David Dyson, Chief Operating Officer (interim) With Simon Coulls, Managing Partner, Vision Golf and Association Management, contributing

Dr. David Dyson Preview of Article This article complements the article by Board of Directors President Steve Sasser and shares highlights of actions taken by members of the management team and staff to serve Lake Forest board members, residents, and the broader community. Management serves as partners with your elected Board of Directors to fulfill the mission, vision, and goals of Lake Forest. Much of that work is done through BoardManager partnerships working to plan and implement programs of amenities, grounds, facilities, as well as operations and administration for the community. Personal Introduction My first visit to Lake Forest came over 30 years ago when my “baby sister” (Patty Dyson Thompson) was in Thomas Hospital to give birth to her first child, Noah. Many of you likely know Noah as one of the guitarists in the Roman Street Band, voted a “favorite” on the Eastern Shore and selected to perform as far away as California for music festivals in recent weeks. Can you tell “Uncle Dave” is proud of them? Daphne is home to one of my two sisters. Noah and Joshua, brother and fellow guitarist, played at the Lake Forest Progress and Plan Celebration held at the Yacht Club about five years ago. I met many of you then and have met more nice people in the last two months working here. I was invited to serve here for a few months to do the work of GM and more on invitation of Simon Coulls, Managing Partner of Vision Golf and Association Ma nag e me n t , t he management company

serving the Lake Forest Community since 2010. I have worked here on projects in recent years, most recently helping the Board prepare an improved plan for the community with goals for every officer and committee plus tools like a Leader Manual to train and guide volunteer leaders. The priority this fall has been digging in to help the management team improve plans, processes, publications, and services to you. We have made much progress though the best is yet to come. Progress Highlights since Last Month Leadership and Management. Most successes start with leadership and commitment to service. If you are an educated football fan, you already know plans, processes, and people development make a big difference in whether you are destined for “champion” or for getting the same results. Simon and I have invited management team members to think of ways to improve and remove barriers holding us back. Most people do not like change though the team here has graciously— and sometimes with inspiration—gotten out of their “comfort zones” often in recent months. Simon helps remind, “a definition of insanity is to expect better results while doing the same things.” As our management liaison with the Board, Simon works to improve leadership and management along with Board President Steve Sasser. As coach and consultant to Simon and Vision for years, part of my purpose here is to coach managers and anybody else serious about serving and developing capacities. When a person is ready for better plans and results, great things can happen. A community can transform to be the best yet as well. Simon and I wrote a Leader Manual with suggestions and requests from the

Board of Directors that the Board adopted in workshops this summer. Page 9 is “Best-Self Leader Mindset, Vision, Values, and Action.” Page 10 is the “Leader Pledge.” The Board approved this tool for use and orientation with future volunteer leaders. The management team signed the Leader Pledge on October 19. We are helping each other aspire to better plans, actions, and results in a high trust culture. Plans. Managers h av e outlined plans for their departments and/or jobs they can use to set priorities as well as share with board partners monthly and fellow staff members weekly. We asked everyone to list their roles, goals, and actions to succeed—and how we can help them develop and improve results. Simon and I often share our plans with each other as a way to get focused on priorities and to state intent so the other can provide suggestions to improve. Management Plan. The new plan aligns with the board plan, in order of committees. We include mission, vision, and goals for this year, 2017 (drives what we request in the budget), by 2020 (with Vision Management), and by 30 years. The 30-year view supports forecasting reserves needed to add, replace or repair facilities and equipment. Simon and Vision CFO Bill Donathan led on developing this for the Finance Committee. The Management Plan still needs work though we are improving more this month. Budget. We expanded training of department heads so they will have more responsibiilty to develop and understand their plans and budgets plus what is needed to succeed in revenues and services. The managers present their plans and budgets to Simon and me. This helps them get more focused on

priorities and strategies to solve problems. We learn better and faster where we can help with coaching and/or fixing a problem they have. The Board Finance committee led by Mary Ann Hampton asked us to help our managers prepare to present their budgets and explain why they wish to invest in selected items. This can help the Board understand plans better and faster plus this effort challenges the managers to “own” their programs at a higher level. In the last two months, managers have “grown” professionally and are working toward the next level. Staff work sessions. The management team works together as a group weekly for an hour or more to share plans, budgets, services, and communications, plus “inspiring ideas.” We coach each other and discuss solutions to problems and opportunities. Barriers to performance. We asked the board and staff “what is holding people back from doing their best.” One barrier is technology—mainly phones and internet. WIFI has been weak. Board members and staff asked for help. My first call to the Yacht Club resulted in a dropped call because of the lines. Imagine how many residents or community event planners may have called to “book an event” and had the call stop before Trey, food and beverage director, could get a phone number. If this has happened to you, please give us another chance. With help from tech firm BIS, with whom we have a service program, we have fixed a dozen of so problems, most at no additional charge. We have proposals under review by the board that could improve performance by many hours and thousands of dollars per month. One of the keys to leadership is to take away as many barriers as you can so your team

can enjoy doing a better job. If you see a recurring problem, you are invited to advise Simon or me. The board also likes to hear from residents. Receiving payments. Simon Coulls Another assessment of time use revealed Stephanie works with that the four ladies in t he A rc h i t e c t u r al the office—Debbie Gee, Review Committee led Ruth Partain, Missy by Ed Kirby and Richard Hoover, and Stephanie Kersey. Cochran—are spending Management plans many hours monthly to communicate more handling calls from often the common over 1,000 residents violations to help wellneeding help making intentioned residents payments over the making improvements phone or they deliver to know the covenants checks to be processed. and avoid problems. The With over 10,000 similar covenants are posted on transactions per year the web site, provided in done manually, we the new member packets, realize we need to offer and given to many more convenient options realtors who tell their for members to make potential clients of this monthly payments. This valuable information would prove a win-win before they purchase. If that can help staff work all our neighbors knew more on projects and the covenants better, services to make life in you would enjoy Lake Lake Forest better for Forest more, the number you. of violations would drop We proposed the web significantly, and we site add capacity to could do better work at make online payments less cost. To get a copy as soon as possible. of the covenants, you can As reminders, you can call Stephanie Cochran easily set up automatic at the office. payments by bank draft or credit card, which can Communications. save you time and avoid On recommendation late fees when life gets from Victoria Phelps extra busy. If you prefer on the board, Missy to deliver a check, the Hoover has increased “LFPOA Payments” box communications with near the office below the the City of Daphne’s flag allows you to insert Marketing Coordinator, your envelope, check, Kara Wilbourn, who or suggestion from the has provided useful convenience of your information for the vehicle. The ladies enjoy community. We hope the conversations with you have found recent residents coming by to editions of the “E-News” pay and chat though we increasingly helpful could help them invest and appealing. Missy the equivalent of a part- invites members to time staff member in send pictures of you and services for you. Over friends/family utilizing 1,000 residents use the amenities. automatic payment Steve Sasser and options such as drafts the Communications on checking and credit Committee designed cards—and that is a new logo for Lake helping! Forest, which is getting added to the updated Architectural Review. versions of publications, We hear or see 50- documents, and supplies. 100 violations of the They also created a covenants that protect new Facebook page for your property values Lake Forest—Daphne, and neighborhoods Alabama. The board most months. Stephanie leads on responding Cochran compiled a list to communications of the most common f r o m residents violations that she sees a n d management or hears from residents seeking us to enforce. See Plan, Page 3

The Lake Forester • November 2016 • 3

PROTECTING AGAINST ELDER ABUSE By: Drew Wenzel, Caldwell Wenzel & Asthana, PC Our senior citizens are prime targets for abuse. Elder abuse can occur anywhere, and it often comes in the form of financial scams, emotional abuse, physical abuse and neglect. Guarding against elder abuse can be challenging because abusers are often secretive or conduct their scams from foreign havens beyond the reach of law enforcement. Our senior citizens are the number one victims of financial scams. Scammers use various methods to attract their victims but perhaps the most prevalent method is through lottery scams. The scammer sends the victim an official looking letter claiming that the victim has won a foreign lottery. The letter will instruct the victim to send a check to cover the taxes and fees. Do not fall for this, it is always a scam! You should know that you cannot win if you did not play and

besides, it is illegal to play a foreign lottery. Victims of elder abuse may also be contacted by telephone. Many telemarketers, despite being annoying, are legitimate businesses. Some, however, use high pressure tactics to make quick sales. Beware of any salesperson that pressures you to make a quick decision or uses scare tactics on the phone. Sometimes they may also seek your personal information or encourage you not to discuss the conversation with anyone else. These are shady business practices, and you should be wary of anyone that uses them. Perhaps the most damaging form of elder abuse occurs through in person contact. The old saying “don’t talk to strangers” is applicable at age 5 and age 85 alike. Often these relationships began as innocent encounters with the abuser offering to assist with home repairs, running errands, or getting to and from

appointments. Once the victim becomes reliant on the abuser, the abuser demands money or access to financial resources ostensibly as compensation or for expenses incurred. The abuser will often isolate the victim from longtime friends and relatives and use intimidation or scare tactics to convince the victim that the abuser is the only one who can provide care. Guarding against elder abuse requires courage, resolve, and recognition of the indicators discussed above. If you or someone you know is being neglected, financially exploited, or you suspect emotional or physical abuse, you should contact law enforcement. There are criminal penalties in Alabama for exploiting the elderly. Furthermore, you can help guard against elder abuse by developing a sound estate plan by contacting an experienced estate planning attorney. The law firm of

Caldwell Wenzel & Asthana, PC is proud to represent and protect numerous elders in our community. C. Randall Caldwell Jr, Drew Wenzel and Dee Asthana are the partners at Caldwell Wenzel & Asthana, PC and practice primarily in the areas of estate planning, estate litigation, elder law, probate, personal injury and general litigation. Caldwell Wenzel & Asthana, PC has offices in Daphne and Foley, Alabama. The Daphne office is located at One Timber Way, Suite 101, Daphne, Alabama 36527 and can be reached at (251) 656-7845. Foley office address is 218 North Alston Street, Foley, Alabama 36535 and the contact number is (251) 948-2168. More information can also be obtained at our website, www.cwalawfirm.com and we look forward to answering any questions you may have in connection with this article.

C. Randall Caldwell, Jr, Dee Asthana, Drew Wenzel

GENERAL LITIGATION • ESTATE LITIGATION ESTATE PLANNING • PROBATE • ELDER LAW www.cwalawfirm.com 218 N. Alston Street Foley, Alabama 36535 (251) 948-2168 One Timber Way, Suite 101 Daphne, Alabama 36527 (251) 656-7845

The Alabama State Bar requires the following disclaimer: No representation is made that the quality of the legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers.

Plan, from Page 2 contributes to posts about events and services. A new project includes working on the packet of information new resident receive. Radio host Lou Vickery, former resident of Lake Forest, invited me to tell his listeners about Lake Forest efforts in planning and leadership development twice this fall. For one interview, Simon joined me and told more of the improvements made since 2010. Grounds. We hope you are noticing signs getting repaired and moved as part of the plan of the Grounds Committee led by Victoria Phelps and the Board to upgrade signs throughout the community. The Board will announce more improvements to come. Facilities Maintenance. Ed Kirby continues as our advisor on projects needing repair. To name a few recent efforts: the ladies locker room got

lights and plumbing improvements. The Racquet Club had a leak that got fixed helped by Denis Kearney. Daphne Utilities also helped with a leak under the street. Recreation. Board members David Dueitt and Victoria Phelps have been working with managers of our amenities on ways to increase services to and participation of residents. Cooperation with the Golf Commmittee as a major recreational opportunity at Lake Forest led by Chair Dave Sumner has escalated. Working sessions to improve plans and cooperative efforts have taken place recently for Golf, Marina, Tennis, and Horse Stables. In future editions, stay tuned for more from Simon Coulls on plans and advantages of a community with “bundled amenities.” Golf. Tim Gressett, golf pro, worked with us to a host a group of golfers and

media to get ideas to improve services, usage, and revenues to support current operations as well as help the community work toward new facilities. These advisors and advocates, including Golf Chair Dave Sumner, gave honest and helpful feedback. Some of them have already provided suggestions we are implementing. And, some have referred prospective golfers and events planners to host events at the Lake Forest Golf Course and 19th Hole. Assistant Pro Collin Farrell completed his first week-long course with the PGA of America working toward his professional d eve l o p m e n t and credentials. We are working on marketing plans to support golf play, events, and hospitality. If you have a suggestion or prospective golfer or event, please introduce them to the golf professional team. 19th Hole.

The old Men’s Locker Room has been cleaned out and organized as much as possible at no cost to make it a better place for people to host meetings, workshops, and social functions. The Board held a recent Work Session there along with managers and staff. The layout provides a rectangular table, plus surrounding small tables with chairs should you wish to have “break out” discussions for teams. With the TV on to the Golf Channel, this room provides more space for golfers to enjoy learning lessons or news and/or enjoying fellowship in this semi-private space. You can reserve and use the space for business or social purposes, and our staff can serve you food and beverages. In memory of Arnold Palmer, we offer his named beverage, the “Arnold Palmer” mixing iced tea and lemonade. The Lake Forest Board is dreaming, planning, and aspiring to build a new building for larger groups for

the community. The facilities we already have can prove attractive for small groups, especially nonprofits and small businesses wanting to host a planning meeting, training for staff, or tournament to raise funds for a cause— especially if they want a competitively low cost and simple though effective facilities. We can try to add distinctive service and smiles as we help you or your favorite community organizations have successful events. Golf Course Maintenance. Advisors attending our recent Golf Advisory session spoke of how much the Golf Course has improved led by Superintendent Erik Tanner and advised by Simon Coulls of Vision Management, a PGA professional who began his career as a tour player and apprentice at Turnberry in Scotland. The Lake Forest Course is home to the Daphne High School Golf Team

and is considered a challenging course calling for accuracy and course management. The Golf Course is a source of beauty and support for real estate values in the community. Marina. The first week I began work in the office here we got “surprise” correspondence from the U.S. Coast Guard requiring Lake Forest to remove or repair over a dozen Aids to Navigation in Blakeley River of the Harbor. Management worked with the Board plus the Coast Guard and City of Daphne to outline positive solutions to a big and important project. For a good story, you can ask Harbor Master Billy Harrell and Board President Steve Sasser about us going out in a boat with a storm brewing to get GPS coordinates and take photos of the pylons and signs so we would know what is needed to recommend solutions. See Plan, Page 4

4 • The Lake Forester • November 2016

LAKE FOREST DIRECTORY A Covenant Restricted Community Visit our website www.lakeforestpoa.org Office Hours .......................................................................................... 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Administration Office ....................................................................................... 626-0788 Chief Operating Officer .................................................................................... 626-0788 19th Hole ......................................................................................................... 626-4520 Golf Pro Shop .................................................................................................. 626-9324 Yacht Club ....................................................................................................... 626-9329 Marina .............................................................................................................. 680-6190 Horse Stables ........................................................................................... 251-210-8819 Tennis .............................................................................................................. 626-9696 Vision Golf and Association Management ............................................... 239-561-1444

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Steve Sasser (2013-2018), President s.sasser@lakeforestpoa.org

Victoria Phelps (2015-2020), Vice President vjphelps@lakeforestpoa.org

Mary Ann Hampton (2015-2020), Treasurer maryann@mahamptonlaw.com

David Dueitt (2016-2021), Secretary d.dueitt@lakeforestpoa.org

David Sumner (2016 -2021), Sergeant-at-Arms d.sumner@lakeforestpoa.org

Richard Kersey (2016-2021) george_kersey@yahoo.com

Ed Kirby (2016-2021) e.kirby@lakeforestpoa.org

Editor Missy Hoover ~ 626-0788 Articles should be emailed to lakeforestcc@lakeforestpoa.org no later than the 10th of each month. Call if you have any questions. LAKE FORESTER A monthly newsletter for all LFPOA members NEED AN AD PLACED? ~ CALL Frank at 928-2321

If you are interested in our “Community Watch” program for Lake Forest please contact Sergeant-at-Arms and Board Member Dave Sumner at d.sumner@lakeforestpoa.org.

Plan, from Page 3 Many pylons are gone or possibly broken under water due to past hurricanes. The plan is in place. Bids are in and one more coming. Next comes budget request for implementation. Billy is also helping boaters with everything from gas to directions and safety tips. The Board will continue to announce developments resulting from the alliance with the City of Daphne to improve the Marina boat ramp and facilities. On a personal note, I felt inspired attending the City Council meeting at which the City approved this agreement with its largest community. Ms. Phelps and the Board have labored long and hard over years to bring this positive alliance together. Swimming. The pool areas have been cleaned, furniture stored neatly inside the bathrooms, and gates locked for winter. The Board is reporting on beautification efforts with repairs and landscaping you can enjoy more, especially in Spring. Tennis. Tennis Pro Mike Albrecht is building leagues, teams, and lessons. Lake Forest has one of the most active and successful programs on the Eastern Shore. Two tennis nets are coming to replace damaged ones and improve play. We are working to improve lighting for night play and more. Tennis is great exercise for those seeking fitness.

Yacht Club. Food and Beverage Director Trey Waites has been working more closely with the Board Committee for the Yacht Club led by Richard Kersey. Efforts are underway to improve service and staffing. Trey is developing an improved plan and budget. With guidance from the Board and others, he improved templates for event planning, developed a new financial planning and reporting tool, which is improving how we develop offerings and report to the Board. The Board is reviewing bids to continue renovation of the bathrooms. The Yacht Club is one of the unique opportunities on the Eastern Shore because of not only the views of the bay, skyline, and sunsets but also the community atmosphere for neigbhors to enjoy meals and social times. We proposed a new application for Social Memberships by nonresidents so more of your friends outside of Lake Forest can also enjoy the Yacht Club. The Board provided ideas for improvement and they will decide if this program is offered. Some of the pool furniture is on loan to the Yacht Club on the deck so more people can enjoy the remaining evenings with great weather and views. Lake and Dam. We have received and responded to callers concerned about the Lake Dam draining slowly—mainly from residents who worry about storms and

rising water. We have cleaned out manually lots of small logs and debris resulting in improvement. Yet, the “trap” still has blockage and we are working with the Board and others on solutions. National Veterans Day. As you celebrate Veterans Day November 11th, please remember and tell someone else: America’s Veterans Day started in Alabama in 1947. The national movement was endorsed by General Eisenhower and signed into law in 1954 by President Eisenhower. President Reagan honored Alabama native and WWII Navy veteran Raymond Weeks on national television in 1982 as the “driving force” for our country’s Veterans Day. The U.S. Senate affirmed all of this through a resolution passed in 2012. Share this with teachers and other educators to support the movement for this state and national history to be taught in schools so all Americans can know this inspiring history about honoring veterans of all wars. Lake Forest is home to many veterans, military professionals, and families who serve and sacrifice. We thank them for their service and honor them on Veterans Day. A great opportunity for your plans to make Veterans Day extra meaningful includes the free concert on the USS Alabama, November 11, 7 p.m., by the Mobile Pops and Baldwin Pops. The Mobile Pops is directed by Lake Forest Board Secretary and Chair of Recreation David Dueitt.

The Lake Forester • November 2016 • 5

David Dueitt, conductor of the Mobile Pops and a member of the Lake Forest Board of Directors, will lead the Mobile Pops as they join the Baldwin Pops performing on Veterans Day, November 11, 2016, upon the USS Alabama Battleship. 7 p.m. Free concert.

You are invited to join the Mobile and Baldwin Pops Bands at the Battleship USS Alabama in the Aircraft Pavilion as they celebrate Veterans Day Friday, Nov. 11th, at 7:00 P.M. This free concert will honor and recognize all our Veterans on the Coast. We extend a special invitation to all of our Veterans to be there so we may recognize and honor your service to our country.

SAVE THE DATE and please make plans to join the City of Daphne and Daphne High School for the

2016 Veterans Day Program to Honor those Who have Served on Thursday, November 10, 2016, at 9:45 a.m., in the Daphne High School Gymnasium. 11 N. Section St. Fairhope, AL 36532

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6 • The Lake Forester • November 2016


6 YC - Taco Sundays (2 tacos w/ chips & salsa) Only $6.95 4 - 7pm


7 YC& Golf - Closed


November 2016 Wed


2 YC - BOGO $8.95 Burger Special!

3 YC - Seafood Buffet, 5pm - 8pm, Only $15.95

4 YC - Karaoke/ Live music 7pm - 10ish $.50 wings too!



9 YC - BOGO $8.95 Burger Special!

10 YC - Catfish & Chicken Buffet, 5pm - 8pm, $9.95

11 YC - Karaoke/ Live music 7pm - 10ish $.50 wings too!


Election Day!! *LFPOA Work Session Meeting 7pm 19th Hole

13 YC - Taco Sundays (2 tacos w/ chips & salsa) Only $6.95 4 - 7pm **Margaritas only $3.50 YC - Boaters Annual Cook Off . Call Kathy @ 251-776-2624 for info.

14 YC & Golf - Closed

20 YC - Taco Sundays (2 tacos w/ chips & salsa) Only $6.95 4 - 7pm

21 YC & Golf- Closed


23 YC - BOGO $8.95 Burger Special!


16 YC - BOGO $8.95 Burger Special!

28 YC & Golf - Closed


30 YC - BOGO $8.95 Burger Special!


YC - Country Buffet 5pm - 8pm, $9.95

Veterans Day!!

18 YC - Karaoke/ Live music 7pm - 10ish $.50 wings too!


25 YC - Karaoke/ Live music 7pm - 10ish $.50 wings too!


*LFPOA Stated Board Meeting 7pm, 19th Hole

**Margaritas only $3.50

**Margaritas only $3.50



**Margaritas only $3.50

27 YC - Taco Sundays Only $6.95 4 - 7pm


24 YC - Thanksgiving Brunch!! 11am - 2pm For reservations, call 626-0788 or 626-9329

The Lake Fo Forester • November 2016 • 7

Lake Forest Garden Club Written By Lura Kauffman Photos: Taken by: Linda Locklin Submitted by: Lura Kauffman The October meeting of the Lake Forest Garden Club was held on October 6, 2016 at the Lake Forest Yacht Club with 18 members, one new member, and two guests present. The meeting was called to order by President Dana Sawyer and our Inspiration was given by Thomasina Werner. First Vice-President Janet Pruitt introduced our speaker Barbara Pron for her talk on Essential Oils. Ms. Pron is a 20 year resident of Lake Forest and was a President of our Garden Club for three years. She explained, essential oils are concentrated plant extracts that come directly from the bark, flower, fruit, leaf, seed or root of a plant or tree. There are many types of essential oils. Some are synthetic and altered, which means they have been created in a laboratory. Synthetic oils are the lowest grade and generally have the lowest price. Oils called Natural and Pure may be overly processed so they lose beneficial compounds. These are the

most commonly sold type of essential oils. Certified therapeutic grade essential oils are steam distilled and contain beneficial compounds and may or may not have been sprayed with pesticides. These oils are self-certified and are not recognized by third parties. Certified organic essential oils are the highest grade of essential oils with the greatest amount of beneficial properties and are free of chemicals and pesticides. These oils are third party certified for purity. There are many ways to use essential oils. They may be used topically by applying a drop to your skin or by inhalation. Inhalation may be done with a diffuser, or in warm water, on a cotton ball or simply by applying the oil to your hands. Essential oils may also be taken internally by placing one or two drops in water, juice, almond milk, or yogurt. Oils are also used in personal care for creams, soaps, toothpastes, baths, salves, lotions, sprays and perfumes. Many people use essential oils for health and wellness to support the body, mind and spirit as well

as for immune support, to support emotional balance, for meditation or relaxation. They are also used for burns and insect bites and to help soothe sore muscles, even to support memory. Oils are used in the home for cleaning and air purification. In the garden essential oils are used to repel insects, discourage rodents, or repel animals. They also attract pollinators to your garden. To repel mosquitoes use lemongrass, citronella, rosemary, tea tree, myrtle, lavandin, patchouli, clove, lemon eucalyptus or thyme. To discourage rodents, use peppermint on cotton balls. Cats don’t like rosemary and dogs don’t like pepper. Treat bites and stings with lavender or tea tree oils. Lavender oil is also great for sunburn. Ms. Pron also had a great handout. See a member for a copy! Victoria Phelps, a board member of the LFPOA, attended our meeting and presented an update on some of the improvements being made in Lake Forest. A landscaper has been hired to maintain the entrances. As the sidewalks have been added the speed limits have been reduced to accommodate the added pedestrians in the

medians. New decorative sign replacements are being added to beautify the neighborhood. The intersection at Lawson Road and Ridgewood has been made into a four-way stop, which has improved the traffic safety there. Also, with the dues increase the board has been able to establish a capital fund for new projects. A complete remodel of the Montclair Pool is underway and should be completed by Thanksgiving. There is also a new logo design for Lake Forest which is very attractive and signs with the new logo should be displayed by Thanksgiving. Great work Victoria! After a delicious refreshment break provided by our hostesses Sylvia Dowdle, Ruth Grose, Beth Kornmayer and Verne Boland our meeting resumed with approval of the September minutes and Treasurer’s reports. Janet Pruitt announced the November speaker will be Luann Akridge on Antique and Old Fashioned Roses of the South. Sue Krank thanked our hostesses and announced the hostesses for November. Dana Sawyer announced the Landscape Awards will be done as one house per quarter with a volunteer taking each

Our speaker, Barbara Pron, past President of the Lake Forest Garden Club quarter. The Christmas Decorating Contest was discussed however there is no chairman at this time. A volunteer would be appreciated. Horticulture: First Place – Verne Boland (Confederate Rose); Second Place – Susan Myers (Ginger); Third Place – Lura Kauffman (David Austin Old Pink Rose). The 50/50 was won by Elaine Maxime and Peggy Sheffield and the door prizes were awarded

to Dianne Foster, Doretta Bottenus, Thomasina Werner, Karolla Buyse, and Lura Kauffman. Our next meeting will be November 3, 2016 at 9:45 a.m. at the Lake Forest Yacht Club. All members are invited – new members and guests are always welcome. Looking forward to seeing you there!

The Lake Forest help Come see us and let us plan your special event! m you. o fr g n ri ea h to rd a rw fo We look Call 251-626-9329 ity! ffor details and availabil

Yacht Club & Marina

Check out this gorge ous view right

You must come out a nd enjoy a cold beverage while soak ing in this amazing view!

8 • The Lake Forester • November 2016

The Fishing Hole


By Billy Harrell Harbor Master

November is finally here and water temperatures have dropped into the low to mid 70’s. October provided some great fishing and the weather was awesome. The bay and rivers are still clear from the lack of rain and the salinity of the water is about 12 parts per thousand (ppt) in some areas of the Delta. This means flounder are on the points of the rivers and the redfish are all along the Delta and trout are moving everywhere to keep up with the migrating shrimp. What this really means is the cooler weather and cooler water temperatures make for great fishing as long as the northern fronts are not severe. Along with cooler days the fishing action will definitely heat up on the north end of the bay. The flounder have made a good showing

move out of the Delta and rivers and the fish will start moving north. They will start hanging out in deeper water where they can be caught bouncing artificial grubs on the bottom.

Billy Harrell

Remember, while out fishing, to be aware of the weather conditions this time of year and to let someone know your float plan. The winds can pick up quickly out of the north and make for an uncomfortable trip back to the dock. Also, I just purchased marine grade fuel for the Marina and the price is $3.25 per gallon, so now is a good time to fill up your boat or stock up for your lawn equipment or chain saw. Have a great and safe Thanksgiving Holiday. I hope to see you on the water.

Photograph taken by: Randy Avinger Photograph submitted by Billy Harrell

Redfish caught by Mandi Avinger on Blakely River

and reports of redfish are still lurking along the ledges of North Pass and Turtle Ditch. The trout are still making a steady progression up the bay into the shallow flats chasing shrimp and menhaden along the way. If the month of October was any indication of things to come, November should be good along the causeway and its tributaries consisting of the Blakely, Apalachee, Tenasaw, and Spanish rivers. As water temperatures Till next month, get colder and colder keep a tight Line. the shrimp that the Speckled Trout and Billy Harrell g Redfish are feeding on, will eventually

Photograph taken by Billy Harrell

Photo of Yacht Club at Sunset



We appreciate the efforts of our residents to improve the image of Lake Forest. One way this can be done is by replacing old and dilapidated mailboxes. If for any reason you would like to purchase a mailbox like the one pictured at left, or have a leaning Vandalet Mailbox straightened, please email tomasinawerner@gmail.com or call 626-0227. This service provides removal of the old post and box, installation of the cast iron post in concrete and placement of the house number on the mailbox.

The Lake Forester • November 2016 • 9

LF City Liaison, Strategic Planning and “More” Update Sidewalks, New 4 Way Stop & LF Signage Written by: Victoria “VJ” Phelps LF POA Board of Directors Vice President

Victoria "VJ" Phelps Happy Autumn fellow neighbors and friends. I wanted to take time to communicate to you some important updates regarding community improvements. Appointed by our Board President Steve Sasser, over the past 2 years I have served on our neighbor board as your City Liaison, Strategic Planning, and Grounds Chair. I also serve on other board committees as do all 7 members of our board. Our Board has worked hard over the recent past to develop a more cohesive and more fully integrated relationship with the City of Daphne. It is in our neighborhood’s best interest that we do so. By honing a better relationship with City Leaders and Key Department Heads such as Public Works and the Police Chief we have a better chance at getting our needs communicated and addressed. On behalf of the board and our community while performing duties as the City Liaison, I carry pertinent messages of safety concerns, work requests, and praise to our city. I attend many city-run monthly meetings other than City Council to accomplish this. Attending meetings such as Public Works, Public Safety, Finance and Ordinance, is one of the primary places “the business of Daphne” takes place. I encourage any of you to attend if you have a specific item you would like to address to the City Leaders. These meetings are usually advertised in advance on the city web site calendar and most of our elected City

Councilmen, Mayor, and Key Department Heads attend. Any Daphne Resident visitor may speak during the public participation segment of these meetings by checking with the Committee Chair. If you have an item that you think warrants the City’s attention, this is a good place to start and I encourage you to do so. This is where having a presence can make the difference between getting something supported or not. LF City Liaison news includes the mention of our recent city-wide atlarge election results from August. Joel Coleman will be replacing John Lake as the District 3 Councilman. Councilman Lake gave up the chance to run for his “old” District 3 Seat which he held for 24 years by choosing to run for Mayor. Councilman Lake over the years was a friend to Lake Forest and his support helped to get many infrastructure i m p r o v e m e n t s accomplished. We thank him and wish him well. District 4 which also represents LF directly had a close run-off election between Councilman Fry and his opponent Doug Goodwin, which he lost on 4 Oct. We thank Councilman Fry for his past service to our city and for supporting LF improvement initiatives. Councilmen Ron Scott and Robin LeJeune won their races and will return to their seats for District 5 and District 6 respectively. District 7 will no longer directly represent Lake Forest. Councilman Angie Phillips whom was appointed to the seat midterm when Councilman Davis stepped aside decided not to run for a new term. She will be replaced by Councilman Davis who ran unopposed. We thank Ms. Phillips even in her abbreviated tenure for her support for many items concerning LF. We will miss her, her abilities and her natural leadership approach to city business. In races outside of LF, Ms. Tommie Conaway won her race easily for District 1. For District 2 Councilman Pat Rudicell

had a close runoff election against Larry Chason, which he won on 4 Oct. Councilmen Conaway and Rudicell both renewed 4-year terms. Lastly, the Mayor’s race for a new term was won by our current Mayor, Dane Haygood, and we wish him well as he continues to serve as our city leader. We look forward to working with newly elected officials and wish them all the best in their new terms as they take their seats the first week of November 2016 for new 4 year terms. We thank all of those who have served and for their commitment to make Daphne a better place each and every day. Liaison follows:


Lawson Rd & Ridgewood Drive Traffic Control Improvement 4 Way Stop Request & removal of wrong way sign




1. Lawson Road and Ridgewood Drive 4-Way Stop was installed in September. This was done in order to aid with pedestrian and vehicular safety. During the short installation period feedback has been positive. 2. Sidewalks for 2016 installation of an additional mile in the north and south sides of LF allowing for the connection of Ridgewood and Montclair Pools by foot was completed by Public Works. 3. Sidewalks for 2017 LF will not have any additions planned for Ridgewood or Bayview Drive by Public Works. Instead they will use the budgeted item to correct ADA Disability deficiencies throughout the City. 4. Sidewalks for 2018 LF we expect the City to return to the Ridgewood/Bayview Drive installation with 1 to 2 miles of extension. We will have to track this item come budget time in late 2017. 5. County Road 13 Sidewalk and Turn Lanes from Jan 2017 until Jun 2017 there will be construction on a sidewalk extension that will run from the corner of Lawson Rd and County 13 to the

The new 4 way stop at Lawson Exit and Ridgewood Drive, which was installed to improve pedestrian and vehicular safety. corner of Whispering Pine and County Rd 13. This sidewalk will be placed on the west side of County Road 13 and will include sections of elevated boardwalk. Turn lanes will also be added for French Settlement and Sehoy Subdivisions. 6. Central Park, located off Lake Shore Drive, 2017 is planned to have additional trail section added in order to complete the loop on the east side parcel. In 2016, another 9 holes of DISC Golf was added. Other improvements are planned such as the ability to connect to the LF Swim and Racquet Club. Grounds Chair Updates: 1. Replacement Signage for our entrances and directional signs have been designed with our new logo. We are hoping to have them all installed by Thanksgiving 2016. The delay in replacing them sooner was due to the process of creating and designing

the new logo, which was accomplished in September. Our new logo is a classic design and was well worth the wait. 2. Phased replacement and clearing of visual clutter throughout LF is continuing with the gradual replacement of our street signage with decorative posts. We have coordinated this with our Public Works Department and it will take several years to accomplish. 3. Montclair Pool work improvement and stabilization plan on this two acre site has commenced with an anticipated completion date of Thanksgiving. Check it out. Strategic Planning Chair Updates: This committee is comprised of the Board President Steve Sasser, Treasurer Mary Ann Hampton, and myself. We have begun the process over the last several months to recommend capital priorities to the

full board for approval. As you know many of our amenities are in need of multi-faceted repairs and or our right replacement. We are working with engineering services for design and scope of work recommendations for the following amenity items: 1. Marina Bulkhead 250 ft. replacement and comprehensive plan for the site. 2. Master Planning for Ridgewood Pool Complex and Site. 3. Master Planning for 19th Hole/Community Center Complex and Site. Our goal is to have the most cost effective recommendations that are in the best interest of the community to the full board soon for consideration and possible approval. Also included as a goal is to have plans in place in time for our annual meeting in 2017 to display. Questions regarding items listed in this article can be addressed at our monthly board meetings. See y’all there and wishing you and yours a Happy Turkey Day!

10 • The Lake Forester • November 2016


Lake Forest Yacht Club

Need a Place to Park your Boat, Car or RV?


Submitted by: Trey Waites


as your special place to celebrate.

on November 24th from 11:00 to 2:00. Please call Food & Beverage Director ahead for reservations Wednesdays will as spots are limited. still have your favorite BOGO burgers. Karaoke Fridays are still going strong and Thursday buffets our Mexican Sundays will be: will continue until November 3rd: daylight savings time. Seafood $15.95 Come enjoy tacos and margaritas on Sunday November 10th: and bring your friends Catfish and Chicken for the sunsets. And $9.95 remember, if you have a Trey Waites special event you want November 17th: to host, I can help. Call Happy November Country $9.95 me at (251) 626-9329 everyone! As we go and let me know what into the holidays, think We will be having the Yacht Club can do of us at the Yacht Club Thanksgiving Brunch for you!

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The Lake Forester • November 2016 • 11



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12 • The Lake Forester • November 2016

Tennis News AT THE LFRC Submitted by: Michael Albrecht, USPTA Head Tennis Professional Fall is in the air at the LF Racquet Club and it’s time for another fall league season. The Lake Forest Men’s Team is

in 1st place. The same team won their division in the spring. What an accomplishment to come in first out of all the teams from West Mobile to the Eastern Shore. Our team is lead by Captain Johann. We are hoping for another first place finish! The tennis is great and the league matches

are awesome but what’s even better is sitting down afterwards and having a cold beer and good conversation. Ladies’ Fall League Tennis in full swing as well. We have four ladies teams playing during the day and night. For a list of all scheduled home league

matches, go to our website at www.lakeforestpoa.org. Come on out and cheer your racquet club league tennis on to victory and fun. If you are interested in joining a league, please contact Mike Albrecht at 251-648-3952 or email him at lftennis@lakeforestpoa. org.

Photo by: Michael Albrecht

Tennis Tip

Richard and Bob playing a league match


When playing doubles always try to be aggressive and take your game to your opponents. One of the best ways to accomplish this is to have the mentality of always looking to move forward and attack the net. For example, have your game plan, look to hit a good return and come into the net. Once up there move forward from the service line and look to finish the point with an offensive volley.

Photo by: Michael Albrecht

Quick pic after a morning of tennis

Photo by: Michael Albrecht

Some of our junior after tournament class

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The Lake Forester • November 2016 • 13

Thanksgiving Brunch at the Yacht Club Thursday, November 24, 2016 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

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14 • The Lake Forester • November 2016

INTERCLUBat Lake Forest Country Club Submitted by: Connie Bono, LGA President

We had thirty-nine players from eight clubs. The winners are: 1st net winners: (122) Gayle Gorman(RC) Jane Woolford (LF) Meiko Ueda (AC) Sheila Collins (TC)

3rd net winners: (129) Rosalie Stromme (QC) Joy Cross (CF) Brenda Orso (AC) Bea James (AC)

4th net winners: (130) Leslie Anderson (CF) Sasi Wilkins (TC) Suz McDonald (RC) JoAnn Kelly (ACR)

2nd net winners: (123) Sun Warrix (ACR) Dee Bouldrey (TC) Chow Clark (AC) Patricia Popp (LF)

Closest to the Pin: Hole #4 Kathleen Bosell Hole #9 Andrea Boyd

Hole #17 Heeyeon McDonald After golf, we had a wonderful lunch, and our Interclub Rep, Laura Pitre, gave out door prizes. Everyone had a great time. Our next Interclub will be at Glen Lakes on Wednesday, November 2, 2016. Pictured form left to right is Linda Sturch and Connie Bono.

Photo taken & submitted by: Missy Hoover

We want to thank Connie Bono & Linda Sturch for their hard work decorating the 19th Hole. We appreciate all that you ladies do!

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The Lake Forester • November 2016 • 15


City of Daphne

“The Boater’s” Chili Cookoff Sunday, November 13th

Fall is in the air and it’s time for Chili! The Lake Forest Yacht Club, Inc., aka “The Boaters”, will be hosting a Chili Cook-Off on Sunday, November 13th at 4:00 p.m. at the Lake Forest Yacht Club. Any type of chili is welcome. Beans or nobeans, red or white chili, hot or mild, we don’t care! No cost to enter, just cook it up, put it in a crock pot and come on

down to the YC. Your pot of chili must be on the table no later than 3:55 p.m. (set-up any time after 3:30). JUDGING WILL BEGIN AT 4:00 P.M. Bring your own ladle and any side accoutrements you may want like chips, onions, cheese, table decorations

((your table bl space is 3’ wide). We provide bowls, spoons & napkins. CASH PRIZES will be awarded for: 1st, 2nd, 3rd places and a People’s Choice Award Cooks, bring your friends & family to help taste and vote!!!

Sound good? Wait till you taste some of these fine pots of chili! If you are not a cook, please come to sample & eat bowls of homemade chili for only $5.00 per person! (Under 10 free) You will be able to secretly vote for your favorite People’s Choice chili!!

Co n t a c t Kathy Anderson at artandkathy@bellsouth. net or call 776-2624 to enter ahead of time. If you don’t know until the last minute, come on down anyway, there’s always room for more CHILI POTS!


16 • The Lake Forester • November 2016

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