2 minute read

o’c. Hot water to my room

Monday 3 February To enquire after dear little Anne, & remained lunch. Ethel S. there. Maudie v.lame with rheumatism. Dear Linley returned to school. Maud, Hylda & I saw him off at Victoria, vy brave. To tea at Maud’s & home in carriage. Mad’lle dined with me & Roy returned home to dress, dined out. Fighting recommenced Adrianople.

Tuesday 4 February Took div. to Bank Robinson £7.1.6. Walked to Maud’s, dear Anne in bed, ear ache. Lunched alone. Lady Ryan and Hylda called & Florence Edensor & Midge came, only arrived today fr. country. Roy dines with me. Saw a cook fr. Lyons £26 but do not care for her & she objects to Sunday short evg. No loss.

Wednesday 5 February To tea Lady Lucy’s. Out morg shops. Saw 3 cooks, £25 & £26. Had carriage & groom 3/6. Called Lady Boyle, Lady Lawson (saw her) Mrs Watney. Enquired Lady Romer, Lady Levy looks v. well, Mrs Kendal, Lady Cowan & Mrs Hardcastle there. Vy amusing at 6 o’c. 2 cooks came evg, did not see them. Mended photo frames. Beatrice out afternoon & evg.

Thursday 6 February Nellie K. to tea. Saw 3 cooks morg, all £25 to £26, pas grande chose. Terrible (illeg)! Midge came rather late afternoon brought me eggs breads & cakes, awfully kind, so glad to see her & looking so well. F. Edensor came also, & Florrie Blair.

Friday 7 February Out morg. walked round pond & to see chicks, ret’d for lunch. Had Maud’s carriage, called to enquire Rudolph Messel measles. Left cards Nora Lonegan & to enquire after George Dietz, gout, & to tea at Florrie Blair’s. Awful evg. & afternoon, raining hard & cold. My cold feels influenzery. Mad’lle dined with me, cards after.

Saturday 8 February Dear Anne’s birthday, 11! Sent azalea & gave her 5/-. Out by 10 o’c shop’g alone Barkers. Met Mad’lle on return & walked over to Maud’s. Both Anne & Oliver in bed. Walked back. Mad’lle lunched with me & Roy kindly put new white flume(?) in my dining room lampshade. At 3 o’c had Maud’s carriage to Lancaster Gate. Lennie at door v. rude with Cap’t Gibbs & Hylda, sorry I went. Ottie, Miss Baggs & Gladys at Maud’s. Darling & self had tea in chicks’ room with G. & Ottie. I drove home 6 o’c to bed. Roy returned fr, Club & dressed here, I had bread and milk. Club mistake about Roy’s clothes.

Sunday 9 February Lennie, Maud, Mr & Mrs Booth & Midge dine here, Ham unable to come at last minute. Darling called to take me to Church, alas too busy with flowers & wine for tonight. Peaceful day afternoon. My darling looked vy tired & sad at dinner, & after. Vy cheery evg, Mrs Booth sang charmingly. Midge in good form. Clear soup, soles, noisettes mutton, chicken, plum pudding, mince pies, kippered cods roe. They stayed till 11.30!!!

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