4 minute read
Emmie Gragg
from December 2015
by Le Journal
Emmie Gragg is
Senior Emmie Gragg prefers thrift store finds to name brands, her truck to fancy cars and country or rock to sugary pop music. (Photo by Ellie Schwartz)
Emmie Gragg is the Girl with the Raptor*
Even though Student Council President Emmie Gragg did not expect to be a school leader at first, others saw her potential long before she decided to run for office. With her unique philosophy and ability to connect with everyone, it’s easy to see why.
Meeting new people, senior Emmie Gragg is equality to promote those same ideas despite not often greeted by the same response: “You’re considering herself political. the girl with the Raptor, right?” (the Raptor “Even if you say you’re not a feminist, I think it’s being her iconic Ford truck, of course). As important for girls to act as one,” Gragg said. “It’s knowing someone that describes cars as “a big part of [her] identity,” that you can do whatever you want and be whoever you Gragg embraces this first impression. want to be.”
But although others may recognize Gragg from her Knowing that she doesn’t match up with the stereotype truck and the “persona” that comes with it, they don’t see of a school president, Gragg stays true to her personality the hours of research she spent choosing the perfect model by balancing her more rebellious identity with her serious or her love of Ford’s working-class history or the years leadership position. After seeing past leaders excel in either of listening to rock and roll that go into the Aerosmith leadership or organization skills, Gragg wanted to bring blasting from its open windows. In short, they don’t know both to the table when she was elected president of student the full story behind their small glimpse of Gragg. council.
In many ways, student impressions of Student “I know when to play the role [as a traditional leader], Council President Gragg are the same way, based on but you don’t have to conform to a certain image of Sion,” limited interactions. Maybe she livens Gragg said. “I’m not going to stop being up your hardest class of the day or maybe her jokes wake you up on the announcements every morning. But *and so myself because I am a certain way and people feel a certain way about it.” Even though some may see Gragg beyond Gragg’s humor and natural leadership skills lie a background and philosophy that contrast her fun- much more as an untraditional leader, many others saw her potential long before she saw it in herself. Paul Kramschuster, one loving image as school president. of Gragg’s “role models” and teacher of
Despite making a point to “try to be everyone’s best her favorite class, watched her become more comfortable friend” in high school, Gragg was bullied in elementary with sticking out. school and was never a leader of the playground cliques. “She wasn’t confident saying it yet, but she would say She sat with the boys at lunch until other girls convinced ‘I’m not the Sion student but I am comfortable being who I them not to sit with her. They called her names on the am,’ as a sophomore,” Kramschuster said. schoolbus, causing Gragg to return home often in tears. Kramschuster watched as she lived into this phrase
“All the girls would squeeze into one seat so they throughout high school, always craving new experiences wouldn’t have to sit with me,” Gragg said. “But that whole and interaction. Even in class, she got to know students that time, I still wanted to be friends with them because they were usually quiet or kept to themselves. had taken away my guy friends and anyone who was “She is always interested in other people,” Kram said. anyone was friends with them.” “She’s confident now, but she is still searching for new
During those years of being left out, Gragg found her experiences and open to understanding others.” niche in gifted classes outside of her normal school and After spending time with Gragg on cheer team and observed how it felt to be on the outside, a large part of encouraging her to run for STUCO before, alumna Mary why she strives to know and appreciate everyone around Sizemore also saw Gragg’s interest in others and maturity. her today. When Gragg called her before running for president last
“I learned there are way more people who are just ‘the year, Sizemore immediately knew she would be a great fit. people’ [than leaders],” Gragg said, reflecting on that time “It’s not an easy job by any means, and it takes someone in her life. “I always make it a point to really connect with who is self-driven, compassionate, and community-focused people now and not to generalize people as a whole.” to get the job done,” Sizemore said. “I believe Emmie has all
While Gragg felt comfortable with herself at Sion these qualities and more, making her the perfect candidate.” starting sophomore year, one of her good friends reminded Turns out, all of those observations have proven to her that not everyone felt that way, prompting Gragg to be pretty spot-on. Gragg has become an unconventional focus on acceptance as she worked in student council. but effective leader rooted in appreciation of others, much
A proud feminist, Gragg uses feminist ideas regarding more than “the girl with the Raptor.” LE JOURNAL 19
December 2015