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Leisha Pickering
The best part is my five boys who have sweet spirits, kind hearts and great characters, I love being with people of vision who are DOERS of the WORD (my friends Scott Roley and Jeff Redding are great examples), I feel most alive when I am creating or when I am surrounded by poverty,( perhaps because all pretence is stripped away), I love planning a big meal with lots of friends and great conversation,I love giving surprises (especially wrapping them!) and being surprised ( unwrapping them!), I love cinnamon lollipops from the gas station and cupcakes with sprinkles and my minature donkey whose name is Cupcake (he has spots instead of sprinkles!), minature horses with names like Sweet Pea and Bumble Bee ( which I have!),angora goats and angora bunnies ( which I do not have but would like to!),reading Lewis by a big fire, taking naps, warm cool people, hot baths (especially with LUSH bath bombs often given me by my dear friend Mary Miller), hot chocolate in a mug ( with whipped cream!),