leila anjos tanaami | PORTFOLIO
CONTENTS 1. landscape design eixo cidade universitĂĄria 2. urban planning butanta subprefecture 3. urban planning rice transportation 4. housing project parque dom pedro II 5. exhibition plan ĂŞxodos cotidianos 6. visual identity mercado municipal
campus landscape intervention
with Maria Beatriz Souza, Camila Kahvedjian and Milena Timich
This project was developed during the course “Landscape: Open Spaces System�. Based on our daily experience at the University of Sao Paulo (USP) we realized that in many cases the entrance space on buildings centered the social interaction between students, workers and teachers. At the same time these spaces were the most friendly environments for new contacts. We designed an axis aligning those entry spaces that could be identified through landscape treatment. We believe that the new path planned can bring back everyday elements that seem to be missing to campus community.
intervention plan
Current vegetation on campus is largely composed of exotic species, whose uncontrolled growth spread so much that even affected the preserved original forest existing on campus. On our greenery design we only usenative species. To set where each species would be placed was taken into account its size, area of shade and flowering date.
detailed vegetation inventory
sao paulo:
butanta subprefecture zoning plan
with Lucia Furlan, Maria Beatriz Souza, Marilia Reis and Natalia Hourneaux
The management of big cities like Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) is based on administrative divisions called “subprefectures”. During the course “Planning Urban Structures” we worked with Butanta subprefecture, in order to elaborate a zoning and management plan. Over the design process we had the opportunity to work directly with the population, a kind of tool which prevents contemporary urban phenomena such as spacial segregation due to socio-economic condition.
summary map according to income (brown-lower, yellow-higher) and urban density (low to high opacity).
sketches detailing morphology plan. drawings illustrate some possible situations and explain the zoning tools.
slums categorized under intervention priority.
national plan:
developing rice culture and transport
with Lucia Furlan, Maria Beatriz Souza, Marilia Reis and Natalia Hourneaux
The course’s main purpose was to create a national plan based on the socio-economic view exposed in classes. Once we had discussed several results of the Brazilian development process, we idealized a plan that was not only thought nationally, but also contained revolutionary concerns on its core. After studying the rice’s productive chain from cultivation to final consumer, we estabilished guidelines to design the plan, dealing with the major problems we had identified - such as the lack of transportation alternatives and the unjustified concentration of the cultive area on the coast.
summary maps
mixed-use bulding
with Lucia Furlan
The challenge was: choose a site on Sao Paulo’s “expanded” downtown and work with all the contradictions and troubles that we could possibly face. Once it was done we should design something that we found not only necessary but essential to increase its improvement process. In order to create a line that draws the city as articulated pieces and not fragments, we chose to work with an entire block. One of our major guideline was the occupancy of the building beyond habitation, that is why the multi-functional use. Nevertheless, the internal plaza created by the shape of the building provides an opportunity to keep the neighborhood scale inside the block, keeping the intense traffic and the bustling city outside.
Sketch of the final project. In contrast to the visual strength of surrounding buildings the internal space was designed as an intimate and peaceful place, where both the workers and the dwellers could share seats and enjoy the shade of trees.
On the communal floor (illustrated on this sketch), we imagined a place where children could run and play, meanwhile the elderly could take walks. This floor is also the transition between the commercial and housing uses.
Site plan. The three housing buildings have the same floor plan, the only difference would be the insolation solutions, because of the different angles to the sun.
Floor plan. There are two types of apartment on the same floor, the smaller (green) with 50m² and the bigger (pink) with 80m²
Longitudinal section. This drawing shows an important feature of the construction: the shared structure of reinforced concrete.
mercado municipal paulistano: visual identity
with Ligia Faveri
As graduation project of the technical graduation course on Graphic Design we designed the visual identity of the “Mercado Municipal Paulistano” (also known as “mercadão”). One of the most important historical monuments of Sao Paulo, it was built in 1932 next to the Tamanduateí River and is located just beneath the city’s ground zero. Due to its historical meaning, the market still work as an important retail center of food, beverages and exotic items. The project was developed to translate its diversity and increase the brand setting in the local community, the logo design came from an abstraction of the building’s ceiling structure, it represents the market’s most important features: ease, variety, non-stop operation and heritage. Through this process we have had the unique opportunity to apply in a real experience what we had learned during the course.
On the left: Signaling boards, recipe’s book and postcards. On the right and below: Printed stationery. The lightness of the logo and the clear paper color result in a delicate work. Symbol and typography are working together to communicate the desired principles and intentions. The four features of the market: ease, variety, nonstop and heritage were translated into this symbol where ach element of the symbol has the strength to speak for itself.
êxodos cotidianos
exhibition plan
Fot the visual communication (graphic design) class we had to plan a photography exhibition, from architecture to advertising. The photos presented in my exhibition plan were taken by the famous Brazilian photographer called Sebastião Salgado published on a book called “Êxodos”. The exhibition was designed to explore the similarities between those travels and the ones made every day through Sao Paulo. The aesthetic was inspired on Brazilian movies like “Central do Brasil” and the colors on the work of a Brazilian artist called “Miguel Rio Branco” and the Russian constructivism. The room was thought as a microcosm inside the building which the exhibition is placed, in order to create spaces where the only thing that matter are the characters in the pictures.
illinois institute of technology
exchange student
Since January 2014, I am a exchange student on the Illinois Institute of Technology. As the semester project for the 3rd year studio we have been working on a type of building called Kulturhus. The idea was to use site analysis, data research and field experience to build your own concept and program for the building design. The project is under development until May, 2014, on the following page is the conceptual phase of work.
Top: GIS and data research of the site Right: Conceptual approach of the program Botton left: Development of the program through collages Botton right: Conceptual models
leila anjos tanaami leila.tanaami@gmail.com Sao Paulo, Brazil
Architecture IIT College of Architecture (2014 exchange student)
Portuguese – first language
Adobe Photoshop InDesign, Illustrator Autodesk AutoCAD Hand drawing Hand modelling Google Sketchup: Autodesk Revit
Architecture and Urbanism College of University of São Paulo (FAUUSP) Graphic Design Carlos de Campos State Technical School
English – fluent Spanish – basic
proficient high basic