4 minute read
ISIS Requires U.S. Action
from December 2015
by Le Journal
Company Revolts, Brings Value Back to Holidays
Recreational Equipment REI’s noble decision to sacrifice Inc.’s #OptOutside one of its top 10 most profitable days of Campaign shines negative light on the commercialism of the holidays. the year in order to allow its employees to celebrate a stress-free holiday will hopefully put the pressure on other retail marketers to consider the well BY TARA JUNGDEN being of their own employees before REPORTER Black Friday. The their own profit margins. On top of the 143 nationwide store closures, REI is also sending home employees working ISIS Requires U.S. Actionholiday from hell. Causing four deaths and for the online store with a message appearing to all online shoppers visiting the day of Thanksgiving and/ President Obama’s response to the Paris attacks and now stronger stand against ISIS, and act like it is more than a distant threat. British 76 injuries in or Black Friday encouraging them San Bernardino shootings Prime Minister David Cameron has the past seven to #OptOutside. Orders that are demonstrates a need for a already expressed his concerns that years, this day has come to be associated with agitation and anxiety placed on either of these two days are expected to be processed and shipped the next business day. shift in mindset towards the terrorist group. threats to the UK have “intensified” in light of recent events, according to the BBC. for all those involved, both shoppers and employees. It is for this reason that outdoor/sporting/clothing chain Between 6 p.m. and 10 p.m. on Thanksgiving day last year, thousands of Walmart employees were scheduled BY PAIGE DUSSOLD REPORTER British Parliament has authorized airstrikes to targets in Syria, and Germany is next in the line of nations Recreational Equipment Inc., has to work. In this four hour time span, The recent taking up arms to defend their safety. decided to close its doors this Black more than 10 million transactions terror attack on This is exactly the kind of action the Friday and encourage employees and were completed. The immensity of this Paris, France U.S. has needed since we knew these consumers to #OptOutside. statistic makes the insanity revolving rocked the world. threats were a possibility.
In 2014, 23 percent of Black around Black Friday crystal clear. Then two radicals Going to war against ISIS would Friday shoppers camped out during CEO, Jerry Stritzke said killed 14 people in not be a ‘War On Islam’. It would be a Thanksgiving night instead of spending time at home. The “REI’s noble decision... will that he thinks Black Friday has gotten out of hand. It was time to San Bernardino, California. Even though the terror organization ISIS war on a radical terrorist organization that is threatening our national security. holiday initially based on family, food, and tradition hopefully put the pressure on other take a step back from the consumerism of the Thanksgiving has, according to CNN, claimed responsibility for the attacks, U.S. President Barack Obama is showing Being a Muslim does not equate to terriorism. In fact it’s far from it. According to Pew Research, there were has been trampled by the excitement surrounding the extreme sales. It retail marketers to consider the well-being of their weekend, and it is because of this, and the fact that REI is a business centered little incentive to put a clear stop to their efforts. President Obama referred to the Paris attacks as a “setback,” during the 1.6 billion Muslim people worldwide in 2010. These peaceful Muslims are threatened everyday the same as everyone else. You can’t blame these is for this reason that REI rejected this holiday season employees before their own profit around the outdoors, that it was to be expected for them to Group of 20 summit press conference in Antalya, Turkey. A mere setback? 1.6 billion people for the acts of a few radicals. But Obama needs to see that kickoff day, and released its public margins.” pull a stunt like this. Closing doors and Over 120 innocent people, including an American student, constant political correctness and refusal to step on any toes will make statement encouraging customers encouraging employees and shoppers were murdered by ISIS, and he is us a weak target. ISIS has their sights and employees to choose an outdoor to spend time in nature rather than still making decisions based on the on the U.S. and our allies. Regardless adventure with family over shopping. shopping is something Stritzke same policy. Question after question of religious affiliation, Obama needs to
REI decided not only to allow believes will be appreciated. came from reporters asking President take these threats seriously. employees Thanksgiving day off, but REI’s decision has already caught Obama what his new plan was in Without decisive action, we could also offered Black Friday off, paid. The the attention of retailers like Danny response to the attacks. He did not be looking at more events similar push for early-bird Black Friday sales Korman, owner of “green general acknowledge that the horrible event to that of Paris or San Bernardino, to have stores open on Thanksgiving, store” Park +Vine in Cincinnati Ohio, was anything more than a setback. California. President Obama, stand up prying employees away from family prompting him to follow their lead It is time for Obama to make a or stand aside. dinners, has proved to the public just how intrusive and commercial this holiday has become. The company’s and close doors on Black Friday. As REI makes Black Friday closures an annual thing, hopefully other stores Go to Glory, Madame Dykes encouragement of followers of the will follow its cue and close their campaign to post pictures of their doors too, because Black Friday is an unconventional, outdoor exploits these unnecessary “holiday” that only feeds two days is meant to push followers to the outside world’s stereotypical view make #OptingOutside a Thanksgiving of Americans as material obsessed weekend tradition. consumers.