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o’c. Hot water to bedrooms, & put out evening dresses. See to sitting room fires in

chicks all looking so well & handsome. Mr Molesworth & Miss Rose Innes to tea, both remained on to dinner & left directly after. Roy dined with us, looks tired & pale.

Monday 27 January Had carriage. Mad’lle & self to Knights about water pipes & to Evans about hat & to lunch at Maud’s. Linley in nursery. Oliver to bed again with cold, Dr says to remain there 2 days. Ethel Smart at Darling’s. Sat with Linley, had tea & walked home, Hylda with me, left her Argyll Rd. Roy returned to club on account of no hot water. Roy to his club to stay.

Tuesday 28 January Knight coming 10 o’c about pipes. Came. All 3 blowers to be out for heating & all went smoothly after 10 inches water in bath at 105 degrees. Walked round Pond morg. Mad’lle out early until tea. Lady Bergne, Florence & Geoffrey, Miss Gill & Mad’lle here to tea. Quiet evg, cards.

Wednesday 29 January Saw Harfield’s man about Empire book case drawing room. Mad’lle & I lunch at Maud’s. Dear O. still in bed. Horrid morg, fog. Walked across Gardens, vy bad fog. Darling M. v. seedy looks fagged out & complaind of rheumatism. Came back 4 o’c in carriage. Sp, Ada, Hylda & an Italian gentleman who motored Sp. & A. up to tea. Cards with Mad’lle evg.

Thursday 30 January Harfield’s man coming 10 o’c to do book case drawing room, came & did it. Gerald Ryan & Hylda dining here 8 o’c. Mad’lle & self shop’g & walked to Darling’s, still seedy. She & Hylda walked part way back with us. Saw a G.F.S. cook E. Deane £26. Short characters. Letter fr. Roy, returns Saty.

Friday 31 January Out morg with Mad’lle shops, walked all morning & at 3.30 Darling Maud fetched me & we called on Mrs Adlam & had tea with her, looks very ill but so bright & cheerful. To Lady Armstrong jnr, & to see Dora at 46 Pont Street, her chicks just arriving look v. well, 4 attendants with them. Saw Paul. Had tea again! her house. Darling left me as she had a dinner. Mad’lle & self v. cozy dinner & cards after.

Saturday 1 February Roy returns after week at club. Out morg. shops with Mad’lle, Barkers etc & pd Taylor’s bill. Mad’lle off after lunch for lessons, returning to dine with me but leaves after. Enjoyed having her, so bright & amusing. Poured with rain at 1.30 & afternoon. Met Mrs E.T.Reed, Miss Innes, Mrs D.Clarke.

Sunday 2 February Mr Parsons, Geoff Blair & Maud & Lennie & Roy dine here. Soup, fried soles, fillet of beef, beans, new potatoes, mushrooms, roast chicken, salad & vegts. Plum pudding & bouchées of kippered cods roe, coffee. To St George’s after doing flowers with Mabel & put out glass, silver etc. Vy cold. Vy pleasant evg & all went well.

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