Leisure Opportunities 14th November 2017 Issue 723

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30th Anniversary year

leisure opportunities 14 Nov – 27 Nov 2017 Issue 723

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Pure Gym sold to US investors LGP US buyout firm Leonard Green & Partners (LGP), which jointly owns Topshop with Sir Philip Green, has won a two-month bidding contest for UK operator Pure Gym. The private equity shop announced it will acquire a controlling interest in Pure Gym, replacing current majority shareholder and US private equity firm CCMP Capital Advisors. CCMP bought a majority stake in the business in May 2013 but will no longer retain an interest. While details of the deal have not been disclosed, it was confirmed that it is scheduled to be completed by

■■Pure Gym has 189 clubs across the UK, boasting 950,000 members

the end of November. Ahead of the announcement, Sky News reported

950,000 members, comes a year

that the deal would be worth £600m.

after the company abandoned an

The first round of bids took place in

initial public offering (IPO).

September, followed by further bids

“We’re delighted to be entering into a

on 2 November. Reports listed other

new partnership with Leonard Green &

interested parties as Goldman Sachs

Partners, whose investment confirms

Private Equity, Pamplona and Providence.

the growth potential of our business,” said Pure Gym CEO Humphrey Cobbold.

The sale of Pure Gym, which has 189 clubs nationwide and

More: http://lei.sr?a=W5D6k_O

Katherine Grainger: Olympic medals crucial for grassroots The chair of UK Sport says medals inspire participation


Trends revealed at London's Wellness Travel Symposium Stella Photi on the move toward healing and retreats


This investment confirms the growth potential of our business Humphrey Cobbold

Seaside success: Hastings Pier scoops Stirling Prize RIBA's Ben Derbyshire praises the collaboration


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